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Re: [Pnet-developers] [bug] cscc ignores using-alias declarations in cla

From: Gopal V
Subject: Re: [Pnet-developers] [bug] cscc ignores using-alias declarations in class declarations
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 23:20:25 -0800 (PST)

Hi Bruno,

> Using pnet-0.6.0.

Pnet-0.6.2 would be the most recent build and there's 
Rhys's local copy floating around with the latest 
changes. *But* that said, I know this bug hasn't been

> ============================= hello.cs
> ========================
> using Console = System.Console;
> using Assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly;
> using ResourceManager =
> System.Resources.ResourceManager;
> class Hello {
>   static void Main() {
> Console.WriteLine(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
>   }
>   class MyResourceManager : ResourceManager {
>   }
> }
> $ cscc -o hello.exe hello.cs 
> hello.cs:8: `ResourceManager' is not declared in the
> current scope
> hello.cs:8: invalid base type
> Apparently the identifier alias for ResourceManager
> is not recognized
> in the base class position, although it is
> recognized in other places.

*ahem* , since I broke UsingAlias sometime back in
beginning (or was it 2001 end) , it was in such a 
big mess that it's impossible to fix it without 
pulling it all out and throwing it out.

It all started with my misguided head thinking that
aliases should be in some kind of scope .... But
I was wrong (obviously) . Anyway , it ended up
pnetlib build and finally was hacked up into a corner
with god knows how many problems left to find.

I think a hack would be easy to find for this 
(ie Check aliases for BaseClass names as well), but
it won't be a *solution* to the root cause and 
might end up complicating the final solution even
more :)

So what should I do ?.

Currently on a bug overload from the resgen things,
so excuse me as I head back into winforms for now
and solve the tough problem of HitTest on a
monthcalendar :)

If you need the alias thing *urgently* , I can
always hack it up.


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