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[Pnet-developers] New Portable.NET snapshots - Dec 22, 2003

From: Rhys Weatherley
Subject: [Pnet-developers] New Portable.NET snapshots - Dec 22, 2003
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 17:31:48 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

New CVS snapshots for pnet and pnetlib are available:

This includes fixes to the C# compiler and resgen in pnet, and new image 
format loaders in pnetlib.  We now support bmp, gif, jpg, png, ico, cur, and 
exif image files in DotGNU.Images.

There are rumors that Savannah will be back before Christmas, but don't hold 
your breath.  I'm going to be away from Dec 24 until Dec 27, back in time for 
the weekly meeting if anyone is around.

I'll be in e-mail contact while away, but won't have sufficient bandwidth to 
re-populate Savannah if it isn't back before I leave.  So I ask that people 
hold off committing until I get back.  The re-populate must be done in the 
right order or we might accidentially wipe out each other's changes.

Other than that, if you celebrate Christmas, then have a merry one.



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