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[Pnet-developers] Re: Disallowing default parameterless constructors for

From: Kaushik Srenevasan
Subject: [Pnet-developers] Re: Disallowing default parameterless constructors for structs in C#
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 08:41:03 +0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2-6 (X11/20050513)


Kirill Kononenko wrote:
Hi Kaushik,

I have tried the patch and seems to work for me.

I did understand how the new code in the /csharp/ works. But how does work the other new code? Maybe if you have some free time you can write a short tutorial to explain what you have learnt? It would be cool = )

Actually, new code is only in /csharp/ If you compare the other files in the patch to the ones you have in your distribution, you'd notice that it got in only because of some whitespace changes which must have happened while I was browsing through code.


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