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[Duplicity-talk] Google Cloud Storage "safe way"

From: Marc Fargas
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] Google Cloud Storage "safe way"
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 10:49:35 +0200


I recently discovered Duplicity and I must say it's pretty awesome. Right now the best choice for backing up servers to "the Cloud".

I am trying out the Google Cloud Storage target (using a DRA bucket makes backing up really cheap) but I amb concerned about access security.

Duplicity relies on the Interoperable API which, as far as I've seen, requires *developer keys* to work (which are in turn limited to a maximum of 5). This means that on every server that does backups there is a file somewhere with the API Keys that give access to ALL Buckets and ALL Files stored in the project which, in effect, means that if one single server is compromised all backup data maybe compromised.

That's not specific to Duplicity but to any app that uses this Interoperable API so I must be missing something.

What did I miss? How can specific keys be given to every server so they can only mess with their bucket/folder?

(I looked at "gsutil acl" but I don't see how that would work with Interoperable, and wouldn't skip the 5 key limit anyway).

Thanks, and Thanks for such an awesome utility,

http://www.marcfargas.com - will be finished someday.

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