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[Duplicity-talk] Unable to import 'kerberos'/'pydevd'

From: Aaron
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] Unable to import 'kerberos'/'pydevd'
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2017 22:52:15 +0000


I'm pretty sure I am missing something really obvious here, but on the current trunk test_code.py gives me the below error.

I've installed pydevd and kerberos through pip and it doesn't help.

Anybody know what I'm missing here?

Kind regards,


_____________________________ CodeTest.test_pylint _____________________________

self = <testing.test_code.CodeTest testMethod=test_pylint>

    def test_pylint(self):
        """Pylint test (requires pylint to be installed to pass)"""
            "--msg-template={msg_id}: {line}: {msg}",
            "--disable=E0203",  # Access to member before its definition line
            "--disable=E0602",  # Undefined variable
            "--disable=E0611",  # No name in module
            "--disable=E1101",  # Has no member
            "--disable=E1103",  # Maybe has no member
            "--disable=E0712",  # Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from BaseException
            "--msg-template='{path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}'",
            os.path.join(_top_dir, 'duplicity'),
            os.path.join(_top_dir, 'bin/duplicity'),
            os.path.join(_top_dir, 'bin/rdiffdir')],
            # Allow usage errors, older versions don't have
            # --msg-template
>           [0, 32])

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
test_code.py:43: in run_checker
    self.assertTrue(process.returncode in returncodes, output)
E   AssertionError: ************* Module duplicity.backends.webdavbackend
E /home/aaron/Programming/duplicity/test_trunk/duplicity/backends/webdavbackend.py:275: [E0401(import-error), WebDAVBackend.get_kerberos_authorization] Unable to import 'kerberos'
E   ************* Module duplicity
E   /home/aaron/Programming/duplicity/test_trunk/bin/duplicity:74: [E0401(import-error), ] Unable to import 'pydevd'
===================== 1 failed, 2 passed in 21.90 seconds ======================
ERROR: InvocationError: '/home/aaron/Programming/duplicity/test_trunk/.tox/code/bin/pytest testing/test_code.py'

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