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[Eliot-dev] Changes to eliot/wxwin/confdimdlg.cc [antoine-1]

From: eliot-dev
Subject: [Eliot-dev] Changes to eliot/wxwin/confdimdlg.cc [antoine-1]
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 13:10:52 -0400

Index: eliot/wxwin/confdimdlg.cc
diff -u /dev/null eliot/wxwin/confdimdlg.cc:
--- /dev/null   Sun Oct 23 17:10:52 2005
+++ eliot/wxwin/confdimdlg.cc   Sun Oct 23 17:10:46 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+/* Eliot                                                                     */
+/* Copyright (C) 1999  Antoine Fraboulet                                     */
+/*                                                                           */
+/* This file is part of Eliot.                                               */
+/*                                                                           */
+/* Eliot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify             */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         */
+/* (at your option) any later version.                                       */
+/*                                                                           */
+/* Eliot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                  */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details.                              */
+/*                                                                           */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software               */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA 
+/* $Id: confdimdlg.cc,v 2005/10/23 17:10:46 afrab Exp $ */
+ *  \file   confdimdlg.cc
+ *  \brief  Print configuration dialog
+ *  \author Antoine Fraboulet
+ *  \date   2002
+ */
+#include "wx/printdlg.h"
+#include "ewx.h"
+#include "dic.h"
+#include "game.h"
+#include "configdb.h"
+#include "printout.h"
+#include "confdimdlg.h"
+enum {
+  Button_Ok,
+  Button_Cancel,
+  Button_Printer,
+  Button_Page,
+  Button_Save,
+  Button_FontHeader,
+  Button_FontText
+  EVT_CLOSE (ConfDimDlg::OnCloseWindow)
+  EVT_BUTTON(Button_Ok,         ConfDimDlg::OnButtonOk)
+  EVT_BUTTON(Button_Save,       ConfDimDlg::OnButtonSave)
+  EVT_BUTTON(Button_Ok,         ConfDimDlg::OnButtonOk)
+  EVT_BUTTON(Button_Cancel,     ConfDimDlg::OnButtonCancel)
+  EVT_BUTTON(Button_Printer,    ConfDimDlg::OnConfPrinter)
+  EVT_BUTTON(Button_Page,       ConfDimDlg::OnConfPage)
+  EVT_BUTTON(Button_FontHeader, ConfDimDlg::OnConfFontHead)
+  EVT_BUTTON(Button_FontText,   ConfDimDlg::OnConfFontText)
+static int
+max(int i,int j)
+  return i>j ? i : j;
+ConfDimDlg::ConfDimDlg(wxWindow* parent, wxPrintData pd, wxPageSetupDialogData 
+  : wxDialog(parent, -1, wxString(wxT("Eliot : Impression")))
+  int i;
+  wxString choices[3];
+  choices[0] = wxT("gauche");
+  // ## choices[1] = wxT("centré");  
+  choices[1] = wxT("centre");
+  choices[2] = wxT("droite");
+  wxStaticText* Hcomment[5];
+  wxRect        Hcommentrect[5];
+  wxRect        Htitlerect[5];
+  wxRect        Hjustrect[5];
+  wxRect        Hspacesrect[5];
+  wxStaticText* Tcomment[5];
+  wxRect        Tcommentrect[5];
+  wxRect        Tdimrect[5];
+  wxStaticText* Tunit[5];
+  wxRect        Tjustrect[5];
+  wxRect        Tspacesrect[5];
+  printdata = pd;
+  pagesetupdialogdata = psd;
+  //
+  //     Head
+  //        Hcomment Htitle Hjust Hspaces
+  //     Text
+  //        TComment Tdim Tjust Tspaces
+  //
+#define VSPACE       10
+#define HSPACE       5
+  // --------------
+  // Header Section
+  // --------------
+#define HFONT        wxPoint(HSPACE,VSPACE)
+#define HCOMMENTY(i) (i==0 ? bfontheadrect.GetBottom() + VSPACE : \
+                     VSPACE + Hcommentrect[i-1].GetBottom())
+#define HCOMMENT(i)  wxPoint(HSPACE,HCOMMENTY(i)+2)
+#define HTITLE(i)    wxPoint(2*HSPACE+max(Hcommentrect[0].GetRight(), \
+                         Tcommentrect[0].GetRight()),HCOMMENTY(i))
+#define HJUST(i)     wxPoint(Htitlerect[0].GetRight() + HSPACE,HCOMMENTY(i))
+#define HSPACES(i)   wxPoint(Hjustrect[0].GetRight() + HSPACE,HCOMMENTY(i))
+  // ------------
+  // Text Section
+  // ------------
+#define TFONT        wxPoint(HSPACE, Hcommentrect[4].GetBottom() + 2*VSPACE)
+#define TCOMMENTY(i) (i==0 ? bfonttextrect.GetBottom() + VSPACE : \
+                     VSPACE + Tcommentrect[i-1].GetBottom())
+#define TCOMMENT(i)  wxPoint(HSPACE, TCOMMENTY(i)+2)
+#define TDIM(i)      wxPoint(2*HSPACE+max(Tcommentrect[0].GetRight(), \
+                         Hcommentrect[0].GetRight()),TCOMMENTY(i))
+#define TJUST(i)     wxPoint(Htitlerect[0].GetRight() + HSPACE, TCOMMENTY(i))
+#define TSPACES(i)   wxPoint(Hjustrect[0].GetRight() + HSPACE, TCOMMENTY(i))
+#define ESPSIZE      wxSize(spacerect.GetRight() - spacerect.GetLeft(),-1)
+  wxStaticText* justif = new 
+  wxRect justifrect = justif->GetRect();
+  wxStaticText* space = new 
+  wxRect spacerect = space->GetRect();
+  // heading, first part
+  // ## bfontheader = new 
+  bfontheader = new wxButton(this,Button_FontHeader,wxT("Caracteres"),HFONT);
+  wxRect bfontheadrect = bfontheader->GetRect();
+  for(i=0; i<5; i++)
+    {
+      wxString txt;
+      txt << wxT("Titre colonne ") << (i+1);
+      Hcomment[i] = new wxStaticText(this,-1,txt,HCOMMENT(i));
+      Hcommentrect[i] = Hcomment[i]->GetRect();
+    }
+  // text, first part
+  // ## bfonttext = new wxButton(this,Button_FontText,wxT("Caractères"),TFONT);
+  bfonttext = new wxButton(this,Button_FontText,wxT("Caracteres"),TFONT);
+  wxRect bfonttextrect = bfonttext->GetRect();
+  for(i=0; i<5; i++)
+    {
+      wxString txt;
+      txt << wxT("Texte colonne ") << (i+1);
+      Tcomment[i] = new wxStaticText(this,-1,txt,TCOMMENT(i),wxSize(-1,-1));
+      Tcommentrect[i] = Tcomment[i]->GetRect();
+    }
+  // heading, second part
+  for(i=0; i<5; i++)
+    {
+      Htitle[i] = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,wxT(""),HTITLE(i),wxSize(100,-1));
+      Htitlerect[i] = Htitle[i]->GetRect();
+      Htitle[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Texte du titre de la colonne"));
+      Hjust[i] = new wxChoice(this,-1,HJUST(i),wxSize(-1,-1),3,choices);
+      Hjustrect[i] = Hjust[i]->GetRect();
+      Hjust[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Justification du titre de la colonne"));
+      Hspaces[i] = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,wxT("00"),HSPACES(i),ESPSIZE);
+      Hspacesrect[i] = Hspaces[i]->GetRect();
+      // ## Hspaces[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Espacement des caractères du titre"));
+      Hspaces[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Espacement des caracteres du titre"));
+    }
+  // text, second part
+  for(i=0; i<5; i++)
+    {
+      Tdim[i] = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,wxT(""),TDIM(i),wxSize(50,-1));
+      Tdimrect[i] = Tdim[i]->GetRect();
+      // ## Tdim[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Dimension intérieure de la colonne (en 
+      Tdim[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Dimension interieure de la colonne (en mm)"));
+      Tunit[i] = new wxStaticText(this,-1,wxT("mm"),
+                                 wxPoint(Tdimrect[i].GetRight()+
+                                         HSPACE,TCOMMENTY(i)+2),
+                                 wxSize(-1,-1));
+      Tjust[i] = new wxChoice(this,-1,TJUST(i),wxSize(-1,-1),3,choices);
+      Tjustrect[i] = Tjust[i]->GetRect();
+      Tjust[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Justification du texte de la colonne"));
+      Tspaces[i] = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,wxT(""),TSPACES(i),ESPSIZE);
+      Tspacesrect[i] = Tspaces[i]->GetRect();
+      // ## Tspaces[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Espacement des caractères"));
+      Tspaces[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Espacement des caracteres"));
+    }
+  justif->Move(wxPoint(Tjustrect[0].GetLeft(),bfontheadrect.GetBottom()
+                      - (justifrect.GetBottom() - justifrect.GetTop())));
+  justifrect = justif->GetRect();
+  space->Move(wxPoint(Tspacesrect[0].GetLeft(),justifrect.GetTop()));
+  spacerect = space->GetRect();
+#define YPOS(i) (2*VSPACE + Tcommentrect[4].GetBottom() + \
+      i*(VSPACE+Tspacesrect[0].GetBottom()-Tspacesrect[0].GetTop()))
+  //#define YPOS(i) TCOMMENTY(i+1)
+  //#define COL2START (4*HSPACE + Tspacesrect[0].GetRight())
+  // 370x270 image
+#define XPOSLEFT (HSPACE + max(dyh1textrect.GetRight(), \
+        max(dyt1textrect.GetRight(), dxbegintextrect.GetRight() )))
+#define XPOSRIGHT (HSPACE + max(dyh2textrect.GetRight(), \
+        max(dyt2textrect.GetRight(), dxendtextrect.GetRight() )))
+#define DYH1COMMENT wxPoint(COL2START, YPOS(0)+2)
+#define DYH1TEXT wxPoint(XPOSLEFT, YPOS(0))
+#define DYH1UNIT  wxPoint(dyh1rect.GetRight() + HSPACE, YPOS(0))
+#define DYH2COMMENT wxPoint(3*HSPACE + dyh1mmrect.GetRight(), YPOS(0)+2)
+#define DYH2TEXT wxPoint(XPOSRIGHT, YPOS(0))
+#define DYH2UNIT wxPoint(dyh2rect.GetRight() + HSPACE, YPOS(0))
+#define DYT1COMMENT wxPoint(COL2START, YPOS(1)+2)
+#define DYT1TEXT wxPoint(XPOSLEFT, YPOS(1))
+#define DYT1UNIT wxPoint(dyt1rect.GetRight() + HSPACE, YPOS(1))
+#define DYT2COMMENT wxPoint(3*HSPACE + dyt1mmrect.GetRight(), YPOS(1)+2)
+#define DYT2TEXT wxPoint(XPOSRIGHT, YPOS(1))
+#define DYT2UNIT wxPoint(dyt2rect.GetRight() + HSPACE, YPOS(1))
+#define DXBEGINUNIT wxPoint(dxbeginrect.GetRight() + HSPACE, YPOS(2))
+#define DXENDCOMMENT wxPoint(3*HSPACE + dxbeginmmrect.GetRight(), YPOS(2)+2)
+#define DXENDTEXT wxPoint(XPOSRIGHT, YPOS(2))
+#define DXENDUNIT wxPoint(dxendrect.GetRight() + HSPACE, YPOS(2))
+#define DIM wxSize(30,-1)
+  // Left part
+  wxStaticText* dyh1text = new wxStaticText(this,-1,wxT("Titre esp. 
+  wxRect dyh1textrect = dyh1text->GetRect();
+  wxStaticText* dyt1text = new wxStaticText(this,-1,wxT("Texte esp. 
+  wxRect dyt1textrect = dyt1text->GetRect();
+  wxStaticText* dxbegintext = new wxStaticText(this,-1,wxT("Texte esp. 
+  wxRect dxbegintextrect = dxbegintext->GetRect();
+  dyh1 = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,wxT("00"),DYH1TEXT,DIM);
+  wxRect dyh1rect = dyh1->GetRect();
+  wxStaticText* dyh1mm = new 
+  wxRect dyh1mmrect = dyh1mm->GetRect();
+  dyt1 = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,wxT("00"),DYT1TEXT,DIM);
+  wxRect dyt1rect = dyt1->GetRect();
+  wxStaticText* dyt1mm = new 
+  wxRect dyt1mmrect = dyt1mm->GetRect();
+  dxbegin = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,wxT("00"),DXBEGINTEXT,DIM);
+  wxRect dxbeginrect = dxbegin->GetRect();
+  wxStaticText* dxbeginmm = new 
+  wxRect dxbeginmmrect = dxbeginmm->GetRect();
+  // Right part
+  wxStaticText* dyh2text = new wxStaticText(this,-1,wxT("Titre esp. 
+  wxRect dyh2textrect = dyh2text->GetRect();
+  wxStaticText* dyt2text = new wxStaticText(this,-1,wxT("Texte esp. 
+  wxRect dyt2textrect = dyt2text->GetRect();
+  wxStaticText* dxendtext = new wxStaticText(this,-1,wxT("Texte esp. 
+  wxRect dxendtextrect = dxendtext->GetRect();
+  dyh2 = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,wxT("00"),DYH2TEXT,DIM);
+  wxRect dyh2rect = dyh2->GetRect();
+  wxStaticText* dyh2mm = new 
+  wxRect dyh2mmrect = dyh2mm->GetRect();
+  dyt2 = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,wxT("00"),DYT2TEXT,DIM);
+  wxRect dyt2rect = dyt2->GetRect();
+  wxStaticText* dyt2mm = new 
+  wxRect dyt2mmrect = dyt2mm->GetRect();
+  dxend = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,wxT("00"),DXENDTEXT,DIM);
+  wxRect dxendrect = dxend->GetRect();
+  wxStaticText* dxendmm = new 
+  wxRect dxendmmrect = dxendmm->GetRect();
+  // shutdown warnings
+  {int t = dyh2mmrect.GetTop() + dyt2mmrect.GetTop() + dxendmmrect.GetTop(); 
t++; }
+#define BHSPACE       1
+#define BPOS         (2*VSPACE + dxendrect.GetBottom())
+#define BPAGEPOINT    wxPoint(bprinterrect.GetRight() + BHSPACE,BPOS)
+#define BOKPOINT      wxPoint(bcancelrect.GetLeft() - (bokrect.GetRight() \
+                              - bokrect.GetLeft() + BHSPACE),BPOS)
+#define CANCELWIDTH   (bcancelrect.GetRight() - bcancelrect.GetLeft())
+#define BCANCELPOINT wxPoint(Tspacesrect[0].GetRight() - CANCELWIDTH,BPOS)
+  //#define BCANCELPOINT  wxPoint(dxendmmrect.GetRight() - CANCELWIDTH,BPOS)
+  bprinter = new wxButton(this,Button_Printer,wxT("Imprimante"),BPRINTERPOINT);
+  wxRect bprinterrect = bprinter->GetRect();
+  bprinter->SetToolTip(wxT("Configurer l'imprimante"));
+  bpage = new wxButton(this,Button_Page,wxT("Page"),BPAGEPOINT);
+  //  wxRect bpagerect = bpage->GetRect();
+  bpage->SetToolTip(wxT("Configurer la taille de page"));
+  bcancel = new wxButton(this,Button_Cancel,wxT("Annuler"));
+  wxRect bcancelrect = bcancel->GetRect();
+  bcancel->Move(BCANCELPOINT);
+  bcancelrect = bcancel->GetRect();
+  bcancel->SetToolTip(wxT("Annuler les dernier changements et quitter"));
+  bok = new wxButton(this,Button_Ok,wxT("OK"));
+  wxRect bokrect = bok->GetRect();
+  bok->Move(BOKPOINT);
+  bokrect = bok->GetRect();
+  bok->SetToolTip(wxT("Enregistrer les changements et quitter"));
+#define DLGWIDTH     (bcancelrect.GetRight() + HSPACE)
+#define DLGHEIGHT    (bokrect.GetBottom() + VSPACE)
+  readconf();
+ConfDimDlg::set(wxTextCtrl *t, long val)
+  wxString str;
+  str << (int)val;
+  t->SetValue(str);
+ConfDimDlg::get(wxTextCtrl* t)
+  wxString str;
+  str = t->GetValue();
+  return atoi(str.mb_str());
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
+    Htitle[i]->SetValue(config.getNameH(i));
+    switch (config.getJustifH(i)) {
+    case LEFT: Hjust[i]->SetSelection(0); break;
+    case CENTER: Hjust[i]->SetSelection(1); break;
+    case RIGHT: Hjust[i]->SetSelection(2); break;
+    }
+    set(Hspaces[i],config.getSpacesH(i));
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
+    wxString str;
+    str << (int)config.getDxText(i);
+    Tdim[i]->SetValue(str);
+    switch (config.getJustifT(i)) {
+    case LEFT: Tjust[i]->SetSelection(0); break;
+    case CENTER: Tjust[i]->SetSelection(1); break;
+    case RIGHT: Tjust[i]->SetSelection(2); break;
+    }
+    set(Tspaces[i],config.getSpacesT(i));
+  }
+  set(dyh1,config.getDyH1());
+  set(dyh2,config.getDyH2());
+  set(dyt1,config.getDyT1());
+  set(dyt2,config.getDyT2());
+  set(dxbegin,config.getDxBegin());
+  set(dxend,config.getDxEnd());
+  headfont = config.getFont(PRINTHFONT);
+  textfont = config.getFont(PRINTTFONT);
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
+    config.setNameH(i,Htitle[i]->GetValue());
+    switch (Hjust[i]->GetSelection()) {
+    case -1: break;
+    case 0: config.setJustifH(i,LEFT); break;
+    case 1: config.setJustifH(i,CENTER); break;
+    case 2: config.setJustifH(i,RIGHT); break;
+    }
+    config.setSpacesH(i,get(Hspaces[i]));
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
+    wxString str;
+    str = Tdim[i]->GetValue();
+    config.setDxText(i, atoi(str.mb_str()));
+    switch (Tjust[i]->GetSelection()) {
+    case -1: break;
+    case 0: config.setJustifT(i,LEFT); break;
+    case 1: config.setJustifT(i,CENTER); break;
+    case 2: config.setJustifT(i,RIGHT); break;
+    }
+    config.setSpacesT(i,get(Tspaces[i]));
+  }
+  config.setDyH1(get(dyh1));
+  config.setDyH2(get(dyh2));
+  config.setDyT1(get(dyt1));
+  config.setDyT2(get(dyt2));
+  config.setDxBegin(get(dxbegin));
+  config.setDxEnd(get(dxend));
+  config.setFont(PRINTHFONT,headfont);
+  config.setFont(PRINTTFONT,textfont);
+ConfDimDlg::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event)
+  if (IsModal() == TRUE)
+    EndModal(1);
+  else
+    this->Destroy();
+ConfDimDlg::OnButtonOk(wxCommandEvent& event)
+  writeconf();
+  if (IsModal() == TRUE)
+    EndModal(1);
+  else
+    this->Destroy();
+ConfDimDlg::OnButtonCancel(wxCommandEvent &event)
+  if (IsModal() == TRUE)
+    EndModal(1);
+  else
+    this->Destroy();
+ConfDimDlg::OnButtonSave(wxCommandEvent& event)
+  writeconf();
+ConfDimDlg::OnConfPage(wxCommandEvent& event)
+//#if defined(__WXGTK__)
+  pagesetupdialogdata = printdata;
+  wxPageSetupDialog pageSetupDialog(this, &pagesetupdialogdata);
+  pageSetupDialog.ShowModal();
+  printdata = pageSetupDialog.GetPageSetupData().GetPrintData();
+  pagesetupdialogdata = pageSetupDialog.GetPageSetupData();
+//  #else
+//    wxPageSetupDialog pageSetupDialog(this, & pagesetupdata);
+//    pageSetupDialog.ShowModal();
+//    pagesetupdata = pageSetupDialog.GetPageSetupData();
+//  #endif
+ConfDimDlg::OnConfPrinter(wxCommandEvent& event)
+//#if defined(__WXGTK__)
+  wxPrintDialogData printDialogData(printdata);
+  wxPrintDialog printerDialog(this, & printDialogData);
+  printerDialog.GetPrintDialogData().SetSetupDialog(TRUE);
+  printerDialog.ShowModal();
+  printdata = printerDialog.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData();
+//  #else
+//    wxPrintDialog printerDialog(this, & printdata);
+//    printerDialog.GetPrintData().SetSetupDialog(TRUE);
+//    printerDialog.ShowModal();
+//    printdata = printerDialog.GetPrintData();
+//  #endif
+ConfDimDlg::OnConfFontHead(wxCommandEvent& event)
+  headfont = config.ChooseFont((wxFrame*)this,headfont);
+ConfDimDlg::OnConfFontText(wxCommandEvent& event)
+  textfont = config.ChooseFont((wxFrame*)this,textfont);
+  return printdata;
+  return pagesetupdialogdata;

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