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[Emacs-bug-tracker] Processed: control message for bug 8633

From: GNU bug Tracking System
Subject: [Emacs-bug-tracker] Processed: control message for bug 8633
Date: Sat, 07 May 2011 13:17:02 -0400

Processing commands for address@hidden:

> notfound 8633 24.0.50
Bug #8633 [emacs] 24.0.50; unable to build emacs
bug No longer marked as found in versions 24.0.50.
> tag 8633 notabug
Bug #8633 [emacs] 24.0.50; unable to build emacs
Added tag(s) notabug.
> close 8633
bug#8633: 24.0.50; unable to build emacs
bug closed, send any further explanations to
address@hidden and Thierry Volpiatto <address@hidden>

End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact address@hidden if you need assistance.

GNU bugs database, http://debbugs.gnu.org/

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