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erc -- uses ssl.el

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: erc -- uses ssl.el
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 13:03:38 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Ok to install?  ssl.el is not part of Emacs, but tls.el is.  The API
is similar, but I don't believe tls.el has the bug that is mentioned
in the comment below.  Is anyone using ERC with ssl.el and can test
this?  It is supposed to be backwards compatible, and uses s_client if
gnutls-cli is not available.

2006-01-30  Simon Josefsson  <address@hidden>

        * erc.el (erc-open-ssl-stream): Use tls.el.

--- erc.el      29 Jan 2006 14:08:57 +0100      1.1
+++ erc.el      30 Jan 2006 13:01:59 +0100      
@@ -2062,13 +2062,14 @@
   "Open an SSL stream to an IRC server.
 The process will be given the name NAME, its target buffer will be
 BUFFER.         HOST and PORT specify the connection target."
-  (when (require 'ssl)
-    (let ((proc (open-ssl-stream name buffer host port)))
+  (when (require 'tls)
+    (let ((proc (open-tls-stream name buffer host port)))
       ;; Ugly hack, but it works for now. Problem is it is
       ;; very hard to detect when ssl is established, because s_client
       ;; doesn't give any CONNECTIONESTABLISHED kind of message, and
       ;; most IRC servers send nothing and wait for you to identify.
-      (sit-for 5)
+      ;; Disabled when switching to tls.el -- jas
+      ;(sit-for 5)
 ;;; Debugging the protocol

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