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Re: address@hidden: modification hooks called only once in c-mode]

From: Chong Yidong
Subject: Re: address@hidden: modification hooks called only once in c-mode]
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 20:46:37 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:

> Would someone please DTRT, then ack?
> If the fix is simple enough, it should be installed in Emacs 22.
> ....
> (defun test-bug-hook (overlay afterp beg end &optional r)
>   (message "%s hook called" (if afterp "after" "before")))
> (defun test-bug ()
>   (let ((beg (point))
>         ov)
>     (insert "foobar")
>     (setq ov (make-overlay beg (point)))
>     (overlay-put ov 'face 'highlight)
>     (overlay-put ov 'insert-in-front-hooks '(test-bug-hook))))
> 1) Create a new buffer in c-mode, evaluate (test-bug), and insert a char
> before the overlay.
> Result:
> before hook called
> The hook is never called after the change.

The problem is in report_overlay_modification in buffer.c.  This
function, which is called both before and after a modification,
compiles a list of modification-hooks to run and executes them.  When
called before modification, it first does

      last_overlay_modification_hooks_used = 0;

to reset the list of modification hooks to run.  

The bug arises when you have an after-change hook that does buffer
changes (in this case, this is c-after-change, which calls
c-invalidate-sws-region-after).  The sequence of events is:

 1. User issues command to modify the buffer.

 2. Before the change is applied, report_overlay_modification is
    called.  It resets last_overlay_modification_hooks_used to zero,
    then compiles a list of hooks to run.  This includes both the
    insert-in-front hook and the after-change hook.

 3. The insert-in-front hook runs.

 4. The buffer modification is applies.

 5. The after-change hook runs, modifying the buffer elsewhere.

 6. This results in report_overlay_modification being called, which
    resets last_overlay_modification_hooks_used to zero.  The
    insert-in-front hook, which was scheduled to run next, gets rubbed

One simple fix is to bind inhibit-modification-hooks in

A deeper fix would be to make report_overlay_modification check if it
is being called in a modification hook, and take steps to prevent
scheduled hooks from being rubbed out.  I'm not sure this behavior is
significantly more "correct" than the existing one, however; it may be
better to leave it as is.

In either case, I'd suggest not putting the fix for this in Emacs
22.2.  The first fix can cause subtle problems since c-after-change is
a core part of cc-mode, and the second one is also somewhat delicate.
It can go in the trunk, and be merged into the branch for 22.3 if no
problems are found.

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