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Re: What's up with the semi-permanent vc breakage?

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: What's up with the semi-permanent vc breakage?
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2008 00:18:06 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:

>> when debug-on-error is set) for operations as simple as C-v c =, and now
>> an uninitialized variable vc-client-mode (presumably from
>> vc-dispatcher.el) breaks operations when debug-on-error is set.
> Hmm... so the bug's still there?  By the time I got to look into it,
> I couldn't reproduce it, so I assumed it was fixed.  I use VC daily and
> I have debug-on-error set, so the obvious problems get fixed quickly,
> normally.
> Could you give a detailed recipe to reproduce the problem.

I have to say I am surprised since it is not actually hard to reproduce.
In fact, the most simple-minded recipe triggers it.

address@hidden:~$ mkdir /tmp/zap
address@hidden:~$ cd /tmp/zap
address@hidden:/tmp/zap$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in .git/
address@hidden:/tmp/zap$ echo x > y
address@hidden:/tmp/zap$ git add y
address@hidden:/tmp/zap$ git commit -m "1" y
Created initial commit ddfb366: 1
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 y
address@hidden:/tmp/zap$ echo x >> y
address@hidden:/tmp/zap$ git commit -m "2" y
Created commit fd5a91b: 2
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
address@hidden:/tmp/zap$ /usr/local/emacs-21/bin/emacs -Q -eval '(setq 
debug-on-error t)' x

C-x v =

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable vc-client-mode)
  vc-dir-menu-map-filter((keymap (open menu-item "Open file" vc-dir-find-file 
:help "Find the file on the current line") (open-other menu-item "Open in other 
window" vc-dir-find-file-other-window :help "Find the file on the current line, 
in another window") (sepopn "--") (mark menu-item "Mark" vc-dir-mark :help 
"Mark the current file or all files in the region") (unmark menu-item "Unmark" 
vc-dir-unmark :help "Unmark the current file or all files in the region") 
(mark-all menu-item "Mark All" vc-dir-mark-all-files :help "Mark all files that 
are in the same state as the current file\nWith prefix argument mark all 
files") (unmark-previous menu-item "Unmark previous " vc-dir-unmark-file-up 
:help "Move to the previous line and unmark the file") (unmark-all menu-item 
"Unmark All" vc-dir-unmark-all-files :help "Unmark all files that are in the 
same state as the current file\nWith prefix argument unmark all files") (sepmrk 
"--") (previous-line menu-item "Previous line" vc-dir-previous-line :help "Go 
to the previous line") (next-line menu-item "Next line" vc-dir-next-line :help 
"Go to the next line" :keys "n") (sepmv "--") (refresh menu-item "Refresh" 
vc-dir-refresh :enable (not ...) :help "Refresh the contents of the directory 
buffer") (kill menu-item "Kill Update Command" vc-dir-kill-dir-status-process 
:enable (vc-dir-busy) :help "Kill the command that updates the directory 
buffer") (quit menu-item "Quit" quit-window :help "Quit") "VC-dir"))
  where-is-internal(vc-dir-find-file (keymap (vc-dir-mode menu-item "VC-dir" 
(keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "VC-dir") 
:filter vc-dir-menu-map-filter)))
  tool-bar-local-item-from-menu(vc-dir-find-file "open" (keymap) (keymap #^[nil 
nil keymap #^^[3 0 nil nil nil ... nil nil nil nil nil vc-dir-next-directory 
nil nil nil vc-dir-find-file nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 
nil ... nil nil nil nil vc-dir-next-line nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 
nil nil nil negative-argument nil nil ...] #^^[1 0 #^^[2 0 #^^[3 0 nil nil nil 
... nil nil nil nil nil vc-dir-next-directory nil nil nil vc-dir-find-file nil 
nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ... nil nil nil nil 
vc-dir-next-line nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 
negative-argument nil nil ...] nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 
nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 
nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] nil nil nil nil 
nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 
nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 
nil ...] (menu-bar keymap (vc-dir-mode menu-item "VC-dir" ... :filter 
vc-dir-menu-map-filter)) (mouse-2 . vc-dir-toggle-mark) (down-mouse-3 . 
vc-dir-menu) (C-up . vc-dir-previous-directory) (C-down . 
vc-dir-next-directory) (backtab . vc-dir-previous-directory) (remap keymap 
(self-insert-command . undefined))))
  byte-code("ÃBÄÃ!„ZÅÃÆ ÇÈÉ \n$ˆÊË̉        ÍÎ&ˆÇÏÐ        \nÑÒ&ˆÇÓÒ      
\nÑÐ&ˆÇÔÕ      \n$ˆÇÖ× \n$ˆÇØÙ #ˆÇÚÛ   \n$ˆÇÜÝ \n$ˆ    )\"ˆÃ‡" 
[current-load-list map vc-dir-mode-map vc-dir-tool-bar-map default-boundp 
set-default make-sparse-keymap tool-bar-local-item-from-menu vc-dir-find-file 
"open" tool-bar-local-item "bookmark_add" vc-dir-toggle-mark :help "Toggle mark 
on current item" vc-dir-previous-line "left-arrow" :rtl "right-arrow" 
vc-dir-next-line vc-print-log "info" vc-dir-refresh "refresh" 
nonincremental-search-forward "search" vc-dir-kill-dir-status-process "cancel" 
quit-window "exit"] 9)
  byte-code("ÁÂ!ˆÁÃ!ˆÁÄ!ˆÁÅ!ˆÆÇ\"„ÈBÉÊËÌÍÎ%‡" [minor-mode-alist require 
vc-hooks vc-dispatcher tool-bar ewoc assoc vc-parent-buffer (vc-parent-buffer 
vc-parent-buffer-name) custom-declare-group vc nil "Version-control system in 
Emacs." :group tools] 6)

So here is some detail that might be worth mentioning: in my .Xdefaults
I have

Emacs.toolBar: 0
Emacs.Background: white
Emacs.font: -*-fixed-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*

In particular, switching off the toolbar might or might not be relevant.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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