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Re: Lost antialias?

From: Angelo Graziosi
Subject: Re: Lost antialias?
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 10:23:59 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080421)

Kenichi Handa ha scritto:
In article <address@hidden>, Angelo Graziosi <address@hidden> writes:

I have tried also on Cygwin[1], and the result is different.

On Cygwin I have /.Xdefauls:

Emacs.FontBackend:      xft
Emacs.font:             Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-14

Xft*antialias: true
Xft*autohint: true

The look is fine (better?), but the height is 13 not 14.

The font size problem is because of the bug introduced by
gtk-style fontname parser as I wrote in the previous mail.

And I think "fine" means you have antialise font, then
perhaps it's because you use xft backend only.

On GNU/Linux Kubuntu 8.04 the result is still 'horrible' with "DejaVu Sans Mono-12" and "BitStream Vera Sans Mono", but is fine with "Monospace-12".

On Kubuntu I do not use /.Xdefaults but I start Emacs as

emacs23 --font "DejaVu Sans Mono-12" &

I see.  So, you have "dejavu sans mono" font both by X and
Xft backend.  And, as I recently changed the font selector
to prefer a font supplied by a backend of higher priority
(the default order is x,xft on X Window System), you get
"dejavu sans mono" via X backend.  When you specify
"monospace" instead, X backend doesn't know about it, but
xft backend knows that it's a generic family name, and your
system assignes "dejavu sans mono" to it.  Thus you get
antialias font via xft backend.

If you never want "dejavu sans mono" font as a X font, just
remove it from your font-path.

Or, set X resource as 'Emacs*FontBackend: xft, x'.

OK, I will use, on GNU/Linux, Monospace which gives the same result.

But on Cygwin, a fresh build (a few minutes ago), still gives height 13 using 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-14'? or is this value, I used for months, wrong and now I should set it to 15 to have the same result?


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