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RE: delete-selection-mode

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: delete-selection-mode
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 10:16:56 -0700

> delete-selection-mode interferes with the _Emacs_ way
> of dealing with marks.

Your own way of using Emacs is not THE EMACS WAY.
Emacs is bigger and better than that.

With d-s-mode turned on you can still use the mark purely navigationally,
whenever you want. Just deactivate the region (or don't activate it).

Emacs gives users the best of both worlds: an active region (with
type-to-replace) and an inactive region. And by default the region is (should
be) active, which is what most people expect. Que demande le peuple ? 

> I'm not fine with having delete-selection-mode for by-products of
> transient marks occuring during the normal operation of Emacs.

So turn off d-s-mode in your .emacs. Or turn off t-m-mode, since it doesn't
sound like you use the active region for anything anyway.

> my vote is for turning off transient-mark-mode again

So I wasn't wrong in my guess. Out of the closet at last.
That's what this is all about, isn't it?

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