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RE: C-d deleting region considered harmful

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: C-d deleting region considered harmful
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 08:18:45 -0700

> For deleting a a portion of text, I always use the shift->Arrow
> selection to mark it and hit backspace to
> delete the region. Since shift->arrow key does not work when I use
> "emacs -nw" mode, I struggle. To
> summarize, I heavily depend on ability to delete regions using the
> backspace. I just hope it does not change. It may be a relic of being
> a windows user but old habits die hard!

Me too.  But this thread is not about stopping Backspace from deleting the
active region.  It is about stopping C-d and the <delete> key from doing that.

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