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Re: simple useful functions

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: simple useful functions
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2010 21:36:31 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> (defun source (script &optional shell keep-current-directory)
>   "Source the specified shell script.
> Source the shell SCRIPT and import the environment into this
> emacs.  The optional SHELL specifies the shell other than the
> default `shell-file-name'.  When KEEP-CURRENT-DIRECTORY is nil,
> which is the default, the current directory is temporarily
> changed to the directory where the script resides while sourcing
> the script."
>   (interactive "fscript file: ")
>   (if (null shell)
>       (setq shell shell-file-name))
>   (with-temp-buffer
>     (unless keep-current-directory
>       (setq default-directory (file-name-directory script)))
>     (call-process shell nil t nil "-c" (concat "source " script "; printenv"))
>     (while (re-search-backward "^\\([^=]+\\)=\\(.*\\)$" nil t)
>       (setenv (match-string 1) (match-string 2)))))

Some problems I see with it, by order of decreasing importance:
- I fail to see in which circumstance(s) this is useful.
- What if the user uses scsh/emacs for his shell.
- Most scripts don't setup much of environment.
- AFAIC things like ~/.cshrc are not a scripts but a config files.
- The call-process needs to quote `script' (and should probably be
  replaced by process-file).
- The prompt should start with a capital.


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