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Re: more url-utils?

From: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen
Subject: Re: more url-utils?
Date: Sat, 14 May 2011 13:21:06 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110018 (No Gnus v0.18) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

address@hidden writes:

> Would the defun below be suitable to include in url-util?
> You nearly always want to work with the data part of the document.

Perhaps binding something like `url-return-data-only', and then having
url-retrieve strip the headers before returning the buffer would be

My guess is that more than 90% of the users of `url-retrieve' don't care
about the headers, so having it do the stripping would be convenient.

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
  bloggy blog http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/

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