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Re: [display-buffer] a way to make it behave as before?

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: [display-buffer] a way to make it behave as before?
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 14:23:04 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

> emacs -Q -eval '(makunbound (quote display-buffer-alist))' -l window

If you make this unbound, you ignore the default values which are
responsible for implementing the traditional behavior.

> The *scratch* window appears in an Emacs frame.  Say it is the
> first frame.  Type `C-x 5 b RET' there.  The *Messages* window
> will appear in a new Emacs frame.  Say it is the second frame.
> And then type `C-x 4 f ~/.emacs RET' in the second frame.  Hmm,
> the .emacs window appears in the first frame.

With emacs -Q the *Messages* window is split here.  When
`display-buffer-alist' is unbound it uses a fallback method, which,
since you implicitly removed the window splitting part, reuses any
window but the selected one.

> At least it differs from old Emacsen.

It shouldn't for emacs -Q.  And in this regard you're right.  I
remembered that someone wanted to change the default value of
`display-buffer-reuse-frames' to t and have set the default value of
`display-buffer-alist' accordingly.  That's what you've seen earlier
(but not in the scenario above!).  I'll take that back.  Meanwhile, try
the steps below which will anticipate my change and tell me whether it

>> If you want to avoid that another frame showing the buffer already is
>> used, replace in all reuse-window specifiers you find in
>> `display-buffer-alist' the last element by nil.
>> That is, wherever you see an object like
>>   (reuse-window nil same visible)
>> replace the term `visible' by nil
>>   (reuse-window nil same nil)
>> so only the selected and not all visible frames get inspected.
> I'll try it.  Thanks.

Thank you, martin

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