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Re: [display-buffer] a way to make it behave as before?

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: [display-buffer] a way to make it behave as before?
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:48:54 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

> At last I realized that my misunderstanding was due to
> an abnormal default behavior.  I got Emacs that works never funny now.

Could you please send us the corresponding default value for
`display-buffer-alist'?  That is the thing that "never works funny" for
you written as a Lisp expression we would then use right here:

(defcustom display-buffer-alist
  '((((regexp . ".*"))
     ;; Reuse window showing same buffer on same frame.
     reuse-window (reuse-window nil same nil)
     ;; Pop up window.
     ;; Split largest or lru window.
     (pop-up-window (largest . nil) (lru . nil))
     (pop-up-window-min-height . 40) ; split-height-threshold / 2
     (pop-up-window-min-width . 80) ; split-width-threshold / 2
     ;; Reuse any but selected window on same frame.
     reuse-window (reuse-window other nil nil)
     (reuse-window-even-sizes . t)))

Thanks, martin

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