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image-transform.el and image-mode.el rewrite

From: Vitalie Spinu
Subject: image-transform.el and image-mode.el rewrite
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 01:22:50 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130008 (Ma Gnus v0.8) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

I attach a working version of the rewrite. 

New image-transform.el with transform api and UI. I rewrote some parts
of image-mode, most interestingly by adding image-mode-auto-resize,
which see. More work should be done - namespace cleanup; n/p/g should
not reset the mode as it messes up user local setting and makes deriving
modes dificult; support for multiple images per page etc.

New keys in image-mode:

   +               image-scale-adjust
   -               image-scale-adjust
   0               image-scale-adjust
   =               image-scale-adjust
   B               image-change-background
   [               image-rotate-left
   ]               image-rotate-right
   o               image-rotate
   r               Prefix Command
   r f             image-fit-to-window
   r h             image-fit-to-window-height
   r s             image-stretch-to-window
   r w             image-fit-to-window-width
   T               image-mode-show-thumbnails

r stands for resize. A better fit wold be f but that one is already
bound to image-next-frame for multi-frame images.

Currently only internal imagemagick backend is implemented for things
that are exposed at elisp level (:width :height :background
:rotation). Convert backend will come latter. To illustrate the API try:

   (setq tt (create-image "/path/to/foo.png"))
   (image-transform tt :scale 200) ;in %,  imagemagick convention
   (image-transform tt :scale 25)

   (insert-image (image-transform (copy-list tt) :resize '(500 . 500)))
   (insert-image (image-transform (copy-list tt) :resize 200))
   (insert-image (image-transform (copy-list tt) :resize 'fit-width))
   (insert-image (image-transform (copy-list tt) :resize 'fit-height))
   (insert-image (image-transform (copy-list tt) :resize 'fit))
   (insert-image (image-transform (copy-list tt) :resize 'fit-stretch))
   (insert-image (image-transform (copy-list tt) :resize 'fit-if-large))
   (insert-image (image-transform (copy-list tt) :resize 'fit :rotate 45))
   (insert-image (image-transform (copy-list tt) :resize 'fit-height :rotate 

   (insert-image (image-transform (copy-list tt) :background "pink"))

I have changed insert-image to take an additional argument MAP to hook a
transform keymap as local text-properties keymap for the image. With the
following you should get all the transform keys listed above to work on
the inserted image:
   (insert-image (image-transform (copy-list tt) :resize 'fit)
                 nil nil nil image-transform-map)

Would be nice if insert-image would hook a transform map by
default. Then all modes that use insert-image can automatically provide
transformations. But I couldn't think of a handy prefix for this map.
I will be out for a week and will resume when I am back. In meanwhile
suggestions are welcome.


diff --git a/lisp/image-mode.el b/lisp/image-mode.el
index 30dfd04..deeac68 100644
--- a/lisp/image-mode.el
+++ b/lisp/image-mode.el
@@ -39,7 +39,47 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'image)
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
+(require 'image-transform)
+;; (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
+(defgroup image-mode ()
+  "Support for visiting image files."
+  :group 'multimedia)
+(defcustom image-mode-auto-resize 'fit-if-large
+  "The image resize default.
+Can be:
+ - a number, giving a proportional scaling of the image.
+ - a cons, giving the actual size (w x h) in pixels.
+ - a symbol:
+   *`fit' - maximally scale IMAGE to fit into window
+   *`fit-if-large' - like `fit', but only when image is larger than window
+   *`fit-height' - fit the image to window height
+   *`fit-width' - fit the image to window width
+   *`fit-stretch' - stretch the image to fit to both height and
+    width of the window"
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "no resize" nil)
+          (number :tag "scale")
+          (cons :tag "size (w . h)" number number)
+          (const :tag "fit" fit)
+          (const :tag "fit if large" fit-if-large)
+          (const :tag "fit height" fit-height)
+          (const :tag "fit width" fit-width)
+          (const :tag "fit stretch" fit-stretch))
+  :group 'image-mode
+  :version "24.4")
+;; This one is not customizable
+(defvar image-mode-auto-rotate nil
+  "Default rotation angle for the image.
+Nil means no rotation.")
+(defcustom image-mode-show-cursor t
+  "Non-nil if the cursor should be shown in image-mode"
+  :group 'image-mode
+  :type 'boolean)
 ;;; Image mode window-info management.
@@ -58,15 +98,15 @@ otherwise it defaults to t, used for times when the buffer 
is not displayed."
          (setq window
                (if (eq (current-buffer) (window-buffer)) (selected-window) t)))
         ((eq window t))
-       ((not (windowp window))
-        (error "Not a window: %s" window)))
+        ((not (windowp window))
+         (error "Not a window: %s" window)))
   (when cleanup
     (setq image-mode-winprops-alist
-         (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (winprop)
-                             (let ((w (car-safe winprop)))
-                               (if (or (not (windowp w)) (window-live-p w))
-                                   winprop)))
-                           image-mode-winprops-alist))))
+          (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (winprop)
+                              (let ((w (car-safe winprop)))
+                                (if (or (not (windowp w)) (window-live-p w))
+                                    winprop)))
+                            image-mode-winprops-alist))))
   (let ((winprops (assq window image-mode-winprops-alist)))
     ;; For new windows, set defaults from the latest.
     (if winprops
@@ -112,23 +152,18 @@ otherwise it defaults to t, used for times when the 
buffer is not displayed."
            (hscroll (image-mode-window-get 'hscroll winprops))
            (vscroll (image-mode-window-get 'vscroll winprops)))
       (when (image-get-display-property) ;Only do it if we display an image!
-       (if hscroll (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) hscroll))
-       (if vscroll (set-window-vscroll (selected-window) vscroll))))))
+        (if hscroll (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) hscroll))
+        (if vscroll (set-window-vscroll (selected-window) vscroll))))))
 (defun image-mode-setup-winprops ()
   ;; Record current scroll settings.
   (unless (listp image-mode-winprops-alist)
     (setq image-mode-winprops-alist nil))
   (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook
-           'image-mode-reapply-winprops nil t))
+            'image-mode-reapply-winprops nil t))
 ;;; Image scrolling functions
-(defun image-get-display-property ()
-  (get-char-property (point-min) 'display
-                     ;; There might be different images for different displays.
-                     (if (eq (window-buffer) (current-buffer))
-                         (selected-window))))
 (declare-function image-size "image.c" (spec &optional pixels frame))
@@ -146,31 +181,31 @@ but not `slice', return the `image-size' of the specified 
   (if (eq (car spec) 'image)
       (image-size spec pixels frame)
     (let ((image (assoc 'image spec))
-         (slice (assoc 'slice spec)))
+          (slice (assoc 'slice spec)))
       (cond ((and image slice)
-            (if pixels
-                (cons (nth 3 slice) (nth 4 slice))
-              (cons (/ (float (nth 3 slice)) (frame-char-width frame))
-                    (/ (float (nth 4 slice)) (frame-char-height frame)))))
-           (image
-            (image-size image pixels frame))
-           (t
-            (error "Invalid image specification: %s" spec))))))
+             (if pixels
+                 (cons (nth 3 slice) (nth 4 slice))
+               (cons (/ (float (nth 3 slice)) (frame-char-width frame))
+                     (/ (float (nth 4 slice)) (frame-char-height frame)))))
+            (image
+             (image-size image pixels frame))
+            (t
+             (error "Invalid image specification: %s" spec))))))
 (defun image-forward-hscroll (&optional n)
   "Scroll image in current window to the left by N character widths.
 Stop if the right edge of the image is reached."
   (interactive "p")
   (cond ((= n 0) nil)
-       ((< n 0)
-        (image-set-window-hscroll (max 0 (+ (window-hscroll) n))))
-       (t
-        (let* ((image (image-get-display-property))
-               (edges (window-inside-edges))
-               (win-width (- (nth 2 edges) (nth 0 edges)))
-               (img-width (ceiling (car (image-display-size image)))))
-          (image-set-window-hscroll (min (max 0 (- img-width win-width))
-                                         (+ n (window-hscroll))))))))
+        ((< n 0)
+         (image-set-window-hscroll (max 0 (+ (window-hscroll) n))))
+        (t
+         (let* ((image (image-get-display-property))
+                (edges (window-inside-edges))
+                (win-width (- (nth 2 edges) (nth 0 edges)))
+                (img-width (ceiling (car (image-display-size image)))))
+           (image-set-window-hscroll (min (max 0 (- img-width win-width))
+                                          (+ n (window-hscroll))))))))
 (defun image-backward-hscroll (&optional n)
   "Scroll image in current window to the right by N character widths.
@@ -183,15 +218,15 @@ Stop if the left edge of the image is reached."
 Stop if the bottom edge of the image is reached."
   (interactive "p")
   (cond ((= n 0) nil)
-       ((< n 0)
-        (image-set-window-vscroll (max 0 (+ (window-vscroll) n))))
-       (t
-        (let* ((image (image-get-display-property))
-               (edges (window-inside-edges))
-               (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges)))
-               (img-height (ceiling (cdr (image-display-size image)))))
-          (image-set-window-vscroll (min (max 0 (- img-height win-height))
-                                         (+ n (window-vscroll))))))))
+        ((< n 0)
+         (image-set-window-vscroll (max 0 (+ (window-vscroll) n))))
+        (t
+         (let* ((image (image-get-display-property))
+                (edges (window-inside-edges))
+                (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges)))
+                (img-height (ceiling (cdr (image-display-size image)))))
+           (image-set-window-vscroll (min (max 0 (- img-height win-height))
+                                          (+ n (window-vscroll))))))))
 (defun image-previous-line (&optional n)
   "Scroll image in current window downward by N lines.
@@ -209,16 +244,16 @@ If ARG is the atom `-', scroll downward by nearly full 
 When calling from a program, supply as argument a number, nil, or `-'."
   (interactive "P")
   (cond ((null n)
-        (let* ((edges (window-inside-edges))
-               (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))
-          (image-next-line
-           (max 0 (- win-height next-screen-context-lines)))))
-       ((eq n '-)
-        (let* ((edges (window-inside-edges))
-               (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))
-          (image-next-line
-           (min 0 (- next-screen-context-lines win-height)))))
-       (t (image-next-line (prefix-numeric-value n)))))
+         (let* ((edges (window-inside-edges))
+                (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))
+           (image-next-line
+            (max 0 (- win-height next-screen-context-lines)))))
+        ((eq n '-)
+         (let* ((edges (window-inside-edges))
+                (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))
+           (image-next-line
+            (min 0 (- next-screen-context-lines win-height)))))
+        (t (image-next-line (prefix-numeric-value n)))))
 (defun image-scroll-down (&optional n)
   "Scroll image in current window downward by N lines.
@@ -230,16 +265,16 @@ If ARG is the atom `-', scroll upward by nearly full 
 When calling from a program, supply as argument a number, nil, or `-'."
   (interactive "P")
   (cond ((null n)
-        (let* ((edges (window-inside-edges))
-               (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))
-          (image-next-line
-           (min 0 (- next-screen-context-lines win-height)))))
-       ((eq n '-)
-        (let* ((edges (window-inside-edges))
-               (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))
-          (image-next-line
-           (max 0 (- win-height next-screen-context-lines)))))
-       (t (image-next-line (- (prefix-numeric-value n))))))
+         (let* ((edges (window-inside-edges))
+                (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))
+           (image-next-line
+            (min 0 (- next-screen-context-lines win-height)))))
+        ((eq n '-)
+         (let* ((edges (window-inside-edges))
+                (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))
+           (image-next-line
+            (max 0 (- win-height next-screen-context-lines)))))
+        (t (image-next-line (- (prefix-numeric-value n))))))
 (defun image-bol (arg)
   "Scroll horizontally to the left edge of the image in the current window.
@@ -260,9 +295,9 @@ stopping if the top or bottom edge of the image is reached."
        (/= (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)) 1)
        (image-next-line (- arg 1)))
   (let* ((image (image-get-display-property))
-        (edges (window-inside-edges))
-        (win-width (- (nth 2 edges) (nth 0 edges)))
-        (img-width (ceiling (car (image-display-size image)))))
+         (edges (window-inside-edges))
+         (win-width (- (nth 2 edges) (nth 0 edges)))
+         (img-width (ceiling (car (image-display-size image)))))
     (image-set-window-hscroll (max 0 (- img-width win-width)))))
 (defun image-bob ()
@@ -275,11 +310,11 @@ stopping if the top or bottom edge of the image is 
   "Scroll to the bottom-right corner of the image in the current window."
   (let* ((image (image-get-display-property))
-        (edges (window-inside-edges))
-        (win-width (- (nth 2 edges) (nth 0 edges)))
-        (img-width (ceiling (car (image-display-size image))))
-        (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges)))
-        (img-height (ceiling (cdr (image-display-size image)))))
+         (edges (window-inside-edges))
+         (win-width (- (nth 2 edges) (nth 0 edges)))
+         (img-width (ceiling (car (image-display-size image))))
+         (win-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges)))
+         (img-height (ceiling (cdr (image-display-size image)))))
     (image-set-window-hscroll (max 0 (- img-width win-width)))
     (image-set-window-vscroll (max 0 (- img-height win-height)))))
@@ -298,37 +333,37 @@ call."
   (let* ((buffer (current-buffer))
          (display (image-get-display-property))
          (size (image-display-size display))
-        (saved (frame-parameter frame 'image-mode-saved-params))
-        (window-configuration (current-window-configuration frame))
-        (width  (frame-width  frame))
-        (height (frame-height frame)))
+         (saved (frame-parameter frame 'image-mode-saved-params))
+         (window-configuration (current-window-configuration frame))
+         (width  (frame-width  frame))
+         (height (frame-height frame)))
     (with-selected-frame (or frame (selected-frame))
       (if (and toggle saved
-              (= (caar saved) width)
-              (= (cdar saved) height))
-         (progn
-           (set-frame-width  frame (car (nth 1 saved)))
-           (set-frame-height frame (cdr (nth 1 saved)))
-           (set-window-configuration (nth 2 saved))
-           (set-frame-parameter frame 'image-mode-saved-params nil))
-       (delete-other-windows)
-       (switch-to-buffer buffer t t)
-       (let* ((edges (window-inside-edges))
-              (inner-width  (- (nth 2 edges) (nth 0 edges)))
-              (inner-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))
-         (set-frame-width  frame (+ (ceiling (car size))
-                                    width (- inner-width)))
-         (set-frame-height frame (+ (ceiling (cdr size))
-                                    height (- inner-height)))
-         ;; The frame size after the above `set-frame-*' calls may
-         ;; differ from what we specified, due to window manager
-         ;; interference.  We have to call `frame-width' and
-         ;; `frame-height' to get the actual results.
-         (set-frame-parameter frame 'image-mode-saved-params
-                              (list (cons (frame-width)
-                                          (frame-height))
-                                    (cons width height)
-                                    window-configuration)))))))
+               (= (caar saved) width)
+               (= (cdar saved) height))
+          (progn
+            (set-frame-width  frame (car (nth 1 saved)))
+            (set-frame-height frame (cdr (nth 1 saved)))
+            (set-window-configuration (nth 2 saved))
+            (set-frame-parameter frame 'image-mode-saved-params nil))
+        (delete-other-windows)
+        (switch-to-buffer buffer t t)
+        (let* ((edges (window-inside-edges))
+               (inner-width  (- (nth 2 edges) (nth 0 edges)))
+               (inner-height (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))
+          (set-frame-width  frame (+ (ceiling (car size))
+                                     width (- inner-width)))
+          (set-frame-height frame (+ (ceiling (cdr size))
+                                     height (- inner-height)))
+          ;; The frame size after the above `set-frame-*' calls may
+          ;; differ from what we specified, due to window manager
+          ;; interference.  We have to call `frame-width' and
+          ;; `frame-height' to get the actual results.
+          (set-frame-parameter frame 'image-mode-saved-params
+                               (list (cons (frame-width)
+                                           (frame-height))
+                                     (cons width height)
+                                     window-configuration)))))))
 ;;; Image Mode setup
@@ -349,6 +384,7 @@ call."
     (define-key map (kbd "S-SPC")     'image-scroll-down)
     (define-key map (kbd "DEL")       'image-scroll-down)
     (define-key map (kbd "RET")       'image-toggle-animation)
+    (define-key map "T" 'image-mode-show-thumbnails)
     (define-key map "F" 'image-goto-frame)
     (define-key map "f" 'image-next-frame)
     (define-key map "b" 'image-previous-frame)
@@ -370,59 +406,68 @@ call."
     (define-key map [remap end-of-buffer] 'image-eob)
     (easy-menu-define image-mode-menu map "Menu for Image mode."
-       ["Show as Text" image-toggle-display :active t
-        :help "Show image as text"]
-       "--"
-       ["Fit Frame to Image" image-mode-fit-frame :active t
-        :help "Resize frame to match image"]
-       ["Fit to Window Height" image-transform-fit-to-height
-        :visible (eq image-type 'imagemagick)
-        :help "Resize image to match the window height"]
-       ["Fit to Window Width" image-transform-fit-to-width
-        :visible (eq image-type 'imagemagick)
-        :help "Resize image to match the window width"]
-       ["Rotate Image..." image-transform-set-rotation
-        :visible (eq image-type 'imagemagick)
-        :help "Rotate the image"]
-       "--"
-       ["Show Thumbnails"
-        (lambda ()
-          (interactive)
-          (image-dired default-directory))
-        :active default-directory
-        :help "Show thumbnails for all images in this directory"]
-       ["Next Image" image-next-file :active buffer-file-name
+        ["Show as Text" image-toggle-display
+         :active t
+         :help "Show image as text"]
+        "--"
+        ["Fit Frame to Image" image-mode-fit-frame
+         :active t
+         :help "Resize frame to match image"]
+        ["Fit into Window" image-fit-to-window
+         :visible (eq image-type 'imagemagick)
+         :help "Maximally resize image to fit into window"]
+        ["Fit to Window Height" image-fit-to-window-height
+         :visible (eq image-type 'imagemagick)
+         :help "Resize image to match the window height"]
+        ["Fit to Window Width" image-fit-to-window-width
+         :visible (eq image-type 'imagemagick)
+         :help "Resize image to match the window width"]
+        ["Rotate Image..." image-rotate
+         :visible (eq image-type 'imagemagick)]
+        ["Rotate Image Right" image-rotate-right
+         :visible (eq image-type 'imagemagick)]
+        ["Rotate Image Left" image-rotate-left
+         :visible (eq image-type 'imagemagick)]
+        ["Change Image Background..." image-change-background
+         :visible (eq image-type 'imagemagick)]
+        "--"
+        ["Show Thumbnails" image-mode-show-thumbnails
+         :active default-directory
+         :help "Show thumbnails for all images in this directory"]
+        ["Next Image" image-next-file :active buffer-file-name
          :help "Move to next image in this directory"]
-       ["Previous Image" image-previous-file :active buffer-file-name
+        ["Previous Image" image-previous-file :active buffer-file-name
          :help "Move to previous image in this directory"]
-       "--"
-       ["Animate Image" image-toggle-animation :style toggle
-        :selected (let ((image (image-get-display-property)))
-                    (and image (image-animate-timer image)))
-        :active image-multi-frame
+        "--"
+        ["Animate Image" image-toggle-animation :style toggle
+         :selected (let ((image (image-get-display-property)))
+                     (and image (image-animate-timer image)))
+         :active image-multi-frame
          :help "Toggle image animation"]
-       ["Loop Animation"
-        (lambda () (interactive)
-          (setq image-animate-loop (not image-animate-loop))
-          ;; FIXME this is a hacky way to make it affect a currently
-          ;; animating image.
-          (when (let ((image (image-get-display-property)))
-                  (and image (image-animate-timer image)))
-            (image-toggle-animation)
-            (image-toggle-animation)))
-        :style toggle :selected image-animate-loop
-        :active image-multi-frame
+        ["Loop Animation"
+         (lambda () (interactive)
+           (setq image-animate-loop (not image-animate-loop))
+           ;; FIXME this is a hacky way to make it affect a currently
+           ;; animating image.
+           (when (let ((image (image-get-display-property)))
+                   (and image (image-animate-timer image)))
+             (image-toggle-animation)
+             (image-toggle-animation)))
+         :style toggle :selected image-animate-loop
+         :active image-multi-frame
          :help "Animate images once, or forever?"]
-       ["Next Frame" image-next-frame :active image-multi-frame
-        :help "Show the next frame of this image"]
-       ["Previous Frame" image-previous-frame :active image-multi-frame
-        :help "Show the previous frame of this image"]
-       ["Goto Frame..." image-goto-frame :active image-multi-frame
-        :help "Show a specific frame of this image"]
-       ))
+        ["Next Frame" image-next-frame :active image-multi-frame
+         :help "Show the next frame of this image"]
+        ["Previous Frame" image-previous-frame :active image-multi-frame
+         :help "Show the previous frame of this image"]
+        ["Goto Frame..." image-goto-frame :active image-multi-frame
+         :help "Show a specific frame of this image"]
+        ))
   "Mode keymap for `image-mode'.")
+(image--add-transform-keys image-mode-map)
 (defvar image-minor-mode-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'image-toggle-display)
@@ -437,72 +482,79 @@ call."
 (defun image-mode ()
   "Major mode for image files.
 You can use \\<image-mode-map>\\[image-toggle-display]
-to toggle between display as an image and display as text."
+to toggle between display as an image and display as text.
   (condition-case err
-       (unless (display-images-p)
-         (error "Display does not support images"))
-       (kill-all-local-variables)
-       (setq major-mode 'image-mode)
-       (if (not (image-get-display-property))
-           (progn
-             (image-toggle-display-image)
-             ;; If attempt to display the image fails.
-             (if (not (image-get-display-property))
-                 (error "Invalid image")))
-         ;; Set next vars when image is already displayed but local
-         ;; variables were cleared by kill-all-local-variables
-         (setq cursor-type nil truncate-lines t
-               image-type (plist-get (cdr (image-get-display-property)) 
-       (setq mode-name (if image-type (format "Image[%s]" image-type) "Image"))
-       (use-local-map image-mode-map)
-       ;; Use our own bookmarking function for images.
-       (setq-local bookmark-make-record-function
+        (unless (display-images-p)
+          (error "Display does not support images"))
+        (kill-all-local-variables)
+        (setq major-mode 'image-mode)
+        (if (not (image-get-display-property))
+            (progn
+              (image-toggle-display-image)
+              ;; If attempt to display the image fails.
+              (if (not (image-get-display-property))
+                  (error "Invalid image")))
+          ;; Set next vars when image is already displayed but local
+          ;; variables were cleared by kill-all-local-variables
+          (setq cursor-type nil truncate-lines t
+                image-type (plist-get (cdr (image-get-display-property)) 
+        (setq mode-name (if image-type (format "Image[%s]" image-type) 
+        (use-local-map image-mode-map)
+        ;; Use our own bookmarking function for images.
+        (setq-local bookmark-make-record-function
-       ;; Keep track of [vh]scroll when switching buffers
-       (image-mode-setup-winprops)
-       (add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook 'image-toggle-display-text nil t)
-       (add-hook 'after-revert-hook 'image-after-revert-hook nil t)
-       (run-mode-hooks 'image-mode-hook)
-       (let ((image (image-get-display-property))
-             (msg1 (substitute-command-keys
-                    "Type \\[image-toggle-display] to view the image as "))
-             animated)
-         (cond
-          ((null image)
-           (message "%s" (concat msg1 "an image.")))
-          ((setq animated (image-multi-frame-p image))
-           (setq image-multi-frame t
-                 mode-line-process
-                 `(:eval
-                   (concat " "
-                           (propertize
-                            (format "[%s/%s]"
-                                    (1+ (image-current-frame ',image))
-                                    ,(car animated))
-                            'help-echo "Frames
+        ;; Keep track of [vh]scroll when switching buffers
+        (image-mode-setup-winprops)
+        ;; fixme: should be rewritten whiteout actually re-installing
+        ;; the mode, user vars are lost + deriving modes is difficult
+        (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function)
+             'image-mode-revert-buffer-function)
+        (add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook 'image-toggle-display-text nil t)
+        (add-hook 'after-revert-hook 'image-after-revert-hook nil t)
+        (run-mode-hooks 'image-mode-hook)
+        (let ((image (image-get-display-property))
+              (msg1 (substitute-command-keys
+                     "Type \\[image-toggle-display] to view the image as "))
+              animated)
+          (cond
+           ((null image)
+            (message "%s" (concat msg1 "an image.")))
+           ((setq animated (image-multi-frame-p image))
+            (setq image-multi-frame t
+                  mode-line-process
+                  `(:eval
+                    (concat " "
+                            (propertize
+                             (format "[%s/%s]"
+                                     (1+ (image-current-frame ',image))
+                                     ,(car animated))
+                             'help-echo "Frames
 mouse-1: Next frame
 mouse-3: Previous frame"
-                            'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
-                            'local-map
-                            '(keymap
-                              (mode-line
-                               keymap
-                               (down-mouse-1 . image-next-frame)
-                               (down-mouse-3 . image-previous-frame)))))))
-           (message "%s"
-                    (concat msg1 "text.  This image has multiple frames.")))
-;;;                         (substitute-command-keys
-;;;                          "\\[image-toggle-animation] to animate."))))
-          (t
-           (message "%s" (concat msg1 "text."))))))
+                             'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
+                             'local-map
+                             '(keymap
+                               (mode-line
+                                keymap
+                                (down-mouse-1 . image-next-frame)
+                                (down-mouse-3 . image-previous-frame)))))))
+            (message "%s"
+                     (concat msg1 "text.  This image has multiple frames.")))
+;;;                          (substitute-command-keys
+;;;                           "\\[image-toggle-animation] to animate."))))
+           (t
+            (message "%s" (concat msg1 "text."))))))
@@ -510,6 +562,11 @@ mouse-3: Previous frame"
       (if (called-interactively-p 'any) 'error 'message)
       "Cannot display image: %s" (cdr err)))))
+(defun image-mode-revert-buffer-function (ignore noconfirm)
+  ;; don't ask on reversion
+  (let ((revert-buffer-function nil))
+    (revert-buffer ignore t)))
 (define-minor-mode image-minor-mode
   "Toggle Image minor mode in this buffer.
@@ -544,25 +601,25 @@ on these modes."
   ;; image-mode-as-text = normal-mode + image-minor-mode
   (let ((previous-image-type image-type)) ; preserve `image-type'
     (if image-mode-previous-major-mode
-       ;; Restore previous major mode that was already found by this
-       ;; function and cached in `image-mode-previous-major-mode'
-       (funcall image-mode-previous-major-mode)
+        ;; Restore previous major mode that was already found by this
+        ;; function and cached in `image-mode-previous-major-mode'
+        (funcall image-mode-previous-major-mode)
       (let ((auto-mode-alist
-            (delq nil (mapcar
-                       (lambda (elt)
-                         (unless (memq (or (car-safe (cdr elt)) (cdr elt))
-                                       '(image-mode image-mode-maybe 
-                           elt))
-                       auto-mode-alist)))
-           (magic-fallback-mode-alist
-            (delq nil (mapcar
-                       (lambda (elt)
-                         (unless (memq (or (car-safe (cdr elt)) (cdr elt))
-                                       '(image-mode image-mode-maybe 
-                           elt))
-                       magic-fallback-mode-alist))))
-       (normal-mode)
-       (setq-local image-mode-previous-major-mode major-mode)))
+             (delq nil (mapcar
+                        (lambda (elt)
+                          (unless (memq (or (car-safe (cdr elt)) (cdr elt))
+                                        '(image-mode image-mode-maybe 
+                            elt))
+                        auto-mode-alist)))
+            (magic-fallback-mode-alist
+             (delq nil (mapcar
+                        (lambda (elt)
+                          (unless (memq (or (car-safe (cdr elt)) (cdr elt))
+                                        '(image-mode image-mode-maybe 
+                            elt))
+                        magic-fallback-mode-alist))))
+        (normal-mode)
+        (setq-local image-mode-previous-major-mode major-mode)))
     ;; Restore `image-type' after `kill-all-local-variables' in `normal-mode'.
     (setq image-type previous-image-type)
     ;; Enable image minor mode with `C-c C-c'.
@@ -570,10 +627,10 @@ on these modes."
     ;; Show the image file as text.
     (message "%s" (concat
-                  (substitute-command-keys
-                   "Type \\[image-toggle-display] to view the image as ")
-                  (if (image-get-display-property)
-                      "text" "an image") "."))))
+                   (substitute-command-keys
+                    "Type \\[image-toggle-display] to view the image as ")
+                   (if (image-get-display-property)
+                       "text" "an image") "."))))
 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'image-mode-maybe 'image-mode "23.2")
@@ -581,14 +638,20 @@ on these modes."
   "Show the image file as text.
 Remove text properties that display the image."
   (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
-       (buffer-undo-list t)
-       (modified (buffer-modified-p)))
+        (buffer-undo-list t)
+        (modified (buffer-modified-p)))
     (remove-list-of-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
-                                   '(display read-nonsticky ;; intangible
-                                             read-only front-sticky))
+                                    '(display read-nonsticky ;; intangible
+                                              read-only front-sticky))
     (set-buffer-modified-p modified)
     (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-       (message "Repeat this command to go back to displaying the image"))))
+        (message "Repeat this command to go back to displaying the image"))))
+(defun image-mode-show-thumbnails ()
+  "Show thumbnails alongside dired buffer.
+Based on `image-dired'"
+  (interactive)
+  (image-dired default-directory))
 (defvar archive-superior-buffer)
 (defvar tar-superior-buffer)
@@ -601,56 +664,67 @@ was inserted."
   (unless (derived-mode-p 'image-mode)
     (error "The buffer is not in Image mode"))
   (let* ((filename (buffer-file-name))
-        (data-p (not (and filename
-                          (file-readable-p filename)
-                          (not (file-remote-p filename))
-                          (not (buffer-modified-p))
-                          (not (and (boundp 'archive-superior-buffer)
-                                    archive-superior-buffer))
-                          (not (and (boundp 'tar-superior-buffer)
-                                    tar-superior-buffer)))))
-        (file-or-data (if data-p
-                          (string-make-unibyte
-                           (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
-                        filename))
-        (type (image-type file-or-data nil data-p))
-        (image (create-image file-or-data type data-p))
-        (inhibit-read-only t)
-        (buffer-undo-list t)
-        (modified (buffer-modified-p))
-        props)
+         (data-p (not (and filename
+                           (file-readable-p filename)
+                           (not (file-remote-p filename))
+                           (not (buffer-modified-p))
+                           (not (and (boundp 'archive-superior-buffer)
+                                     archive-superior-buffer))
+                           (not (and (boundp 'tar-superior-buffer)
+                                     tar-superior-buffer)))))
+         (file-or-data (if data-p
+                           (string-make-unibyte
+                            (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
+                         filename))
+         (image (create-image file-or-data nil data-p))
+         (type (plist-get (cdr image) :type))
+         ;; (type (image-type file-or-data nil data-p))
+         (inhibit-read-only t)
+         (buffer-undo-list t)
+         (modified (buffer-modified-p))
+         props)
     ;; Discard any stale image data before looking it up again.
     (image-flush image)
-    (setq image (append image (image-transform-properties image)))
+    (setq image (image-transform-interactive image
+                                             :resize image-mode-auto-resize
+                                             :rotate image-mode-auto-rotate))
     (setq props
-         `(display ,image
-                   ;; intangible ,image
-                   rear-nonsticky (display) ;; intangible
-                   read-only t front-sticky (read-only)))
+          `(display ,image
+                    ;; intangible ,image
+                    rear-nonsticky (display) ;; intangible
+                    read-only t front-sticky (read-only)))
     (let ((buffer-file-truename nil)) ; avoid changing dir mtime by lock_file
       (add-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) props)
       (restore-buffer-modified-p modified))
     ;; Inhibit the cursor when the buffer contains only an image,
     ;; because cursors look very strange on top of images.
-    (setq cursor-type nil)
+    ;; VS[16-07-2013]: It is a blinking box around image. Not a big
+    ;; deal. It is way more important to distinguish active
+    ;; buffer/image. In the future we will have multiple images per
+    ;; buffer. Will need to activate it anyhow.
+    (unless image-mode-show-cursor
+      (setq cursor-type nil))
     ;; This just makes the arrow displayed in the right fringe
     ;; area look correct when the image is wider than the window.
     (setq truncate-lines t)
     ;; Disable adding a newline at the end of the image file when it
     ;; is written with, e.g., C-x C-w.
     (if (coding-system-equal (coding-system-base buffer-file-coding-system)
-                            'no-conversion)
-       (setq-local find-file-literally t))
+                             'no-conversion)
+        (setq-local find-file-literally t))
     ;; Allow navigation of large images.
     (setq-local auto-hscroll-mode nil)
     (setq image-type type)
     (if (eq major-mode 'image-mode)
-       (setq mode-name (format "Image[%s]" type)))
-    (image-transform-check-size)
+        (setq mode-name (format "Image[%s]" type)))
+    ;; (image--transform-check-size)
     (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-       (message "Repeat this command to go back to displaying the file as 
+        (message "Repeat this command to go back to displaying the file as 
 (defun image-toggle-display ()
   "Toggle between image and text display.
@@ -685,7 +759,7 @@ If `image-animate-loop' is non-nil, animation loops forever.
 Otherwise it plays once, then stops."
   (let ((image (image-get-display-property))
-       animation)
+        animation)
      ((null image)
       (error "No image is present"))
@@ -693,15 +767,15 @@ Otherwise it plays once, then stops."
       (message "No image animation."))
       (let ((timer (image-animate-timer image)))
-       (if timer
-           (cancel-timer timer)
-         (let ((index (plist-get (cdr image) :index)))
-           ;; If we're at the end, restart.
-           (and index
-                (>= index (1- (car animation)))
-                (setq index nil))
-           (image-animate image index
-                          (if image-animate-loop t)))))))))
+        (if timer
+            (cancel-timer timer)
+          (let ((index (plist-get (cdr image) :index)))
+            ;; If we're at the end, restart.
+            (and index
+                 (>= index (1- (car animation)))
+                 (setq index nil))
+            (image-animate image index
+                           (if image-animate-loop t)))))))))
 (defun image-goto-frame (n &optional relative)
   "Show frame N of a multi-frame image.
@@ -709,7 +783,7 @@ Optional argument OFFSET non-nil means interpret N as 
relative to the
 current frame.  Frames are indexed from 1."
    (list (or current-prefix-arg
-            (read-number "Show frame number: "))))
+             (read-number "Show frame number: "))))
   (let ((image (image-get-display-property)))
      ((null image)
@@ -718,9 +792,9 @@ current frame.  Frames are indexed from 1."
       (message "No image animation."))
       (image-show-frame image
-                       (if relative
-                           (+ n (image-current-frame image))
-                         (1- n)))))))
+                        (if relative
+                            (+ n (image-current-frame image))
+                          (1- n)))))))
 (defun image-next-frame (&optional n)
   "Switch to the next frame of a multi-frame image.
@@ -752,13 +826,13 @@ replacing the current Image mode buffer."
   (unless buffer-file-name
     (error "The current image is not associated with a file"))
   (let* ((file (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
-        (images (image-mode--images-in-directory file))
-        (idx 0))
+         (images (image-mode--images-in-directory file))
+         (idx 0))
     (catch 'image-visit-next-file
       (dolist (f images)
-       (if (string= f file)
-           (throw 'image-visit-next-file (1+ idx)))
-       (setq idx (1+ idx))))
+        (if (string= f file)
+            (throw 'image-visit-next-file (1+ idx)))
+        (setq idx (1+ idx))))
     (setq idx (mod (+ idx (or n 1)) (length images)))
     (find-alternate-file (nth idx images))))
@@ -774,8 +848,8 @@ replacing the current Image mode buffer."
 (defun image-mode--images-in-directory (file)
   (let* ((dir (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
-        (files (directory-files dir nil
-                                (image-file-name-regexp) t)))
+         (files (directory-files dir nil
+                                 (image-file-name-regexp) t)))
     ;; Add the current file to the list of images if necessary, in
     ;; case it does not match `image-file-name-regexp'.
     (unless (member file files)
@@ -791,8 +865,8 @@ replacing the current Image mode buffer."
 (defun image-bookmark-make-record ()
   `(,@(bookmark-make-record-default nil 'no-context 0)
-      (image-type . ,image-type)
-      (handler    . image-bookmark-jump)))
+    (image-type . ,image-type)
+    (handler    . image-bookmark-jump)))
 (defun image-bookmark-jump (bmk)
@@ -801,228 +875,7 @@ replacing the current Image mode buffer."
   (prog1 (bookmark-default-handler bmk)
     (when (not (string= image-type (bookmark-prop-get bmk 'image-type)))
-;; Not yet implemented.
-;; (defvar image-transform-minor-mode-map
-;;   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-;;     ;; (define-key map  [(control ?+)] 'image-scale-in)
-;;     ;; (define-key map  [(control ?-)] 'image-scale-out)
-;;     ;; (define-key map  [(control ?=)] 'image-scale-none)
-;;     ;; (define-key map "c f h" 'image-scale-fit-height)
-;;     ;; (define-key map "c ]" 'image-rotate-right)
-;;     map)
-;;   "Minor mode keymap `image-transform-mode'.")
-;; (define-minor-mode image-transform-mode
-;;   "Minor mode for scaling and rotating images.
-;; With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
-;; and disable it otherwise.  If called from Lisp, enable the mode
-;; if ARG is omitted or nil.  This minor mode requires Emacs to have
-;; been compiled with ImageMagick support."
-;;   nil "image-transform" image-transform-minor-mode-map)
-;; FIXME this doesn't seem mature yet. Document in manual when it is.
-(defvar image-transform-resize nil
-  "The image resize operation.
-Its value should be one of the following:
- - nil, meaning no resizing.
- - `fit-height', meaning to fit the image to the window height.
- - `fit-width', meaning to fit the image to the window width.
- - A number, which is a scale factor (the default size is 1).")
-(defvar image-transform-scale 1.0
-  "The scale factor of the image being displayed.")
-(defvar image-transform-rotation 0.0
-  "Rotation angle for the image in the current Image mode buffer.")
-(defvar image-transform-right-angle-fudge 0.0001
-  "Snap distance to a multiple of a right angle.
-There's no deep theory behind the default value, it should just
-be somewhat larger than ImageMagick's MagickEpsilon.")
-(defsubst image-transform-width (width height)
-  "Return the bounding box width of a rotated WIDTH x HEIGHT rectangle.
-The rotation angle is the value of `image-transform-rotation' in degrees."
-  (let ((angle (degrees-to-radians image-transform-rotation)))
-    ;; Assume, w.l.o.g., that the vertices of the rectangle have the
-    ;; coordinates (+-w/2, +-h/2) and that (0, 0) is the center of the
-    ;; rotation by the angle A.  The projections onto the first axis
-    ;; of the vertices of the rotated rectangle are +- (w/2) cos A +-
-    ;; (h/2) sin A, and the difference between the largest and the
-    ;; smallest of the four values is the expression below.
-    (+ (* width (abs (cos angle))) (* height (abs (sin angle))))))
-;; The following comment and code snippet are from
-;; ImageMagick-6.7.4-4/magick/distort.c
-;;    /* Set the output image geometry to calculated 'best fit'.
-;;       Yes this tends to 'over do' the file image size, ON PURPOSE!
-;;       Do not do this for DePolar which needs to be exact for virtual tiling.
-;;    */
-;;    if ( fix_bounds ) {
-;;      geometry.x = (ssize_t) floor(min.x-0.5);
-;;      geometry.y = (ssize_t) floor(min.y-0.5);
-;;      geometry.width=(size_t) ceil(max.x-geometry.x+0.5);
-;;      geometry.height=(size_t) ceil(max.y-geometry.y+0.5);
-;;    }
-;; Other parts of the same file show that here the origin is in the
-;; left lower corner of the image rectangle, the center of the
-;; rotation is the center of the rectangle and min.x and max.x
-;; (resp. min.y and max.y) are the smallest and the largest of the
-;; projections of the vertices onto the first (resp. second) axis.
-(defun image-transform-fit-width (width height length)
-  "Return (w . h) so that a rotated w x h image has exactly width LENGTH.
-The rotation angle is the value of `image-transform-rotation'.
-Write W for WIDTH and H for HEIGHT.  Then the w x h rectangle is
-an \"approximately uniformly\" scaled W x H rectangle, which
-currently means that w is one of floor(s W) + {0, 1, -1} and h is
-floor(s H), where s can be recovered as the value of `image-transform-scale'.
-The value of `image-transform-rotation' may be replaced by
-a slightly different angle.  Currently this is done for values
-close to a multiple of 90, see `image-transform-right-angle-fudge'."
-  (cond ((< (abs (- (mod (+ image-transform-rotation 90) 180) 90))
-           image-transform-right-angle-fudge)
-        (cl-assert (not (zerop width)) t)
-        (setq image-transform-rotation
-              (float (round image-transform-rotation))
-              image-transform-scale (/ (float length) width))
-        (cons length nil))
-       ((< (abs (- (mod (+ image-transform-rotation 45) 90) 45))
-           image-transform-right-angle-fudge)
-        (cl-assert (not (zerop height)) t)
-        (setq image-transform-rotation
-              (float (round image-transform-rotation))
-              image-transform-scale (/ (float length) height))
-        (cons nil length))
-       (t
-        (cl-assert (not (and (zerop width) (zerop height))) t)
-        (setq image-transform-scale
-              (/ (float (1- length)) (image-transform-width width height)))
-        ;; Assume we have a w x h image and an angle A, and let l =
-        ;; l(w, h) = w |cos A| + h |sin A|, which is the actual width
-        ;; of the bounding box of the rotated image, as calculated by
-        ;; `image-transform-width'.  The code snippet quoted above
-        ;; means that ImageMagick puts the rotated image in
-        ;; a bounding box of width L = 2 ceil((w+l+1)/2) - w.
-        ;; Elementary considerations show that this is equivalent to
-        ;; L - w being even and L-3 < l(w, h) <= L-1.  In our case, L is
-        ;; the given `length' parameter and our job is to determine
-        ;; reasonable values for w and h which satisfy these
-        ;; conditions.
-        (let ((w (floor (* image-transform-scale width)))
-              (h (floor (* image-transform-scale height))))
-          ;; Let w and h as bound above.  Then l(w, h) <= l(s W, s H)
-          ;; = L-1 < l(w+1, h+1) = l(w, h) + l(1, 1) <= l(w, h) + 2,
-          ;; hence l(w, h) > (L-1) - 2 = L-3.
-          (cons
-           (cond ((= (mod w 2) (mod length 2))
-                  w)
-                 ;; l(w+1, h) >= l(w, h) > L-3, but does l(w+1, h) <=
-                 ;; L-1 hold?
-                 ((<= (image-transform-width (1+ w) h) (1- length))
-                  (1+ w))
-                 ;; No, it doesn't, but this implies that l(w-1, h) =
-                 ;; l(w+1, h) - l(2, 0) >= l(w+1, h) - 2 > (L-1) -
-                 ;; 2 = L-3.  Clearly, l(w-1, h) <= l(w, h) <= L-1.
-                 (t
-                  (1- w)))
-           h)))))
-(defun image-transform-check-size ()
-  "Check that the image exactly fits the width/height of the window.
-Do this for an image of type `imagemagick' to make sure that the
-elisp code matches the way ImageMagick computes the bounding box
-of a rotated image."
-  (when (and (not (numberp image-transform-resize))
-            (boundp 'image-type)
-            (eq image-type 'imagemagick))
-    (let ((size (image-display-size (image-get-display-property) t)))
-      (cond ((eq image-transform-resize 'fit-width)
-            (cl-assert (= (car size)
-                       (- (nth 2 (window-inside-pixel-edges))
-                          (nth 0 (window-inside-pixel-edges))))
-                    t))
-           ((eq image-transform-resize 'fit-height)
-            (cl-assert (= (cdr size)
-                       (- (nth 3 (window-inside-pixel-edges))
-                          (nth 1 (window-inside-pixel-edges))))
-                    t))))))
-(defun image-transform-properties (spec)
-  "Return rescaling/rotation properties for image SPEC.
-These properties are determined by the Image mode variables
-`image-transform-resize' and `image-transform-rotation'.  The
-return value is suitable for appending to an image spec.
-Rescaling and rotation properties only take effect if Emacs is
-compiled with ImageMagick support."
-  (setq image-transform-scale 1.0)
-  (when (or image-transform-resize
-           (/= image-transform-rotation 0.0))
-    ;; Note: `image-size' looks up and thus caches the untransformed
-    ;; image.  There's no easy way to prevent that.
-    (let* ((size (image-size spec t))
-          (resized
-           (cond
-            ((numberp image-transform-resize)
-             (unless (= image-transform-resize 1)
-               (setq image-transform-scale image-transform-resize)
-               (cons nil (floor (* image-transform-resize (cdr size))))))
-            ((eq image-transform-resize 'fit-width)
-             (image-transform-fit-width
-              (car size) (cdr size)
-              (- (nth 2 (window-inside-pixel-edges))
-                 (nth 0 (window-inside-pixel-edges)))))
-            ((eq image-transform-resize 'fit-height)
-             (let ((res (image-transform-fit-width
-                         (cdr size) (car size)
-                         (- (nth 3 (window-inside-pixel-edges))
-                            (nth 1 (window-inside-pixel-edges))))))
-               (cons (cdr res) (car res)))))))
-      `(,@(when (car resized)
-           (list :width (car resized)))
-       ,@(when (cdr resized)
-           (list :height (cdr resized)))
-       ,@(unless (= 0.0 image-transform-rotation)
-           (list :rotation image-transform-rotation))))))
-(defun image-transform-set-scale (scale)
-  "Prompt for a number, and resize the current image by that amount.
-This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
-ImageMagick support."
-  (interactive "nScale: ")
-  (setq image-transform-resize scale)
-  (image-toggle-display-image))
-(defun image-transform-fit-to-height ()
-  "Fit the current image to the height of the current window.
-This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
-ImageMagick support."
-  (interactive)
-  (setq image-transform-resize 'fit-height)
-  (image-toggle-display-image))
-(defun image-transform-fit-to-width ()
-  "Fit the current image to the width of the current window.
-This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
-ImageMagick support."
-  (interactive)
-  (setq image-transform-resize 'fit-width)
-  (image-toggle-display-image))
-(defun image-transform-set-rotation (rotation)
-  "Prompt for an angle ROTATION, and rotate the image by that amount.
-ROTATION should be in degrees.  This command has no effect unless
-Emacs is compiled with ImageMagick support."
-  (interactive "nRotation angle (in degrees): ")
-  (setq image-transform-rotation (float (mod rotation 360)))
-  (image-toggle-display-image))
 (provide 'image-mode)
diff --git a/lisp/image-transform.el b/lisp/image-transform.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..080ae4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/image-transform.el
@@ -0,0 +1,930 @@
+;;; image-transform.el --- support for image transformations  -*- 
lexical-binding: nil -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Vitalie Spinu <address@hidden>
+;; Keywords: multimedia
+;; Package: emacs
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'image)
+(require 'pcase)
+  (require 'cl-macs)
+  ;; (require 'cl-lib)
+  )
+;;; GENERAL IMAGE FUNCTIONS (fixme: move to image.el)
+(defun image-get-display-property (&optional pos)
+  (setq pos (or pos (point)))
+  (or (get-char-property pos 'display
+                         ;; There might be different images for different 
+                         (if (eq (window-buffer) (current-buffer))
+                             (selected-window)))
+      ;; overlay before-string/after-string display property, like in put-image
+      (let ((OVS (overlays-at pos))
+            ov disp)
+        (while (setq ov (pop OVS))
+          (let ((bs (overlay-get ov 'before-string))
+                (as (overlay-get ov 'after-string)))
+            ;; last one takes precedence
+            (setq disp (or (and as (get-text-property 0 'display as))
+                           (and bs (get-text-property 0 'display bs))))))
+        disp)))
+(defun get-image (&optional pos)
+  "Get image at POS in current buffer
+This function investigates text properties as well as overlays at
+POS for display property that holds an image."
+  (let* ((disp (image-get-display-property pos)))
+    (or (and (eq (car-safe disp) 'image)
+             disp)
+        ;; margin images
+        (and (eq (car-safe (cdr-safe disp)) 'image)
+             (cdr disp)))))
+(defun image--delete-properties (image props)
+  "Remove PROPS from IMAGE destructively.
+This is as opposed to setting them to nil. Return transformed
+  (let ((p (cdr image)))
+    (while p
+      (if (member (cadr p) props)
+          (setcdr p (nthcdr 3 p))
+        (setq p (cdr p)))
+      image)))
+;; these are 3, virtuly unchenged, objects from old image-mode.el
+;; fixme: see the author
+(defvar image--right-angle-fudge 0.0001
+  "Snap distance to a multiple of a right angle.
+There's no deep theory behind the default value, it should just
+be somewhat larger than ImageMagick's MagickEpsilon.")
+(defsubst image--get-rotated-width (width height rotation)
+  "Return the bounding box width of a rotated WIDTH x HEIGHT rectangle.
+ROTATION is the rotation angle in  degrees."
+  (let ((angle (degrees-to-radians rotation)))
+    ;; Assume, w.l.o.g., that the vertices of the rectangle have the
+    ;; coordinates (+-w/2, +-h/2) and that (0, 0) is the center of the
+    ;; rotation by the angle A.  The projections onto the first axis
+    ;; of the vertices of the rotated rectangle are +- (w/2) cos A +-
+    ;; (h/2) sin A, and the difference between the largest and the
+    ;; smallest of the four values is the expression below.
+    (+ (* width (abs (cos angle))) (* height (abs (sin angle))))))
+;; The following comment and code snippet are from
+;; ImageMagick-6.7.4-4/magick/distort.c
+;;    /* Set the output image geometry to calculated 'best fit'.
+;;       Yes this tends to 'over do' the file image size, ON PURPOSE!
+;;       Do not do this for DePolar which needs to be exact for virtual tiling.
+;;    */
+;;    if ( fix_bounds ) {
+;;      geometry.x = (ssize_t) floor(min.x-0.5);
+;;      geometry.y = (ssize_t) floor(min.y-0.5);
+;;      geometry.width=(size_t) ceil(max.x-geometry.x+0.5);
+;;      geometry.height=(size_t) ceil(max.y-geometry.y+0.5);
+;;    }
+;; Other parts of the same file show that here the origin is in the
+;; left lower corner of the image rectangle, the center of the
+;; rotation is the center of the rectangle and min.x and max.x
+;; (resp. min.y and max.y) are the smallest and the largest of the
+;; projections of the vertices onto the first (resp. second) axis.
+(defun image--get-rotated-size (width height length &optional rotation)
+  "Return (w . h) so that a rotated w x h image has exactly width LENGTH.
+The ROTATION angle defaults 0 and SCALE to 1.
+Write W for WIDTH and H for HEIGHT.  Then the w x h rectangle is
+an \"approximately uniformly\" scaled W x H rectangle, which
+currently means that w is one of floor(s W) + {0, 1, -1} and h is
+floor(s H), where s is a scale factor. The value of ROTATION may
+be replaced by a slightly different angle.  Currently this is
+done for values close to a multiple of 90, see
+  (setq rotation (or rotation 0.0))
+  (cond ((< (abs (- (mod (+ rotation 90) 180) 90))
+            image--right-angle-fudge)
+         (cl-assert (not (zerop width)) t)
+         (cons length nil))
+        ((< (abs (- (mod (+ rotation 45) 90) 45))
+            image--right-angle-fudge)
+         (cl-assert (not (zerop height)) t)
+         (cons nil length))
+        (t
+         (let (scale)
+           (cl-assert (not (and (zerop width) (zerop height))) t)
+           ;; on GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw
+           ;; scroll bars) of 2013-07-16, image width is slightly
+           ;; truncated, ~6px, so the below mambo math for .5px
+           ;; adjustment is pretty useless.
+           (setq scale
+                 (/ (float (1- length))
+                    (image--get-rotated-width width height rotation)))
+           ;; Assume we have a w x h image and an angle A, and let l =
+           ;; l(w, h)) = w |cos A| + h |sin A|, which is the actual width
+           ;; of the bounding box of the rotated image, as calculated by
+           ;; `image--get-rotated-width'.  The code snippet quoted above
+           ;; means that ImageMagick puts the rotated image in
+           ;; a bounding box of width L = 2 ceil((w+l+1)/2) - w.
+           ;; Elementary considerations show that this is equivalent to
+           ;; L - w being even and L-3 < l(w, h) <= L-1.  In our case, L is
+           ;; the given `length' parameter and our job is to determine
+           ;; reasonable values for w and h which satisfy these
+           ;; conditions.
+           (let ((w (floor (* scale width)))
+                 (h (floor (* scale height))))
+             ;; Let w and h as bound above.  Then l(w, h) <= l(s W, s H)
+             ;; = L-1 < l(w+1, h+1) = l(w, h) + l(1, 1) <= l(w, h) + 2,
+             ;; hence l(w, h) > (L-1) - 2 = L-3.
+             (cons
+              ;; VS[16-07-2013]: returning (w . h) is unnecessary, it
+              ;; distorts the image and processing becomes very slow
+              (cond ((= (mod w 2) (mod length 2))
+                     w)
+                    ;; l(w+1, h) >= l(w, h) > L-3, but does l(w+1, h) <=
+                    ;; L-1 hold?
+                    ((<= (image--get-rotated-width (1+ w) h rotation)
+                         (1- length))
+                     (1+ w))
+                    ;; No, it doesn't, but this implies that l(w-1, h) =
+                    ;; l(w+1, h) - l(2, 0) >= l(w+1, h) - 2 > (L-1) -
+                    ;; 2 = L-3.  Clearly, l(w-1, h) <= l(w, h) <= L-1.
+                    (t
+                     (1- w)))
+              nil))))))
+(defun image-transform (image &rest specs)
+  "Return destructively transformed IMAGE."
+  ;; ROTATE is the rotation angle in degrees.
+  ;; RESIZE can be
+  ;;  - a number, giving a proportional scaling of the image.
+  ;;  - a cons, giving thesize (w x h) in pixels.
+  ;;  - a symbol:
+  ;;    *`fit' - maximally scale IMAGE to fit into WIN.
+  ;;    *`fit-height' - fit the image to WIN's height.
+  ;;    *`fit-width' - fit the image to WIN's width.
+  ;;    *`fit-stretch' - stretch the image to fit to both height and
+  ;;     width of WIN.
+  ;; WIN is a window that is used when RESIZE is a symbol.  Defaults
+  ;; to the selected window.
+  ;; This functions uses plist-put. Thus it might, or might not
+  ;; destructively modify IMAGE.
+  ;; Rescaling, resizing and rotation only take effect if Emacs is
+  ;; compiled with ImageMagick support."
+  (let* ((resize (cadr (memq :resize specs)))
+         (rotate (cadr (memq :rotate specs)))
+         (orot (plist-get (cdr image) :rotation)))
+    (setq rotate (float (mod (+ (or rotate 0.0) (or orot 0.0)) 360)))
+    ;; Reset rotation. Otherwise returned image-size is the size of
+    ;; rotated image, and image-size seems to rotate the image
+    ;; internally before reporting the size. This could be slow. Avoid
+    ;; this and other problems by caching original size below.
+    ;; (image--delete-properties image :rotation)
+    (when (symbolp resize)
+      (unless (and (symbolp resize)
+                   (member resize '(nil fit fit-if-large fit-width
+                                        fit-height fit-stretch)))
+        (error "Invalid :resize argument"))
+      (let* ((win (or (cadr (memq :WIN specs))
+                      (selected-window)))
+             ;; Note: `image-size' looks up and thus caches the
+             ;; untransformed (VS[17-07-2013]: I think this changed,
+             ;; it returns transformed size for me) image. There's no
+             ;; easy way to prevent that.
+             (size (or (plist-get (cdr image) :osize)
+                       (image-size image t)))
+             ;; transformed by the user: user-size
+             (usize (cons (plist-get (cdr image) :width)
+                          (plist-get (cdr image) :height)))
+             newsize)
+        ;; (image--delete-properties image '(:width :height))
+        ;; cache original-size
+        (plist-put (cdr image) :osize size)
+        (setq newsize (cons (image--get-rotated-width
+                             (car size) (cdr size) rotate)
+                            (image--get-rotated-width
+                             (cdr size) (car size) rotate)))
+        (plist-put specs :resize
+                   ;; fixme: simplify with pcase?
+                   (let* ((wedges (window-inside-pixel-edges win))
+                          (wsize (cons (- (nth 2 wedges)
+                                          (nth 0 wedges))
+                                       (- (nth 3 wedges)
+                                          (nth 1 wedges))))
+                          (resize (if (and (eq resize 'fit-if-large)
+                                           (or (> (car newsize) (car wsize))
+                                               (> (cdr newsize) (cdr wsize))))
+                                      'fit
+                                    resize))
+                          (resize (if (eq resize 'fit)
+                                      (if (< (/ (float (car wsize)) (cdr 
+                                             (/ (float (car newsize)) (cdr 
+                                          'fit-width
+                                        'fit-height)
+                                    resize)))
+                     (cond
+                      ((eq resize 'fit-stretch)
+                       (let ((res (image--get-rotated-size
+                                   (car wsize) (cdr wsize) (car wsize) 
+                         ;; fixme: stretching doesn't work correctly with 
+                         (when (null (car res))
+                           (setcar res (car wsize)))
+                         (when (null (cdr res))
+                           (setcdr res (cdr wsize)))
+                         res))
+                      ((eq resize 'fit-width)
+                       (image--get-rotated-size
+                        (car size) (cdr size) (car wsize) rotate))
+                      ((eq resize 'fit-height)
+                       (let ((res (image--get-rotated-size
+                                   (cdr size) (car size) (cdr wsize) rotate)))
+                         (cons (cdr res) (car res)))))))))
+    (when (or (and orot (/= rotate orot))
+              (/= rotate 0.0))
+      (plist-put specs :rotate rotate))
+    (let ((bfuncs (cl-loop for b in image-transform-backends
+                        collect (intern (concat "image-transform:" 
(symbol-name b)))))
+          timage)
+      (while (and bfuncs
+                  (null (setq timage
+                              (apply (pop bfuncs) image specs))))))
+    ;; (setcdr image (cdr image))
+    image))
+(defun image-transform-interactive (&optional image &rest specs)
+  "Like `image-transform' but finds IMAGE at point if not supplied.
+and refreshes window display. Intended to be used for user level commands."
+  (unless image
+    (unless (setq image (get-image))
+      (error "No image at point")))
+  (prog1 (apply 'image-transform image specs)
+    (force-window-update (selected-window))))
+(defun image-transform-unsupported-features (backend specs)
+  "Return unsupported features of BACKEND from the list of features in SPECS.
+SPECS is a list of :keyword value pairs like in plist but with
+value might be omitted. Features are the keywords. BACKEND is a
+symbol or string and FEATURES is a list of symbols to be looked
+in image-transform-features:BACKEND alist."
+  (let ((features (cl-loop for s in specs if (keywordp s) collect s))
+        (available (symbol-value
+                    (intern (concat "image-transform-features:"
+                                    (if (symbolp backend)
+                                        (symbol-name backend)
+                                      backend))))))
+    (cl-loop for f in features
+          unless (assoc f available)
+          collect f)))
+(defcustom image-transform-backends '(imagemagick convert)
+  "Backends to try out for image transformation.
+For `imagemagick', `image-transform' will try to use internal
+Emacs ImageMagick support. For `convert' use external ImageMagick
+\"convert\" utility to produce a transformed temporary image
+If Emacs was not compiled with ImageMagick support `imagemagick'
+backend is ignored.
+The actual transformation functions are image-transform:BACKEND
+where BACKEND is backend's name. See `image-transform' for more."
+  :group 'image
+  :type '(repeat symbol))
+(defun image-transform:imagemagick (image &rest specs)
+  "Image transform Emacs ImageMagick backend.
+See `image-transform' for the definition of SPEC and what a
+image-transform:BACKEND function should do.
+Accepted arguments by this backend:
+:resize - If number treat as width. If string, should be of the
+form Wx, xH, WxH where x is arbitrary string not containing
+numbers. If cons:  (W . H). 
+:scale - If number scale in percent. If string, should either
+encode a number or be of the form S% where S is a number.
+:rotate - Number or numeric string giving the rotation in
+:background - String giving color."
+  (when (and (image-type-available-p 'imagemagick)
+             (null (image-transform-unsupported-features 'imagemagick specs)))
+    ;; first process specs and then adjust the image
+    (let ((new-specs
+           (cl-loop for s on specs by 'cddr append
+                 ;; fixme: rewrite in terms of simple cons
+                 (pcase s 
+                   (`(:resize . (,size . ,_))
+                    (setq size
+                          (pcase size
+                            ((or (pred null)
+                                 (pred consp)) size)
+                            ((pred numberp) (cons size nil))
+                            ((pred stringp)
+                             (if (image-tr--parse-geometry:convert size t)
+                                 (cl-return) ; resize is intended for :convert 
+                               (image-tr--parse-geometry:imagemagick size)))
+                            ((pred keywordp) (error ":resize parameter is 
+                            (_ (cl-return))))
+                    `((:width . ,(car size)) (:height . ,(cdr size))))
+                   (`(:scale . (,scale . ,_))
+                    (setq scale
+                          (pcase scale
+                            ((or (pred null)
+                                 (pred numberp)) scale)
+                            ((pred stringp) (or 
(image-tr--parse-scale:imagemagick scale)
+                                                (cl-return))) ; not intended 
for imagemagick
+                            ((pred keywordp) (error ":scale parameter is 
+                            (_ (cl-return))))
+                    `((:scale . ,scale)))
+                   (`(:background . (,bg . ,_))
+                    (if (stringp bg)
+                        `((:background . ,bg))
+                      (if (keywordp bg)
+                          (error ":background argument is emtpy")              
+                        (cl-return))))
+                   (`(:rotate . (,rot . ,_))
+                    (let ((out (pcase rot
+                                 ((or (pred null)
+                                      (pred numberp)) rot)
+                                 ((pred stringp) (or 
(image-tr--parse-number:imagemagick rot)
+                                                     (cl-return)))
+                                 ((pred keywordp) (error ":scale parameter is 
+                                 (_ (cl-return)))))
+                      `((:rotation . ,out))))
+                   (x (error "%s is not a feature in imagemagick backend" 
+      (when new-specs
+        ;; specs are correct so alter the image
+        (cl-loop for s in new-specs do
+              ;; null values have no effect? tothink: chaining effect
+              (when (cdr s) 
+                (pcase s
+                  (`(:width . ,w)
+                   (plist-put (cdr image) :width w))
+                  (`(:height . ,h)
+                   (plist-put (cdr image) :height h))
+                  (`(:scale . ,s)
+                   (unless (= s 100)
+                     (let ((s (/ s 100.0))
+                           (uw (plist-get (cdr image) :width))
+                           (uh (plist-get (cdr image) :height)))
+                       ;; only one could have been supplied, keep it
+                       (if (or uw uh)
+                           (progn (when uw
+                                    (plist-put (cdr image)
+                                               :width (floor (* s uw))))
+                                  (when uh
+                                    (plist-put (cdr image)
+                                               :height (floor (* s uh)))))
+                         (let ((size (or (plist-get (cdr image) :osize)
+                                         (image-size image t))))
+                           (plist-put (cdr image) :osize size)
+                           (plist-put (cdr image) :width (floor (* s (car 
+                  (`(,kwd . ,val) (plist-put (cdr image) kwd val))
+                  (_ (error "Unclear mess in imagemagick backend. Please 
+        (plist-put (cdr image) :type 'imagemagick)
+        image))))
+(defvar image-transform-features:imagemagick '((:background)
+                                               (:resize)
+                                               (:rotate)
+                                               (:scale))
+  "List of supported features by Emacs ImageMagick backend.")
+(defun image-tr--parse-geometry:imagemagick (geom)
+  "Simple geometry parser.
+Parse WxH where W and H are digits and x is arbitrary non digit
+string. Wx and xH are also fine with obvious interpretation. xHx
+is interpreted as height. Return (W . H) where W and H are
+strings representing numbers or nil."
+  ;; fixme: multiple dots are not checked
+  (if (not (string-match "^\\([0-9.]+\\)*[^0-9.]*\\([0-9.]*\\)" geom))
+      (error "Invalid geometry format supplied")
+    (let ((out (cons (match-string 1 geom)
+                     (match-string 2 geom))))
+      (setcar out
+              (unless (= 0 (length (car out)))
+                (string-to-number (car out))))
+      (setcdr out
+              (unless (= 0 (length (cdr out)))
+                (string-to-number (cdr out)))))))
+(defun image-tr--parse-scale:imagemagick (scale)
+  (when (string-match "^ *\\([0-9.]\\)%? *$" scale)
+    (string-to-number (match-string 1 scale))))
+(defun image-tr--parse-number:imagemagick (scale)
+  (when (string-match "^ *\\([0-9.]\\) *$" scale)
+    (string-to-number (match-string 1 scale))))
+(defun image-transform:convert (image &rest specs)
+  nil)
+(defun image-tr--parse-geometry:convert (geom &optional specific?)
+  "If geom is an ImageMagick geometry specification return GEOM else nil.
+If SPECIFIC is non-nil match only the specific convert regexp. 
+See http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-processing.php#geometry";
+  (when (and geom
+             (string-match-p
+              (concat "^ *"
+                      (unless specific? "[0-9.]+\\|" )
"\\([0-9.]+%\\|[0-9.]+%x[0-9.]+%\\|[0-9.]+x[0-9.]+[!<>^]?\\|address@hidden) *$")
+              geom))
+    geom))
+(defvar image-transform-features:convert 
+  "Convert backend features.
+An alist of values like (:feature type 'description'). If type is
+nil, this is a boolean option."
+  '(
+    ;; Image Settings:
+    (:adjoin nil       "join images into a single multi-image file")
+    (:affine 'matrix   "affine transform matrix")
+    (:antialias nil    "remove pixel-aliasing")
+    (:authenticate 'value      "decrypt image with this password")
+    (:background 'color        "background color")
+    (:bias 'value      "add bias when convolving an image")
+    (:black-point-compensation nil     "use black point compensation")
+    (:blue-primary 'point      "chromaticity blue primary point")
+    (:bordercolor 'color       "border color")
+    (:caption 'string  "assign a caption to an image")
+    (:cdl 'filename    "color correct with a color decision list")
+    (:channel 'type    "apply option to select image channels")
+    (:colors 'value    "preferred number of colors in the image")
+    (:colorspace 'type "alternate image colorspace")
+    (:comment 'string  "annotate image with comment")
+    (:compose 'operator        "set image composite operator")
+    (:compress 'type   "type of pixel compression when writing the image")
+    (:decipher 'filename       "convert cipher pixels to plain pixels")
+    (:define 'format:option    "define one or more image format options")
+    (:delay 'value     "display the next image after pausing")
+    (:density 'geometry        "horizontal and vertical density of the image")
+    (:depth 'value     "image depth")
+    (:direction 'type  "render text right-to-left or left-to-right")
+    (:display 'server  "get image or font from this X server")
+    (:dispose 'method  "layer disposal method")
+    (:dither 'method   "apply error diffusion to image")
+    (:encipher 'filename       "convert plain pixels to cipher pixels")
+    (:encoding 'type   "text encoding type")
+    (:endian 'type     "endianness (MSB or LSB) of the image")
+    (:family 'name     "render text with this font family")
+    (:features 'distance       "analyze image features (e.g. contrast, 
+    (:fill 'color      "color to use when filling a graphic primitive")
+    (:filter 'type     "use this filter when resizing an image")
+    (:flatten nil      "flatten a sequence of images")
+    (:font 'name       "render text with this font")
+    (:format 'string   "output formatted image characteristics")
+    (:fuzz 'distance   "colors within this distance are considered equal")
+    (:gravity 'type    "horizontal and vertical text placement")
+    (:green-primary point      "chromaticity green primary point")
+    (:intent 'type     "type of rendering intent when managing the image 
+    (:interlace 'type  "type of image interlacing scheme")
+    (:interpolate 'method      "pixel color interpolation method")
+    (:kerning 'value   "set the space between two letters")
+    (:label 'string    "assign a label to an image")
+    (:limit type value "pixel cache resource limit")
+    (:loop 'iterations "add Netscape loop extension to your GIF animation")
+    (:mask 'filename   "associate a mask with the image")
+    (:matte nil        "store matte channel if the image has one")
+    (:mattecolor 'color        "frame color")
+    (:monitor nil      "monitor progress")
+    (:orient 'type     "image orientation")
+    (:origin 'geometry "image origin")
+    (:page 'geometry   "size and location of an image canvas (setting)")
+    (:ping nil         "efficiently determine image attributes")
+    (:pointsize 'value "font point size")
+    (:preview 'type    "image preview type")
+    (:quality 'value   "JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level")
+    (:quiet nil        "suppress all warning messages")
+    (:red-primary 'point       "chromaticity red primary point")
+    (:regard-warnings nil      "pay attention to warning messages")
+    (:sampling-factor 'geometry        "horizontal and vertical sampling 
+    (:scene 'value     "image scene number")
+    (:seed 'value      "seed a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers")
+    (:size 'geometry   "width and height of image")
+    (:statistic type geometry  "replace each pixel with corresponding 
statistic from the neighborhood")
+    (:stretch 'type    "render text with this font stretch")
+    (:stroke 'color    "graphic primitive stroke color")
+    (:strokewidth 'value       "graphic primitive stroke width")
+    (:style 'type      "render text with this font style")
+    (:support 'factor  "resize support: > 1.0 is blurry, < 1.0 is sharp")
+    (:synchronize nil  "synchronize image to storage device")
+    (:taint nil        "declare the image as modified")
+    (:texture 'filename        "name of texture to tile onto the image 
+    (:tile-offset 'geometry    "tile offset")
+    (:treedepth 'value "color tree depth")
+    (:transparent-color 'color "transparent color")
+    (:undercolor 'color        "annotation bounding box color")
+    (:units 'type      "the units of image resolution")
+    (:verbose nil      "print detailed information about the image")
+    (:view nil         "FlashPix viewing transforms")
+    (:virtual-pixel 'method    "virtual pixel access method")
+    (:weight 'type     "render text with this font weight")
+    (:white-point 'point       "chromaticity white point")
+    ;; Image Operators:
+    (:adaptive-blur 'geometry  "adaptively blur pixels, decrease effect near 
+    (:adaptive-resize 'geometry        "adaptively resize image with data 
dependent triangulation")
+    (:adaptive-sharpen 'geometry       "adaptively sharpen pixels, increase 
effect near edges")
+    (:annotate geometry text   "annotate the image with text")
+    (:auto-orient nil  "automatically orient image")
+    (:black-threshold 'value   "force all pixels below the threshold into 
+    (:blur 'geometry   "reduce image noise and reduce detail levels")
+    (:border 'geometry "surround image with a border of color")
+    (:charcoal 'radius "simulate a charcoal drawing")
+    (:chop 'geometry   "remove pixels from the image interior")
+    (:clip nil         "clip along the first path from the 8BIM profile")
+    (:clip-mask 'filename      "associate a clip mask with the image")
+    (:clip-path 'id    "clip along a named path from the 8BIM profile")
+    (:colorize 'value  "colorize the image with the fill color")
+    (:color-matrix 'matrix  "apply color correction to the image")
+    (:contrast nil     "enhance or reduce the image contrast")
+    (:contrast-stretch 'geometry       "improve contrast by `stretching' the 
intensity range")
+    (:convolve 'coefficients   "apply a convolution kernel to the image")
+    (:cycle 'amount    "cycle the image colormap")
+    (:despeckle nil    "reduce the speckles within an image")
+    (:draw 'string     "annotate the image with a graphic primitive")
+    (:edge 'radius     "apply a filter to detect edges in the image")
+    (:emboss 'radius   "emboss an image")
+    (:enhance nil      "apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image")
+    (:equalize nil     "perform histogram equalization to an image")
+    (:evaluate operator value  "evaluate an arithmetic, relational, or logical 
+    (:extent 'geometry "set the image size")
+    (:extract 'geometry        "extract area from image")
+    (:fft nil  "implements the discrete Fourier transform (DFT)")
+    (:flip nil         "flip image vertically")
+    (:floodfill 'geometry-color        "floodfill the image with color") ;??
+    (:flop nil         "flop image horizontally")
+    (:frame 'geometry  "surround image with an ornamental border")
+    (:function 'name   "apply a function to the image")
+    (:gamma 'value     "level of gamma correction")
+    (:gaussian-blur 'geometry  "reduce image noise and reduce detail levels")
+    (:geometry 'geometry       "preferred size or location of the image")
+    (:identify nil     "identify the format and characteristics of the image")
+    (:ift nil  "implements the inverse discrete Fourier transform (DFT)")
+    (:implode 'amount  "implode image pixels about the center")
+    (:lat 'geometry    "local adaptive thresholding")
+    (:layers 'method   "optimize or compare image layers")
+    (:level 'value     "adjust the level of image contrast")
+    (:linear-stretch 'geometry "improve contrast by `stretching with 
saturation' the intensity range")
+    (:median 'geometry "apply a median filter to the image")
+    (:mode 'geometry   "make each pixel the 'predominant color' of the 
+    (:modulate 'value  "vary the brightness, saturation, and hue")
+    (:monochrome nil   "transform image to black and white")
+    (:morphology 'method-kernel        "apply a morphology method to the 
image") ;;??
+    (:motion-blur 'geometry    "simulate motion blur")
+    (:negate nil       "replace each pixel with its complementary color")
+    (:noise 'geometry  "add or reduce noise in an image")
+    (:normalize nil    "transform image to span the full range of colors")
+    (:opaque 'color    "change this color to the fill color")
+    (:ordered-dither 'NxN      "add a noise pattern to the image with specific 
+    (:paint 'radius    "simulate an oil painting")
+    (:polaroid 'angle  "simulate a Polaroid picture")
+    (:posterize 'levels        "reduce the image to a limited number of color 
+    (:print 'string    "interpret string and print to console")
+    (:profile 'filename        "add, delete, or apply an image profile")
+    (:quantize 'colorspace     "reduce colors in this colorspace")
+    (:radial-blur 'angle       "radial blur the image")
+    (:raise 'value     "lighten/darken image edges to create a 3-D effect")
+    (:random-threshold 'low,high       "random threshold the image")
+    (:region 'geometry "apply options to a portion of the image")
+    (:render nil       "render vector graphics")
+    (:repage 'geometry "size and location of an image canvas")
+    (:resample 'geometry       "change the resolution of an image")
+    (:resize 'geometry "resize the image")
+    (:roll 'geometry   "roll an image vertically or horizontally")
+    (:rotate 'degrees  "apply Paeth rotation to the image")
+    (:sample 'geometry "scale image with pixel sampling")
+    (:scale 'geometry  "scale the image")
+    (:segment 'values  "segment an image")
+    (:selective-blur 'geometry "selectively blur pixels within a contrast 
+    (:sepia-tone 'threshold    "simulate a sepia-toned photo")
+    (:set property value       "set an image property")
+    (:shade 'degrees   "shade the image using a distant light source")
+    (:shadow 'geometry "simulate an image shadow")
+    (:sharpen 'geometry        "sharpen the image")
+    (:shave 'geometry  "shave pixels from the image edges")
+    (:shear 'geometry  "slide one edge of the image along the X or Y axis")
+    (:sigmoidal-contrast 'geometry     "lightness rescaling using sigmoidal 
contrast enhancement")
+    (:sketch 'geometry "simulate a pencil sketch")
+    (:solarize 'threshold      "negate all pixels above the threshold level")
+    (:splice 'geometry "splice the background color into the image")
+    (:spread 'amount   "displace image pixels by a random amount")
+    (:strip nil        "strip image of all profiles and comments")
+    (:swirl 'degrees   "swirl image pixels about the center")
+    (:threshold 'value "threshold the image")
+    (:thumbnail 'geometry      "create a thumbnail of the image")
+    (:tile 'filename   "tile image when filling a graphic primitive")
+    (:tint 'value      "tint the image with the fill color")
+    (:transform nil    "affine transform image")
+    (:transparent 'color       "make this color transparent within the image")
+    (:transpose nil    "flip image vertically and rotate 90 degrees")
+    (:transverse nil   "flop image horizontally and rotate 270 degrees")
+    (:trim nil         "trim image edges")
+    (:type 'type       "image type")
+    (:unique-colors nil        "discard all but one of any pixel color")
+    (:unsharp 'geometry        "sharpen the image")
+    (:vignette 'geometry       "soften the edges of the image in vignette 
+    (:wave 'geometry   "alter an image along a sine wave")
+    (:white-threshold 'value   "force all pixels above the threshold into 
+    ;; Image Sequence Operators:
+    (:affinity 'filename       "transform image colors to match this set of 
+    (:append nil       "append an image sequence top to bottom (use +append 
for left to right)")
+    (:clut nil         "apply a color lookup table to the image")
+    (:coalesce nil     "merge a sequence of images")
+    (:combine nil      "combine a sequence of images")
+    (:composite nil    "composite image")
+    (:crop 'geometry   "cut out a rectangular region of the image")
+    (:deconstruct nil  "break down an image sequence into constituent parts")
+    (:evaluate-sequence 'operator      "evaluate an arithmetic, relational, or 
logical expression")
+    (:flatten nil      "flatten a sequence of images")
+    (:fx 'expression   "apply mathematical expression to an image channel(s)")
+    (:hald-clut nil    "apply a Hald color lookup table to the image")
+    (:morph 'value     "morph an image sequence")
+    (:mosaic nil       "create a mosaic from an image sequence")
+    (:process 'arguments       "process the image with a custom image filter")
+    (:separate nil     "separate an image channel into a grayscale image")
+    (:smush 'geometry  "smush an image sequence together")
+    (:write 'filename  "write images to this file")
+    ;; Image Stack Operators:
+    (:clone 'indexes   "clone an image")
+    (:delete 'indexes  "delete the image from the image sequence")
+    (:duplicate 'count,indexes "duplicate an image one or more times")
+    (:insert 'index    "insert last image into the image sequence")
+    (:swap 'indexes    "swap two images in the image sequence")
+    ;; Miscellaneous Options:
+    (:debug 'events    "display copious debugging information")
+    (:help nil         "print program options")
+    (:log 'format      "format of debugging information")
+    (:list 'type       "print a list of supported option arguments")
+    (:version nil      "print version information")
+    ))
+;;; Transform UI
+(defcustom image-scale-step 1.1
+  "Each positive or negative step scales the current image by
+this amount."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'image)
+(defun image-scale-adjust (&optional inc)
+  "Adjust the scale of the image by INC.
+INC may be passed as a numeric prefix argument.
+The actual adjustment made depends on the final component of the
+key-binding used to invoke the command, with all modifiers removed:
+   +, =   Increase the size of the image by one step
+   -      Decrease the size of the image by one step
+   0      Reset to the original image size
+When adjusting with `+' or `-', continue to read input events and
+further adjust the face height as long as the input event read
+\(with all modifiers removed) is `+' or `-'.
+Each step scales the image by the value of `image-scale-step' (a
+negative number of steps decreases the height by the same
+amount).  As a special case, an argument of 0 will remove any
+scaling currently active.
+This command is a special-purpose wrapper around the
+  ;; fixme: doesn't work with universal arg
+  (interactive "p")
+  (let ((ev last-command-event)
+        (echo-keystrokes nil))
+    (let* ((base (event-basic-type ev))
+           (step
+            (pcase base
+              ((or ?+ ?=) inc)
+              (?- (- inc))
+              (?0 0)
+              (t inc))))
+      (image-scale-increase step)
+      (message "Use +,-,0 for further adjustment")
+      (set-temporary-overlay-map
+       (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+         (dolist (mods '(() (control)))
+           (dolist (key '(?- ?+ ?= ?0)) ;; = is often unshifted +.
+             (define-key map (vector (append mods (list key)))
+               `(lambda () (interactive) (image-scale-adjust (abs ,inc))))))
+         map)))))
+(defun image-scale-increase (&optional inc image)
+  "Increase the size of the IMAGE by INC steps.
+IMAGE defaults to the image at point found by `get-image'.
+Each step scales up the size of the IMAGE the value of
+`text-scale-mode-step' (a negative number of steps decreases the
+size by the same amount).  As a special case, an argument of 0
+will remove any scaling currently active.
+This command has no unless Emacs is compiled with
+ImageMagick support."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (unless image
+    (unless (setq image (get-image))
+      (error "No image at point")))
+  (if (/= inc 0)
+      (image-transform image :scale (* 100 (expt image-scale-step inc)))
+    (image--delete-properties image '(:width :height)))
+  (force-window-update (selected-window)))
+(defun image-scale-decrease (&optional inc image)
+  "Decrease the size of the IMAGE by INC steps.
+IMAGE defaults to the image at point found by `get-image'.
+Each step scales down the size of the IMAGE the value of
+`text-scale-mode-step' (a negative number of steps increases the
+size by the same amount).  As a special case, an argument of 0
+will remove any scaling currently active.
+This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
+ImageMagick support."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (image-scale-increase (- inc) image))
+(defun image-fit-to-window-height (&optional image)
+  "Fit IMAGE to the height of the current window.
+If not provided, IMAGE is the image at point.
+This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
+ImageMagick support."
+  (interactive)
+  (image-transform-interactive image :resize 'fit-height))
+(defun image-fit-to-window-width (&optional image)
+  "Fit IMAGE to the width of the current window.
+If not provided, IMAGE is the image at point.
+This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
+ImageMagick support."
+  (interactive)
+  (image-transform-interactive image :resize 'fit-width))
+(defun image-fit-to-window (&optional image)
+  "Maximally fit IMAGE into current window.
+If not provided, IMAGE is the image at point.
+This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
+ImageMagick support."
+  (interactive)
+  (image-transform-interactive image :resize 'fit))
+(defun image-stretch-to-window (&optional image)
+  "Stretch IMAGE into current window.
+If not provided, IMAGE is the image at point.
+This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
+ImageMagick support."
+  (interactive)
+  (image-transform-interactive image :resize 'fit-stretch))
+(defun image-rotate (rotation &optional image)
+  "Prompt for an angle ROTATION, and rotate the image by that amount.
+ROTATION should be in degrees.
+This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
+ImageMagick support."
+  (interactive "nRotation angle (in degrees): ")
+  (image-transform-interactive image :rotate rotation))
+(defun image-rotate-right (&optional image)
+  "Rotate the image clockwise by 90 degrees.
+This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
+ImageMagick support."
+  (interactive)
+  (image-transform-interactive image :rotate 90))
+(defun image-rotate-left (&optional image)
+  "Rotate the image counter-clockwise by 90 degrees.
+This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
+ImageMagick support."
+  (interactive)
+  (image-transform-interactive image :rotate -90))
+(defun image-change-background (&optional background image)
+  "Set background of the IMAGE to BACKGROUND.
+For this to work, image must have a transparent background.
+If not provided, IMAGE is the image at point.
+This command has no effect unless Emacs is compiled with
+ImageMagick support."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((bg (or background (read-color "Background: " t))))
+    (unless image
+      (unless (setq image (get-image))
+        (error "No image at point")))
+    (image-transform-interactive image :background bg)))
+(defun image--add-transform-keys (map &optional mod)
+  "Add manipulation keys to MAP.
+MOD is a vector of modifiers, like [control] or [control meta]."
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod ?+)) 'image-scale-adjust)
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod ?-)) 'image-scale-adjust)
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod ?=)) 'image-scale-adjust)
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod ?0)) 'image-scale-adjust)
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod ?o)) 'image-rotate)
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod ?\])) 'image-rotate-right)
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod ?\[)) 'image-rotate-left)
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod ?r) `(,@mod ?f)) 'image-fit-to-window)
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod ?r) `(,@mod ?h)) 'image-fit-to-window-height)
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod ?r) `(,@mod ?w)) 'image-fit-to-window-width)
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod ?r) `(,@mod ?s)) 'image-stretch-to-window)
+  (define-key map (vector `(,@mod shift ?b)) 'image-change-background)
+  map)
+(defvar image-transform-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (image--add-transform-keys map))
+  "Image manipulation keymap.
+Usually used as keymap text property for images. See also
+`image--add-transform-keys' for how to add manipulation keys
+to a map with modifiers.
+(provide 'image-transform)
diff --git a/lisp/image.el b/lisp/image.el
index 804dc3a..63bebdf 100644
--- a/lisp/image.el
+++ b/lisp/image.el
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ means display it in the right marginal area."
-(defun insert-image (image &optional string area slice)
+(defun insert-image (image &optional string area slice map)
   "Insert IMAGE into current buffer at point.
 IMAGE is displayed by inserting STRING into the current buffer
 with a `display' property whose value is the image.  STRING
@@ -438,7 +438,10 @@ SLICE specifies slice of IMAGE to insert.  SLICE nil or 
 means insert whole image.  SLICE is a list (X Y WIDTH HEIGHT)
 specifying the X and Y positions and WIDTH and HEIGHT of image area
 to insert.  A float value 0.0 - 1.0 means relative to the width or
-height of the image; integer values are taken as pixel values."
+height of the image; integer values are taken as pixel values.
+If MAP is provided, it must be a keymap what will be used as
+text property keymap. A special value of t means to use
   ;; Use a space as least likely to cause trouble when it's a hidden
   ;; character in the buffer.
   (unless string (setq string " "))
@@ -455,12 +458,16 @@ height of the image; integer values are taken as pixel 
     ;; cut-and-paste.  (Yanking killed image text next to another copy
     ;; of it loses anyway.)
     (setq image (cons 'image (cdr image))))
+  (when (eq map t)
+    (setq map image-transform-map))
   (let ((start (point)))
     (insert string)
     (add-text-properties start (point)
                         `(display ,(if slice
                                        (list (cons 'slice slice) image)
-                                     image) rear-nonsticky (display)))))
+                                     image)
+                                   rear-nonsticky (display)
+                                   keymap ,map))))

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