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Re: Mark custom function for interactive use only

From: Sebastian Wiesner
Subject: Re: Mark custom function for interactive use only
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 22:16:04 +0100

2013/11/26 Glenn Morris <address@hidden>:
> When installing changes by others, please think about the copyright
> assignment aspect. The rule is, we can accept no more than 10-15 lines
> total (cumulative over all changes) from any one person without an
> assignment. Changes that fall under that rule should be marked "(tiny
> change") in the ChangeLog.
> I'd say this one qualifies as a tiny change (although it's more than 15
> lines, much of it is mechanical). We would probably need a copyright
> assignment to accept any more from this author, though.

Meaning, that if I were to write documentation for this feature as
well, I'd have to sign a copyright assignment?

> Also, please try and use --author when you commit someone else's changes
> (Emacs can do this for you).
> BTW, I think it would be nicer if I could write:
>   (put 'comint-run 'interactive-only 'make-comint)
> instead of:
>   (put 'comint-run 'interactive-only "Use `make-comint' instead")

I agree.  I did not think of that.

However, a string still needs to be allowed, to handle cases, where
there is no single alternative.  For instance, "replace-regexp" should
be replaced with a while loop over "re-search-forward" and

> Also, the installed change is inconsistent as to whether "Use `foo'
> instead" should end in a period (I guess it should).

Well, the original message did not end in a period, as do all messages
in bytecomp.el.  Hence, I omitted the period in the messages, but I
did not apply much care, since this did not seem so important to me.

> Also also, maybe "; use `foo' instead." with no preceding newline would
> look better most of the time?

I tried, but if the original message, i.e. “foo used from…designed for
interactive use only”, should be retained, this formatting gives very
long messages in some cases.

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