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From: Daiki Ueno
Subject: make-subprocess
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:23:04 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4.50 (gnu/linux)


An Elisp program communicating with a subprocess is typically written

  (let* ((process-connection-type nil)
         (process (start-process "cat" nil "cat" "/etc/motd")))
    (set-process-filter process #'my-filter)
    (set-process-sentinel process #'my-sentinel)

It is a bit tricky and error prone.  On the other hand, Python and GLib
provide a simple way to spawn and communicate with subprocess:


So I would like to propose something similar:

* Provide a function 'make-subprocess' similar to 'make-network-process'
  or 'make-serial-process', which can be used as:

  (make-subprocess :name "cat" :program "cat" :args '("/etc/motd")
                   :filter #'my-filter :sentinel #'my-sentinel
                   :coding '(utf-8 . utf-8))

* Rewrite 'start-process' as an Elisp wrapper around 'make-subprocess'.

This also has the following benefits:

* We could collect stderr output naturally.  'make-subprocess' could
  have a keyword, say :error, to prepare a pipe for stderr when spawning
  a process.

* Maybe it could share the same code to handle the standard keywords
  (:coding, :filter, :sentinel, etc.) with 'make-network-process' and

What do people think?  I'm attaching a patch as POC.

>From fd0dfb218fb3147ac307e560bc04d7274000413b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daiki Ueno <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:09:08 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Generalize start-process

This patch adds the 'make-subprocess' function, similar to
'make-network-process' and 'make-serial-process', which accept the
standard keywords such as :coding, :filter, :sentinel.

'start-process' is rewritten in Elisp using 'make-subprocess'.
 lisp/subr.el  |  60 +++++++++++++++++++++
 src/process.c | 165 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 2 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/subr.el b/lisp/subr.el
index 56b46b4..7c0c1ee 100644
--- a/lisp/subr.el
+++ b/lisp/subr.el
@@ -1906,6 +1906,66 @@ process."
        (memq (process-status process)
             '(run open listen connect stop))))
+(defun start-process (name buffer program &rest program-args)
+  "Start a program in a subprocess.  Return the process object for it.
+NAME is name for process.  It is modified if necessary to make it unique.
+BUFFER is the buffer (or buffer name) to associate with the process.
+Process output (both standard output and standard error streams) goes
+at end of BUFFER, unless you specify an output stream or filter
+function to handle the output.  BUFFER may also be nil, meaning that
+this process is not associated with any buffer.
+PROGRAM is the program file name.  It is searched for in `exec-path'
+\(which see).  If nil, just associate a pty with the buffer.  Remaining
+arguments are strings to give program as arguments.
+If you want to separate standard output from standard error, invoke
+the command through a shell and redirect one of them using the shell
+usage: (start-process NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest PROGRAM-ARGS)"
+  (let ((decode-cs coding-system-for-read)
+       (encode-cs coding-system-for-write)
+       (coding-systems t) ;t denotes we have not yet called
+                          ;find-operation-coding-system
+       (contact (list :name name
+                      :buffer buffer
+                      :program program
+                      :args program-args
+                      :pty process-connection-type)))
+    ;; Decide coding systems for communicating with the process.
+    (unless decode-cs
+      (if program
+         (setq coding-systems (apply #'find-operation-coding-system
+                                     'start-process
+                                     name
+                                     buffer
+                                     program
+                                     program-args)))
+      (if (consp coding-systems)
+         (setq decode-cs (car coding-systems))
+       (if (consp default-process-coding-system)
+           (setq decode-cs (car default-process-coding-system)))))
+    (unless encode-cs
+      (if (and (eq coding-systems t) program)
+         (setq coding-systems (apply #'find-operation-coding-system
+                                     'start-process
+                                     name
+                                     buffer
+                                     program
+                                     program-args)))
+      (if (consp coding-systems)
+         (setq encode-cs (cdr coding-systems))
+       (if (consp default-process-coding-system)
+           (setq encode-cs (cdr default-process-coding-system)))))
+    (if decode-cs
+       (if encode-cs
+           (setq contact (plist-put contact
+                                    :coding (cons decode-cs encode-cs)))
+         (setq contact (plist-put contact :coding decode-cs))))
+    (apply #'make-subprocess contact)))
 ;; compatibility
diff --git a/src/process.c b/src/process.c
index f6484d0..4ca44de 100644
--- a/src/process.c
+++ b/src/process.c
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ static Lisp_Object QCbuffer, QChost, QCservice;
 static Lisp_Object QClocal, QCremote, QCcoding;
 static Lisp_Object QCserver, QCnowait, QCnoquery, QCstop;
 static Lisp_Object QCsentinel, QClog, QCoptions, QCplist;
+static Lisp_Object QCprogram, QCargs;
 static Lisp_Object Qlast_nonmenu_event;
 static Lisp_Object Qinternal_default_process_sentinel;
 static Lisp_Object Qinternal_default_process_filter;
@@ -1358,36 +1359,63 @@ DEFUN ("process-list", Fprocess_list, Sprocess_list, 0, 
0, 0,
 /* Starting asynchronous inferior processes.  */
-static void start_process_unwind (Lisp_Object proc);
+static void make_subprocess_unwind (Lisp_Object proc);
-DEFUN ("start-process", Fstart_process, Sstart_process, 3, MANY, 0,
-       doc: /* Start a program in a subprocess.  Return the process object for 
-NAME is name for process.  It is modified if necessary to make it unique.
-BUFFER is the buffer (or buffer name) to associate with the process.
+DEFUN ("make-subprocess", Fmake_subprocess, Smake_subprocess, 0, MANY, 0,
+       doc: /* Create and return a subprocess.
-Process output (both standard output and standard error streams) goes
-at end of BUFFER, unless you specify an output stream or filter
-function to handle the output.  BUFFER may also be nil, meaning that
-this process is not associated with any buffer.
+Arguments are specified as keyword/argument pairs.  The following
+arguments are defined:
+:name NAME -- NAME is name for process.  It is modified if necessary
+to make it unique.
+:buffer BUFFER -- BUFFER is the buffer (or buffer-name) to associate
+with the process.  Process output goes at end of that buffer, unless
+you specify an output stream or filter function to handle the output.
+BUFFER may be also nil, meaning that this process is not associated
+with any buffer.
+:program PROGRAM -- PROGRAM is the program file name.
+:args ARGS -- ARGS is a list of strings to give program as arguments.
+:pty BOOL -- If BOOL is non-nil, use a pty to communicate with subprocess.
+Otherwise a pipe is used.
+:coding CODING -- If CODING is a symbol, it specifies the coding
+system used for both reading and writing for this process.  If CODING
+is a cons (DECODING . ENCODING), DECODING is used for reading, and
+ENCODING is used for writing.
-PROGRAM is the program file name.  It is searched for in `exec-path'
-(which see).  If nil, just associate a pty with the buffer.  Remaining
-arguments are strings to give program as arguments.
+:filter FILTER -- Install FILTER as the process filter.
-If you want to separate standard output from standard error, invoke
-the command through a shell and redirect one of them using the shell
+:filter-multibyte BOOL -- If BOOL is non-nil, strings given to the
+process filter are multibyte, otherwise they are unibyte.
+If this keyword is not specified, the strings are multibyte if
+the default value of `enable-multibyte-characters' is non-nil.
-usage: (start-process NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest PROGRAM-ARGS)  */)
+:sentinel SENTINEL -- Install SENTINEL as the process sentinel.  */)
   (ptrdiff_t nargs, Lisp_Object *args)
-  Lisp_Object buffer, name, program, proc, current_dir, tem;
+  Lisp_Object buffer, name, program, program_args, coding;
+  Lisp_Object proc, current_dir, tem;
+  Lisp_Object contact;
+  ptrdiff_t new_argc;
   unsigned char **new_argv;
   ptrdiff_t i;
   ptrdiff_t count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
+  struct gcpro gcpro1;
-  buffer = args[1];
+  if (nargs == 0)
+    return Qnil;
+  /* Save arguments for process-contact and clone-process.  */
+  contact = Flist (nargs, args);
+  GCPRO1 (contact);
+  buffer = Fplist_get (contact, QCbuffer);
   if (!NILP (buffer))
     buffer = Fget_buffer_create (buffer);
@@ -1407,28 +1435,30 @@ usage: (start-process NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest 
-  name = args[0];
+  name = Fplist_get (contact, QCname);
   CHECK_STRING (name);
-  program = args[2];
+  program = Fplist_get (contact, QCprogram);
   if (!NILP (program))
     CHECK_STRING (program);
+  program_args = Fplist_get (contact, QCargs);
   proc = make_process (name);
   /* If an error occurs and we can't start the process, we want to
      remove it from the process list.  This means that each error
      check in create_process doesn't need to call remove_process
      itself; it's all taken care of here.  */
-  record_unwind_protect (start_process_unwind, proc);
+  record_unwind_protect (make_subprocess_unwind, proc);
   pset_childp (XPROCESS (proc), Qt);
   pset_plist (XPROCESS (proc), Qnil);
   pset_type (XPROCESS (proc), Qreal);
   pset_buffer (XPROCESS (proc), buffer);
-  pset_sentinel (XPROCESS (proc), Qinternal_default_process_sentinel);
-  pset_filter (XPROCESS (proc), Qinternal_default_process_filter);
-  pset_command (XPROCESS (proc), Flist (nargs - 2, args + 2));
+  pset_sentinel (XPROCESS (proc), Fplist_get (contact, QCsentinel));
+  pset_filter (XPROCESS (proc), Fplist_get (contact, QCfilter));
+  pset_command (XPROCESS (proc), Fcons (program, program_args));
   /* AKA GNUTLS_INITSTAGE(proc).  */
@@ -1449,50 +1479,38 @@ usage: (start-process NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest 
                     BUF_ZV_BYTE (XBUFFER (buffer)));
-    /* Decide coding systems for communicating with the process.  Here
-       we don't setup the structure coding_system nor pay attention to
-       unibyte mode.  They are done in create_process.  */
+    Lisp_Object val;
-    /* Qt denotes we have not yet called Ffind_operation_coding_system.  */
-    Lisp_Object coding_systems = Qt;
-    Lisp_Object val, *args2;
-    struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2;
+    tem = Fplist_member (contact, QCcoding);
+    if (!NILP (tem) && (!CONSP (tem) || !CONSP (XCDR (tem))))
+      tem = Qnil;
-    val = Vcoding_system_for_read;
-    if (NILP (val))
+    val = Qnil;
+    if (!NILP (tem))
-       SAFE_ALLOCA_LISP (args2, nargs + 1);
-       args2[0] = Qstart_process;
-       for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) args2[i + 1] = args[i];
-       GCPRO2 (proc, current_dir);
-       if (!NILP (program))
-         coding_systems = Ffind_operation_coding_system (nargs + 1, args2);
-       UNGCPRO;
-       if (CONSP (coding_systems))
-         val = XCAR (coding_systems);
-       else if (CONSP (Vdefault_process_coding_system))
-         val = XCAR (Vdefault_process_coding_system);
+       val = XCAR (XCDR (tem));
+       if (CONSP (val))
+         val = XCAR (val);
+    else if (!NILP (Vcoding_system_for_read))
+      val = Vcoding_system_for_read;
+    else if ((!NILP (buffer) && NILP (BVAR (XBUFFER (buffer), 
+            || (NILP (buffer) && NILP (BVAR (&buffer_defaults, 
+      val = Qnil;
     pset_decode_coding_system (XPROCESS (proc), val);
-    val = Vcoding_system_for_write;
-    if (NILP (val))
+    val = Qnil;
+    if (!NILP (tem))
-       if (EQ (coding_systems, Qt))
-         {
-           SAFE_ALLOCA_LISP (args2, nargs + 1);
-           args2[0] = Qstart_process;
-           for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) args2[i + 1] = args[i];
-           GCPRO2 (proc, current_dir);
-           if (!NILP (program))
-             coding_systems = Ffind_operation_coding_system (nargs + 1, args2);
-           UNGCPRO;
-         }
-       if (CONSP (coding_systems))
-         val = XCDR (coding_systems);
-       else if (CONSP (Vdefault_process_coding_system))
-         val = XCDR (Vdefault_process_coding_system);
+       val = XCAR (XCDR (tem));
+       if (CONSP (val))
+         val = XCDR (val);
+    else if (!NILP (Vcoding_system_for_write))
+      val = Vcoding_system_for_write;
+    else if ((!NILP (buffer) && NILP (BVAR (XBUFFER (buffer), 
+            || (NILP (buffer) && NILP (BVAR (&buffer_defaults, 
+      val = Qnil;
     pset_encode_coding_system (XPROCESS (proc), val);
     /* Note: At this moment, the above coding system may leave
        text-conversion or eol-conversion unspecified.  They will be
@@ -1501,7 +1519,6 @@ usage: (start-process NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest 
        the process.  */
   pset_decoding_buf (XPROCESS (proc), empty_unibyte_string);
   XPROCESS (proc)->decoding_carryover = 0;
   pset_encoding_buf (XPROCESS (proc), empty_unibyte_string);
@@ -1517,10 +1534,10 @@ usage: (start-process NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest 
          && !(SCHARS (program) > 1
               && IS_DEVICE_SEP (SREF (program, 1))))
-         struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3, gcpro4;
+         struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2;
          tem = Qnil;
-         GCPRO4 (name, program, buffer, current_dir);
+         GCPRO2 (buffer, current_dir);
          openp (Vexec_path, program, Vexec_suffixes, &tem,
                 make_number (X_OK), false);
@@ -1543,7 +1560,9 @@ usage: (start-process NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest 
        Lisp_Object arg_encoding = Qnil;
+       Lisp_Object tail;
        struct gcpro gcpro1;
        GCPRO1 (tem);
        /* Encode the file name and put it in NEW_ARGV.
@@ -1555,9 +1574,10 @@ usage: (start-process NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest 
           systems for encoding arguments and for encoding data sent to the
           process.  */
-       for (i = 3; i < nargs; i++)
+       new_argc = 1;
+       for (tail = program_args; CONSP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
-           tem = Fcons (args[i], tem);
+           tem = Fcons (XCAR (tail), tem);
            CHECK_STRING (XCAR (tem));
            if (STRING_MULTIBYTE (XCAR (tem)))
@@ -1568,6 +1588,7 @@ usage: (start-process NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest 
                         (XCAR (tem), arg_encoding, 1));
+           new_argc++;
@@ -1575,10 +1596,10 @@ usage: (start-process NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest 
       /* Now that everything is encoded we can collect the strings into
         NEW_ARGV.  */
-      SAFE_NALLOCA (new_argv, 1, nargs - 1);
-      new_argv[nargs - 2] = 0;
+      SAFE_NALLOCA (new_argv, 1, new_argc + 1);
+      new_argv[new_argc] = 0;
-      for (i = nargs - 2; i-- != 0; )
+      for (i = new_argc - 1; i >= 0; i--)
          new_argv[i] = SDATA (XCAR (tem));
          tem = XCDR (tem);
@@ -1593,12 +1614,12 @@ usage: (start-process NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest 
   return unbind_to (count, proc);
-/* This function is the unwind_protect form for Fstart_process.  If
+/* This function is the unwind_protect form for Fmake_subprocess.  If
    PROC doesn't have its pid set, then we know someone has signaled
    an error and the process wasn't started successfully, so we should
    remove it from the process list.  */
 static void
-start_process_unwind (Lisp_Object proc)
+make_subprocess_unwind (Lisp_Object proc)
   if (!PROCESSP (proc))
     emacs_abort ();
@@ -7262,6 +7283,8 @@ syms_of_process (void)
   DEFSYM (QCstop, ":stop");
   DEFSYM (QCoptions, ":options");
   DEFSYM (QCplist, ":plist");
+  DEFSYM (QCprogram, ":program");
+  DEFSYM (QCargs, ":args");
   DEFSYM (Qlast_nonmenu_event, "last-nonmenu-event");
@@ -7364,7 +7387,7 @@ The variable takes effect when `start-process' is called. 
   defsubr (&Sprocess_plist);
   defsubr (&Sset_process_plist);
   defsubr (&Sprocess_list);
-  defsubr (&Sstart_process);
+  defsubr (&Smake_subprocess);
   defsubr (&Sserial_process_configure);
   defsubr (&Smake_serial_process);
   defsubr (&Sset_network_process_option);

Daiki Ueno

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