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RE: char equivalence classes in search - why not symmetric?

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: char equivalence classes in search - why not symmetric?
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2015 06:32:55 -0700 (PDT)

> If I may weigh in. I think the whole discussion of whether this should
> be symmetric or not is pointless. There are arguments for both sides,
> and without any significant amount of empirical evidence, any choice
> is as good as flipping a coin.
> I'd much rather we focus effort on making the equiv-classes easier to
> customize.

1. You are welcome to say that you would rather flip a coin than
   try to discuss what this thread proposes.

2. I too would like to see progress wrt a discussion about letting
   users easily define new equivalence classes and customize
   existing equivalence classes.  But please start a separate
   thread for that.

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