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Re: The poor state of documentation of pcase like things.

From: Michael Heerdegen
Subject: Re: The poor state of documentation of pcase like things.
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2015 21:42:01 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Alan Mackenzie <address@hidden> writes:

> I wish you a happy one, though.

You too!

> > As far as I understand how Stefan used to work, most of the semantics of
> > most of the pcase derivatives, like `pcase-let', are not yet 100% fixed,
> > we are not yet sure how useful we are, or if they may later be better be
> > replaced by other forms that are more general, etc.
> Yet the said functions have been committed on the release branch

I think Stefan used the term "don't advertise them yet too much" for
such things.

> and are already in widespread use throughout the Emacs sources.  As
> Eli notes, there're around 90 uses of pcase-let and pcase-let*.

Could be they have nearly all been placed there by Stefan ;-)

> They're essentially undocumented.  That makes the code that uses them
> essentially unmaintainable, except by those who know, or are prepared to
> guess, what these functions do.  I can't agree with you that this is
> good.

This can't be the final state, no doubt.  It must be fixed.

But we have to do it very carefully, and maybe not completely now: if
even Stefan was not sure everywhere what could be written in the
documentation and if the code makes much sense, let's not engrave in
stone details we are not sure about whether they are true or intended or

This does not so much apply to `pcase-let' - I think it's quite clear
what it does, though I didn't use it often myself.

OTOH, I'm not so sure about `pcase-lambda' for example.  How does/should
a `pcase-lambda' behave when applied to something that it's "signature"
doesn't match?  Is it maybe cleaner to move a pcase call just inside the
`lambda'?  Is the semantics of pcase really the best thing one can use
to hook pattern matching into a function, or is there a better one?  In
practice, only a subset of pcase semantics makes sense for
`pcase-lambda' most of the time (mostly, destructuring), you can have
"only one clause" contrary to `pcase' - is the resulting code readable?;
is `pcase-lambda' a good abstraction/idea?  If later we find it's a bad
idea, it's not good if we advertise it too much in the manual, because
we can't remove it so easily then.

> The pcase docstring is getting better, yes.  It stil doesn't document
> explicitly that the normal meanings of ` and , are suspended.

Mmh, but it also doesn't say that the normal meanings of and, or, ' and
let are suspended.  I think it doesn't have to, because a pcase pattern
is not an expression that is evaluated, so symbols with known names
can't have the same semantics as a pattern than as a defined function.

> There is still no explicit statement of what pcase's ` and , mean.

But do we agree that the current docstring completely explains the
semantics, even if the definition is recursive?

> Maybe I'm expecting too much, and ` and , have no intrinsic meanings in
> pcase.  But I don't believe that is the case.

``' is a pcase macro (at least now).  pcase macros are like Lisp macros,
but while Lisp macros expand to Lisp code, pcase macros expand to pcase

The backquote macro ``' in Lisp is a utility that is used to build
lists.  pcase's ``' is used to build patterns that match lists.  The
only difference for unquoting (`,'), so to say, is that in the first
case it "inserts" an arbitrary "value" at that position, and in the
second case, "inserts" an arbitrary pcase pattern (that is responsible to
match the element at that place, instead of being a specified constant
that matches only itself via `equal'.)

If you only unquote symbols, like in

   `(1 2 ,x)

you can imagine that x is already bound to the "right" value, then the
thing works much like the standard backquote.  That analogy is not so
useful for things like

   `(1 2 ,(pred stringp))

I guess, though you still can imagine that the pattern matches any
three-element list whose first two elements are 1, 2, and as third
element, anything that fulfills the predicate "stringp" can be

You can verify by yourself that elements in a backquoted list in pcase
"behave" as if they were quoted with a quote (see the 'VAL form) - thus
the name "QPattern" - and that the rules for quoted atoms apply as
expected, and such things.

[ While writing this, I see now that the doc of ``' in the pcase doc is
  a typical mathematical definition: it is absolutely correct, but
  doesn't say "what it's good for" and "how to use it".  To be honest I
  also had much trouble to understand it when I learned `pcase'. ]

BTW, there is no `,@' unquote splicing in pcase's backquote because it
can lead to ambiguity when matching (and would be slow).



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