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Re: Font height issue

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Font height issue
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 22:04:21 +0200

> From: Tassilo Horn <address@hidden>
> Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 20:34:52 +0100
> I have the problem that the font I want to use in Emacs (PragmataPro in
> size 10, sizes 9 or 11 seem to be not affected) seems to have slightly
> different heights in the regular and the bold version, or at least Emacs
> thinks so.  As a result, when modes change text to/from regular to bold
> or vice versa dynamically (e.g., show-paren-mode with a bold
> show-paren-match face), the height of the line changes which is
> extremely annoying.
> When I searched the net I found many others having this kind of issue
> with different fonts (like DejaVu Sans Mono), too, and I also found this
> workaround
> https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/3zto22/i_sort_of_fixed_a_font_rendering_bug_of_emacs/
> suggesting this patch:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> diff --git a/src/xftfont.c b/src/xftfont.c
> index 110f99a..95e7e52 100644
> --- a/src/xftfont.c
> +++ b/src/xftfont.c
> @@ -395,16 +395,16 @@ xftfont_open (struct frame *f, Lisp_Object entity, int 
> pixel_size)
>    font->ascent = xftfont->ascent;
>    font->descent = xftfont->descent;
> -  if (pixel_size >= 5)
> -    {
> -      /* The above condition is a dirty workaround because
> -        XftTextExtents8 behaves strangely for some fonts
> -        (e.g. "Dejavu Sans Mono") when pixel_size is less than 5. */
> -      if (font->ascent < extents.y)
> -       font->ascent = extents.y;
> -      if (font->descent < extents.height - extents.y)
> -       font->descent = extents.height - extents.y;
> -    }
> +  /* if (pixel_size >= 5) */
> +  /*   { */
> +  /*     /\* The above condition is a dirty workaround because */
> +  /*    XftTextExtents8 behaves strangely for some fonts */
> +  /*    (e.g. "Dejavu Sans Mono") when pixel_size is less than 5. *\/ */
> +  /*     if (font->ascent < extents.y) */
> +  /*   font->ascent = extents.y; */
> +  /*     if (font->descent < extents.height - extents.y) */
> +  /*   font->descent = extents.height - extents.y; */
> +  /*   } */
>    font->height = font->ascent + font->descent;
>    if (XINT (AREF (entity, FONT_SIZE_INDEX)) == 0)
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> And indeed, that does solve the issue for me.  Now the regular and the
> bold version are displayed with the same height.

Sorry, this is bug #22383, where the conclusion was already reached
that the workaround was not needed anymore.  I thought the change was
committed, but I see that it wasn't, so I committed it now to the
emacs-25 branch.

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