(defun tabulated-list-resize-current-column (&optional num) "Change width of the current column by N columns. This is a buffer-local change. To permanently change a column's size, see defcustom `tabulated-list-format'." (interactive "N(In/De)crease size of current column by:") (let ((col (current-column)) (total-column-count 0) (len (length tabulated-list-format)) (idx 0) this-column-size found) (while (and (not found) (< idx len)) (if (> col (setq total-column-count (+ total-column-count (setq this-column-size (cadr (aref tabulated-list-format idx)))))) (setq idx (1+ idx)) (setf (cadr (aref tabulated-list-format idx)) (max 1 (+ this-column-size num))) (setq found t) (tabulated-list-init-header) (tabulated-list-print) (move-to-column col)))))