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Re: [RFE] Migration to gitlab

From: Clément Pit-Claudel
Subject: Re: [RFE] Migration to gitlab
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 14:24:12 -0400
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On 2019-05-13 10:51, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
>> From: Tassilo Horn <address@hidden> Cc: Alex Gramiak
>> <address@hidden>,  address@hidden,  address@hidden,
>> address@hidden,  address@hidden Date: Mon, 13 May
>> 2019 06:32:21 +0200
>> Yesterday, after writing the above, I've checked out the gtk
>> project and enabled Magit/Forge on it.  The initial fetch of the
>> topics (~1900 issues and ~800 merge requests) took about two hours,
>> but contrary to what has been reported in another message in this
>> thread, it did not crash and indicated its progess in the mode-line
>> (something like pulling 1211/1871 Issues).
> 1900 issues is about an order of magnitude less than what we have, 
> AFAIU, so 2 hours is quite a lot.  Also, I'm not sure Clément tried 
> this DB, perhaps he tried a larger one.

Correct: I tried a larger one (77'000 `topics', i.e. 50 thousand issues and 27 
thousand patch discussions).  

Jonas, the creator of forge, reports in the Github discussion 
(https://github.com/magit/ghub/issues/87) that fetching problems are usually 
due to intermittent connectivity issues, and that retrying sometimes fixes 
them.  Here is an extra bit of relevant information [this is in reply to Toon 
inquiring about GraphQL]:

> Fetching the needed data from Github using GraphQL [this is the
> protocol I mentionned earlier] is much faster than fetching it from
> Gitlab using REST. I don't remember exactly but I think that what
> would take ten minutes for Github would take hours for Gitlab. I
> would like Forge to be usable for projects like Emacs itself but it
> is still early days and a lot has to be done before that is really
> feasible. With GraphQL it would become possible at least, but the
> initial fetch might still take hours anyway. Regardless of what you
> do (and I would very much welcome GraphQL support) I think ghub/forge
> has to learn to do sparse clones, just like git did.

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