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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el

From: ShengHuo ZHU
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 10:17:25 -0500

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el
diff -u emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el:1.24 emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el:1.25
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el:1.24    Tue Sep 18 08:25:20 2001
+++ emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el Sun Nov 25 10:17:24 2001
@@ -6393,23 +6393,34 @@
       (gnus-summary-limit nil 'pop)
-(defun gnus-summary-limit-to-subject (subject &optional header)
-  "Limit the summary buffer to articles that have subjects that match a 
-  (interactive "sLimit to subject (regexp): ")
+(defun gnus-summary-limit-to-subject (subject &optional header not-matching)
+  "Limit the summary buffer to articles that have subjects that match a regexp.
+If NOT-MATCHING, excluding articles that have subjects that match a regexp."
+  (interactive 
+   (list (read-string (if current-prefix-arg
+                         "Exclude subject (regexp): "
+                       "Limit to subject (regexp): ")) 
+        nil current-prefix-arg))
   (unless header
     (setq header "subject"))
   (when (not (equal "" subject))
        (let ((articles (gnus-summary-find-matching
-                        (or header "subject") subject 'all)))
+                        (or header "subject") subject 'all nil nil 
+                        not-matching)))
          (unless articles
            (error "Found no matches for \"%s\"" subject))
          (gnus-summary-limit articles))
 (defun gnus-summary-limit-to-author (from)
-  "Limit the summary buffer to articles that have authors that match a regexp."
-  (interactive "sLimit to author (regexp): ")
+  "Limit the summary buffer to articles that have authors that match a regexp.
+If NOT-MATCHING, excluding articles that have authors that match a regexp."
+  (interactive 
+   (list (read-string (if current-prefix-arg
+                         "Exclude author (regexp): "
+                       "Limit to author (regexp): ")) 
+        nil current-prefix-arg))
   (gnus-summary-limit-to-subject from "from"))
 (defun gnus-summary-limit-to-age (age &optional younger-p)
@@ -6450,25 +6461,31 @@
        (gnus-summary-limit (nreverse articles)))
-(defun gnus-summary-limit-to-extra (header regexp)
+(defun gnus-summary-limit-to-extra (header regexp &optional not-matching)
   "Limit the summary buffer to articles that match an 'extra' header."
    (let ((header
            (symbol-name (car gnus-extra-headers))
-           "Limit extra header:"
+           (if current-prefix-arg
+               "Exclude extra header:"
+             "Limit extra header:")
            (mapcar (lambda (x)
                      (cons (symbol-name x) x))
      (list header
-          (read-string (format "Limit to header %s (regexp): " header)))))
+          (read-string (format "%s header %s (regexp): " 
+                               (if current-prefix-arg "Exclude" "Limit to")
+                               header))
+          current-prefix-arg)))
   (when (not (equal "" regexp))
        (let ((articles (gnus-summary-find-matching
-                        (cons 'extra header) regexp 'all)))
+                        (cons 'extra header) regexp 'all nil nil 
+                        not-matching)))
          (unless articles
            (error "Found no matches for \"%s\"" regexp))
          (gnus-summary-limit articles))
@@ -7215,17 +7232,15 @@
 (defun gnus-summary-find-matching (header regexp &optional backward unread
-                                         not-case-fold)
+                                         not-case-fold not-matching)
   "Return a list of all articles that match REGEXP on HEADER.
 The search stars on the current article and goes forwards unless
 BACKWARD is non-nil.  If BACKWARD is `all', do all articles.
 If UNREAD is non-nil, only unread articles will
 be taken into consideration.  If NOT-CASE-FOLD, case won't be folded
-in the comparisons."
-  (let ((data (if (eq backward 'all) gnus-newsgroup-data
-               (gnus-data-find-list
-                (gnus-summary-article-number) (gnus-data-list backward))))
-       (case-fold-search (not not-case-fold))
+in the comparisons. If NOT-MATCHING, return a list of all articles that 
+not match REGEXP on HEADER."
+  (let ((case-fold-search (not not-case-fold))
        articles d func)
     (if (consp header)
        (if (eq (car header) 'extra)
@@ -7237,14 +7252,21 @@
       (unless (fboundp (intern (concat "mail-header-" header)))
        (error "%s is not a valid header" header))
       (setq func `(lambda (h) (,(intern (concat "mail-header-" header)) h))))
-    (while data
-      (setq d (car data))
-      (and (or (not unread)            ; We want all articles...
-              (gnus-data-unread-p d))  ; Or just unreads.
-          (vectorp (gnus-data-header d)) ; It's not a pseudo.
-          (string-match regexp (funcall func (gnus-data-header d))) ; Match.
-          (push (gnus-data-number d) articles)) ; Success!
-      (setq data (cdr data)))
+    (dolist (d (if (eq backward 'all)
+                  gnus-newsgroup-data
+                (gnus-data-find-list
+                 (gnus-summary-article-number)
+                 (gnus-data-list backward))))
+      (when (and (or (not unread)      ; We want all articles...
+                    (gnus-data-unread-p d)) ; Or just unreads.
+                (vectorp (gnus-data-header d)) ; It's not a pseudo.
+                (if not-matching
+                    (not (string-match 
+                          regexp
+                          (funcall func (gnus-data-header d))))
+                  (string-match regexp
+                                (funcall func (gnus-data-header d)))))
+       (push (gnus-data-number d) articles))) ; Success!
     (nreverse articles)))
 (defun gnus-summary-execute-command (header regexp command &optional backward)

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