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From: Dave Love
Subject: [Emacs-diffs]
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 05:43:30 -0400

Index: emacs/gc/alloc.c
diff -c emacs/gc/alloc.c:1.1 emacs/gc/alloc.c:removed
*** emacs/gc/alloc.c:1.1        Thu Jun  5 13:45:53 2003
--- emacs/gc/alloc.c    Fri Jun  6 05:43:30 2003
*** 1,1058 ****
- /*
-  * Copyright 1988, 1989 Hans-J. Boehm, Alan J. Demers
-  * Copyright (c) 1991-1996 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
-  * Copyright (c) 1998 by Silicon Graphics.  All rights reserved.
-  * Copyright (c) 1999 by Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved.
-  *
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
-  * for any purpose,  provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
-  * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
-  * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
-  * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
-  *
-  */
- # include "private/gc_priv.h"
- # include <stdio.h>
- # if !defined(MACOS) && !defined(MSWINCE)
- #   include <signal.h>
- #   include <sys/types.h>
- # endif
- /*
-  * Separate free lists are maintained for different sized objects
-  * up to MAXOBJSZ.
-  * The call GC_allocobj(i,k) ensures that the freelist for
-  * kind k objects of size i points to a non-empty
-  * free list. It returns a pointer to the first entry on the free list.
-  * In a single-threaded world, GC_allocobj may be called to allocate
-  * an object of (small) size i as follows:
-  *
-  *            opp = &(GC_objfreelist[i]);
-  *            if (*opp == 0) GC_allocobj(i, NORMAL);
-  *            ptr = *opp;
-  *            *opp = obj_link(ptr);
-  *
-  * Note that this is very fast if the free list is non-empty; it should
-  * only involve the execution of 4 or 5 simple instructions.
-  * All composite objects on freelists are cleared, except for
-  * their first word.
-  */
- /*
-  *  The allocator uses GC_allochblk to allocate large chunks of objects.
-  * These chunks all start on addresses which are multiples of
-  * HBLKSZ.   Each allocated chunk has an associated header,
-  * which can be located quickly based on the address of the chunk.
-  * (See headers.c for details.) 
-  * This makes it possible to check quickly whether an
-  * arbitrary address corresponds to an object administered by the
-  * allocator.
-  */
- word GC_non_gc_bytes = 0;  /* Number of bytes not intended to be collected */
- word GC_gc_no = 0;
- #ifndef SMALL_CONFIG
-   int GC_incremental = 0;  /* By default, stop the world.     */
- #endif
- int GC_parallel = FALSE;   /* By default, parallel GC is off. */
- int GC_full_freq = 19;           /* Every 20th collection is a full   */
-                          /* collection, whether we need it    */
-                          /* or not.                           */
- GC_bool GC_need_full_gc = FALSE;
-                          /* Need full GC do to heap growth.   */
- word GC_used_heap_size_after_full = 0;
- char * GC_copyright[] =
- {"Copyright 1988,1989 Hans-J. Boehm and Alan J. Demers ",
- "Copyright (c) 1991-1995 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved. ",
- "Copyright (c) 1996-1998 by Silicon Graphics.  All rights reserved. ",
- "Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by Hewlett-Packard Company.  All rights reserved. ",
- "See source code for details." };
- # include "version.h"
- /* some more variables */
- extern signed_word GC_mem_found;  /* Number of reclaimed longwords    */
-                                 /* after garbage collection           */
- GC_bool GC_dont_expand = 0;
- word GC_free_space_divisor = 3;
- extern GC_bool GC_collection_in_progress();
-               /* Collection is in progress, or was abandoned. */
- extern GC_bool GC_print_back_height;
- int GC_never_stop_func GC_PROTO((void)) { return(0); }
- unsigned long GC_time_limit = TIME_LIMIT;
- CLOCK_TYPE GC_start_time;     /* Time at which we stopped world.      */
-                               /* used only in GC_timeout_stop_func.   */
- int GC_n_attempts = 0;                /* Number of attempts at finishing      
-                               /* collection within GC_time_limit.     */
- #if defined(SMALL_CONFIG) || defined(NO_CLOCK)
- #   define GC_timeout_stop_func GC_never_stop_func
- #else
-   int GC_timeout_stop_func GC_PROTO((void))
-   {
-     CLOCK_TYPE current_time;
-     static unsigned count = 0;
-     unsigned long time_diff;
-     if ((count++ & 3) != 0) return(0);
-     GET_TIME(current_time);
-     time_diff = MS_TIME_DIFF(current_time,GC_start_time);
-     if (time_diff >= GC_time_limit) {
- #     ifdef CONDPRINT
-         if (GC_print_stats) {
-           GC_printf0("Abandoning stopped marking after ");
-           GC_printf1("%lu msecs", (unsigned long)time_diff);
-           GC_printf1("(attempt %d)\n", (unsigned long) GC_n_attempts);
-         }
- #     endif
-       return(1);
-     }
-     return(0);
-   }
- #endif /* !SMALL_CONFIG */
- /* Return the minimum number of words that must be allocated between  */
- /* collections to amortize the collection cost.                               
- static word min_words_allocd()
- {
- #   ifdef THREADS
-       /* We punt, for now. */
-       register signed_word stack_size = 10000;
- #   else
-         int dummy;
-         register signed_word stack_size = (ptr_t)(&dummy) - GC_stackbottom;
- #   endif
-     word total_root_size;         /* includes double stack size,      */
-                                   /* since the stack is expensive     */
-                                   /* to scan.                         */
-     word scan_size;           /* Estimate of memory to be scanned     */
-                               /* during normal GC.                    */
-     if (stack_size < 0) stack_size = -stack_size;
-     total_root_size = 2 * stack_size + GC_root_size;
-     scan_size = BYTES_TO_WORDS(GC_heapsize - GC_large_free_bytes
-                              + (GC_large_free_bytes >> 2)
-                                  /* use a bit more of large empty heap */
-                              + total_root_size);
-         return scan_size / (2 * GC_free_space_divisor);
-     } else {
-         return scan_size / GC_free_space_divisor;
-     }
- }
- /* Return the number of words allocated, adjusted for explicit storage        
- /* management, etc..  This number is used in deciding when to trigger */
- /* collections.                                                               
- word GC_adj_words_allocd()
- {
-     register signed_word result;
-     register signed_word expl_managed =
-               BYTES_TO_WORDS((long)GC_non_gc_bytes
-                               - (long)GC_non_gc_bytes_at_gc);
-     /* Don't count what was explicitly freed, or newly allocated for  */
-     /* explicit management.  Note that deallocating an explicitly     */
-     /* managed object should not alter result, assuming the client    */
-     /* is playing by the rules.                                               
-     result = (signed_word)GC_words_allocd
-            - (signed_word)GC_mem_freed 
-            + (signed_word)GC_finalizer_mem_freed - expl_managed;
-     if (result > (signed_word)GC_words_allocd) {
-         result = GC_words_allocd;
-       /* probably client bug or unfortunate scheduling */
-     }
-     result += GC_words_finalized;
-       /* We count objects enqueued for finalization as though they    */
-       /* had been reallocated this round. Finalization is user        */
-       /* visible progress.  And if we don't count this, we have       */
-       /* stability problems for programs that finalize all objects.   */
-     result += GC_words_wasted;
-       /* This doesn't reflect useful work.  But if there is lots of   */
-       /* new fragmentation, the same is probably true of the heap,    */
-       /* and the collection will be correspondingly cheaper.          */
-     if (result < (signed_word)(GC_words_allocd >> 3)) {
-       /* Always count at least 1/8 of the allocations.  We don't want */
-       /* to collect too infrequently, since that would inhibit        */
-       /* coalescing of free storage blocks.                           */
-       /* This also makes us partially robust against client bugs.     */
-         return(GC_words_allocd >> 3);
-     } else {
-         return(result);
-     }
- }
- /* Clear up a few frames worth of garbage left at the top of the stack.       
- /* This is used to prevent us from accidentally treating garbade left */
- /* on the stack by other parts of the collector as roots.  This       */
- /* differs from the code in misc.c, which actually tries to keep the  */
- /* stack clear of long-lived, client-generated garbage.                       
- void GC_clear_a_few_frames()
- {
- #   define NWORDS 64
-     word frames[NWORDS];
-     register int i;
-     for (i = 0; i < NWORDS; i++) frames[i] = 0;
- }
- /* Have we allocated enough to amortize a collection? */
- GC_bool GC_should_collect()
- {
-     return(GC_adj_words_allocd() >= min_words_allocd());
- }
- void GC_notify_full_gc()
- {
-     if (GC_start_call_back != (void (*) GC_PROTO((void)))0) {
-       (*GC_start_call_back)();
-     }
- }
- GC_bool GC_is_full_gc = FALSE;
- /* 
-  * Initiate a garbage collection if appropriate.
-  * Choose judiciously
-  * between partial, full, and stop-world collections.
-  * Assumes lock held, signals disabled.
-  */
- void GC_maybe_gc()
- {
-     static int n_partial_gcs = 0;
-     if (GC_should_collect()) {
-         if (!GC_incremental) {
-             GC_gcollect_inner();
-             n_partial_gcs = 0;
-             return;
-         } else {
- #       ifdef PARALLEL_MARK
-           GC_wait_for_reclaim();
- #       endif
-         if (GC_need_full_gc || n_partial_gcs >= GC_full_freq) {
- #         ifdef CONDPRINT
-             if (GC_print_stats) {
-               GC_printf2(
-                 "***>Full mark for collection %lu after %ld allocd bytes\n",
-                 (unsigned long) GC_gc_no+1,
-                 (long)WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_words_allocd));
-             }
- #           endif
-           GC_promote_black_lists();
-           (void)GC_reclaim_all((GC_stop_func)0, TRUE);
-           GC_clear_marks();
-             n_partial_gcs = 0;
-           GC_notify_full_gc();
-           GC_is_full_gc = TRUE;
-           } else {
-             n_partial_gcs++;
-           }
-       }
-         /* We try to mark with the world stopped.     */
-         /* If we run out of time, this turns into     */
-         /* incremental marking.                       */
- #     ifndef NO_CLOCK
-           if (GC_time_limit != GC_TIME_UNLIMITED) { GET_TIME(GC_start_time); }
- #     endif
-         if (GC_stopped_mark(GC_time_limit == GC_TIME_UNLIMITED? 
-                           GC_never_stop_func : GC_timeout_stop_func)) {
- #           ifdef SAVE_CALL_CHAIN
-                 GC_save_callers(GC_last_stack);
- #           endif
-             GC_finish_collection();
-         } else {
-           if (!GC_is_full_gc) {
-               /* Count this as the first attempt */
-               GC_n_attempts++;
-           }
-       }
-     }
- }
- /*
-  * Stop the world garbage collection.  Assumes lock held, signals disabled.
-  * If stop_func is not GC_never_stop_func, then abort if stop_func returns 
-  * Return TRUE if we successfully completed the collection.
-  */
- GC_bool GC_try_to_collect_inner(stop_func)
- GC_stop_func stop_func;
- {
- #   ifdef CONDPRINT
-         CLOCK_TYPE start_time, current_time;
- #   endif
-     if (GC_dont_gc) return FALSE;
-     if (GC_incremental && GC_collection_in_progress()) {
- #   ifdef CONDPRINT
-       if (GC_print_stats) {
-       GC_printf0(
-           "GC_try_to_collect_inner: finishing collection in progress\n");
-       }
- #   endif /* CONDPRINT */
-       /* Just finish collection already in progress.  */
-       while(GC_collection_in_progress()) {
-           if (stop_func()) return(FALSE);
-           GC_collect_a_little_inner(1);
-       }
-     }
-     if (stop_func == GC_never_stop_func) GC_notify_full_gc();
- #   ifdef CONDPRINT
-       if (GC_print_stats) {
-         if (GC_print_stats) GET_TIME(start_time);
-       GC_printf2(
-          "Initiating full world-stop collection %lu after %ld allocd bytes\n",
-          (unsigned long) GC_gc_no+1,
-          (long)WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_words_allocd));
-       }
- #   endif
-     GC_promote_black_lists();
-     /* Make sure all blocks have been reclaimed, so sweep routines    */
-     /* don't see cleared mark bits.                                   */
-     /* If we're guaranteed to finish, then this is unnecessary.               
-     /* In the find_leak case, we have to finish to guarantee that     */
-     /* previously unmarked objects are not reported as leaks.         */
- #       ifdef PARALLEL_MARK
-           GC_wait_for_reclaim();
- #       endif
-       if ((GC_find_leak || stop_func != GC_never_stop_func)
-           && !GC_reclaim_all(stop_func, FALSE)) {
-           /* Aborted.  So far everything is still consistent. */
-           return(FALSE);
-       }
-     GC_invalidate_mark_state();  /* Flush mark stack. */
-     GC_clear_marks();
- #   ifdef SAVE_CALL_CHAIN
-         GC_save_callers(GC_last_stack);
- #   endif
-     GC_is_full_gc = TRUE;
-     if (!GC_stopped_mark(stop_func)) {
-       if (!GC_incremental) {
-       /* We're partially done and have no way to complete or use      */
-       /* current work.  Reestablish invariants as cheaply as          */
-       /* possible.                                                    */
-       GC_invalidate_mark_state();
-       GC_unpromote_black_lists();
-       } /* else we claim the world is already still consistent.  We'll        
-         /* finish incrementally.                                      */
-       return(FALSE);
-     }
-     GC_finish_collection();
- #   if defined(CONDPRINT)
-       if (GC_print_stats) {
-         GET_TIME(current_time);
-         GC_printf1("Complete collection took %lu msecs\n",
-                    MS_TIME_DIFF(current_time,start_time));
-       }
- #   endif
-     return(TRUE);
- }
- /*
-  * Perform n units of garbage collection work.  A unit is intended to touch
-  * roughly GC_RATE pages.  Every once in a while, we do more than that.
-  * This needa to be a fairly large number with our current incremental
-  * GC strategy, since otherwise we allocate too much during GC, and the
-  * cleanup gets expensive.
-  */
- # define GC_RATE 10 
-       /* Maximum number of prior attempts at world stop marking       */
-       /* A value of 1 means that we finish the second time, no matter */
-       /* how long it takes.  Doesn't count the initial root scan      */
-       /* for a full GC.                                               */
- int GC_deficit = 0;   /* The number of extra calls to GC_mark_some    */
-                       /* that we have made.                           */
- void GC_collect_a_little_inner(n)
- int n;
- {
-     register int i;
-     if (GC_dont_gc) return;
-     if (GC_incremental && GC_collection_in_progress()) {
-       for (i = GC_deficit; i < GC_RATE*n; i++) {
-           if (GC_mark_some((ptr_t)0)) {
-               /* Need to finish a collection */
- #                     ifdef SAVE_CALL_CHAIN
-                   GC_save_callers(GC_last_stack);
- #                     endif
- #             ifdef PARALLEL_MARK
-                   GC_wait_for_reclaim();
- #             endif
-               if (GC_n_attempts < MAX_PRIOR_ATTEMPTS
-                   && GC_time_limit != GC_TIME_UNLIMITED) {
-                 GET_TIME(GC_start_time);
-                 if (!GC_stopped_mark(GC_timeout_stop_func)) {
-                   GC_n_attempts++;
-                   break;
-                 }
-               } else {
-                 (void)GC_stopped_mark(GC_never_stop_func);
-               }
-               GC_finish_collection();
-               break;
-           }
-       }
-       if (GC_deficit > 0) GC_deficit -= GC_RATE*n;
-       if (GC_deficit < 0) GC_deficit = 0;
-     } else {
-         GC_maybe_gc();
-     }
- }
- int GC_collect_a_little GC_PROTO(())
- {
-     int result;
-     LOCK();
-     GC_collect_a_little_inner(1);
-     result = (int)GC_collection_in_progress();
-     UNLOCK();
-     if (!result && GC_debugging_started) GC_print_all_smashed();
-     return(result);
- }
- /*
-  * Assumes lock is held, signals are disabled.
-  * We stop the world.
-  * If stop_func() ever returns TRUE, we may fail and return FALSE.
-  * Increment GC_gc_no if we succeed.
-  */
- GC_bool GC_stopped_mark(stop_func)
- GC_stop_func stop_func;
- {
-     register int i;
-     int dummy;
- #   if defined(PRINTTIMES) || defined(CONDPRINT)
-       CLOCK_TYPE start_time, current_time;
- #   endif
- #   ifdef PRINTTIMES
-       GET_TIME(start_time);
- #   endif
- #   if defined(CONDPRINT) && !defined(PRINTTIMES)
-       if (GC_print_stats) GET_TIME(start_time);
- #   endif
-         GC_cond_register_dynamic_libraries();
- #   endif
-     STOP_WORLD();
- #   ifdef CONDPRINT
-       if (GC_print_stats) {
-       GC_printf1("--> Marking for collection %lu ",
-                  (unsigned long) GC_gc_no + 1);
-       GC_printf2("after %lu allocd bytes + %lu wasted bytes\n",
-                  (unsigned long) WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_words_allocd),
-                  (unsigned long) WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_words_wasted));
-       }
- #   endif
- #   ifdef MAKE_BACK_GRAPH
-       if (GC_print_back_height) {
-         GC_build_back_graph();
-       }
- #   endif
-     /* Mark from all roots.  */
-         /* Minimize junk left in my registers and on the stack */
-             GC_clear_a_few_frames();
-             GC_noop(0,0,0,0,0,0);
-       GC_initiate_gc();
-       for(i = 0;;i++) {
-           if ((*stop_func)()) {
- #                 ifdef CONDPRINT
-                     if (GC_print_stats) {
-                       GC_printf0("Abandoned stopped marking after ");
-                       GC_printf1("%lu iterations\n",
-                                  (unsigned long)i);
-                     }
- #                 endif
-                   GC_deficit = i; /* Give the mutator a chance. */
-                   START_WORLD();
-                   return(FALSE);
-           }
-           if (GC_mark_some((ptr_t)(&dummy))) break;
-       }
-     GC_gc_no++;
- #   ifdef PRINTSTATS
-       GC_printf2("Collection %lu reclaimed %ld bytes",
-                 (unsigned long) GC_gc_no - 1,
-                 (long)WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_mem_found));
- #   else
- #     ifdef CONDPRINT
-         if (GC_print_stats) {
-         GC_printf1("Collection %lu finished", (unsigned long) GC_gc_no - 1);
-       }
- #     endif
- #   endif /* !PRINTSTATS */
- #   ifdef CONDPRINT
-       if (GC_print_stats) {
-         GC_printf1(" ---> heapsize = %lu bytes\n",
-                          (unsigned long) GC_heapsize);
-         /* Printf arguments may be pushed in funny places.  Clear the */
-         /* space.                                                     */
-         GC_printf0("");
-       }
- #   endif  /* CONDPRINT  */
-     /* Check all debugged objects for consistency */
-         if (GC_debugging_started) {
-             (*GC_check_heap)();
-         }
-     START_WORLD();
- #   ifdef PRINTTIMES
-       GET_TIME(current_time);
-       GC_printf1("World-stopped marking took %lu msecs\n",
-                  MS_TIME_DIFF(current_time,start_time));
- #   else
- #     ifdef CONDPRINT
-       if (GC_print_stats) {
-         GET_TIME(current_time);
-         GC_printf1("World-stopped marking took %lu msecs\n",
-                    MS_TIME_DIFF(current_time,start_time));
-       }
- #     endif
- #   endif
-     return(TRUE);
- }
- /* Set all mark bits for the free list whose first entry is q */
- #ifdef __STDC__
-   void GC_set_fl_marks(ptr_t q)
- #else
-   void GC_set_fl_marks(q)
-   ptr_t q;
- #endif
- {
-    ptr_t p;
-    struct hblk * h, * last_h = 0;
-    hdr *hhdr;
-    int word_no;
-    for (p = q; p != 0; p = obj_link(p)){
-       h = HBLKPTR(p);
-       if (h != last_h) {
-         last_h = h; 
-         hhdr = HDR(h);
-       }
-       word_no = (((word *)p) - ((word *)h));
-       set_mark_bit_from_hdr(hhdr, word_no);
-    }
- }
- /* Clear all mark bits for the free list whose first entry is q       */
- /* Decrement GC_mem_found by number of words on free list.    */
- #ifdef __STDC__
-   void GC_clear_fl_marks(ptr_t q)
- #else
-   void GC_clear_fl_marks(q)
-   ptr_t q;
- #endif
- {
-    ptr_t p;
-    struct hblk * h, * last_h = 0;
-    hdr *hhdr;
-    int word_no;
-    for (p = q; p != 0; p = obj_link(p)){
-       h = HBLKPTR(p);
-       if (h != last_h) {
-         last_h = h; 
-         hhdr = HDR(h);
-       }
-       word_no = (((word *)p) - ((word *)h));
-       clear_mark_bit_from_hdr(hhdr, word_no);
- #     ifdef GATHERSTATS
-           GC_mem_found -= hhdr -> hb_sz;
- #     endif
-    }
- }
- /* Finish up a collection.  Assumes lock is held, signals are disabled,       
- /* but the world is otherwise running.                                        
- void GC_finish_collection()
- {
- #   ifdef PRINTTIMES
-       CLOCK_TYPE start_time;
-       CLOCK_TYPE finalize_time;
-       CLOCK_TYPE done_time;
-       GET_TIME(start_time);
-       finalize_time = start_time;
- #   endif
- #   ifdef GATHERSTATS
-         GC_mem_found = 0;
- #   endif
- #   if defined(LINUX) && defined(__ELF__) && !defined(SMALL_CONFIG)
-       if (getenv("GC_PRINT_ADDRESS_MAP") != 0) {
-         GC_print_address_map();
-       }
- #   endif
-     COND_DUMP;
-     if (GC_find_leak) {
-       /* Mark all objects on the free list.  All objects should be */
-       /* marked when we're done.                                 */
-       {
-         register word size;           /* current object size          */
-         int kind;
-         ptr_t q;
-         for (kind = 0; kind < GC_n_kinds; kind++) {
-           for (size = 1; size <= MAXOBJSZ; size++) {
-             q = GC_obj_kinds[kind].ok_freelist[size];
-             if (q != 0) GC_set_fl_marks(q);
-           }
-         }
-       }
-       GC_start_reclaim(TRUE);
-         /* The above just checks; it doesn't really reclaim anything. */
-     }
-     GC_finalize();
- #   ifdef STUBBORN_ALLOC
-       GC_clean_changing_list();
- #   endif
- #   ifdef PRINTTIMES
-       GET_TIME(finalize_time);
- #   endif
-     if (GC_print_back_height) {
- #     ifdef MAKE_BACK_GRAPH
-       GC_traverse_back_graph();
- #     else
- #     ifndef SMALL_CONFIG
-         GC_err_printf0("Back height not available: "
-                        "Rebuild collector with -DMAKE_BACK_GRAPH\n");
- #     endif
- #     endif
-     }
-     /* Clear free list mark bits, in case they got accidentally marked   */
-     /* (or GC_find_leak is set and they were intentionally marked).    */
-     /* Also subtract memory remaining from GC_mem_found count.           */
-     /* Note that composite objects on free list are cleared.             */
-     /* Thus accidentally marking a free list is not a problem;  only     */
-     /* objects on the list itself will be marked, and that's fixed here. */
-       {
-       register word size;             /* current object size          */
-       register ptr_t q;       /* pointer to current object    */
-       int kind;
-       for (kind = 0; kind < GC_n_kinds; kind++) {
-         for (size = 1; size <= MAXOBJSZ; size++) {
-           q = GC_obj_kinds[kind].ok_freelist[size];
-           if (q != 0) GC_clear_fl_marks(q);
-         }
-       }
-       }
- #   ifdef PRINTSTATS
-       GC_printf1("Bytes recovered before sweep - f.l. count = %ld\n",
-                 (long)WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_mem_found));
- #   endif
-     /* Reconstruct free lists to contain everything not marked */
-         GC_start_reclaim(FALSE);
-         if (GC_is_full_gc)  {
-           GC_used_heap_size_after_full = USED_HEAP_SIZE;
-           GC_need_full_gc = FALSE;
-       } else {
-           GC_need_full_gc =
-                BYTES_TO_WORDS(USED_HEAP_SIZE - GC_used_heap_size_after_full)
-                > min_words_allocd();
-       }
- #   ifdef PRINTSTATS
-       GC_printf2(
-                 "Immediately reclaimed %ld bytes in heap of size %lu bytes",
-                 (long)WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_mem_found),
-                 (unsigned long)GC_heapsize);
- #     ifdef USE_MUNMAP
-         GC_printf1("(%lu unmapped)", GC_unmapped_bytes);
- #     endif
-       GC_printf2(
-               "\n%lu (atomic) + %lu (composite) collectable bytes in use\n",
-               (unsigned long)WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_atomic_in_use),
-               (unsigned long)WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_composite_in_use));
- #   endif
-       GC_n_attempts = 0;
-       GC_is_full_gc = FALSE;
-     /* Reset or increment counters for next cycle */
-       GC_words_allocd_before_gc += GC_words_allocd;
-       GC_non_gc_bytes_at_gc = GC_non_gc_bytes;
-       GC_words_allocd = 0;
-       GC_words_wasted = 0;
-       GC_mem_freed = 0;
-       GC_finalizer_mem_freed = 0;
- #   ifdef USE_MUNMAP
-       GC_unmap_old();
- #   endif
- #   ifdef PRINTTIMES
-       GET_TIME(done_time);
-       GC_printf2("Finalize + initiate sweep took %lu + %lu msecs\n",
-                  MS_TIME_DIFF(finalize_time,start_time),
-                  MS_TIME_DIFF(done_time,finalize_time));
- #   endif
- }
- /* Externally callable routine to invoke full, stop-world collection */
- # if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-     int GC_try_to_collect(GC_stop_func stop_func)
- # else
-     int GC_try_to_collect(stop_func)
-     GC_stop_func stop_func;
- # endif
- {
-     int result;
-     if (GC_debugging_started) GC_print_all_smashed();
-     LOCK();
-     ENTER_GC();
-     if (!GC_is_initialized) GC_init_inner();
-     /* Minimize junk left in my registers */
-       GC_noop(0,0,0,0,0,0);
-     result = (int)GC_try_to_collect_inner(stop_func);
-     EXIT_GC();
-     UNLOCK();
-     if(result) {
-         if (GC_debugging_started) GC_print_all_smashed();
-     }
-     return(result);
- }
- void GC_gcollect GC_PROTO(())
- {
-     (void)GC_try_to_collect(GC_never_stop_func);
-     if (GC_have_errors) GC_print_all_errors();
- }
- word GC_n_heap_sects = 0;     /* Number of sections currently in heap. */
- /*
-  * Use the chunk of memory starting at p of size bytes as part of the heap.
-  * Assumes p is HBLKSIZE aligned, and bytes is a multiple of HBLKSIZE.
-  */
- void GC_add_to_heap(p, bytes)
- struct hblk *p;
- word bytes;
- {
-     word words;
-     hdr * phdr;
-     if (GC_n_heap_sects >= MAX_HEAP_SECTS) {
-       ABORT("Too many heap sections: Increase MAXHINCR or MAX_HEAP_SECTS");
-     }
-     phdr = GC_install_header(p);
-     if (0 == phdr) {
-       /* This is extremely unlikely. Can't add it.  This will         */
-       /* almost certainly result in a 0 return from the allocator,    */
-       /* which is entirely appropriate.                               */
-       return;
-     }
-     GC_heap_sects[GC_n_heap_sects].hs_start = (ptr_t)p;
-     GC_heap_sects[GC_n_heap_sects].hs_bytes = bytes;
-     GC_n_heap_sects++;
-     words = BYTES_TO_WORDS(bytes);
-     phdr -> hb_sz = words;
-     phdr -> hb_map = (unsigned char *)1;   /* A value != GC_invalid_map       
-     phdr -> hb_flags = 0;
-     GC_freehblk(p);
-     GC_heapsize += bytes;
-     if ((ptr_t)p <= (ptr_t)GC_least_plausible_heap_addr
-         || GC_least_plausible_heap_addr == 0) {
-         GC_least_plausible_heap_addr = (GC_PTR)((ptr_t)p - sizeof(word));
-               /* Making it a little smaller than necessary prevents   */
-               /* us from getting a false hit from the variable        */
-               /* itself.  There's some unintentional reflection       */
-               /* here.                                                */
-     }
-     if ((ptr_t)p + bytes >= (ptr_t)GC_greatest_plausible_heap_addr) {
-         GC_greatest_plausible_heap_addr = (GC_PTR)((ptr_t)p + bytes);
-     }
- }
- # if !defined(NO_DEBUGGING)
- void GC_print_heap_sects()
- {
-     register unsigned i;
-     GC_printf1("Total heap size: %lu\n", (unsigned long) GC_heapsize);
-     for (i = 0; i < GC_n_heap_sects; i++) {
-         unsigned long start = (unsigned long) GC_heap_sects[i].hs_start;
-         unsigned long len = (unsigned long) GC_heap_sects[i].hs_bytes;
-         struct hblk *h;
-         unsigned nbl = 0;
-       GC_printf3("Section %ld from 0x%lx to 0x%lx ", (unsigned long)i,
-                  start, (unsigned long)(start + len));
-       for (h = (struct hblk *)start; h < (struct hblk *)(start + len); h++) {
-           if (GC_is_black_listed(h, HBLKSIZE)) nbl++;
-       }
-       GC_printf2("%lu/%lu blacklisted\n", (unsigned long)nbl,
-                  (unsigned long)(len/HBLKSIZE));
-     }
- }
- # endif
- GC_PTR GC_least_plausible_heap_addr = (GC_PTR)ONES;
- GC_PTR GC_greatest_plausible_heap_addr = 0;
- ptr_t GC_max(x,y)
- ptr_t x, y;
- {
-     return(x > y? x : y);
- }
- ptr_t GC_min(x,y)
- ptr_t x, y;
- {
-     return(x < y? x : y);
- }
- # if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-     void GC_set_max_heap_size(GC_word n)
- # else
-     void GC_set_max_heap_size(n)
-     GC_word n;
- # endif
- {
-     GC_max_heapsize = n;
- }
- GC_word GC_max_retries = 0;
- /*
-  * this explicitly increases the size of the heap.  It is used
-  * internally, but may also be invoked from GC_expand_hp by the user.
-  * The argument is in units of HBLKSIZE.
-  * Tiny values of n are rounded up.
-  * Returns FALSE on failure.
-  */
- GC_bool GC_expand_hp_inner(n)
- word n;
- {
-     word bytes;
-     struct hblk * space;
-     word expansion_slop;      /* Number of bytes by which we expect the */
-                               /* heap to expand soon.                   */
-     if (n < MINHINCR) n = MINHINCR;
-     bytes = n * HBLKSIZE;
-     /* Make sure bytes is a multiple of GC_page_size */
-       {
-       word mask = GC_page_size - 1;
-       bytes += mask;
-       bytes &= ~mask;
-       }
-     if (GC_max_heapsize != 0 && GC_heapsize + bytes > GC_max_heapsize) {
-         /* Exceeded self-imposed limit */
-         return(FALSE);
-     }
-     space = GET_MEM(bytes);
-     if( space == 0 ) {
- #     ifdef CONDPRINT
-         if (GC_print_stats) {
-           GC_printf1("Failed to expand heap by %ld bytes\n",
-                      (unsigned long)bytes);
-         }
- #       endif
-       return(FALSE);
-     }
- #   ifdef CONDPRINT
-       if (GC_print_stats) {
-       GC_printf2("Increasing heap size by %lu after %lu allocated bytes\n",
-                  (unsigned long)bytes,
-                  (unsigned long)WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_words_allocd));
- #     ifdef UNDEFINED
-         GC_printf1("Root size = %lu\n", GC_root_size);
-         GC_print_block_list(); GC_print_hblkfreelist();
-         GC_printf0("\n");
- #     endif
-       }
- #   endif
-     expansion_slop = 8 * WORDS_TO_BYTES(min_words_allocd());
-     if (5 * HBLKSIZE * MAXHINCR > expansion_slop) {
-         expansion_slop = 5 * HBLKSIZE * MAXHINCR;
-     }
-     if (GC_last_heap_addr == 0 && !((word)space & SIGNB)
-         || GC_last_heap_addr != 0 && GC_last_heap_addr < (ptr_t)space) {
-         /* Assume the heap is growing up */
-         GC_greatest_plausible_heap_addr =
-             GC_max(GC_greatest_plausible_heap_addr,
-                    (ptr_t)space + bytes + expansion_slop);
-     } else {
-         /* Heap is growing down */
-         GC_least_plausible_heap_addr =
-             GC_min(GC_least_plausible_heap_addr,
-                    (ptr_t)space - expansion_slop);
-     }
-     GC_prev_heap_addr = GC_last_heap_addr;
-     GC_last_heap_addr = (ptr_t)space;
-     GC_add_to_heap(space, bytes);
-     return(TRUE);
- }
- /* Really returns a bool, but it's externally visible, so that's clumsy. */
- /* Arguments is in bytes.                                             */
- # if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-   int GC_expand_hp(size_t bytes)
- # else
-   int GC_expand_hp(bytes)
-   size_t bytes;
- # endif
- {
-     int result;
-     LOCK();
-     if (!GC_is_initialized) GC_init_inner();
-     result = (int)GC_expand_hp_inner(divHBLKSZ((word)bytes));
-     if (result) GC_requested_heapsize += bytes;
-     UNLOCK();
-     return(result);
- }
- unsigned GC_fail_count = 0;  
-                       /* How many consecutive GC/expansion failures?  */
-                       /* Reset by GC_allochblk.                       */
- GC_bool GC_collect_or_expand(needed_blocks, ignore_off_page)
- word needed_blocks;
- GC_bool ignore_off_page;
- {
-     if (!GC_incremental && !GC_dont_gc &&
-       (GC_dont_expand && GC_words_allocd > 0 || GC_should_collect())) {
-       GC_gcollect_inner();
-     } else {
-       word blocks_to_get = GC_heapsize/(HBLKSIZE*GC_free_space_divisor)
-                                  + needed_blocks;
-       if (blocks_to_get > MAXHINCR) {
-           word slop;
-           if (ignore_off_page) {
-               slop = 4;
-           } else {
-             slop = 2*divHBLKSZ(BL_LIMIT);
-             if (slop > needed_blocks) slop = needed_blocks;
-         }
-           if (needed_blocks + slop > MAXHINCR) {
-               blocks_to_get = needed_blocks + slop;
-           } else {
-               blocks_to_get = MAXHINCR;
-           }
-       }
-       if (!GC_expand_hp_inner(blocks_to_get)
-         && !GC_expand_hp_inner(needed_blocks)) {
-               if (GC_fail_count++ < GC_max_retries) {
-                   WARN("Out of Memory!  Trying to continue ...\n", 0);
-           GC_gcollect_inner();
-       } else {
- #         if !defined(AMIGA) || !defined(GC_AMIGA_FASTALLOC)
-             WARN("Out of Memory!  Returning NIL!\n", 0);
- #         endif
-           return(FALSE);
-       }
-       } else {
- #       ifdef CONDPRINT
-             if (GC_fail_count && GC_print_stats) {
-             GC_printf0("Memory available again ...\n");
-           }
- #       endif
-       }
-     }
-     return(TRUE);
- }
- /*
-  * Make sure the object free list for sz is not empty.
-  * Return a pointer to the first object on the free list.
-  * Assumes we hold the allocator lock and signals are disabled.
-  *
-  */
- ptr_t GC_allocobj(sz, kind)
- word sz;
- int kind;
- {
-     ptr_t * flh = &(GC_obj_kinds[kind].ok_freelist[sz]);
-     GC_bool tried_minor = FALSE;
-     if (sz == 0) return(0);
-     while (*flh == 0) {
-       ENTER_GC();
-       /* Do our share of marking work */
-         if(TRUE_INCREMENTAL) GC_collect_a_little_inner(1);
-       /* Sweep blocks for objects of this size */
-         GC_continue_reclaim(sz, kind);
-       EXIT_GC();
-       if (*flh == 0) {
-         GC_new_hblk(sz, kind);
-       }
-       if (*flh == 0) {
-         ENTER_GC();
-       if (GC_incremental && GC_time_limit == GC_TIME_UNLIMITED
-           && ! tried_minor ) {
-           GC_collect_a_little_inner(1);
-           tried_minor = TRUE;
-       } else {
-           if (!GC_collect_or_expand((word)1,FALSE)) {
-           EXIT_GC();
-           return(0);
-         }
-       }
-       EXIT_GC();
-       }
-     }
-     /* Successful allocation; reset failure count.    */
-     GC_fail_count = 0;
-     return(*flh);
- }
--- 0 ----

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