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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/sgml-mode.el [emacs-unicod

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/sgml-mode.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 08:56:21 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/textmodes/sgml-mode.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/textmodes/sgml-mode.el:
*** /dev/null   Mon Sep  8 08:56:21 2003
--- emacs/lisp/textmodes/sgml-mode.el   Mon Sep  8 08:53:41 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1955 ----
+ ;;; sgml-mode.el --- SGML- and HTML-editing modes
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1992,95,96,98,2001,2002, 2003  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: James Clark <address@hidden>
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; Adapted-By: ESR, Daniel Pfeiffer <address@hidden>,
+ ;;             address@hidden
+ ;; Keywords: wp, hypermedia, comm, languages
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; Configurable major mode for editing document in the SGML standard general
+ ;; markup language.  As an example contains a mode for editing the derived
+ ;; HTML hypertext markup language.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (require 'skeleton)
+   (require 'outline)
+   (require 'cl))
+ (defgroup sgml nil
+   "SGML editing mode"
+   :group 'languages)
+ (defcustom sgml-basic-offset 2
+   "*Specifies the basic indentation level for `sgml-indent-line'."
+   :type 'integer
+   :group 'sgml)
+ (defcustom sgml-transformation 'identity
+   "*Default value for `skeleton-transformation' (which see) in SGML mode."
+   :type 'function
+   :group 'sgml)
+ (put 'sgml-transformation 'variable-interactive
+      "aTransformation function: ")
+ (defcustom sgml-mode-hook nil
+   "Hook run by command `sgml-mode'.
+ `text-mode-hook' is run first."
+   :group 'sgml
+   :type 'hook)
+ ;; As long as Emacs' syntax can't be complemented with predicates to context
+ ;; sensitively confirm the syntax of characters, we have to live with this
+ ;; kludgy kind of tradeoff.
+ (defvar sgml-specials '(?\")
+   "List of characters that have a special meaning for SGML mode.
+ This list is used when first loading the `sgml-mode' library.
+ The supported characters and potential disadvantages are:
+   ?\\\"       Makes \" in text start a string.
+   ?'  Makes ' in text start a string.
+   ?-  Makes -- in text start a comment.
+ When only one of ?\\\" or ?' are included, \"'\" or '\"', as can be found in
+ DTDs, start a string.  To partially avoid this problem this also makes these
+ self insert as named entities depending on `sgml-quick-keys'.
+ Including ?- has the problem of affecting dashes that have nothing to do
+ with comments, so we normally turn it off.")
+ (defvar sgml-quick-keys nil
+   "Use <, >, &, /, SPC and `sgml-specials' keys \"electrically\" when non-nil.
+ This takes effect when first loading the `sgml-mode' library.")
+ (defvar sgml-mode-map
+   (let ((map (make-keymap))   ;`sparse' doesn't allow binding to charsets.
+       (menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "SGML")))
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-i" 'sgml-tags-invisible)
+     (define-key map "/" 'sgml-slash)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-n" 'sgml-name-char)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-t" 'sgml-tag)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-a" 'sgml-attributes)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-b" 'sgml-skip-tag-backward)
+     (define-key map [?\C-c left] 'sgml-skip-tag-backward)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'sgml-skip-tag-forward)
+     (define-key map [?\C-c right] 'sgml-skip-tag-forward)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-d" 'sgml-delete-tag)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\^?" 'sgml-delete-tag)
+     (define-key map "\C-c?" 'sgml-tag-help)
+     (define-key map "\C-c/" 'sgml-close-tag)
+     (define-key map "\C-c8" 'sgml-name-8bit-mode)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-v" 'sgml-validate)
+     (when sgml-quick-keys
+       (define-key map "&" 'sgml-name-char)
+       (define-key map "<" 'sgml-tag)
+       (define-key map " " 'sgml-auto-attributes)
+       (define-key map ">" 'sgml-maybe-end-tag)
+       (when (memq ?\" sgml-specials)
+         (define-key map "\"" 'sgml-name-self))
+       (when (memq ?' sgml-specials)
+         (define-key map "'" 'sgml-name-self)))
+     (let ((c 127)
+         (map (nth 1 map)))
+       (while (< (setq c (1+ c)) 256)
+       (aset map c 'sgml-maybe-name-self)))
+     (define-key map [menu-bar sgml] (cons "SGML" menu-map))
+     (define-key menu-map [sgml-validate] '("Validate" . sgml-validate))
+     (define-key menu-map [sgml-name-8bit-mode]
+       '("Toggle 8 Bit Insertion" . sgml-name-8bit-mode))
+     (define-key menu-map [sgml-tags-invisible]
+       '("Toggle Tag Visibility" . sgml-tags-invisible))
+     (define-key menu-map [sgml-tag-help]
+       '("Describe Tag" . sgml-tag-help))
+     (define-key menu-map [sgml-delete-tag]
+       '("Delete Tag" . sgml-delete-tag))
+     (define-key menu-map [sgml-skip-tag-forward]
+       '("Forward Tag" . sgml-skip-tag-forward))
+     (define-key menu-map [sgml-skip-tag-backward]
+       '("Backward Tag" . sgml-skip-tag-backward))
+     (define-key menu-map [sgml-attributes]
+       '("Insert Attributes" . sgml-attributes))
+     (define-key menu-map [sgml-tag] '("Insert Tag" . sgml-tag))
+     map)
+   "Keymap for SGML mode.  See also `sgml-specials'.")
+ (defun sgml-make-syntax-table (specials)
+   (let ((table (make-syntax-table text-mode-syntax-table)))
+     (modify-syntax-entry ?< "(>" table)
+     (modify-syntax-entry ?> ")<" table)
+     (modify-syntax-entry ?: "_" table)
+     (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "_" table)
+     (modify-syntax-entry ?. "_" table)
+     (if (memq ?- specials)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?- "_ 1234" table))
+     (if (memq ?\" specials)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"\"" table))
+     (if (memq ?' specials)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"'" table))
+     table))
+ (defvar sgml-mode-syntax-table (sgml-make-syntax-table sgml-specials)
+   "Syntax table used in SGML mode.  See also `sgml-specials'.")
+ (defconst sgml-tag-syntax-table
+   (let ((table (sgml-make-syntax-table '(?- ?\" ?\'))))
+     (dolist (char '(?\( ?\) ?\{ ?\} ?\[ ?\] ?$ ?% ?& ?* ?+ ?/))
+       (modify-syntax-entry char "." table))
+     table)
+   "Syntax table used to parse SGML tags.")
+ (defcustom sgml-name-8bit-mode nil
+   "*When non-nil, insert non-ASCII characters as named entities."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'sgml)
+ (defvar sgml-char-names
+   [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    "nbsp" "excl" "quot" "num" "dollar" "percnt" "amp" "apos"
+    "lpar" "rpar" "ast" "plus" "comma" "hyphen" "period" "sol"
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil "colon" "semi" "lt" "eq" "gt" "quest"
+    "commat" nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil "lsqb" nil "rsqb" "uarr" "lowbar"
+    "lsquo" nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil "lcub" "verbar" "rcub" "tilde" nil
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+    "nbsp" "iexcl" "cent" "pound" "curren" "yen" "brvbar" "sect"
+    "uml" "copy" "ordf" "laquo" "not" "shy" "reg" "macr"
+    "ring" "plusmn" "sup2" "sup3" "acute" "micro" "para" "middot"
+    "cedil" "sup1" "ordm" "raquo" "frac14" "frac12" "frac34" "iquest"
+    "Agrave" "Aacute" "Acirc" "Atilde" "Auml" "Aring" "AElig" "Ccedil"
+    "Egrave" "Eacute" "Ecirc" "Euml" "Igrave" "Iacute" "Icirc" "Iuml"
+    "ETH" "Ntilde" "Ograve" "Oacute" "Ocirc" "Otilde" "Ouml" nil
+    "Oslash" "Ugrave" "Uacute" "Ucirc" "Uuml" "Yacute" "THORN" "szlig"
+    "agrave" "aacute" "acirc" "atilde" "auml" "aring" "aelig" "ccedil"
+    "egrave" "eacute" "ecirc" "euml" "igrave" "iacute" "icirc" "iuml"
+    "eth" "ntilde" "ograve" "oacute" "ocirc" "otilde" "ouml" "divide"
+    "oslash" "ugrave" "uacute" "ucirc" "uuml" "yacute" "thorn" "yuml"]
+   "Vector of symbolic character names without `&' and `;'.")
+ (put 'sgml-table 'char-table-extra-slots 0)
+ (defvar sgml-char-names-table
+   (let ((table (make-char-table 'sgml-table))
+       (i 32)
+       elt)
+     (while (< i 128)
+       (setq elt (aref sgml-char-names i))
+       (if elt (aset table (make-char 'latin-iso8859-1 i) elt))
+       (setq i (1+ i)))
+     table)
+   "A table for mapping non-ASCII characters into SGML entity names.
+ Currently, only Latin-1 characters are supported.")
+ ;; nsgmls is a free SGML parser in the SP suite available from
+ ;; ftp.jclark.com and otherwise packaged for GNU systems.
+ ;; Its error messages can be parsed by next-error.
+ ;; The -s option suppresses output.
+ (defcustom sgml-validate-command "nsgmls -s" ; replaced old `sgmls'
+   "*The command to validate an SGML document.
+ The file name of current buffer file name will be appended to this,
+ separated by a space."
+   :type 'string
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'sgml)
+ (defvar sgml-saved-validate-command nil
+   "The command last used to validate in this buffer.")
+ ;; I doubt that null end tags are used much for large elements,
+ ;; so use a small distance here.
+ (defcustom sgml-slash-distance 1000
+   "*If non-nil, is the maximum distance to search for matching `/'."
+   :type '(choice (const nil) integer)
+   :group 'sgml)
+ (defconst sgml-namespace-re "[_[:alpha:]][-_.[:alnum:]]*")
+ (defconst sgml-name-re "[_:[:alpha:]][-_.:[:alnum:]]*")
+ (defconst sgml-tag-name-re (concat "<\\([!/?]?" sgml-name-re "\\)"))
+ (defconst sgml-attrs-re "\\(?:[^\"'/><]\\|\"[^\"]*\"\\|'[^']*'\\)*")
+ (defconst sgml-start-tag-regex (concat "<" sgml-name-re sgml-attrs-re)
+   "Regular expression that matches a non-empty start tag.
+ Any terminating `>' or `/' is not matched.")
+ (defface sgml-namespace-face
+   '((t (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face)))
+   "`sgml-mode' face used to highlight the namespace part of identifiers.")
+ (defvar sgml-namespace-face 'sgml-namespace-face)
+ ;; internal
+ (defconst sgml-font-lock-keywords-1
+   `((,(concat "<\\([!?]" sgml-name-re "\\)") 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+     ;; We could use the simpler "\\(" sgml-namespace-re ":\\)?" instead,
+     ;; but it would cause a bit more backtracking in the re-matcher.
+     (,(concat "</?\\(" sgml-namespace-re "\\)\\(?::\\(" sgml-name-re 
+      (1 (if (match-end 2) sgml-namespace-face font-lock-function-name-face))
+      (2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
+     ;; FIXME: this doesn't cover the variables using a default value.
+     (,(concat "\\(" sgml-namespace-re "\\)\\(?::\\("
+             sgml-name-re "\\)\\)?=[\"']")
+      (1 (if (match-end 2) sgml-namespace-face font-lock-variable-name-face))
+      (2 font-lock-variable-name-face nil t))
+     (,(concat "[&%]" sgml-name-re ";?") . font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+ (defconst sgml-font-lock-keywords-2
+   (append
+    sgml-font-lock-keywords-1
+    '((eval
+       . (cons (concat "<"
+                     (regexp-opt (mapcar 'car sgml-tag-face-alist) t)
+                     "\\([ \t][^>]*\\)?>\\([^<]+\\)</\\1>")
+             '(3 (cdr (assoc (downcase (match-string 1))
+                             sgml-tag-face-alist)) prepend))))))
+ ;; for font-lock, but must be defvar'ed after
+ ;; sgml-font-lock-keywords-1 and sgml-font-lock-keywords-2 above
+ (defvar sgml-font-lock-keywords sgml-font-lock-keywords-1
+   "*Rules for highlighting SGML code.  See also `sgml-tag-face-alist'.")
+ (defvar sgml-font-lock-syntactic-keywords
+   ;; Use the `b' style of comments to avoid interference with the -- ... --
+   ;; comments recognized when `sgml-specials' includes ?-.
+   ;; FIXME: beware of <!--> blabla <!--> !!
+   '(("\\(<\\)!--" (1 "< b"))
+     ("--[ \t\n]*\\(>\\)" (1 "> b")))
+   "Syntactic keywords for `sgml-mode'.")
+ ;; internal
+ (defvar sgml-face-tag-alist ()
+   "Alist of face and tag name for facemenu.")
+ (defvar sgml-tag-face-alist ()
+   "Tag names and face or list of faces to fontify with when invisible.
+ When `font-lock-maximum-decoration' is 1 this is always used for fontifying.
+ When more these are fontified together with `sgml-font-lock-keywords'.")
+ (defvar sgml-display-text ()
+   "Tag names as lowercase symbols, and display string when invisible.")
+ ;; internal
+ (defvar sgml-tags-invisible nil)
+ (defcustom sgml-tag-alist
+   '(("![" ("ignore" t) ("include" t))
+     ("!attlist")
+     ("!doctype")
+     ("!element")
+     ("!entity"))
+   "*Alist of tag names for completing read and insertion rules.
+ This alist is made up as
+   ((\"tag\" . TAGRULE)
+    ...)
+ TAGRULE is a list of optionally t (no endtag) or `\\n' (separate endtag by
+ newlines) or a skeleton with nil, t or `\\n' in place of the interactor
+ followed by an ATTRIBUTERULE (for an always present attribute) or an
+ attribute alist.
+ The attribute alist is made up as
+   ((\"attribute\" . ATTRIBUTERULE)
+    ...)
+ ATTRIBUTERULE is a list of optionally t (no value when no input) followed by
+ an optional alist of possible values."
+   :type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "Tag Name")
+                      (repeat :tag "Tag Rule" sexp)))
+   :group 'sgml)
+ (defcustom sgml-tag-help
+   '(("!" . "Empty declaration for comment")
+     ("![" . "Embed declarations with parser directive")
+     ("!attlist" . "Tag attributes declaration")
+     ("!doctype" . "Document type (DTD) declaration")
+     ("!element" . "Tag declaration")
+     ("!entity" . "Entity (macro) declaration"))
+   "*Alist of tag name and short description."
+   :type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "Tag Name")
+                      (string :tag "Description")))
+   :group 'sgml)
+ (defcustom sgml-xml-mode nil
+   "*When non-nil, tag insertion functions will be XML-compliant.
+ If this variable is customized, the custom value is used always.
+ Otherwise, it is set to be buffer-local when the file has
+  a DOCTYPE or an XML declaration."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :version "21.4"
+   :group 'sgml)
+ (defvar sgml-empty-tags nil
+   "List of tags whose !ELEMENT definition says EMPTY.")
+ (defvar sgml-unclosed-tags nil
+   "List of tags whose !ELEMENT definition says the end-tag is optional.")
+ (defun sgml-xml-guess ()
+   "Guess whether the current buffer is XML."
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (when (or (string= "xml" (file-name-extension (or buffer-file-name "")))
+             (looking-at "\\s-*<\\?xml")
+             (when (re-search-forward
+                    (eval-when-compile
+                (mapconcat 'identity
+                           '("<!DOCTYPE" "\\(\\w+\\)" "\\(\\w+\\)"
+                                   "\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"" "\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"")
+                                 "\\s-+"))
+                    nil t)
+               (string-match "X\\(HT\\)?ML" (match-string 3))))
+       (set (make-local-variable 'sgml-xml-mode) t))))
+ (defvar v2)                           ; free for skeleton
+ (defun sgml-comment-indent-new-line (&optional soft)
+   (let ((comment-start "-- ")
+       (comment-start-skip "\\(<!\\)?--[ \t]*")
+       (comment-end " --")
+       (comment-style 'plain))
+     (comment-indent-new-line soft)))
+ (defun sgml-mode-facemenu-add-face-function (face end)
+   (if (setq face (cdr (assq face sgml-face-tag-alist)))
+       (progn
+       (setq face (funcall skeleton-transformation face))
+       (setq facemenu-end-add-face (concat "</" face ">"))
+       (concat "<" face ">"))
+     (error "Face not configured for %s mode" mode-name)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (define-derived-mode sgml-mode text-mode "SGML"
+   "Major mode for editing SGML documents.
+ Makes > match <.
+ Keys <, &, SPC within <>, \", / and ' can be electric depending on
+ `sgml-quick-keys'.
+ An argument of N to a tag-inserting command means to wrap it around
+ the next N words.  In Transient Mark mode, when the mark is active,
+ N defaults to -1, which means to wrap it around the current region.
+ If you like upcased tags, put (setq sgml-transformation 'upcase) in
+ your `.emacs' file.
+ Use \\[sgml-validate] to validate your document with an SGML parser.
+ Do \\[describe-variable] sgml- SPC to see available variables.
+ Do \\[describe-key] on the following bindings to discover what they do.
+ \\{sgml-mode-map}"
+   (make-local-variable 'sgml-saved-validate-command)
+   (make-local-variable 'facemenu-end-add-face)
+   ;;(make-local-variable 'facemenu-remove-face-function)
+   ;; A start or end tag by itself on a line separates a paragraph.
+   ;; This is desirable because SGML discards a newline that appears
+   ;; immediately after a start tag or immediately before an end tag.
+   (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) (concat "[ \t]*$\\|\
+ \[ \t]*</?\\(" sgml-name-re sgml-attrs-re "\\)?>"))
+   (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
+        (concat paragraph-start "$"))
+   (set (make-local-variable 'adaptive-fill-regexp) "[ \t]*")
+   (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'sgml-indent-line)
+   (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "<!-- ")
+   (set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) " -->")
+   (set (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function) 'sgml-comment-indent)
+   (set (make-local-variable 'comment-line-break-function)
+        'sgml-comment-indent-new-line)
+   (set (make-local-variable 'skeleton-further-elements)
+        '((completion-ignore-case t)))
+   (set (make-local-variable 'skeleton-end-hook)
+        (lambda ()
+          (or (eolp)
+              (not (or (eq v2 '\n) (eq (car-safe v2) '\n)))
+              (newline-and-indent))))
+   (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+        '((sgml-font-lock-keywords
+           sgml-font-lock-keywords-1
+           sgml-font-lock-keywords-2)
+          nil t nil nil
+          (font-lock-syntactic-keywords
+           . sgml-font-lock-syntactic-keywords)))
+   (set (make-local-variable 'facemenu-add-face-function)
+        'sgml-mode-facemenu-add-face-function)
+   (sgml-xml-guess)
+   (if sgml-xml-mode
+       (setq mode-name "XML")
+     (set (make-local-variable 'skeleton-transformation) sgml-transformation))
+   ;; This will allow existing comments within declarations to be
+   ;; recognized.
+   (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "\\(?:<!\\)?--[ \t]*")
+   (set (make-local-variable 'comment-end-skip) "[ \t]*--\\([ \t\n]*>\\)?")
+   ;; This definition probably is not useful in derived modes.
+   (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
+        (concat "<!\\(element\\|entity\\)[ \t\n]+%?[ \t\n]*\\("
+              sgml-name-re "\\)")))
+ ;; Some programs (such as Glade 2) generate XML which has
+ ;; -*- mode: xml -*-.
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defalias 'xml-mode 'sgml-mode)
+ (defun sgml-comment-indent ()
+   (if (looking-at "--") comment-column 0))
+ (defun sgml-slash (arg)
+   "Insert ARG slash characters.
+ Behaves electrically if `sgml-quick-keys' is non-nil."
+   (interactive "p")
+   (cond
+    ((not (and (eq (char-before) ?<) (= arg 1)))
+     (sgml-slash-matching arg))
+    ((eq sgml-quick-keys 'indent)
+     (insert-char ?/ 1)
+     (indent-according-to-mode))
+    ((eq sgml-quick-keys 'close)
+     (delete-backward-char 1)
+     (sgml-close-tag))
+    (t
+     (sgml-slash-matching arg))))
+ (defun sgml-slash-matching (arg)
+   "Insert `/' and display any previous matching `/'.
+ Two `/'s are treated as matching if the first `/' ends a net-enabling
+ start tag, and the second `/' is the corresponding null end tag."
+   (interactive "p")
+   (insert-char ?/ arg)
+   (if (> arg 0)
+       (let ((oldpos (point))
+           (blinkpos)
+           (level 0))
+       (save-excursion
+         (save-restriction
+           (if sgml-slash-distance
+               (narrow-to-region (max (point-min)
+                                      (- (point) sgml-slash-distance))
+                                 oldpos))
+           (if (and (re-search-backward sgml-start-tag-regex (point-min) t)
+                    (eq (match-end 0) (1- oldpos)))
+               ()
+             (goto-char (1- oldpos))
+             (while (and (not blinkpos)
+                         (search-backward "/" (point-min) t))
+               (let ((tagend (save-excursion
+                               (if (re-search-backward sgml-start-tag-regex
+                                                       (point-min) t)
+                                   (match-end 0)
+                                 nil))))
+                 (if (eq tagend (point))
+                     (if (eq level 0)
+                         (setq blinkpos (point))
+                       (setq level (1- level)))
+                   (setq level (1+ level)))))))
+         (when blinkpos
+             (goto-char blinkpos)
+             (if (pos-visible-in-window-p)
+                 (sit-for 1)
+               (message "Matches %s"
+                        (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
+                                          (1+ blinkpos)))))))))
+ ;; Why doesn't this use the iso-cvt table or, preferably, generate the
+ ;; inverse of the extensive table in the SGML Quail input method?  -- fx
+ ;; I guess that's moot since it only works with Latin-1 anyhow.
+ (defun sgml-name-char (&optional char)
+   "Insert a symbolic character name according to `sgml-char-names'.
+ Non-ASCII chars may be inserted either with the meta key, as in M-SPC for
+ no-break space or M-- for a soft hyphen; or via an input method or
+ encoded keyboard operation."
+   (interactive "*")
+   (insert ?&)
+   (or char
+       (setq char (read-quoted-char "Enter char or octal number")))
+   (delete-backward-char 1)
+   (insert char)
+   (undo-boundary)
+   (sgml-namify-char))
+ (defun sgml-namify-char ()
+   "Change the char before point into its `&name;' equivalent.
+ Uses `sgml-char-names'."
+   (interactive)
+   (let* ((char (char-before))
+        (name
+         (cond
+          ((null char) (error "No char before point"))
+          ((< char 256) (or (aref sgml-char-names char) char))
+          ((aref sgml-char-names-table char))
+          ((encode-char char 'ucs)))))
+     (if (not name)
+       (error "Don't know the name of `%c'" char)
+       (delete-backward-char 1)
+       (insert (format (if (numberp name) "&#%d;" "&%s;") name)))))
+ (defun sgml-name-self ()
+   "Insert a symbolic character name according to `sgml-char-names'."
+   (interactive "*")
+   (sgml-name-char last-command-char))
+ (defun sgml-maybe-name-self ()
+   "Insert a symbolic character name according to `sgml-char-names'."
+   (interactive "*")
+   (if sgml-name-8bit-mode
+       (let ((mc last-command-char))
+       (if (< mc 256)
+           (setq mc (unibyte-char-to-multibyte mc)))
+       (or mc (setq mc last-command-char))
+       (sgml-name-char mc))
+     (self-insert-command 1)))
+ (defun sgml-name-8bit-mode ()
+   "Toggle whether to insert named entities instead of non-ASCII characters.
+ This only works for Latin-1 input."
+   (interactive)
+   (setq sgml-name-8bit-mode (not sgml-name-8bit-mode))
+   (message "sgml name entity mode is now %s"
+          (if sgml-name-8bit-mode "ON" "OFF")))
+ ;; When an element of a skeleton is a string "str", it is passed
+ ;; through skeleton-transformation and inserted.  If "str" is to be
+ ;; inserted literally, one should obtain it as the return value of a
+ ;; function, e.g. (identity "str").
+ (defvar sgml-tag-last nil)
+ (defvar sgml-tag-history nil)
+ (define-skeleton sgml-tag
+   "Prompt for a tag and insert it, optionally with attributes.
+ Completion and configuration are done according to `sgml-tag-alist'.
+ If you like tags and attributes in uppercase do \\[set-variable]
+ skeleton-transformation RET upcase RET, or put this in your `.emacs':
+   (setq sgml-transformation 'upcase)"
+   (funcall (or skeleton-transformation 'identity)
+            (setq sgml-tag-last
+                (completing-read
+                 (if (> (length sgml-tag-last) 0)
+                     (format "Tag (default %s): " sgml-tag-last)
+                   "Tag: ")
+                 sgml-tag-alist nil nil nil 'sgml-tag-history sgml-tag-last)))
+   ?< str |
+   (("") -1 '(undo-boundary) (identity "&lt;")) |      ; see comment above
+   `(("") '(setq v2 (sgml-attributes ,str t)) ?>
+     (cond
+      ((string= "![" ,str)
+       (backward-char)
+       '(("") " [ " _ " ]]"))
+      ((and (eq v2 t) sgml-xml-mode (member ,str sgml-empty-tags))
+       '(("") -1 "/>"))
+      ((or (and (eq v2 t) (not sgml-xml-mode)) (string-match "^[/!?]" ,str))
+       nil)
+      ((symbolp v2)
+       ;; Make sure we don't fall into an infinite loop.
+       ;; For xhtml's `tr' tag, we should maybe use \n instead.
+       (if (eq v2 t) (setq v2 nil))
+       ;; We use `identity' to prevent skeleton from passing
+       ;; `str' through skeleton-transformation a second time.
+       '(("") v2 _ v2 "</" (identity ',str) ?>))
+      ((eq (car v2) t)
+       (cons '("") (cdr v2)))
+      (t
+       (append '(("") (car v2))
+             (cdr v2)
+             '(resume: (car v2) _ "</" (identity ',str) ?>))))))
+ (autoload 'skeleton-read "skeleton")
+ (defun sgml-attributes (tag &optional quiet)
+   "When at top level of a tag, interactively insert attributes.
+ Completion and configuration of TAG are done according to `sgml-tag-alist'.
+ If QUIET, do not print a message when there are no attributes for TAG."
+   (interactive (list (save-excursion (sgml-beginning-of-tag t))))
+   (or (stringp tag) (error "Wrong context for adding attribute"))
+   (if tag
+       (let ((completion-ignore-case t)
+           (alist (cdr (assoc (downcase tag) sgml-tag-alist)))
+           car attribute i)
+       (if (or (symbolp (car alist))
+               (symbolp (car (car alist))))
+           (setq car (car alist)
+                 alist (cdr alist)))
+       (or quiet
+           (message "No attributes configured."))
+       (if (stringp (car alist))
+           (progn
+             (insert (if (eq (preceding-char) ? ) "" ? )
+                     (funcall skeleton-transformation (car alist)))
+             (sgml-value alist))
+         (setq i (length alist))
+         (while (> i 0)
+           (insert ? )
+           (insert (funcall skeleton-transformation
+                            (setq attribute
+                                  (skeleton-read '(completing-read
+                                                   "Attribute: "
+                                                   alist)))))
+           (if (string= "" attribute)
+               (setq i 0)
+             (sgml-value (assoc (downcase attribute) alist))
+             (setq i (1- i))))
+         (if (eq (preceding-char) ? )
+             (delete-backward-char 1)))
+       car)))
+ (defun sgml-auto-attributes (arg)
+   "Self insert the character typed; at top level of tag, prompt for 
+ With prefix argument, only self insert."
+   (interactive "*P")
+   (let ((point (point))
+       tag)
+     (if (or arg
+           (not sgml-tag-alist)        ; no message when nothing configured
+           (symbolp (setq tag (save-excursion (sgml-beginning-of-tag t))))
+           (eq (aref tag 0) ?/))
+       (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+       (sgml-attributes tag)
+       (setq last-command-char ? )
+       (or (> (point) point)
+         (self-insert-command 1)))))
+ (defun sgml-tag-help (&optional tag)
+   "Display description of tag TAG.  If TAG is omitted, use the tag at point."
+   (interactive)
+   (or tag
+       (save-excursion
+       (if (eq (following-char) ?<)
+           (forward-char))
+       (setq tag (sgml-beginning-of-tag))))
+   (or (stringp tag)
+       (error "No tag selected"))
+   (setq tag (downcase tag))
+   (message "%s"
+          (or (cdr (assoc (downcase tag) sgml-tag-help))
+              (and (eq (aref tag 0) ?/)
+                   (cdr (assoc (downcase (substring tag 1)) sgml-tag-help)))
+              "No description available")))
+ (defun sgml-maybe-end-tag (&optional arg)
+   "Name self unless in position to end a tag or a prefix ARG is given."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (if (or arg (eq (car (sgml-lexical-context)) 'tag))
+       (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+     (sgml-name-self)))
+ (defun sgml-skip-tag-backward (arg)
+   "Skip to beginning of tag or matching opening tag if present.
+ With prefix argument ARG, repeat this ARG times."
+   (interactive "p")
+   ;; FIXME: use sgml-get-context or something similar.
+   (while (>= arg 1)
+     (search-backward "<" nil t)
+     (if (looking-at "</\\([^ \n\t>]+\\)")
+       ;; end tag, skip any nested pairs
+       (let ((case-fold-search t)
+             (re (concat "</?" (regexp-quote (match-string 1))
+                         ;; Ignore empty tags like <foo/>.
+                         "\\([^>]*[^/>]\\)?>")))
+         (while (and (re-search-backward re nil t)
+                     (eq (char-after (1+ (point))) ?/))
+           (forward-char 1)
+           (sgml-skip-tag-backward 1))))
+     (setq arg (1- arg))))
+ (defun sgml-skip-tag-forward (arg)
+   "Skip to end of tag or matching closing tag if present.
+ With prefix argument ARG, repeat this ARG times.
+ Return t iff after a closing tag."
+   (interactive "p")
+   ;; FIXME: Use sgml-get-context or something similar.
+   ;; It currently might jump to an unrelated </P> if the <P>
+   ;; we're skipping has no matching </P>.
+   (let ((return t))
+     (with-syntax-table sgml-tag-syntax-table
+       (while (>= arg 1)
+       (skip-chars-forward "^<>")
+       (if (eq (following-char) ?>)
+           (up-list -1))
+       (if (looking-at "<\\([^/ \n\t>]+\\)\\([^>]*[^/>]\\)?>")
+           ;; start tag, skip any nested same pairs _and_ closing tag
+           (let ((case-fold-search t)
+                 (re (concat "</?" (regexp-quote (match-string 1))
+                             ;; Ignore empty tags like <foo/>.
+                             "\\([^>]*[^/>]\\)?>"))
+                 point close)
+             (forward-list 1)
+             (setq point (point))
+             ;; FIXME: This re-search-forward will mistakenly match
+             ;; tag-like text inside attributes.
+             (while (and (re-search-forward re nil t)
+                         (not (setq close
+                                    (eq (char-after (1+ (match-beginning 0))) 
+                         (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+                         (sgml-skip-tag-forward 1))
+               (setq close nil))
+             (unless close
+               (goto-char point)
+               (setq return nil)))
+         (forward-list 1))
+       (setq arg (1- arg)))
+       return)))
+ (defun sgml-delete-tag (arg)
+   ;; FIXME: Should be called sgml-kill-tag or should not touch the kill-ring.
+   "Delete tag on or after cursor, and matching closing or opening tag.
+ With prefix argument ARG, repeat this ARG times."
+   (interactive "p")
+   (while (>= arg 1)
+     (save-excursion
+       (let* (close open)
+       (if (looking-at "[ \t\n]*<")
+           ;; just before tag
+           (if (eq (char-after (match-end 0)) ?/)
+               ;; closing tag
+               (progn
+                 (setq close (point))
+                 (goto-char (match-end 0))))
+         ;; on tag?
+         (or (save-excursion (setq close (sgml-beginning-of-tag)
+                                   close (and (stringp close)
+                                              (eq (aref close 0) ?/)
+                                              (point))))
+             ;; not on closing tag
+             (let ((point (point)))
+               (sgml-skip-tag-backward 1)
+               (if (or (not (eq (following-char) ?<))
+                       (save-excursion
+                         (forward-list 1)
+                         (<= (point) point)))
+                   (error "Not on or before tag")))))
+       (if close
+           (progn
+             (sgml-skip-tag-backward 1)
+             (setq open (point))
+             (goto-char close)
+             (kill-sexp 1))
+         (setq open (point))
+         (when (sgml-skip-tag-forward 1)
+           (kill-sexp -1)))
+       ;; Delete any resulting empty line.  If we didn't kill-sexp,
+       ;; this *should* do nothing, because we're right after the tag.
+       (if (progn (forward-line 0) (looking-at "\\(?:[ \t]*$\\)\n?"))
+           (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
+       (goto-char open)
+       (kill-sexp 1)
+       (if (progn (forward-line 0) (looking-at "\\(?:[ \t]*$\\)\n?"))
+           (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))
+     (setq arg (1- arg))))
+ ;; Put read-only last to enable setting this even when read-only enabled.
+ (or (get 'sgml-tag 'invisible)
+     (setplist 'sgml-tag
+             (append '(invisible t
+                       point-entered sgml-point-entered
+                       rear-nonsticky t
+                       read-only t)
+                     (symbol-plist 'sgml-tag))))
+ (defun sgml-tags-invisible (arg)
+   "Toggle visibility of existing tags."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let ((modified (buffer-modified-p))
+       (inhibit-read-only t)
+       (inhibit-modification-hooks t)
+       ;; Avoid spurious the `file-locked' checks.
+       (buffer-file-name nil)
+       ;; This is needed in case font lock gets called,
+       ;; since it moves point and might call sgml-point-entered.
+       ;; How could it get called?  -stef
+       (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
+       string)
+     (unwind-protect
+       (save-excursion
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (if (set (make-local-variable 'sgml-tags-invisible)
+                  (if arg
+                      (>= (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)
+                    (not sgml-tags-invisible)))
+             (while (re-search-forward sgml-tag-name-re nil t)
+               (setq string
+                     (cdr (assq (intern-soft (downcase (match-string 1)))
+                                sgml-display-text)))
+               (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+               (and (stringp string)
+                    (not (overlays-at (point)))
+                    (let ((ol (make-overlay (point) (match-beginning 1))))
+                      (overlay-put ol 'before-string string)
+                      (overlay-put ol 'sgml-tag t)))
+               (put-text-property (point)
+                                  (progn (forward-list) (point))
+                                  'category 'sgml-tag))
+           (let ((pos (point-min)))
+             (while (< (setq pos (next-overlay-change pos)) (point-max))
+               (dolist (ol (overlays-at pos))
+                 (if (overlay-get ol 'sgml-tag)
+                     (delete-overlay ol)))))
+           (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) '(category nil))))
+       (restore-buffer-modified-p modified))
+     (run-hooks 'sgml-tags-invisible-hook)
+     (message "")))
+ (defun sgml-point-entered (x y)
+   ;; Show preceding or following hidden tag, depending of cursor direction.
+   (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t))
+     (save-excursion
+       (message "Invisible tag: %s"
+              ;; Strip properties, otherwise, the text is invisible.
+              (buffer-substring-no-properties
+               (point)
+               (if (or (and (> x y)
+                            (not (eq (following-char) ?<)))
+                       (and (< x y)
+                            (eq (preceding-char) ?>)))
+                   (backward-list)
+                 (forward-list)))))))
+ (autoload 'compile-internal "compile")
+ (defun sgml-validate (command)
+   "Validate an SGML document.
+ Runs COMMAND, a shell command, in a separate process asynchronously
+ with output going to the buffer `*compilation*'.
+ You can then use the command \\[next-error] to find the next error message
+ and move to the line in the SGML document that caused it."
+   (interactive
+    (list (read-string "Validate command: "
+                     (or sgml-saved-validate-command
+                         (concat sgml-validate-command
+                                 " "
+                                 (let ((name (buffer-file-name)))
+                                   (and name
+                                        (file-name-nondirectory name))))))))
+   (setq sgml-saved-validate-command command)
+   (save-some-buffers (not compilation-ask-about-save) nil)
+   (compile-internal command "No more errors"))
+ (defsubst sgml-at-indentation-p ()
+   "Return true if point is at the first non-whitespace character on the line."
+   (save-excursion
+     (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+     (bolp)))
+ (defun sgml-lexical-context (&optional limit)
+   "Return the lexical context at point as (TYPE . START).
+ START is the location of the start of the lexical element.
+ TYPE is one of `string', `comment', `tag', `cdata', or `text'.
+ Optional argument LIMIT is the position to start parsing from.
+ If nil, start from a preceding tag at indentation."
+   (save-excursion
+     (let ((pos (point))
+         text-start state)
+       (if limit
+           (goto-char limit)
+         ;; Skip tags backwards until we find one at indentation
+         (while (and (ignore-errors (sgml-parse-tag-backward))
+                     (not (sgml-at-indentation-p)))))
+       (with-syntax-table sgml-tag-syntax-table
+       (while (< (point) pos)
+         ;; When entering this loop we're inside text.
+         (setq text-start (point))
+         (skip-chars-forward "^<" pos)
+           (setq state
+                 (cond
+                  ((= (point) pos)
+                   ;; We got to the end without seeing a tag.
+                   nil)
+                  ((looking-at "<!\\[[A-Z]+\\[")
+                   ;; We've found a CDATA section or similar.
+                   (let ((cdata-start (point)))
+                     (unless (search-forward "]]>" pos 'move)
+                       (list 0 nil nil 'cdata nil nil nil nil cdata-start))))
+                  (t
+                   ;; We've reached a tag.  Parse it.
+                   ;; FIXME: Handle net-enabling start-tags
+                   (parse-partial-sexp (point) pos 0))))))
+       (cond
+        ((eq (nth 3 state) 'cdata) (cons 'cdata (nth 8 state)))
+        ((nth 3 state) (cons 'string (nth 8 state)))
+        ((nth 4 state) (cons 'comment (nth 8 state)))
+        ((and state (> (nth 0 state) 0)) (cons 'tag (nth 1 state)))
+        (t (cons 'text text-start))))))
+ (defun sgml-beginning-of-tag (&optional top-level)
+   "Skip to beginning of tag and return its name.
+ If this can't be done, return nil."
+   (let ((context (sgml-lexical-context)))
+     (if (eq (car context) 'tag)
+       (progn
+         (goto-char (cdr context))
+         (when (looking-at sgml-tag-name-re)
+           (match-string-no-properties 1)))
+       (if top-level nil
+       (when (not (eq (car context) 'text))
+         (goto-char (cdr context))
+         (sgml-beginning-of-tag t))))))
+ (defun sgml-value (alist)
+   "Interactively insert value taken from attribute-rule ALIST.
+ See `sgml-tag-alist' for info about attribute rules."
+   (setq alist (cdr alist))
+   (if (stringp (car alist))
+       (insert "=\"" (car alist) ?\")
+     (if (and (eq (car alist) t) (not sgml-xml-mode))
+       (when (cdr alist)
+         (insert "=\"")
+         (setq alist (skeleton-read '(completing-read "Value: " (cdr alist))))
+         (if (string< "" alist)
+             (insert alist ?\")
+           (delete-backward-char 2)))
+       (insert "=\"")
+       (when alist
+         (insert (skeleton-read '(completing-read "Value: " alist))))
+       (insert ?\"))))
+ (defun sgml-quote (start end &optional unquotep)
+   "Quote SGML text in region START ... END.
+ Only &, < and > are quoted, the rest is left untouched.
+ With prefix argument UNQUOTEP, unquote the region."
+   (interactive "r\nP")
+   (save-restriction
+     (narrow-to-region start end)
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (if unquotep
+       ;; FIXME: We should unquote other named character references as well.
+       (while (re-search-forward
+               "\\(&\\(amp\\|\\(l\\|\\(g\\)\\)t\\)\\)[][<>&;\n\t \"%!'(),/=?]"
+               nil t)
+         (replace-match (if (match-end 4) ">" (if (match-end 3) "<" "&")) t t
+                        nil (if (eq (char-before (match-end 0)) ?\;) 0 1)))
+       (while (re-search-forward "[&<>]" nil t)
+       (replace-match (cdr (assq (char-before) '((?& . "&amp;")
+                                                 (?< . "&lt;")
+                                                 (?> . "&gt;"))))
+                      t t)))))
+ (defun sgml-pretty-print (beg end)
+   "Simple-minded pretty printer for SGML.
+ Re-indents the code and inserts newlines between BEG and END.
+ You might want to turn on `auto-fill-mode' to get better results."
+   ;; TODO:
+   ;; - insert newline between some start-tag and text.
+   ;; - don't insert newline in front of some end-tags.
+   (interactive "r")
+   (save-excursion
+     (if (< beg end)
+       (goto-char beg)
+       (goto-char end)
+       (setq end beg)
+       (setq beg (point)))
+     ;; Don't use narrowing because it screws up auto-indent.
+     (setq end (copy-marker end t))
+     (with-syntax-table sgml-tag-syntax-table
+       (while (re-search-forward "<" end t)
+       (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+       (unless (or ;;(looking-at "</")
+                   (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t") (bolp)))
+         (reindent-then-newline-and-indent))
+       (forward-sexp 1)))
+     ;; (indent-region beg end)
+     ))
+ ;; Parsing
+ (defstruct (sgml-tag
+             (:constructor sgml-make-tag (type start end name)))
+   type start end name)
+ (defsubst sgml-parse-tag-name ()
+   "Skip past a tag-name, and return the name."
+   (buffer-substring-no-properties
+    (point) (progn (skip-syntax-forward "w_") (point))))
+ (defsubst sgml-looking-back-at (str)
+   "Return t if the test before point matches STR."
+   (let ((start (- (point) (length str))))
+     (and (>= start (point-min))
+          (equal str (buffer-substring-no-properties start (point))))))
+ (defun sgml-parse-tag-backward (&optional limit)
+   "Parse an SGML tag backward, and return information about the tag.
+ Assume that parsing starts from within a textual context.
+ Leave point at the beginning of the tag."
+   (let (tag-type tag-start tag-end name)
+     (or (re-search-backward "[<>]" limit 'move)
+         (error "No tag found"))
+     (when (eq (char-after) ?<)
+       ;; Oops!! Looks like we were not in a textual context after all!.
+       ;; Let's try to recover.
+       (with-syntax-table sgml-tag-syntax-table
+       (forward-sexp)
+       (forward-char -1)))
+     (setq tag-end (1+ (point)))
+     (cond
+      ((sgml-looking-back-at "--")   ; comment
+       (setq tag-type 'comment
+             tag-start (search-backward "<!--" nil t)))
+      ((sgml-looking-back-at "]]")   ; cdata
+       (setq tag-type 'cdata
+             tag-start (re-search-backward "<!\\[[A-Z]+\\[" nil t)))
+      (t
+       (setq tag-start
+             (with-syntax-table sgml-tag-syntax-table
+               (goto-char tag-end)
+               (backward-sexp)
+               (point)))
+       (goto-char (1+ tag-start))
+       (case (char-after)
+         (?!                             ; declaration
+          (setq tag-type 'decl))
+         (??                             ; processing-instruction
+          (setq tag-type 'pi))
+         (?/                             ; close-tag
+          (forward-char 1)
+          (setq tag-type 'close
+                name (sgml-parse-tag-name)))
+         (?%                             ; JSP tags
+          (setq tag-type 'jsp))
+         (t                              ; open or empty tag
+          (setq tag-type 'open
+                name (sgml-parse-tag-name))
+          (if (or (eq ?/ (char-before (- tag-end 1)))
+                  (sgml-empty-tag-p name))
+              (setq tag-type 'empty))))))
+     (goto-char tag-start)
+     (sgml-make-tag tag-type tag-start tag-end name)))
+ (defun sgml-get-context (&optional until)
+   "Determine the context of the current position.
+ By default, parse until we find a start-tag as the first thing on a line.
+ If UNTIL is `empty', return even if the context is empty (i.e.
+ we just skipped over some element and got to a beginning of line).
+ The context is a list of tag-info structures.  The last one is the tag
+ immediately enclosing the current position.
+ Point is assumed to be outside of any tag.  If we discover that it's
+ not the case, the first tag returned is the one inside which we are."
+   (let ((here (point))
+       (ignore nil)
+       (context nil)
+       tag-info)
+     ;; CONTEXT keeps track of the tag-stack
+     ;; IGNORE keeps track of the nesting level of point relative to the
+     ;;   first (outermost) tag on the context.  This is the list of
+     ;;   enclosing start-tags we'll have to ignore.
+     (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")      ; Make sure we're not at indentation.
+     (while
+       (and (not (eq until 'now))
+            (or ignore
+                (not (if until (eq until 'empty) context))
+                (not (sgml-at-indentation-p))
+                (and context
+                     (/= (point) (sgml-tag-start (car context)))
+                     (sgml-unclosed-tag-p (sgml-tag-name (car context)))))
+            (setq tag-info (ignore-errors (sgml-parse-tag-backward))))
+       ;; This tag may enclose things we thought were tags.  If so,
+       ;; discard them.
+       (while (and context
+                   (> (sgml-tag-end tag-info)
+                      (sgml-tag-end (car context))))
+         (setq context (cdr context)))
+       (cond
+        ((> (sgml-tag-end tag-info) here)
+       ;; Oops!!  Looks like we were not outside of any tag, after all.
+       (push tag-info context)
+       (setq until 'now))
+        ;; start-tag
+        ((eq (sgml-tag-type tag-info) 'open)
+       (cond
+        ((null ignore)
+         (if (and context
+                    (sgml-unclosed-tag-p (sgml-tag-name tag-info))
+                  (eq t (compare-strings
+                         (sgml-tag-name tag-info) nil nil
+                         (sgml-tag-name (car context)) nil nil t)))
+             ;; There was an implicit end-tag.
+             nil
+           (push tag-info context)))
+        ((eq t (compare-strings (sgml-tag-name tag-info) nil nil
+                                (car ignore) nil nil t))
+         (setq ignore (cdr ignore)))
+        (t
+         ;; The open and close tags don't match.
+         (if (not sgml-xml-mode)
+             (unless (sgml-unclosed-tag-p (sgml-tag-name tag-info))
+               (message "Unclosed tag <%s>" (sgml-tag-name tag-info))
+               (let ((tmp ignore))
+                 ;; We could just assume that the tag is simply not closed
+                 ;; but it's a bad assumption when tags *are* closed but
+                 ;; not properly nested.
+                 (while (and (cdr tmp)
+                             (not (eq t (compare-strings
+                                         (sgml-tag-name tag-info) nil nil
+                                         (cadr tmp) nil nil t))))
+                   (setq tmp (cdr tmp)))
+                 (if (cdr tmp) (setcdr tmp (cddr tmp)))))
+           (message "Unmatched tags <%s> and </%s>"
+                    (sgml-tag-name tag-info) (pop ignore))))))
+        ;; end-tag
+        ((eq (sgml-tag-type tag-info) 'close)
+       (if (sgml-empty-tag-p (sgml-tag-name tag-info))
+           (message "Spurious </%s>: empty tag" (sgml-tag-name tag-info))
+         (push (sgml-tag-name tag-info) ignore)))
+        ))
+     ;; return context
+     context))
+ (defun sgml-show-context (&optional full)
+   "Display the current context.
+ If FULL is non-nil, parse back to the beginning of the buffer."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*XML Context*"
+     (save-excursion
+       (let ((context (sgml-get-context)))
+       (when full
+         (let ((more nil))
+           (while (setq more (sgml-get-context))
+             (setq context (nconc more context)))))
+       (pp context)))))
+ ;; Editing shortcuts
+ (defun sgml-close-tag ()
+   "Close current element.
+ Depending on context, inserts a matching close-tag, or closes
+ the current start-tag or the current comment or the current cdata, ..."
+   (interactive)
+   (case (car (sgml-lexical-context))
+     (comment  (insert " -->"))
+     (cdata    (insert "]]>"))
+     (pi       (insert " ?>"))
+     (jsp      (insert " %>"))
+     (tag      (insert " />"))
+     (text
+      (let ((context (save-excursion (sgml-get-context))))
+        (if context
+            (progn
+              (insert "</" (sgml-tag-name (car (last context))) ">")
+              (indent-according-to-mode)))))
+     (otherwise
+      (error "Nothing to close"))))
+ (defun sgml-empty-tag-p (tag-name)
+   "Return non-nil if TAG-NAME is an implicitly empty tag."
+   (and (not sgml-xml-mode)
+        (member-ignore-case tag-name sgml-empty-tags)))
+ (defun sgml-unclosed-tag-p (tag-name)
+   "Return non-nil if TAG-NAME is a tag for which an end-tag is optional."
+   (and (not sgml-xml-mode)
+        (member-ignore-case tag-name sgml-unclosed-tags)))
+ (defun sgml-calculate-indent (&optional lcon)
+   "Calculate the column to which this line should be indented.
+ LCON is the lexical context, if any."
+   (unless lcon (setq lcon (sgml-lexical-context)))
+   ;; Indent comment-start markers inside <!-- just like comment-end markers.
+   (if (and (eq (car lcon) 'tag)
+          (looking-at "--")
+          (save-excursion (goto-char (cdr lcon)) (looking-at "<!--")))
+       (setq lcon (cons 'comment (+ (cdr lcon) 2))))
+   (case (car lcon)
+     (string
+      ;; Go back to previous non-empty line.
+      (while (and (> (point) (cdr lcon))
+                (zerop (forward-line -1))
+                (looking-at "[ \t]*$")))
+      (if (> (point) (cdr lcon))
+        ;; Previous line is inside the string.
+        (current-indentation)
+        (goto-char (cdr lcon))
+        (1+ (current-column))))
+     (comment
+      (let ((mark (looking-at "--")))
+        ;; Go back to previous non-empty line.
+        (while (and (> (point) (cdr lcon))
+                  (zerop (forward-line -1))
+                  (or (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
+                      (if mark (not (looking-at "[ \t]*--"))))))
+        (if (> (point) (cdr lcon))
+          ;; Previous line is inside the comment.
+          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+        (goto-char (cdr lcon))
+        ;; Skip `<!' to get to the `--' with which we want to align.
+        (search-forward "--")
+        (goto-char (match-beginning 0)))
+        (when (and (not mark) (looking-at "--"))
+        (forward-char 2) (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
+        (current-column)))
+     ;; We don't know how to indent it.  Let's be honest about it.
+     (cdata nil)
+     (tag
+      (goto-char (1+ (cdr lcon)))
+      (skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n")    ;Skip tag name.
+      (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+      (if (not (eolp))
+        (current-column)
+        ;; This is the first attribute: indent.
+        (goto-char (1+ (cdr lcon)))
+        (+ (current-column) sgml-basic-offset)))
+     (text
+      (while (looking-at "</")
+        (forward-sexp 1)
+        (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
+      (let* ((here (point))
+           (unclosed (and ;; (not sgml-xml-mode)
+                      (looking-at sgml-tag-name-re)
+                      (member-ignore-case (match-string 1)
+                                          sgml-unclosed-tags)
+                      (match-string 1)))
+           (context
+            ;; If possible, align on the previous non-empty text line.
+            ;; Otherwise, do a more serious parsing to find the
+            ;; tag(s) relative to which we should be indenting.
+            (if (and (not unclosed) (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+                     (< (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") 0)
+                     (back-to-indentation)
+                     (> (point) (cdr lcon)))
+                nil
+              (goto-char here)
+              (nreverse (sgml-get-context (if unclosed nil 'empty)))))
+           (there (point)))
+        ;; Ignore previous unclosed start-tag in context.
+        (while (and context unclosed
+                  (eq t (compare-strings
+                         (sgml-tag-name (car context)) nil nil
+                         unclosed nil nil t)))
+        (setq context (cdr context)))
+        ;; Indent to reflect nesting.
+        (cond
+       ;; If we were not in a text context after all, let's try again.
+       ((and context (> (sgml-tag-end (car context)) here))
+        (goto-char here)
+        (sgml-calculate-indent
+         (cons (if (memq (sgml-tag-type (car context)) '(comment cdata))
+                   (sgml-tag-type (car context)) 'tag)
+               (sgml-tag-start (car context)))))
+       ;; Align on the first element after the nearest open-tag, if any.
+       ((and context
+             (goto-char (sgml-tag-end (car context)))
+             (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
+             (< (point) here) (sgml-at-indentation-p))
+        (current-column))
+       (t
+        (goto-char there)
+        (+ (current-column)
+           (* sgml-basic-offset (length context)))))))
+     (otherwise
+      (error "Unrecognised context %s" (car lcon)))
+     ))
+ (defun sgml-indent-line ()
+   "Indent the current line as SGML."
+   (interactive)
+   (let* ((savep (point))
+        (indent-col
+         (save-excursion
+           (back-to-indentation)
+           (if (>= (point) savep) (setq savep nil))
+           (sgml-calculate-indent))))
+     (if (null indent-col)
+       'noindent
+       (if savep
+         (save-excursion (indent-line-to indent-col))
+       (indent-line-to indent-col)))))
+ (defun sgml-guess-indent ()
+   "Guess an appropriate value for `sgml-basic-offset'.
+ Base the guessed identation level on the first indented tag in the buffer.
+ Add this to `sgml-mode-hook' for convenience."
+   (interactive)
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (if (re-search-forward "^\\([ \t]+\\)<" 500 'noerror)
+         (progn
+           (set (make-local-variable 'sgml-basic-offset)
+                (1- (current-column)))
+           (message "Guessed sgml-basic-offset = %d"
+                    sgml-basic-offset)
+           ))))
+ (defun sgml-parse-dtd ()
+   "Simplistic parse of the current buffer as a DTD.
+ Currently just returns (EMPTY-TAGS UNCLOSED-TAGS)."
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (let ((empty nil)
+       (unclosed nil))
+     (while (re-search-forward "<!ELEMENT[ \t\n]+\\([^ \t\n]+\\)[ \t\n]+[-O][ 
\t\n]+\\([-O]\\)[ \t\n]+\\([^ \t\n]+\\)" nil t)
+       (cond
+        ((string= (match-string 3) "EMPTY")
+       (push (match-string-no-properties 1) empty))
+        ((string= (match-string 2) "O")
+       (push (match-string-no-properties 1) unclosed))))
+     (setq empty (sort (mapcar 'downcase empty) 'string<))
+     (setq unclosed (sort (mapcar 'downcase unclosed) 'string<))
+     (list empty unclosed)))
+ ;;; HTML mode
+ (defcustom html-mode-hook nil
+   "Hook run by command `html-mode'.
+ `text-mode-hook' and `sgml-mode-hook' are run first."
+   :group 'sgml
+   :type 'hook
+   :options '(html-autoview-mode))
+ (defvar html-quick-keys sgml-quick-keys
+   "Use C-c X combinations for quick insertion of frequent tags when non-nil.
+ This defaults to `sgml-quick-keys'.
+ This takes effect when first loading the library.")
+ (defvar html-mode-map
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
+       (menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "HTML")))
+     (set-keymap-parent map  sgml-mode-map)
+     (define-key map "\C-c6" 'html-headline-6)
+     (define-key map "\C-c5" 'html-headline-5)
+     (define-key map "\C-c4" 'html-headline-4)
+     (define-key map "\C-c3" 'html-headline-3)
+     (define-key map "\C-c2" 'html-headline-2)
+     (define-key map "\C-c1" 'html-headline-1)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\r" 'html-paragraph)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\n" 'html-line)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-c-" 'html-horizontal-rule)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-co" 'html-ordered-list)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-cu" 'html-unordered-list)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-cr" 'html-radio-buttons)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-cc" 'html-checkboxes)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-cl" 'html-list-item)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-ch" 'html-href-anchor)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-cn" 'html-name-anchor)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-ci" 'html-image)
+     (when html-quick-keys
+       (define-key map "\C-c-" 'html-horizontal-rule)
+       (define-key map "\C-co" 'html-ordered-list)
+       (define-key map "\C-cu" 'html-unordered-list)
+       (define-key map "\C-cr" 'html-radio-buttons)
+       (define-key map "\C-cc" 'html-checkboxes)
+       (define-key map "\C-cl" 'html-list-item)
+       (define-key map "\C-ch" 'html-href-anchor)
+       (define-key map "\C-cn" 'html-name-anchor)
+       (define-key map "\C-ci" 'html-image))
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" 'html-autoview-mode)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-v" 'browse-url-of-buffer)
+     (define-key map [menu-bar html] (cons "HTML" menu-map))
+     (define-key menu-map [html-autoview-mode]
+       '("Toggle Autoviewing" . html-autoview-mode))
+     (define-key menu-map [browse-url-of-buffer]
+       '("View Buffer Contents" . browse-url-of-buffer))
+     (define-key menu-map [nil] '("--"))
+     ;;(define-key menu-map "6" '("Heading 6" . html-headline-6))
+     ;;(define-key menu-map "5" '("Heading 5" . html-headline-5))
+     ;;(define-key menu-map "4" '("Heading 4" . html-headline-4))
+     (define-key menu-map "3" '("Heading 3" . html-headline-3))
+     (define-key menu-map "2" '("Heading 2" . html-headline-2))
+     (define-key menu-map "1" '("Heading 1" . html-headline-1))
+     (define-key menu-map "l" '("Radio Buttons" . html-radio-buttons))
+     (define-key menu-map "c" '("Checkboxes" . html-checkboxes))
+     (define-key menu-map "l" '("List Item" . html-list-item))
+     (define-key menu-map "u" '("Unordered List" . html-unordered-list))
+     (define-key menu-map "o" '("Ordered List" . html-ordered-list))
+     (define-key menu-map "-" '("Horizontal Rule" . html-horizontal-rule))
+     (define-key menu-map "\n" '("Line Break" . html-line))
+     (define-key menu-map "\r" '("Paragraph" . html-paragraph))
+     (define-key menu-map "i" '("Image" . html-image))
+     (define-key menu-map "h" '("Href Anchor" . html-href-anchor))
+     (define-key menu-map "n" '("Name Anchor" . html-name-anchor))
+     map)
+   "Keymap for commands for use in HTML mode.")
+ (defvar html-face-tag-alist
+   '((bold . "b")
+     (italic . "i")
+     (underline . "u")
+     (modeline . "rev"))
+   "Value of `sgml-face-tag-alist' for HTML mode.")
+ (defvar html-tag-face-alist
+   '(("b" . bold)
+     ("big" . bold)
+     ("blink" . highlight)
+     ("cite" . italic)
+     ("em" . italic)
+     ("h1" bold underline)
+     ("h2" bold-italic underline)
+     ("h3" italic underline)
+     ("h4" . underline)
+     ("h5" . underline)
+     ("h6" . underline)
+     ("i" . italic)
+     ("rev"  . modeline)
+     ("s" . underline)
+     ("small" . default)
+     ("strong" . bold)
+     ("title" bold underline)
+     ("tt" . default)
+     ("u" . underline)
+     ("var" . italic))
+   "Value of `sgml-tag-face-alist' for HTML mode.")
+ (defvar html-display-text
+   '((img . "[/]")
+     (hr . "----------")
+     (li . "o "))
+   "Value of `sgml-display-text' for HTML mode.")
+ ;; should code exactly HTML 3 here when that is finished
+ (defvar html-tag-alist
+   (let* ((1-7 '(("1") ("2") ("3") ("4") ("5") ("6") ("7")))
+        (1-9 `(,@1-7 ("8") ("9")))
+        (align '(("align" ("left") ("center") ("right"))))
+        (valign '(("top") ("middle") ("bottom") ("baseline")))
+        (rel '(("next") ("previous") ("parent") ("subdocument") ("made")))
+        (href '("href" ("ftp:") ("file:") ("finger:") ("gopher:") ("http:")
+                ("mailto:";) ("news:";) ("rlogin:") ("telnet:") ("tn3270:")
+                ("wais:") ("/cgi-bin/")))
+        (name '("name"))
+        (link `(,href
+                ("rel" ,@rel)
+                ("rev" ,@rel)
+                ("title")))
+        (list '((nil \n ("List item: " "<li>" str
+                           (if sgml-xml-mode "</li>") \n))))
+        (cell `(t
+                ,@align
+                ("valign" ,@valign)
+                ("colspan" ,@1-9)
+                ("rowspan" ,@1-9)
+                ("nowrap" t))))
+     ;; put ,-expressions first, else byte-compile chokes (as of V19.29)
+     ;; and like this it's more efficient anyway
+     `(("a" ,name ,@link)
+       ("base" t ,@href)
+       ("dir" ,@list)
+       ("font" nil "size" ("-1") ("+1") ("-2") ("+2") ,@1-7)
+       ("form" (\n _ \n "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"\""
+              (if sgml-xml-mode "/>" ">"))
+        ("action" ,@(cdr href)) ("method" ("get") ("post")))
+       ("h1" ,@align)
+       ("h2" ,@align)
+       ("h3" ,@align)
+       ("h4" ,@align)
+       ("h5" ,@align)
+       ("h6" ,@align)
+       ("hr" t ("size" ,@1-9) ("width") ("noshade" t) ,@align)
+       ("img" t ("align" ,@valign ("texttop") ("absmiddle") ("absbottom"))
+        ("src") ("alt") ("width" "1") ("height" "1")
+        ("border" "1") ("vspace" "1") ("hspace" "1") ("ismap" t))
+       ("input" t ("size" ,@1-9) ("maxlength" ,@1-9) ("checked" t) ,name
+        ("type" ("text") ("password") ("checkbox") ("radio")
+       ("submit") ("reset"))
+        ("value"))
+       ("link" t ,@link)
+       ("menu" ,@list)
+       ("ol" ,@list ("type" ("A") ("a") ("I") ("i") ("1")))
+       ("p" t ,@align)
+       ("select" (nil \n
+                    ("Text: "
+                     "<option>" str (if sgml-xml-mode "</option>") \n))
+        ,name ("size" ,@1-9) ("multiple" t))
+       ("table" (nil \n
+                   ((completing-read "Cell kind: " '(("td") ("th"))
+                                     nil t "t")
+                    "<tr><" str ?> _
+                    (if sgml-xml-mode (concat "<" str "></tr>")) \n))
+        ("border" t ,@1-9) ("width" "10") ("cellpadding"))
+       ("td" ,@cell)
+       ("textarea" ,name ("rows" ,@1-9) ("cols" ,@1-9))
+       ("th" ,@cell)
+       ("ul" ,@list ("type" ("disc") ("circle") ("square")))
+       ,@sgml-tag-alist
+       ("abbrev")
+       ("acronym")
+       ("address")
+       ("array" (nil \n
+                   ("Item: " "<item>" str (if sgml-xml-mode "</item>") \n))
+        "align")
+       ("au")
+       ("b")
+       ("big")
+       ("blink")
+       ("blockquote" \n)
+       ("body" \n ("background" ".gif") ("bgcolor" "#") ("text" "#")
+        ("link" "#") ("alink" "#") ("vlink" "#"))
+       ("box" (nil _ "<over>" _ (if sgml-xml-mode "</over>")))
+       ("br" t ("clear" ("left") ("right")))
+       ("caption" ("valign" ("top") ("bottom")))
+       ("center" \n)
+       ("cite")
+       ("code" \n)
+       ("dd" ,(not sgml-xml-mode))
+       ("del")
+       ("dfn")
+       ("div")
+       ("dl" (nil \n
+                ( "Term: "
+                  "<dt>" str (if sgml-xml-mode "</dt>")
+                    "<dd>" _ (if sgml-xml-mode "</dd>") \n)))
+       ("dt" (t _ (if sgml-xml-mode "</dt>")
+              "<dd>" (if sgml-xml-mode "</dd>") \n))
+       ("em")
+       ;("fn" "id" "fn")  ; ???
+       ("head" \n)
+       ("html" (\n
+              "<head>\n"
+              "<title>" (setq str (read-input "Title: ")) "</title>\n"
+              "</head>\n"
+              "<body>\n<h1>" str "</h1>\n" _
+              "\n<address>\n<a href=\"mailto:";
+              user-mail-address
+              "\">" (user-full-name) "</a>\n</address>\n"
+              "</body>"
+               ))
+       ("i")
+       ("ins")
+       ("isindex" t ("action") ("prompt"))
+       ("kbd")
+       ("lang")
+       ("li" ,(not sgml-xml-mode))
+       ("math" \n)
+       ("nobr")
+       ("option" t ("value") ("label") ("selected" t))
+       ("over" t)
+       ("person")
+       ("pre" \n)
+       ("q")
+       ("rev")
+       ("s")
+       ("samp")
+       ("small")
+       ("span" nil
+       ("class"
+        ("builtin")
+        ("comment")
+        ("constant")
+        ("function-name")
+        ("keyword")
+        ("string")
+        ("type")
+        ("variable-name")
+        ("warning")))
+       ("strong")
+       ("sub")
+       ("sup")
+       ("title")
+       ("tr" t)
+       ("tt")
+       ("u")
+       ("var")
+       ("wbr" t)))
+   "*Value of `sgml-tag-alist' for HTML mode.")
+ (defvar html-tag-help
+   `(,@sgml-tag-help
+     ("a" . "Anchor of point or link elsewhere")
+     ("abbrev" . "?")
+     ("acronym" . "?")
+     ("address" . "Formatted mail address")
+     ("array" . "Math array")
+     ("au" . "?")
+     ("b" . "Bold face")
+     ("base" . "Base address for URLs")
+     ("big" . "Font size")
+     ("blink" . "Blinking text")
+     ("blockquote" . "Indented quotation")
+     ("body" . "Document body")
+     ("box" . "Math fraction")
+     ("br" . "Line break")
+     ("caption" . "Table caption")
+     ("center" . "Centered text")
+     ("changed" . "Change bars")
+     ("cite" . "Citation of a document")
+     ("code" . "Formatted source code")
+     ("dd" . "Definition of term")
+     ("del" . "?")
+     ("dfn" . "?")
+     ("dir" . "Directory list (obsolete)")
+     ("dl" . "Definition list")
+     ("dt" . "Term to be definined")
+     ("em" . "Emphasised")
+     ("embed" . "Embedded data in foreign format")
+     ("fig" . "Figure")
+     ("figa" . "Figure anchor")
+     ("figd" . "Figure description")
+     ("figt" . "Figure text")
+     ;("fn" . "?")  ; ???
+     ("font" . "Font size")
+     ("form" . "Form with input fields")
+     ("group" . "Document grouping")
+     ("h1" . "Most important section headline")
+     ("h2" . "Important section headline")
+     ("h3" . "Section headline")
+     ("h4" . "Minor section headline")
+     ("h5" . "Unimportant section headline")
+     ("h6" . "Least important section headline")
+     ("head" . "Document header")
+     ("hr" . "Horizontal rule")
+     ("html" . "HTML Document")
+     ("i" . "Italic face")
+     ("img" . "Graphic image")
+     ("input" . "Form input field")
+     ("ins" . "?")
+     ("isindex" . "Input field for index search")
+     ("kbd" . "Keybard example face")
+     ("lang" . "Natural language")
+     ("li" . "List item")
+     ("link" . "Link relationship")
+     ("math" . "Math formula")
+     ("menu" . "Menu list (obsolete)")
+     ("mh" . "Form mail header")
+     ("nextid" . "Allocate new id")
+     ("nobr" . "Text without line break")
+     ("ol" . "Ordered list")
+     ("option" . "Selection list item")
+     ("over" . "Math fraction rule")
+     ("p" . "Paragraph start")
+     ("panel" . "Floating panel")
+     ("person" . "?")
+     ("pre" . "Preformatted fixed width text")
+     ("q" . "?")
+     ("rev" . "Reverse video")
+     ("s" . "?")
+     ("samp" . "Sample text")
+     ("select" . "Selection list")
+     ("small" . "Font size")
+     ("sp" . "Nobreak space")
+     ("strong" . "Standout text")
+     ("sub" . "Subscript")
+     ("sup" . "Superscript")
+     ("table" . "Table with rows and columns")
+     ("tb" . "Table vertical break")
+     ("td" . "Table data cell")
+     ("textarea" . "Form multiline edit area")
+     ("th" . "Table header cell")
+     ("title" . "Document title")
+     ("tr" . "Table row separator")
+     ("tt" . "Typewriter face")
+     ("u" . "Underlined text")
+     ("ul" . "Unordered list")
+     ("var" . "Math variable face")
+     ("wbr" . "Enable <br> within <nobr>"))
+ "*Value of `sgml-tag-help' for HTML mode.")
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (define-derived-mode html-mode sgml-mode "HTML"
+   "Major mode based on SGML mode for editing HTML documents.
+ This allows inserting skeleton constructs used in hypertext documents with
+ completion.  See below for an introduction to HTML.  Use
+ \\[browse-url-of-buffer] to see how this comes out.  See also `sgml-mode' on
+ which this is based.
+ Do \\[describe-variable] html- SPC and \\[describe-variable] sgml- SPC to see 
available variables.
+ To write fairly well formatted pages you only need to know few things.  Most
+ browsers have a function to read the source code of the page being seen, so
+ you can imitate various tricks.  Here's a very short HTML primer which you
+ can also view with a browser to see what happens:
+ <title>A Title Describing Contents</title> should be on every page.  Pages can
+ have <h1>Very Major Headlines</h1> through <h6>Very Minor Headlines</h6>
+ <hr> Parts can be separated with horizontal rules.
+ <p>Paragraphs only need an opening tag.  Line breaks and multiple spaces are
+ ignored unless the text is <pre>preformatted.</pre>  Text can be marked as
+ <b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i> or <u>underlined</u> using the normal  M-g  or
+ Edit/Text Properties/Face commands.
+ Pages can have <a name=\"SOMENAME\">named points</a> and can link other points
+ to them with <a href=\"#SOMENAME\">see also somename</a>.  In the same way <a
+ href=\"URL\">see also URL</a> where URL is a filename relative to current
+ directory, or absolute as in `http://www.cs.indiana.edu/elisp/w3/docs.html'.
+ Images in many formats can be inlined with <img src=\"URL\">.
+ If you mainly create your own documents, `sgml-specials' might be
+ interesting.  But note that some HTML 2 browsers can't handle `&apos;'.
+ To work around that, do:
+    (eval-after-load \"sgml-mode\" '(aset sgml-char-names ?' nil))
+ \\{html-mode-map}"
+   (set (make-local-variable 'sgml-display-text) html-display-text)
+   (set (make-local-variable 'sgml-tag-face-alist) html-tag-face-alist)
+   (make-local-variable 'sgml-tag-alist)
+   (make-local-variable 'sgml-face-tag-alist)
+   (make-local-variable 'sgml-tag-help)
+   (make-local-variable 'outline-regexp)
+   (make-local-variable 'outline-heading-end-regexp)
+   (make-local-variable 'outline-level)
+   (make-local-variable 'sentence-end)
+   (setq sentence-end
+       (if sentence-end-double-space
+           "[.?!][]\"')}]*\\(<[^>]*>\\)*\\($\\| $\\|\t\\|  \\)[ \t\n]*"
+         "[.?!][]\"')}]*\\(<[^>]*>\\)*\\($\\|[ \t]\\)[ \t\n]*"))
+   (setq sgml-tag-alist html-tag-alist
+       sgml-face-tag-alist html-face-tag-alist
+       sgml-tag-help html-tag-help
+       outline-regexp "^.*<[Hh][1-6]\\>"
+       outline-heading-end-regexp "</[Hh][1-6]>"
+       outline-level (lambda ()
+                       (char-before (match-end 0))))
+   (setq imenu-create-index-function 'html-imenu-index)
+   (when sgml-xml-mode (setq mode-name "XHTML"))
+   (set (make-local-variable 'sgml-empty-tags)
+        ;; From HTML-4.01's loose.dtd, parsed with `sgml-parse-dtd',
+        ;; plus manual addition of "wbr".
+        '("area" "base" "basefont" "br" "col" "frame" "hr" "img" "input"
+        "isindex" "link" "meta" "param" "wbr"))
+   (set (make-local-variable 'sgml-unclosed-tags)
+        ;; From HTML-4.01's loose.dtd, parsed with `sgml-parse-dtd'.
+        '("body" "colgroup" "dd" "dt" "head" "html" "li" "option"
+        "p" "tbody" "td" "tfoot" "th" "thead" "tr"))
+   ;; It's for the user to decide if it defeats it or not  -stef
+   ;; (make-local-variable 'imenu-sort-function)
+   ;; (setq imenu-sort-function nil) ; sorting the menu defeats the purpose
+   )
+ (defvar html-imenu-regexp
+   "\\s-*<h\\([1-9]\\)[^\n<>]*>\\(<[^\n<>]*>\\)*\\s-*\\([^\n<>]*\\)"
+   "*A regular expression matching a head line to be added to the menu.
+ The first `match-string' should be a number from 1-9.
+ The second `match-string' matches extra tags and is ignored.
+ The third `match-string' will be the used in the menu.")
+ (defun html-imenu-index ()
+   "Return a table of contents for an HTML buffer for use with Imenu."
+   (let (toc-index)
+     (save-excursion
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (re-search-forward html-imenu-regexp nil t)
+       (setq toc-index
+             (cons (cons (concat (make-string
+                                  (* 2 (1- (string-to-number (match-string 
+                                  ?\ )
+                                 (match-string 3))
+                         (line-beginning-position))
+                   toc-index))))
+     (nreverse toc-index)))
+ (define-minor-mode html-autoview-mode
+   "Toggle automatic viewing via `browse-url-of-buffer' upon saving buffer.
+ With positive prefix ARG always turns viewing on, with negative ARG always 
+ Can be used as a value for `html-mode-hook'."
+   nil nil nil
+   :group 'sgml
+   (if html-autoview-mode
+       (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'browse-url-of-buffer nil t)
+     (remove-hook 'after-save-hook 'browse-url-of-buffer t)))
+ (define-skeleton html-href-anchor
+   "HTML anchor tag with href attribute."
+   "URL: "
+   '(setq input "http:")
+   "<a href=\"" str "\">" _ "</a>")
+ (define-skeleton html-name-anchor
+   "HTML anchor tag with name attribute."
+   "Name: "
+   "<a name=\"" str "\">" _ "</a>")
+ (define-skeleton html-headline-1
+   "HTML level 1 headline tags."
+   nil
+   "<h1>" _ "</h1>")
+ (define-skeleton html-headline-2
+   "HTML level 2 headline tags."
+   nil
+   "<h2>" _ "</h2>")
+ (define-skeleton html-headline-3
+   "HTML level 3 headline tags."
+   nil
+   "<h3>" _ "</h3>")
+ (define-skeleton html-headline-4
+   "HTML level 4 headline tags."
+   nil
+   "<h4>" _ "</h4>")
+ (define-skeleton html-headline-5
+   "HTML level 5 headline tags."
+   nil
+   "<h5>" _ "</h5>")
+ (define-skeleton html-headline-6
+   "HTML level 6 headline tags."
+   nil
+   "<h6>" _ "</h6>")
+ (define-skeleton html-horizontal-rule
+   "HTML horizontal rule tag."
+   nil
+   (if sgml-xml-mode "<hr/>" "<hr>") \n)
+ (define-skeleton html-image
+   "HTML image tag."
+   nil
+   "<img src=\"" _ "\""
+   (if sgml-xml-mode "/>" ">"))
+ (define-skeleton html-line
+   "HTML line break tag."
+   nil
+   (if sgml-xml-mode "<br/>" "<br>") \n)
+ (define-skeleton html-ordered-list
+   "HTML ordered list tags."
+   nil
+   "<ol>" \n
+   "<li>" _ (if sgml-xml-mode "</li>") \n
+   "</ol>")
+ (define-skeleton html-unordered-list
+   "HTML unordered list tags."
+   nil
+   "<ul>" \n
+   "<li>" _ (if sgml-xml-mode "</li>") \n
+   "</ul>")
+ (define-skeleton html-list-item
+   "HTML list item tag."
+   nil
+   (if (bolp) nil '\n)
+   "<li>" _ (if sgml-xml-mode "</li>"))
+ (define-skeleton html-paragraph
+   "HTML paragraph tag."
+   nil
+   (if (bolp) nil ?\n)
+   \n "<p>" _ (if sgml-xml-mode "</p>"))
+ (define-skeleton html-checkboxes
+   "Group of connected checkbox inputs."
+   nil
+   '(setq v1 nil
+        v2 nil)
+   ("Value: "
+    "<input type=\"" (identity "checkbox") ; see comment above about identity
+    "\" name=\"" (or v1 (setq v1 (skeleton-read "Name: ")))
+    "\" value=\"" str ?\"
+    (when (y-or-n-p "Set \"checked\" attribute? ")
+      (funcall skeleton-transformation " checked"))
+    (if sgml-xml-mode "/>" ">")
+    (skeleton-read "Text: " (capitalize str))
+    (or v2 (setq v2 (if (y-or-n-p "Newline after text? ")
+                      (funcall skeleton-transformation
+                                 (if sgml-xml-mode "<br/>" "<br>"))
+                    "")))
+    \n))
+ (define-skeleton html-radio-buttons
+   "Group of connected radio button inputs."
+   nil
+   '(setq v1 nil
+        v2 (cons nil nil))
+   ("Value: "
+    "<input type=\"" (identity "radio") ; see comment above about identity
+    "\" name=\"" (or (car v2) (setcar v2 (skeleton-read "Name: ")))
+    "\" value=\"" str ?\"
+    (when (and (not v1) (setq v1 (y-or-n-p "Set \"checked\" attribute? ")))
+      (funcall skeleton-transformation " checked"))
+    (if sgml-xml-mode "/>" ">")
+    (skeleton-read "Text: " (capitalize str))
+    (or (cdr v2) (setcdr v2 (if (y-or-n-p "Newline after text? ")
+                              (funcall skeleton-transformation
+                                         (if sgml-xml-mode "<br/>" "<br>"))
+                            "")))
+    \n))
+ (provide 'sgml-mode)
+ ;;; sgml-mode.el ends here

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