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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/term/mac-win.el [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/term/mac-win.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 08:56:18 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/term/mac-win.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/term/mac-win.el:
*** /dev/null   Mon Sep  8 08:56:18 2003
--- emacs/lisp/term/mac-win.el  Mon Sep  8 08:53:41 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,996 ----
+ ;;; mac-win.el --- support for "Macintosh windows"
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Andrew Choi <address@hidden>
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; We want to delay setting frame parameters until the faces are setup
+ ;; Mac can't handle ~ prefix in file names
+ ;(setq auto-save-list-file-prefix ".saves-")
+ (setq frame-creation-function 'x-create-frame-with-faces)
+ ;; for debugging
+ ;; (defun mac-handle-scroll-bar-event (event) (interactive "e") (princ event))
+ ;;(global-set-key [vertical-scroll-bar mouse-1] 'mac-handle-scroll-bar-event)
+ (global-set-key
+  [vertical-scroll-bar down-mouse-1]
+  'mac-handle-scroll-bar-event)
+ (global-unset-key [vertical-scroll-bar drag-mouse-1])
+ (global-unset-key [vertical-scroll-bar mouse-1])
+ (require 'scroll-bar)
+ (defun mac-handle-scroll-bar-event (event)
+   "Handle scroll bar EVENT to emulate Mac Toolbox style scrolling."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (let* ((position (event-start event))
+        (window (nth 0 position))
+        (bar-part (nth 4 position)))
+     (select-window window)
+     (cond
+      ((eq bar-part 'up)
+       (goto-char (window-start window))
+       (mac-scroll-down-line))
+      ((eq bar-part 'above-handle)
+       (mac-scroll-down))
+      ((eq bar-part 'handle)
+       (scroll-bar-drag event))
+      ((eq bar-part 'below-handle)
+       (mac-scroll-up))
+      ((eq bar-part 'down)
+       (goto-char (window-start window))
+       (mac-scroll-up-line)))))
+ (defun mac-scroll-down ()
+   (track-mouse
+     (while (not (eq (car-safe (read-event)) 'mouse-1)) nil)
+     (scroll-down)))
+ (defun mac-scroll-down-line ()
+   (track-mouse
+     (while (not (eq (car-safe (read-event)) 'mouse-1)) nil)
+     (scroll-down 1)))
+ (defun mac-scroll-up ()
+   (track-mouse
+     (while (not (eq (car-safe (read-event)) 'mouse-1)) nil)
+     (scroll-up)))
+ (defun mac-scroll-up-line ()
+   (track-mouse
+     (while (not (eq (car-safe (read-event)) 'mouse-1)) nil)
+     (scroll-up 1)))
+ (defun xw-defined-colors (&optional frame)
+   "Internal function called by `defined-colors', which see."
+   (or frame (setq frame (selected-frame)))
+   (let ((all-colors x-colors)
+       (this-color nil)
+       (defined-colors nil))
+     (while all-colors
+       (setq this-color (car all-colors)
+           all-colors (cdr all-colors))
+       (and (color-supported-p this-color frame t)
+          (setq defined-colors (cons this-color defined-colors))))
+     defined-colors))
+ ;; Don't have this yet.
+ (fset 'x-get-resource 'ignore)
+ (unless (eq system-type 'darwin)
+   ;; This variable specifies the Unix program to call (as a process) to
+   ;; deteremine the amount of free space on a file system (defaults to
+   ;; df).  If it is not set to nil, ls-lisp will not work correctly
+   ;; unless an external application df is implemented on the Mac.
+   (setq directory-free-space-program nil)
+   ;; Set this so that Emacs calls subprocesses with "sh" as shell to
+   ;; expand filenames Note no subprocess for the shell is actually
+   ;; started (see run_mac_command in sysdep.c).
+   (setq shell-file-name "sh"))
+ ;; X Window emulation in macterm.c is not complete enough to start a
+ ;; frame without a minibuffer properly.  Call this to tell ediff
+ ;; library to use a single frame.
+ ; (ediff-toggle-multiframe)
+ ;; Setup to use the Mac clipboard.  The functions mac-cut-function and
+ ;; mac-paste-function are defined in mac.c.
+ (set-selection-coding-system 'compound-text-mac)
+ (setq interprogram-cut-function
+       '(lambda (str push)
+        (mac-cut-function
+         (encode-coding-string str selection-coding-system t) push)))
+ (setq interprogram-paste-function
+       '(lambda ()
+        (let ((clipboard (mac-paste-function)))
+          (if clipboard
+              (decode-coding-string clipboard selection-coding-system t)))))
+ (defun mac-drag-n-drop (event)
+   "Edit the files listed in the drag-n-drop event.\n\
+ Switch to a buffer editing the last file dropped."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (save-excursion
+     ;; Make sure the drop target has positive co-ords
+     ;; before setting the selected frame - otherwise it
+     ;; won't work.  <address@hidden>
+     (let* ((window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+          (coords (posn-x-y (event-start event)))
+          (x (car coords))
+          (y (cdr coords)))
+       (if (and (> x 0) (> y 0))
+         (set-frame-selected-window nil window))
+       (mapcar
+        '(lambda (file)
+         (find-file
+          (decode-coding-string
+           file
+           (or file-name-coding-system
+               default-file-name-coding-system))))
+        (car (cdr (cdr event)))))
+   (raise-frame)
+   (recenter)))
+ (global-set-key [drag-n-drop] 'mac-drag-n-drop)
+ ;; By checking whether the variable mac-ready-for-drag-n-drop has been
+ ;; defined, the event loop in macterm.c can be informed that it can
+ ;; now receive Finder drag and drop events.  Files dropped onto the
+ ;; Emacs application icon can only be processed when the initial frame
+ ;; has been created: this is where the files should be opened.
+ (add-hook 'after-init-hook
+         '(lambda ()
+            (defvar mac-ready-for-drag-n-drop t)))
+ ; Define constant values to be set to mac-keyboard-text-encoding
+ (defconst kTextEncodingMacRoman 0)
+ (defconst kTextEncodingISOLatin1 513 "0x201")
+ (defconst kTextEncodingISOLatin2 514 "0x202")
+ ;; Create a fontset that uses mac-roman font.  With this fontset,
+ ;; characters decoded from mac-roman encoding (ascii, latin-iso8859-1,
+ ;; and mule-unicode-xxxx-yyyy) are displayed by a mac-roman font.
+ (if (fboundp 'new-fontset)
+     (create-fontset-from-fontset-spec
+      "-etl-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-mac,
+ ascii:-*-Monaco-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-mac-roman
+ mac-roman:-*-Monaco-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-mac-roman"))
+ (if (eq system-type 'darwin)
+     ;; On Darwin filenames are encoded in UTF-8
+     (setq file-name-coding-system 'utf-8)
+   ;; To display filenames in Chinese or Japanese, replace mac-roman with
+   ;; big5 or sjis
+   (setq file-name-coding-system 'mac-roman))
+ ;; If Emacs is started from the Finder, change the default directory
+ ;; to the user's home directory.
+ (if (string= default-directory "/")
+     (cd "~"))
+ ;; Tell Emacs to use pipes instead of pty's for processes because the
+ ;; latter sometimes lose characters.  Pty support is compiled in since
+ ;; ange-ftp will not work without it.
+ (setq process-connection-type nil)
+ ;; Assume that fonts are always scalable on the Mac.  This sometimes
+ ;; results in characters with jagged edges.  However, without it,
+ ;; fonts with both truetype and bitmap representations but no italic
+ ;; or bold bitmap versions will not display these variants correctly.
+ (setq scalable-fonts-allowed t)
+ ;; Make suspend-emacs [C-z] collapse the current frame
+ (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs 'iconify-frame
+                          global-map)
+ ;; Support mouse-wheel scrolling
+ (mouse-wheel-mode 1)
+ ;; (prefer-coding-system 'mac-roman)
+ ;; Map certain keypad keys into ASCII characters that people usually expect
+ (define-key function-key-map [return] [?\C-m])
+ (define-key function-key-map [M-return] [?\M-\C-m])
+ (define-key function-key-map [tab] [?\t])
+ (define-key function-key-map [M-tab] [?\M-\t])
+ (define-key function-key-map [backspace] [127])
+ (define-key function-key-map [M-backspace] [?\M-\d])
+ (define-key function-key-map [escape] [?\e])
+ (define-key function-key-map [M-escape] [?\M-\e])
+ ;; Tell read-char how to convert special chars to ASCII
+ (put 'return 'ascii-character 13)
+ ;;
+ ;; Available colors
+ ;;
+ (defvar x-colors '("LightGreen"
+                  "light green"
+                  "DarkRed"
+                  "dark red"
+                  "DarkMagenta"
+                  "dark magenta"
+                  "DarkCyan"
+                  "dark cyan"
+                  "DarkBlue"
+                  "dark blue"
+                  "DarkGray"
+                  "dark gray"
+                  "DarkGrey"
+                  "dark grey"
+                  "grey100"
+                  "gray100"
+                  "grey99"
+                  "gray99"
+                  "grey98"
+                  "gray98"
+                  "grey97"
+                  "gray97"
+                  "grey96"
+                  "gray96"
+                  "grey95"
+                  "gray95"
+                  "grey94"
+                  "gray94"
+                  "grey93"
+                  "gray93"
+                  "grey92"
+                  "gray92"
+                  "grey91"
+                  "gray91"
+                  "grey90"
+                  "gray90"
+                  "grey89"
+                  "gray89"
+                  "grey88"
+                  "gray88"
+                  "grey87"
+                  "gray87"
+                  "grey86"
+                  "gray86"
+                  "grey85"
+                  "gray85"
+                  "grey84"
+                  "gray84"
+                  "grey83"
+                  "gray83"
+                  "grey82"
+                  "gray82"
+                  "grey81"
+                  "gray81"
+                  "grey80"
+                  "gray80"
+                  "grey79"
+                  "gray79"
+                  "grey78"
+                  "gray78"
+                  "grey77"
+                  "gray77"
+                  "grey76"
+                  "gray76"
+                  "grey75"
+                  "gray75"
+                  "grey74"
+                  "gray74"
+                  "grey73"
+                  "gray73"
+                  "grey72"
+                  "gray72"
+                  "grey71"
+                  "gray71"
+                  "grey70"
+                  "gray70"
+                  "grey69"
+                  "gray69"
+                  "grey68"
+                  "gray68"
+                  "grey67"
+                  "gray67"
+                  "grey66"
+                  "gray66"
+                  "grey65"
+                  "gray65"
+                  "grey64"
+                  "gray64"
+                  "grey63"
+                  "gray63"
+                  "grey62"
+                  "gray62"
+                  "grey61"
+                  "gray61"
+                  "grey60"
+                  "gray60"
+                  "grey59"
+                  "gray59"
+                  "grey58"
+                  "gray58"
+                  "grey57"
+                  "gray57"
+                  "grey56"
+                  "gray56"
+                  "grey55"
+                  "gray55"
+                  "grey54"
+                  "gray54"
+                  "grey53"
+                  "gray53"
+                  "grey52"
+                  "gray52"
+                  "grey51"
+                  "gray51"
+                  "grey50"
+                  "gray50"
+                  "grey49"
+                  "gray49"
+                  "grey48"
+                  "gray48"
+                  "grey47"
+                  "gray47"
+                  "grey46"
+                  "gray46"
+                  "grey45"
+                  "gray45"
+                  "grey44"
+                  "gray44"
+                  "grey43"
+                  "gray43"
+                  "grey42"
+                  "gray42"
+                  "grey41"
+                  "gray41"
+                  "grey40"
+                  "gray40"
+                  "grey39"
+                  "gray39"
+                  "grey38"
+                  "gray38"
+                  "grey37"
+                  "gray37"
+                  "grey36"
+                  "gray36"
+                  "grey35"
+                  "gray35"
+                  "grey34"
+                  "gray34"
+                  "grey33"
+                  "gray33"
+                  "grey32"
+                  "gray32"
+                  "grey31"
+                  "gray31"
+                  "grey30"
+                  "gray30"
+                  "grey29"
+                  "gray29"
+                  "grey28"
+                  "gray28"
+                  "grey27"
+                  "gray27"
+                  "grey26"
+                  "gray26"
+                  "grey25"
+                  "gray25"
+                  "grey24"
+                  "gray24"
+                  "grey23"
+                  "gray23"
+                  "grey22"
+                  "gray22"
+                  "grey21"
+                  "gray21"
+                  "grey20"
+                  "gray20"
+                  "grey19"
+                  "gray19"
+                  "grey18"
+                  "gray18"
+                  "grey17"
+                  "gray17"
+                  "grey16"
+                  "gray16"
+                  "grey15"
+                  "gray15"
+                  "grey14"
+                  "gray14"
+                  "grey13"
+                  "gray13"
+                  "grey12"
+                  "gray12"
+                  "grey11"
+                  "gray11"
+                  "grey10"
+                  "gray10"
+                  "grey9"
+                  "gray9"
+                  "grey8"
+                  "gray8"
+                  "grey7"
+                  "gray7"
+                  "grey6"
+                  "gray6"
+                  "grey5"
+                  "gray5"
+                  "grey4"
+                  "gray4"
+                  "grey3"
+                  "gray3"
+                  "grey2"
+                  "gray2"
+                  "grey1"
+                  "gray1"
+                  "grey0"
+                  "gray0"
+                  "thistle4"
+                  "thistle3"
+                  "thistle2"
+                  "thistle1"
+                  "MediumPurple4"
+                  "MediumPurple3"
+                  "MediumPurple2"
+                  "MediumPurple1"
+                  "purple4"
+                  "purple3"
+                  "purple2"
+                  "purple1"
+                  "DarkOrchid4"
+                  "DarkOrchid3"
+                  "DarkOrchid2"
+                  "DarkOrchid1"
+                  "MediumOrchid4"
+                  "MediumOrchid3"
+                  "MediumOrchid2"
+                  "MediumOrchid1"
+                  "plum4"
+                  "plum3"
+                  "plum2"
+                  "plum1"
+                  "orchid4"
+                  "orchid3"
+                  "orchid2"
+                  "orchid1"
+                  "magenta4"
+                  "magenta3"
+                  "magenta2"
+                  "magenta1"
+                  "VioletRed4"
+                  "VioletRed3"
+                  "VioletRed2"
+                  "VioletRed1"
+                  "maroon4"
+                  "maroon3"
+                  "maroon2"
+                  "maroon1"
+                  "PaleVioletRed4"
+                  "PaleVioletRed3"
+                  "PaleVioletRed2"
+                  "PaleVioletRed1"
+                  "LightPink4"
+                  "LightPink3"
+                  "LightPink2"
+                  "LightPink1"
+                  "pink4"
+                  "pink3"
+                  "pink2"
+                  "pink1"
+                  "HotPink4"
+                  "HotPink3"
+                  "HotPink2"
+                  "HotPink1"
+                  "DeepPink4"
+                  "DeepPink3"
+                  "DeepPink2"
+                  "DeepPink1"
+                  "red4"
+                  "red3"
+                  "red2"
+                  "red1"
+                  "OrangeRed4"
+                  "OrangeRed3"
+                  "OrangeRed2"
+                  "OrangeRed1"
+                  "tomato4"
+                  "tomato3"
+                  "tomato2"
+                  "tomato1"
+                  "coral4"
+                  "coral3"
+                  "coral2"
+                  "coral1"
+                  "DarkOrange4"
+                  "DarkOrange3"
+                  "DarkOrange2"
+                  "DarkOrange1"
+                  "orange4"
+                  "orange3"
+                  "orange2"
+                  "orange1"
+                  "LightSalmon4"
+                  "LightSalmon3"
+                  "LightSalmon2"
+                  "LightSalmon1"
+                  "salmon4"
+                  "salmon3"
+                  "salmon2"
+                  "salmon1"
+                  "brown4"
+                  "brown3"
+                  "brown2"
+                  "brown1"
+                  "firebrick4"
+                  "firebrick3"
+                  "firebrick2"
+                  "firebrick1"
+                  "chocolate4"
+                  "chocolate3"
+                  "chocolate2"
+                  "chocolate1"
+                  "tan4"
+                  "tan3"
+                  "tan2"
+                  "tan1"
+                  "wheat4"
+                  "wheat3"
+                  "wheat2"
+                  "wheat1"
+                  "burlywood4"
+                  "burlywood3"
+                  "burlywood2"
+                  "burlywood1"
+                  "sienna4"
+                  "sienna3"
+                  "sienna2"
+                  "sienna1"
+                  "IndianRed4"
+                  "IndianRed3"
+                  "IndianRed2"
+                  "IndianRed1"
+                  "RosyBrown4"
+                  "RosyBrown3"
+                  "RosyBrown2"
+                  "RosyBrown1"
+                  "DarkGoldenrod4"
+                  "DarkGoldenrod3"
+                  "DarkGoldenrod2"
+                  "DarkGoldenrod1"
+                  "goldenrod4"
+                  "goldenrod3"
+                  "goldenrod2"
+                  "goldenrod1"
+                  "gold4"
+                  "gold3"
+                  "gold2"
+                  "gold1"
+                  "yellow4"
+                  "yellow3"
+                  "yellow2"
+                  "yellow1"
+                  "LightYellow4"
+                  "LightYellow3"
+                  "LightYellow2"
+                  "LightYellow1"
+                  "LightGoldenrod4"
+                  "LightGoldenrod3"
+                  "LightGoldenrod2"
+                  "LightGoldenrod1"
+                  "khaki4"
+                  "khaki3"
+                  "khaki2"
+                  "khaki1"
+                  "DarkOliveGreen4"
+                  "DarkOliveGreen3"
+                  "DarkOliveGreen2"
+                  "DarkOliveGreen1"
+                  "OliveDrab4"
+                  "OliveDrab3"
+                  "OliveDrab2"
+                  "OliveDrab1"
+                  "chartreuse4"
+                  "chartreuse3"
+                  "chartreuse2"
+                  "chartreuse1"
+                  "green4"
+                  "green3"
+                  "green2"
+                  "green1"
+                  "SpringGreen4"
+                  "SpringGreen3"
+                  "SpringGreen2"
+                  "SpringGreen1"
+                  "PaleGreen4"
+                  "PaleGreen3"
+                  "PaleGreen2"
+                  "PaleGreen1"
+                  "SeaGreen4"
+                  "SeaGreen3"
+                  "SeaGreen2"
+                  "SeaGreen1"
+                  "DarkSeaGreen4"
+                  "DarkSeaGreen3"
+                  "DarkSeaGreen2"
+                  "DarkSeaGreen1"
+                  "aquamarine4"
+                  "aquamarine3"
+                  "aquamarine2"
+                  "aquamarine1"
+                  "DarkSlateGray4"
+                  "DarkSlateGray3"
+                  "DarkSlateGray2"
+                  "DarkSlateGray1"
+                  "cyan4"
+                  "cyan3"
+                  "cyan2"
+                  "cyan1"
+                  "turquoise4"
+                  "turquoise3"
+                  "turquoise2"
+                  "turquoise1"
+                  "CadetBlue4"
+                  "CadetBlue3"
+                  "CadetBlue2"
+                  "CadetBlue1"
+                  "PaleTurquoise4"
+                  "PaleTurquoise3"
+                  "PaleTurquoise2"
+                  "PaleTurquoise1"
+                  "LightCyan4"
+                  "LightCyan3"
+                  "LightCyan2"
+                  "LightCyan1"
+                  "LightBlue4"
+                  "LightBlue3"
+                  "LightBlue2"
+                  "LightBlue1"
+                  "LightSteelBlue4"
+                  "LightSteelBlue3"
+                  "LightSteelBlue2"
+                  "LightSteelBlue1"
+                  "SlateGray4"
+                  "SlateGray3"
+                  "SlateGray2"
+                  "SlateGray1"
+                  "LightSkyBlue4"
+                  "LightSkyBlue3"
+                  "LightSkyBlue2"
+                  "LightSkyBlue1"
+                  "SkyBlue4"
+                  "SkyBlue3"
+                  "SkyBlue2"
+                  "SkyBlue1"
+                  "DeepSkyBlue4"
+                  "DeepSkyBlue3"
+                  "DeepSkyBlue2"
+                  "DeepSkyBlue1"
+                  "SteelBlue4"
+                  "SteelBlue3"
+                  "SteelBlue2"
+                  "SteelBlue1"
+                  "DodgerBlue4"
+                  "DodgerBlue3"
+                  "DodgerBlue2"
+                  "DodgerBlue1"
+                  "blue4"
+                  "blue3"
+                  "blue2"
+                  "blue1"
+                  "RoyalBlue4"
+                  "RoyalBlue3"
+                  "RoyalBlue2"
+                  "RoyalBlue1"
+                  "SlateBlue4"
+                  "SlateBlue3"
+                  "SlateBlue2"
+                  "SlateBlue1"
+                  "azure4"
+                  "azure3"
+                  "azure2"
+                  "azure1"
+                  "MistyRose4"
+                  "MistyRose3"
+                  "MistyRose2"
+                  "MistyRose1"
+                  "LavenderBlush4"
+                  "LavenderBlush3"
+                  "LavenderBlush2"
+                  "LavenderBlush1"
+                  "honeydew4"
+                  "honeydew3"
+                  "honeydew2"
+                  "honeydew1"
+                  "ivory4"
+                  "ivory3"
+                  "ivory2"
+                  "ivory1"
+                  "cornsilk4"
+                  "cornsilk3"
+                  "cornsilk2"
+                  "cornsilk1"
+                  "LemonChiffon4"
+                  "LemonChiffon3"
+                  "LemonChiffon2"
+                  "LemonChiffon1"
+                  "NavajoWhite4"
+                  "NavajoWhite3"
+                  "NavajoWhite2"
+                  "NavajoWhite1"
+                  "PeachPuff4"
+                  "PeachPuff3"
+                  "PeachPuff2"
+                  "PeachPuff1"
+                  "bisque4"
+                  "bisque3"
+                  "bisque2"
+                  "bisque1"
+                  "AntiqueWhite4"
+                  "AntiqueWhite3"
+                  "AntiqueWhite2"
+                  "AntiqueWhite1"
+                  "seashell4"
+                  "seashell3"
+                  "seashell2"
+                  "seashell1"
+                  "snow4"
+                  "snow3"
+                  "snow2"
+                  "snow1"
+                  "thistle"
+                  "MediumPurple"
+                  "medium purple"
+                  "purple"
+                  "BlueViolet"
+                  "blue violet"
+                  "DarkViolet"
+                  "dark violet"
+                  "DarkOrchid"
+                  "dark orchid"
+                  "MediumOrchid"
+                  "medium orchid"
+                  "orchid"
+                  "plum"
+                  "violet"
+                  "magenta"
+                  "VioletRed"
+                  "violet red"
+                  "MediumVioletRed"
+                  "medium violet red"
+                  "maroon"
+                  "PaleVioletRed"
+                  "pale violet red"
+                  "LightPink"
+                  "light pink"
+                  "pink"
+                  "DeepPink"
+                  "deep pink"
+                  "HotPink"
+                  "hot pink"
+                  "red"
+                  "OrangeRed"
+                  "orange red"
+                  "tomato"
+                  "LightCoral"
+                  "light coral"
+                  "coral"
+                  "DarkOrange"
+                  "dark orange"
+                  "orange"
+                  "LightSalmon"
+                  "light salmon"
+                  "salmon"
+                  "DarkSalmon"
+                  "dark salmon"
+                  "brown"
+                  "firebrick"
+                  "chocolate"
+                  "tan"
+                  "SandyBrown"
+                  "sandy brown"
+                  "wheat"
+                  "beige"
+                  "burlywood"
+                  "peru"
+                  "sienna"
+                  "SaddleBrown"
+                  "saddle brown"
+                  "IndianRed"
+                  "indian red"
+                  "RosyBrown"
+                  "rosy brown"
+                  "DarkGoldenrod"
+                  "dark goldenrod"
+                  "goldenrod"
+                  "LightGoldenrod"
+                  "light goldenrod"
+                  "gold"
+                  "yellow"
+                  "LightYellow"
+                  "light yellow"
+                  "LightGoldenrodYellow"
+                  "light goldenrod yellow"
+                  "PaleGoldenrod"
+                  "pale goldenrod"
+                  "khaki"
+                  "DarkKhaki"
+                  "dark khaki"
+                  "OliveDrab"
+                  "olive drab"
+                  "ForestGreen"
+                  "forest green"
+                  "YellowGreen"
+                  "yellow green"
+                  "LimeGreen"
+                  "lime green"
+                  "GreenYellow"
+                  "green yellow"
+                  "MediumSpringGreen"
+                  "medium spring green"
+                  "chartreuse"
+                  "green"
+                  "LawnGreen"
+                  "lawn green"
+                  "SpringGreen"
+                  "spring green"
+                  "PaleGreen"
+                  "pale green"
+                  "LightSeaGreen"
+                  "light sea green"
+                  "MediumSeaGreen"
+                  "medium sea green"
+                  "SeaGreen"
+                  "sea green"
+                  "DarkSeaGreen"
+                  "dark sea green"
+                  "DarkOliveGreen"
+                  "dark olive green"
+                  "DarkGreen"
+                  "dark green"
+                  "aquamarine"
+                  "MediumAquamarine"
+                  "medium aquamarine"
+                  "CadetBlue"
+                  "cadet blue"
+                  "LightCyan"
+                  "light cyan"
+                  "cyan"
+                  "turquoise"
+                  "MediumTurquoise"
+                  "medium turquoise"
+                  "DarkTurquoise"
+                  "dark turquoise"
+                  "PaleTurquoise"
+                  "pale turquoise"
+                  "PowderBlue"
+                  "powder blue"
+                  "LightBlue"
+                  "light blue"
+                  "LightSteelBlue"
+                  "light steel blue"
+                  "SteelBlue"
+                  "steel blue"
+                  "LightSkyBlue"
+                  "light sky blue"
+                  "SkyBlue"
+                  "sky blue"
+                  "DeepSkyBlue"
+                  "deep sky blue"
+                  "DodgerBlue"
+                  "dodger blue"
+                  "blue"
+                  "RoyalBlue"
+                  "royal blue"
+                  "MediumBlue"
+                  "medium blue"
+                  "LightSlateBlue"
+                  "light slate blue"
+                  "MediumSlateBlue"
+                  "medium slate blue"
+                  "SlateBlue"
+                  "slate blue"
+                  "DarkSlateBlue"
+                  "dark slate blue"
+                  "CornflowerBlue"
+                  "cornflower blue"
+                  "NavyBlue"
+                  "navy blue"
+                  "navy"
+                  "MidnightBlue"
+                  "midnight blue"
+                  "LightGray"
+                  "light gray"
+                  "LightGrey"
+                  "light grey"
+                  "grey"
+                  "gray"
+                  "LightSlateGrey"
+                  "light slate grey"
+                  "LightSlateGray"
+                  "light slate gray"
+                  "SlateGrey"
+                  "slate grey"
+                  "SlateGray"
+                  "slate gray"
+                  "DimGrey"
+                  "dim grey"
+                  "DimGray"
+                  "dim gray"
+                  "DarkSlateGrey"
+                  "dark slate grey"
+                  "DarkSlateGray"
+                  "dark slate gray"
+                  "black"
+                  "white"
+                  "MistyRose"
+                  "misty rose"
+                  "LavenderBlush"
+                  "lavender blush"
+                  "lavender"
+                  "AliceBlue"
+                  "alice blue"
+                  "azure"
+                  "MintCream"
+                  "mint cream"
+                  "honeydew"
+                  "seashell"
+                  "LemonChiffon"
+                  "lemon chiffon"
+                  "ivory"
+                  "cornsilk"
+                  "moccasin"
+                  "NavajoWhite"
+                  "navajo white"
+                  "PeachPuff"
+                  "peach puff"
+                  "bisque"
+                  "BlanchedAlmond"
+                  "blanched almond"
+                  "PapayaWhip"
+                  "papaya whip"
+                  "AntiqueWhite"
+                  "antique white"
+                  "linen"
+                  "OldLace"
+                  "old lace"
+                  "FloralWhite"
+                  "floral white"
+                  "gainsboro"
+                  "WhiteSmoke"
+                  "white smoke"
+                  "GhostWhite"
+                  "ghost white"
+                  "snow")
+   "The list of X colors from the `rgb.txt' file.
+ XConsortium: rgb.txt,v 10.41 94/02/20 18:39:36 rws Exp")
+ ;;; mac-win.el ends here

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