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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/category.c [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/category.c [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 08:48:31 -0400

Index: emacs/src/category.c
diff -c /dev/null emacs/src/category.c:
*** /dev/null   Mon Sep  8 08:48:31 2003
--- emacs/src/category.c        Mon Sep  8 08:48:09 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,521 ----
+ /* GNU Emacs routines to deal with category tables.
+    Copyright (C) 1995, 1997 Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN.
+      Licensed to the Free Software Foundation.
+    Copyright (C) 2003
+      National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
+      Registration Number H13PRO009
+ This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+ /* Here we handle three objects: category, category set, and category
+    table.  Read comments in the file category.h to understand them.  */
+ #include <config.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include "lisp.h"
+ #include "buffer.h"
+ #include "character.h"
+ #include "charset.h"
+ #include "category.h"
+ #include "keymap.h"
+ /* The version number of the latest category table.  Each category
+    table has a unique version number.  It is assigned a new number
+    also when it is modified.  When a regular expression is compiled
+    into the struct re_pattern_buffer, the version number of the
+    category table (of the current buffer) at that moment is also
+    embedded in the structure.
+    For the moment, we are not using this feature.  */
+ static int category_table_version;
+ Lisp_Object Qcategory_table, Qcategoryp, Qcategorysetp, Qcategory_table_p;
+ /* Variables to determine word boundary.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vword_combining_categories, Vword_separating_categories;
+ /* Temporary internal variable used in macro CHAR_HAS_CATEGORY.  */
+ Lisp_Object _temp_category_set;
+ /* Category set staff.  */
+ DEFUN ("make-category-set", Fmake_category_set, Smake_category_set, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return a newly created category-set which contains CATEGORIES.
+ CATEGORIES is a string of category mnemonics.
+ The value is a bool-vector which has t at the indices corresponding to
+ those categories.  */)
+      (categories)
+      Lisp_Object categories;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object val;
+   int len;
+   CHECK_STRING (categories);
+   if (STRING_MULTIBYTE (categories))
+     error ("Multibyte string in make-category-set");
+   len = SCHARS (categories);
+   while (--len >= 0)
+     {
+       Lisp_Object category;
+       XSETFASTINT (category, SREF (categories, len));
+       CHECK_CATEGORY (category);
+       SET_CATEGORY_SET (val, category, Qt);
+     }
+   return val;
+ }
+ /* Category staff.  */
+ Lisp_Object check_category_table ();
+ DEFUN ("define-category", Fdefine_category, Sdefine_category, 2, 3, 0,
+        doc: /* Define CHAR as a category which is described by DOCSTRING.
+ CHAR should be an ASCII printing character in the range ` ' to `~'.
+ DOCSTRING is a documentation string of the category.
+ The category is defined only in category table TABLE, which defaults to
+  the current buffer's category table.  */)
+      (category, docstring, table)
+      Lisp_Object category, docstring, table;
+ {
+   CHECK_CATEGORY (category);
+   CHECK_STRING (docstring);
+   table = check_category_table (table);
+   if (!NILP (CATEGORY_DOCSTRING (table, XFASTINT (category))))
+     error ("Category `%c' is already defined", XFASTINT (category));
+   CATEGORY_DOCSTRING (table, XFASTINT (category)) = docstring;
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("category-docstring", Fcategory_docstring, Scategory_docstring, 1, 2, 
+        doc: /* Return the documentation string of CATEGORY, as defined in 
+      (category, table)
+      Lisp_Object category, table;
+ {
+   CHECK_CATEGORY (category);
+   table = check_category_table (table);
+   return CATEGORY_DOCSTRING (table, XFASTINT (category));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("get-unused-category", Fget_unused_category, Sget_unused_category,
+        0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return a category which is not yet defined in CATEGORY-TABLE.
+ If no category remains available, return nil.
+ The optional argument CATEGORY-TABLE
+ specifies which category table to modify;
+ it defaults to the current buffer's category table.  */)
+      (table)
+      Lisp_Object table;
+ {
+   int i;
+   table = check_category_table (table);
+   for (i = ' '; i <= '~'; i++)
+     if (NILP (CATEGORY_DOCSTRING (table, i)))
+       return make_number (i);
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ /* Category-table staff.  */
+ DEFUN ("category-table-p", Fcategory_table_p, Scategory_table_p, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return t if ARG is a category table.  */)
+      (arg)
+      Lisp_Object arg;
+ {
+   if (CHAR_TABLE_P (arg)
+       && EQ (XCHAR_TABLE (arg)->purpose, Qcategory_table))
+     return Qt;
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ /* If TABLE is nil, return the current category table.  If TABLE is
+    not nil, check the validity of TABLE as a category table.  If
+    valid, return TABLE itself, but if not valid, signal an error of
+    wrong-type-argument.  */
+ Lisp_Object
+ check_category_table (table)
+      Lisp_Object table;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object tem;
+   if (NILP (table))
+     return current_buffer->category_table;
+   while (tem = Fcategory_table_p (table), NILP (tem))
+     table = wrong_type_argument (Qcategory_table_p, table);
+   return table;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("category-table", Fcategory_table, Scategory_table, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the current category table.
+ This is the one specified by the current buffer.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   return current_buffer->category_table;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("standard-category-table", Fstandard_category_table,
+    Sstandard_category_table, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the standard category table.
+ This is the one used for new buffers.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   return Vstandard_category_table;
+ }
+ static void
+ copy_category_entry (table, c, val)
+      Lisp_Object table, c, val;
+ {
+   val = Fcopy_sequence (val);
+   if (CONSP (c))
+     char_table_set_range (table, XINT (XCAR (c)), XINT (XCDR (c)), val);
+   else
+     char_table_set (table, XINT (c), val);
+ }
+ /* Return a copy of category table TABLE.  We can't simply use the
+    function copy-sequence because no contents should be shared between
+    the original and the copy.  This function is called recursively by
+    binding TABLE to a sub char table.  */
+ Lisp_Object
+ copy_category_table (table)
+      Lisp_Object table;
+ {
+   table = copy_char_table (table);
+   if (! NILP (XCHAR_TABLE (table)->defalt))
+     XCHAR_TABLE (table)->defalt
+       = Fcopy_sequence (XCHAR_TABLE (table)->defalt);
+   XCHAR_TABLE (table)->extras[0]
+     = Fcopy_sequence (XCHAR_TABLE (table)->extras[0]);
+   map_char_table (copy_category_entry, Qnil, table, table);
+   return table;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("copy-category-table", Fcopy_category_table, Scopy_category_table,
+        0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Construct a new category table and return it.
+ It is a copy of the TABLE, which defaults to the standard category table.  */)
+      (table)
+      Lisp_Object table;
+ {
+   if (!NILP (table))
+     check_category_table (table);
+   else
+     table = Vstandard_category_table;
+   return copy_category_table (table);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("make-category-table", Fmake_category_table, Smake_category_table,
+        0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Construct a new and empty category table and return it.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   Lisp_Object val;
+   int i;
+   val = Fmake_char_table (Qcategory_table, Qnil);
+   XCHAR_TABLE (val)->defalt = MAKE_CATEGORY_SET;
+   for (i = 0; i < (1 << CHARTAB_SIZE_BITS_0); i++)
+     XCHAR_TABLE (val)->contents[i] = MAKE_CATEGORY_SET;
+   Fset_char_table_extra_slot (val, make_number (0),
+                             Fmake_vector (make_number (95), Qnil));
+   return val;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("set-category-table", Fset_category_table, Sset_category_table, 1, 1, 
+        doc: /* Specify TABLE as the category table for the current buffer.  
+      (table)
+      Lisp_Object table;
+ {
+   int idx;
+   table = check_category_table (table);
+   current_buffer->category_table = table;
+   /* Indicate that this buffer now has a specified category table.  */
+   idx = PER_BUFFER_VAR_IDX (category_table);
+   SET_PER_BUFFER_VALUE_P (current_buffer, idx, 1);
+   return table;
+ }
+ Lisp_Object
+ char_category_set (c)
+      int c;
+ {
+   return CHAR_TABLE_REF (current_buffer->category_table, c);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("char-category-set", Fchar_category_set, Schar_category_set, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the category set of CHAR.  */)
+      (ch)
+      Lisp_Object ch;
+ {
+   CHECK_NUMBER (ch);
+   return CATEGORY_SET (XFASTINT (ch));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("category-set-mnemonics", Fcategory_set_mnemonics,
+        Scategory_set_mnemonics, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return a string containing mnemonics of the categories in 
+ CATEGORY-SET is a bool-vector, and the categories \"in\" it are those
+ that are indexes where t occurs the bool-vector.
+ The return value is a string containing those same categories.  */)
+      (category_set)
+      Lisp_Object category_set;
+ {
+   int i, j;
+   char str[96];
+   CHECK_CATEGORY_SET (category_set);
+   j = 0;
+   for (i = 32; i < 127; i++)
+     if (CATEGORY_MEMBER (i, category_set))
+       str[j++] = i;
+   str[j] = '\0';
+   return build_string (str);
+ }
+ void
+ set_category_set (category_set, category, val)
+      Lisp_Object category_set, category, val;
+ {
+   do {
+     int idx = XINT (category) / 8;
+     unsigned char bits = 1 << (XINT (category) % 8);
+     if (NILP (val))
+       XCATEGORY_SET (category_set)->data[idx] &= ~bits;
+     else
+       XCATEGORY_SET (category_set)->data[idx] |= bits;
+   } while (0);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("modify-category-entry", Fmodify_category_entry,
+        Smodify_category_entry, 2, 4, 0,
+        doc: /* Modify the category set of CHARACTER by adding CATEGORY to it.
+ The category is changed only for table TABLE, which defaults to
+ the current buffer's category table.
+ CHARACTER can be either a single character or a cons representing the
+ lower and upper ends of an inclusive character range to modify.
+ If optional fourth argument RESET is non-nil,
+ then delete CATEGORY from the category set instead of adding it.  */)
+      (character, category, table, reset)
+      Lisp_Object character, category, table, reset;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object set_value;      /* Actual value to be set in category sets.  */
+   Lisp_Object category_set;
+   int start, end;
+   int from, to;
+   if (INTEGERP (character))
+     {
+       CHECK_CHARACTER (character);
+       start = end = XFASTINT (character);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       CHECK_CONS (character);
+       CHECK_CHARACTER_CAR (character);
+       CHECK_CHARACTER_CDR (character);
+       start = XFASTINT (XCAR (character));
+       end = XFASTINT (XCDR (character));
+     }
+   CHECK_CATEGORY (category);
+   table = check_category_table (table);
+   if (NILP (CATEGORY_DOCSTRING (table, XFASTINT (category))))
+     error ("Undefined category: %c", XFASTINT (category));
+   set_value = NILP (reset) ? Qt : Qnil;
+   while (start <= end)
+     {
+       category_set = char_table_ref_and_range (table, start, &from, &to);
+       if (CATEGORY_MEMBER (XFASTINT (category), category_set) != NILP (reset))
+       {
+         category_set = Fcopy_sequence (category_set);
+         SET_CATEGORY_SET (category_set, category, set_value);
+         if (to > end)
+           char_table_set_range (table, start, end, category_set);
+         else
+           char_table_set_range (table, start, to, category_set);
+       }
+       start = to + 1;
+     }
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ /* Return 1 if there is a word boundary between two word-constituent
+    characters C1 and C2 if they appear in this order, else return 0.
+    Use the macro WORD_BOUNDARY_P instead of calling this function
+    directly.  */
+ int
+ word_boundary_p (c1, c2)
+      int c1, c2;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object category_set1, category_set2;
+   Lisp_Object tail;
+   int default_result;
+   if (CHAR_CHARSET (c1) == CHAR_CHARSET (c2))
+     {
+       tail = Vword_separating_categories;
+       default_result = 0;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       tail = Vword_combining_categories;
+       default_result = 1;
+     }
+   category_set1 = CATEGORY_SET (c1);
+   if (NILP (category_set1))
+     return default_result;
+   category_set2 = CATEGORY_SET (c2);
+   if (NILP (category_set2))
+     return default_result;
+   for (; CONSP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object elt = XCAR (tail);
+       if (CONSP (elt)
+         && CATEGORYP (XCAR (elt))
+         && CATEGORYP (XCDR (elt))
+         && CATEGORY_MEMBER (XFASTINT (XCAR (elt)), category_set1)
+         && CATEGORY_MEMBER (XFASTINT (XCDR (elt)), category_set2))
+       return !default_result;
+     }
+   return default_result;
+ }
+ void
+ init_category_once ()
+ {
+   /* This has to be done here, before we call Fmake_char_table.  */
+   Qcategory_table = intern ("category-table");
+   staticpro (&Qcategory_table);
+   /* Intern this now in case it isn't already done.
+      Setting this variable twice is harmless.
+      But don't staticpro it here--that is done in alloc.c.  */
+   Qchar_table_extra_slots = intern ("char-table-extra-slots");
+   /* Now we are ready to set up this property, so we can
+      create category tables.  */
+   Fput (Qcategory_table, Qchar_table_extra_slots, make_number (2));
+   Vstandard_category_table = Fmake_char_table (Qcategory_table, Qnil);
+   /* Set a category set which contains nothing to the default.  */
+   XCHAR_TABLE (Vstandard_category_table)->defalt = MAKE_CATEGORY_SET;
+   Fset_char_table_extra_slot (Vstandard_category_table, make_number (0),
+                             Fmake_vector (make_number (95), Qnil));
+ }
+ void
+ syms_of_category ()
+ {
+   Qcategoryp = intern ("categoryp");
+   staticpro (&Qcategoryp);
+   Qcategorysetp = intern ("categorysetp");
+   staticpro (&Qcategorysetp);
+   Qcategory_table_p = intern ("category-table-p");
+   staticpro (&Qcategory_table_p);
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("word-combining-categories", &Vword_combining_categories,
+              doc: /* List of pair (cons) of categories to determine word 
+ Emacs treats a sequence of word constituent characters as a single
+ word (i.e. finds no word boundary between them) iff they belongs to
+ the same charset.  But, exceptions are allowed in the following cases.
+ \(1) The case that characters are in different charsets is controlled
+ by the variable `word-combining-categories'.
+ Emacs finds no word boundary between characters of different charsets
+ if they have categories matching some element of this list.
+ More precisely, if an element of this list is a cons of category CAT1
+ and CAT2, and a multibyte character C1 which has CAT1 is followed by
+ C2 which has CAT2, there's no word boundary between C1 and C2.
+ For instance, to tell that ASCII characters and Latin-1 characters can
+ form a single word, the element `(?l . ?l)' should be in this list
+ because both characters have the category `l' (Latin characters).
+ \(2) The case that character are in the same charset is controlled by
+ the variable `word-separating-categories'.
+ Emacs find a word boundary between characters of the same charset
+ if they have categories matching some element of this list.
+ More precisely, if an element of this list is a cons of category CAT1
+ and CAT2, and a multibyte character C1 which has CAT1 is followed by
+ C2 which has CAT2, there's a word boundary between C1 and C2.
+ For instance, to tell that there's a word boundary between Japanese
+ Hiragana and Japanese Kanji (both are in the same charset), the
+ element `(?H . ?C) should be in this list.  */);
+   Vword_combining_categories = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("word-separating-categories", &Vword_separating_categories,
+              doc: /* List of pair (cons) of categories to determine word 
+ See the documentation of the variable `word-combining-categories'.  */);
+   Vword_separating_categories = Qnil;
+   defsubr (&Smake_category_set);
+   defsubr (&Sdefine_category);
+   defsubr (&Scategory_docstring);
+   defsubr (&Sget_unused_category);
+   defsubr (&Scategory_table_p);
+   defsubr (&Scategory_table);
+   defsubr (&Sstandard_category_table);
+   defsubr (&Scopy_category_table);
+   defsubr (&Smake_category_table);
+   defsubr (&Sset_category_table);
+   defsubr (&Schar_category_set);
+   defsubr (&Scategory_set_mnemonics);
+   defsubr (&Smodify_category_entry);
+   category_table_version = 0;
+ }

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