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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/format.el [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/format.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 08:54:09 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/format.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/format.el:
*** /dev/null   Mon Sep  8 08:54:09 2003
--- emacs/lisp/format.el        Mon Sep  8 08:53:37 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1043 ----
+ ;;; format.el --- read and save files in multiple formats
+ ;; Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation
+ ;; Author: Boris Goldowsky <address@hidden>
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; This file defines a unified mechanism for saving & loading files stored
+ ;; in different formats.  `format-alist' contains information that directs
+ ;; Emacs to call an encoding or decoding function when reading or writing
+ ;; files that match certain conditions.
+ ;;
+ ;; When a file is visited, its format is determined by matching the
+ ;; beginning of the file against regular expressions stored in
+ ;; `format-alist'.  If this fails, you can manually translate the buffer
+ ;; using `format-decode-buffer'.  In either case, the formats used are
+ ;; listed in the variable `buffer-file-format', and become the default
+ ;; format for saving the buffer.  To save a buffer in a different format,
+ ;; change this variable, or use `format-write-file'.
+ ;;
+ ;; Auto-save files are normally created in the same format as the visited
+ ;; file, but the variable `auto-save-file-format' can be set to a
+ ;; particularly fast or otherwise preferred format to be used for
+ ;; auto-saving (or nil to do no encoding on auto-save files, but then you
+ ;; risk losing any text-properties in the buffer).
+ ;;
+ ;; You can manually translate a buffer into or out of a particular format
+ ;; with the functions `format-encode-buffer' and `format-decode-buffer'.
+ ;; To translate just the region use the functions `format-encode-region'
+ ;; and `format-decode-region'.
+ ;;
+ ;; You can define a new format by writing the encoding and decoding
+ ;; functions, and adding an entry to `format-alist'.  See enriched.el for
+ ;; an example of how to implement a file format.  There are various
+ ;; functions defined in this file that may be useful for writing the
+ ;; encoding and decoding functions:
+ ;;  * `format-annotate-region' and `format-deannotate-region' allow a
+ ;;     single alist of information to be used for encoding and decoding.
+ ;;     The alist defines a correspondence between strings in the file
+ ;;     ("annotations") and text-properties in the buffer.
+ ;;  * `format-replace-strings' is similarly useful for doing simple
+ ;;     string->string translations in a reversible manner.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (put 'buffer-file-format 'permanent-local t)
+ (defvar format-alist
+   '((text/enriched "Extended MIME text/enriched format."
+                  "Content-[Tt]ype:[ \t]*text/enriched"
+                  enriched-decode enriched-encode t enriched-mode)
+     (plain "ISO 8859-1 standard format, no text properties."
+          ;; Plain only exists so that there is an obvious neutral choice in
+          ;; the completion list.
+          nil nil nil nil nil)
+     (TeX   "TeX (encoding)"
+          nil
+          iso-tex2iso iso-iso2tex t nil)
+     (gtex  "German TeX (encoding)"
+          nil
+          iso-gtex2iso iso-iso2gtex t nil)
+     (html  "HTML/SGML \"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN\" 
+          nil
+          iso-sgml2iso iso-iso2sgml t nil)
+     (rot13 "rot13"
+          nil
+          "tr a-mn-z n-za-m" "tr a-mn-z n-za-m" t nil)
+     (duden "Duden Ersatzdarstellung"
+          nil
+          "diac" iso-iso2duden t nil)
+     (de646 "German ASCII (ISO 646)"
+          nil
+          "recode -f iso646-ge:latin1" "recode -f latin1:iso646-ge" t nil)
+     (denet "net German"
+          nil
+          iso-german iso-cvt-read-only t nil)
+     (esnet "net Spanish"
+          nil
+          iso-spanish iso-cvt-read-only t nil))
+   "List of information about understood file formats.
+ Elements are of the form \(NAME DOC-STR REGEXP FROM-FN TO-FN MODIFY MODE-FN).
+ NAME    is a symbol, which is stored in `buffer-file-format'.
+ DOC-STR should be a single line providing more information about the
+         format.  It is currently unused, but in the future will be shown to
+         the user if they ask for more information.
+ REGEXP  is a regular expression to match against the beginning of the file;
+         it should match only files in that format.  Use nil to avoid
+         matching at all for formats for which this isn't appropriate to
+         require explicit encoding/decoding.
+ FROM-FN is called to decode files in that format; it gets two args, BEGIN
+         and END, and can make any modifications it likes, returning the new
+         end.  It must make sure that the beginning of the file no longer
+         matches REGEXP, or else it will get called again.
+       Alternatively, FROM-FN can be a string, which specifies a shell command
+       (including options) to be used as a filter to perform the conversion.
+ TO-FN   is called to encode a region into that format; it is passed three
+         arguments: BEGIN, END, and BUFFER.  BUFFER is the original buffer that
+         the data being written came from, which the function could use, for
+         example, to find the values of local variables.  TO-FN should either
+         return a list of annotations like `write-region-annotate-functions',
+         or modify the region and return the new end.
+       Alternatively, TO-FN can be a string, which specifies a shell command
+       (including options) to be used as a filter to perform the conversion.
+ MODIFY, if non-nil, means the TO-FN wants to modify the region.  If nil,
+         TO-FN will not make any changes but will instead return a list of
+         annotations.
+ MODE-FN, if specified, is called when visiting a file with that format.
+          It is called with a single positive argument, on the assumption
+          that it turns on some Emacs mode.
+ PRESERVE, if non-nil, means that `format-write-file' should not remove
+           this format from `buffer-file-formats'.")
+ ;;; Basic Functions (called from Lisp)
+ (defun format-encode-run-method (method from to &optional buffer)
+   "Translate using function or shell script METHOD the text from FROM to TO.
+ If METHOD is a string, it is a shell command;
+ otherwise, it should be a Lisp function.
+ BUFFER should be the buffer that the output originally came from."
+   (if (stringp method)
+       (let ((error-buff (get-buffer-create "*Format Errors*"))
+           (coding-system-for-read 'no-conversion)
+           format-alist)
+       (with-current-buffer error-buff
+         (widen)
+         (erase-buffer))
+       (if (and (zerop (save-window-excursion
+                         (shell-command-on-region from to method t t
+                                                  error-buff)))
+                ;; gzip gives zero exit status with bad args, for instance.
+                (zerop (with-current-buffer error-buff
+                         (buffer-size))))
+           (bury-buffer error-buff)
+         (switch-to-buffer-other-window error-buff)
+         (error "Format encoding failed")))
+     (funcall method from to buffer)))
+ (defun format-decode-run-method (method from to &optional buffer)
+   "Decode using function or shell script METHOD the text from FROM to TO.
+ If METHOD is a string, it is a shell command; otherwise, it should be
+ a Lisp function.  Decoding is done for the given BUFFER."
+   (if (stringp method)
+       (let ((error-buff (get-buffer-create "*Format Errors*"))
+           (coding-system-for-write 'no-conversion)
+           format-alist)
+       (with-current-buffer error-buff
+         (widen)
+         (erase-buffer))
+       ;; We should perhaps go via a temporary buffer and copy it
+       ;; back, in case of errors.
+       (if (and (zerop (save-window-excursion
+                         (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max)
+                                                  method t t
+                                                  error-buff)))
+                ;; gzip gives zero exit status with bad args, for instance.
+                (zerop (with-current-buffer error-buff
+                         (buffer-size))))
+           (bury-buffer error-buff)
+         (switch-to-buffer-other-window error-buff)
+         (error "Format decoding failed"))
+       (point))
+     (funcall method from to)))
+ (defun format-annotate-function (format from to orig-buf format-count)
+   "Return annotations for writing region as FORMAT.
+ FORMAT is a symbol naming one of the formats defined in `format-alist',
+ it must be a single symbol, not a list like `buffer-file-format'.
+ FROM and TO delimit the region to be operated on in the current buffer.
+ ORIG-BUF is the original buffer that the data came from.
+ FORMAT-COUNT is an integer specifying how many times this function has
+ been called in the process of decoding ORIG-BUF.
+ This function works like a function on `write-region-annotate-functions':
+ it either returns a list of annotations, or returns with a different buffer
+ current, which contains the modified text to write.  In the latter case,
+ this function's value is nil.
+ For most purposes, consider using `format-encode-region' instead."
+   ;; This function is called by write-region (actually
+   ;; build_annotations) for each element of buffer-file-format.
+   (let* ((info (assq format format-alist))
+        (to-fn  (nth 4 info))
+        (modify (nth 5 info)))
+     (if to-fn
+       (if modify
+           ;; To-function wants to modify region.  Copy to safe place.
+           (let ((copy-buf (get-buffer-create (format " *Format Temp %d*"
+                                                      format-count)))
+                 (sel-disp selective-display)
+                 (multibyte enable-multibyte-characters)
+                 (coding-system buffer-file-coding-system))
+             (with-current-buffer copy-buf
+               (setq selective-display sel-disp)
+               (set-buffer-multibyte multibyte)
+               (setq buffer-file-coding-system coding-system))
+             (copy-to-buffer copy-buf from to)
+             (set-buffer copy-buf)
+             (format-insert-annotations write-region-annotations-so-far from)
+             (format-encode-run-method to-fn (point-min) (point-max) orig-buf)
+             nil)
+         ;; Otherwise just call function, it will return annotations.
+         (funcall to-fn from to orig-buf)))))
+ (defun format-decode (format length &optional visit-flag)
+   ;; This function is called by insert-file-contents whenever a file is read.
+   "Decode text from any known FORMAT.
+ FORMAT is a symbol appearing in `format-alist' or a list of such symbols,
+ or nil, in which case this function tries to guess the format of the data by
+ matching against the regular expressions in `format-alist'.  After a match is
+ found and the region decoded, the alist is searched again from the beginning
+ for another match.
+ Second arg LENGTH is the number of characters following point to operate on.
+ If optional third arg VISIT-FLAG is true, set `buffer-file-format'
+ to the reverted list of formats used, and call any mode functions defined
+ for those formats.
+ Returns the new length of the decoded region.
+ For most purposes, consider using `format-decode-region' instead."
+   (let ((mod (buffer-modified-p))
+       (begin (point))
+       (end (+ (point) length)))
+     (unwind-protect
+       (progn
+         ;; Don't record undo information for the decoding.
+         (if (null format)
+             ;; Figure out which format it is in, remember list in `format'.
+             (let ((try format-alist))
+               (while try
+                 (let* ((f (car try))
+                        (regexp (nth 2 f))
+                        (p (point)))
+                   (if (and regexp (looking-at regexp)
+                            (< (match-end 0) (+ begin length)))
+                       (progn
+                         (push (car f) format)
+                         ;; Decode it
+                         (if (nth 3 f)
+                             (setq end (format-decode-run-method (nth 3 f) 
begin end)))
+                         ;; Call visit function if required
+                         (if (and visit-flag (nth 6 f)) (funcall (nth 6 f) 1))
+                         ;; Safeguard against either of the functions changing 
+                         (goto-char p)
+                         ;; Rewind list to look for another format
+                         (setq try format-alist))
+                     (setq try (cdr try))))))
+           ;; Deal with given format(s)
+           (or (listp format) (setq format (list format)))
+           (let ((do format) f)
+             (while do
+               (or (setq f (assq (car do) format-alist))
+                   (error "Unknown format" (car do)))
+               ;; Decode:
+               (if (nth 3 f)
+                   (setq end (format-decode-run-method (nth 3 f) begin end)))
+               ;; Call visit function if required
+               (if (and visit-flag (nth 6 f)) (funcall (nth 6 f) 1))
+               (setq do (cdr do))))
+           ;; Encode in the opposite order.
+           (setq format (reverse format)))
+         (if visit-flag
+             (setq buffer-file-format format)))
+       (set-buffer-modified-p mod))
+       ;; Return new length of region
+     (- end begin)))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Interactive functions & entry points
+ ;;;
+ (defun format-decode-buffer (&optional format)
+   "Translate the buffer from some FORMAT.
+ If the format is not specified, this function attempts to guess.
+ `buffer-file-format' is set to the format used, and any mode-functions
+ for the format are called."
+   (interactive
+    (list (format-read "Translate buffer from format (default: guess): ")))
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (format-decode format (buffer-size) t)))
+ (defun format-decode-region (from to &optional format)
+   "Decode the region from some format.
+ Arg FORMAT is optional; if omitted the format will be determined by looking
+ for identifying regular expressions at the beginning of the region."
+   (interactive
+    (list (region-beginning) (region-end)
+        (format-read "Translate region from format (default: guess): ")))
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char from)
+     (format-decode format (- to from) nil)))
+ (defun format-encode-buffer (&optional format)
+   "Translate the buffer into FORMAT.
+ FORMAT defaults to `buffer-file-format'.  It is a symbol naming one of the
+ formats defined in `format-alist', or a list of such symbols."
+   (interactive
+    (list (format-read (format "Translate buffer to format (default %s): "
+                             buffer-file-format))))
+   (format-encode-region (point-min) (point-max) format))
+ (defun format-encode-region (beg end &optional format)
+   "Translate the region into some FORMAT.
+ FORMAT defaults to `buffer-file-format', it is a symbol naming
+ one of the formats defined in `format-alist', or a list of such symbols."
+   (interactive
+    (list (region-beginning) (region-end)
+        (format-read (format "Translate region to format (default %s): "
+                             buffer-file-format))))
+   (if (null format)    (setq format buffer-file-format))
+   (if (symbolp format) (setq format (list format)))
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char end)
+     (let ((cur-buf (current-buffer))
+         (end (point-marker)))
+       (while format
+       (let* ((info (assq (car format) format-alist))
+              (to-fn  (nth 4 info))
+              (modify (nth 5 info))
+              result)
+         (if to-fn
+             (if modify
+                 (setq end (format-encode-run-method to-fn beg end
+                                                     (current-buffer)))
+               (format-insert-annotations
+                (funcall to-fn beg end (current-buffer)))))
+         (setq format (cdr format)))))))
+ (defun format-write-file (filename format)
+   "Write current buffer into file FILENAME using some FORMAT.
+ Makes buffer visit that file and sets the format as the default for future
+ saves.  If the buffer is already visiting a file, you can specify a directory
+ name as FILENAME, to write a file of the same old name in that directory."
+   (interactive
+    ;; Same interactive spec as write-file, plus format question.
+    (let* ((file (if buffer-file-name
+                   (read-file-name "Write file: "
+                                   nil nil nil nil)
+                 (read-file-name "Write file: "
+                                 (cdr (assq 'default-directory
+                                            (buffer-local-variables)))
+                                 nil nil (buffer-name))))
+         (fmt (format-read (format "Write file `%s' in format: "
+                                   (file-name-nondirectory file)))))
+      (list file fmt)))
+   (let ((old-formats buffer-file-format)
+       preserve-formats)
+     (dolist (fmt old-formats)
+       (let ((aelt (assq fmt format-alist)))
+       (if (nth 7 aelt)
+           (push fmt preserve-formats))))
+     (setq buffer-file-format format)
+     (dolist (fmt preserve-formats)
+       (unless (memq fmt buffer-file-format)
+       (setq buffer-file-format (append buffer-file-format (list fmt))))))
+   (write-file filename))
+ (defun format-find-file (filename format)
+   "Find the file FILENAME using data format FORMAT.
+ If FORMAT is nil then do not do any format conversion."
+   (interactive
+    ;; Same interactive spec as write-file, plus format question.
+    (let* ((file (read-file-name "Find file: "))
+         (fmt (format-read (format "Read file `%s' in format: "
+                                   (file-name-nondirectory file)))))
+      (list file fmt)))
+   (let ((format-alist nil))
+      (find-file filename))
+   (if format
+       (format-decode-buffer format)))
+ (defun format-insert-file (filename format &optional beg end)
+   "Insert the contents of file FILENAME using data format FORMAT.
+ If FORMAT is nil then do not do any format conversion.
+ The optional third and fourth arguments BEG and END specify
+ the part of the file to read.
+ The return value is like the value of `insert-file-contents':
+   (interactive
+    ;; Same interactive spec as write-file, plus format question.
+    (let* ((file (read-file-name "Find file: "))
+         (fmt (format-read (format "Read file `%s' in format: "
+                                   (file-name-nondirectory file)))))
+      (list file fmt)))
+   (let (value size)
+     (let ((format-alist nil))
+       (setq value (insert-file-contents filename nil beg end))
+       (setq size (nth 1 value)))
+     (if format
+       (setq size (format-decode format size)
+             value (cons (car value) size)))
+     value))
+ (defun format-read (&optional prompt)
+   "Read and return the name of a format.
+ Return value is a list, like `buffer-file-format'; it may be nil.
+ Formats are defined in `format-alist'.  Optional arg is the PROMPT to use."
+   (let* ((table (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (symbol-name (car x))))
+                       format-alist))
+        (ans (completing-read (or prompt "Format: ") table nil t)))
+     (if (not (equal "" ans)) (list (intern ans)))))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Below are some functions that may be useful in writing encoding and
+ ;;; decoding functions for use in format-alist.
+ ;;;
+ (defun format-replace-strings (alist &optional reverse beg end)
+   "Do multiple replacements on the buffer.
+ ALIST is a list of (FROM . TO) pairs, which should be proper arguments to
+ `search-forward' and `replace-match' respectively.
+ Optional 2nd arg REVERSE, if non-nil, means the pairs are (TO . FROM), so that
+ you can use the same list in both directions if it contains only literal
+ strings.
+ Optional args BEG and END specify a region of the buffer on which to operate."
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (or beg (setq beg (point-min)))
+       (if end (narrow-to-region (point-min) end))
+       (while alist
+       (let ((from (if reverse (cdr (car alist)) (car (car alist))))
+             (to   (if reverse (car (car alist)) (cdr (car alist)))))
+         (goto-char beg)
+         (while (search-forward from nil t)
+           (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+           (insert to)
+           (set-text-properties (- (point) (length to)) (point)
+                                (text-properties-at (point)))
+           (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (- (match-end 0)
+                                                (match-beginning 0)))))
+         (setq alist (cdr alist)))))))
+ ;;; Some list-manipulation functions that we need.
+ (defun format-delq-cons (cons list)
+   "Remove the given CONS from LIST by side effect and return the new LIST.
+ Since CONS could be the first element of LIST, write
+ `\(setq foo \(format-delq-cons element foo))' to be sure of changing
+ the value of `foo'."
+   (if (eq cons list)
+       (cdr list)
+     (let ((p list))
+       (while (not (eq (cdr p) cons))
+       (if (null p) (error "format-delq-cons: not an element"))
+       (setq p (cdr p)))
+       ;; Now (cdr p) is the cons to delete
+       (setcdr p (cdr cons))
+       list)))
+ (defun format-make-relatively-unique (a b)
+   "Delete common elements of lists A and B, return as pair.
+ Compares using `equal'."
+   (let* ((acopy (copy-sequence a))
+        (bcopy (copy-sequence b))
+        (tail acopy))
+     (while tail
+       (let ((dup (member (car tail) bcopy))
+           (next (cdr tail)))
+       (if dup (setq acopy (format-delq-cons tail acopy)
+                     bcopy (format-delq-cons dup  bcopy)))
+       (setq tail next)))
+     (cons acopy bcopy)))
+ (defun format-common-tail (a b)
+   "Given two lists that have a common tail, return it.
+ Compares with `equal', and returns the part of A that is equal to the
+ equivalent part of B.  If even the last items of the two are not equal,
+ returns nil."
+   (let ((la (length a))
+       (lb (length b)))
+     ;; Make sure they are the same length
+     (if (> la lb)
+       (setq a (nthcdr (- la lb) a))
+       (setq b (nthcdr (- lb la) b))))
+   (while (not (equal a b))
+     (setq a (cdr a)
+         b (cdr b)))
+   a)
+ (defun format-proper-list-p (list)
+   "Return t if LIST is a proper list.
+ A proper list is a list ending with a nil cdr, not with an atom "
+   (when (listp list)
+     (while (consp list)
+       (setq list (cdr list)))
+     (null list)))
+ (defun format-reorder (items order)
+   "Arrange ITEMS to following partial ORDER.
+ Elements of ITEMS equal to elements of ORDER will be rearranged to follow the
+ ORDER.  Unmatched items will go last."
+   (if order
+       (let ((item (member (car order) items)))
+       (if item
+           (cons (car item)
+                 (format-reorder (format-delq-cons item items)
+                          (cdr order)))
+         (format-reorder items (cdr order))))
+     items))
+ (put 'face 'format-list-valued t)     ; These text-properties take values
+ (put 'unknown 'format-list-valued t)  ; that are lists, the elements of which
+                                       ; should be considered separately.
+                                       ; See format-deannotate-region and
+                                       ; format-annotate-region.
+ ;; This text property has list values, but they are treated atomically.
+ (put 'display 'format-list-atomic-p t)
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Decoding
+ ;;;
+ (defun format-deannotate-region (from to translations next-fn)
+   "Translate annotations in the region into text properties.
+ This sets text properties between FROM to TO as directed by the
+ TRANSLATIONS and NEXT-FN arguments.
+ NEXT-FN is a function that searches forward from point for an annotation.
+ It should return a list of 4 elements: \(BEGIN END NAME POSITIVE).  BEGIN and
+ END are buffer positions bounding the annotation, NAME is the name searched
+ for in TRANSLATIONS, and POSITIVE should be non-nil if this annotation marks
+ the beginning of a region with some property, or nil if it ends the region.
+ NEXT-FN should return nil if there are no annotations after point.
+ The basic format of the TRANSLATIONS argument is described in the
+ documentation for the `format-annotate-region' function.  There are some
+ additional things to keep in mind for decoding, though:
+ When an annotation is found, the TRANSLATIONS list is searched for a
+ text-property name and value that corresponds to that annotation.  If the
+ text-property has several annotations associated with it, it will be used only
+ if the other annotations are also in effect at that point.  The first match
+ found whose annotations are all present is used.
+ The text property thus determined is set to the value over the region between
+ the opening and closing annotations.  However, if the text-property name has a
+ non-nil `format-list-valued' property, then the value will be consed onto the
+ surrounding value of the property, rather than replacing that value.
+ There are some special symbols that can be used in the \"property\" slot of
+ the TRANSLATIONS list: PARAMETER and FUNCTION \(spelled in uppercase).
+ Annotations listed under the pseudo-property PARAMETER are considered to be
+ arguments of the immediately surrounding annotation; the text between the
+ opening and closing parameter annotations is deleted from the buffer but saved
+ as a string.
+ The surrounding annotation should be listed under the pseudo-property
+ FUNCTION.  Instead of inserting a text-property for this annotation,
+ the function listed in the VALUE slot is called to make whatever
+ changes are appropriate.  It can also return a list of the form
+ \(START LOC PROP VALUE) which specifies a property to put on.  The
+ function's first two arguments are the START and END locations, and
+ the rest of the arguments are any PARAMETERs found in that region.
+ Any annotations that are found by NEXT-FN but not defined by TRANSLATIONS
+ are saved as values of the `unknown' text-property \(which is list-valued).
+ The TRANSLATIONS list should usually contain an entry of the form
+     \(unknown \(nil format-annotate-value))
+ to write these unknown annotations back into the file."
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (narrow-to-region (point-min) to)
+       (goto-char from)
+       (let (next open-ans todo loc unknown-ans)
+       (while (setq next (funcall next-fn))
+         (let* ((loc      (nth 0 next))
+                (end      (nth 1 next))
+                (name     (nth 2 next))
+                (positive (nth 3 next))
+                (found    nil))
+           ;; Delete the annotation
+           (delete-region loc end)
+           (cond
+            ;; Positive annotations are stacked, remembering location
+            (positive (push `(,name ((,loc . nil))) open-ans))
+            ;; It is a negative annotation:
+            ;; Close the top annotation & add its text property.
+            ;; If the file's nesting is messed up, the close might not match
+            ;; the top thing on the open-annotations stack.
+            ;; If no matching annotation is open, just ignore the close.
+            ((not (assoc name open-ans))
+             (message "Extra closing annotation (%s) in file" name))
+            ;; If one is open, but not on the top of the stack, close
+            ;; the things in between as well.  Set `found' when the real
+            ;; one is closed.
+            (t
+             (while (not found)
+               (let* ((top (car open-ans))     ; first on stack: should match.
+                      (top-name (car top))     ; text property name
+                      (top-extents (nth 1 top)) ; property regions
+                      (params (cdr (cdr top))) ; parameters
+                      (aalist translations)
+                      (matched nil))
+                 (if (equal name top-name)
+                     (setq found t)
+                   (message "Improper nesting in file."))
+                 ;; Look through property names in TRANSLATIONS
+                 (while aalist
+                   (let ((prop (car (car aalist)))
+                         (alist (cdr (car aalist))))
+                     ;; And look through values for each property
+                     (while alist
+                       (let ((value (car (car alist)))
+                             (ans (cdr (car alist))))
+                         (if (member top-name ans)
+                             ;; This annotation is listed, but still have to
+                             ;; check if multiple annotations are satisfied
+                             (if (member nil (mapcar (lambda (r)
+                                                       (assoc r open-ans))
+                                                     ans))
+                                 nil   ; multiple ans not satisfied
+                               ;; If there are multiple annotations going
+                               ;; into one text property, split up the other
+                               ;; annotations so they apply individually to
+                               ;; the other regions.
+                               (setcdr (car top-extents) loc)
+                               (let ((to-split ans) this-one extents)
+                                 (while to-split
+                                   (setq this-one
+                                         (assoc (car to-split) open-ans)
+                                         extents (nth 1 this-one))
+                                   (if (not (eq this-one top))
+                                       (setcar (cdr this-one)
+                                               (format-subtract-regions
+                                                extents top-extents)))
+                                   (setq to-split (cdr to-split))))
+                               ;; Set loop variables to nil so loop
+                               ;; will exit.
+                               (setq alist nil aalist nil matched t
+                                     ;; pop annotation off stack.
+                                     open-ans (cdr open-ans))
+                               (let ((extents top-extents)
+                                     (start (car (car top-extents)))
+                                     (loc (cdr (car top-extents))))
+                                 (while extents
+                                   (cond
+                                    ;; Check for pseudo-properties
+                                    ((eq prop 'PARAMETER)
+                                     ;; A parameter of the top open ann:
+                                     ;; delete text and use as arg.
+                                     (if open-ans
+                                         ;; (If nothing open, discard).
+                                         (setq open-ans
+                                               (cons
+                                                (append (car open-ans)
+                                                        (list
+                                                         (buffer-substring
+                                                          start loc)))
+                                                (cdr open-ans))))
+                                     (delete-region start loc))
+                                    ((eq prop 'FUNCTION)
+                                     ;; Not a property, but a function.
+                                     (let ((rtn
+                                            (apply value start loc params)))
+                                       (if rtn (push rtn todo))))
+                                    (t
+                                     ;; Normal property/value pair
+                                     (setq todo
+                                           (cons (list start loc prop value)
+                                                 todo))))
+                                   (setq extents (cdr extents)
+                                         start (car (car extents))
+                                         loc (cdr (car extents))))))))
+                       (setq alist (cdr alist))))
+                   (setq aalist (cdr aalist)))
+                 (if (not matched)
+                     ;; Didn't find any match for the annotation:
+                     ;; Store as value of text-property `unknown'.
+                     (let ((extents top-extents)
+                           (start (car (car top-extents)))
+                           (loc (or (cdr (car top-extents)) loc)))
+                       (while extents
+                         (setq open-ans (cdr open-ans)
+                               todo (cons (list start loc 'unknown top-name)
+                                          todo)
+                               unknown-ans (cons name unknown-ans)
+                               extents (cdr extents)
+                               start (car (car extents))
+                               loc (cdr (car extents))))))))))))
+       ;; Once entire file has been scanned, add the properties.
+       (while todo
+         (let* ((item (car todo))
+                (from (nth 0 item))
+                (to   (nth 1 item))
+                (prop (nth 2 item))
+                (val  (nth 3 item)))
+           (if (numberp val)   ; add to ambient value if numeric
+               (format-property-increment-region from to prop val 0)
+             (put-text-property
+              from to prop
+              (cond ((get prop 'format-list-valued) ; value gets consed onto
+                                                    ; list-valued properties
+                     (let ((prev (get-text-property from prop)))
+                       (cons val (if (listp prev) prev (list prev)))))
+                    (t val))))) ; normally, just set to val.
+         (setq todo (cdr todo)))
+       (if unknown-ans
+           (message "Unknown annotations: %s" unknown-ans))))))
+ (defun format-subtract-regions (minu subtra)
+   "Remove from the regions in MINUend the regions in SUBTRAhend.
+ A region is a dotted pair (FROM . TO).  Both parameters are lists of
+ regions.  Each list must contain nonoverlapping, noncontiguous
+ regions, in descending order.  The result is also nonoverlapping,
+ noncontiguous, and in descending order.  The first element of MINUEND
+ can have a cdr of nil, indicating that the end of that region is not
+ yet known."
+   (let* ((minuend (copy-alist minu))
+        (subtrahend (copy-alist subtra))
+        (m (car minuend))
+        (s (car subtrahend))
+        results)
+     (while (and minuend subtrahend)
+       (cond
+        ;; The minuend starts after the subtrahend ends; keep it.
+        ((> (car m) (cdr s))
+       (push m results)
+       (setq minuend (cdr minuend)
+             m (car minuend)))
+        ;; The minuend extends beyond the end of the subtrahend.  Chop it off.
+        ((or (null (cdr m)) (> (cdr m) (cdr s)))
+       (push (cons (1+ (cdr s)) (cdr m)) results)
+       (setcdr m (cdr s)))
+        ;; The subtrahend starts after the minuend ends; throw it away.
+        ((< (cdr m) (car s))
+       (setq subtrahend (cdr subtrahend) s (car subtrahend)))
+        ;; The subtrahend extends beyond the end of the minuend.  Chop it off.
+        (t     ;(<= (cdr m) (cdr s)))
+       (if (>= (car m) (car s))
+           (setq minuend (cdr minuend) m (car minuend))
+         (setcdr m (1- (car s)))
+         (setq subtrahend (cdr subtrahend) s (car subtrahend))))))
+     (nconc (nreverse results) minuend)))
+ ;; This should probably go somewhere other than format.el.  Then again,
+ ;; indent.el has alter-text-property.  NOTE: We can also use
+ ;; next-single-property-change instead of text-property-not-all, but then
+ ;; we have to see if we passed TO.
+ (defun format-property-increment-region (from to prop delta default)
+   "Over the region between FROM and TO increment property PROP by amount 
+ DELTA may be negative.  If property PROP is nil anywhere
+ in the region, it is treated as though it were DEFAULT."
+   (let ((cur from) val newval next)
+     (while cur
+       (setq val    (get-text-property cur prop)
+           newval (+ (or val default) delta)
+           next   (text-property-not-all cur to prop val))
+       (put-text-property cur (or next to) prop newval)
+       (setq cur next))))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Encoding
+ ;;;
+ (defun format-insert-annotations (list &optional offset)
+   "Apply list of annotations to buffer as `write-region' would.
+ Inserts each element of the given LIST of buffer annotations at its
+ appropriate place.  Use second arg OFFSET if the annotations' locations are
+ not relative to the beginning of the buffer: annotations will be inserted
+ at their location-OFFSET+1 \(ie, the offset is treated as the character number
+ of the first character in the buffer)."
+   (if (not offset)
+       (setq offset 0)
+     (setq offset (1- offset)))
+   (let ((l (reverse list)))
+     (while l
+       (goto-char (- (car (car l)) offset))
+       (insert (cdr (car l)))
+       (setq l (cdr l)))))
+ (defun format-annotate-value (old new)
+   "Return OLD and NEW as a \(CLOSE . OPEN) annotation pair.
+ Useful as a default function for TRANSLATIONS alist when the value of the text
+ property is the name of the annotation that you want to use, as it is for the
+ `unknown' text property."
+   (cons (if old (list old))
+       (if new (list new))))
+ (defun format-annotate-region (from to translations format-fn ignore)
+   "Generate annotations for text properties in the region.
+ Searches for changes between FROM and TO, and describes them with a list of
+ annotations as defined by alist TRANSLATIONS and FORMAT-FN.  IGNORE lists text
+ properties not to consider; any text properties that are neither ignored nor
+ listed in TRANSLATIONS are warned about.
+ If you actually want to modify the region, give the return value of this
+ function to `format-insert-annotations'.
+ Format of the TRANSLATIONS argument:
+ Each element is a list whose car is a PROPERTY, and the following
+ elements have the form (VALUE ANNOTATIONS...).
+ Whenever the property takes on the value VALUE, the annotations
+ \(as formatted by FORMAT-FN) are inserted into the file.
+ When the property stops having that value, the matching negated annotation
+ will be inserted \(it may actually be closed earlier and reopened, if
+ necessary, to keep proper nesting).
+ If VALUE is a list, then each element of the list is dealt with
+ separately.
+ If a VALUE is numeric, then it is assumed that there is a single annotation
+ and each occurrence of it increments the value of the property by that number.
+ Thus, given the entry \(left-margin \(4 \"indent\")), if the left margin
+ changes from 4 to 12, two <indent> annotations will be generated.
+ If the VALUE is nil, then instead of annotations, a function should be
+ specified.  This function is used as a default: it is called for all
+ transitions not explicitly listed in the table.  The function is called with
+ two arguments, the OLD and NEW values of the property.  It should return
+ a cons cell (CLOSE . OPEN) as `format-annotate-single-property-change' does.
+ The same TRANSLATIONS structure can be used in reverse for reading files."
+   (let ((all-ans nil)    ; All annotations - becomes return value
+       (open-ans nil)   ; Annotations not yet closed
+       (loc nil)        ; Current location
+       (not-found nil)) ; Properties that couldn't be saved
+     (while (or (null loc)
+              (and (setq loc (next-property-change loc nil to))
+                   (< loc to)))
+       (or loc (setq loc from))
+       (let* ((ans (format-annotate-location loc (= loc from) ignore 
+            (neg-ans (format-reorder (aref ans 0) open-ans))
+            (pos-ans (aref ans 1))
+            (ignored (aref ans 2)))
+       (setq not-found (append ignored not-found)
+             ignore    (append ignored ignore))
+       ;; First do the negative (closing) annotations
+       (while neg-ans
+         ;; Check if it's missing.  This can happen (eg, a numeric property
+         ;; going negative can generate closing annotations before there are
+         ;; any open).  Warn user & ignore.
+         (if (not (member (car neg-ans) open-ans))
+             (message "Can't close %s: not open." (car neg-ans))
+           (while (not (equal (car neg-ans) (car open-ans)))
+             ;; To close anno. N, need to first close ans 1 to N-1,
+             ;; remembering to re-open them later.
+             (push (car open-ans) pos-ans)
+             (setq all-ans
+                   (cons (cons loc (funcall format-fn (car open-ans) nil))
+                         all-ans))
+             (setq open-ans (cdr open-ans)))
+           ;; Now remove the one we're really interested in from open list.
+           (setq open-ans (cdr open-ans))
+           ;; And put the closing annotation here.
+           (push (cons loc (funcall format-fn (car neg-ans) nil))
+                 all-ans))
+         (setq neg-ans (cdr neg-ans)))
+       ;; Now deal with positive (opening) annotations
+       (let ((p pos-ans))
+         (while pos-ans
+           (push (car pos-ans) open-ans)
+           (push (cons loc (funcall format-fn (car pos-ans) t))
+                 all-ans)
+           (setq pos-ans (cdr pos-ans))))))
+     ;; Close any annotations still open
+     (while open-ans
+       (setq all-ans
+           (cons (cons to (funcall format-fn (car open-ans) nil))
+                 all-ans))
+       (setq open-ans (cdr open-ans)))
+     (if not-found
+       (message "These text properties could not be saved:\n    %s"
+                not-found))
+     (nreverse all-ans)))
+ ;;; Internal functions for format-annotate-region.
+ (defun format-annotate-location (loc all ignore translations)
+   "Return annotation(s) needed at location LOC.
+ This includes any properties that change between LOC-1 and LOC.
+ If ALL is true, don't look at previous location, but generate annotations for
+ all non-nil properties.
+ Third argument IGNORE is a list of text-properties not to consider.
+ Use the TRANSLATIONS alist (see `format-annotate-region' for doc).
+ Return value is a vector of 3 elements:
+ 1. List of annotations to close
+ 2. List of annotations to open.
+ 3. List of properties that were ignored or couldn't be annotated.
+ The annotations in lists 1 and 2 need not be strings.
+ They can be whatever the FORMAT-FN in `format-annotate-region'
+ can handle.  If that is `enriched-make-annotation', they can be
+ either strings, or lists of the form (PARAMETER VALUE)."
+   (let* ((prev-loc (1- loc))
+        (before-plist (if all nil (text-properties-at prev-loc)))
+        (after-plist (text-properties-at loc))
+        p negatives positives prop props not-found)
+     ;; make list of all property names involved
+     (setq p before-plist)
+     (while p
+       (if (not (memq (car p) props))
+         (push (car p) props))
+       (setq p (cdr (cdr p))))
+     (setq p after-plist)
+     (while p
+       (if (not (memq (car p) props))
+         (push (car p) props))
+       (setq p (cdr (cdr p))))
+     (while props
+       (setq prop (pop props))
+       (if (memq prop ignore)
+         nil  ; If it's been ignored before, ignore it now.
+       (let ((before (if all nil (car (cdr (memq prop before-plist)))))
+             (after (car (cdr (memq prop after-plist)))))
+         (if (equal before after)
+             nil ; no change; ignore
+           (let ((result (format-annotate-single-property-change
+                          prop before after translations)))
+             (if (not result)
+                 (push prop not-found)
+               (setq negatives (nconc negatives (car result))
+                     positives (nconc positives (cdr result)))))))))
+     (vector negatives positives not-found)))
+ (defun format-annotate-single-property-change (prop old new translations)
+   "Return annotations for property PROP changing from OLD to NEW.
+ These are searched for in the translations alist TRANSLATIONS
+  (see `format-annotate-region' for the format).
+ If NEW does not appear in the list, but there is a default function, then that
+ function is called.
+ Returns a cons of the form (CLOSE . OPEN)
+ where CLOSE is a list of annotations to close
+ and OPEN is a list of annotations to open.
+ The annotations in CLOSE and OPEN need not be strings.
+ They can be whatever the FORMAT-FN in `format-annotate-region'
+ can handle.  If that is `enriched-make-annotation', they can be
+ either strings, or lists of the form (PARAMETER VALUE)."
+   (let ((prop-alist (cdr (assoc prop translations)))
+       default)
+     (if (not prop-alist)
+       nil
+       ;; If either old or new is a list, have to treat both that way.
+       (if (and (or (listp old) (listp new))
+              (not (get prop 'format-list-atomic-p)))
+         (if (or (not (format-proper-list-p old))
+                 (not (format-proper-list-p new)))
+             (format-annotate-atomic-property-change prop-alist old new)
+           (let* ((old (if (listp old) old (list old)))
+                  (new (if (listp new) new (list new)))
+                  (tail (format-common-tail old new))
+                  close open)
+             (while old
+               (setq close
+                     (append (car (format-annotate-atomic-property-change
+                                   prop-alist (car old) nil))
+                             close)
+                     old (cdr old)))
+             (while new
+               (setq open
+                     (append (cdr (format-annotate-atomic-property-change
+                                   prop-alist nil (car new)))
+                             open)
+                     new (cdr new)))
+             (format-make-relatively-unique close open)))
+       (format-annotate-atomic-property-change prop-alist old new)))))
+ (defun format-annotate-atomic-property-change (prop-alist old new)
+   "Internal function annotate a single property change.
+ PROP-ALIST is the relevant element of a TRANSLATIONS list.
+ OLD and NEW are the values."
+   (let (num-ann)
+     ;; If old and new values are numbers,
+     ;; look for a number in PROP-ALIST.
+     (if (and (or (null old) (numberp old))
+            (or (null new) (numberp new)))
+       (progn
+         (setq num-ann prop-alist)
+         (while (and num-ann (not (numberp (car (car num-ann)))))
+           (setq num-ann (cdr num-ann)))))
+     (if num-ann
+       ;; Numerical annotation - use difference
+       (progn
+         ;; If property is numeric, nil means 0
+         (cond ((and (numberp old) (null new))
+                (setq new 0))
+               ((and (numberp new) (null old))
+                (setq old 0)))
+         (let* ((entry (car num-ann))
+                (increment (car entry))
+                (n (ceiling (/ (float (- new old)) (float increment))))
+                (anno (car (cdr entry))))
+           (if (> n 0)
+               (cons nil (make-list n anno))
+             (cons (make-list (- n) anno) nil))))
+       ;; Standard annotation
+       (let ((close (and old (cdr (assoc old prop-alist))))
+           (open  (and new (cdr (assoc new prop-alist)))))
+       (if (or close open)
+           (format-make-relatively-unique close open)
+         ;; Call "Default" function, if any
+         (let ((default (assq nil prop-alist)))
+           (if default
+               (funcall (car (cdr default)) old new))))))))
+ (provide 'format)
+ ;;; format.el ends here

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