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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideshow.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideshow.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:30:27 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideshow.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideshow.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:30:27 2003
--- emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideshow.el    Tue Oct 14 19:30:17 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,945 ----
+ ;;; hideshow.el --- minor mode cmds to selectively display code/comment blocks
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1994, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 01 Free Software Foundation
+ ;; Author: Thien-Thi Nguyen <address@hidden>
+ ;;      Dan Nicolaescu <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: C C++ java lisp tools editing comments blocks hiding outlines
+ ;; Maintainer-Version: 5.31
+ ;; Time-of-Day-Author-Most-Likely-to-be-Recalcitrant: early morning
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; * Commands provided
+ ;;
+ ;; This file provides Hideshow Minor Mode.  When active, nine commands
+ ;; are available, implementing block hiding and showing.  They (and their
+ ;; keybindings) are:
+ ;;
+ ;;   hs-hide-block                      C-c @ C-h
+ ;;   hs-show-block                      C-c @ C-s
+ ;;   hs-hide-all                        C-c @ C-M-h
+ ;;   hs-show-all                        C-c @ C-M-s
+ ;;   hs-hide-level                      C-c @ C-l
+ ;;   hs-toggle-hiding                   C-c @ C-c
+ ;;   hs-mouse-toggle-hiding             [(shift mouse-2)]
+ ;;   hs-hide-initial-comment-block
+ ;;
+ ;; Blocks are defined per mode.  In c-mode, c++-mode and java-mode, they
+ ;; are simply text between curly braces, while in Lisp-ish modes parens
+ ;; are used.  Multi-line comment blocks can also be hidden.  Read-only
+ ;; buffers are not a problem, since hideshow doesn't modify the text.
+ ;;
+ ;; The command `M-x hs-minor-mode' toggles the minor mode or sets it
+ ;; (similar to other minor modes).
+ ;; * Suggested usage
+ ;;
+ ;; First make sure hideshow.el is in a directory in your `load-path'.
+ ;; You can optionally byte-compile it using `M-x byte-compile-file'.
+ ;; Then, add the following to your ~/.emacs:
+ ;;
+ ;; (load-library "hideshow")
+ ;; (add-hook 'X-mode-hook               ; other modes similarly
+ ;;           '(lambda () (hs-minor-mode 1)))
+ ;;
+ ;; where X = {emacs-lisp,c,c++,perl,...}.  You can also manually toggle
+ ;; hideshow minor mode by typing `M-x hs-minor-mode'.  After hideshow is
+ ;; activated or deactivated, `hs-minor-mode-hook' is run w/ `run-hooks'.
+ ;;
+ ;; Additionally, Joseph Eydelnant writes:
+ ;;   I enjoy your package hideshow.el Ver. 5.24 2001/02/13
+ ;;   a lot and I've been looking for the following functionality:
+ ;;   toggle hide/show all with a single key.
+ ;;   Here are a few lines of code that lets me do just that.
+ ;;
+ ;;   (defvar my-hs-hide nil "Current state of hideshow for toggling all.")
+ ;;   ;;;###autoload
+ ;;   (defun my-toggle-hideshow-all () "Toggle hideshow all."
+ ;;     (interactive)
+ ;;     (setq my-hs-hide (not my-hs-hide))
+ ;;     (if my-hs-hide
+ ;;         (hs-hide-all)
+ ;;       (hs-show-all)))
+ ;;
+ ;; [Your hideshow hacks here!]
+ ;; * Customization
+ ;;
+ ;; You can use `M-x customize-variable' on the following variables:
+ ;;
+ ;; - hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all -- self-explanatory!
+ ;; - hs-hide-all-non-comment-function -- if non-nil, when doing a
+ ;;                                       `hs-hide-all', this function
+ ;;                                       is called w/ no arguments
+ ;; - hs-isearch-open                  -- what kind of hidden blocks to
+ ;;                                       open when doing isearch
+ ;;
+ ;; Some languages (e.g., Java) are deeply nested, so the normal behavior
+ ;; of `hs-hide-all' (hiding all but top-level blocks) results in very
+ ;; little information shown, which is not very useful.  You can use the
+ ;; variable `hs-hide-all-non-comment-function' to implement your idea of
+ ;; what is more useful.  For example, the following code shows the next
+ ;; nested level in addition to the top-level:
+ ;;
+ ;;   (defun ttn-hs-hide-level-1 ()
+ ;;     (hs-hide-level 1)
+ ;;     (forward-sexp 1))
+ ;;   (setq hs-hide-all-non-comment-function 'ttn-hs-hide-level-1)
+ ;;
+ ;; Hideshow works w/ incremental search (isearch) by setting the variable
+ ;; `hs-headline', which is the line of text at the beginning of a hidden
+ ;; block that contains a match for the search.  You can have this show up
+ ;; in the mode line by modifying the variable `mode-line-format'.  For
+ ;; example, the following code prepends this info to the mode line:
+ ;;
+ ;;   (unless (memq 'hs-headline mode-line-format)
+ ;;     (setq mode-line-format
+ ;;           (append '("-" hs-headline) mode-line-format)))
+ ;;
+ ;; See documentation for `mode-line-format' for more info.
+ ;;
+ ;; Hooks are run after some commands:
+ ;;
+ ;;   hs-hide-hook     in      hs-hide-block, hs-hide-all, hs-hide-level
+ ;;   hs-show-hook             hs-show-block, hs-show-all
+ ;;
+ ;; One of `hs-hide-hook' or `hs-show-hook' is run for the toggling
+ ;; commands when the result of the toggle is to hide or show blocks,
+ ;; respectively.  All hooks are run w/ `run-hooks'.  See docs for each
+ ;; variable or hook for more info.
+ ;;
+ ;; Normally, hideshow tries to determine appropriate values for block
+ ;; and comment definitions by examining the buffer's major mode.  If
+ ;; there are problems, hideshow will not activate and in that case you
+ ;; may wish to override hideshow's heuristics by adding an entry to
+ ;; variable `hs-special-modes-alist'.  Packages that use hideshow should
+ ;; do something like:
+ ;;
+ ;;   (let ((my-mode-hs-info '(my-mode "{{" "}}" ...)))
+ ;;     (if (not (member my-mode-hs-info hs-special-modes-alist))
+ ;;         (setq hs-special-modes-alist
+ ;;               (cons my-mode-hs-info hs-special-modes-alist))))
+ ;;
+ ;; If you have an entry that works particularly well, consider
+ ;; submitting it for inclusion in hideshow.el.  See docstring for
+ ;; `hs-special-modes-alist' for more info on the entry format.
+ ;; * Bugs
+ ;;
+ ;; (1) Hideshow does not work w/ emacs 18 because emacs 18 lacks the
+ ;;     function `forward-comment' (among other things).  If someone
+ ;;     writes this, please send me a copy.
+ ;;
+ ;; (2) Sometimes `hs-headline' can become out of sync.  To reset, type
+ ;;     `M-x hs-minor-mode' twice (that is, deactivate then re-activate
+ ;;     hideshow).
+ ;;
+ ;; (3) Hideshow 5.x is developed and tested on GNU Emacs 20.7.
+ ;;     XEmacs compatibility may have bitrotted since 4.29.
+ ;;
+ ;; (4) Some buffers can't be `byte-compile-file'd properly.  This is because
+ ;;     `byte-compile-file' inserts the file to be compiled in a temporary
+ ;;     buffer and switches `normal-mode' on.  In the case where you have
+ ;;     `hs-hide-initial-comment-block' in `hs-minor-mode-hook', the hiding of
+ ;;     the initial comment sometimes hides parts of the first statement (seems
+ ;;     to be only in `normal-mode'), so there are unbalanced "(" and ")".
+ ;;
+ ;;     The workaround is to clear `hs-minor-mode-hook' when byte-compiling:
+ ;;
+ ;;     (defadvice byte-compile-file (around
+ ;;                                   byte-compile-file-hideshow-off
+ ;;                                   act)
+ ;;       (let ((hs-minor-mode-hook nil))
+ ;;         ad-do-it))
+ ;;
+ ;; (5) Hideshow interacts badly with Ediff and `vc-diff'.  At the moment, the
+ ;;     suggested workaround is to turn off hideshow entirely, for example:
+ ;;
+ ;;     (defun turn-off-hideshow () (hs-minor-mode -1))
+ ;;     (add-hook 'ediff-prepare-buffer-hook 'turn-off-hideshow)
+ ;;     (add-hook 'vc-before-checkin-hook 'turn-off-hideshow)
+ ;;
+ ;;     In the case of `vc-diff', here is a less invasive workaround:
+ ;;
+ ;;     (add-hook 'vc-before-checkin-hook
+ ;;               '(lambda ()
+ ;;                  (goto-char (point-min))
+ ;;                  (hs-show-block)))
+ ;;
+ ;;     Unfortunately, these workarounds do not restore hideshow state.
+ ;;     If someone figures out a better way, please let me know.
+ ;; * Correspondance
+ ;;
+ ;; Correspondance welcome; please indicate version number.  Send bug
+ ;; reports and inquiries to <address@hidden>.
+ ;; * Thanks
+ ;;
+ ;; Thanks go to the following people for valuable ideas, code and
+ ;; bug reports.
+ ;;
+ ;;     Dean Andrews, Alf-Ivar Holm, Holger Bauer, Christoph Conrad, Dave
+ ;;     Love, Dirk Herrmann, Gael Marziou, Jan Djarv, Guillaume Leray,
+ ;;     Moody Ahmad, Preston F. Crow, Lars Lindberg, Reto Zimmermann,
+ ;;     Keith Sheffield, Chew Meng Kuan, Tony Lam, Pete Ware, François
+ ;;     Pinard, Stefan Monnier, Joseph Eydelnant, Michael Ernst
+ ;;
+ ;; Special thanks go to Dan Nicolaescu, who reimplemented hideshow using
+ ;; overlays (rather than selective display), added isearch magic, folded
+ ;; in custom.el compatibility, generalized comment handling, incorporated
+ ;; mouse support, and maintained the code in general.  Version 4.0 is
+ ;; largely due to his efforts.
+ ;; * History
+ ;;
+ ;; Hideshow was inspired when I learned about selective display.  It was
+ ;; reimplemented to use overlays for 4.0 (see above).  WRT older history,
+ ;; entries in the masterfile corresponding to versions 1.x and 2.x have
+ ;; been lost.  XEmacs support is reliable as of 4.29.  State save and
+ ;; restore was added in 3.5 (not widely distributed), and reliable as of
+ ;; 4.30.  Otherwise, the code seems stable.  Passes checkdoc as of 4.32.
+ ;; Version 5.x uses new algorithms for block selection and traversal,
+ ;; unbundles state save and restore, and includes more isearch support.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'easymenu)
+ ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; user-configurable variables
+ (defgroup hideshow nil
+   "Minor mode for hiding and showing program and comment blocks."
+   :prefix "hs-"
+   :group 'languages)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defcustom hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all t
+   "*Hide the comments too when you do an `hs-hide-all'."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'hideshow)
+ (defcustom hs-minor-mode-hook nil
+   "*Hook called when hideshow minor mode is activated or deactivated."
+   :type 'hook
+   :group 'hideshow
+   :version "21.1")
+ (defcustom hs-isearch-open 'code
+   "*What kind of hidden blocks to open when doing `isearch'.
+ One of the following symbols:
+   code    -- open only code blocks
+   comment -- open only comment blocks
+   t       -- open both code and comment blocks
+   nil     -- open neither code nor comment blocks
+ This has effect iff `search-invisible' is set to `open'."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "open only code blocks" code)
+                  (const :tag "open only comment blocks" comment)
+                  (const :tag "open both code and comment blocks" t)
+                  (const :tag "don't open any of them" nil))
+   :group 'hideshow)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defvar hs-special-modes-alist
+   '((c-mode "{" "}" "/[*/]" nil hs-c-like-adjust-block-beginning)
+     (c++-mode "{" "}" "/[*/]" nil hs-c-like-adjust-block-beginning)
+     (bibtex-mode ("address@hidden(*\\(\\s(\\)" 1))
+     (java-mode "{" "}" "/[*/]" nil hs-c-like-adjust-block-beginning)
+     )
+   "*Alist for initializing the hideshow variables for different modes.
+ Each element has the form
+ If non-nil, hideshow will use these values as regexps to define blocks
+ and comments, respectively for major mode MODE.
+ START, END and COMMENT-START are regular expressions.  A block is
+ defined as text surrounded by START and END.
+ As a special case, START may be a list of the form (COMPLEX-START
+ MDATA-SELECTOR), where COMPLEX-START is a regexp w/ multiple parts and
+ MDATA-SELECTOR an integer that specifies which sub-match is the proper
+ place to adjust point, before calling `hs-forward-sexp-func'.  Point
+ is adjusted to the beginning of the specified match.  For example,
+ see the `hs-special-modes-alist' entry for `bibtex-mode'.
+ For some major modes, `forward-sexp' does not work properly.  In those
+ cases, FORWARD-SEXP-FUNC specifies another function to use instead.
+ See the documentation for `hs-adjust-block-beginning' to see what is the
+ If any of the elements is left nil or omitted, hideshow tries to guess
+ appropriate values.  The regexps should not contain leading or trailing
+ whitespace.  Case does not matter.")
+ (defvar hs-hide-all-non-comment-function nil
+   "*Function called if non-nil when doing `hs-hide-all' for non-comments.")
+ (defvar hs-hide-hook nil
+   "*Hook called (with `run-hooks') at the end of commands to hide text.
+ These commands include the toggling commands (when the result is to hide
+ a block), `hs-hide-all', `hs-hide-block' and `hs-hide-level'.")
+ (defvar hs-show-hook nil
+   "*Hook called (with `run-hooks') at the end of commands to show text.
+ These commands include the toggling commands (when the result is to show
+ a block), `hs-show-all' and `hs-show-block'..")
+ ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; internal variables
+ (defvar hs-minor-mode nil
+   "Non-nil if using hideshow mode as a minor mode of some other mode.
+ Use the command `hs-minor-mode' to toggle or set this variable.")
+ (defvar hs-minor-mode-map nil
+   "Keymap for hideshow minor mode.")
+ (defvar hs-minor-mode-menu nil
+   "Menu for hideshow minor mode.")
+ (defvar hs-c-start-regexp nil
+   "Regexp for beginning of comments.
+ Differs from mode-specific comment regexps in that
+ surrounding whitespace is stripped.")
+ (defvar hs-block-start-regexp nil
+   "Regexp for beginning of block.")
+ (defvar hs-block-start-mdata-select nil
+   "Element in `hs-block-start-regexp' match data to consider as block start.
+ The internal function `hs-forward-sexp' moves point to the beginning of this
+ element (using `match-beginning') before calling `hs-forward-sexp-func'.")
+ (defvar hs-block-end-regexp nil
+   "Regexp for end of block.")
+ (defvar hs-forward-sexp-func 'forward-sexp
+   "Function used to do a `forward-sexp'.
+ Should change for Algol-ish modes.  For single-character block
+ delimiters -- ie, the syntax table regexp for the character is
+ either `(' or `)' -- `hs-forward-sexp-func' would just be
+ `forward-sexp'.  For other modes such as simula, a more specialized
+ function is necessary.")
+ (defvar hs-adjust-block-beginning nil
+   "Function used to tweak the block beginning.
+ The block is hidden from the position returned by this function,
+ as opposed to hiding it from the position returned when searching
+ for `hs-block-start-regexp'.
+ For example, in c-like modes, if we wish to also hide the curly braces
+ \(if you think they occupy too much space on the screen), this function
+ should return the starting point (at the end of line) of the hidden
+ region.
+ It is called with a single argument ARG which is the position in
+ buffer after the block beginning.
+ It should return the position from where we should start hiding.
+ It should not move the point.
+ See `hs-c-like-adjust-block-beginning' for an example of using this.")
+ (defvar hs-headline nil
+   "Text of the line where a hidden block begins, set during isearch.
+ You can display this in the mode line by adding the symbol `hs-headline'
+ to the variable `mode-line-format'.  For example,
+   (unless (memq 'hs-headline mode-line-format)
+     (setq mode-line-format
+           (append '(\"-\" hs-headline) mode-line-format)))
+ Note that `mode-line-format' is buffer-local.")
+ ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; system dependency
+ ; ;; xemacs compatibility
+ ; (when (string-match "xemacs\\|lucid" emacs-version)
+ ;   ;; use pre-packaged compatiblity layer
+ ;   (require 'overlay))
+ ;
+ ; ;; xemacs and emacs-19 compatibility
+ ; (when (or (not (fboundp 'add-to-invisibility-spec))
+ ;           (not (fboundp 'remove-from-invisibility-spec)))
+ ;   ;; `buffer-invisibility-spec' mutators snarfed from Emacs 20.3 
+ ;   (defun add-to-invisibility-spec (arg)
+ ;     (cond
+ ;      ((or (null buffer-invisibility-spec) (eq buffer-invisibility-spec t))
+ ;       (setq buffer-invisibility-spec (list arg)))
+ ;      (t
+ ;       (setq buffer-invisibility-spec
+ ;             (cons arg buffer-invisibility-spec)))))
+ ;   (defun remove-from-invisibility-spec (arg)
+ ;     (if buffer-invisibility-spec
+ ;         (setq buffer-invisibility-spec
+ ;               (delete arg buffer-invisibility-spec)))))
+ ;; hs-match-data
+ (defalias 'hs-match-data 'match-data)
+ ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; support functions
+ (defun hs-discard-overlays (from to)
+   "Delete hideshow overlays in region defined by FROM and TO."
+   (when (< to from)
+     (setq from (prog1 to (setq to from))))
+   (let ((ovs (overlays-in from to)))
+     (while ovs
+       (let ((ov (car ovs)))
+       (when (overlay-get ov 'hs)
+         (delete-overlay ov)))
+       (setq ovs (cdr ovs)))))
+ (defun hs-isearch-show (ov)
+   "Delete overlay OV, and set `hs-headline' to nil.
+ This function is meant to be used as the `isearch-open-invisible'
+ property of an overlay."
+   (setq hs-headline nil)
+   (delete-overlay ov))
+ (defun hs-isearch-show-temporary (ov hide-p)
+   "Hide or show overlay OV, and set `hs-headline', all depending on HIDE-P.
+ If HIDE-P is non-nil, `hs-headline' is set to nil and overlay OV is hidden.
+ Otherwise, `hs-headline' is set to the line of text at the head of OV, and
+ OV is shown.
+ This function is meant to be used as the `isearch-open-invisible-temporary'
+ property of an overlay."
+   (setq hs-headline
+       (if hide-p
+           nil
+         (or hs-headline
+             (let ((start (overlay-start ov)))
+               (buffer-substring
+                (save-excursion (goto-char start)
+                                (beginning-of-line)
+                                (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+                                (point))
+                start)))))
+   (force-mode-line-update)
+   (overlay-put ov 'invisible (and hide-p 'hs)))
+ (defun hs-flag-region (from to flag)
+   "Hide or show lines from FROM to TO, according to FLAG.
+ If FLAG is nil then text is shown, while if FLAG is non-nil the text is
+ hidden.  FLAG must be one of the symbols `code' or `comment', depending
+ on what kind of block is to be hidden."
+   (save-excursion
+     ;; first clear it all out
+     (hs-discard-overlays from to)
+     ;; now create overlays if needed
+     (when flag
+       (let ((overlay (make-overlay from to)))
+         (overlay-put overlay 'invisible 'hs)
+         (overlay-put overlay 'hs flag)
+         (when (or (eq hs-isearch-open t)
+                   (eq hs-isearch-open flag)
+                   ;; deprecated backward compatibility -- `block'<=>`code'
+                   (and (eq 'block hs-isearch-open)
+                        (eq 'code  flag)))
+         (overlay-put overlay 'isearch-open-invisible 'hs-isearch-show)
+         (overlay-put overlay
+                      'isearch-open-invisible-temporary
+                      'hs-isearch-show-temporary))
+         overlay))))
+ (defun hs-forward-sexp (match-data arg)
+   "Adjust point based on MATCH-DATA and call `hs-forward-sexp-func' w/ ARG.
+ Original match data is restored upon return."
+   (save-match-data
+     (set-match-data match-data)
+     (goto-char (match-beginning hs-block-start-mdata-select))
+     (funcall hs-forward-sexp-func arg)))
+ (defun hs-hide-comment-region (beg end &optional repos-end)
+   "Hide a region from BEG to END, marking it as a comment.
+ Optional arg REPOS-END means reposition at end."
+   (hs-flag-region (progn (goto-char beg) (end-of-line) (point))
+                   (progn (goto-char end) (end-of-line) (point))
+                   'comment)
+   (goto-char (if repos-end end beg)))
+ (defun hs-hide-block-at-point (&optional end comment-reg)
+   "Hide block iff on block beginning.
+ Optional arg END means reposition at end.
+ Optional arg COMMENT-REG is a list of the form (BEGIN END) and
+ specifies the limits of the comment, or nil if the block is not
+ a comment.
+ The block beginning is adjusted by `hs-adjust-block-beginning'
+ and then further adjusted to be at the end of the line."
+   (if comment-reg
+       (hs-hide-comment-region (car comment-reg) (cadr comment-reg) end)
+     (if (looking-at hs-block-start-regexp)
+         (let* ((mdata (hs-match-data t))
+                (pure-p (match-end 0))
+                (p
+                 ;; `p' is the point at the end of the block beginning,
+                 ;; which may need to be adjusted
+                 (save-excursion
+                   (goto-char (funcall (or hs-adjust-block-beginning
+                                           'identity)
+                                       pure-p))
+                   ;; whatever the adjustment, we move to eol
+                   (end-of-line)
+                   (point)))
+                (q
+                 ;; `q' is the point at the end of the block
+                 (progn (hs-forward-sexp mdata 1)
+                        (end-of-line)
+                        (point))))
+           (if (and (< p (point)) (> (count-lines p q) 1))
+               (overlay-put (hs-flag-region p q 'code)
+                            'hs-ofs
+                            (- pure-p p)))
+           (goto-char (if end q (min p pure-p)))))))
+ (defun hs-safety-is-job-n ()
+   "Warn if `buffer-invisibility-spec' does not contain symbol `hs'."
+     (unless (and (listp buffer-invisibility-spec)
+                  (assq 'hs buffer-invisibility-spec))
+       (message "Warning: `buffer-invisibility-spec' does not contain hs!!")
+       (sit-for 2)))
+ (defun hs-inside-comment-p ()
+   "Return non-nil if point is inside a comment, otherwise nil.
+ Actually, return a list containing the buffer position of the start
+ and the end of the comment.  A comment block can be hidden only if on
+ its starting line there is only whitespace preceding the actual comment
+ beginning.  If we are inside of a comment but this condition is not met,
+ we return a list having a nil as its car and the end of comment position
+ as cdr."
+   (save-excursion
+     ;; the idea is to look backwards for a comment start regexp, do a
+     ;; forward comment, and see if we are inside, then extend extend
+     ;; forward and backward as long as we have comments
+     (let ((q (point)))
+       (when (or (looking-at hs-c-start-regexp)
+                 (re-search-backward hs-c-start-regexp (point-min) t))
+         (forward-comment (- (buffer-size)))
+         (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\f")
+         (let ((p (point))
+               (not-hidable nil))
+           (beginning-of-line)
+           (unless (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" hs-c-start-regexp))
+             ;; we are in this situation: (example)
+             ;; (defun bar ()
+             ;;      (foo)
+             ;;                ) ; comment
+             ;;                 ^
+             ;;   the point was here before doing (beginning-of-line)
+             ;; here we should advance till the next comment which
+             ;; eventually has only white spaces preceding it on the same
+             ;; line
+             (goto-char p)
+             (forward-comment 1)
+             (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\f")
+             (setq p (point))
+             (while (and (< (point) q)
+                         (> (point) p)
+                         (not (looking-at hs-c-start-regexp)))
+               (setq p (point));; use this to avoid an infinite cycle
+               (forward-comment 1)
+               (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\f"))
+             (if (or (not (looking-at hs-c-start-regexp))
+                     (> (point) q))
+                 ;; we cannot hide this comment block
+                 (setq not-hidable t)))
+           ;; goto the end of the comment
+           (forward-comment (buffer-size))
+           (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\f")
+           (end-of-line)
+           (if (>= (point) q)
+               (list (if not-hidable nil p) (point))))))))
+ (defun hs-grok-mode-type ()
+   "Set up hideshow variables for new buffers.
+ If `hs-special-modes-alist' has information associated with the
+ current buffer's major mode, use that.
+ Otherwise, guess start, end and `comment-start' regexps; `forward-sexp'
+ function; and adjust-block-beginning function."
+   (if (and (boundp 'comment-start)
+            (boundp 'comment-end)
+            comment-start comment-end)
+       (let* ((lookup (assoc major-mode hs-special-modes-alist))
+              (start-elem (or (nth 1 lookup) "\\s(")))
+         (if (listp start-elem)
+             ;; handle (START-REGEXP MDATA-SELECT)
+             (setq hs-block-start-regexp (car start-elem)
+                   hs-block-start-mdata-select (cadr start-elem))
+           ;; backwards compatibility: handle simple START-REGEXP
+           (setq hs-block-start-regexp start-elem
+                 hs-block-start-mdata-select 0))
+         (setq hs-block-end-regexp (or (nth 2 lookup) "\\s)")
+               hs-c-start-regexp (or (nth 3 lookup)
+                                     (let ((c-start-regexp
+                                            (regexp-quote comment-start)))
+                                       (if (string-match " +$" c-start-regexp)
+                                           (substring c-start-regexp
+                                                      0 (1- (match-end 0)))
+                                         c-start-regexp)))
+               hs-forward-sexp-func (or (nth 4 lookup) 'forward-sexp)
+               hs-adjust-block-beginning (nth 5 lookup)))
+     (progn
+       (setq hs-minor-mode nil)
+       (error "%s Mode doesn't support Hideshow Minor Mode" mode-name))))
+ (defun hs-find-block-beginning ()
+   "Reposition point at block-start.
+ Return point, or nil if original point was not in a block."
+   (let ((done nil)
+         (here (point)))
+     ;; look if current line is block start
+     (if (looking-at hs-block-start-regexp)
+         (point)
+       ;; look backward for the start of a block that contains the cursor
+       (while (and (re-search-backward hs-block-start-regexp nil t)
+                   (not (setq done
+                              (< here (save-excursion
+                                        (hs-forward-sexp (hs-match-data t) 1)
+                                        (point)))))))
+       (if done
+           (point)
+         (goto-char here)
+         nil))))
+ (defun hs-hide-level-recursive (arg minp maxp)
+   "Recursively hide blocks ARG levels below point in region (MINP MAXP)."
+   (when (hs-find-block-beginning)
+     (setq minp (1+ (point)))
+     (funcall hs-forward-sexp-func 1)
+     (setq maxp (1- (point))))
+   (hs-flag-region minp maxp nil)        ; eliminate weirdness
+   (goto-char minp)
+   (while (progn
+            (forward-comment (buffer-size))
+            (and (< (point) maxp)
+                 (re-search-forward hs-block-start-regexp maxp t)))
+     (if (> arg 1)
+         (hs-hide-level-recursive (1- arg) minp maxp)
+       (goto-char (match-beginning hs-block-start-mdata-select))
+       (hs-hide-block-at-point t)))
+     (hs-safety-is-job-n)
+   (goto-char maxp))
+ (defmacro hs-life-goes-on (&rest body)
+   "Evaluate BODY forms iff variable `hs-minor-mode' is non-nil.
+ In the dynamic context of this macro, `inhibit-point-motion-hooks'
+ and `case-fold-search' are both t."
+   `(when hs-minor-mode
+      (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
+            (case-fold-search t))
+        ,@body)))
+ (put 'hs-life-goes-on 'edebug-form-spec '(&rest form))
+ (defun hs-already-hidden-p ()
+   "Return non-nil if point is in an already-hidden block, otherwise nil."
+   (save-excursion
+     (let ((c-reg (hs-inside-comment-p)))
+       (if (and c-reg (nth 0 c-reg))
+           ;; point is inside a comment, and that comment is hidable
+           (goto-char (nth 0 c-reg))
+         (if (and (not c-reg)
+                  (hs-find-block-beginning)
+                  (looking-at hs-block-start-regexp))
+             ;; point is inside a block
+             (goto-char (match-end 0)))))
+     (end-of-line)
+     (let ((overlays (overlays-at (point)))
+           (found nil))
+       (while (and (not found) (overlayp (car overlays)))
+            (setq found (overlay-get (car overlays) 'hs)
+                  overlays (cdr overlays)))
+       found)))
+ (defun hs-c-like-adjust-block-beginning (initial)
+   "Adjust INITIAL, the buffer position after `hs-block-start-regexp'.
+ Actually, point is never moved; a new position is returned that is
+ the end of the C-function header.  This adjustment function is meant
+ to be assigned to `hs-adjust-block-beginning' for C-like modes."
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char (1- initial))
+     (forward-comment (- (buffer-size)))
+     (point)))
+ ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; commands
+ (defun hs-hide-all ()
+   "Hide all top level blocks, displaying only first and last lines.
+ Move point to the beginning of the line, and run the normal hook
+ `hs-hide-hook'.  See documentation for `run-hooks'.
+ If `hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all' is non-nil, also hide the comments."
+   (interactive)
+   (hs-life-goes-on
+    (message "Hiding all blocks ...")
+    (save-excursion
+      (hs-flag-region (point-min) (point-max) nil) ; eliminate weirdness
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (let ((count 0)
+            (re (concat "\\("
+                        hs-block-start-regexp
+                        "\\)"
+                        (if hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all
+                            (concat "\\|\\("
+                                    hs-c-start-regexp
+                                    "\\)")
+                          ""))))
+        (while (progn
+                 (unless hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all
+                   (forward-comment (point-max)))
+                 (re-search-forward re (point-max) t))
+          (if (match-beginning 1)
+              ;; we have found a block beginning
+              (progn
+                (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
+                (if hs-hide-all-non-comment-function
+                    (funcall hs-hide-all-non-comment-function)
+                  (hs-hide-block-at-point t)))
+            ;; found a comment, probably
+            (let ((c-reg (hs-inside-comment-p)))         ; blech!
+              (when (and c-reg (car c-reg))
+                (if (> (count-lines (car c-reg) (nth 1 c-reg)) 1)
+                    (hs-hide-block-at-point t c-reg)
+                  (goto-char (nth 1 c-reg))))))
+          (message "Hiding ... %d" (setq count (1+ count)))))
+      (hs-safety-is-job-n))
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (message "Hiding all blocks ... done")
+    (run-hooks 'hs-hide-hook)))
+ (defun hs-show-all ()
+   "Show everything then run `hs-show-hook'.  See `run-hooks'."
+   (interactive)
+   (hs-life-goes-on
+    (message "Showing all blocks ...")
+    (hs-flag-region (point-min) (point-max) nil)
+    (message "Showing all blocks ... done")
+    (run-hooks 'hs-show-hook)))
+ (defun hs-hide-block (&optional end)
+   "Select a block and hide it.  With prefix arg, reposition at END.
+ Upon completion, point is repositioned and the normal hook
+ `hs-hide-hook' is run.  See documentation for `run-hooks'."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (hs-life-goes-on
+    (let ((c-reg (hs-inside-comment-p)))
+      (cond
+       ((and c-reg (or (null (nth 0 c-reg))
+                       (<= (count-lines (car c-reg) (nth 1 c-reg)) 1)))
+        (message "(not enough comment lines to hide)"))
+       ((or c-reg
+            (looking-at hs-block-start-regexp)
+            (hs-find-block-beginning))
+        (hs-hide-block-at-point end c-reg)
+        (hs-safety-is-job-n)
+        (run-hooks 'hs-hide-hook))))))
+ (defun hs-show-block (&optional end)
+   "Select a block and show it.
+ With prefix arg, reposition at END.  Upon completion, point is
+ repositioned and the normal hook `hs-show-hook' is run.
+ See documentation for functions `hs-hide-block' and `run-hooks'."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (hs-life-goes-on
+    (or
+     ;; first see if we have something at the end of the line
+     (catch 'eol-begins-hidden-region-p
+       (let ((here (point))
+           (ovs (save-excursion (end-of-line) (overlays-at (point)))))
+       (while ovs
+         (let ((ov (car ovs)))
+           (when (overlay-get ov 'hs)
+             (goto-char
+              (cond (end (overlay-end ov))
+                    ((eq 'comment (overlay-get ov 'hs)) here)
+                    (t (+ (overlay-start ov) (overlay-get ov 'hs-ofs)))))
+             (delete-overlay ov)
+             (throw 'eol-begins-hidden-region-p t)))
+         (setq ovs (cdr ovs)))
+         nil))
+     ;; not immediately obvious, look for a suitable block
+     (let ((c-reg (hs-inside-comment-p))
+           p q)
+       (cond (c-reg
+              (when (car c-reg)
+                (setq p (car c-reg)
+                      q (cadr c-reg))))
+             ((and (hs-find-block-beginning)
+                   (looking-at hs-block-start-regexp)) ; fresh match-data, ugh
+              (setq p (point)
+                    q (progn (hs-forward-sexp (hs-match-data t) 1) (point)))))
+       (when (and p q)
+         (hs-flag-region p q nil)
+         (goto-char (if end q (1+ p)))))
+     (hs-safety-is-job-n)
+     (run-hooks 'hs-show-hook))))
+ (defun hs-hide-level (arg)
+   "Hide all blocks ARG levels below this block.
+ The hook `hs-hide-hook' is run; see `run-hooks'."
+   (interactive "p")
+   (hs-life-goes-on
+    (save-excursion
+      (message "Hiding blocks ...")
+      (hs-hide-level-recursive arg (point-min) (point-max))
+      (message "Hiding blocks ... done"))
+    (hs-safety-is-job-n)
+    (run-hooks 'hs-hide-hook)))
+ (defun hs-toggle-hiding ()
+   "Toggle hiding/showing of a block.
+ See `hs-hide-block' and `hs-show-block'."
+   (interactive)
+   (hs-life-goes-on
+    (if (hs-already-hidden-p)
+        (hs-show-block)
+      (hs-hide-block))))
+ (defun hs-mouse-toggle-hiding (e)
+   "Toggle hiding/showing of a block.
+ This command should be bound to a mouse key.
+ Argument E is a mouse event used by `mouse-set-point'.
+ See `hs-hide-block' and `hs-show-block'."
+   (interactive "@e")
+   (hs-life-goes-on
+    (mouse-set-point e)
+    (hs-toggle-hiding)))
+ (defun hs-hide-initial-comment-block ()
+   "Hide the first block of comments in a file.
+ This can be useful if you have huge RCS logs in those comments."
+   (interactive)
+   (hs-life-goes-on
+    (let ((c-reg (save-excursion
+                   (goto-char (point-min))
+                   (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\f")
+                   (hs-inside-comment-p))))
+      (when c-reg
+        (let ((beg (car c-reg)) (end (cadr c-reg)))
+          ;; see if we have enough comment lines to hide
+          (when (> (count-lines beg end) 1)
+            (hs-hide-comment-region beg end)))))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun hs-minor-mode (&optional arg)
+   "Toggle hideshow minor mode.
+ With ARG, turn hideshow minor mode on if ARG is positive, off otherwise.
+ When hideshow minor mode is on, the menu bar is augmented with hideshow
+ commands and the hideshow commands are enabled.
+ The value '(hs . t) is added to `buffer-invisibility-spec'.
+ The main commands are: `hs-hide-all', `hs-show-all', `hs-hide-block',
+ `hs-show-block', `hs-hide-level' and `hs-toggle-hiding'.  There is also
+ `hs-hide-initial-comment-block' and `hs-mouse-toggle-hiding'.
+ Turning hideshow minor mode off reverts the menu bar and the
+ variables to default values and disables the hideshow commands.
+ Lastly, the normal hook `hs-minor-mode-hook' is run using `run-hooks'.
+ Key bindings:
+ \\{hs-minor-mode-map}"
+   (interactive "P")
+   (setq hs-headline nil
+       hs-minor-mode (if (null arg)
+                         (not hs-minor-mode)
+                       (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
+   (if hs-minor-mode
+       (progn
+         (hs-grok-mode-type)
+         (easy-menu-add hs-minor-mode-menu)
+         (set (make-local-variable 'line-move-ignore-invisible) t)
+         (add-to-invisibility-spec '(hs . t)))
+     (easy-menu-remove hs-minor-mode-menu)
+     (remove-from-invisibility-spec '(hs . t)))
+   (run-hooks 'hs-minor-mode-hook))
+ ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; load-time actions
+ ;; keymaps and menus
+ (if hs-minor-mode-map
+     nil
+   (setq hs-minor-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+   (easy-menu-define hs-minor-mode-menu
+     hs-minor-mode-map
+     "Menu used when hideshow minor mode is active."
+     (cons "Hide/Show"
+           (mapcar
+            ;; Interpret each table entry as follows: first, populate keymap
+            ;; with elements 2 and 1; then, for easymenu, use entry directly
+            ;; unless element 0 is nil, in which case the entry is "omitted".
+            (lambda (ent)
+              (define-key hs-minor-mode-map (aref ent 2) (aref ent 1))
+              (if (aref ent 0) ent "-----"))
+            ;; These bindings roughly imitate those used by Outline mode.
+            ;; menu entry      command                key
+            '(["Hide Block"    hs-hide-block          "address@hidden"]
+              ["Show Block"    hs-show-block          "address@hidden"]
+              ["Hide All"      hs-hide-all            "address@hidden"]
+              ["Show All"      hs-show-all            "address@hidden"]
+              ["Hide Level"    hs-hide-level          "address@hidden"]
+              ["Toggle Hiding" hs-toggle-hiding       "address@hidden"]
+              [nil             hs-mouse-toggle-hiding [(shift mouse-2)]]
+              )))))
+ ;; some housekeeping
+ (or (assq 'hs-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
+     (setq minor-mode-map-alist
+           (cons (cons 'hs-minor-mode hs-minor-mode-map)
+                 minor-mode-map-alist)))
+ (or (assq 'hs-minor-mode minor-mode-alist)
+     (setq minor-mode-alist (append minor-mode-alist
+                                    (list '(hs-minor-mode " hs")))))
+ ;; make some variables permanently buffer-local
+ (let ((vars '(hs-minor-mode
+             hs-c-start-regexp
+             hs-block-start-regexp
+             hs-block-start-mdata-select
+             hs-block-end-regexp
+             hs-forward-sexp-func
+             hs-adjust-block-beginning)))
+   (while vars
+     (let ((var (car vars)))
+       (make-variable-buffer-local var)
+       (put var 'permanent-local t))
+     (setq vars (cdr vars))))
+ ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; that's it
+ (provide 'hideshow)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 378b6852-e82a-466a-aee8-d9c73859a65e
+ ;;; hideshow.el ends here

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