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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mail/reporter.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mail/reporter.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:39:43 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/mail/reporter.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/mail/reporter.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:39:43 2003
--- emacs/lisp/mail/reporter.el Tue Oct 14 19:39:25 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,412 ----
+ ;;; reporter.el --- customizable bug reporting of lisp programs
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author:          1993-1998 Barry A. Warsaw
+ ;; Maintainer:      FSF
+ ;; Created:         19-Apr-1993
+ ;; Keywords: maint mail tools
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; End User Interface
+ ;; ==================
+ ;; The variable `mail-user-agent' contains a symbol indicating which
+ ;; Emacs mail package end users would like to use to compose outgoing
+ ;; mail.  See that variable for details (it is no longer defined in
+ ;; this file).
+ ;; Lisp Package Authors
+ ;; ====================
+ ;; reporter.el was written primarily for Emacs Lisp package authors so
+ ;; that their users can more easily report bugs.  When invoked,
+ ;; `reporter-submit-bug-report' will set up an outgoing mail buffer
+ ;; with the appropriate bug report address, including a lisp
+ ;; expression the maintainer of the package can evaluate to completely
+ ;; reproduce the environment in which the bug was observed (e.g. by
+ ;; using `eval-last-sexp').  This package proved especially useful
+ ;; during my development of CC Mode, which is highly dependent on its
+ ;; configuration variables.
+ ;;
+ ;; Do a "C-h f reporter-submit-bug-report" for more information.
+ ;; Here's an example usage:
+ ;;
+ ;;(defconst mypkg-version "9.801")
+ ;;(defconst mypkg-maintainer-address "address@hidden")
+ ;;(defun mypkg-submit-bug-report ()
+ ;;  "Submit via mail a bug report on mypkg"
+ ;;  (interactive)
+ ;;  (require 'reporter)
+ ;;  (reporter-submit-bug-report
+ ;;   mypkg-maintainer-address
+ ;;   (concat "mypkg.el " mypkg-version)
+ ;;   (list 'mypkg-variable-1
+ ;;         'mypkg-variable-2
+ ;;         ;; ...
+ ;;         'mypkg-variable-last)))
+ ;;; Code:
+ ;; vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
+ ;; Package author interface variables
+ (defvar reporter-prompt-for-summary-p nil
+   "Interface variable controlling prompting for problem summary.
+ When non-nil, `reporter-submit-bug-report' prompts the user for a
+ brief summary of the problem, and puts this summary on the Subject:
+ line.  If this variable is a string, that string is used as the prompt
+ string.
+ Default behavior is to not prompt (i.e. nil).  If you want reporter to
+ prompt, you should `let' bind this variable before calling
+ `reporter-submit-bug-report'.  Note that this variable is not
+ buffer-local so you should never just `setq' it.")
+ (defvar reporter-dont-compact-list nil
+   "Interface variable controlling compacting of list values.
+ When non-nil, this must be a list of variable symbols.  When a
+ variable containing a list value is formatted in the bug report mail
+ buffer, it normally is compacted so that its value fits one the fewest
+ number of lines.  If the variable's symbol appears in this list, its
+ value is printed in a more verbose style, specifically, one elemental
+ sexp per line.
+ Note that this variable is not buffer-local so you should never just
+ `setq' it.  If you want to changes its default value, you should `let'
+ bind it.")
+ ;; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ ;; End of editable variables
+ (defvar reporter-eval-buffer nil
+   "Buffer to retrieve variable's value from.
+ This is necessary to properly support the printing of buffer-local
+ variables.  Current buffer will always be the mail buffer being
+ composed.")
+ (defvar reporter-initial-text nil
+   "The automatically created initial text of a bug report.")
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'reporter-initial-text)
+ ;; status feedback to the user
+ (defvar reporter-status-message nil)
+ (defvar reporter-status-count nil)
+ (defun reporter-update-status ()
+   "Periodically output a status message."
+   (if (zerop (% reporter-status-count 10))
+       (progn
+       (message reporter-status-message)
+       (setq reporter-status-message (concat reporter-status-message "."))))
+   (setq reporter-status-count (1+ reporter-status-count)))
+ ;; dumping/pretty printing of values
+ (defun reporter-beautify-list (maxwidth compact-p)
+   "Pretty print a list."
+   (reporter-update-status)
+   (let ((move t)
+       linebreak indent-enclosing-p indent-p here)
+     (condition-case nil                       ;loop exit
+       (progn
+         (down-list 1)
+         (setq indent-enclosing-p t)
+         (while move
+           (setq here (point))
+           ;; The following line is how we break out of the while
+           ;; loop, in one of two ways.  Either we've hit the end of
+           ;; the buffer, in which case scan-sexps returns nil, or
+           ;; we've crossed unbalanced parens and it will raise an
+           ;; error we're expecting to catch.
+           (setq move (scan-sexps (point) 1))
+           (goto-char move)
+           (if (<= maxwidth (current-column))
+               (if linebreak
+                   (progn
+                     (goto-char linebreak)
+                     (newline-and-indent)
+                     (setq linebreak nil))
+                 (goto-char here)
+                 (setq indent-p (reporter-beautify-list maxwidth compact-p))
+                 (goto-char here)
+                 (forward-sexp 1)
+                 (if indent-p
+                     (newline-and-indent))
+                 t)
+             (if compact-p
+                 (setq linebreak (point))
+               (newline-and-indent))
+             ))
+         t)
+       (error indent-enclosing-p))))
+ (defun reporter-lisp-indent (indent-point state)
+   "A better lisp indentation style for bug reporting."
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char (1+ (nth 1 state)))
+     (current-column)))
+ (defun reporter-dump-variable (varsym mailbuf)
+   "Pretty-print the value of the variable in symbol VARSYM.
+ MAILBUF is the mail buffer being composed."
+   (reporter-update-status)
+   (condition-case nil
+       (let ((val (save-excursion
+                  (set-buffer reporter-eval-buffer)
+                  (symbol-value varsym)))
+           (sym (symbol-name varsym))
+           (print-escape-newlines t)
+           (maxwidth (1- (window-width)))
+           (here (point)))
+       (insert "     " sym " "
+               (cond
+                ((memq val '(t nil)) "")
+                ((listp val) "'")
+                ((symbolp val) "'")
+                (t ""))
+               (prin1-to-string val))
+       (lisp-indent-line)
+       ;; clean up lists, but only if the line as printed was long
+       ;; enough to wrap
+       (if (and val                    ;nil is a list, but short
+                (listp val)
+                (<= maxwidth (current-column)))
+           (save-excursion
+             (let ((compact-p (not (memq varsym reporter-dont-compact-list)))
+                   (lisp-indent-function 'reporter-lisp-indent))
+               (goto-char here)
+               (reporter-beautify-list maxwidth compact-p))))
+       (insert "\n"))
+     (void-variable
+      (save-excursion
+        (set-buffer mailbuf)
+        (mail-position-on-field "X-Reporter-Void-Vars-Found")
+        (end-of-line)
+        (insert (symbol-name varsym) " ")))
+     (error
+      (error ""))))
+ (defun reporter-dump-state (pkgname varlist pre-hooks post-hooks)
+   "Dump the state of the mode specific variables.
+ PKGNAME contains the name of the mode as it will appear in the bug
+ report (you must explicitly concat any version numbers).
+ VARLIST is the list of variables to dump.  Each element in
+ VARLIST can be a variable symbol, or a cons cell.  If a symbol,
+ this will be passed to `reporter-dump-variable' for insertion
+ into the mail buffer.  If a cons cell, the car must be a variable
+ symbol and the cdr must be a function which will be `funcall'd
+ with arguments the symbol and the mail buffer being composed.  Use
+ this to write your own custom variable value printers for
+ specific variables.
+ Note that the global variable `reporter-eval-buffer' will be bound to
+ the buffer in which `reporter-submit-bug-report' was invoked.  If you
+ want to print the value of a buffer local variable, you should wrap
+ the `eval' call in your custom printer inside a `set-buffer' (and
+ probably a `save-excursion').  `reporter-dump-variable' handles this
+ properly.
+ PRE-HOOKS is run after the Emacs version and PKGNAME are inserted, but
+ before the VARLIST is dumped.  POST-HOOKS is run after the VARLIST is
+ dumped."
+   (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
+     (set-buffer buffer)
+     (insert "Emacs  : " (emacs-version) "\n")
+     (and pkgname
+        (insert "Package: " pkgname "\n"))
+     (run-hooks 'pre-hooks)
+     (if (not varlist)
+       nil
+       (insert "\ncurrent state:\n==============\n")
+       ;; create an emacs-lisp-mode buffer to contain the output, which
+       ;; we'll later insert into the mail buffer
+       (condition-case fault
+         (let ((mailbuf (current-buffer))
+               (elbuf (get-buffer-create " *tmp-reporter-buffer*")))
+           (save-excursion
+             (set-buffer elbuf)
+             (emacs-lisp-mode)
+             (erase-buffer)
+             (insert "(setq\n")
+             (lisp-indent-line)
+             (mapcar
+              (function
+               (lambda (varsym-or-cons-cell)
+                 (let ((varsym (or (car-safe varsym-or-cons-cell)
+                                   varsym-or-cons-cell))
+                       (printer (or (cdr-safe varsym-or-cons-cell)
+                                    'reporter-dump-variable)))
+                   (funcall printer varsym mailbuf)
+                   )))
+              varlist)
+             (lisp-indent-line)
+             (insert ")\n"))
+           (insert-buffer elbuf))
+       (error
+        (insert "State could not be dumped due to the following error:\n\n"
+                (format "%s" fault)
+                "\n\nYou should still send this bug report."))))
+     (run-hooks 'post-hooks)
+     ))
+ (defun reporter-compose-outgoing ()
+   "Compose the outgoing mail buffer.
+ Return the selected paradigm, with the current buffer tacked onto the
+ beginning of the list."
+   (let* ((agent mail-user-agent)
+        (compose (get mail-user-agent 'composefunc)))
+     ;; Sanity check.  If this fails then we'll try to use the SENDMAIL
+     ;; protocol, otherwise we must signal an error.
+     (if (not (and compose (functionp compose)))
+       (progn
+         (setq agent 'sendmail-user-agent
+               compose (get agent 'composefunc))
+         (if (not (and compose (functionp compose)))
+             (error "Could not find a valid `mail-user-agent'")
+           (ding)
+           (message "`%s' is an invalid `mail-user-agent'; using 
+                    mail-user-agent)
+           )))
+     (funcall compose)
+     agent))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun reporter-submit-bug-report
+   (address pkgname varlist &optional pre-hooks post-hooks salutation)
+ "Begin submitting a bug report via email.
+ ADDRESS is the email address for the package's maintainer.  PKGNAME is
+ the name of the package (if you want to include version numbers,
+ you must put them into PKGNAME before calling this function).
+ Optional PRE-HOOKS and POST-HOOKS are passed to `reporter-dump-state'.
+ Optional SALUTATION is inserted at the top of the mail buffer,
+ and point is left after the salutation.
+ VARLIST is the list of variables to dump (see `reporter-dump-state'
+ for details).  The optional argument PRE-HOOKS and POST-HOOKS are
+ passed to `reporter-dump-state'.  Optional argument SALUTATION is text
+ to be inserted at the top of the mail buffer; in that case, point is
+ left after that text.
+ This function prompts for a summary if `reporter-prompt-for-summary-p'
+ is non-nil.
+ This function does not send a message; it uses the given information
+ to initialize a message, which the user can then edit and finally send
+ \(or decline to send).  The variable `mail-user-agent' controls which
+ mail-sending package is used for editing and sending the message."
+   (let ((reporter-eval-buffer (current-buffer))
+       final-resting-place
+       after-sep-pos
+       (reporter-status-message "Formatting bug report buffer...")
+       (reporter-status-count 0)
+       (problem (and reporter-prompt-for-summary-p
+                     (read-string (if (stringp reporter-prompt-for-summary-p)
+                                      reporter-prompt-for-summary-p
+                                    "(Very) brief summary of problem: "))))
+       (agent (reporter-compose-outgoing))
+       (mailbuf (current-buffer))
+       hookvar)
+     ;; do the work
+     (require 'sendmail)
+     ;; If mailbuf did not get made visible before, make it visible now.
+     (let (same-window-buffer-names same-window-regexps)
+       (pop-to-buffer mailbuf)
+       ;; Just in case the original buffer is not visible now, bring it
+       ;; back somewhere
+       (and pop-up-windows (display-buffer reporter-eval-buffer)))
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (mail-position-on-field "to")
+     (insert address)
+     ;; insert problem summary if available
+     (if (and reporter-prompt-for-summary-p problem pkgname)
+       (progn
+         (mail-position-on-field "subject")
+         (insert pkgname "; " problem)))
+     ;; move point to the body of the message
+     (mail-text)
+     (forward-line 1)
+     (setq after-sep-pos (point))
+     (and salutation (insert "\n" salutation "\n\n"))
+     (unwind-protect
+       (progn
+         (setq final-resting-place (point-marker))
+         (insert "\n\n")
+         (reporter-dump-state pkgname varlist pre-hooks post-hooks)
+         (goto-char final-resting-place))
+       (set-marker final-resting-place nil))
+     ;; save initial text and set up the `no-empty-submission' hook.
+     ;; This only works for mailers that support a pre-send hook, and
+     ;; for which the paradigm has a non-nil value for the `hookvar'
+     ;; key in its agent (i.e. sendmail.el's mail-send-hook).
+     (save-excursion
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
+       (setq reporter-initial-text (buffer-substring after-sep-pos (point))))
+     (if (setq hookvar (get agent 'hookvar))
+       (add-hook hookvar 'reporter-bug-hook nil t))
+     ;; compose the minibuf message and display this.
+     (let* ((sendkey-whereis (where-is-internal
+                            (get agent 'sendfunc) nil t))
+          (abortkey-whereis (where-is-internal
+                             (get agent 'abortfunc) nil t))
+          (sendkey (if sendkey-whereis
+                       (key-description sendkey-whereis)
+                     "C-c C-c"))   ; TBD: BOGUS hardcode
+          (abortkey (if abortkey-whereis
+                        (key-description abortkey-whereis)
+                      "M-x kill-buffer"))  ; TBD: BOGUS hardcode
+          )
+       (message "Please enter your report.  Type %s to send, %s to abort."
+              sendkey abortkey))
+     ))
+ (defun reporter-bug-hook ()
+   "Prohibit sending mail if empty bug report."
+   (let ((after-sep-pos
+        (save-excursion
+          (rfc822-goto-eoh)
+          (forward-line 1)
+          (point))))
+     (save-excursion
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
+       (if (and (= (- (point) after-sep-pos)
+                 (length reporter-initial-text))
+              (string= (buffer-substring after-sep-pos (point))
+                       reporter-initial-text))
+         (error "Empty bug report cannot be sent"))
+       )))
+ (provide 'reporter)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 33612ff4-fbbc-4be2-b183-560ce9e0199b
+ ;;; reporter.el ends here

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