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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnkiboze.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnkiboze.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:12:29 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/nnkiboze.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/nnkiboze.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:47:12 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/nnkiboze.el Thu Jul 22 16:45:51 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,397 ----
+ ;;; nnkiboze.el --- select virtual news access for Gnus
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003
+ ;;    Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: news
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; The other access methods (nntp, nnspool, etc) are general news
+ ;; access methods.  This module relies on Gnus and can't be used
+ ;; separately.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'nntp)
+ (require 'nnheader)
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (require 'gnus-score)
+ (require 'nnoo)
+ (require 'mm-util)
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (nnoo-declare nnkiboze)
+ (defvoo nnkiboze-directory (nnheader-concat gnus-directory "kiboze/")
+   "nnkiboze will put its files in this directory.")
+ (defvoo nnkiboze-level 9
+   "The maximum level to be searched for articles.")
+ (defvoo nnkiboze-remove-read-articles t
+   "If non-nil, nnkiboze will remove read articles from the kiboze group.")
+ (defvoo nnkiboze-ephemeral nil
+   "If non-nil, don't store any data anywhere.")
+ (defvoo nnkiboze-scores nil
+   "Score rules for generating the nnkiboze group.")
+ (defvoo nnkiboze-regexp nil
+   "Regexp for matching component groups.")
+ (defvoo nnkiboze-file-coding-system mm-text-coding-system
+   "Coding system for nnkiboze files.")
+ (defconst nnkiboze-version "nnkiboze 1.0")
+ (defvoo nnkiboze-current-group nil)
+ (defvoo nnkiboze-status-string "")
+ (defvoo nnkiboze-headers nil)
+ ;;; Interface functions.
+ (nnoo-define-basics nnkiboze)
+ (deffoo nnkiboze-retrieve-headers (articles &optional group server fetch-old)
+   (nnkiboze-possibly-change-group group)
+   (unless gnus-nov-is-evil
+     (if (stringp (car articles))
+       'headers
+       (let ((nov (nnkiboze-nov-file-name)))
+       (when (file-exists-p nov)
+         (save-excursion
+           (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+           (erase-buffer)
+           (let ((nnheader-file-coding-system nnkiboze-file-coding-system))
+             (nnheader-insert-file-contents nov))
+           (nnheader-nov-delete-outside-range
+            (car articles) (car (last articles)))
+           'nov))))))
+ (deffoo nnkiboze-request-article (article &optional newsgroup server buffer)
+   (nnkiboze-possibly-change-group newsgroup)
+   (if (not (numberp article))
+       ;; This is a real kludge.  It might not work at times, but it
+       ;; does no harm I think.  The only alternative is to offer no
+       ;; article fetching by message-id at all.
+       (nntp-request-article article newsgroup gnus-nntp-server buffer)
+     (let* ((header (gnus-summary-article-header article))
+          (xref (mail-header-xref header))
+          num group)
+       (unless xref
+       (error "nnkiboze: No xref"))
+       (unless (string-match " \\([^ ]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" xref)
+       (error "nnkiboze: Malformed xref"))
+       (setq num (string-to-int (match-string 2 xref))
+           group (match-string 1 xref))
+       (or (with-current-buffer buffer
+           (or (and gnus-use-cache (gnus-cache-request-article num group))
+               (gnus-agent-request-article num group)))
+         (gnus-request-article num group buffer)))))
+ (deffoo nnkiboze-request-scan (&optional group server)
+   (nnkiboze-possibly-change-group group)
+   (nnkiboze-generate-group (concat "nnkiboze:" group)))
+ (deffoo nnkiboze-request-group (group &optional server dont-check)
+   "Make GROUP the current newsgroup."
+   (nnkiboze-possibly-change-group group)
+   (if dont-check
+       t
+     (let ((nov-file (nnkiboze-nov-file-name))
+         beg end total)
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (unless (file-exists-p nov-file)
+         (nnkiboze-request-scan group))
+       (if (not (file-exists-p nov-file))
+           (nnheader-report 'nnkiboze "Can't select group %s" group)
+         (let ((nnheader-file-coding-system nnkiboze-file-coding-system))
+           (nnheader-insert-file-contents nov-file))
+         (if (zerop (buffer-size))
+             (nnheader-insert "211 0 0 0 %s\n" group)
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (when (looking-at "[0-9]+")
+             (setq beg (read (current-buffer))))
+           (goto-char (point-max))
+           (when (re-search-backward "^[0-9]" nil t)
+             (setq end (read (current-buffer))))
+           (setq total (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))
+           (nnheader-insert "211 %d %d %d %s\n" total beg end group)))))))
+ (deffoo nnkiboze-close-group (group &optional server)
+   (nnkiboze-possibly-change-group group)
+   ;; Remove NOV lines of articles that are marked as read.
+   (when (and (file-exists-p (nnkiboze-nov-file-name))
+            nnkiboze-remove-read-articles)
+     (let ((coding-system-for-write nnkiboze-file-coding-system))
+       (with-temp-file (nnkiboze-nov-file-name)
+       (let ((cur (current-buffer))
+             (nnheader-file-coding-system nnkiboze-file-coding-system))
+         (nnheader-insert-file-contents (nnkiboze-nov-file-name))
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (while (not (eobp))
+           (if (not (gnus-article-read-p (read cur)))
+               (forward-line 1)
+             (gnus-delete-line))))))
+     (setq nnkiboze-current-group nil)))
+ (deffoo nnkiboze-open-server (server &optional defs)
+   (unless (assq 'nnkiboze-regexp defs)
+     (push `(nnkiboze-regexp ,server)
+         defs))
+   (nnoo-change-server 'nnkiboze server defs))
+ (deffoo nnkiboze-request-delete-group (group &optional force server)
+   (nnkiboze-possibly-change-group group)
+   (when force
+     (let ((files (nconc
+                 (nnkiboze-score-file group)
+                 (list (nnkiboze-nov-file-name)
+                       (nnkiboze-nov-file-name ".newsrc")))))
+       (while files
+       (and (file-exists-p (car files))
+            (file-writable-p (car files))
+            (delete-file (car files)))
+       (setq files (cdr files)))))
+   (setq nnkiboze-current-group nil)
+   t)
+ (nnoo-define-skeleton nnkiboze)
+ ;;; Internal functions.
+ (defun nnkiboze-possibly-change-group (group)
+   (setq nnkiboze-current-group group))
+ (defun nnkiboze-prefixed-name (group)
+   (gnus-group-prefixed-name group '(nnkiboze "")))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun nnkiboze-generate-groups ()
+   "\"Usage: emacs -batch -l nnkiboze -f nnkiboze-generate-groups\".
+ Finds out what articles are to be part of the nnkiboze groups."
+   (interactive)
+   (let ((nnmail-spool-file nil)
+       (mail-sources nil)
+       (gnus-use-dribble-file nil)
+       (gnus-read-active-file t)
+       (gnus-expert-user t))
+     (gnus))
+   (let* ((gnus-newsrc-alist (gnus-copy-sequence gnus-newsrc-alist))
+        (newsrc (cdr gnus-newsrc-alist))
+        gnus-newsrc-hashtb info)
+     (gnus-make-hashtable-from-newsrc-alist)
+     ;; We have copied all the newsrc alist info over to local copies
+     ;; so that we can mess all we want with these lists.
+     (while (setq info (pop newsrc))
+       (when (string-match "nnkiboze" (gnus-info-group info))
+       ;; For each kiboze group, we call this function to generate
+       ;; it.
+       (nnkiboze-generate-group (gnus-info-group info) t))))
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
+     (gnus-group-list-groups)))
+ (defun nnkiboze-score-file (group)
+   (list (expand-file-name
+        (concat (file-name-as-directory gnus-kill-files-directory)
+                (nnheader-translate-file-chars
+                 (concat (nnkiboze-prefixed-name nnkiboze-current-group)
+                         "." gnus-score-file-suffix))))))
+ (defun nnkiboze-generate-group (group &optional inhibit-list-groups)
+   (let* ((info (nth 2 (gnus-gethash group gnus-newsrc-hashtb)))
+        (newsrc-file (concat nnkiboze-directory
+                             (nnheader-translate-file-chars
+                              (concat group ".newsrc"))))
+        (nov-file (concat nnkiboze-directory
+                          (nnheader-translate-file-chars
+                           (concat group ".nov"))))
+        method nnkiboze-newsrc gname newsrc active
+        ginfo lowest glevel orig-info nov-buffer
+        ;; Bind various things to nil to make group entry faster.
+        (gnus-expert-user t)
+        (gnus-large-newsgroup nil)
+        (gnus-score-find-score-files-function 'nnkiboze-score-file)
+        ;; Use only nnkiboze-score-file!
+        (gnus-score-use-all-scores nil)
+        (gnus-use-scoring t)
+        (gnus-verbose (min gnus-verbose 3))
+        gnus-select-group-hook gnus-summary-prepare-hook
+        gnus-thread-sort-functions gnus-show-threads
+        gnus-visual gnus-suppress-duplicates num-unread)
+     (unless info
+       (error "No such group: %s" group))
+     ;; Load the kiboze newsrc file for this group.
+     (mm-with-unibyte
+       (when (file-exists-p newsrc-file)
+       (load newsrc-file))
+       (let ((coding-system-for-write nnkiboze-file-coding-system))
+       (gnus-make-directory (file-name-directory nov-file))
+       (with-temp-file nov-file
+         (when (file-exists-p nov-file)
+           (insert-file-contents nov-file))
+         (setq nov-buffer (current-buffer))
+         ;; Go through the active hashtb and add new all groups that match the
+         ;; kiboze regexp.
+         (mapatoms
+          (lambda (group)
+            (and (string-match nnkiboze-regexp
+                               (setq gname (symbol-name group))) ; Match
+                 (not (assoc gname nnkiboze-newsrc)) ; It isn't registered
+                 (numberp (car (symbol-value group))) ; It is active
+                 (or (> nnkiboze-level 7)
+                     (and (setq glevel
+                                (nth 1 (nth 2 (gnus-gethash
+                                               gname gnus-newsrc-hashtb))))
+                          (>= nnkiboze-level glevel)))
+                 (not (string-match "^nnkiboze:" gname)) ; Exclude kibozes
+                 (push (cons gname (1- (car (symbol-value group))))
+                       nnkiboze-newsrc)))
+          gnus-active-hashtb)
+         ;; `newsrc' is set to the list of groups that possibly are
+         ;; component groups to this kiboze group.  This list has elements
+         ;; on the form `(GROUP . NUMBER)', where NUMBER is the highest
+         ;; number that has been kibozed in GROUP in this kiboze group.
+         (setq newsrc nnkiboze-newsrc)
+         (while newsrc
+           (if (not (setq active (gnus-gethash
+                                  (caar newsrc) gnus-active-hashtb)))
+               ;; This group isn't active after all, so we remove it from
+               ;; the list of component groups.
+               (setq nnkiboze-newsrc (delq (car newsrc) nnkiboze-newsrc))
+             (setq lowest (cdar newsrc))
+             ;; Ok, we have a valid component group, so we jump to it.
+             (switch-to-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
+             (gnus-group-jump-to-group (caar newsrc))
+             (gnus-message 3 "nnkiboze: Checking %s..." (caar newsrc))
+             (setq ginfo (gnus-get-info (gnus-group-group-name))
+                   orig-info (gnus-copy-sequence ginfo)
+                   num-unread (car (gnus-gethash (caar newsrc)
+                                                 gnus-newsrc-hashtb)))
+             (unwind-protect
+                 (progn
+                   ;; We set all list of article marks to nil.  Since we 
+                   ;; on copies of the real lists, we can destroy anything we
+                   ;; want here.
+                   (when (nth 3 ginfo)
+                     (setcar (nthcdr 3 ginfo) nil))
+                   ;; We set the list of read articles to be what we expect for
+                   ;; this kiboze group -- either nil or `(1 . LOWEST)'.
+                   (when ginfo
+                     (setcar (nthcdr 2 ginfo)
+                             (and (not (= lowest 1)) (cons 1 lowest))))
+                   (when (and (or (not ginfo)
+                                  (> (length (gnus-list-of-unread-articles
+                                              (car ginfo)))
+                                     0))
+                              (progn
+                                (ignore-errors
+                                  (gnus-group-select-group nil))
+                                (eq major-mode 'gnus-summary-mode)))
+                     ;; We are now in the group where we want to be.
+                     (setq method (gnus-find-method-for-group
+                                   gnus-newsgroup-name))
+                     (when (eq method gnus-select-method)
+                       (setq method nil))
+                     ;; We go through the list of scored articles.
+                     (while gnus-newsgroup-scored
+                       (when (> (caar gnus-newsgroup-scored) lowest)
+                         ;; If it has a good score, then we enter this article
+                         ;; into the kiboze group.
+                         (nnkiboze-enter-nov
+                          nov-buffer
+                          (gnus-summary-article-header
+                           (caar gnus-newsgroup-scored))
+                          gnus-newsgroup-name))
+                       (setq gnus-newsgroup-scored (cdr 
+                     ;; That's it.  We exit this group.
+                     (when (eq major-mode 'gnus-summary-mode)
+                       (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))
+               ;; Restore the proper info.
+               (when ginfo
+                 (setcdr ginfo (cdr orig-info)))
+               (setcar (gnus-gethash (caar newsrc) gnus-newsrc-hashtb)
+                       num-unread)))
+           (setcdr (car newsrc) (cdr active))
+           (gnus-message 3 "nnkiboze: Checking %s...done" (caar newsrc))
+           (setq newsrc (cdr newsrc)))))
+       ;; We save the kiboze newsrc for this group.
+       (gnus-make-directory (file-name-directory newsrc-file))
+       (with-temp-file newsrc-file
+       (insert "(setq nnkiboze-newsrc '")
+       (gnus-prin1 nnkiboze-newsrc)
+       (insert ")\n")))
+   (unless inhibit-list-groups
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
+       (gnus-group-list-groups)))
+   t))
+ (defun nnkiboze-enter-nov (buffer header group)
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer buffer)
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (let ((prefix (gnus-group-real-prefix group))
+         (oheader (copy-sequence header))
+         article)
+       (if (zerop (forward-line -1))
+         (progn
+           (setq article (1+ (read (current-buffer))))
+           (forward-line 1))
+       (setq article 1))
+       (mail-header-set-number oheader article)
+       (with-temp-buffer
+       (insert (or (mail-header-xref oheader) ""))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (if (re-search-forward " [^ ]+:[0-9]+" nil t)
+           (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+         (or (eobp) (forward-char 1)))
+       ;; The first Xref has to be the group this article
+       ;; really came for - this is the article nnkiboze
+       ;; will request when it is asked for the article.
+       (insert " " group ":"
+               (int-to-string (mail-header-number header)) " ")
+       (while (re-search-forward " [^ ]+:[0-9]+" nil t)
+         (goto-char (1+ (match-beginning 0)))
+         (insert prefix))
+       (mail-header-set-xref oheader (buffer-string)))
+       (nnheader-insert-nov oheader))))
+ (defun nnkiboze-nov-file-name (&optional suffix)
+   (concat (file-name-as-directory nnkiboze-directory)
+         (nnheader-translate-file-chars
+          (concat (nnkiboze-prefixed-name nnkiboze-current-group)
+                  (or suffix ".nov")))))
+ (provide 'nnkiboze)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 66068271-bdc9-4801-bcde-779702e73a05
+ ;;; nnkiboze.el ends here

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