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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-decode.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-decode.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:13:04 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-decode.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-decode.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:47:04 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-decode.el        Thu Jul 22 16:45:50 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1479 ----
+ ;;; mm-decode.el --- Functions for decoding MIME things
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
+ ;;        Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
+ ;;    MORIOKA Tomohiko <address@hidden>
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'mail-parse)
+ (require 'mailcap)
+ (require 'mm-bodies)
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)
+                  (require 'term))
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (autoload 'executable-find "executable")
+   (autoload 'mm-inline-partial "mm-partial")
+   (autoload 'mm-inline-external-body "mm-extern")
+   (autoload 'mm-insert-inline "mm-view"))
+ (add-hook 'gnus-exit-gnus-hook 'mm-destroy-postponed-undisplay-list)
+ (defgroup mime-display ()
+   "Display of MIME in mail and news articles."
+   :link '(custom-manual "(emacs-mime)Customization")
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'mail
+   :group 'news
+   :group 'multimedia)
+ (defgroup mime-security ()
+   "MIME security in mail and news articles."
+   :link '(custom-manual "(emacs-mime)Customization")
+   :group 'mail
+   :group 'news
+   :group 'multimedia)
+ ;;; Convenience macros.
+ (defmacro mm-handle-buffer (handle)
+   `(nth 0 ,handle))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-type (handle)
+   `(nth 1 ,handle))
+ (defsubst mm-handle-media-type (handle)
+   (if (stringp (car handle))
+       (car handle)
+     (car (mm-handle-type handle))))
+ (defsubst mm-handle-media-supertype (handle)
+   (car (split-string (mm-handle-media-type handle) "/")))
+ (defsubst mm-handle-media-subtype (handle)
+   (cadr (split-string (mm-handle-media-type handle) "/")))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-encoding (handle)
+   `(nth 2 ,handle))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-undisplayer (handle)
+   `(nth 3 ,handle))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-set-undisplayer (handle function)
+   `(setcar (nthcdr 3 ,handle) ,function))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-disposition (handle)
+   `(nth 4 ,handle))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-description (handle)
+   `(nth 5 ,handle))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-cache (handle)
+   `(nth 6 ,handle))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-set-cache (handle contents)
+   `(setcar (nthcdr 6 ,handle) ,contents))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-id (handle)
+   `(nth 7 ,handle))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-multipart-original-buffer (handle)
+   `(get-text-property 0 'buffer (car ,handle)))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-multipart-from (handle)
+   `(get-text-property 0 'from (car ,handle)))
+ (defmacro mm-handle-multipart-ctl-parameter (handle parameter)
+   `(get-text-property 0 ,parameter (car ,handle)))
+ (defmacro mm-make-handle (&optional buffer type encoding undisplayer
+                                   disposition description cache
+                                   id)
+   `(list ,buffer ,type ,encoding ,undisplayer
+        ,disposition ,description ,cache ,id))
+ (defcustom mm-text-html-renderer
+   (cond ((locate-library "w3") 'w3)
+       ((executable-find "w3m") (if (locate-library "w3m")
+                                    'w3m
+                                  'w3m-standalone))
+       ((executable-find "links") 'links)
+       ((executable-find "lynx") 'lynx)
+       (t 'html2text))
+   "Render of HTML contents.
+ It is one of defined renderer types, or a rendering function.
+ The defined renderer types are:
+ `w3'   : use Emacs/W3;
+ `w3m'  : use emacs-w3m;
+ `w3m-standalone': use w3m;
+ `links': use links;
+ `lynx' : use lynx;
+ `html2text' : use html2text;
+ nil    : use external viewer."
+   :type '(choice (const w3)
+                (const w3m)
+                (const w3m-standalone)
+                (const links)
+                (const lynx)
+                (const html2text)
+                (const nil)
+                (function))
+   :version "21.3"
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defvar mm-inline-text-html-renderer nil
+   "Function used for rendering inline HTML contents.
+ It is suggested to customize `mm-text-html-renderer' instead.")
+ (defcustom mm-inline-text-html-with-images nil
+   "If non-nil, Gnus will allow retrieving images in HTML contents with
+ the <img> tags.  It has no effect on Emacs/w3.  See also the
+ documentation for the `mm-w3m-safe-url-regexp' variable."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-w3m-safe-url-regexp "\\`cid:"
+   "Regexp matching URLs which are considered to be safe.
+ Some HTML mails might contain a nasty trick used by spammers, using
+ the <img> tag which is far more evil than the [Click Here!] button.
+ It is most likely intended to check whether the ominous spam mail has
+ reached your eyes or not, in which case the spammer knows for sure
+ that your email address is valid.  It is done by embedding an
+ identifier string into a URL that you might automatically retrieve
+ when displaying the image.  The default value is \"\\\\`cid:\" which only
+ matches parts embedded to the Multipart/Related type MIME contents and
+ Gnus will never connect to the spammer's site arbitrarily.  You may
+ set this variable to nil if you consider all urls to be safe."
+   :type '(choice (regexp :tag "Regexp")
+                (const :tag "All URLs are safe" nil))
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-inline-text-html-with-w3m-keymap t
+   "If non-nil, use emacs-w3m command keys in the article buffer."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-enable-external t
+   "Indicate whether external MIME handlers should be used.
+ If t, all defined external MIME handlers are used.  If nil, files are saved by
+ `mailcap-save-binary-file'.  If it is the symbol `ask', you are prompted
+ before the external MIME handler is invoked."
+   :version "21.4"
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Always" t)
+                (const :tag "Never" nil)
+                (const :tag "Ask" ask))
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-inline-media-tests
+   '(("image/p?jpeg"
+      mm-inline-image
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (mm-valid-and-fit-image-p 'jpeg handle)))
+     ("image/png"
+      mm-inline-image
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (mm-valid-and-fit-image-p 'png handle)))
+     ("image/gif"
+      mm-inline-image
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (mm-valid-and-fit-image-p 'gif handle)))
+     ("image/tiff"
+      mm-inline-image
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (mm-valid-and-fit-image-p 'tiff handle)) )
+     ("image/xbm"
+      mm-inline-image
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (mm-valid-and-fit-image-p 'xbm handle)))
+     ("image/x-xbitmap"
+      mm-inline-image
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (mm-valid-and-fit-image-p 'xbm handle)))
+     ("image/xpm"
+      mm-inline-image
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (mm-valid-and-fit-image-p 'xpm handle)))
+     ("image/x-xpixmap"
+      mm-inline-image
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (mm-valid-and-fit-image-p 'xpm handle)))
+     ("image/bmp"
+      mm-inline-image
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (mm-valid-and-fit-image-p 'bmp handle)))
+     ("image/x-portable-bitmap"
+      mm-inline-image
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (mm-valid-and-fit-image-p 'pbm handle)))
+     ("text/plain" mm-inline-text identity)
+     ("text/enriched" mm-inline-text identity)
+     ("text/richtext" mm-inline-text identity)
+     ("text/x-patch" mm-display-patch-inline
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (locate-library "diff-mode")))
+     ("application/emacs-lisp" mm-display-elisp-inline identity)
+     ("application/x-emacs-lisp" mm-display-elisp-inline identity)
+     ("text/html"
+      mm-inline-text-html
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (or mm-inline-text-html-renderer
+          mm-text-html-renderer)))
+     ("text/x-vcard"
+      mm-inline-text-vcard
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (or (featurep 'vcard)
+          (locate-library "vcard"))))
+     ("message/delivery-status" mm-inline-text identity)
+     ("message/rfc822" mm-inline-message identity)
+     ("message/partial" mm-inline-partial identity)
+     ("message/external-body" mm-inline-external-body identity)
+     ("text/.*" mm-inline-text identity)
+     ("audio/wav" mm-inline-audio
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (and (or (featurep 'nas-sound) (featurep 'native-sound))
+           (device-sound-enabled-p))))
+     ("audio/au"
+      mm-inline-audio
+      (lambda (handle)
+        (and (or (featurep 'nas-sound) (featurep 'native-sound))
+           (device-sound-enabled-p))))
+     ("application/pgp-signature" ignore identity)
+     ("application/x-pkcs7-signature" ignore identity)
+     ("application/pkcs7-signature" ignore identity)
+     ("application/x-pkcs7-mime" ignore identity)
+     ("application/pkcs7-mime" ignore identity)
+     ("multipart/alternative" ignore identity)
+     ("multipart/mixed" ignore identity)
+     ("multipart/related" ignore identity)
+     ;; Disable audio and image
+     ("audio/.*" ignore ignore)
+     ("image/.*" ignore ignore)
+     ;; Default to displaying as text
+     (".*" mm-inline-text mm-readable-p))
+   "Alist of media types/tests saying whether types can be displayed inline."
+   :type '(repeat (list (regexp :tag "MIME type")
+                      (function :tag "Display function")
+                      (function :tag "Display test")))
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-inlined-types
+   '("image/.*" "text/.*" "message/delivery-status" "message/rfc822"
+     "message/partial" "message/external-body" "application/emacs-lisp"
+     "application/x-emacs-lisp"
+     "application/pgp-signature" "application/x-pkcs7-signature"
+     "application/pkcs7-signature" "application/x-pkcs7-mime"
+     "application/pkcs7-mime")
+   "List of media types that are to be displayed inline.
+ See also `mm-inline-media-tests', which says how to display a media
+ type inline."
+   :type '(repeat string)
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-keep-viewer-alive-types
+   '("application/postscript" "application/msword" "application/vnd.ms-excel"
+     "application/pdf" "application/x-dvi")
+   "List of media types for which the external viewer will not be killed
+ when selecting a different article."
+   :type '(repeat string)
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-automatic-display
+   '("text/plain" "text/enriched" "text/richtext" "text/html"
+     "text/x-vcard" "image/.*" "message/delivery-status" "multipart/.*"
+     "message/rfc822" "text/x-patch" "application/pgp-signature"
+     "application/emacs-lisp" "application/x-emacs-lisp"
+     "application/x-pkcs7-signature"
+     "application/pkcs7-signature" "application/x-pkcs7-mime"
+     "application/pkcs7-mime")
+   "A list of MIME types to be displayed automatically."
+   :type '(repeat string)
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-attachment-override-types '("text/x-vcard"
+                                         "application/pkcs7-mime"
+                                         "application/x-pkcs7-mime"
+                                         "application/pkcs7-signature"
+                                         "application/x-pkcs7-signature")
+   "Types to have \"attachment\" ignored if they can be displayed inline."
+   :type '(repeat string)
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-inline-override-types nil
+   "Types to be treated as attachments even if they can be displayed inline."
+   :type '(repeat string)
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-automatic-external-display nil
+   "List of MIME type regexps that will be displayed externally automatically."
+   :type '(repeat string)
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-discouraged-alternatives nil
+   "List of MIME types that are discouraged when viewing multipart/alternative.
+ Viewing agents are supposed to view the last possible part of a message,
+ as that is supposed to be the richest.  However, users may prefer other
+ types instead, and this list says what types are most unwanted.  If,
+ for instance, text/html parts are very unwanted, and text/richtext are
+ somewhat unwanted, then the value of this variable should be set
+ to:
+  (\"text/html\" \"text/richtext\")"
+   :type '(repeat string)
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-tmp-directory
+   (if (fboundp 'temp-directory)
+       (temp-directory)
+     (if (boundp 'temporary-file-directory)
+       temporary-file-directory
+       "/tmp/"))
+   "Where mm will store its temporary files."
+   :type 'directory
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-inline-large-images nil
+   "If non-nil, then all images fit in the buffer."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defvar mm-file-name-rewrite-functions
+   '(mm-file-name-delete-control mm-file-name-delete-gotchas)
+   "*List of functions used for rewriting file names of MIME parts.
+ Each function takes a file name as input and returns a file name.
+ Ready-made functions include
+ `mm-file-name-delete-control'
+ `mm-file-name-delete-gotchas'
+ `mm-file-name-delete-whitespace',
+ `mm-file-name-trim-whitespace',
+ `mm-file-name-collapse-whitespace',
+ `mm-file-name-replace-whitespace',
+ `capitalize', `downcase', `upcase', and
+ `upcase-initials'.")
+ (defvar mm-path-name-rewrite-functions nil
+   "*List of functions for rewriting the full file names of MIME parts.
+ This is used when viewing parts externally, and is meant for
+ transforming the absolute name so that non-compliant programs can find
+ the file where it's saved.
+ Each function takes a file name as input and returns a file name.")
+ (defvar mm-file-name-replace-whitespace nil
+   "String used for replacing whitespace characters; default is `\"_\"'.")
+ (defcustom mm-default-directory nil
+   "The default directory where mm will save files.
+ If not set, `default-directory' will be used."
+   :type '(choice directory (const :tag "Default" nil))
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-attachment-file-modes 384
+   "Set the mode bits of saved attachments to this integer."
+   :type 'integer
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ (defcustom mm-external-terminal-program "xterm"
+   "The program to start an external terminal."
+   :type 'string
+   :group 'mime-display)
+ ;;; Internal variables.
+ (defvar mm-last-shell-command "")
+ (defvar mm-content-id-alist nil)
+ (defvar mm-postponed-undisplay-list nil)
+ ;; According to RFC2046, in particular, in a digest, the default
+ ;; Content-Type value for a body part is changed from "text/plain" to
+ ;; "message/rfc822".
+ (defvar mm-dissect-default-type "text/plain")
+ (autoload 'mml2015-verify "mml2015")
+ (autoload 'mml2015-verify-test "mml2015")
+ (autoload 'mml-smime-verify "mml-smime")
+ (autoload 'mml-smime-verify-test "mml-smime")
+ (defvar mm-verify-function-alist
+   '(("application/pgp-signature" mml2015-verify "PGP" mml2015-verify-test)
+     ("application/x-gnus-pgp-signature" mm-uu-pgp-signed-extract-1 "PGP"
+      mm-uu-pgp-signed-test)
+     ("application/pkcs7-signature" mml-smime-verify "S/MIME"
+      mml-smime-verify-test)
+     ("application/x-pkcs7-signature" mml-smime-verify "S/MIME"
+      mml-smime-verify-test)))
+ (defcustom mm-verify-option 'never
+   "Option of verifying signed parts.
+ `never', not verify; `always', always verify;
+ `known', only verify known protocols.  Otherwise, ask user."
+   :type '(choice (item always)
+                (item never)
+                (item :tag "only known protocols" known)
+                (item :tag "ask" nil))
+   :group 'mime-security)
+ (autoload 'mml2015-decrypt "mml2015")
+ (autoload 'mml2015-decrypt-test "mml2015")
+ (defvar mm-decrypt-function-alist
+   '(("application/pgp-encrypted" mml2015-decrypt "PGP" mml2015-decrypt-test)
+     ("application/x-gnus-pgp-encrypted" mm-uu-pgp-encrypted-extract-1 "PGP"
+      mm-uu-pgp-encrypted-test)))
+ (defcustom mm-decrypt-option nil
+   "Option of decrypting encrypted parts.
+ `never', not decrypt; `always', always decrypt;
+ `known', only decrypt known protocols.  Otherwise, ask user."
+   :type '(choice (item always)
+                (item never)
+                (item :tag "only known protocols" known)
+                (item :tag "ask" nil))
+   :group 'mime-security)
+ (defvar mm-viewer-completion-map
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap 'mm-viewer-completion-map)))
+     (set-keymap-parent map minibuffer-local-completion-map)
+     map)
+   "Keymap for input viewer with completion.")
+ ;; Should we bind other key to minibuffer-complete-word?
+ (define-key mm-viewer-completion-map " " 'self-insert-command)
+ (defvar mm-viewer-completion-map
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap 'mm-viewer-completion-map)))
+     (set-keymap-parent map minibuffer-local-completion-map)
+     map)
+   "Keymap for input viewer with completion.")
+ ;; Should we bind other key to minibuffer-complete-word?
+ (define-key mm-viewer-completion-map " " 'self-insert-command)
+ ;;; The functions.
+ (defun mm-alist-to-plist (alist)
+   "Convert association list ALIST into the equivalent property-list form.
+ The plist is returned.  This converts from
+ \((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+ into
+ \(a 1 b 2 c 3)
+ The original alist is not modified.  See also `destructive-alist-to-plist'."
+   (let (plist)
+     (while alist
+       (let ((el (car alist)))
+       (setq plist (cons (cdr el) (cons (car el) plist))))
+       (setq alist (cdr alist)))
+     (nreverse plist)))
+ (defun mm-keep-viewer-alive-p (handle)
+   "Say whether external viewer for HANDLE should stay alive."
+   (let ((types mm-keep-viewer-alive-types)
+       (type (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+       ty)
+     (catch 'found
+       (while (setq ty (pop types))
+       (when (string-match ty type)
+         (throw 'found t))))))
+ (defun mm-handle-set-external-undisplayer (handle function)
+   "Set the undisplayer for HANDLE to FUNCTION.
+ Postpone undisplaying of viewers for types in
+ `mm-keep-viewer-alive-types'."
+   (if (mm-keep-viewer-alive-p handle)
+       (let ((new-handle (copy-sequence handle)))
+       (mm-handle-set-undisplayer new-handle function)
+       (mm-handle-set-undisplayer handle nil)
+       (push new-handle mm-postponed-undisplay-list))
+     (mm-handle-set-undisplayer handle function)))
+ (defun mm-destroy-postponed-undisplay-list ()
+   (when mm-postponed-undisplay-list
+     (message "Destroying external MIME viewers")
+     (mm-destroy-parts mm-postponed-undisplay-list)))
+ (defun mm-dissect-buffer (&optional no-strict-mime loose-mime)
+   "Dissect the current buffer and return a list of MIME handles."
+   (save-excursion
+     (let (ct ctl type subtype cte cd description id result from)
+       (save-restriction
+       (mail-narrow-to-head)
+       (when (or no-strict-mime
+                 loose-mime
+                 (mail-fetch-field "mime-version"))
+         (setq ct (mail-fetch-field "content-type")
+               ctl (ignore-errors (mail-header-parse-content-type ct))
+               cte (mail-fetch-field "content-transfer-encoding")
+               cd (mail-fetch-field "content-disposition")
+               description (mail-fetch-field "content-description")
+               from (mail-fetch-field "from")
+               id (mail-fetch-field "content-id"))
+         ;; FIXME: In some circumstances, this code is running within
+         ;; an unibyte macro.  mail-extract-address-components
+         ;; creates unibyte buffers. This `if', though not a perfect
+         ;; solution, avoids most of them.
+         (if from
+             (setq from (cadr (mail-extract-address-components from))))))
+       (when cte
+       (setq cte (mail-header-strip cte)))
+       (if (or (not ctl)
+             (not (string-match "/" (car ctl))))
+         (mm-dissect-singlepart
+          (list mm-dissect-default-type)
+          (and cte (intern (downcase (mail-header-remove-whitespace
+                                      (mail-header-remove-comments
+                                       cte)))))
+          no-strict-mime
+          (and cd (ignore-errors (mail-header-parse-content-disposition cd)))
+          description)
+       (setq type (split-string (car ctl) "/"))
+       (setq subtype (cadr type)
+             type (pop type))
+       (setq
+        result
+        (cond
+         ((equal type "multipart")
+          (let ((mm-dissect-default-type (if (equal subtype "digest")
+                                             "message/rfc822"
+                                           "text/plain"))
+                (start (cdr (assq 'start (cdr ctl)))))
+            (add-text-properties 0 (length (car ctl))
+                                 (mm-alist-to-plist (cdr ctl)) (car ctl))
+            ;; what really needs to be done here is a way to link a
+            ;; MIME handle back to it's parent MIME handle (in a multilevel
+            ;; MIME article).  That would probably require changing
+            ;; the mm-handle API so we simply store the multipart buffert
+            ;; name as a text property of the "multipart/whatever" string.
+            (add-text-properties 0 (length (car ctl))
+                                 (list 'buffer (mm-copy-to-buffer)
+                                       'from from
+                                       'start start)
+                                 (car ctl))
+            (cons (car ctl) (mm-dissect-multipart ctl))))
+         (t
+          (mm-possibly-verify-or-decrypt
+           (mm-dissect-singlepart
+            ctl
+            (and cte (intern (downcase (mail-header-remove-whitespace
+                                        (mail-header-remove-comments
+                                         cte)))))
+            no-strict-mime
+            (and cd (ignore-errors
+                      (mail-header-parse-content-disposition cd)))
+            description id)
+           ctl))))
+       (when id
+         (when (string-match " *<\\(.*\\)> *" id)
+           (setq id (match-string 1 id)))
+         (push (cons id result) mm-content-id-alist))
+       result))))
+ (defun mm-dissect-singlepart (ctl cte &optional force cdl description id)
+   (when (or force
+           (if (equal "text/plain" (car ctl))
+               (assoc 'format ctl)
+             t))
+     (mm-make-handle
+      (mm-copy-to-buffer) ctl cte nil cdl description nil id)))
+ (defun mm-dissect-multipart (ctl)
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (let* ((boundary (concat "\n--" (mail-content-type-get ctl 'boundary)))
+        (close-delimiter (concat (regexp-quote boundary) "--[ \t]*$"))
+        start parts
+        (end (save-excursion
+               (goto-char (point-max))
+               (if (re-search-backward close-delimiter nil t)
+                   (match-beginning 0)
+                 (point-max)))))
+     (setq boundary (concat (regexp-quote boundary) "[ \t]*$"))
+     (while (and (< (point) end) (re-search-forward boundary end t))
+       (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+       (when start
+       (save-excursion
+         (save-restriction
+           (narrow-to-region start (point))
+           (setq parts (nconc (list (mm-dissect-buffer t)) parts)))))
+       (end-of-line 2)
+       (or (looking-at boundary)
+         (forward-line 1))
+       (setq start (point)))
+     (when (and start (< start end))
+       (save-excursion
+       (save-restriction
+         (narrow-to-region start end)
+         (setq parts (nconc (list (mm-dissect-buffer t)) parts)))))
+     (mm-possibly-verify-or-decrypt (nreverse parts) ctl)))
+ (defun mm-copy-to-buffer ()
+   "Copy the contents of the current buffer to a fresh buffer."
+   (save-excursion
+     (let ((obuf (current-buffer))
+         beg)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (search-forward-regexp "^\n" nil t)
+       (setq beg (point))
+       (set-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *mm*"))
+       (insert-buffer-substring obuf beg)
+       (current-buffer))))
+ (defun mm-display-parts (handle &optional no-default)
+   (if (stringp (car handle))
+       (mapcar 'mm-display-parts (cdr handle))
+     (if (bufferp (car handle))
+       (save-restriction
+         (narrow-to-region (point) (point))
+         (mm-display-part handle)
+         (goto-char (point-max)))
+       (mapcar 'mm-display-parts handle))))
+ (defun mm-display-part (handle &optional no-default)
+   "Display the MIME part represented by HANDLE.
+ Returns nil if the part is removed; inline if displayed inline;
+ external if displayed external."
+   (save-excursion
+     (mailcap-parse-mailcaps)
+     (if (mm-handle-displayed-p handle)
+       (mm-remove-part handle)
+       (let* ((type (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+            (method (mailcap-mime-info type))
+            (filename (or (mail-content-type-get
+                           (mm-handle-disposition handle) 'filename)
+                          (mail-content-type-get
+                           (mm-handle-type handle) 'name)
+                          "<file>"))
+            (external mm-enable-external))
+       (if (and (mm-inlinable-p handle)
+                (mm-inlined-p handle))
+           (progn
+             (forward-line 1)
+             (mm-display-inline handle)
+             'inline)
+         (when (or method
+                   (not no-default))
+           (if (and (not method)
+                    (equal "text" (car (split-string type))))
+               (progn
+                 (forward-line 1)
+                 (mm-insert-inline handle (mm-get-part handle))
+                 'inline)
+             (if (and method ;; If nil, we always use "save".
+                      (stringp method) ;; 'mailcap-save-binary-file
+                      (or (eq mm-enable-external t)
+                          (and (eq mm-enable-external 'ask)
+                               (y-or-n-p
+                                (concat
+                                 "Display part (" type
+                                 ") using external program"
+                                 ;; Can non-string method ever happen?
+                                 (if (stringp method)
+                                     (concat
+                                      " \"" (format method filename) "\"")
+                                   "")
+                                 "? ")))))
+                 (setq external t)
+               (setq external nil))
+             (if external
+                 (mm-display-external
+                  handle (or method 'mailcap-save-binary-file))
+               (mm-display-external
+                handle 'mailcap-save-binary-file)))))))))
+ (defun mm-display-external (handle method)
+   "Display HANDLE using METHOD."
+   (let ((outbuf (current-buffer)))
+     (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+       (if (functionp method)
+         (let ((cur (current-buffer)))
+           (if (eq method 'mailcap-save-binary-file)
+               (progn
+                 (set-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *mm*"))
+                 (setq method nil))
+             (mm-insert-part handle)
+             (let ((win (get-buffer-window cur t)))
+               (when win
+                 (select-window win)))
+             (switch-to-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *mm*")))
+           (buffer-disable-undo)
+           (mm-set-buffer-file-coding-system mm-binary-coding-system)
+           (insert-buffer-substring cur)
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (when method
+             (message "Viewing with %s" method))
+           (let ((mm (current-buffer))
+                 (non-viewer (assq 'non-viewer
+                                   (mailcap-mime-info
+                                    (mm-handle-media-type handle) t))))
+             (unwind-protect
+                 (if method
+                     (funcall method)
+                   (mm-save-part handle))
+               (when (and (not non-viewer)
+                          method)
+                 (mm-handle-set-undisplayer handle mm)))))
+       ;; The function is a string to be executed.
+       (mm-insert-part handle)
+       (let* ((dir (mm-make-temp-file
+                    (expand-file-name "emm." mm-tmp-directory) 'dir))
+              (filename (or
+                         (mail-content-type-get
+                          (mm-handle-disposition handle) 'filename)
+                         (mail-content-type-get
+                          (mm-handle-type handle) 'name)))
+              (mime-info (mailcap-mime-info
+                          (mm-handle-media-type handle) t))
+              (needsterm (or (assoc "needsterm" mime-info)
+                             (assoc "needsterminal" mime-info)))
+              (copiousoutput (assoc "copiousoutput" mime-info))
+              file buffer)
+         ;; We create a private sub-directory where we store our files.
+         (set-file-modes dir 448)
+         (if filename
+             (setq file (expand-file-name
+                         (gnus-map-function mm-file-name-rewrite-functions
+                                            (file-name-nondirectory filename))
+                         dir))
+           (setq file (mm-make-temp-file (expand-file-name "mm." dir))))
+         (let ((coding-system-for-write mm-binary-coding-system))
+           (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file nil 'nomesg))
+         (message "Viewing with %s" method)
+         (cond
+          (needsterm
+           (let ((command (mm-mailcap-command
+                           method file (mm-handle-type handle))))
+             (unwind-protect
+                 (if window-system
+                     (start-process "*display*" nil
+                                    mm-external-terminal-program
+                                    "-e" shell-file-name
+                                    shell-command-switch command)
+                   (require 'term)
+                   (require 'gnus-win)
+                   (set-buffer
+                    (setq buffer
+                          (make-term "display"
+                                     shell-file-name
+                                     nil
+                                     shell-command-switch command)))
+                   (term-mode)
+                   (term-char-mode)
+                   (set-process-sentinel
+                    (get-buffer-process buffer)
+                    `(lambda (process state)
+                       (if (eq 'exit (process-status process))
+                           (gnus-configure-windows
+                            ',gnus-current-window-configuration))))
+                   (gnus-configure-windows 'display-term))
+               (mm-handle-set-external-undisplayer handle (cons file buffer)))
+             (message "Displaying %s..." command))
+           'external)
+          (copiousoutput
+           (with-current-buffer outbuf
+             (forward-line 1)
+             (mm-insert-inline
+              handle
+              (unwind-protect
+                  (progn
+                    (call-process shell-file-name nil
+                                  (setq buffer
+                                        (generate-new-buffer " *mm*"))
+                                  nil
+                                  shell-command-switch
+                                  (mm-mailcap-command
+                                   method file (mm-handle-type handle)))
+                    (if (buffer-live-p buffer)
+                        (save-excursion
+                          (set-buffer buffer)
+                          (buffer-string))))
+                (progn
+                  (ignore-errors (delete-file file))
+                  (ignore-errors (delete-directory
+                                  (file-name-directory file)))
+                  (ignore-errors (kill-buffer buffer))))))
+           'inline)
+          (t
+           (let ((command (mm-mailcap-command
+                           method file (mm-handle-type handle))))
+             (unwind-protect
+                 (start-process "*display*"
+                                (setq buffer
+                                      (generate-new-buffer " *mm*"))
+                                shell-file-name
+                                shell-command-switch command)
+               (mm-handle-set-external-undisplayer
+                handle (cons file buffer)))
+             (message "Displaying %s..." command))
+           'external)))))))
+ (defun mm-mailcap-command (method file type-list)
+   (let ((ctl (cdr type-list))
+       (beg 0)
+       (uses-stdin t)
+       out sub total)
+     (while (string-match "%{\\([^}]+\\)}\\|'%s'\\|\"%s\"\\|%s\\|%t\\|%%"
+                        method beg)
+       (push (substring method beg (match-beginning 0)) out)
+       (setq beg (match-end 0)
+           total (match-string 0 method)
+           sub (match-string 1 method))
+       (cond
+        ((string= total "%%")
+       (push "%" out))
+        ((or (string= total "%s")
+           ;; We do our own quoting.
+           (string= total "'%s'")
+           (string= total "\"%s\""))
+       (setq uses-stdin nil)
+       (push (mm-quote-arg
+              (gnus-map-function mm-path-name-rewrite-functions file)) out))
+        ((string= total "%t")
+       (push (mm-quote-arg (car type-list)) out))
+        (t
+       (push (mm-quote-arg (or (cdr (assq (intern sub) ctl)) "")) out))))
+     (push (substring method beg (length method)) out)
+     (when uses-stdin
+       (push "<" out)
+       (push (mm-quote-arg
+            (gnus-map-function mm-path-name-rewrite-functions file))
+           out))
+     (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse out) "")))
+ (defun mm-remove-parts (handles)
+   "Remove the displayed MIME parts represented by HANDLES."
+   (if (and (listp handles)
+          (bufferp (car handles)))
+       (mm-remove-part handles)
+     (let (handle)
+       (while (setq handle (pop handles))
+       (cond
+        ((stringp handle)
+         (when (buffer-live-p (get-text-property 0 'buffer handle))
+           (kill-buffer (get-text-property 0 'buffer handle))))
+        ((and (listp handle)
+              (stringp (car handle)))
+         (mm-remove-parts (cdr handle)))
+        (t
+         (mm-remove-part handle)))))))
+ (defun mm-destroy-parts (handles)
+   "Remove the displayed MIME parts represented by HANDLES."
+   (if (and (listp handles)
+          (bufferp (car handles)))
+       (mm-destroy-part handles)
+     (let (handle)
+       (while (setq handle (pop handles))
+       (cond
+        ((stringp handle)
+         (when (buffer-live-p (get-text-property 0 'buffer handle))
+           (kill-buffer (get-text-property 0 'buffer handle))))
+        ((and (listp handle)
+              (stringp (car handle)))
+         (mm-destroy-parts handle))
+        (t
+         (mm-destroy-part handle)))))))
+ (defun mm-remove-part (handle)
+   "Remove the displayed MIME part represented by HANDLE."
+   (when (listp handle)
+     (let ((object (mm-handle-undisplayer handle)))
+       (ignore-errors
+       (cond
+        ;; Internally displayed part.
+        ((mm-annotationp object)
+         (delete-annotation object))
+        ((or (functionp object)
+             (and (listp object)
+                  (eq (car object) 'lambda)))
+         (funcall object))
+        ;; Externally displayed part.
+        ((consp object)
+         (condition-case ()
+             (while (get-buffer-process (cdr object))
+               (interrupt-process (get-buffer-process (cdr object)))
+               (message "Waiting for external displayer to die...")
+               (sit-for 1))
+           (quit)
+           (error))
+         (ignore-errors (and (cdr object) (kill-buffer (cdr object))))
+         (message "Waiting for external displayer to die...done")
+         (ignore-errors (delete-file (car object)))
+         (ignore-errors (delete-directory (file-name-directory
+                                           (car object)))))
+        ((bufferp object)
+         (when (buffer-live-p object)
+           (kill-buffer object)))))
+       (mm-handle-set-undisplayer handle nil))))
+ (defun mm-display-inline (handle)
+   (let* ((type (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+        (function (cadr (mm-assoc-string-match mm-inline-media-tests type))))
+     (funcall function handle)
+     (goto-char (point-min))))
+ (defun mm-assoc-string-match (alist type)
+   (dolist (elem alist)
+     (when (string-match (car elem) type)
+       (return elem))))
+ (defun mm-automatic-display-p (handle)
+   "Say whether the user wants HANDLE to be displayed automatically."
+   (let ((methods mm-automatic-display)
+       (type (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+       method result)
+     (while (setq method (pop methods))
+       (when (and (not (mm-inline-override-p handle))
+                (string-match method type))
+       (setq result t
+             methods nil)))
+     result))
+ (defun mm-inlinable-p (handle)
+   "Say whether HANDLE can be displayed inline."
+   (let ((alist mm-inline-media-tests)
+       (type (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+       test)
+     (while alist
+       (when (string-match (caar alist) type)
+       (setq test (caddar alist)
+             alist nil)
+       (setq test (funcall test handle)))
+       (pop alist))
+     test))
+ (defun mm-inlined-p (handle)
+   "Say whether the user wants HANDLE to be displayed inline."
+   (let ((methods mm-inlined-types)
+       (type (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+       method result)
+     (while (setq method (pop methods))
+       (when (and (not (mm-inline-override-p handle))
+                (string-match method type))
+       (setq result t
+             methods nil)))
+     result))
+ (defun mm-attachment-override-p (handle)
+   "Say whether HANDLE should have attachment behavior overridden."
+   (let ((types mm-attachment-override-types)
+       (type (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+       ty)
+     (catch 'found
+       (while (setq ty (pop types))
+       (when (and (string-match ty type)
+                  (mm-inlinable-p handle))
+         (throw 'found t))))))
+ (defun mm-inline-override-p (handle)
+   "Say whether HANDLE should have inline behavior overridden."
+   (let ((types mm-inline-override-types)
+       (type (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+       ty)
+     (catch 'found
+       (while (setq ty (pop types))
+       (when (string-match ty type)
+         (throw 'found t))))))
+ (defun mm-automatic-external-display-p (type)
+   "Return the user-defined method for TYPE."
+   (let ((methods mm-automatic-external-display)
+       method result)
+     (while (setq method (pop methods))
+       (when (string-match method type)
+       (setq result t
+             methods nil)))
+     result))
+ (defun mm-destroy-part (handle)
+   "Destroy the data structures connected to HANDLE."
+   (when (listp handle)
+     (mm-remove-part handle)
+     (when (buffer-live-p (mm-handle-buffer handle))
+       (kill-buffer (mm-handle-buffer handle)))))
+ (defun mm-handle-displayed-p (handle)
+   "Say whether HANDLE is displayed or not."
+   (mm-handle-undisplayer handle))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Functions for outputting parts
+ ;;;
+ (defun mm-get-part (handle)
+   "Return the contents of HANDLE as a string."
+   (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+     (insert (with-current-buffer (mm-handle-buffer handle)
+             (mm-with-unibyte-current-buffer
+               (buffer-string))))
+     (mm-decode-content-transfer-encoding
+      (mm-handle-encoding handle)
+      (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+     (buffer-string)))
+ (defun mm-insert-part (handle)
+   "Insert the contents of HANDLE in the current buffer."
+   (let ((cur (current-buffer)))
+     (save-excursion
+       (if (member (mm-handle-media-supertype handle) '("text" "message"))
+         (with-temp-buffer
+           (insert-buffer-substring (mm-handle-buffer handle))
+           (prog1
+               (mm-decode-content-transfer-encoding
+                (mm-handle-encoding handle)
+                (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+             (let ((temp (current-buffer)))
+               (set-buffer cur)
+               (insert-buffer-substring temp))))
+       (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+         (insert-buffer-substring (mm-handle-buffer handle))
+         (prog1
+             (mm-decode-content-transfer-encoding
+              (mm-handle-encoding handle)
+              (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+           (let ((temp (current-buffer)))
+             (set-buffer cur)
+             (insert-buffer-substring temp))))))))
+ (defun mm-file-name-delete-whitespace (file-name)
+   "Remove all whitespace characters from FILE-NAME."
+   (while (string-match "\\s-+" file-name)
+     (setq file-name (replace-match "" t t file-name)))
+   file-name)
+ (defun mm-file-name-trim-whitespace (file-name)
+   "Remove leading and trailing whitespace characters from FILE-NAME."
+   (when (string-match "\\`\\s-+" file-name)
+     (setq file-name (substring file-name (match-end 0))))
+   (when (string-match "\\s-+\\'" file-name)
+     (setq file-name (substring file-name 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+   file-name)
+ (defun mm-file-name-collapse-whitespace (file-name)
+   "Collapse multiple whitespace characters in FILE-NAME."
+   (while (string-match "\\s-\\s-+" file-name)
+     (setq file-name (replace-match " " t t file-name)))
+   file-name)
+ (defun mm-file-name-replace-whitespace (file-name)
+   "Replace whitespace characters in FILE-NAME with underscores.
+ Set the option `mm-file-name-replace-whitespace' to any other
+ string if you do not like underscores."
+   (let ((s (or mm-file-name-replace-whitespace "_")))
+     (while (string-match "\\s-" file-name)
+       (setq file-name (replace-match s t t file-name))))
+   file-name)
+ (defun mm-file-name-delete-control (filename)
+   "Delete control characters from FILENAME."
+   (gnus-replace-in-string filename "[\x00-\x1f\x7f]" ""))
+ (defun mm-file-name-delete-gotchas (filename)
+   "Delete shell gotchas from FILENAME."
+   (setq filename (gnus-replace-in-string filename "[<>|]" ""))
+   (gnus-replace-in-string filename "^[.-]+" ""))
+ (defun mm-save-part (handle)
+   "Write HANDLE to a file."
+   (let* ((name (mail-content-type-get (mm-handle-type handle) 'name))
+        (filename (mail-content-type-get
+                   (mm-handle-disposition handle) 'filename))
+        file)
+     (when filename
+       (setq filename (gnus-map-function mm-file-name-rewrite-functions
+                                       (file-name-nondirectory filename))))
+     (setq file
+         (read-file-name "Save MIME part to: "
+                         (or mm-default-directory default-directory)
+                         nil nil (or filename name "")))
+     (setq mm-default-directory (file-name-directory file))
+     (and (or (not (file-exists-p file))
+            (yes-or-no-p (format "File %s already exists; overwrite? "
+                                 file)))
+        (progn
+          (mm-save-part-to-file handle file)
+          file))))
+ (defun mm-save-part-to-file (handle file)
+   (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+     (mm-insert-part handle)
+     (let ((coding-system-for-write 'binary)
+         (current-file-modes (default-file-modes))
+         ;; Don't re-compress .gz & al.  Arguably we should make
+         ;; `file-name-handler-alist' nil, but that would chop
+         ;; ange-ftp, which is reasonable to use here.
+         (inhibit-file-name-operation 'write-region)
+         (inhibit-file-name-handlers
+          (cons 'jka-compr-handler inhibit-file-name-handlers)))
+       (set-default-file-modes mm-attachment-file-modes)
+       (unwind-protect
+         (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file)
+       (set-default-file-modes current-file-modes)))))
+ (defun mm-pipe-part (handle)
+   "Pipe HANDLE to a process."
+   (let* ((name (mail-content-type-get (mm-handle-type handle) 'name))
+        (command
+         (read-string "Shell command on MIME part: " mm-last-shell-command)))
+     (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+       (mm-insert-part handle)
+       (let ((coding-system-for-write 'binary))
+       (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) command nil)))))
+ (defun mm-interactively-view-part (handle)
+   "Display HANDLE using METHOD."
+   (let* ((type (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+        (methods
+         (mapcar (lambda (i) (list (cdr (assoc 'viewer i))))
+                 (mailcap-mime-info type 'all)))
+        (method (let ((minibuffer-local-completion-map
+                       mm-viewer-completion-map))
+                  (completing-read "Viewer: " methods))))
+     (when (string= method "")
+       (error "No method given"))
+     (if (string-match "^[^% \t]+$" method)
+       (setq method (concat method " %s")))
+     (mm-display-external handle method)))
+ (defun mm-preferred-alternative (handles &optional preferred)
+   "Say which of HANDLES are preferred."
+   (let ((prec (if preferred (list preferred)
+               (mm-preferred-alternative-precedence handles)))
+       p h result type handle)
+     (while (setq p (pop prec))
+       (setq h handles)
+       (while h
+       (setq handle (car h))
+       (setq type (mm-handle-media-type handle))
+       (when (and (equal p type)
+                  (mm-automatic-display-p handle)
+                  (or (stringp (car handle))
+                      (not (mm-handle-disposition handle))
+                      (equal (car (mm-handle-disposition handle))
+                             "inline")))
+         (setq result handle
+               h nil
+               prec nil))
+       (pop h)))
+     result))
+ (defun mm-preferred-alternative-precedence (handles)
+   "Return the precedence based on HANDLES and `mm-discouraged-alternatives'."
+   (let ((seq (nreverse (mapcar #'mm-handle-media-type
+                              handles))))
+     (dolist (disc (reverse mm-discouraged-alternatives))
+       (dolist (elem (copy-sequence seq))
+       (when (string-match disc elem)
+         (setq seq (nconc (delete elem seq) (list elem))))))
+     seq))
+ (defun mm-get-content-id (id)
+   "Return the handle(s) referred to by ID."
+   (cdr (assoc id mm-content-id-alist)))
+ (defconst mm-image-type-regexps
+   '(("/\\*.*XPM.\\*/" . xpm)
+     ("P[1-6]" . pbm)
+     ("GIF8" . gif)
+     ("\377\330" . jpeg)
+     ("\211PNG\r\n" . png)
+     ("#define" . xbm)
+     ("\\(MM\0\\*\\)\\|\\(II\\*\0\\)" . tiff)
+     ("%!PS" . postscript))
+   "Alist of (REGEXP . IMAGE-TYPE) pairs used to auto-detect image types.
+ When the first bytes of an image file match REGEXP, it is assumed to
+ be of image type IMAGE-TYPE.")
+ ;; Steal from image.el. image-type-from-data suffers multi-line matching bug.
+ (defun mm-image-type-from-buffer ()
+   "Determine the image type from data in the current buffer.
+ Value is a symbol specifying the image type or nil if type cannot
+ be determined."
+   (let ((types mm-image-type-regexps)
+       type)
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (while (and types (null type))
+       (let ((regexp (car (car types)))
+           (image-type (cdr (car types))))
+       (when (looking-at regexp)
+         (setq type image-type))
+       (setq types (cdr types))))
+     type))
+ (defun mm-get-image (handle)
+   "Return an image instance based on HANDLE."
+   (let ((type (mm-handle-media-subtype handle))
+       spec)
+     ;; Allow some common translations.
+     (setq type
+         (cond
+          ((equal type "x-pixmap")
+           "xpm")
+          ((equal type "x-xbitmap")
+           "xbm")
+          ((equal type "x-portable-bitmap")
+           "pbm")
+          (t type)))
+     (or (mm-handle-cache handle)
+       (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+         (mm-insert-part handle)
+         (prog1
+             (setq spec
+                   (ignore-errors
+                     ;; Avoid testing `make-glyph' since W3 may define
+                     ;; a bogus version of it.
+                     (if (fboundp 'create-image)
+                         (create-image (buffer-string)
+                                       (or (mm-image-type-from-buffer)
+                                           (intern type))
+                                       'data-p)
+                       (mm-create-image-xemacs type))))
+           (mm-handle-set-cache handle spec))))))
+ (defun mm-create-image-xemacs (type)
+   (cond
+    ((equal type "xbm")
+     ;; xbm images require special handling, since
+     ;; the only way to create glyphs from these
+     ;; (without a ton of work) is to write them
+     ;; out to a file, and then create a file
+     ;; specifier.
+     (let ((file (mm-make-temp-file
+                (expand-file-name "emm.xbm"
+                                  mm-tmp-directory))))
+       (unwind-protect
+         (progn
+           (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file)
+           (make-glyph (list (cons 'x file))))
+       (ignore-errors
+         (delete-file file)))))
+    (t
+     (make-glyph
+      (vector
+       (or (mm-image-type-from-buffer)
+         (intern type))
+       :data (buffer-string))))))
+ (defun mm-image-fit-p (handle)
+   "Say whether the image in HANDLE will fit the current window."
+   (let ((image (mm-get-image handle)))
+     (if (fboundp 'glyph-width)
+       ;; XEmacs' glyphs can actually tell us about their width, so
+       ;; lets be nice and smart about them.
+       (or mm-inline-large-images
+           (and (< (glyph-width image) (window-pixel-width))
+                (< (glyph-height image) (window-pixel-height))))
+       (let* ((size (image-size image))
+            (w (car size))
+            (h (cdr size)))
+       (or mm-inline-large-images
+           (and (< h (1- (window-height))) ; Don't include mode line.
+                (< w (window-width))))))))
+ (defun mm-valid-image-format-p (format)
+   "Say whether FORMAT can be displayed natively by Emacs."
+   (cond
+    ;; Handle XEmacs
+    ((fboundp 'valid-image-instantiator-format-p)
+     (valid-image-instantiator-format-p format))
+    ;; Handle Emacs 21
+    ((fboundp 'image-type-available-p)
+     (and (display-graphic-p)
+        (image-type-available-p format)))
+    ;; Nobody else can do images yet.
+    (t
+     nil)))
+ (defun mm-valid-and-fit-image-p (format handle)
+   "Say whether FORMAT can be displayed natively and HANDLE fits the window."
+   (and (mm-valid-image-format-p format)
+        (mm-image-fit-p handle)))
+ (defun mm-find-part-by-type (handles type &optional notp recursive)
+   "Search in HANDLES for part with TYPE.
+ If NOTP, returns first non-matching part.
+ If RECURSIVE, search recursively."
+   (let (handle)
+     (while handles
+       (if (and recursive (stringp (caar handles)))
+         (if (setq handle (mm-find-part-by-type (cdar handles) type
+                                                notp recursive))
+             (setq handles nil))
+       (if (if notp
+               (not (equal (mm-handle-media-type (car handles)) type))
+             (equal (mm-handle-media-type (car handles)) type))
+           (setq handle (car handles)
+                 handles nil)))
+       (setq handles (cdr handles)))
+     handle))
+ (defun mm-find-raw-part-by-type (ctl type &optional notp)
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (let* ((boundary (concat "--" (mm-handle-multipart-ctl-parameter ctl
+                                                                  'boundary)))
+        (close-delimiter (concat "^" (regexp-quote boundary) "--[ \t]*$"))
+        start
+        (end (save-excursion
+               (goto-char (point-max))
+               (if (re-search-backward close-delimiter nil t)
+                   (match-beginning 0)
+                 (point-max))))
+        result)
+     (setq boundary (concat "^" (regexp-quote boundary) "[ \t]*$"))
+     (while (and (not result)
+               (re-search-forward boundary end t))
+       (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+       (when start
+       (save-excursion
+         (save-restriction
+           (narrow-to-region start (1- (point)))
+           (when (let ((ctl (ignore-errors
+                              (mail-header-parse-content-type
+                               (mail-fetch-field "content-type")))))
+                   (if notp
+                       (not (equal (car ctl) type))
+                     (equal (car ctl) type)))
+             (setq result (buffer-string))))))
+       (forward-line 1)
+       (setq start (point)))
+     (when (and (not result) start)
+       (save-excursion
+       (save-restriction
+         (narrow-to-region start end)
+         (when (let ((ctl (ignore-errors
+                            (mail-header-parse-content-type
+                             (mail-fetch-field "content-type")))))
+                 (if notp
+                     (not (equal (car ctl) type))
+                   (equal (car ctl) type)))
+           (setq result (buffer-string))))))
+     result))
+ (defvar mm-security-handle nil)
+ (defsubst mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter (handle parameter value)
+   ;; HANDLE could be a CTL.
+   (when handle
+     (put-text-property 0 (length (car handle)) parameter value
+                      (car handle))))
+ (defun mm-possibly-verify-or-decrypt (parts ctl)
+   (let ((type (car ctl))
+       (subtype (cadr (split-string (car ctl) "/")))
+       (mm-security-handle ctl) ;; (car CTL) is the type.
+       protocol func functest)
+     (cond
+      ((or (equal type "application/x-pkcs7-mime")
+         (equal type "application/pkcs7-mime"))
+       (with-temp-buffer
+       (when (and (cond
+                   ((eq mm-decrypt-option 'never) nil)
+                   ((eq mm-decrypt-option 'always) t)
+                   ((eq mm-decrypt-option 'known) t)
+                   (t (y-or-n-p
+                       (format "Decrypt (S/MIME) part? "))))
+                  (mm-view-pkcs7 parts))
+         (setq parts (mm-dissect-buffer t)))))
+      ((equal subtype "signed")
+       (unless (and (setq protocol
+                        (mm-handle-multipart-ctl-parameter ctl 'protocol))
+                  (not (equal protocol "multipart/mixed")))
+       ;; The message is broken or draft-ietf-openpgp-multsig-01.
+       (let ((protocols mm-verify-function-alist))
+         (while protocols
+           (if (and (or (not (setq functest (nth 3 (car protocols))))
+                        (funcall functest parts ctl))
+                    (mm-find-part-by-type parts (caar protocols) nil t))
+               (setq protocol (caar protocols)
+                     protocols nil)
+             (setq protocols (cdr protocols))))))
+       (setq func (nth 1 (assoc protocol mm-verify-function-alist)))
+       (when (cond
+            ((eq mm-verify-option 'never) nil)
+            ((eq mm-verify-option 'always) t)
+            ((eq mm-verify-option 'known)
+             (and func
+                  (or (not (setq functest
+                                 (nth 3 (assoc protocol
+                                               mm-verify-function-alist))))
+                      (funcall functest parts ctl))))
+            (t
+             (y-or-n-p
+              (format "Verify signed (%s) part? "
+                      (or (nth 2 (assoc protocol mm-verify-function-alist))
+                          (format "protocol=%s" protocol))))))
+       (save-excursion
+         (if func
+             (funcall func parts ctl)
+           (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+            mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+            (format "Unknown sign protocol (%s)" protocol))))))
+      ((equal subtype "encrypted")
+       (unless (setq protocol
+                   (mm-handle-multipart-ctl-parameter ctl 'protocol))
+       ;; The message is broken.
+       (let ((parts parts))
+         (while parts
+           (if (assoc (mm-handle-media-type (car parts))
+                      mm-decrypt-function-alist)
+               (setq protocol (mm-handle-media-type (car parts))
+                     parts nil)
+             (setq parts (cdr parts))))))
+       (setq func (nth 1 (assoc protocol mm-decrypt-function-alist)))
+       (when (cond
+            ((eq mm-decrypt-option 'never) nil)
+            ((eq mm-decrypt-option 'always) t)
+            ((eq mm-decrypt-option 'known)
+             (and func
+                  (or (not (setq functest
+                                 (nth 3 (assoc protocol
+                                               mm-decrypt-function-alist))))
+                      (funcall functest parts ctl))))
+            (t
+             (y-or-n-p
+              (format "Decrypt (%s) part? "
+                      (or (nth 2 (assoc protocol mm-decrypt-function-alist))
+                          (format "protocol=%s" protocol))))))
+       (save-excursion
+         (if func
+             (setq parts (funcall func parts ctl))
+           (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+            mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+            (format "Unknown encrypt protocol (%s)" protocol))))))
+      (t nil))
+     parts))
+ (defun mm-multiple-handles (handles)
+   (and (listp (car handles))
+        (> (length handles) 1)))
+ (defun mm-merge-handles (handles1 handles2)
+   (append
+    (if (listp (car handles1))
+        handles1
+      (list handles1))
+    (if (listp (car handles2))
+        handles2
+      (list handles2))))
+ (defun mm-readable-p (handle)
+   "Say whether the content of HANDLE is readable."
+   (and (< (with-current-buffer (mm-handle-buffer handle)
+           (buffer-size)) 10000)
+        (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+        (mm-insert-part handle)
+        (and (eq (mm-body-7-or-8) '7bit)
+             (not (mm-long-lines-p 76))))))
+ (provide 'mm-decode)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 4f35d360-56b8-4030-9388-3ed82d359b9b
+ ;;; mm-decode.el ends here

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