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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnmh.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnmh.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:12:40 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/nnmh.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/nnmh.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:47:14 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/nnmh.el     Thu Jul 22 16:45:51 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,587 ----
+ ;;; nnmh.el --- mhspool access for Gnus
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003
+ ;;    Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
+ ;;    Masanobu UMEDA <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: news, mail
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; Based on nnspool.el by Masanobu UMEDA <address@hidden>.
+ ;; For an overview of what the interface functions do, please see the
+ ;; Gnus sources.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'nnheader)
+ (require 'nnmail)
+ (require 'gnus-start)
+ (require 'nnoo)
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (nnoo-declare nnmh)
+ (defvoo nnmh-directory message-directory
+   "Mail spool directory.")
+ (defvoo nnmh-get-new-mail t
+   "If non-nil, nnmh will check the incoming mail file and split the mail.")
+ (defvoo nnmh-prepare-save-mail-hook nil
+   "Hook run narrowed to an article before saving.")
+ (defvoo nnmh-be-safe nil
+   "If non-nil, nnmh will check all articles to make sure whether they are new 
or not.
+ Go through the .nnmh-articles file and compare with the actual
+ articles in this folder.  The articles that are \"new\" will be marked
+ as unread by Gnus.")
+ (defconst nnmh-version "nnmh 1.0"
+   "nnmh version.")
+ (defvoo nnmh-current-directory nil
+   "Current news group directory.")
+ (defvoo nnmh-status-string "")
+ (defvoo nnmh-group-alist nil)
+ ;; Don't even think about setting this variable.  It does not exist.
+ ;; Forget about it.  Uh-huh.  Nope.  Nobody here.  It's only bound
+ ;; dynamically by certain functions in nndraft.
+ (defvar nnmh-allow-delete-final nil)
+ ;;; Interface functions.
+ (nnoo-define-basics nnmh)
+ (deffoo nnmh-retrieve-headers (articles &optional newsgroup server fetch-old)
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+     (erase-buffer)
+     (let* ((file nil)
+          (number (length articles))
+          (large (and (numberp nnmail-large-newsgroup)
+                      (> number nnmail-large-newsgroup)))
+          (count 0)
+          (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+          beg article)
+       (nnmh-possibly-change-directory newsgroup server)
+       ;; We don't support fetching by Message-ID.
+       (if (stringp (car articles))
+         'headers
+       (while articles
+         (when (and (file-exists-p
+                     (setq file (concat (file-name-as-directory
+                                         nnmh-current-directory)
+                                        (int-to-string
+                                         (setq article (pop articles))))))
+                    (not (file-directory-p file)))
+           (insert (format "221 %d Article retrieved.\n" article))
+           (setq beg (point))
+           (nnheader-insert-head file)
+           (goto-char beg)
+           (if (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
+               (forward-char -1)
+             (goto-char (point-max))
+             (insert "\n\n"))
+           (insert ".\n")
+           (delete-region (point) (point-max)))
+         (setq count (1+ count))
+         (and large
+              (zerop (% count 20))
+              (nnheader-message 5 "nnmh: Receiving headers... %d%%"
+                                (/ (* count 100) number))))
+       (when large
+         (nnheader-message 5 "nnmh: Receiving headers...done"))
+       (nnheader-fold-continuation-lines)
+       'headers))))
+ (deffoo nnmh-open-server (server &optional defs)
+   (nnoo-change-server 'nnmh server defs)
+   (when (not (file-exists-p nnmh-directory))
+     (condition-case ()
+       (make-directory nnmh-directory t)
+       (error t)))
+   (cond
+    ((not (file-exists-p nnmh-directory))
+     (nnmh-close-server)
+     (nnheader-report 'nnmh "Couldn't create directory: %s" nnmh-directory))
+    ((not (file-directory-p (file-truename nnmh-directory)))
+     (nnmh-close-server)
+     (nnheader-report 'nnmh "Not a directory: %s" nnmh-directory))
+    (t
+     (nnheader-report 'nnmh "Opened server %s using directory %s"
+                    server nnmh-directory)
+     t)))
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-article (id &optional newsgroup server buffer)
+   (nnmh-possibly-change-directory newsgroup server)
+   (let ((file (if (stringp id)
+                 nil
+               (concat nnmh-current-directory (int-to-string id))))
+       (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+       (nntp-server-buffer (or buffer nntp-server-buffer)))
+     (and (stringp file)
+        (file-exists-p file)
+        (not (file-directory-p file))
+        (save-excursion (nnmail-find-file file))
+        (string-to-int (file-name-nondirectory file)))))
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-group (group &optional server dont-check)
+   (nnheader-init-server-buffer)
+   (nnmh-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (let ((pathname (nnmail-group-pathname group nnmh-directory))
+       (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+       dir)
+     (cond
+      ((not (file-directory-p pathname))
+       (nnheader-report
+        'nnmh "Can't select group (no such directory): %s" group))
+      (t
+       (setq nnmh-current-directory pathname)
+       (and nnmh-get-new-mail
+          nnmh-be-safe
+          (nnmh-update-gnus-unreads group))
+       (cond
+        (dont-check
+       (nnheader-report 'nnmh "Selected group %s" group)
+       t)
+        (t
+       ;; Re-scan the directory if it's on a foreign system.
+       (nnheader-re-read-dir pathname)
+       (setq dir
+             (sort
+              (mapcar (lambda (name) (string-to-int name))
+                      (directory-files pathname nil "^[0-9]+$" t))
+              '<))
+       (cond
+        (dir
+         (setq nnmh-group-alist
+               (delq (assoc group nnmh-group-alist) nnmh-group-alist))
+         (push (list group (cons (car dir) (car (last dir))))
+               nnmh-group-alist)
+         (nnheader-report 'nnmh "Selected group %s" group)
+         (nnheader-insert
+          "211 %d %d %d %s\n" (length dir) (car dir)
+          (car (last dir)) group))
+        (t
+         (nnheader-report 'nnmh "Empty group %s" group)
+         (nnheader-insert (format "211 0 1 0 %s\n" group))))))))))
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-scan (&optional group server)
+   (nnmail-get-new-mail 'nnmh nil nnmh-directory group))
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-list (&optional server dir)
+   (nnheader-insert "")
+   (nnmh-possibly-change-directory nil server)
+   (let ((file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+       (nnmh-toplev
+        (file-truename (or dir (file-name-as-directory nnmh-directory)))))
+     (nnmh-request-list-1 nnmh-toplev))
+   (setq nnmh-group-alist (nnmail-get-active))
+   t)
+ (defvar nnmh-toplev)
+ (defun nnmh-request-list-1 (dir)
+   (setq dir (expand-file-name dir))
+   ;; Recurse down all directories.
+   (let ((dirs (and (file-readable-p dir)
+                  (> (nth 1 (file-attributes (file-chase-links dir))) 2)
+                  (nnheader-directory-files dir t nil t)))
+       rdir)
+     ;; Recurse down directories.
+     (while (setq rdir (pop dirs))
+       (when (and (file-directory-p rdir)
+                (file-readable-p rdir)
+                (not (equal (file-truename rdir)
+                            (file-truename dir))))
+       (nnmh-request-list-1 rdir))))
+   ;; For each directory, generate an active file line.
+   (unless (string= (expand-file-name nnmh-toplev) dir)
+     (let ((files (mapcar
+                 (lambda (name) (string-to-int name))
+                 (directory-files dir nil "^[0-9]+$" t))))
+       (when files
+       (save-excursion
+         (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+         (goto-char (point-max))
+         (insert
+          (format
+           "%s %.0f %.0f y\n"
+           (progn
+             (string-match
+              (regexp-quote
+               (file-truename (file-name-as-directory
+                               (expand-file-name nnmh-toplev))))
+              dir)
+             (mm-string-as-multibyte
+              (mm-encode-coding-string
+               (nnheader-replace-chars-in-string
+                (substring dir (match-end 0))
+                ?/ ?.)
+               nnmail-pathname-coding-system)))
+           (apply 'max files)
+           (apply 'min files)))))))
+   t)
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-newgroups (date &optional server)
+   (nnmh-request-list server))
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-expire-articles (articles newsgroup
+                                              &optional server force)
+   (nnmh-possibly-change-directory newsgroup server)
+   (let* ((is-old t)
+        article rest mod-time)
+     (nnheader-init-server-buffer)
+     (while (and articles is-old)
+       (setq article (concat nnmh-current-directory
+                           (int-to-string (car articles))))
+       (when (setq mod-time (nth 5 (file-attributes article)))
+       (if (and (nnmh-deletable-article-p newsgroup (car articles))
+                (setq is-old
+                      (nnmail-expired-article-p newsgroup mod-time force)))
+           (progn
+             ;; Allow a special target group. -- jcn
+             (unless (eq nnmail-expiry-target 'delete)
+               (with-temp-buffer
+                 (nnmh-request-article (car articles)
+                                       newsgroup server (current-buffer))
+                 (nnmail-expiry-target-group
+                  nnmail-expiry-target newsgroup)))
+             (nnheader-message 5 "Deleting article %s in %s..."
+                               article newsgroup)
+             (condition-case ()
+                 (funcall nnmail-delete-file-function article)
+               (file-error
+                (nnheader-message 1 "Couldn't delete article %s in %s"
+                                  article newsgroup)
+                (push (car articles) rest))))
+         (push (car articles) rest)))
+       (setq articles (cdr articles)))
+     (nnheader-message 5 "")
+     (nconc rest articles)))
+ (deffoo nnmh-close-group (group &optional server)
+   t)
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-move-article (article group server
+                                          accept-form &optional last)
+   (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *nnmh move*"))
+       result)
+     (and
+      (nnmh-deletable-article-p group article)
+      (nnmh-request-article article group server)
+      (save-excursion
+        (set-buffer buf)
+        (erase-buffer)
+        (insert-buffer-substring nntp-server-buffer)
+        (setq result (eval accept-form))
+        (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+        result)
+      (progn
+        (nnmh-possibly-change-directory group server)
+        (condition-case ()
+          (funcall nnmail-delete-file-function
+                   (concat nnmh-current-directory (int-to-string article)))
+        (file-error nil))))
+     result))
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-accept-article (group &optional server last noinsert)
+   (nnmh-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (nnmail-check-syntax)
+   (when nnmail-cache-accepted-message-ids
+     (nnmail-cache-insert (nnmail-fetch-field "message-id") 
+                        group
+                        (nnmail-fetch-field "subject")
+                        (nnmail-fetch-field "from")))
+   (nnheader-init-server-buffer)
+   (prog1
+       (if (stringp group)
+         (if noinsert
+             (nnmh-active-number group)
+           (car (nnmh-save-mail
+                 (list (cons group (nnmh-active-number group)))
+                 noinsert)))
+       (let ((res (nnmail-article-group 'nnmh-active-number)))
+         (if (and (null res)
+                  (yes-or-no-p "Moved to `junk' group; delete article? "))
+             'junk
+           (car (nnmh-save-mail res noinsert)))))
+     (when (and last nnmail-cache-accepted-message-ids)
+       (nnmail-cache-close))))
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-replace-article (article group buffer)
+   (nnmh-possibly-change-directory group)
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer buffer)
+     (nnmh-possibly-create-directory group)
+     (ignore-errors
+       (nnmail-write-region
+        (point-min) (point-max)
+        (concat nnmh-current-directory (int-to-string article))
+        nil (if (nnheader-be-verbose 5) nil 'nomesg))
+       t)))
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-create-group (group &optional server args)
+   (nnheader-init-server-buffer)
+   (unless (assoc group nnmh-group-alist)
+     (let (active)
+       (push (list group (setq active (cons 1 0)))
+           nnmh-group-alist)
+       (nnmh-possibly-create-directory group)
+       (nnmh-possibly-change-directory group server)
+       (let ((articles (mapcar
+                      (lambda (file)
+                        (string-to-int file))
+                      (directory-files
+                       nnmh-current-directory nil "^[0-9]+$"))))
+       (when articles
+         (setcar active (apply 'min articles))
+         (setcdr active (apply 'max articles))))))
+   t)
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-delete-group (group &optional force server)
+   (nnmh-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   ;; Delete all articles in GROUP.
+   (if (not force)
+       ()                              ; Don't delete the articles.
+     (let ((articles (directory-files nnmh-current-directory t "^[0-9]+$")))
+       (while articles
+       (when (file-writable-p (car articles))
+         (nnheader-message 5 "Deleting article %s in %s..."
+                           (car articles) group)
+         (funcall nnmail-delete-file-function (car articles)))
+       (setq articles (cdr articles))))
+     ;; Try to delete the directory itself.
+     (ignore-errors
+       (delete-directory nnmh-current-directory)))
+   ;; Remove the group from all structures.
+   (setq nnmh-group-alist
+       (delq (assoc group nnmh-group-alist) nnmh-group-alist)
+       nnmh-current-directory nil)
+   t)
+ (deffoo nnmh-request-rename-group (group new-name &optional server)
+   (nnmh-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (let ((new-dir (nnmail-group-pathname new-name nnmh-directory))
+       (old-dir (nnmail-group-pathname group nnmh-directory)))
+     (when (ignore-errors
+           (make-directory new-dir t)
+           t)
+       ;; We move the articles file by file instead of renaming
+       ;; the directory -- there may be subgroups in this group.
+       ;; One might be more clever, I guess.
+       (let ((files (nnheader-article-to-file-alist old-dir)))
+       (while files
+         (rename-file
+          (concat old-dir (cdar files))
+          (concat new-dir (cdar files)))
+         (pop files)))
+       (when (<= (length (directory-files old-dir)) 2)
+       (ignore-errors
+         (delete-directory old-dir)))
+       ;; That went ok, so we change the internal structures.
+       (let ((entry (assoc group nnmh-group-alist)))
+       (when entry
+         (setcar entry new-name))
+       (setq nnmh-current-directory nil)
+       t))))
+ (nnoo-define-skeleton nnmh)
+ ;;; Internal functions.
+ (defun nnmh-possibly-change-directory (newsgroup &optional server)
+   (when (and server
+            (not (nnmh-server-opened server)))
+     (nnmh-open-server server))
+   (when newsgroup
+     (let ((pathname (nnmail-group-pathname newsgroup nnmh-directory))
+         (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system))
+       (if (file-directory-p pathname)
+         (setq nnmh-current-directory pathname)
+       (nnheader-report 'nnmh "Not a directory: %s" nnmh-directory)))))
+ (defun nnmh-possibly-create-directory (group)
+   (let (dir dirs)
+     (setq dir (nnmail-group-pathname group nnmh-directory))
+     (while (not (file-directory-p dir))
+       (push dir dirs)
+       (setq dir (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))
+     (while dirs
+       (when (make-directory (directory-file-name (car dirs)))
+       (error "Could not create directory %s" (car dirs)))
+       (nnheader-message 5 "Creating mail directory %s" (car dirs))
+       (setq dirs (cdr dirs)))))
+ (defun nnmh-save-mail (group-art &optional noinsert)
+   "Called narrowed to an article."
+   (unless noinsert
+     (nnmail-insert-lines)
+     (nnmail-insert-xref group-art))
+   (run-hooks 'nnmail-prepare-save-mail-hook)
+   (run-hooks 'nnmh-prepare-save-mail-hook)
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (while (looking-at "From ")
+     (replace-match "X-From-Line: ")
+     (forward-line 1))
+   ;; We save the article in all the newsgroups it belongs in.
+   (let ((ga group-art)
+       first)
+     (while ga
+       (nnmh-possibly-create-directory (caar ga))
+       (let ((file (concat (nnmail-group-pathname
+                          (caar ga) nnmh-directory)
+                         (int-to-string (cdar ga)))))
+       (if first
+           ;; It was already saved, so we just make a hard link.
+           (funcall nnmail-crosspost-link-function first file t)
+         ;; Save the article.
+         (nnmail-write-region (point-min) (point-max) file nil nil)
+         (setq first file)))
+       (setq ga (cdr ga))))
+   group-art)
+ (defun nnmh-active-number (group)
+   "Compute the next article number in GROUP."
+   (let ((active (cadr (assoc group nnmh-group-alist)))
+       (dir (nnmail-group-pathname group nnmh-directory))
+       (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+       file)
+     (unless active
+       ;; The group wasn't known to nnmh, so we just create an active
+       ;; entry for it.
+       (setq active (cons 1 0))
+       (push (list group active) nnmh-group-alist)
+       (unless (file-exists-p dir)
+       (gnus-make-directory dir))
+       ;; Find the highest number in the group.
+       (let ((files (sort
+                   (mapcar
+                    (lambda (f)
+                      (string-to-int f))
+                    (directory-files dir nil "^[0-9]+$"))
+                   '>)))
+       (when files
+         (setcdr active (car files)))))
+     (setcdr active (1+ (cdr active)))
+     (while (or
+           ;; See whether the file exists...
+           (file-exists-p
+            (setq file (concat (nnmail-group-pathname group nnmh-directory)
+                               (int-to-string (cdr active)))))
+           ;; ... or there is a buffer that will make that file exist
+           ;; in the future.
+           (get-file-buffer file))
+       ;; Skip past that file.
+       (setcdr active (1+ (cdr active))))
+     (cdr active)))
+ (defun nnmh-update-gnus-unreads (group)
+   ;; Go through the .nnmh-articles file and compare with the actual
+   ;; articles in this folder.  The articles that are "new" will be
+   ;; marked as unread by Gnus.
+   (let* ((dir nnmh-current-directory)
+        (files (sort (mapcar (function (lambda (name) (string-to-int name)))
+                             (directory-files nnmh-current-directory
+                                              nil "^[0-9]+$" t))
+                     '<))
+        (nnmh-file (concat dir ".nnmh-articles"))
+        new articles)
+     ;; Load the .nnmh-articles file.
+     (when (file-exists-p nnmh-file)
+       (setq articles
+           (let (nnmh-newsgroup-articles)
+             (ignore-errors (load nnmh-file nil t t))
+             nnmh-newsgroup-articles)))
+     ;; Add all new articles to the `new' list.
+     (let ((art files))
+       (while art
+       (unless (assq (car art) articles)
+         (push (car art) new))
+       (setq art (cdr art))))
+     ;; Remove all deleted articles.
+     (let ((art articles))
+       (while art
+       (unless (memq (caar art) files)
+         (setq articles (delq (car art) articles)))
+       (setq art (cdr art))))
+     ;; Check whether the articles really are the ones that Gnus thinks
+     ;; they are by looking at the time-stamps.
+     (let ((arts articles)
+         art)
+       (while (setq art (pop arts))
+       (when (not (equal
+                   (nth 5 (file-attributes
+                           (concat dir (int-to-string (car art)))))
+                   (cdr art)))
+         (setq articles (delq art articles))
+         (push (car art) new))))
+     ;; Go through all the new articles and add them, and their
+     ;; time-stamps, to the list.
+     (setq articles
+         (nconc articles
+                (mapcar
+                 (lambda (art)
+                   (cons art
+                         (nth 5 (file-attributes
+                                 (concat dir (int-to-string art))))))
+                 new)))
+     ;; Make Gnus mark all new articles as unread.
+     (when new
+       (gnus-make-articles-unread
+        (gnus-group-prefixed-name group (list 'nnmh ""))
+        (setq new (sort new '<))))
+     ;; Sort the article list with highest numbers first.
+     (setq articles (sort articles (lambda (art1 art2)
+                                   (> (car art1) (car art2)))))
+     ;; Finally write this list back to the .nnmh-articles file.
+     (with-temp-file nnmh-file
+       (insert ";; Gnus article active file for " group "\n\n")
+       (insert "(setq nnmh-newsgroup-articles '")
+       (gnus-prin1 articles)
+       (insert ")\n"))))
+ (defun nnmh-deletable-article-p (group article)
+   "Say whether ARTICLE in GROUP can be deleted."
+   (let ((path (concat nnmh-current-directory (int-to-string article))))
+     ;; Writable.
+     (and (file-writable-p path)
+        (or
+         ;; We can never delete the last article in the group.
+         (not (eq (cdr (nth 1 (assoc group nnmh-group-alist)))
+                  article))
+         ;; Well, we can.
+         nnmh-allow-delete-final))))
+ (provide 'nnmh)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 36c12a98-3bad-44b3-9953-628078ef0e04
+ ;;; nnmh.el ends here

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