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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-nocem.el [gnus-5_10-branch

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-nocem.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:14:13 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-nocem.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-nocem.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:46:21 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-nocem.el       Thu Jul 22 16:45:47 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,394 ----
+ ;;; gnus-nocem.el --- NoCeM pseudo-cancellation treatment
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004
+ ;;        Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: news
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (require 'nnmail)
+ (require 'gnus-art)
+ (require 'gnus-sum)
+ (require 'gnus-range)
+ (defgroup gnus-nocem nil
+   "NoCeM pseudo-cancellation treatment"
+   :group 'gnus-score)
+ (defcustom gnus-nocem-groups
+   '("news.lists.filters" "news.admin.net-abuse.bulletins"
+     "alt.nocem.misc" "news.admin.net-abuse.announce")
+   "*List of groups that will be searched for NoCeM messages."
+   :group 'gnus-nocem
+   :type '(repeat (string :tag "Group")))
+ (defcustom gnus-nocem-issuers
+   '("AutoMoose-1"                     ; CancelMoose[tm]
+     "address@hidden"          ; Chris Lewis
+     "cosmo.roadkill"
+     "SpamHippo"
+     "address@hidden")
+   "*List of NoCeM issuers to pay attention to.
+ This can also be a list of `(ISSUER CONDITION ...)' elements.
+ See <URL:http://www.xs4all.nl/~rosalind/nocemreg/nocemreg.html> for an
+ issuer registry."
+   :group 'gnus-nocem
+   :link '(url-link "http://www.xs4all.nl/~rosalind/nocemreg/nocemreg.html";)
+   :type '(repeat (choice string sexp)))
+ (defcustom gnus-nocem-directory
+   (nnheader-concat gnus-article-save-directory "NoCeM/")
+   "*Directory where NoCeM files will be stored."
+   :group 'gnus-nocem
+   :type 'directory)
+ (defcustom gnus-nocem-expiry-wait 15
+   "*Number of days to keep NoCeM headers in the cache."
+   :group 'gnus-nocem
+   :type 'integer)
+ (defcustom gnus-nocem-verifyer 'mc-verify
+   "*Function called to verify that the NoCeM message is valid.
+ One likely value is `mc-verify'.  If the function in this variable
+ isn't bound, the message will be used unconditionally."
+   :group 'gnus-nocem
+   :type '(radio (function-item mc-verify)
+               (function :tag "other")))
+ (defcustom gnus-nocem-liberal-fetch nil
+   "*If t try to fetch all messages which have @@NCM in the subject.
+ Otherwise don't fetch messages which have references or whose message-id
+ matches a previously scanned and verified nocem message."
+   :group 'gnus-nocem
+   :type 'boolean)
+ (defcustom gnus-nocem-check-article-limit 500
+   "*If non-nil, the maximum number of articles to check in any NoCeM group."
+   :group 'gnus-nocem
+   :version "21.1"
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "unlimited" nil)
+                (integer 1000)))
+ (defcustom gnus-nocem-check-from t
+   "Non-nil means check for valid issuers in message bodies.
+ Otherwise don't bother fetching articles unless their author matches a
+ valid issuer, which is much faster if you are selective about the issuers."
+   :group 'gnus-nocem
+   :version "21.1"
+   :type 'boolean)
+ ;;; Internal variables
+ (defvar gnus-nocem-active nil)
+ (defvar gnus-nocem-alist nil)
+ (defvar gnus-nocem-touched-alist nil)
+ (defvar gnus-nocem-hashtb nil)
+ (defvar gnus-nocem-seen-message-ids nil)
+ ;;; Functions
+ (defun gnus-nocem-active-file ()
+   (concat (file-name-as-directory gnus-nocem-directory) "active"))
+ (defun gnus-nocem-cache-file ()
+   (concat (file-name-as-directory gnus-nocem-directory) "cache"))
+ ;;
+ ;; faster lookups for group names:
+ ;;
+ (defvar gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb nil
+   "Real-name mappings of subscribed groups.")
+ (defun gnus-fill-real-hashtb ()
+   "Fill up a hash table with the real-name mappings from the user's active 
+   (setq gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb (gnus-make-hashtable
+                                     (length gnus-newsrc-alist)))
+   (mapcar (lambda (group)
+           (setq group (gnus-group-real-name (car group)))
+           (gnus-sethash group t gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb))
+         gnus-newsrc-alist))
+ (defun gnus-nocem-scan-groups ()
+   "Scan all NoCeM groups for new NoCeM messages."
+   (interactive)
+   (let ((groups gnus-nocem-groups)
+       (gnus-inhibit-demon t)
+       group active gactive articles check-headers)
+     (gnus-make-directory gnus-nocem-directory)
+     ;; Load any previous NoCeM headers.
+     (gnus-nocem-load-cache)
+     ;; Get the group name mappings:
+     (gnus-fill-real-hashtb)
+     ;; Read the active file if it hasn't been read yet.
+     (and (file-exists-p (gnus-nocem-active-file))
+        (not gnus-nocem-active)
+        (ignore-errors
+          (load (gnus-nocem-active-file) t t t)))
+     ;; Go through all groups and see whether new articles have
+     ;; arrived.
+     (while (setq group (pop groups))
+       (if (not (setq gactive (gnus-activate-group group)))
+         ()                            ; This group doesn't exist.
+       (setq active (nth 1 (assoc group gnus-nocem-active)))
+       (when (and (not (< (cdr gactive) (car gactive))) ; Empty group.
+                  (or (not active)
+                      (< (cdr active) (cdr gactive))))
+         ;; Ok, there are new articles in this group, se we fetch the
+         ;; headers.
+         (save-excursion
+           (let ((dependencies (make-vector 10 nil))
+                 headers header)
+             (with-temp-buffer
+               (setq headers
+                     (if (eq 'nov
+                             (gnus-retrieve-headers
+                              (setq articles
+                                    (gnus-uncompress-range
+                                     (cons
+                                      (if active (1+ (cdr active))
+                                        (car gactive))
+                                      (cdr gactive))))
+                              group))
+                         (gnus-get-newsgroup-headers-xover
+                          articles nil dependencies)
+                       (gnus-get-newsgroup-headers dependencies)))
+               (while (setq header (pop headers))
+                 ;; We take a closer look on all articles that have
+                 ;; "@@NCM" in the subject.  Unless we already read
+                 ;; this cross posted message.  Nocem messages
+                 ;; are not allowed to have references, so we can
+                 ;; ignore scanning followups.
+                 (and (string-match "@@NCM" (mail-header-subject header))
+                      (and gnus-nocem-check-from
+                           (let ((case-fold-search t))
+                             (catch 'ok
+                               (mapcar
+                                (lambda (author)
+                                  (if (consp author)
+                                      (setq author (car author)))
+                                  (if (string-match
+                                       author (mail-header-from header))
+                                      (throw 'ok t)))
+                                gnus-nocem-issuers)
+                               nil)))
+                      (or gnus-nocem-liberal-fetch
+                          (and (or (string= "" (mail-header-references
+                                                header))
+                                   (null (mail-header-references header)))
+                               (not (member (mail-header-message-id header)
+                                            gnus-nocem-seen-message-ids))))
+                      (push header check-headers)))
+               (let* ((i 0)
+                      (check-headers
+                       (last check-headers gnus-nocem-check-article-limit))
+                      (len (length check-headers)))
+                 (dolist (h check-headers)
+                   (gnus-message
+                    7 "Checking article %d in %s for NoCeM (%d of %d)..."
+                    (mail-header-number h) group (incf i) len)
+                   (gnus-nocem-check-article group h)))))))
+       (setq gnus-nocem-active
+             (cons (list group gactive)
+                   (delq (assoc group gnus-nocem-active)
+                         gnus-nocem-active)))))
+     ;; Save the results, if any.
+     (gnus-nocem-save-cache)
+     (gnus-nocem-save-active)))
+ (defun gnus-nocem-check-article (group header)
+   "Check whether the current article is an NCM article and that we want it."
+   ;; Get the article.
+   (let ((date (mail-header-date header))
+       (gnus-newsgroup-name group)
+       issuer b e type)
+     (when (or (not date)
+             (time-less-p
+              (time-since (date-to-time date))
+              (days-to-time gnus-nocem-expiry-wait)))
+       (gnus-request-article-this-buffer (mail-header-number header) group)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (when (re-search-forward "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" nil t)
+       (delete-region (point-min) (match-beginning 0)))
+       (when (re-search-forward "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n?" nil t)
+       (delete-region (match-end 0) (point-max)))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       ;; The article has to have proper NoCeM headers.
+       (when (and (setq b (search-forward "\n@@BEGIN NCM HEADERS\n" nil t))
+                (setq e (search-forward "\n@@BEGIN NCM BODY\n" nil t)))
+       ;; We get the name of the issuer.
+       (narrow-to-region b e)
+       (setq issuer (mail-fetch-field "issuer")
+             type (mail-fetch-field "issuer"))
+       (widen)
+       (if (not (gnus-nocem-message-wanted-p issuer type))
+           (message "invalid NoCeM issuer: %s" issuer)
+         (and (gnus-nocem-verify-issuer issuer) ; She is who she says she is.
+              (gnus-nocem-enter-article) ; We gobble the message.
+              (push (mail-header-message-id header) ; But don't come back for
+                    gnus-nocem-seen-message-ids))))))) ; second helpings.
+ (defun gnus-nocem-message-wanted-p (issuer type)
+   (let ((issuers gnus-nocem-issuers)
+       wanted conditions condition)
+     (cond
+      ;; Do the quick check first.
+      ((member issuer issuers)
+       t)
+      ((setq conditions (cdr (assoc issuer issuers)))
+       ;; Check whether we want this type.
+       (while (setq condition (pop conditions))
+       (cond
+        ((stringp condition)
+         (setq wanted (string-match condition type)))
+        ((and (consp condition)
+              (eq (car condition) 'not)
+              (stringp (cadr condition)))
+         (setq wanted (not (string-match (cadr condition) type))))
+        (t
+         (error "Invalid NoCeM condition: %S" condition))))
+       wanted))))
+ (defun gnus-nocem-verify-issuer (person)
+   "Verify using PGP that the canceler is who she says she is."
+   (if (fboundp gnus-nocem-verifyer)
+       (ignore-errors
+       (funcall gnus-nocem-verifyer))
+     ;; If we don't have Mailcrypt, then we use the message anyway.
+     t))
+ (defun gnus-nocem-enter-article ()
+   "Enter the current article into the NoCeM cache."
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (let ((b (search-forward "\n@@BEGIN NCM BODY\n" nil t))
+       (e (search-forward "\n@@END NCM BODY\n" nil t))
+       (buf (current-buffer))
+       ncm id group)
+     (when (and b e)
+       (narrow-to-region b (1+ (match-beginning 0)))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (search-forward "\t" nil t)
+       (cond
+        ((not (ignore-errors
+                (setq group (let ((obarray gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb))
+                              (read buf)))))
+         ;; An error.
+         )
+        ((not (symbolp group))
+         ;; Ignore invalid entries.
+         )
+        ((not (boundp group))
+         ;; Make sure all entries in the hashtb are bound.
+         (set group nil))
+        (t
+         (when (gnus-gethash (gnus-group-real-name (symbol-name group))
+                             gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb)
+           ;; Valid group.
+           (beginning-of-line)
+           (while (eq (char-after) ?\t)
+             (forward-line -1))
+           (setq id (buffer-substring (point) (1- (search-forward "\t"))))
+           (unless (gnus-gethash id gnus-nocem-hashtb)
+             ;; only store if not already present
+             (gnus-sethash id t gnus-nocem-hashtb)
+             (push id ncm))
+           (forward-line 1)
+           (while (eq (char-after) ?\t)
+             (forward-line 1))))))
+       (when ncm
+       (setq gnus-nocem-touched-alist t)
+       (push (cons (let ((time (current-time))) (setcdr (cdr time) nil) time)
+                   ncm)
+             gnus-nocem-alist))
+       t)))
+ (defun gnus-nocem-load-cache ()
+   "Load the NoCeM cache."
+   (interactive)
+   (unless gnus-nocem-alist
+     ;; The buffer doesn't exist, so we create it and load the NoCeM
+     ;; cache.
+     (when (file-exists-p (gnus-nocem-cache-file))
+       (load (gnus-nocem-cache-file) t t t)
+       (gnus-nocem-alist-to-hashtb))))
+ (defun gnus-nocem-save-cache ()
+   "Save the NoCeM cache."
+   (when (and gnus-nocem-alist
+            gnus-nocem-touched-alist)
+     (with-temp-file (gnus-nocem-cache-file)
+       (gnus-prin1 `(setq gnus-nocem-alist ',gnus-nocem-alist)))
+     (setq gnus-nocem-touched-alist nil)))
+ (defun gnus-nocem-save-active ()
+   "Save the NoCeM active file."
+   (with-temp-file (gnus-nocem-active-file)
+     (gnus-prin1 `(setq gnus-nocem-active ',gnus-nocem-active))))
+ (defun gnus-nocem-alist-to-hashtb ()
+   "Create a hashtable from the Message-IDs we have."
+   (let* ((alist gnus-nocem-alist)
+        (pprev (cons nil alist))
+        (prev pprev)
+        (expiry (days-to-time gnus-nocem-expiry-wait))
+        entry)
+     (setq gnus-nocem-hashtb (gnus-make-hashtable (* (length alist) 51)))
+     (while (setq entry (car alist))
+       (if (not (time-less-p (time-since (car entry)) expiry))
+         ;; This entry has expired, so we remove it.
+         (setcdr prev (cdr alist))
+       (setq prev alist)
+       ;; This is ok, so we enter it into the hashtable.
+       (setq entry (cdr entry))
+       (while entry
+         (gnus-sethash (car entry) t gnus-nocem-hashtb)
+         (setq entry (cdr entry))))
+       (setq alist (cdr alist)))))
+ (gnus-add-shutdown 'gnus-nocem-close 'gnus)
+ (defun gnus-nocem-close ()
+   "Clear internal NoCeM variables."
+   (setq gnus-nocem-alist nil
+       gnus-nocem-hashtb nil
+       gnus-nocem-active nil
+       gnus-nocem-touched-alist nil
+       gnus-nocem-seen-message-ids nil
+       gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb nil))
+ (defun gnus-nocem-unwanted-article-p (id)
+   "Say whether article ID in the current group is wanted."
+   (and gnus-nocem-hashtb
+        (gnus-gethash id gnus-nocem-hashtb)))
+ (provide 'gnus-nocem)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 0e0c74ea-2f8e-4f3e-8fff-09f767c1adef
+ ;;; gnus-nocem.el ends here

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