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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-customize.el [emacs-unicode-

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-customize.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 07:27:06 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-customize.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-customize.el: 
*** emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-customize.el:     Sat Jul 17 02:46:42 2004
--- emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-customize.el     Fri Aug 27 07:00:23 2004
*** 34,847 ****
  ;; 1. MH-E Customization Groups
! ;;    These are the customization group definitions. These are organized in a
! ;;    logical order. High-level, windows and toolbar, folder, message,
! ;;    composing and hooks.
  ;; 2. MH-E Customization
! ;;    Here are the actual customization variables. There is a sub-section for
! ;;    each group in the MH-E Customization Groups section. Within each
! ;;    section, variables are sorted alphabetically. The manual section
! ;;    dictates which group a variable should be placed. New variables should
! ;;    be placed in the section where they would most likely be defined.
! ;;    All hooks should be placed in the 'mh-hook group; in addition, add the
! ;;    group in which the hook is defined in the manual (or, if it is new,
! ;;    where it would be defined). These two actions insures that the hooks
! ;;    appear last in each group.
- ;; 3. Faces
  ;;; Change Log:
  ;;; Code:
  (provide 'mh-customize)
! (require 'mh-utils)
  (when mh-xemacs-flag
    (require 'mh-xemacs))
! ;;;###mh-autoload
  (defun mh-customize (&optional delete-other-windows-flag)
    "Customize MH-E variables.
! With optional argument DELETE-OTHER-WINDOWS-FLAG, other windows in the frame
! are removed."
    (interactive "P")
    (customize-group 'mh)
    (when delete-other-windows-flag
  ;;; MH-E Customization Groups
  (defgroup mh nil
!   "GNU Emacs interface to the MH mail system."
    :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Top")
    :group 'mail)
! (defgroup mh-toolbar nil
!   "Toolbar configuration."
!   :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-speed nil
!   "Speedbar and folder configuration."
    :prefix "mh-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing Moving Mail")
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-folder nil
!   "Options for controlling scan listing."
    :prefix "mh-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing Moving Mail")
    :group 'mh)
  (defgroup mh-index nil
!   "Indexed searching."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing mh-e")
!   :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh)
  (defgroup mh-junk nil
!   "Spam handling."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing mh-e")
    :prefix "mh-junk-"
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-show nil
!   "Message display."
    :prefix "mh-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing Reading")
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-faces nil
!   "Faces used in MH-E."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing mh-e")
    :prefix "mh-"
!   :group 'faces
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-letter nil
!   "Composing messages."
    :prefix "mh-"
-   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing Sending")
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-alias nil
!   "Alias handling."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing mh-e")
!   :prefix "mh-alias-"
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-identity nil
!   "Multiple personalities."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing mh-e")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh)
  (defgroup mh-hooks nil
    "MH-E hooks."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing mh-e")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh)
  ;;; Faces
- (defgroup mh-speed-faces nil
-   "Faces used in speedbar."
-   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing mh-e")
-   :prefix "mh-"
-   :group 'mh-faces
-   :group 'mh-speed)
  (defgroup mh-folder-faces nil
    "Faces used in scan listing."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing mh-e")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh-faces
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defgroup mh-index-faces nil
!   "Faces used in indexed searches."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing mh-e")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh-faces
    :group 'mh-index)
  (defgroup mh-show-faces nil
    "Faces used in message display."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing mh-e")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh-faces
    :group 'mh-show)
! (defgroup mh-letter-faces nil
!   "Faces used when composing messages."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Customizing mh-e")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh-faces
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! ;;; MH-E Customization (:group mh)
! ;;; Toolbar configuration (:group 'mh-toolbar)
! (defcustom mh-tool-bar-search-function 'mh-search-folder
!   "*Function called by the tool-bar search button.
! See `mh-search-folder' and `mh-index-search' for details."
!   :type '(choice (const mh-search-folder)
!                  (const mh-index-search)
!                  (function :tag "Other function"))
!   :group 'mh-toolbar)
! ;; Functions called from the tool bar
! (defun mh-tool-bar-search (&optional arg)
!   "Interactively call `mh-tool-bar-search-function'.
! Optional argument ARG is not used."
!   (interactive "P")
!   (call-interactively mh-tool-bar-search-function))
! (defun mh-tool-bar-customize ()
!   "Call `mh-customize' from the toolbar."
!   (interactive)
!   (mh-customize t))
! (defun mh-tool-bar-folder-help ()
!   "Visit \"(mh-e)Top\"."
!   (interactive)
!   (Info-goto-node "(mh-e)Top")
!   (delete-other-windows))
! (defun mh-tool-bar-letter-help ()
!   "Visit \"(mh-e)Draft Editing\"."
!   (interactive)
!   (Info-goto-node "(mh-e)Draft Editing")
!   (delete-other-windows))
! (defmacro mh-tool-bar-reply-generator (function recipient folder-buffer-flag)
!   "Generate FUNCTION that replies to RECIPIENT.
! If FOLDER-BUFFER-FLAG is nil then the function generated
! When INCLUDE-FLAG is non-nil, include message body being replied to."
!   `(defun ,function (&optional arg)
!      ,(format "Reply to \"%s\".\nWhen ARG is non-nil include message in 
!               recipient)
!      (interactive "P")
!      ,(if folder-buffer-flag nil '(set-buffer mh-show-folder-buffer))
!      (mh-reply (mh-get-msg-num nil) ,recipient arg)))
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-tool-bar-reply-from "from" t)
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-show-tool-bar-reply-from "from" nil)
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-tool-bar-reply-to "to" t)
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-show-tool-bar-reply-to "to" nil)
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-tool-bar-reply-all "all" t)
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-show-tool-bar-reply-all "all" nil)
! ;; XEmacs has a couple of extra customizations...
! (mh-do-in-xemacs
!   (defcustom mh-xemacs-use-toolbar-flag (if (and (featurep 'toolbar)
!                                                  (featurep 'xpm)
!                                                  (device-on-window-system-p))
!                                             t
!                                           nil)
!     "*If non-nil, use toolbar.
! This will default to t if you are in an environment that supports
! toolbars and xpm."
!     :type 'boolean
!     :group 'mh-toolbar)
!   (defcustom mh-xemacs-toolbar-position (if mh-xemacs-use-toolbar-flag
!                                             'default
!                                           nil)
!     "*Where to put the toolbar.
! Valid non-nil values are \"default\", \"top\", \"bottom\", \"left\",
! \"right\".  These match the four edges of the frame, with \"default\"
! meaning \"use the same position as the default-toolbar\".
! A nil value means do not use a toolbar.
! If this variable is set to anything other than \"default\" and the
! default-toolbar has a different positional setting from the value of
! this variable, then two toolbars will be displayed.  The MH-E toolbar
! and the default-toolbar."
!     :type '(radio (const :tag "Same position as the \"default-toolbar\""
!                          :value default)
!                   (const :tag "Along the top edge of the frame"
!                          :value top)
!                   (const :tag "Along the bottom edge of the frame"
!                          :value bottom)
!                   (const :tag "Along the left edge of the frame"
!                          :value left)
!                   (const :tag "Along the right edge of the frame"
!                          :value right)
!                   (const :tag "Don't use a toolbar" nil))
!     :group 'mh-toolbar))
! (defmacro mh-tool-bar-define (defaults &rest buttons)
!   "Define a tool bar for MH-E.
! DEFAULTS is the list of buttons that are present by default. It is a list of
! lists where the sublists are of the following form:
! Here :KEYWORD is one of :folder or :letter. If it is :folder then the default
! buttons in the folder and show mode buffers are being specified. If it is
! :letter then the default buttons in the letter mode are listed. FUNC1, FUNC2,
! FUNC3, ... are the names of the functions that the buttons would execute.
! Each element of BUTTONS is a list consisting of four mandatory items and one
! optional item as follows:
! where,
!   FUNCTION is the name of the function that will be executed when the button
!   is clicked.
!   MODES is a list of symbols. List elements must be from `folder', `letter' 
!   `sequence'. If `folder' is present then the button is available in the
!   folder and show buffer. If the name of FUNCTION is of the form \"mh-foo\",
!   where foo is some arbitrary string, then we check if the function
!   `mh-show-foo' exists. If it exists then that function is used in the show
!   buffer. Otherwise the original function `mh-foo' is used in the show buffer
!   as well. Presence of `sequence' is handled similar to the above. The only
!   difference is that the button is shown only when the folder is narrowed to a
!   sequence. If `letter' is present in MODES, then the button is available
!   during draft editing and runs FUNCTION when clicked.
!   ICON is the icon that is drawn in the button.
!   DOC is the documentation for the button. It is used in tool-tips and in
!   providing other help to the user. GNU Emacs uses only the first line of the
!   string. So the DOC should be formatted such that the first line is useful 
!   complete without the rest of the string.
!   Optional item ENABLE-EXPR is an arbitrary lisp expression. If it evaluates
!   to nil, then the button is deactivated, otherwise it is active. If is in't
!   present then the button is always active."
!   ;; The following variable names have been carefully chosen to make code
!   ;; generation easier. Modifying the names should be done carefully.
!   (let (folder-buttons folder-docs folder-button-setter sequence-button-setter
!         show-buttons show-button-setter show-seq-button-setter
!         letter-buttons letter-docs letter-button-setter
!         folder-defaults letter-defaults
!         folder-vectors show-vectors letter-vectors)
!     (dolist (x defaults)
!       (cond ((eq (car x) :folder) (setq folder-defaults (cdr x)))
!             ((eq (car x) :letter) (setq letter-defaults (cdr x)))))
!     (dolist (button buttons)
!       (unless (and (listp button)
!                    (or (equal (length button) 4) (equal (length button) 5)))
!         (error "Incorrect MH-E tool-bar button specification: %s" button))
!       (let* ((name (nth 0 button))
!              (name-str (symbol-name name))
!              (icon (nth 2 button))
!              (xemacs-icon (mh-do-in-xemacs
!                            (cdr (assoc (intern icon) mh-xemacs-icon-map))))
!              (full-doc (nth 3 button))
!              (doc (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)\n" full-doc)
!                       (match-string 1 full-doc)
!                     full-doc))
!              (enable-expr (or (nth 4 button) t))
!              (modes (nth 1 button))
!              functions show-sym)
!         (when (memq 'letter modes) (setq functions `(:letter ,name)))
!         (when (or (memq 'folder modes) (memq 'sequence modes))
!           (setq functions
!                 (append `(,(if (memq 'folder modes) :folder :sequence) ,name)
!                         functions))
!           (setq show-sym
!                 (if (string-match "^mh-\\(.*\\)$" name-str)
!                     (intern (concat "mh-show-" (match-string 1 name-str)))
!                   name))
!           (setq functions
!                 (append `(,(if (memq 'folder modes) :show :show-seq)
!                           ,(if (fboundp show-sym) show-sym name))
!                         functions)))
!         (do ((functions functions (cddr functions)))
!             ((null functions))
!           (let* ((type (car functions))
!                  (function (cadr functions))
!                  (type1 (substring (symbol-name type) 1))
!                  (vector-list (cond ((eq type :show) 'show-vectors)
!                                     ((eq type :show-seq) 'show-vectors)
!                                     ((eq type :letter) 'letter-vectors)
!                                     (t 'folder-vectors)))
!                  (list (cond ((eq type :letter) 'mh-tool-bar-letter-buttons)
!                              (t 'mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons)))
!                  (key (intern (concat "mh-" type1 "toolbar-" name-str)))
!                  (setter (intern (concat type1 "-button-setter")))
!                  (mbuttons (cond ((eq type :letter) 'letter-buttons)
!                                  ((eq type :show) 'show-buttons)
!                                  ((eq type :show-seq) 'show-buttons)
!                                  (t 'folder-buttons)))
!                  (docs (cond ((eq mbuttons 'letter-buttons) 'letter-docs)
!                              ((eq mbuttons 'folder-buttons) 'folder-docs))))
!             (add-to-list vector-list `[,xemacs-icon ,function t ,full-doc])
!             (add-to-list
!              setter `(when (member ',name ,list)
!                        (mh-funcall-if-exists
!                         tool-bar-add-item ,icon ',function ',key
!                                           :help ,doc :enable ',enable-expr)))
!             (add-to-list mbuttons name)
!             (if docs (add-to-list docs doc))))))
!     (setq folder-buttons (nreverse folder-buttons)
!           letter-buttons (nreverse letter-buttons)
!           show-buttons (nreverse show-buttons)
!           letter-docs (nreverse letter-docs)
!           folder-docs (nreverse folder-docs)
!           folder-vectors (nreverse folder-vectors)
!           show-vectors (nreverse show-vectors)
!           letter-vectors (nreverse letter-vectors))
!     (dolist (x folder-defaults)
!       (unless (memq x folder-buttons)
!         (error "Folder defaults contains unknown button '%s'" x)))
!     (dolist (x letter-defaults)
!       (unless (memq x letter-buttons)
!         (error "Letter defaults contains unknown button '%s'" x)))
!     `(eval-when (compile load eval)
!        (defvar mh-folder-tool-bar-map nil)
!        (defvar mh-folder-seq-tool-bar-map nil)
!        (defvar mh-show-tool-bar-map nil)
!        (defvar mh-show-seq-tool-bar-map nil)
!        (defvar mh-letter-tool-bar-map nil)
!        ;; GNU Emacs tool bar specific code
!        (mh-do-in-gnu-emacs
!          ;; Custom setter functions
!          (defun mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons-set (symbol value)
!            "Construct toolbar for `mh-folder-mode' and `mh-show-mode'."
!            (set-default symbol value)
!            (setq mh-folder-tool-bar-map
!                  (let ((tool-bar-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
!                    ,@(nreverse folder-button-setter)
!                    tool-bar-map))
!            (setq mh-show-tool-bar-map
!                  (let ((tool-bar-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
!                    ,@(nreverse show-button-setter)
!                    tool-bar-map))
!            (setq mh-show-seq-tool-bar-map
!                  (let ((tool-bar-map (copy-keymap mh-show-tool-bar-map)))
!                    ,@(nreverse show-seq-button-setter)
!                    tool-bar-map))
!            (setq mh-folder-seq-tool-bar-map
!                  (let ((tool-bar-map (copy-keymap mh-folder-tool-bar-map)))
!                    ,@(nreverse sequence-button-setter)
!                    tool-bar-map)))
!          (defun mh-tool-bar-letter-buttons-set (symbol value)
!            "Construct toolbar for `mh-letter-mode'."
!            (set-default symbol value)
!            (setq mh-letter-tool-bar-map
!                  (let ((tool-bar-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
!                    ,@(nreverse letter-button-setter)
!                    tool-bar-map))))
!        ;; XEmacs specific code
!        (mh-do-in-xemacs
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-folder-vector-map
!            ',(loop for button in folder-buttons
!                    for vector in folder-vectors
!                    collect (cons button vector)))
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-show-vector-map
!            ',(loop for button in show-buttons
!                    for vector in show-vectors
!                    collect (cons button vector)))
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-letter-vector-map
!            ',(loop for button in letter-buttons
!                    for vector in letter-vectors
!                    collect (cons button vector)))
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-folder-buttons nil)
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-show-buttons nil)
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-letter-buttons nil)
!          ;; Custom setter functions
!          (defun mh-tool-bar-letter-buttons-set (symbol value)
!            (set-default symbol value)
!            (setq mh-toolbar-letter-buttons
!                  (loop for b in value
!                        collect (cdr (assoc b mh-toolbar-letter-vector-map)))))
!          (defun mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons-set (symbol value)
!            (set-default symbol value)
!            (setq mh-toolbar-folder-buttons
!                  (loop for b in value
!                        collect (cdr (assoc b mh-toolbar-folder-vector-map))))
!            (setq mh-toolbar-show-buttons
!                  (loop for b in value
!                        collect (cdr (assoc b mh-toolbar-show-vector-map)))))
!          ;; Initialize toolbar
!          (defun mh-toolbar-init (mode)
!            "Install toolbar in MODE."
!            (let ((toolbar (cond ((eq mode :folder) mh-toolbar-folder-buttons)
!                                 ((eq mode :letter) mh-toolbar-letter-buttons)
!                                 ((eq mode :show) mh-toolbar-show-buttons)))
!                  (height 37)
!                  (width 40)
!                  (buffer (current-buffer)))
!              (when (and mh-xemacs-toolbar-position mh-xemacs-use-toolbar-flag)
!                (cond
!                 ((eq mh-xemacs-toolbar-position 'top)
!                  (set-specifier top-toolbar toolbar buffer)
!                  (set-specifier top-toolbar-visible-p t)
!                  (set-specifier top-toolbar-height height))
!                 ((eq mh-xemacs-toolbar-position 'bottom)
!                  (set-specifier bottom-toolbar toolbar buffer)
!                  (set-specifier bottom-toolbar-visible-p t)
!                  (set-specifier bottom-toolbar-height height))
!                 ((eq mh-xemacs-toolbar-position 'left)
!                  (set-specifier left-toolbar toolbar buffer)
!                  (set-specifier left-toolbar-visible-p t)
!                  (set-specifier left-toolbar-width width))
!                 ((eq mh-xemacs-toolbar-position 'right)
!                  (set-specifier right-toolbar toolbar buffer)
!                  (set-specifier right-toolbar-visible-p t)
!                  (set-specifier right-toolbar-width width))
!                 (t (set-specifier default-toolbar toolbar buffer)))))))
!        ;; Declare customizable toolbars
!        (custom-declare-variable
!         'mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons
!         '(list ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(quote ,x)) folder-defaults))
!         "Choose buttons to include in MH-E folder/show toolbar."
!         :group 'mh-toolbar :set 'mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons-set
!         :type '(set ,@(loop for x in folder-buttons
!                             for y in folder-docs
!                             collect `(const :tag ,y ,x))))
!        (custom-declare-variable
!         'mh-tool-bar-letter-buttons
!         '(list ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(quote ,x)) letter-defaults))
!         "Choose buttons to include in MH-E letter toolbar."
!         :group 'mh-toolbar :set 'mh-tool-bar-letter-buttons-set
!         :type '(set ,@(loop for x in letter-buttons
!                             for y in letter-docs
!                             collect `(const :tag ,y ,x)))))))
! (mh-tool-bar-define
!     ((:folder mh-inc-folder mh-mime-save-parts mh-previous-undeleted-msg
!               mh-page-msg  mh-next-undeleted-msg mh-delete-msg mh-refile-msg
!               mh-undo mh-execute-commands mh-toggle-tick mh-reply
!               mh-alias-grab-from-field mh-send mh-rescan-folder
!               mh-tool-bar-search mh-visit-folder
!               mh-tool-bar-customize mh-tool-bar-folder-help mh-widen)
!      (:letter mh-send-letter mh-compose-insertion ispell-message save-buffer
!               undo kill-region menu-bar-kill-ring-save yank 
!               mh-tool-bar-customize mh-tool-bar-letter-help))
!   ;; Folder/Show buffer buttons
!   (mh-inc-folder (folder) "mail"
!     "Incorporate new mail in Inbox
! This button runs `mh-inc-folder' which drags any
! new mail into your Inbox folder.")
!   (mh-mime-save-parts (folder) "attach"
!     "Save MIME parts from this message
! This button runs `mh-mime-save-parts' which saves a message's
! different parts into separate files.")
!   (mh-previous-undeleted-msg (folder) "left_arrow"
!     "Go to the previous undeleted message
! This button runs `mh-previous-undeleted-msg'")
!   (mh-page-msg (folder) "page-down"
!     "Page the current message forwards\nThis button runs `mh-page-msg'")
!   (mh-next-undeleted-msg (folder) "right_arrow"
!     "Go to the next undeleted message\nThe button runs 
!   (mh-delete-msg (folder) "close"
!     "Mark this message for deletion\nThis button runs `mh-delete-msg'")
!   (mh-refile-msg (folder) "refile"
!     "Refile this message\nThis button runs `mh-refile-msg'")
!   (mh-undo (folder) "undo" "Undo last operation\nThis button runs `undo'")
!   (mh-execute-commands (folder) "execute"
!     "Perform moves and deletes\nThis button runs `mh-execute-commands'")
!   (mh-toggle-tick (folder) "highlight"
!     "Toggle tick mark\nThis button runs `mh-toggle-tick'")
!   (mh-toggle-showing (folder) "show"
!     "Toggle showing message\nThis button runs `mh-toggle-showing'")
!   (mh-tool-bar-reply-from (folder) "reply-from" "Reply to \"from\"")
!   (mh-tool-bar-reply-to (folder) "reply-to" "Reply to \"to\"")
!   (mh-tool-bar-reply-all (folder) "reply-all" "Reply to \"all\"")
!   (mh-reply (folder) "mail/reply2"
!     "Reply to this message\nThis button runs `mh-reply'")
!   (mh-alias-grab-from-field (folder) "alias"
!     "Grab From alias\nThis button runs `mh-alias-grab-from-field'"
!     (mh-alias-from-has-no-alias-p))
!   (mh-send (folder) "mail_compose"
!     "Compose new message\nThis button runs `mh-send'")
!   (mh-rescan-folder (folder) "rescan"
!     "Rescan this folder\nThis button runs `mh-rescan-folder'")
!   (mh-pack-folder (folder) "repack"
!     "Repack this folder\nThis button runs `mh-pack-folder'")
!   (mh-tool-bar-search (folder) "search"
!     "Search\nThis button runs `mh-tool-bar-search-function'")
!   (mh-visit-folder (folder) "fld_open"
!     "Visit other folder\nThis button runs `mh-visit-folder'")
!   ;; Letter buffer buttons
!   (mh-send-letter (letter) "mail_send" "Send this letter")
!   (mh-compose-insertion (letter) "attach" "Insert attachment")
!   (ispell-message (letter) "spell" "Check spelling")
!   (save-buffer (letter) "save" "Save current buffer to its file")
!   (undo (letter) "undo" "Undo last operation")
!   (kill-region (letter) "cut"
!     "Cut (kill) text in region between mark and current position")
!   (menu-bar-kill-ring-save (letter) "copy"
!     "Copy text in region between mark and current position")
!   (yank (letter) "paste" "Paste (yank) text cut or copied earlier")
!   (mh-fully-kill-draft (letter) "close" "Kill this draft")
!   ;; Common buttons
!   (mh-tool-bar-customize (folder letter) "preferences" "MH-E Preferences")
!   (mh-tool-bar-folder-help (folder) "help"
!     "Help! (general help)\nThis button runs `Info-goto-node'")
!   (mh-tool-bar-letter-help (letter) "help"
!     "Help! (general help)\nThis button runs `Info-goto-node'")
!   ;; Folder narrowed to sequence buttons
!   (mh-widen (sequence) "widen"
!     "Widen from the sequence\nThis button runs `mh-widen'"))
! ;;; Speedbar and folder configuration (:group 'mh-speed)
! (defcustom mh-large-folder 200
!   "The number of messages that indicates a large folder.
! If a folder is deemed to be large, that is the number of messages in it exceed
! this value, then confirmation is needed when it is visited. Even when
! `mh-show-threads-flag' is non-nil, the folder is not automatically threaded, 
! it is large. If set to nil all folders are treated as if they are small."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "No limit") integer)
!   :group 'mh-speed)
! (defcustom mh-speed-flists-interval 60
!   "Time between calls to flists in seconds.
! If 0, flists is not called repeatedly."
!   :type 'integer
!   :group 'mh-speed)
! (defcustom mh-speed-run-flists-flag t
!   "Non-nil means flists is used.
! If non-nil, flists is executed every `mh-speed-flists-interval' seconds to
! update the display of the number of unseen and total messages in each folder.
! If resources are limited, this can be set to nil and the speedbar display can
! be updated manually with the \\[mh-speed-flists] command."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-speed)
! ;;; Options for controlling scan listing (:group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-adaptive-cmd-note-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means that the message number width is determined dynamically.
! This is done once when a folder is first opened by running scan on the last
! message of the folder. The message number for the last message is extracted
! and its width calculated. This width is used when calling `mh-set-cmd-note'.
! If you prefer fixed-width message numbers, set this variable to nil and call
! `mh-set-cmd-note' with the width specified by the scan format in
! `mh-scan-format-file'. For example, the default width is 4, so you would use
! \"(mh-set-cmd-note 4)\" if `mh-scan-format-file' were nil."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-default-folder-list nil
!   "*Alist of addresses and folders.
! When refiling messages, these folders are the default that is provided if the
! sender (or recipient if the Check Recipient checkbox has been selected) has
! the associated address, a regexp. The first entry to match will be used, so
! order them according to the wanted priority. You do not need to list your
! aliases here as that lookup is already performed.
  See `mh-prompt-for-refile-folder' and `mh-folder-from-address' for more
    :type '(repeat (list (regexp :tag "Address")
                         (string :tag "Folder")
                         (boolean :tag "Check Recipient")))
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-default-folder-must-exist-flag t
    "*Non-nil means guessed folder name must exist to be used.
! If this variable is t, then the guessed name is only used if the folder
! already exists\; if the folder doesn't exist, then the last folder name used
! is suggested. This is useful if you get mail from various people for whom you
! have an alias, but file them all in the same project folder.
  See `mh-prompt-for-refile-folder' and `mh-folder-from-address' for more
    :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-default-folder-prefix ""
!   "*Prefix used for guessed folder names.
! This can be used to put folders associated with your aliases in a sub-folder
! so as to not clutter your mail directory.
  See `mh-prompt-for-refile-folder' and `mh-folder-from-address' for more
    :type 'string
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-inc-prog "inc"
!   "*Program to run to incorporate new mail into a folder.
! Normally \"inc\".  This file is searched for relative to
! the `mh-progs' directory unless it is an absolute pathname."
!   :type 'string
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-inc-spool-list nil
!   "*Alist of alternate spool files, corresponding folders and keybindings.
! Here's an example. Suppose you have subscribed to the MH-E devel mailing
! list. You could filter its mail into a separate spool file named
! ~/mail/mh-e using Procmail and a .procmailrc entry like:
! MAILDIR=$HOME/mail      #you'd better make sure it exists
! :0:
! * ^From address@hidden
! mh-e
! If you wanted to incorporate that spool file into an MH folder called
! mh-e by pressing \"I m\" in folder-mode or by `M-x mh-inc-spool-mh-e',
! you would setup  `mh-inc-spool-list' with an entry:
!  Spool file:  ~/mail/mh-e
!  Folder:      mh-e
!  Key binding: m
! Then, you could also install `xbuffy' and configure an extra mailbox like so:
! box ~/mail/mh-e
!  title mh-e
!  origMode
!  polltime 10
!  headertime 0
!  command gnudoit -q '(mh-inc-spool-mh-e)'
! Note that the entry above uses the gnuserv package to communicate the
! command `mh-inc-spool-mh-e' to Emacs. It will incorporate the spool file
! when clicking the xbuffy box with the middle mouse button."
!   :type '(repeat (list (file :tag "Spool file")
!                        (string :tag "Folder")
!                        (character :tag "Key binding")))
!   :set 'mh-inc-spool-list-set
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-interpret-number-as-range-flag t
!   "Non-nil means interpret a number as a range.
! If the variable is non-nil, and you use an integer, N, when asked for a
! range to scan, then MH-E uses the range \"last:N\"."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-lpr-command-format "lpr -J '%s'"
!   "*Format for Unix command that prints a message.
! The string should be a Unix command line, with the string '%s' where
! the job's name (folder and message number) should appear.  The formatted
! message text is piped to this command when you type 
!   :type 'string
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-mime-save-parts-default-directory t
!   "Default directory to use for `mh-mime-save-parts'.
! If nil, prompt and set for next time the command is used during same session.
! If t, prompt always"
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Prompt the first time" nil)
!                  (const :tag "Prompt always" t)
!                  directory)
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-print-background-flag nil
!   "*Non-nil means messages should be printed in the background.
! WARNING: do not delete the messages until printing is finished;
! otherwise, your output may be truncated."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-recenter-summary-flag nil
!   "*Non-nil means to recenter the summary window.
! Recenter the summary window when the show window is toggled off if non-nil."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-recursive-folders-flag nil
!   "*Non-nil means that commands which operate on folders do so recursively."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! ;;; If `mh-unpropagated-sequences' becomes a defcustom, add the following tot
! ;;; he docstring: "Additional sequences that should not to be preserved can be
! ;;; specified by setting `mh-unpropagated-sequences' appropriately." XXX
! (defcustom mh-refile-preserves-sequences-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means that sequences are preserved when messages are refiled.
! If this variable is non-nil and a message belonging to a sequence other than
! cur or Previous-Sequence (see mh-profile 5) is refiled then it is put in the
! same sequence in the destination folder."
    :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-scan-format-file t
!   "Specifies the format file to pass to the scan program.
! If t, the format string will be taken from the either `mh-scan-format-mh'
! or `mh-scan-format-nmh' depending on whether MH or nmh is in use.
! If nil, the default scan output will be used.
! If you customize the scan format, you may need to modify a few variables
! containing regexps that MH-E uses to identify specific portions of the output.
! Use `M-x apropos RET mh-scan.*regexp' to obtain a list of these variables. You
! may also have to call `mh-set-cmd-note' with the width of your message
! numbers. See also `mh-adaptive-cmd-note-flag'."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Use MH-E scan format" t)
!                  (const :tag "Use default scan format" nil)
!                  (file  :tag "Specify a scan format file"))
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-scan-prog "scan"
!   "*Program to run to generate one-line-per-message listing of a folder.
! Normally \"scan\" or a file name linked to scan.  This file is searched
! for relative to the `mh-progs' directory unless it is an absolute pathname."
!   :type 'string
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (make-variable-buffer-local 'mh-scan-prog)
! (defcustom mh-show-threads-flag nil
!   "Non-nil means new folders start in threaded mode.
! Threading large number of messages can be time consuming. So if the flag is
! non-nil then threading will be done only if the number of messages being
! threaded is less than `mh-large-folder'."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-store-default-directory nil
!   "*Last directory used by \\[mh-store-msg]; default for next store.
! A directory name string, or nil to use current directory."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Current" nil)
!                  directory)
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-tick-seq 'tick
!   "The name of the MH tick sequence."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Disable ticking" nil)
!                  symbol)
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-update-sequences-after-mh-show-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means `mh-update-sequence' is called from `mh-show-mode'.
! If set, `mh-update-sequence' is run every time a message is shown, telling
! MH or nmh that this is your current message.  It's useful, for example, to
! display MIME content using \"M-! mhshow RET\""
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! ;;; Indexed searching (:group 'mh-index)
  (defcustom mh-index-new-messages-folders t
!   "Folders searched for `mh-unseen-seq'.
! If t, then `mh-inbox' is searched. If nil, all the top level folders are
! searched. Otherwise the list of folders specified as strings are searched.
  See also `mh-recursive-folders-flag'."
    :group 'mh-index
    :type '(choice (const :tag "Inbox" t)
                   (const :tag "All" nil)
!                  (repeat :tag "Choose folders" (string :tag "Folder"))))
  (defcustom mh-index-program nil
    "Indexing program that MH-E shall use.
! The possible choices are swish++, swish-e, mairix, namazu, glimpse, pick and
! grep. By default this variable is nil which means that the programs are tried
! in order and the first one found is used.
  More information about setting up an indexing program to use with MH-E can be
  found in the documentation of `mh-index-search'."
--- 34,624 ----
  ;; 1. MH-E Customization Groups
! ;;    These are the customization group definitions. Every group has a
! ;;    associated manual node. The ordering is alphabetical, except for the
! ;;    groups mh-faces and mh-hooks which are last .
  ;; 2. MH-E Customization
! ;;    These are the actual customization variables. There is a sub-section for
! ;;    each group in the MH-E Customization Groups section, in the same order,
! ;;    separated by page breaks. Within each section, variables are sorted
! ;;    alphabetically.
! ;; 3. Hooks
! ;;
! ;;    All hooks must be placed in the mh-hook group; in addition, add the
! ;;    group associated with the manual node in which the hook is described.
! ;;    Since the mh-hook group appears near the end of this file, the hooks
! ;;    will appear at the end of these other groups.
! ;;
! ;; 4. Faces
! ;;
! ;;    Create a new face group if necessary; in this case, add the group
! ;;    associated with the manual node in which the faces are described to the
! ;;    faces' group definition. Since the face groups appear last, the face
! ;;    groups will appear at the end of these other groups.
  ;;; Change Log:
  ;;; Code:
  (provide 'mh-customize)
! (eval-when-compile (require 'mh-acros))
! (mh-require-cl)
! (require 'mh-loaddefs)
! (autoload 'Info-goto-node "info")
! (eval-and-compile
!   (defvar mh-xemacs-flag (featurep 'xemacs)
!     "Non-nil means the current Emacs is XEmacs."))
  (when mh-xemacs-flag
    (require 'mh-xemacs))
! ;; XXX: Functions autoloaded from the following files are used to initialize
! ;;  customizable variables. They are require'd here, since otherwise the
! ;;  corresponding .elc would be loaded at compile time.
! (eval-when-compile
!   (require 'mh-init)
!   (require 'mh-identity))
  (defun mh-customize (&optional delete-other-windows-flag)
    "Customize MH-E variables.
! If optional argument DELETE-OTHER-WINDOWS-FLAG is non-nil, other windows in
! the frame are removed."
    (interactive "P")
    (customize-group 'mh)
    (when delete-other-windows-flag
+ ;;; For compiler warnings...
+ (defvar mh-show-buffer)
+ (defvar mh-show-folder-buffer)
  ;;; MH-E Customization Groups
  (defgroup mh nil
!   "Emacs interface to the MH mail system.
! MH is the Rand Mail Handler. Other implementations include nmh and GNU
! mailutils."
    :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Top")
    :group 'mail)
! (defgroup mh-e '((mh custom-group))     ; Sort of an alias for 'mh group
!   "Emacs interface to the MH mail system.
! MH is the Rand Mail Handler. Other implementations include nmh and GNU
! mailutils."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Top"))
! (defgroup mh-alias nil
!   "Aliases."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Aliases")
!   :prefix "mh-alias-"
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-folder nil
!   "Organizing your mail with folders."
    :prefix "mh-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Organizing")
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-folder-selection nil
!   "Folder selection."
    :prefix "mh-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Folder Selection")
!   :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-identity nil
!   "Identities."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Identities")
!   :prefix "mh-identity-"
!   :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-inc nil
!   "Incorporating your mail."
!   :prefix "mh-inc-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Incorporating Mail")
    :group 'mh)
  (defgroup mh-index nil
!   "Searching."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Searching")
!   :prefix "mh-index-"
    :group 'mh)
  (defgroup mh-junk nil
!   "Dealing with junk mail."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Junk")
    :prefix "mh-junk-"
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-letter nil
!   "Editing a draft."
    :prefix "mh-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Editing Drafts")
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-ranges nil
!   "Ranges."
    :prefix "mh-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Ranges")
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-scan-line-formats nil
!   "Scan line formats."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Scan Line Formats")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-sending-mail nil
!   "Sending mail."
!   :prefix "mh-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Sending Mail")
    :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-sequences nil
!   "Sequences."
!   :prefix "mh-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Sequences")
!   :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-show nil
!   "Reading your mail."
!   :prefix "mh-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Reading Mail")
!   :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-speed nil
!   "The speedbar."
!   :prefix "mh-speed-"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Speedbar")
!   :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-toolbar nil
!   "The toolbar"
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Toolbar")
!   :prefix "mh-"
!   :group 'mh)
! (defgroup mh-faces nil
!   "Faces used in MH-E."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Top")
    :prefix "mh-"
+   :group 'faces
    :group 'mh)
  (defgroup mh-hooks nil
    "MH-E hooks."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Top")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh)
  ;;; Faces
  (defgroup mh-folder-faces nil
    "Faces used in scan listing."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Organizing")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh-faces
!   :group 'mh-show)
  (defgroup mh-index-faces nil
!   "Faces used in searching."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Searching")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh-faces
    :group 'mh-index)
+ (defgroup mh-letter-faces nil
+   "Faces used in message drafts."
+   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Sending Mail")
+   :prefix "mh-"
+   :group 'mh-faces
+   :group 'mh-letter)
  (defgroup mh-show-faces nil
    "Faces used in message display."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Reading Mail")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh-faces
    :group 'mh-show)
! (defgroup mh-speed-faces nil
!   "Faces used in speedbar."
!   :link '(custom-manual "(mh-e)Speedbar")
    :prefix "mh-"
    :group 'mh-faces
!   :group 'mh-speed)
! ;;; Emacs interface to the MH mail system (:group mh)
! (eval-when (compile)
!   (setq mh-variant 'none))
! (defcustom mh-variant 'autodetect
!   "*Specifies the variant used by MH-E.
! The default setting of this option is `Auto-detect' which means that MH-E will
! automatically choose the first of nmh, MH, or GNU mailutils that it finds in
! the directories listed in `mh-path', `mh-sys-path', and `exec-path'. If, for
! example, you have both nmh and mailutils installed and `mh-variant-in-use' was
! initialized to nmh but you want to use mailutils, then you can set this option
! to `mailutils'.
! When this variable is changed, MH-E resets `mh-progs', `mh-lib',
! `mh-lib-progs', `mh-flists-present-flag', and `mh-variant-in-use'
! accordingly."
!   :type `(radio
!           (const :tag "Auto-detect" autodetect)
!           ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(const ,(car x))) (mh-variants)))
!   :set (lambda (symbol value)
!          (set-default symbol value)     ;Done in mh-variant-set-variant!
!          (mh-variant-set value))
!   :group 'mh)
! ;;; Aliases (:group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-completion-ignore-case-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means don't consider case significant in MH alias completion.
! As MH ignores case in the aliases, so too does MH-E. However, you may turn
! this option off to make case significant which can be used to segregate
! completion of your aliases. You might use lowercase for mailing lists and
! uppercase for people."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-expand-aliases-flag nil
!   "*Non-nil means to expand aliases entered in the minibuffer.
! In other words, aliases entered in the minibuffer will be expanded to the full
! address in the message draft. By default, this expansion is not performed."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-flash-on-comma t
!   "*Specify whether to flash address or warn on translation.
! This option controls the behavior when a [comma] is pressed while entering
! aliases or addresses. The default setting flashes the address associated with
! an address in the minibuffer briefly, but does not display a warning if the
! alias is not found."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Flash but Don't Warn If No Alias" t)
!                (const :tag "Flash and Warn If No Alias" 1)
!                (const :tag "Don't Flash Nor Warn If No Alias" nil))
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-insert-file nil
!   "*Filename used to store a new MH-E alias.
! The default setting of this option is `Use Aliasfile Profile Component'. This
! option can also hold the name of a file or a list a file names. If this option
! is set to a list of file names, or the `Aliasfile:' profile component contains
! more than one file name, MH-E will prompt for one of them when MH-E adds an
! alias."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Use Aliasfile Profile Component" nil)
!                  (file :tag "Alias File")
!                  (repeat :tag "List of Alias Files" file))
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-insertion-location 'sorted
!   "Specifies where new aliases are entered in alias files.
! This option is set to `Alphabetical' by default. If you organize your alias
! file in other ways, then adding aliases to the `Top' or `Bottom' of your alias
! file might be more appropriate."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Alphabetical" sorted)
!                  (const :tag "Top" top)
!                  (const :tag "Bottom" bottom))
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-local-users t
!   "*If on, local users are added to alias completion.
! Aliases are created from `/etc/passwd' entries with a user ID larger than
! a magical number, typically 200. This can be a handy tool on a machine where
! you and co-workers exchange messages. These aliases have the form
! `local.first.last' if a real name is present in the password file.
! Otherwise, the alias will have the form `local.login'.
! If you're on a system with thousands of users you don't know, and the loading
! of local aliases slows MH-E down noticeably, then turn this option off.
! This option also takes a string which is executed to generate the password
! file. For example, use \"ypcat passwd\" to obtain the NIS password file."
!   :type '(choice (boolean) (string))
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-local-users-prefix "local."
!   "*String prepended to the real names of users from the password file.
! This option can also be set to `Use Login'.
! For example, consider the following password file entry:
!     psg:x:1000:1000:Peter S Galbraith,,,:/home/psg:/bin/tcsh
! The following settings of this option will produce the associated aliases:
!     \"local.\"                  local.peter.galbraith
!     \"\"                        peter.galbraith
!     Use Login                   psg
! This option has no effect if variable `mh-alias-local-users' is turned off."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Use Login" nil)
!                  (string))
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-passwd-gecos-comma-separator-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means the gecos field in the password file uses a comma separator.
! In the example in `mh-alias-local-users-prefix', commas are used to separate
! different values within the so-called gecos field. This is a fairly common
! usage. However, in the rare case that the gecos field in your password file is
! not separated by commas and whose contents may contain commas, you can turn
! this option off."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! ;;; Organizing Your Mail with Folders (:group 'mh-folder)
! (defcustom mh-recenter-summary-flag nil
!   "*Non-nil means to recenter the summary window.
! If this option is turned on, recenter the summary window when the show window
! is toggled off."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! ;;; Folder Selection (:group 'mh-folder-selection)
! (defcustom mh-default-folder-for-message-function nil
!   "Function to select a default folder for refiling or `Fcc'.
! The current buffer is set to the message being refiled with point at the start
! of the message. This function should return the default folder as a string
! with a leading `+' sign. It can also return nil so that the last folder name
! is used as the default, or an empty string to suppress the default entirely."
!   :type 'function
!   :group 'mh-folder-selection)
  (defcustom mh-default-folder-list nil
!   "*List of addresses and folders.
! The folder name associated with the first address found in this list is used
! as the default for `mh-refile-msg' and similar functions. Each element in this
! list contains a `Check Recipient' item. If this item is turned on, then the
! address is checked against the recipient instead of the sender. This is useful
! for mailing lists.
  See `mh-prompt-for-refile-folder' and `mh-folder-from-address' for more
    :type '(repeat (list (regexp :tag "Address")
                         (string :tag "Folder")
                         (boolean :tag "Check Recipient")))
!   :group 'mh-folder-selection)
  (defcustom mh-default-folder-must-exist-flag t
    "*Non-nil means guessed folder name must exist to be used.
! If the derived folder does not exist, and this option is on, then the last
! folder name used is suggested. This is useful if you get mail from various
! people for whom you have an alias, but file them all in the same project
! folder.
  See `mh-prompt-for-refile-folder' and `mh-folder-from-address' for more
    :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-folder-selection)
  (defcustom mh-default-folder-prefix ""
!   "*Prefix used for folder names generated from aliases.
! The prefix is used to prevent clutter in your mail directory.
  See `mh-prompt-for-refile-folder' and `mh-folder-from-address' for more
    :type 'string
!   :group 'mh-folder-selection)
! ;;; Identities (:group 'mh-identity)
! (defcustom mh-identity-list nil
!   "*List of identities.
! Each element consists of an identity label, and a collection of header fields
! and a signature to insert if the identity is selected (see
! `mh-identity-default', `mh-insert-identity' and the `Identity' menu in a
! MH-Letter buffer). The `Value Menu' contains the common header fields `From'
! and `Organization'. Other header fields may be added using the `Other Field'
! menu item. The `Signature' menu item is used to insert a signature with
! `mh-insert-signature'. The `GPG Key ID' menu item is used to specify a
! different key to sign or encrypt messages."
!   :type '(repeat (list :tag ""
!                        (string :tag "Label")
!                        (repeat :tag "Add at least one item below"
!                                (choice
!                                 (cons :tag "From Field"
!                                       (const "From")
!                                       (string :tag "Value"))
!                                 (cons :tag "Organization Field"
!                                       (const "Organization")
!                                       (string :tag "Value"))
!                                 (cons :tag "Other Field"
!                                       (string :tag "Field")
!                                       (string :tag "Value"))
!                                 (cons :tag "Attribution Verb"
!                                       (const ":attribution-verb")
!                                       (string :tag "Value"))
!                                 (cons :tag "Signature"
!                                       (const :tag "Signature"
!                                              ":signature")
!                                       (choice
!                                        (const :tag "mh-signature-file-name"
!                                               nil)
!                                        (file)
!                                        (function)))
!                                 (cons :tag "GPG Key ID"
!                                       (const :tag "GPG Key ID"
!                                              ":pgg-default-user-id")
!                                       (string :tag "Value"))))))
!   :set 'mh-identity-list-set
!   :group 'mh-identity)
! (defcustom mh-auto-fields-list nil
!   "List of recipients for which header lines are automatically inserted.
! Each element consists of the recipient, which is a regular expression, and a
! collection of header fields and identities to insert if the message is sent to
! this recipient. The `Value Menu' contains the common header fields `Fcc' and
! `Mail-Followup-To'. Other header fields may be added using the `Other Field'
! menu item. The `Identity' menu item is used to insert entire identities with
! `mh-insert-identity'."
!   :type `(repeat
!           (list :tag ""
!                 (string :tag "Recipient")
!                 (repeat :tag "Add at least one item below"
!                         (choice
!                          (cons :tag "Identity"
!                                (const ":identity")
!                                ,(append
!                                  '(radio)
!                                  (mapcar
!                                   (function (lambda (arg) `(const ,arg)))
!                                   (mapcar 'car mh-identity-list))))
!                          (cons :tag "Fcc Field"
!                                (const "fcc")
!                                (string :tag "Value"))
!                          (cons :tag "Mail-Followup-To Field"
!                                (const "Mail-Followup-To")
!                                (string :tag "Value"))
!                          (cons :tag "Other Field"
!                                  (string :tag "Field")
!                                  (string :tag "Value"))))))
!   :group 'mh-identity)
! (defcustom mh-auto-fields-prompt-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means to prompt before sending if fields inserted.
! See `mh-auto-fields-list'."
    :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-identity)
! (defcustom mh-identity-default nil
!   "Default identity to use when `mh-letter-mode' is called."
!   :type (append
!          '(radio)
!          (cons '(const :tag "None" nil)
!                (mapcar (function (lambda (arg) `(const ,arg)))
!                        (mapcar 'car mh-identity-list))))
!   :group 'mh-identity)
! (defcustom mh-identity-handlers
!   '((":default" . mh-identity-handler-bottom)
!     ("from" . mh-identity-handler-top)
!     (":attribution-verb" . mh-identity-handler-attribution-verb)
!     (":signature" . mh-identity-handler-signature)
!     (":pgg-default-user-id" . mh-identity-handler-gpg-identity))
!   "Handler functions for fields in `mh-identity-list'.
! This is an alist of fields (strings) and handlers (functions). Strings are
! lowercase. Use \":signature\" for Signature and \":pgg-default-user-id\" for
! GPG Key ID. The function associated with the string \":default\" is used if no
! other functions are appropriate."
!   :type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "Field") function))
!   :group 'mh-identity)
! ;;; Incorporating Your Mail (:group 'mh-inc)
! (defcustom mh-inc-prog "inc"
!   "*Program to run to incorporate new mail into a folder.
! Normally \"inc\". This program is relative to the `mh-progs' directory unless
! it is an absolute pathname."
!   :type 'string
!   :group 'mh-inc)
! (defcustom mh-inc-spool-list nil
!   "*Alist of alternate spool files, corresponding folders and keybindings.
! This option will be described by example.
! Suppose you have subscribed to the mh-e-devel mailing list and you use
! procmail to filter its mail into `~/mail/mh-e' with the following
! `.procmailrc' recipe:
!     MAILDIR=$HOME/mail
!     :0:
!     * ^From address@hidden
!     mh-e
! If you wanted to incorporate that spool file into an MH folder called mh-e
! with the \"I m\" or \\[mh-inc-spool-mh-e] commands, you would use the
! following:
!     Spool File:  ~/mail/mh-e
!     Folder:      mh-e
!     Key Binding: m
! Then, you could also install `xbuffy' and configure an extra mailbox using the
! gnuserv package to run the `mh-inc-spool-mh-e' command in Emacs:
!     box ~/mail/mh-e
!         title mh-e
!         origMode
!         polltime 10
!         headertime 0
!         command gnudoit -q '(mh-inc-spool-mh-e)'
! To incorporate the spool file, click the xbuffy box with the middle mouse
! button."
!   :type '(repeat (list (file :tag "Spool File")
!                        (string :tag "Folder")
!                        (character :tag "Key Binding")))
!   :set 'mh-inc-spool-list-set
!   :group 'mh-inc)
! ;;; Searching (:group 'mh-index)
  (defcustom mh-index-new-messages-folders t
!   "Folders searched for the `unseen' sequence.
! This option can be set to `Inbox' to search the `+inbox' folder or `All' to
! search all of the top level folders. Otherwise, list the folders that should
! be searched with the `Choose Folders' menu item.
  See also `mh-recursive-folders-flag'."
    :group 'mh-index
    :type '(choice (const :tag "Inbox" t)
                   (const :tag "All" nil)
!                  (repeat :tag "Choose Folders" (string :tag "Folder"))))
  (defcustom mh-index-program nil
    "Indexing program that MH-E shall use.
! The default setting of this option is `Auto-detect' which means that MH-E will
! automatically choose one of swish++, swish-e, mairix, namazu, pick and grep in
! that order. If, for example, you have both swish++ and mairix installed and
! you want to use mairix, then you can set this option to `mairix'.
  More information about setting up an indexing program to use with MH-E can be
  found in the documentation of `mh-index-search'."
*** 850,882 ****
                   (const :tag "swish-e" swish)
                   (const :tag "mairix" mairix)
                   (const :tag "namazu" namazu)
-                  (const :tag "glimpse" glimpse)
                   (const :tag "pick" pick)
                   (const :tag "grep" grep))
    :group 'mh-index)
  (defcustom mh-index-ticked-messages-folders t
    "Folders searched for `mh-tick-seq'.
! If t, then `mh-inbox' is searched. If nil, all the top level folders are
! searched. Otherwise the list of folders specified as strings are searched.
  See also `mh-recursive-folders-flag'."
    :group 'mh-index
    :type '(choice (const :tag "Inbox" t)
                   (const :tag "All" nil)
!                  (repeat :tag "Choose folders" (string :tag "Folder"))))
! ;;; Spam Handling (:group 'mh-junk)
  ;; Spam fighting program chosen
  (defvar mh-junk-choice nil)
  ;; Available spam filter interfaces
  (defvar mh-junk-function-alist
!   '((bogofilter mh-bogofilter-blacklist mh-bogofilter-whitelist)
!     (spamprobe mh-spamprobe-blacklist mh-spamprobe-whitelist)
!     (spamassassin mh-spamassassin-blacklist mh-spamassassin-whitelist))
    "Available choices of spam programs to use.
  This is an alist. For each element there are functions that blacklist a 
  as spam and whitelist a message incorrectly classified as spam.")
--- 627,660 ----
                   (const :tag "swish-e" swish)
                   (const :tag "mairix" mairix)
                   (const :tag "namazu" namazu)
                   (const :tag "pick" pick)
                   (const :tag "grep" grep))
    :group 'mh-index)
  (defcustom mh-index-ticked-messages-folders t
    "Folders searched for `mh-tick-seq'.
! This option can be set to `Inbox' to search the `+inbox' folder or `All' to
! search all of the top level folders. Otherwise, list the folders that should
! be searched with the `Choose Folders' menu item.
  See also `mh-recursive-folders-flag'."
    :group 'mh-index
    :type '(choice (const :tag "Inbox" t)
                   (const :tag "All" nil)
!                  (repeat :tag "Choose Folders" (string :tag "Folder"))))
! ;;; Dealing with Junk Mail (:group 'mh-junk)
  ;; Spam fighting program chosen
  (defvar mh-junk-choice nil)
  ;; Available spam filter interfaces
  (defvar mh-junk-function-alist
!   '((spamassassin mh-spamassassin-blacklist mh-spamassassin-whitelist)
!     (bogofilter mh-bogofilter-blacklist mh-bogofilter-whitelist)
!     (spamprobe mh-spamprobe-blacklist mh-spamprobe-whitelist))
    "Available choices of spam programs to use.
  This is an alist. For each element there are functions that blacklist a 
  as spam and whitelist a message incorrectly classified as spam.")
*** 894,921 ****
                    finally return (car element)))))
  ;; User customizable variables
! (defcustom mh-junk-mail-folder nil
!   "Folder to put spam mail in.
! If nil then the spam is deleted."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Delete spam" nil)
!                  (string :tag "Spam folder"))
    :group 'mh-junk)
  (defcustom mh-junk-program nil
!   "Spam program that MH-E shall use.
! The possible choices are bogofilter, spamprobe, and spamassassin. By default
! this variable is nil which means that the programs are tried in order and the
! first one found is used."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "auto-detect" nil)
!                  (const :tag "bogofilter" bogofilter)
!                  (const :tag "spamprobe" spamprobe)
!                  (const :tag "spamassassin" spamassassin))
    :set 'mh-junk-choose
    :group 'mh-junk)
! ;;; Message display (:group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-bury-show-buffer-flag t
    "*Non-nil means that the displayed show buffer for a folder is buried."
--- 672,1019 ----
                    finally return (car element)))))
  ;; User customizable variables
! (defcustom mh-junk-disposition nil
!   "Disposition of junk mail."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Delete Spam" nil)
!                  (string :tag "Spam Folder"))
    :group 'mh-junk)
  (defcustom mh-junk-program nil
!   "Spam program that MH-E should use.
! The default setting of this option is `Auto-detect' which means that MH-E will
! automatically choose one of SpamAssassin, Bogofilter, or SpamProbe in that
! order. If, for example, you have both SpamAssassin and Bogofilter installed
! and you want to use BogoFilter, then you can set this option to `Bogofilter'."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Auto-detect" nil)
!                  (const :tag "SpamAssassin" spamassassin)
!                  (const :tag "Bogofilter" bogofilter)
!                  (const :tag "SpamProbe" spamprobe))
    :set 'mh-junk-choose
    :group 'mh-junk)
+ (defcustom mh-junk-background nil
+   "If on, spam programs are run in background.
+ By default, the programs are run in the foreground, but this can be slow when
+ junking large numbers of messages. If you have enough memory or don't junk
+ that many messages at the same time, you might try turning on this option."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Off" nil)
+                  (const :tag "On" 0))
+   :group 'mh-junk)
+ ;;; Editing a Draft (:group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-mml-method-default (if mh-gnus-pgp-support-flag "pgpmime" 
+   "Default method to use in security directives."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "PGP (MIME)" "pgpmime")
+                  (const :tag "PGP" "pgp")
+                  (const :tag "S/MIME" "smime")
+                  (const :tag "None" "none"))
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-compose-forward-as-mime-flag t
+   "Non-nil means that messages are forwarded as a MIME part."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-compose-insertion (if (locate-library "mml") 'gnus 'mhn)
+   "Type of MIME message directives in messages.
+ By default, this option is set to `Gnus' if it is supported. This option can
+ also be set manually to `mhn' if mhn directives are preferred."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Gnus" gnus)
+                  (const :tag "mhn"  mhn))
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-compose-skipped-header-fields
+   '("From" "Organization" "References" "In-Reply-To"
+     "X-Face" "Face" "X-Image-URL" "X-Mailer")
+   "List of header fields to skip over when navigating in draft."
+   :type '(repeat (string :tag "Field"))
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-compose-space-does-completion-flag nil
+   "*Non-nil means that <SPC> does completion in message header."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-delete-yanked-msg-window-flag nil
+   "*Non-nil means delete any window displaying the message.
+ If this option is on, yanking the current message into a draft letter with
+ \\<mh-letter-mode-map>\\[mh-yank-cur-msg] deletes any windows displaying the
+ message."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-extract-from-attribution-verb "wrote:"
+   "*Verb to use for attribution when a message is yanked by 
+   :type '(choice (const "wrote:")
+                  (const "a écrit:")
+                  (const "schrieb:")
+                  (string :tag "Custom String"))
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-ins-buf-prefix "> "
+   "*String to put before each non-blank line of a yanked or inserted message.
+ Used when the message is inserted into an outgoing letter
+ by \\<mh-letter-mode-map>\\[mh-insert-letter] or \\[mh-yank-cur-msg]."
+   :type 'string
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-insert-x-mailer-flag t
+   "*Non-nil means append an X-Mailer field to the header."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-letter-complete-function 'ispell-complete-word
+   "*Function to call when completing outside of address or folder fields.
+ By default, this is set to `ispell-complete-word'."
+   :type '(choice function (const nil))
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-letter-fill-column 72
+   "*Fill column to use in `mh-letter-mode'.
+ This is usually less than in other text modes because email messages get
+ quoted by some prefix (sometimes many times) when they are replied to,
+ and it's best to avoid quoted lines that span more than 80 columns."
+   :type 'integer
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-reply-show-message-flag t
+   "*Non-nil means the show buffer is displayed using 
+ The setting of this variable determines whether the MH `show-buffer' is
+ displayed with the current message when using `mh-reply' without a prefix
+ argument.  Set it to nil if you already include the message automatically
+ in your draft using
+  repl: -filter repl.filter
+ in your ~/.mh_profile file."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-signature-file-name "~/.signature"
+   "*Source of user's signature.
+ By default, the text of your signature is taken from the file `~/.signature'.
+ You can read from other files by changing this option. This file may contain a
+ vCard in which case an attachment is added with the vCard.
+ This option may also be a symbol, in which case that function is called. You
+ may not want a signature separator to be added for you; instead you may want
+ to insert one yourself. Variables that you may find useful to do this include
+ `mh-signature-separator' (when inserting a signature separator) and
+ `mh-signature-separator-regexp' (for finding said separator). The function
+ `mh-signature-separator-p', which reports t if the buffer contains a
+ separator, may be useful as well.
+ The signature is inserted into your message with the command
+ \\<mh-letter-mode-map>\\[mh-insert-signature] or with the `mh-identity-list'
+ option."
+   :type 'file
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-signature-separator-flag t
+   "*Non-nil means a signature separator should be inserted.
+ It is not recommended that you change this option since various mail user
+ agents, including MH-E, use the separator to present the signature
+ differently, and to suppress the signature when replying or yanking a letter
+ into a draft."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-x-face-file "~/.face"
+   "*File containing face header field to insert in outgoing mail.
+ If the file starts with either of the strings `X-Face:', `Face:' or
+ `X-Image-URL:' then the contents are added to the message header verbatim.
+ Otherwise it is assumed that the file contains the value of the `X-Face:'
+ header field.
+ The `X-Face:' header field, which is a low-resolution, black and white image,
+ can be generated using the `compface' command, which can be obtained from
+ ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z. The \"Online
+ X-Face Convertor\" at http://www.dairiki.org/xface/ is a useful resource for
+ quick conversion of images into `X-Face:' header fields.
+ Use the `make-face' script (http://quimby.gnus.org/circus/face/make-face) to
+ convert a JPEG image to the higher resolution, color, `Face:' header field.
+ The URL of any image can be used for the `X-Image-URL:' field and no
+ processing of the image is required.
+ To prevent the setting of any of these header fields, either set
+ `mh-x-face-file' to nil, or simply ensure that the file defined by this option
+ doesn't exist."
+   :type 'file
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ (defcustom mh-yank-from-start-of-msg 'attribution
+   "*Controls which part of a message is yanked by 
+ If t, include the entire message, with full headers.  This is historically
+ here for use with supercite, but is now deprecated in favor of the setting
+ `supercite' below.
+ If the symbol `body', then yank the message minus the header.
+ If the symbol `supercite', include the entire message, with full headers.
+ This also causes the invocation of `sc-cite-original' without the setting
+ of `mail-citation-hook', now deprecated practice.
+ If the symbol `autosupercite', do as for `supercite' automatically when
+ show buffer matches the message being replied-to.  When this option is used,
+ the -noformat switch is passed to the repl program to override a -filter or
+ -format switch.
+ If the symbol `attribution', then yank the message minus the header and add
+ a simple attribution line at the top.
+ If the symbol `autoattrib', do as for `attribution' automatically when show
+ buffer matches the message being replied-to.  You can make sure this is
+ always the case by setting `mh-reply-show-message-flag' to t (which is the
+ default) and optionally `mh-delete-yanked-msg-window-flag' to t as well such
+ that the show window is never displayed.  When the `autoattrib' option is
+ used, the -noformat switch is passed to the repl program to override a
+ -filter or -format switch.
+ If nil, yank only the portion of the message following the point.
+ If the show buffer has a region, this variable is ignored unless its value is
+ one of `attribution' or `autoattrib' in which case the attribution is added
+ to the yanked region."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Below point" nil)
+                  (const :tag "Without header" body)
+                  (const :tag "Invoke supercite" supercite)
+                  (const :tag "Invoke supercite, automatically" autosupercite)
+                  (const :tag "Without header, with attribution" attribution)
+                  (const :tag "Without header, with attribution, automatically"
+                         autoattrib)
+                  (const :tag "Entire message with headers" t))
+   :group 'mh-letter)
+ ;;; Ranges (:group 'mh-ranges)
+ (defcustom mh-interpret-number-as-range-flag t
+   "Non-nil means interpret a number as a range.
+ If the variable is non-nil, and you use an integer, N, when asked for a
+ range to scan, then MH-E uses the range \"last:N\"."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-ranges)
+ ;;; Scan Line Formats (:group 'mh-scan-line-formats)
+ (defcustom mh-adaptive-cmd-note-flag t
+   "*Non-nil means that the message number width is determined dynamically.
+ This is done once when a folder is first opened by running scan on the last
+ message of the folder. The message number for the last message is extracted
+ and its width calculated. This width is used when calling `mh-set-cmd-note'.
+ If you prefer fixed-width message numbers, set this variable to nil and call
+ `mh-set-cmd-note' with the width specified by the scan format in
+ `mh-scan-format-file'. For example, the default width is 4, so you would use
+ \"(mh-set-cmd-note 4)\" if `mh-scan-format-file' were nil."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-scan-line-formats)
+ (defcustom mh-scan-format-file t
+   "Specifies the format file to pass to the scan program.
+ If t, the format string will be taken from the either `mh-scan-format-mh'
+ or `mh-scan-format-nmh' depending on whether MH or nmh is in use.
+ If nil, the default scan output will be used.
+ If you customize the scan format, you may need to modify a few variables
+ containing regexps that MH-E uses to identify specific portions of the output.
+ Use `M-x apropos RET mh-scan.*regexp' to obtain a list of these variables. You
+ may also have to call `mh-set-cmd-note' with the width of your message
+ numbers. See also `mh-adaptive-cmd-note-flag'."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Use MH-E scan Format" t)
+                  (const :tag "Use Default scan Format" nil)
+                  (file  :tag "Specify a scan Format File"))
+   :group 'mh-scan-line-formats)
+ (defcustom mh-scan-prog "scan"
+   "*Program to run to generate one-line-per-message listing of a folder.
+ Normally \"scan\" or a file name linked to scan.  This file is searched
+ for relative to the `mh-progs' directory unless it is an absolute pathname."
+   :type 'string
+   :group 'mh-scan-line-formats)
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'mh-scan-prog)
+ ;;; Sending Mail (:group 'mh-sending-mail)
+ (defcustom mh-compose-letter-function nil
+   "Invoked when setting up a letter draft.
+ It is passed three arguments: TO recipients, SUBJECT, and CC recipients."
+   :type '(choice (const nil) function)
+   :group 'mh-sending-mail)
+ (defcustom mh-compose-prompt-flag nil
+   "*Non-nil means prompt for header fields when composing a new draft."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-sending-mail)
+ (defcustom mh-forward-subject-format "%s: %s"
+   "*Format to generate the Subject: line contents for a forwarded message.
+ The two string arguments to the format are the sender of the original
+ message and the original subject line."
+   :type 'string
+   :group 'mh-sending-mail)
+ (defcustom mh-reply-default-reply-to nil
+   "*Sets the person or persons to whom a reply will be sent.
+ If nil, prompt for recipient.  If non-nil, then 
\\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-reply]' will use this
+ value and it should be one of \"from\", \"to\", \"cc\", or \"all\".
+ The values \"cc\" and \"all\" do the same thing."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Prompt" nil)
+                  (const "from") (const "to")
+                  (const "cc") (const "all"))
+   :group 'mh-sending-mail)
+ ;;; Sequences (:group 'mh-sequences)
+ ;;; If `mh-unpropagated-sequences' becomes a defcustom, add the following to
+ ;;; the docstring: "Additional sequences that should not to be preserved can 
+ ;;; specified by setting `mh-unpropagated-sequences' appropriately." XXX
+ (defcustom mh-refile-preserves-sequences-flag t
+   "*Non-nil means that sequences are preserved when messages are refiled.
+ If this variable is non-nil and a message belonging to a sequence other than
+ cur or Previous-Sequence (see mh-profile 5) is refiled then it is put in the
+ same sequence in the destination folder."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-sequences)
+ (defcustom mh-tick-seq 'tick
+   "The name of the MH sequence for ticked messages.
+ You would change this option if you already use the `tick' sequence for your
+ own use. You can also disable all of the ticking functions by choosing the
+ `Disable Ticking' item but there isn't much advantage to that."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Disable Ticking" nil)
+                  symbol)
+   :group 'mh-sequences)
+ (defcustom mh-update-sequences-after-mh-show-flag t
+   "*Non-nil means flush MH sequences to disk after message is shown.
+ Three sequences are maintained internally by MH-E and pushed out to MH when a
+ message is shown. They include the sequence specified by your
+ `Unseen-Sequence:' profile entry, `cur', and the sequence listed by
+ the `mh-tick-seq' option which is `tick' by default.
+ If you do not like this behavior, set this option to nil. You can then update
+ the state manually with the \\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-execute-commands]', 
`\\[mh-quit]', or `\\[mh-update-sequences]' commands."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-sequences)
! ;;; Reading Your Mail (:group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-bury-show-buffer-flag t
    "*Non-nil means that the displayed show buffer for a folder is buried."
*** 923,932 ****
    :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-clean-message-header-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means clean headers of messages that are displayed or inserted.
! The variable `mh-invisible-headers' if set determines the header fields that
! are displayed. If it isn't set, then the variable `mh-invisible-headers'
! determines the header fields that are removed."
    :type 'boolean
    :group 'mh-show)
--- 1021,1031 ----
    :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-clean-message-header-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means remove extraneous header fields.
! The header fields listed in the `mh-invisible-header-fields-default' option
! are hidden, although you can check off any field that you would like to see.
! Header fields that you would like to hide that aren't listed can be added to
! the `mh-invisible-header-fields' option."
    :type 'boolean
    :group 'mh-show)
*** 960,978 ****
    :type 'boolean
    :group 'mh-show)
! (defcustom mh-fetch-x-image-url nil
!   "Control fetching of X-Image-URL header field image.
! This setting only has effect if `mh-show-use-xface-flag' is non-nil.
! If set to t, the image is fetched.
! If set to 'ask, the user is prompted before the image is fetched. MH-E will
! remember your reply and will either use the already fetched image the next 
! the same URL is encountered or silently skip it if you didn't fetch it the
! first time.
- If set to nil, the default, images are not fetched and only displayed if they
- are already present in the cache."
    :type '(choice (const :tag "Always fetch" t)
                   (const :tag "Ask before fetching" ask)
                   (const :tag "Never fetch" nil))
--- 1059,1086 ----
    :type 'boolean
    :group 'mh-show)
! (defcustom mh-fetch-x-image-url 'ask
!   "*Control fetching of `X-Image-URL:' header field image.
! If set to \"Always fetch\" (t), the image is always fetched. You probably want
! to avoid this setting for privacy and DOS (denial of service) reasons. For
! example, fetching a URL can tip off a spammer that you've read his email.
! Someone may also flood your network and fill your disk drive by sending a
! torrent of messages, each specifying a unique URL to a very large file.
! If set to \"Ask before fetching\" ('ask), you are prompted before the image is
! fetched. MH-E will remember your reply and will either use the already fetched
! image the next time the same URL is encountered or silently skip it if you
! didn't fetch it the first time. This is the default.
! If set to \"Never fetch\" (nil), images are never fetched and only displayed
! if they are already present in the cache.
! The cache of images is found in the directory `.mhe-x-image-cache' within your
! MH directory. To see how you can add your own face to the `From:' field, see
! `mh-x-face-file'.
! This setting only has effect if `mh-show-use-xface-flag' is non-nil."
    :type '(choice (const :tag "Always fetch" t)
                   (const :tag "Ask before fetching" ask)
                   (const :tag "Never fetch" nil))
*** 1002,1029 ****
                   (const :tag "Don't fontify" nil))
    :group 'mh-show)
- (defvar mh-invisible-headers nil
-   "*Regexp matching lines in a message header that are not to be shown.
- Customize the variable `mh-invisible-header-fields' to generate this variable;
- It will in turn automatically use the function `mh-invisible-headers' to
- generate this variable.
- If the variable `mh-visible-headers' is non-nil, it is used instead to specify
- what to keep.")
- (defun mh-invisible-headers ()
-   "Make or remake the variable `mh-invisible-headers'.
- Done using `mh-invisible-header-fields' as input."
-   (if mh-invisible-header-fields
-       (setq mh-invisible-headers
-             (concat
-              "^"
-              (let ((max-specpdl-size 1000) ;workaround for insufficient 
-                    (fields mh-invisible-header-fields))
-                (regexp-opt fields t))))
-     (setq mh-invisible-headers nil)))
  ;; Keep fields alphabetized. Mention source, if known.
! (defcustom mh-invisible-header-fields
--- 1110,1117 ----
                   (const :tag "Don't fontify" nil))
    :group 'mh-show)
  ;; Keep fields alphabetized. Mention source, if known.
! (defvar mh-invisible-header-fields-internal
*** 1053,1064 ****
      "Original-Encoded-Information-Types:"  ; X400
      "Original-Lines:"                   ; mail to news
-     "Original-Newsgroups:"              ; mail to news
      "Original-NNTP-"                    ; mail to news
      "Original-Path:"                    ; mail to news
      "Original-Received:"                ; mail to news
      "Original-To:"                      ; mail to news
      "Original-X-"                       ; mail to news
      "P1-Content-Type:"                  ; X400
      "P1-Message-Id:"                    ; X400
      "P1-Recipient:"                     ; X400
--- 1141,1153 ----
      "Original-Encoded-Information-Types:"  ; X400
      "Original-Lines:"                   ; mail to news
      "Original-NNTP-"                    ; mail to news
+     "Original-Newsgroups:"              ; mail to news
      "Original-Path:"                    ; mail to news
      "Original-Received:"                ; mail to news
      "Original-To:"                      ; mail to news
      "Original-X-"                       ; mail to news
+     "Originator:"
      "P1-Content-Type:"                  ; X400
      "P1-Message-Id:"                    ; X400
      "P1-Recipient:"                     ; X400
*** 1074,1086 ****
--- 1163,1179 ----
      "Return-Path:"                      ; RFC 822
      "Sensitivity:"                      ; MS Outlook
      "Status:"                           ; sendmail
+     "Thread-"
      "Ua-Content-Id:"                    ; X400
  ;;  "User-Agent:"                       ; Similar to X-Mailer, so display it.
      "Via:"                              ; MH
+     "X-Abuse-and-DMCA-"
      "X-Accept-Language:"                ; Netscape/Mozilla
+     "X-Administrivia-To:"
+     "X-AntiAbuse:"                      ; cPanel
      "X-Apparently-From:"                ; MS Outlook
      "X-Apparently-To:"           ; Egroups/yahoogroups mailing list manager
      "X-Authentication-Warning:"         ; sendmail
*** 1088,1100 ****
--- 1181,1198 ----
      "X-Bogosity:"                       ; bogofilter
+     "X-DMCA"
+     "X-ELNK-Trace:"                     ; Earthlink mailer
+     "X-Envelope-Date:"                  ; GNU mailutils
+     "X-Envelope-From:"
      "X-Folder:"                         ; Spam
      "X-Gnus-Mail-Source:"               ; gnus
+     "X-Greylist:"                       ; milter-greylist-1.2.1
      "X-Habeas-SWE-1:"                   ; Spam
      "X-Habeas-SWE-2:"                   ; Spam
      "X-Habeas-SWE-3:"                   ; Spam
*** 1104,1130 ****
      "X-Habeas-SWE-7:"                   ; Spam
      "X-Habeas-SWE-8:"                   ; Spam
      "X-Habeas-SWE-9:"                   ; Spam
      "X-Info:"                           ; NTMail
      "X-Juno-"                           ; Juno
      "X-List-Host:"                      ; Unknown mailing list managers
      "X-List-Subscribe:"                 ; Unknown mailing list managers
      "X-List-Unsubscribe:"               ; Unknown mailing list managers
      "X-Listserver:"                     ; Unknown mailing list managers
      "X-Loop:"                           ; Unknown mailing list managers
      "X-MIME-Autoconverted:"             ; sendmail
!     "X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:"             ; MS Outlook
      "X-Mailing-List:"                   ; Unknown mailing list managers
      "X-Mailman-Version:"                ; Mailman mailing list manager
      "X-Majordomo:"                      ; Majordomo mailing list manager
!     "X-MHE-Checksum"                    ; Checksum added during index search
      "X-MimeOLE:"                        ; MS Outlook
      "X-Mozilla-Status:"                 ; Netscape/Mozilla
      "X-Msmail-"                         ; MS Outlook
      "X-News:"                           ; News
      "X-Notes-Item:"                     ; Lotus Notes Domino structured header
      "X-Original-Date:"                  ; SourceForge mailing list manager
--- 1202,1236 ----
      "X-Habeas-SWE-7:"                   ; Spam
      "X-Habeas-SWE-8:"                   ; Spam
      "X-Habeas-SWE-9:"                   ; Spam
+     "X-Image-URL:"                      ; URL equivalent of X-Face and Face
      "X-Info:"                           ; NTMail
      "X-Juno-"                           ; Juno
      "X-List-Host:"                      ; Unknown mailing list managers
      "X-List-Subscribe:"                 ; Unknown mailing list managers
      "X-List-Unsubscribe:"               ; Unknown mailing list managers
+     "X-Listprocessor-"                  ; ListProc(tm) by CREN
      "X-Listserver:"                     ; Unknown mailing list managers
      "X-Loop:"                           ; Unknown mailing list managers
+     "X-MHE-Checksum"                    ; Checksum added during index search
      "X-MIME-Autoconverted:"             ; sendmail
!     "X-Mms-"                            ; T-Mobile pictures
!     "X-MS-"                           ; MS Outlook
!     "X-MailScanner"                     ; ListProc(tm) by CREN
      "X-Mailing-List:"                   ; Unknown mailing list managers
      "X-Mailman-Version:"                ; Mailman mailing list manager
      "X-Majordomo:"                      ; Majordomo mailing list manager
!     "X-MessageWall-Score:"              ; Unknown mailing list manager, AUC 
      "X-MimeOLE:"                        ; MS Outlook
      "X-Mozilla-Status:"                 ; Netscape/Mozilla
      "X-Msmail-"                         ; MS Outlook
+     "X-NAI-Spam-"                       ; Network Associates Inc. SpamKiller
      "X-News:"                           ; News
      "X-Notes-Item:"                     ; Lotus Notes Domino structured header
+     "X-OperatingSystem:"
+     ;;"X-Operator:"                     ; Similar to X-Mailer, so display it
      "X-Original-Date:"                  ; SourceForge mailing list manager
*** 1132,1139 ****
--- 1238,1247 ----
      "X-OriginalArrivalTime:"            ; Hotmail
      "X-Originating-IP:"                 ; Hotmail
+     "X-Postfilter:"
      "X-Priority:"                       ; MS Outlook
      "X-Qotd-"                           ; User added
+     "X-RM"
*** 1141,1178 ****
      "X-SBNote:"                         ; Spam
      "X-SBPass:"                         ; Spam
      "X-SBRule:"                         ; Spam
      "X-Sieve:"                          ; Sieve filtering
!     "X-Spam-Checker-Version:"           ; Spamassassin
!     "X-Spam-Level:"                     ; Spamassassin
!     "X-Spam-Score:"                     ; Spamassassin
!     "X-Spam-Status:"                    ; Spamassassin
      "X-SpamBouncer:"                    ; Spam
      "X-VSMLoop:"                        ; NTMail
      "X-Wss-Id:"                         ; Worldtalk gateways
      "X-eGroups-"                 ; Egroups/yahoogroups mailing list manager
      "X400-"                             ; X400
! "*List of header fields that are not to be shown.
! Regexps are not allowed. Unique fields should have a \":\" suffix; otherwise,
! the element can be used to render invisible an entire class of fields that
! start with the same prefix.
! This variable is ignored if the variable `mh-visible-headers' is set."
    :type '(repeat (string :tag "Header field"))
    :set (lambda (symbol value)
           (set-default symbol value)
    :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-max-inline-image-height nil
    "*Maximum inline image height if Content-Disposition is not present.
  If nil, image will be displayed if its height is smaller than the height of
--- 1249,1356 ----
      "X-SBNote:"                         ; Spam
      "X-SBPass:"                         ; Spam
      "X-SBRule:"                         ; Spam
+     "X-SMTP-"
      "X-Sieve:"                          ; Sieve filtering
!     "X-Source"
!     "X-Spam-"                           ; Spamassassin
      "X-SpamBouncer:"                    ; Spam
+     "X-Status"
+     "X-Submissions-To:"
+     "X-Telecom-Digest"
+     "X-UID"
      "X-VSMLoop:"                        ; NTMail
+     "X-WebTV-Signature:"
      "X-Wss-Id:"                         ; Worldtalk gateways
+     "X-Yahoo"
      "X-eGroups-"                 ; Egroups/yahoogroups mailing list manager
      "X400-"                             ; X400
!   "List of default header fields that are not to be shown.
! Do not alter this variable directly.  Instead, add entries from here that you
! would like to be displayed in `mh-invisible-header-fields-default'
! and add entries to hide in `mh-invisible-header-fields'.")
! (defvar mh-invisible-header-fields-compiled nil
!   "*Regexp matching lines in a message header that are not to be shown.
! Do not alter this variable directly. Instead, customize
! `mh-invisible-header-fields-default' checking for fields normally
! hidden that you wish to display, and add extra entries to hide in
! `mh-invisible-header-fields'.")
! (defun mh-invisible-headers ()
!   "Make or remake the variable `mh-invisible-header-fields-compiled'.
! Done using `mh-invisible-header-fields-internal' as input, from which entries
! from `mh-invisible-header-fields-default' are removed and entries
! from `mh-invisible-header-fields' are added."
!   (let ((fields mh-invisible-header-fields-internal))
!     (when mh-invisible-header-fields-default
!       ;; Remove entries from `mh-invisible-header-fields-default'
!       (setq fields
!             (loop for x in fields
!                   unless (member x mh-invisible-header-fields-default)
!                   collect x)))
!     (when (and (boundp 'mh-invisible-header-fields)
!                mh-invisible-header-fields)
!       (dolist (x mh-invisible-header-fields)
!         (unless (member x fields) (setq fields (cons x fields)))))
!     (if fields
!         (setq mh-invisible-header-fields-compiled
!               (concat
!                "^"
!                ;; workaround for insufficient default
!                (let ((max-specpdl-size 1000))
!                  (regexp-opt fields t))))
!       (setq mh-invisible-header-fields-compiled nil))))
! (defcustom mh-invisible-header-fields-default nil
!   "*List of hidden header fields.
! The header fields listed in this option are hidden, although you can check off
! any field that you would like to see. Header fields that you would like to
! hide that aren't listed can be added to the `mh-invisible-header-fields'
! option.
! See also `mh-clean-message-header-flag'."
!   :type `(set ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(const ,x))
!                         mh-invisible-header-fields-internal))
!   :set (lambda (symbol value)
!          (set-default symbol value)
!          (mh-invisible-headers))
!   :group 'mh-show)
! (defcustom mh-invisible-header-fields nil
!   "*Additional header fields to hide.
! Header fields that you would like to hide that aren't listed in
! `mh-invisible-header-fields-default' can be added to this option with a couple
! of caveats. Regular expressions are not allowed. Unique fields should have a
! `:' suffix; otherwise, the element can be used to render invisible an entire
! class of fields that start with the same prefix.
! See also `mh-clean-message-header-flag'."
    :type '(repeat (string :tag "Header field"))
    :set (lambda (symbol value)
           (set-default symbol value)
    :group 'mh-show)
+ (defcustom mh-lpr-command-format "lpr -J '%s'"
+   "*Format for Unix command that prints a message.
+ The string should be a Unix command line, with the string '%s' where
+ the job's name (folder and message number) should appear.  The formatted
+ message text is piped to this command when you type 
+   :type 'string
+   :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-max-inline-image-height nil
    "*Maximum inline image height if Content-Disposition is not present.
  If nil, image will be displayed if its height is smaller than the height of
*** 1187,1192 ****
--- 1365,1391 ----
    :type '(choice (const nil) integer)
    :group 'mh-show)
+ (defcustom mh-mime-save-parts-default-directory t
+   "Default directory to use for `mh-mime-save-parts'.
+ If nil, prompt and set for next time the command is used during same session.
+ If t, prompt always"
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Prompt the first time" nil)
+                  (const :tag "Prompt always" t)
+                  directory)
+   :group 'mh-show)
+ (defcustom mh-print-background-flag nil
+   "*Non-nil means messages should be printed in the background.
+ WARNING: do not delete the messages until printing is finished;
+ otherwise, your output may be truncated."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-show)
+ (defcustom mh-recursive-folders-flag nil
+   "*Non-nil means that commands which operate on folders do so recursively."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-show-maximum-size 0
    "*Maximum size of message (in bytes) to display automatically.
  Provides an opportunity to skip over large messages which may be slow to load.
*** 1194,1199 ****
--- 1393,1406 ----
    :type 'integer
    :group 'mh-show)
+ (defcustom mh-show-threads-flag nil
+   "Non-nil means new folders start in threaded mode.
+ Threading large number of messages can be time consuming. So if the flag is
+ non-nil then threading will be done only if the number of messages being
+ threaded is less than `mh-large-folder'."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mh-show)
  ;; Use goto-addr if it was already loaded (which probably sets this
  ;; variable to t), or if this variable is otherwise set to t.
  (defcustom mh-show-use-goto-addr-flag (and (boundp 'goto-address-highlight-p)
*** 1205,1284 ****
  (defcustom mh-show-use-xface-flag (>= emacs-major-version 21)
    "*Non-nil means display face images in `mh-show-mode'.
- This flag controls the display of three kinds of faces.
! The first is the traditional X-Face header field. For GNU Emacs 21
! and above, the `uncompface' binary is required to be in the execute
! PATH for the display of X-Face images. It can be obtained from
! ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z.
! If the XEmacs you are using has internal support for X-Face images, then MH-E
! will display X-Face images in XEmacs \"out of the box\". Even if you don't 
! X-Face support compiled into your XEmacs, you can still see the X-Face images
! in MH-E with the aid of an external x-face package and `uncompface'. It is
! available from ftp://ftp.jpl.org/pub/elisp/. Download it, put its files in the
! `load-path' and MH-E will invoke it automatically.
! Second, MH-E supports the display of the Gnus-specific Face
! header field in GNU Emacs >= 21 and XEmacs. No external packages
! are required. More information about the Face header can be found
! at: http://quimby.gnus.org/circus/face/.
! Finally, MH-E can also display images from the X-Image-URL header field. The
! display of the images requires the `wget' program, available from
! http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html, to fetch the image and the
! `convert' program from the ImageMagick suite, available from
  http://www.imagemagick.org/. Of the three header fields this is the most
  efficient in terms of network usage since the image doesn't need to be
! transmitted with every single mail. However its display needs the recipient to
! fetch a URL and this can be misused. So it is disabled by default. It can be
! enabled by customizing `mh-fetch-x-image-url'. Setting that to ask for
! confirmation before fetching seems like a good choice.
! Versions of GNU Emacs prior to 21.1 don't support the display of
! inline images. So face images are not displayed in these versions."
    :type 'boolean
    :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-summary-height nil
    "*Number of lines in MH-Folder window (including the mode line)."
    :type '(choice (const :tag "Automatic" nil)
                   (integer :tag "Fixed sized"))
    :group 'mh-show)
- (defvar mh-visible-headers nil
-   "*Regexp matching lines in a message header that are to be shown.
- Customize the variable `mh-visible-header-fields' to generate this variable;
- It will in turn automatically use the function `mh-visible-headers' to
- generate this variable.
- Only used if `mh-clean-message-header-flag' is non-nil. Setting it overrides
- the variable `mh-invisible-headers'.")
- (defun mh-visible-headers ()
-   "Make or remake the variable `mh-visible-headers'.
- Done using `mh-visible-header-fields' as input."
-   (if mh-visible-header-fields
-       (setq mh-visible-headers
-             (concat
-              "^"
-              (let ((max-specpdl-size 1000) ;workaround for insufficient 
-                    (fields mh-visible-header-fields))
-                (regexp-opt fields t))))
-     (setq mh-visible-headers nil)))
- (defcustom mh-visible-header-fields nil
- "*List of header fields that are to be shown.
- Regexps are not allowed. Unique fields should have a \":\" suffix; otherwise,
- the element can be used to render visible an entire class of fields that
- start with the same prefix.
- Only used if `mh-clean-message-header-flag' is non-nil.
- Setting it overrides the variable `mh-invisible-headers'."
-   :type '(repeat (string :tag "Header field"))
-   :set (lambda (symbol value)
-          (set-default symbol value)
-          (mh-visible-headers))
-   :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mhl-formfile nil
    "*Name of format file to be used by mhl to show and print messages.
  A value of t means use the default format file.
--- 1412,1466 ----
  (defcustom mh-show-use-xface-flag (>= emacs-major-version 21)
    "*Non-nil means display face images in `mh-show-mode'.
! MH-E can display the content of `Face:', `X-Face:', and `X-Image-URL:' header
! fields. If any of these fields occur in the header of your message, the
! sender's face will appear in the `From:' header field. If more than one of
! these fields appear, then the first field found in the order `Face:',
! `X-Face:', and `X-Image-URL:' will be used. Note that versions of GNU Emacs
! prior to 21.1 don't support the display of inline images, so face images are
! not displayed in these versions.
! The option `mh-show-use-xface-flag' is used to turn this feature on and off.
! This feature will be turned on by default if your system supports it.
! The first header field used, if present, is the Gnus-specific `Face:' field.
! The `Face:' field appeared in GNU Emacs 21 and XEmacs. For more information,
! see http://quimby.gnus.org/circus/face/. Next is the traditional `X-Face:'
! header field. The display of this field requires the `uncompface' program
! which can be obtained from
! ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z. Recent versions of
! XEmacs have internal support for `X-Face:' images. If your version of XEmacs
! does not, then you'll need both `uncompface' and the x-face package which is
! available at ftp://ftp.jpl.org/pub/elisp/.
! Finally, MH-E will display images referenced by the `X-Image-URL:' header
! field if neither the `Face:' nor the `X-Face:' fields are present. The display
! of the images requires `wget' (available from
! http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html), `fetch', or `curl' to fetch the
! image and the `convert' program from the ImageMagick suite, available from
  http://www.imagemagick.org/. Of the three header fields this is the most
  efficient in terms of network usage since the image doesn't need to be
! transmitted with every single mail.
! The option `mh-fetch-x-image-url' controls the fetching of the `X-Image-URL:'
! header field image."
    :type 'boolean
    :group 'mh-show)
+ (defcustom mh-store-default-directory nil
+   "*Last directory used by \\[mh-store-msg]; default for next store.
+ A directory name string, or nil to use current directory."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Current" nil)
+                  directory)
+   :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-summary-height nil
    "*Number of lines in MH-Folder window (including the mode line)."
    :type '(choice (const :tag "Automatic" nil)
                   (integer :tag "Fixed sized"))
    :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mhl-formfile nil
    "*Name of format file to be used by mhl to show and print messages.
  A value of t means use the default format file.
*** 1292,1678 ****
! ;;; Composing messages (:group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-compose-insertion (if (locate-library "mml") 'gnus 'mhn)
!   "Use either 'gnus or 'mhn to insert MIME message directives in messages."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Use Gnus" gnus)
!                  (const :tag "Use mhn"  mhn))
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-compose-letter-function nil
!   "Invoked when setting up a letter draft.
! It is passed three arguments: TO recipients, SUBJECT, and CC recipients."
!   :type '(choice (const nil) function)
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-compose-prompt-flag nil
!   "*Non-nil means prompt for header fields when composing a new draft."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-compose-skipped-header-fields
!   '("from" "organization" "references" "in-reply-to" "x-face" "face"
!     "x-mailer")
!   "List of header fields to skip over when navigating in draft."
!   :type '(repeat (string :tag "Field"))
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-compose-space-does-completion-flag nil
!   "*Non-nil means that SPACE does completion in message header."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-delete-yanked-msg-window-flag nil
!   "*Non-nil means delete any window displaying the message.
! Controls window display when a message is yanked by 
! If non-nil, yanking the current message into a draft letter deletes any
! windows displaying the message."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-extract-from-attribution-verb "wrote:"
!   "*Verb to use for attribution when a message is yanked by 
!   :type '(choice (const "wrote:")
!                  (const "a écrit :")
!                  (string :tag "Custom string"))
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-forward-subject-format "%s: %s"
!   "*Format to generate the Subject: line contents for a forwarded message.
! The two string arguments to the format are the sender of the original
! message and the original subject line."
!   :type 'string
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-ins-buf-prefix "> "
!   "*String to put before each non-blank line of a yanked or inserted message.
! \\<mh-letter-mode-map>Used when the message is inserted into an outgoing 
! by \\[mh-insert-letter] or \\[mh-yank-cur-msg]."
!   :type 'string
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-insert-x-mailer-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means append an X-Mailer field to the header."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-letter-complete-function 'ispell-complete-word
!   "*Function to call when completing outside of fields specific to aliases."
!   :type '(choice function (const nil))
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-letter-fill-column 72
!   "*Fill column to use in `mh-letter-mode'.
! This is usually less than in other text modes because email messages get
! quoted by some prefix (sometimes many times) when they are replied to,
! and it's best to avoid quoted lines that span more than 80 columns."
    :type 'integer
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-reply-default-reply-to nil
!   "*Sets the person or persons to whom a reply will be sent.
! If nil, prompt for recipient.  If non-nil, then 
\\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-reply]' will use this
! value and it should be one of \"from\", \"to\", \"cc\", or \"all\".
! The values \"cc\" and \"all\" do the same thing."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Prompt" nil)
!                  (const "from") (const "to")
!                  (const "cc") (const "all"))
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-reply-show-message-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means the show buffer is displayed using 
! The setting of this variable determines whether the MH `show-buffer' is
! displayed with the current message when using `mh-reply' without a prefix
! argument.  Set it to nil if you already include the message automatically
! in your draft using
!  repl: -filter repl.filter
! in your ~/.mh_profile file."
    :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-signature-file-name "~/.signature"
!   "*Name of file containing the user's signature.
! Inserted into message by \\<mh-letter-mode-map>\\[mh-insert-signature]."
!   :type 'file
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-x-face-file "~/.face"
!   "*File containing X-Face or Face header field to insert in outgoing mail.
! If the file starts with either of the strings \"X-Face: \", \"Face: \" or
! \"X-Image-URL: \" then it is assumed to contain the whole field and is added 
! the message header verbatim. Otherwise it is assumed that the file contains 
! value of the X-Face header field.
! X-Face header fields can be generated using `compface', which can be obtained
! from ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z. The \"Online
! X-Face Convertor\" at http://www.dairiki.org/xface/ is a useful resource for
! quick conversion of images into X-Face header fields.
! There is a `make-face' script that converts a jpeg image to a Face header
! field at http://quimby.gnus.org/circus/face/make-face.
! The URL of any image can be used for the X-Image-URL field and no processing
! of the image is required.
! If nil, or the file does not exist, nothing is added to the message header."
!   :type 'file
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-yank-from-start-of-msg 'attribution
!   "*Controls which part of a message is yanked by 
! If t, include the entire message, with full headers.  This is historically
! here for use with supercite, but is now deprecated in favor of the setting
! `supercite' below.
! If the symbol `body', then yank the message minus the header.
! If the symbol `supercite', include the entire message, with full headers.
! This also causes the invocation of `sc-cite-original' without the setting
! of `mail-citation-hook', now deprecated practice.
! If the symbol `autosupercite', do as for `supercite' automatically when
! show buffer matches the message being replied-to.  When this option is used,
! the -noformat switch is passed to the repl program to override a -filter or
! -format switch.
! If the symbol `attribution', then yank the message minus the header and add
! a simple attribution line at the top.
! If the symbol `autoattrib', do as for `attribution' automatically when show
! buffer matches the message being replied-to.  You can make sure this is
! always the case by setting `mh-reply-show-message-flag' to t (which is the
! default) and optionally `mh-delete-yanked-msg-window-flag' to t as well such
! that the show window is never displayed.  When the `autoattrib' option is
! used, the -noformat switch is passed to the repl program to override a
! -filter or -format switch.
! If nil, yank only the portion of the message following the point.
! If the show buffer has a region, this variable is ignored unless its value is
! one of `attribution' or `autoattrib' in which case the attribution is added
! to the yanked region."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Below point" nil)
!                  (const :tag "Without header" body)
!                  (const :tag "Invoke supercite" supercite)
!                  (const :tag "Invoke supercite, automatically" autosupercite)
!                  (const :tag "Without header, with attribution" attribution)
!                  (const :tag "Without header, with attribution, automatically"
!                         autoattrib)
!                  (const :tag "Entire message with headers" t))
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! ;;; Alias handling (:group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-completion-ignore-case-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means don't consider case significant in MH alias completion.
! This is the default in plain MH, so it is the default here as well. It
! can be useful to set this to t if, for example, you use lowercase
! aliases for people and uppercase for mailing lists."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-expand-aliases-flag nil
!   "*Non-nil means to expand aliases entered in the minibuffer.
! In other words, aliases entered in the minibuffer will be expanded to the full
! address in the message draft. By default, this expansion is not performed."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-flash-on-comma t
!   "*Specify whether to flash or warn on translation.
! When a [comma] is pressed while entering aliases or addresses, setting this
! variable to the following values has the listed effects:
! t   Flash alias translation but don't warn if there is no translation.
! 1   Flash alias translation and warn if there is no translation.
! nil Do not flash alias translation nor warn if there is no translation."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Flash but don't warn if no translation" t)
!                (const :tag "Flash and warn if no translation" 1)
!                (const :tag "Don't flash nor warn if no translation" nil))
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-insert-file nil
!   "*Filename to use to store new MH-E aliases.
! This variable can also be a list of filenames, in which case MH-E will prompt
! for one of them. If nil, the default, then MH-E will use the first file found
! in the \"AliasFile\" component of the MH profile."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Use AliasFile MH profile component" nil)
!                  (file :tag "Alias file")
!                  (repeat :tag "List of alias files" file))
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-insertion-location 'sorted
!   "Specifies where new aliases are entered in alias files.
! Options are sorted alphabetically, at the top of the file or at the bottom."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Sorted alphabetically" sorted)
!                  (const :tag "At the top of file" top)
!                  (const :tag "At the bottom of file" bottom))
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-local-users t
!   "*If t, local users are completed in MH-E To: and Cc: prompts.
! Users with a userid greater than some magic number (usually 200) are available
! for completion.
! If you set this variable to a string, it will be executed to generate a
! password file. A value of \"ypcat passwd\" is helpful if NIS is in use."
!   :type '(choice (boolean) (string))
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-local-users-prefix "local."
!   "*String prepended to the real names of users from the passwd file.
! If nil, use the username string unmodified instead of the real name from
! the gecos field of the passwd file.
! For example, given the following passwd file line:
!  psg:x:1000:1000:Peter S Galbraith,,,:/home/psg:/bin/tcsh
! here are the derived aliases for different values of this variable:
!  \"local.\"  -> local.peter.galbraith
!  \"\"        -> peter.galbraith
!  nii       -> psg
! This variable is only meaningful if the variable `mh-alias-local-users' is
! non-nil."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "Use username instead of real name" nil)
!                  (string))
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-passwd-gecos-comma-separator-flag t
!   "*Non-nil means the gecos field in the passwd file uses comma as a 
! Used to construct aliases for users in the passwd file."
!   :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! (defcustom mh-alias-system-aliases
!   '("/etc/nmh/MailAliases" "/usr/lib/mh/MailAliases" "/etc/passwd")
!   "*A list of system files from which to cull aliases.
! If these files are modified, they are automatically reread. This list need
! include only system aliases and the passwd file, since personal alias files
! listed in your \"AliasFile\" MH profile component are automatically included.
! You can update the alias list manually using \\[mh-alias-reload]."
!   :type '(choice (file) (repeat file))
!   :group 'mh-alias)
! ;;; Multiple personalities (:group 'mh-identity)
! (defcustom mh-identity-list nil
!   "*List holding MH-E identity.
! Omit the colon and trailing space from the field names.
! The keyword name \"none\" is reserved for internal use.
! Use the keyname name \"signature\" to specify either a signature file or a
! function to call to insert a signature at point.
! Providing an empty Value (\"\") will cause the field to be deleted.
! Example entries using the customize interface:
!    Keyword name: work
!             From
!             Value: John Doe <address@hidden>
!             Organization
!             Value: Acme Inc.
!    Keyword name: home
!             From
!             Value: John Doe <address@hidden>
!             Organization
!             Value:
! This would produce the equivalent of:
!  (setq mh-identity-list
!       '((\"work\"
!          ((\"From\" . \"John Doe <address@hidden>\")
!           (\"Organization\" . \"Acme Inc.\")))
!         (\"home\"
!          ((\"From\" . \"John Doe <address@hidden>\")
!           (\"Organization\" . \"\")))))"
!   :type '(repeat (list :tag ""
!                        (string :tag "Keyword name")
!                        (repeat :tag "At least one pair from below"
!                                (choice (cons :tag "From field"
!                                              (const "From")
!                                              (string :tag "Value"))
!                                        (cons :tag "Organization field"
!                                              (const "Organization")
!                                              (string :tag "Value"))
!                                        (cons :tag "Signature"
!                                              (const "signature")
!                                              (choice (file) (function)))
!                                        (cons :tag "Other field & value pair"
!                                              (string :tag "Field")
!                                              (string :tag "Value"))))))
!   :set 'mh-identity-list-set
!   :group 'mh-identity)
! (defcustom mh-auto-fields-list nil
!   "Alist of addresses for which header lines are automatically inserted.
! Each element has the form (REGEXP ((KEYWORD VALUE) (KEYWORD VALUE)).
! When the REGEXP appears in the To or cc fields of a message, the corresponding
! KEYWORD header field is insert with its VALUE in the message header.
! There is one special case for KEYWORD, that of \"identity\", which means to
! insert that identity using `mh-insert-identity'.
! The common KEYWORD cases of \"Mail-Followup-To\" and \"fcc\" are also
! prompted for in the customization interface."
!   :type `(repeat
!           (list :tag ""
!                 (string :tag "Regular expression to match")
!                 (repeat :tag "At least one pair from below"
!                         (choice
!                          (cons :tag "Identity entry"
!                           (const "identity")
!                           ,(append
!                             '(radio)
!                             (mapcar (function (lambda (arg) `(const ,arg)))
!                                     (mapcar 'car mh-identity-list))))
!                          (cons :tag "fcc field"
!                                (const "fcc")
!                                (string :tag "Value"))
!                          (cons :tag "Mail-Followup-To field"
!                                (const "Mail-Followup-To")
!                                (string :tag "Value"))
!                          (cons :tag "Other field and value pair"
!                                  (string :tag "Field")
!                                  (string :tag "Value"))))))
!   :group 'mh-identity)
! (defcustom mh-identity-default nil
!   "Default identity to use when `mh-letter-mode' is called."
!   ;; Dynamically render :type corresponding to `mh-identity-list' entries,
!   ;; e.g.:
!   ;;  :type '(radio (const :tag "none" nil)
!   ;;                (const "home")
!   ;;                (const "work"))
!   :type (append
!          '(radio)
!          (cons '(const :tag "None" nil)
!                (mapcar (function (lambda (arg) `(const ,arg)))
!                        (mapcar 'car mh-identity-list))))
!   :group 'mh-identity)
! ;;; Hooks (:group 'mh-hooks + group where hook defined)
! ;;; These are alphabetized. All hooks should be placed in the 'mh-hook group;
! ;;; in addition, add the group in which the hook is defined in the manual (or,
! ;;; if it is new, where it would be defined).
  (defcustom mh-before-quit-hook nil
    "Invoked by \\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-quit]' before quitting MH-E.
  See also `mh-quit-hook'."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-before-send-letter-hook nil
    "Invoked at the beginning of the \\<mh-letter-mode-map>\\[mh-send-letter] 
--- 1474,1962 ----
! ;;; The Speedbar (:group 'mh-speed)
! (defcustom mh-large-folder 200
!   "The number of messages that indicates a large folder.
! If a folder is deemed to be large, that is the number of messages in it exceed
! this value, then confirmation is needed when it is visited. Even when
! `mh-show-threads-flag' is non-nil, the folder is not automatically threaded, 
! it is large. If set to nil all folders are treated as if they are small."
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "No limit") integer)
!   :group 'mh-speed)
! (defcustom mh-speed-flists-interval 60
!   "Time between calls to flists in seconds.
! If 0, flists is not called repeatedly."
    :type 'integer
!   :group 'mh-speed)
! (defcustom mh-speed-run-flists-flag t
!   "Non-nil means flists is used.
! If non-nil, flists is executed every `mh-speed-flists-interval' seconds to
! update the display of the number of unseen and total messages in each folder.
! If resources are limited, this can be set to nil and the speedbar display can
! be updated manually with the \\[mh-speed-flists] command."
    :type 'boolean
!   :group 'mh-speed)
! ;;; The Toolbar (:group 'mh-toolbar)
! (defcustom mh-tool-bar-search-function 'mh-search-folder
!   "*Function called by the tool-bar search button.
! See `mh-search-folder' and `mh-index-search' for details."
!   :type '(choice (const mh-search-folder)
!                  (const mh-index-search)
!                  (function :tag "Other function"))
!   :group 'mh-toolbar)
! ;; Functions called from the tool bar
! (defun mh-tool-bar-search (&optional arg)
!   "Interactively call `mh-tool-bar-search-function'.
! Optional argument ARG is not used."
!   (interactive "P")
!   (call-interactively mh-tool-bar-search-function))
! (defun mh-tool-bar-customize ()
!   "Call `mh-customize' from the toolbar."
!   (interactive)
!   (mh-customize t))
! (defun mh-tool-bar-folder-help ()
!   "Visit \"(mh-e)Top\"."
!   (interactive)
!   (Info-goto-node "(mh-e)Top")
!   (delete-other-windows))
! (defun mh-tool-bar-letter-help ()
!   "Visit \"(mh-e)Draft Editing\"."
!   (interactive)
!   (Info-goto-node "(mh-e)Draft Editing")
!   (delete-other-windows))
! (defmacro mh-tool-bar-reply-generator (function recipient folder-buffer-flag)
!   "Generate FUNCTION that replies to RECIPIENT.
! If FOLDER-BUFFER-FLAG is nil then the function generated
! When INCLUDE-FLAG is non-nil, include message body being replied to."
!   `(defun ,function (&optional arg)
!      ,(format "Reply to \"%s\".\nWhen ARG is non-nil include message in 
!               recipient)
!      (interactive "P")
!      ,(if folder-buffer-flag nil '(set-buffer mh-show-folder-buffer))
!      (mh-reply (mh-get-msg-num nil) ,recipient arg)))
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-tool-bar-reply-from "from" t)
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-show-tool-bar-reply-from "from" nil)
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-tool-bar-reply-to "to" t)
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-show-tool-bar-reply-to "to" nil)
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-tool-bar-reply-all "all" t)
! (mh-tool-bar-reply-generator mh-show-tool-bar-reply-all "all" nil)
! ;; XEmacs has a couple of extra customizations...
! (mh-do-in-xemacs
!   (defcustom mh-xemacs-use-toolbar-flag (if (and (featurep 'toolbar)
!                                                  (featurep 'xpm)
!                                                  (device-on-window-system-p))
!                                             t
!                                           nil)
!     "*If non-nil, use toolbar.
! This will default to t if you are in an environment that supports
! toolbars and xpm."
!     :type 'boolean
!     :group 'mh-toolbar)
!   (defcustom mh-xemacs-toolbar-position (if mh-xemacs-use-toolbar-flag
!                                             'default
!                                           nil)
!     "*Where to put the toolbar.
! Valid non-nil values are \"default\", \"top\", \"bottom\", \"left\",
! \"right\".  These match the four edges of the frame, with \"default\"
! meaning \"use the same position as the default-toolbar\".
! A nil value means do not use a toolbar.
! If this variable is set to anything other than \"default\" and the
! default-toolbar has a different positional setting from the value of
! this variable, then two toolbars will be displayed.  The MH-E toolbar
! and the default-toolbar."
!     :type '(radio (const :tag "Same position as the \"default-toolbar\""
!                          :value default)
!                   (const :tag "Along the top edge of the frame"
!                          :value top)
!                   (const :tag "Along the bottom edge of the frame"
!                          :value bottom)
!                   (const :tag "Along the left edge of the frame"
!                          :value left)
!                   (const :tag "Along the right edge of the frame"
!                          :value right)
!                   (const :tag "Don't use a toolbar" nil))
!     :group 'mh-toolbar))
! (defmacro mh-tool-bar-define (defaults &rest buttons)
!   "Define a tool bar for MH-E.
! DEFAULTS is the list of buttons that are present by default. It is a list of
! lists where the sublists are of the following form:
! Here :KEYWORD is one of :folder or :letter. If it is :folder then the default
! buttons in the folder and show mode buffers are being specified. If it is
! :letter then the default buttons in the letter mode are listed. FUNC1, FUNC2,
! FUNC3, ... are the names of the functions that the buttons would execute.
! Each element of BUTTONS is a list consisting of four mandatory items and one
! optional item as follows:
! where,
!   FUNCTION is the name of the function that will be executed when the button
!   is clicked.
!   MODES is a list of symbols. List elements must be from `folder', `letter' 
!   `sequence'. If `folder' is present then the button is available in the
!   folder and show buffer. If the name of FUNCTION is of the form \"mh-foo\",
!   where foo is some arbitrary string, then we check if the function
!   `mh-show-foo' exists. If it exists then that function is used in the show
!   buffer. Otherwise the original function `mh-foo' is used in the show buffer
!   as well. Presence of `sequence' is handled similar to the above. The only
!   difference is that the button is shown only when the folder is narrowed to a
!   sequence. If `letter' is present in MODES, then the button is available
!   during draft editing and runs FUNCTION when clicked.
!   ICON is the icon that is drawn in the button.
!   DOC is the documentation for the button. It is used in tool-tips and in
!   providing other help to the user. GNU Emacs uses only the first line of the
!   string. So the DOC should be formatted such that the first line is useful 
!   complete without the rest of the string.
!   Optional item ENABLE-EXPR is an arbitrary lisp expression. If it evaluates
!   to nil, then the button is deactivated, otherwise it is active. If is in't
!   present then the button is always active."
!   ;; The following variable names have been carefully chosen to make code
!   ;; generation easier. Modifying the names should be done carefully.
!   (let (folder-buttons folder-docs folder-button-setter sequence-button-setter
!                        show-buttons show-button-setter show-seq-button-setter
!                        letter-buttons letter-docs letter-button-setter
!                        folder-defaults letter-defaults
!                        folder-vectors show-vectors letter-vectors)
!     (dolist (x defaults)
!       (cond ((eq (car x) :folder) (setq folder-defaults (cdr x)))
!             ((eq (car x) :letter) (setq letter-defaults (cdr x)))))
!     (dolist (button buttons)
!       (unless (and (listp button)
!                    (or (equal (length button) 4) (equal (length button) 5)))
!         (error "Incorrect MH-E tool-bar button specification: %s" button))
!       (let* ((name (nth 0 button))
!              (name-str (symbol-name name))
!              (icon (nth 2 button))
!              (xemacs-icon (mh-do-in-xemacs
!                             (cdr (assoc (intern icon) mh-xemacs-icon-map))))
!              (full-doc (nth 3 button))
!              (doc (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)\n" full-doc)
!                       (match-string 1 full-doc)
!                     full-doc))
!              (enable-expr (or (nth 4 button) t))
!              (modes (nth 1 button))
!              functions show-sym)
!         (when (memq 'letter modes) (setq functions `(:letter ,name)))
!         (when (or (memq 'folder modes) (memq 'sequence modes))
!           (setq functions
!                 (append `(,(if (memq 'folder modes) :folder :sequence) ,name)
!                         functions))
!           (setq show-sym
!                 (if (string-match "^mh-\\(.*\\)$" name-str)
!                     (intern (concat "mh-show-" (match-string 1 name-str)))
!                   name))
!           (setq functions
!                 (append `(,(if (memq 'folder modes) :show :show-seq)
!                           ,(if (fboundp show-sym) show-sym name))
!                         functions)))
!         (do ((functions functions (cddr functions)))
!             ((null functions))
!           (let* ((type (car functions))
!                  (function (cadr functions))
!                  (type1 (substring (symbol-name type) 1))
!                  (vector-list (cond ((eq type :show) 'show-vectors)
!                                     ((eq type :show-seq) 'show-vectors)
!                                     ((eq type :letter) 'letter-vectors)
!                                     (t 'folder-vectors)))
!                  (list (cond ((eq type :letter) 'mh-tool-bar-letter-buttons)
!                              (t 'mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons)))
!                  (key (intern (concat "mh-" type1 "toolbar-" name-str)))
!                  (setter (intern (concat type1 "-button-setter")))
!                  (mbuttons (cond ((eq type :letter) 'letter-buttons)
!                                  ((eq type :show) 'show-buttons)
!                                  ((eq type :show-seq) 'show-buttons)
!                                  (t 'folder-buttons)))
!                  (docs (cond ((eq mbuttons 'letter-buttons) 'letter-docs)
!                              ((eq mbuttons 'folder-buttons) 'folder-docs))))
!             (add-to-list vector-list `[,xemacs-icon ,function t ,full-doc])
!             (add-to-list
!              setter `(when (member ',name ,list)
!                        (mh-funcall-if-exists
!                         tool-bar-add-item ,icon ',function ',key
!                         :help ,doc :enable ',enable-expr)))
!             (add-to-list mbuttons name)
!             (if docs (add-to-list docs doc))))))
!     (setq folder-buttons (nreverse folder-buttons)
!           letter-buttons (nreverse letter-buttons)
!           show-buttons (nreverse show-buttons)
!           letter-docs (nreverse letter-docs)
!           folder-docs (nreverse folder-docs)
!           folder-vectors (nreverse folder-vectors)
!           show-vectors (nreverse show-vectors)
!           letter-vectors (nreverse letter-vectors))
!     (dolist (x folder-defaults)
!       (unless (memq x folder-buttons)
!         (error "Folder defaults contains unknown button '%s'" x)))
!     (dolist (x letter-defaults)
!       (unless (memq x letter-buttons)
!         (error "Letter defaults contains unknown button '%s'" x)))
!     `(eval-when (compile load eval)
!        (defvar mh-folder-tool-bar-map nil)
!        (defvar mh-folder-seq-tool-bar-map nil)
!        (defvar mh-show-tool-bar-map nil)
!        (defvar mh-show-seq-tool-bar-map nil)
!        (defvar mh-letter-tool-bar-map nil)
!        ;; GNU Emacs tool bar specific code
!        (mh-do-in-gnu-emacs
!          ;; Custom setter functions
!          (defun mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons-set (symbol value)
!            "Construct toolbar for `mh-folder-mode' and `mh-show-mode'."
!            (set-default symbol value)
!            (setq mh-folder-tool-bar-map
!                  (let ((tool-bar-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
!                    ,@(nreverse folder-button-setter)
!                    tool-bar-map))
!            (setq mh-show-tool-bar-map
!                  (let ((tool-bar-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
!                    ,@(nreverse show-button-setter)
!                    tool-bar-map))
!            (setq mh-show-seq-tool-bar-map
!                  (let ((tool-bar-map (copy-keymap mh-show-tool-bar-map)))
!                    ,@(nreverse show-seq-button-setter)
!                    tool-bar-map))
!            (setq mh-folder-seq-tool-bar-map
!                  (let ((tool-bar-map (copy-keymap mh-folder-tool-bar-map)))
!                    ,@(nreverse sequence-button-setter)
!                    tool-bar-map)))
!          (defun mh-tool-bar-letter-buttons-set (symbol value)
!            "Construct toolbar for `mh-letter-mode'."
!            (set-default symbol value)
!            (setq mh-letter-tool-bar-map
!                  (let ((tool-bar-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
!                    ,@(nreverse letter-button-setter)
!                    tool-bar-map))))
!        ;; XEmacs specific code
!        (mh-do-in-xemacs
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-folder-vector-map
!            ',(loop for button in folder-buttons
!                    for vector in folder-vectors
!                    collect (cons button vector)))
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-show-vector-map
!            ',(loop for button in show-buttons
!                    for vector in show-vectors
!                    collect (cons button vector)))
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-letter-vector-map
!            ',(loop for button in letter-buttons
!                    for vector in letter-vectors
!                    collect (cons button vector)))
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-folder-buttons nil)
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-show-buttons nil)
!          (defvar mh-toolbar-letter-buttons nil)
!          ;; Custom setter functions
!          (defun mh-tool-bar-letter-buttons-set (symbol value)
!            (set-default symbol value)
!            (when mh-xemacs-has-toolbar-flag
!              (setq mh-toolbar-letter-buttons
!                    (loop for b in value
!                          collect (cdr (assoc b 
!          (defun mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons-set (symbol value)
!            (set-default symbol value)
!            (when mh-xemacs-has-toolbar-flag
!              (setq mh-toolbar-folder-buttons
!                    (loop for b in value
!                          collect (cdr (assoc b 
!              (setq mh-toolbar-show-buttons
!                    (loop for b in value
!                          collect (cdr (assoc b 
!          ;; Initialize toolbar
!          (defun mh-toolbar-init (mode)
!            "Install toolbar in MODE."
!            (let ((toolbar (cond ((eq mode :folder) mh-toolbar-folder-buttons)
!                                 ((eq mode :letter) mh-toolbar-letter-buttons)
!                                 ((eq mode :show) mh-toolbar-show-buttons)))
!                  (height 37)
!                  (width 40)
!                  (buffer (current-buffer)))
!              (when (and mh-xemacs-toolbar-position mh-xemacs-use-toolbar-flag
!                         mh-xemacs-has-toolbar-flag)
!                (cond
!                 ((eq mh-xemacs-toolbar-position 'top)
!                  (set-specifier top-toolbar toolbar buffer)
!                  (set-specifier top-toolbar-visible-p t)
!                  (set-specifier top-toolbar-height height))
!                 ((eq mh-xemacs-toolbar-position 'bottom)
!                  (set-specifier bottom-toolbar toolbar buffer)
!                  (set-specifier bottom-toolbar-visible-p t)
!                  (set-specifier bottom-toolbar-height height))
!                 ((eq mh-xemacs-toolbar-position 'left)
!                  (set-specifier left-toolbar toolbar buffer)
!                  (set-specifier left-toolbar-visible-p t)
!                  (set-specifier left-toolbar-width width))
!                 ((eq mh-xemacs-toolbar-position 'right)
!                  (set-specifier right-toolbar toolbar buffer)
!                  (set-specifier right-toolbar-visible-p t)
!                  (set-specifier right-toolbar-width width))
!                 (t (set-specifier default-toolbar toolbar buffer)))))))
!        ;; Declare customizable toolbars
!        (custom-declare-variable
!         'mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons
!         '(list ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(quote ,x)) folder-defaults))
!         "Choose buttons to include in MH-E folder/show toolbar."
!         :group 'mh-toolbar :set 'mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons-set
!         :type '(set ,@(loop for x in folder-buttons
!                             for y in folder-docs
!                             collect `(const :tag ,y ,x))))
!        (custom-declare-variable
!         'mh-tool-bar-letter-buttons
!         '(list ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(quote ,x)) letter-defaults))
!         "Choose buttons to include in MH-E letter toolbar."
!         :group 'mh-toolbar :set 'mh-tool-bar-letter-buttons-set
!         :type '(set ,@(loop for x in letter-buttons
!                             for y in letter-docs
!                             collect `(const :tag ,y ,x)))))))
! (mh-tool-bar-define
!     ((:folder mh-inc-folder mh-mime-save-parts mh-previous-undeleted-msg
!               mh-page-msg  mh-next-undeleted-msg mh-delete-msg mh-refile-msg
!               mh-undo mh-execute-commands mh-toggle-tick mh-reply
!               mh-alias-grab-from-field mh-send mh-rescan-folder
!               mh-tool-bar-search mh-visit-folder
!               mh-tool-bar-customize mh-tool-bar-folder-help mh-widen)
!      (:letter mh-send-letter mh-compose-insertion ispell-message save-buffer
!               undo kill-region menu-bar-kill-ring-save yank 
!               mh-tool-bar-customize mh-tool-bar-letter-help))
!   ;; Folder/Show buffer buttons
!   (mh-inc-folder (folder) "mail"
!     "Incorporate new mail in Inbox
! This button runs `mh-inc-folder' which drags any
! new mail into your Inbox folder.")
!   (mh-mime-save-parts (folder) "attach"
!     "Save MIME parts from this message
! This button runs `mh-mime-save-parts' which saves a message's
! different parts into separate files.")
!   (mh-previous-undeleted-msg (folder) "left_arrow"
!     "Go to the previous undeleted message
! This button runs `mh-previous-undeleted-msg'")
!   (mh-page-msg (folder) "page-down"
!     "Page the current message forwards\nThis button runs `mh-page-msg'")
!   (mh-next-undeleted-msg (folder) "right_arrow"
!     "Go to the next undeleted message\nThe button runs 
!   (mh-delete-msg (folder) "close"
!     "Mark this message for deletion\nThis button runs `mh-delete-msg'")
!   (mh-refile-msg (folder) "refile"
!     "Refile this message\nThis button runs `mh-refile-msg'")
!   (mh-undo (folder) "undo" "Undo last operation\nThis button runs `undo'"
!     (mh-outstanding-commands-p))
!   (mh-execute-commands (folder) "execute"
!     "Perform moves and deletes\nThis button runs `mh-execute-commands'"
!     (mh-outstanding-commands-p))
!   (mh-toggle-tick (folder) "highlight"
!     "Toggle tick mark\nThis button runs `mh-toggle-tick'")
!   (mh-toggle-showing (folder) "show"
!     "Toggle showing message\nThis button runs `mh-toggle-showing'")
!   (mh-tool-bar-reply-from (folder) "reply-from" "Reply to \"from\"")
!   (mh-tool-bar-reply-to (folder) "reply-to" "Reply to \"to\"")
!   (mh-tool-bar-reply-all (folder) "reply-all" "Reply to \"all\"")
!   (mh-reply (folder) "mail/reply2"
!     "Reply to this message\nThis button runs `mh-reply'")
!   (mh-alias-grab-from-field (folder) "alias"
!     "Grab From alias\nThis button runs `mh-alias-grab-from-field'"
!     (and (mh-extract-from-header-value) (not (mh-alias-for-from-p))))
!   (mh-send (folder) "mail_compose"
!     "Compose new message\nThis button runs `mh-send'")
!   (mh-rescan-folder (folder) "rescan"
!     "Rescan this folder\nThis button runs `mh-rescan-folder'")
!   (mh-pack-folder (folder) "repack"
!     "Repack this folder\nThis button runs `mh-pack-folder'")
!   (mh-tool-bar-search (folder) "search"
!     "Search\nThis button runs `mh-tool-bar-search-function'")
!   (mh-visit-folder (folder) "fld_open"
!     "Visit other folder\nThis button runs `mh-visit-folder'")
!   ;; Letter buffer buttons
!   (mh-send-letter (letter) "mail_send" "Send this letter")
!   (mh-compose-insertion (letter) "attach" "Insert attachment")
!   (ispell-message (letter) "spell" "Check spelling")
!   (save-buffer (letter) "save" "Save current buffer to its file"
!     (buffer-modified-p))
!   (undo (letter) "undo" "Undo last operation")
!   (kill-region (letter) "cut"
!     "Cut (kill) text in region between mark and current position")
!   (menu-bar-kill-ring-save (letter) "copy"
!     "Copy text in region between mark and current position")
!   (yank (letter) "paste" "Paste (yank) text cut or copied earlier")
!   (mh-fully-kill-draft (letter) "close" "Kill this draft")
!   ;; Common buttons
!   (mh-tool-bar-customize (folder letter) "preferences" "MH-E Preferences")
!   (mh-tool-bar-folder-help (folder) "help"
!     "Help! (general help)\nThis button runs `Info-goto-node'")
!   (mh-tool-bar-letter-help (letter) "help"
!     "Help! (general help)\nThis button runs `Info-goto-node'")
!   ;; Folder narrowed to sequence buttons
!   (mh-widen (sequence) "widen"
!     "Widen from the sequence\nThis button runs `mh-widen'"))
! ;;; Hooks (:group 'mh-hooks + group where hook described)
! (defcustom mail-citation-hook nil
!   "*Hook for modifying a citation just inserted in the mail buffer.
! Each hook function can find the citation between point and mark.
! And each hook function should leave point and mark around the citation
! text as modified.
! If this hook is entirely empty (nil), the text of the message is inserted
! with `mh-ins-buf-prefix' prefixed to each line.
! See also the variable `mh-yank-from-start-of-msg', which controls how
! much of the message passed to the hook.
! This hook was historically provided to set up supercite.  You may now leave
! this nil and set up supercite by setting the variable
! `mh-yank-from-start-of-msg' to 'supercite or, for more automatic insertion,
! to 'autosupercite.
! The hook 'trivial-cite is NOT part of Emacs.  It is provided from tc.el,
! available here:
!  http://shasta.cs.uiuc.edu/~lrclause/tc.html
! If you use it, customize `mh-yank-from-start-of-msg' to
!  \"Entire message with headers\"."
!   :type 'hook
!   :options '(trivial-cite)
!   :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-letter)
! (defcustom mh-alias-reloaded-hook nil
!   "Invoked by `mh-alias-reload' after reloading aliases."
!   :type 'hook
!   :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-alias)
  (defcustom mh-before-quit-hook nil
    "Invoked by \\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-quit]' before quitting MH-E.
  See also `mh-quit-hook'."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-before-send-letter-hook nil
    "Invoked at the beginning of the \\<mh-letter-mode-map>\\[mh-send-letter] 
*** 1684,1690 ****
    "Invoked after marking each message for deletion."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-edit-mhn-hook nil
    "Invoked on the formatted letter by \\<mh-letter-mode-map>\\[mh-edit-mhn]."
--- 1968,1974 ----
    "Invoked after marking each message for deletion."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-edit-mhn-hook nil
    "Invoked on the formatted letter by \\<mh-letter-mode-map>\\[mh-edit-mhn]."
*** 1696,1708 ****
    "Invoked by `mh-find-path' after reading the user's MH profile."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-folder-mode-hook nil
    "Invoked in `mh-folder-mode' on a new folder."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-folder-updated-hook nil
    "Invoked when the folder actions (such as moves and deletes) are performed.
--- 1980,1992 ----
    "Invoked by `mh-find-path' after reading the user's MH profile."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-folder-mode-hook nil
    "Invoked in `mh-folder-mode' on a new folder."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-folder-updated-hook nil
    "Invoked when the folder actions (such as moves and deletes) are performed.
*** 1712,1722 ****
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks)
  (defcustom mh-inc-folder-hook nil
    "Invoked by \\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-inc-folder]' after incorporating 
mail into a folder."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-kill-folder-suppress-prompt-hook '(mh-index-p)
    "Invoked at the beginning of the  
\\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-kill-folder]' command.
--- 1996,2012 ----
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks)
+ (defcustom mh-forward-hook nil
+   "Invoked on the forwarded letter by \\<mh-folder-mode-map>\\[mh-forward]."
+   :type 'hook
+   :group 'mh-hooks
+   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-inc-folder-hook nil
    "Invoked by \\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-inc-folder]' after incorporating 
mail into a folder."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-inc)
  (defcustom mh-kill-folder-suppress-prompt-hook '(mh-index-p)
    "Invoked at the beginning of the  
\\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-kill-folder]' command.
*** 1733,1745 ****
  in the +inbox buffer, you will not be happy."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-letter-insert-signature-hook nil
!   "Invoked at the beginning of the 
\\<mh-letter-mode-map>\\[mh-insert-signature] command.
! Can be used to determine which signature file to use based on message content.
! On return, if `mh-signature-file-name' is non-nil that file will be inserted 
! the current point in the buffer."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
    :group 'mh-letter)
--- 2023,2034 ----
  in the +inbox buffer, you will not be happy."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-letter-insert-signature-hook nil
!   "Invoked after signature has been inserted.
! This hook may access the actual name of the file or the function used to
! insert the signature with `mh-signature-file-name'."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
    :group 'mh-letter)
*** 1748,1773 ****
    "Invoked in `mh-letter-mode' on a new letter."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-letter)
  (defcustom mh-pick-mode-hook nil
    "Invoked upon entry to `mh-pick-mode'."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-quit-hook nil
    "Invoked after \\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-quit]' quits MH-E.
  See also `mh-before-quit-hook'."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-refile-msg-hook nil
    "Invoked after marking each message for refiling."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-folder)
  (defcustom mh-show-hook nil
    "Invoked after \\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-show]' shows a message."
--- 2037,2062 ----
    "Invoked in `mh-letter-mode' on a new letter."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-sending-mail)
  (defcustom mh-pick-mode-hook nil
    "Invoked upon entry to `mh-pick-mode'."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-index)
  (defcustom mh-quit-hook nil
    "Invoked after \\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-quit]' quits MH-E.
  See also `mh-before-quit-hook'."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-refile-msg-hook nil
    "Invoked after marking each message for refiling."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-show)
  (defcustom mh-show-hook nil
    "Invoked after \\<mh-folder-mode-map>`\\[mh-show]' shows a message."
*** 1787,1830 ****
  will be removed from the unseen sequence."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-folder)
! ;;; Faces
! ;;; Faces used in speedbar (:group mh-speed-faces)
! (defface mh-speedbar-folder-face
!   '((((class color) (background light))
!      (:foreground "blue4"))
!     (((class color) (background dark))
!      (:foreground "light blue")))
!   "Face used for folders in the speedbar buffer."
!   :group 'mh-speed-faces)
! (defface mh-speedbar-selected-folder-face
!   '((((class color) (background light))
!      (:foreground "red" :underline t))
!     (((class color) (background dark))
!      (:foreground "red" :underline t))
!     (t (:underline t)))
!   "Face used for the current folder."
!   :group 'mh-speed-faces)
! (defface mh-speedbar-folder-with-unseen-messages-face
!   '((t (:inherit mh-speedbar-folder-face :bold t)))
!   "Face used for folders in the speedbar buffer which have unread messages."
!   :group 'mh-speed-faces)
! (defface mh-speedbar-selected-folder-with-unseen-messages-face
!   '((t (:inherit mh-speedbar-selected-folder-face :bold t)))
!   "Face used for the current folder when it has unread messages."
!   :group 'mh-speed-faces)
! ;;; Faces used in scan listing (:group mh-folder-faces)
  (defvar mh-folder-body-face 'mh-folder-body-face
    "Face for highlighting body text in MH-Folder buffers.")
--- 2076,2088 ----
  will be removed from the unseen sequence."
    :type 'hook
    :group 'mh-hooks
!   :group 'mh-show)
! ;;; Faces (:group 'mh-*-faces + group where faces described)
! ;;; Faces Used in Scan Listing (:group 'mh-folder-faces)
  (defvar mh-folder-body-face 'mh-folder-body-face
    "Face for highlighting body text in MH-Folder buffers.")
*** 1962,1968 ****
! ;;; Faces used in message display (:group mh-show-faces)
  (defvar mh-show-cc-face 'mh-show-cc-face
    "Face for highlighting cc header fields.")
--- 2220,2255 ----
! ;;; Faces Used in Searching (:group 'mh-index-faces)
! (defvar mh-index-folder-face 'mh-index-folder-face
!   "Face for highlighting folders in MH-Index buffers.")
! (defface mh-index-folder-face
!   '((((class color) (background light))
!      (:foreground "dark green" :bold t))
!     (((class color) (background dark))
!      (:foreground "indian red" :bold t))
!     (t
!      (:bold t)))
!   "Face for highlighting folders in MH-Index buffers."
!   :group 'mh-index-faces)
! ;;; Faces Used in Message Drafts (:group 'mh-letter-faces)
! (defface mh-letter-header-field-face
!   '((((class color) (background light))
!      (:background "gray90"))
!     (((class color) (background dark))
!      (:background "gray10"))
!     (t (:bold t)))
!   "Face for displaying header fields in draft buffers."
!   :group 'mh-letter-faces)
! ;;; Faces Used in Message Display (:group 'mh-show-faces)
  (defvar mh-show-cc-face 'mh-show-cc-face
    "Face for highlighting cc header fields.")
*** 2002,2007 ****
--- 2289,2299 ----
    "Face used to deemphasize unspecified header fields."
    :group 'mh-show-faces)
+ (defface mh-show-signature-face
+   '((t (:italic t)))
+   "Face for highlighting message signature."
+   :group 'mh-show-faces)
  (defvar mh-show-to-face 'mh-show-to-face
    "Face for highlighting the To: header field.")
  (if (boundp 'facemenu-unlisted-faces)
*** 2041,2072 ****
! ;;; Faces used in indexed searches (:group mh-index-faces)
! (defvar mh-index-folder-face 'mh-index-folder-face
!   "Face for highlighting folders in MH-Index buffers.")
! (defface mh-index-folder-face
    '((((class color) (background light))
!      (:foreground "dark green" :bold t))
      (((class color) (background dark))
!      (:foreground "indian red" :bold t))
!     (t
!      (:bold t)))
!   "Face for highlighting folders in MH-Index buffers."
!   :group 'mh-index-faces)
! ;;; Faces used when composing messages.
! (defface mh-letter-header-field-face
    '((((class color) (background light))
!      (:background "gray90"))
      (((class color) (background dark))
!      (:background "gray10"))
!     (t (:bold t)))
!   "Face for displaying header fields in draft buffers."
!   :group 'mh-letter-faces)
  ;;; Local Variables:
  ;;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
--- 2333,2366 ----
! ;;; Faces Used in Speedbar (:group 'mh-speed-faces)
! (defface mh-speedbar-folder-face
    '((((class color) (background light))
!      (:foreground "blue4"))
      (((class color) (background dark))
!      (:foreground "light blue")))
!   "Face used for folders in the speedbar buffer."
!   :group 'mh-speed-faces)
! (defface mh-speedbar-selected-folder-face
    '((((class color) (background light))
!      (:foreground "red" :underline t))
      (((class color) (background dark))
!      (:foreground "red" :underline t))
!     (t (:underline t)))
!   "Face used for the current folder."
!   :group 'mh-speed-faces)
! (defface mh-speedbar-folder-with-unseen-messages-face
!   '((t (:inherit mh-speedbar-folder-face :bold t)))
!   "Face used for folders in the speedbar buffer which have unread messages."
!   :group 'mh-speed-faces)
! (defface mh-speedbar-selected-folder-with-unseen-messages-face
!   '((t (:inherit mh-speedbar-selected-folder-face :bold t)))
!   "Face used for the current folder when it has unread messages."
!   :group 'mh-speed-faces)
  ;;; Local Variables:
  ;;; indent-tabs-mode: nil

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