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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/window.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/window.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 08:22:32 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/window.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/window.el:
*** /dev/null   Sat Sep  4 12:02:35 2004
--- emacs/lisp/window.el        Sat Sep  4 12:01:09 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,647 ----
+ ;;; window.el --- GNU Emacs window commands aside from those written in C
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004
+ ;;  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; Keywords: internal
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; Window tree functions.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (defmacro save-selected-window (&rest body)
+   "Execute BODY, then select the window that was selected before BODY.
+ Also restore the selected window of each frame as it was at the start
+ of this construct.
+ However, if a window has become dead, don't get an error,
+ just refrain from reselecting it.
+ Return the value of the last form in BODY."
+   `(let ((save-selected-window-window (selected-window))
+        ;; It is necessary to save all of these, because calling
+        ;; select-window changes frame-selected-window for whatever
+        ;; frame that window is in.
+        (save-selected-window-alist
+         (mapcar (lambda (frame) (list frame (frame-selected-window frame)))
+                 (frame-list))))
+      (unwind-protect
+        (progn ,@body)
+        (dolist (elt save-selected-window-alist)
+        (and (frame-live-p (car elt))
+             (window-live-p (cadr elt))
+             (set-frame-selected-window (car elt) (cadr elt))))
+        (if (window-live-p save-selected-window-window)
+          (select-window save-selected-window-window)))))
+ (defun window-body-height (&optional window)
+   "Return number of lines in window WINDOW for actual buffer text.
+ This does not include the mode line (if any) or the header line (if any)."
+   (or window (setq window (selected-window)))
+   (if (window-minibuffer-p window)
+       (window-height window)
+     (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
+       (max 1 (- (window-height window)
+               (if mode-line-format 1 0)
+               (if header-line-format 1 0))))))
+ (defun one-window-p (&optional nomini all-frames)
+   "Return non-nil if the selected window is the only window.
+ Optional arg NOMINI non-nil means don't count the minibuffer
+ even if it is active.  Otherwise, the minibuffer is counted
+ when it is active.
+ The optional arg ALL-FRAMES t means count windows on all frames.
+ If it is `visible', count windows on all visible frames.
+ ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means count only the selected frame,
+ plus the minibuffer it uses (which may be on another frame).
+ ALL-FRAMES 0 means count all windows in all visible or iconified frames.
+ If ALL-FRAMES is anything else, count only the selected frame."
+   (let ((base-window (selected-window)))
+     (if (and nomini (eq base-window (minibuffer-window)))
+       (setq base-window (next-window base-window)))
+     (eq base-window
+       (next-window base-window (if nomini 'arg) all-frames))))
+ (defun window-current-scroll-bars (&optional window)
+   "Return the current scroll-bar settings in window WINDOW.
+ Value is a cons (VERTICAL . HORISONTAL) where VERTICAL specifies the
+ current location of the vertical scroll-bars (left, right, or nil),
+ and HORISONTAL specifies the current location of the horisontal scroll
+ bars (top, bottom, or nil)."
+   (let ((vert (nth 2 (window-scroll-bars window)))
+       (hor nil))
+     (when (or (eq vert t) (eq hor t))
+       (let ((fcsb (frame-current-scroll-bars
+                  (window-frame (or window (selected-window))))))
+       (if (eq vert t)
+           (setq vert (car fcsb)))
+       (if (eq hor t)
+           (setq hor (cdr fcsb)))))
+     (cons vert hor)))
+ (defun walk-windows (proc &optional minibuf all-frames)
+   "Cycle through all visible windows, calling PROC for each one.
+ PROC is called with a window as argument.
+ Optional second arg MINIBUF t means count the minibuffer window even
+ if not active.  MINIBUF nil or omitted means count the minibuffer iff
+ it is active.  MINIBUF neither t nor nil means not to count the
+ minibuffer even if it is active.
+ Several frames may share a single minibuffer; if the minibuffer
+ counts, all windows on all frames that share that minibuffer count
+ too.  Therefore, if you are using a separate minibuffer frame
+ and the minibuffer is active and MINIBUF says it counts,
+ `walk-windows' includes the windows in the frame from which you
+ entered the minibuffer, as well as the minibuffer window.
+ ALL-FRAMES is the optional third argument.
+ ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means cycle within the frames as specified above.
+ ALL-FRAMES = `visible' means include windows on all visible frames.
+ ALL-FRAMES = 0 means include windows on all visible and iconified frames.
+ ALL-FRAMES = t means include windows on all frames including invisible frames.
+ If ALL-FRAMES is a frame, it means include windows on that frame.
+ Anything else means restrict to the selected frame."
+   ;; If we start from the minibuffer window, don't fail to come back to it.
+   (if (window-minibuffer-p (selected-window))
+       (setq minibuf t))
+   (save-selected-window
+     (if (framep all-frames)
+       (select-window (frame-first-window all-frames)))
+     (let* (walk-windows-already-seen
+          (walk-windows-current (selected-window)))
+       (while (progn
+              (setq walk-windows-current
+                    (next-window walk-windows-current minibuf all-frames))
+              (not (memq walk-windows-current walk-windows-already-seen)))
+       (setq walk-windows-already-seen
+             (cons walk-windows-current walk-windows-already-seen))
+       (funcall proc walk-windows-current)))))
+ (defun get-window-with-predicate (predicate &optional minibuf
+                                           all-frames default)
+   "Return a window satisfying PREDICATE.
+ This function cycles through all visible windows using `walk-windows',
+ calling PREDICATE on each one.  PREDICATE is called with a window as
+ argument.  The first window for which PREDICATE returns a non-nil
+ value is returned.  If no window satisfies PREDICATE, DEFAULT is
+ returned.
+ Optional second arg MINIBUF t means count the minibuffer window even
+ if not active.  MINIBUF nil or omitted means count the minibuffer iff
+ it is active.  MINIBUF neither t nor nil means not to count the
+ minibuffer even if it is active.
+ Several frames may share a single minibuffer; if the minibuffer
+ counts, all windows on all frames that share that minibuffer count
+ too.  Therefore, if you are using a separate minibuffer frame
+ and the minibuffer is active and MINIBUF says it counts,
+ `walk-windows' includes the windows in the frame from which you
+ entered the minibuffer, as well as the minibuffer window.
+ ALL-FRAMES is the optional third argument.
+ ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means cycle within the frames as specified above.
+ ALL-FRAMES = `visible' means include windows on all visible frames.
+ ALL-FRAMES = 0 means include windows on all visible and iconified frames.
+ ALL-FRAMES = t means include windows on all frames including invisible frames.
+ If ALL-FRAMES is a frame, it means include windows on that frame.
+ Anything else means restrict to the selected frame."
+   (catch 'found
+     (walk-windows #'(lambda (window)
+                     (when (funcall predicate window)
+                       (throw 'found window)))
+                 minibuf all-frames)
+     default))
+ (defalias 'some-window 'get-window-with-predicate)
+ (defun minibuffer-window-active-p (window)
+   "Return t if WINDOW (a minibuffer window) is now active."
+   (eq window (active-minibuffer-window)))
+ (defun count-windows (&optional minibuf)
+    "Return the number of visible windows.
+ This counts the windows in the selected frame and (if the minibuffer is
+ to be counted) its minibuffer frame (if that's not the same frame).
+ The optional arg MINIBUF non-nil means count the minibuffer
+ even if it is inactive."
+    (let ((count 0))
+      (walk-windows (function (lambda (w)
+                              (setq count (+ count 1))))
+                  minibuf)
+      count))
+ (defun window-safely-shrinkable-p (&optional window)
+   "Non-nil if the WINDOW can be shrunk without shrinking other windows.
+ If WINDOW is nil or omitted, it defaults to the currently selected window."
+   (with-selected-window (or window (selected-window))
+     (let ((edges (window-edges)))
+       (or (= (nth 2 edges) (nth 2 (window-edges (previous-window))))
+         (= (nth 0 edges) (nth 0 (window-edges (next-window))))))))
+ (defun balance-windows ()
+   "Make all visible windows the same height (approximately)."
+   (interactive)
+   (let ((count -1) levels newsizes level-size
+       ;; Don't count the lines that are above the uppermost windows.
+       ;; (These are the menu bar lines, if any.)
+       (mbl (nth 1 (window-edges (frame-first-window (selected-frame)))))
+       (last-window (previous-window (frame-first-window (selected-frame))))
+       ;; Don't count the lines that are past the lowest main window.
+       total)
+     ;; Bottom edge of last window determines what size we have to work with.
+     (setq total
+         (+ (window-height last-window)
+            (nth 1 (window-edges last-window))))
+     ;; Find all the different vpos's at which windows start,
+     ;; then count them.  But ignore levels that differ by only 1.
+     (let (tops (prev-top -2))
+       (walk-windows (function (lambda (w)
+                               (setq tops (cons (nth 1 (window-edges w))
+                                                tops))))
+                   'nomini)
+       (setq tops (sort tops '<))
+       (while tops
+       (if (> (car tops) (1+ prev-top))
+           (setq prev-top (car tops)
+                 count (1+ count)))
+       (setq levels (cons (cons (car tops) count) levels))
+       (setq tops (cdr tops)))
+       (setq count (1+ count)))
+     ;; Subdivide the frame into desired number of vertical levels.
+     (setq level-size (/ (- total mbl) count))
+     (save-selected-window
+       ;; Set up NEWSIZES to map windows to their desired sizes.
+       ;; If a window ends at the bottom level, don't include
+       ;; it in NEWSIZES.  Those windows get the right sizes
+       ;; by adjusting the ones above them.
+       (walk-windows (function
+                    (lambda (w)
+                      (let ((newtop (cdr (assq (nth 1 (window-edges w))
+                                               levels)))
+                            (newbot (cdr (assq (+ (window-height w)
+                                                  (nth 1 (window-edges w)))
+                                               levels))))
+                        (if newbot
+                            (setq newsizes
+                                  (cons (cons w (* level-size (- newbot 
+                                        newsizes))))))
+                   'nomini)
+       ;; Make walk-windows start with the topmost window.
+       (select-window (previous-window (frame-first-window (selected-frame))))
+       (let (done (count 0))
+       ;; Give each window its precomputed size, or at least try.
+       ;; Keep trying until they all get the intended sizes,
+       ;; but not more than 3 times (to prevent infinite loop).
+       (while (and (not done) (< count 3))
+         (setq done t)
+         (setq count (1+ count))
+         (walk-windows (function (lambda (w)
+                                   (select-window w)
+                                   (let ((newsize (cdr (assq w newsizes))))
+                                     (when newsize
+                                       (enlarge-window (- newsize
+                                                          (window-height))
+                                                       nil t)
+                                       (unless (= (window-height) newsize)
+                                         (setq done nil))))))
+                       'nomini))))))
+ ;; I think this should be the default; I think people will prefer it--rms.
+ (defcustom split-window-keep-point t
+   "*If non-nil, \\[split-window-vertically] keeps the original point \
+ in both children.
+ This is often more convenient for editing.
+ If nil, adjust point in each of the two windows to minimize redisplay.
+ This is convenient on slow terminals, but point can move strangely.
+ This option applies only to `split-window-vertically' and
+ functions that call it.  `split-window' always keeps the original
+ point in both children,"
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'windows)
+ (defun split-window-vertically (&optional arg)
+   "Split current window into two windows, one above the other.
+ The uppermost window gets ARG lines and the other gets the rest.
+ Negative ARG means select the size of the lowermost window instead.
+ With no argument, split equally or close to it.
+ Both windows display the same buffer now current.
+ If the variable `split-window-keep-point' is non-nil, both new windows
+ will get the same value of point as the current window.  This is often
+ more convenient for editing.  The upper window is the selected window.
+ Otherwise, we choose window starts so as to minimize the amount of
+ redisplay; this is convenient on slow terminals.  The new selected
+ window is the one that the current value of point appears in.  The
+ value of point can change if the text around point is hidden by the
+ new mode line.
+ Regardless of the value of `split-window-keep-point', the upper
+ window is the original one and the return value is the new, lower
+ window."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let ((old-w (selected-window))
+       (old-point (point))
+       (size (and arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+         (window-full-p nil)
+       new-w bottom switch moved)
+     (and size (< size 0) (setq size (+ (window-height) size)))
+     (setq new-w (split-window nil size))
+     (or split-window-keep-point
+       (progn
+         (save-excursion
+           (set-buffer (window-buffer))
+           (goto-char (window-start))
+             (setq moved (vertical-motion (window-height)))
+           (set-window-start new-w (point))
+           (if (> (point) (window-point new-w))
+               (set-window-point new-w (point)))
+             (and (= moved (window-height))
+                  (progn
+                    (setq window-full-p t)
+                    (vertical-motion -1)))
+             (setq bottom (point)))
+           (and window-full-p
+                (<= bottom (point))
+                (set-window-point old-w (1- bottom)))
+         (and window-full-p
+                (<= (window-start new-w) old-point)
+                (progn
+                  (set-window-point new-w old-point)
+                  (select-window new-w)))))
+     (split-window-save-restore-data new-w old-w)))
+ ;; This is to avoid compiler warnings.
+ (defvar view-return-to-alist)
+ (defun split-window-save-restore-data (new-w old-w)
+   (with-current-buffer (window-buffer)
+     (if view-mode
+       (let ((old-info (assq old-w view-return-to-alist)))
+         (if old-info
+             (push (cons new-w (cons (car (cdr old-info)) t))
+                   view-return-to-alist))))
+     new-w))
+ (defun split-window-horizontally (&optional arg)
+   "Split current window into two windows side by side.
+ This window becomes the leftmost of the two, and gets ARG columns.
+ Negative ARG means select the size of the rightmost window instead.
+ The argument includes the width of the window's scroll bar; if there
+ are no scroll bars, it includes the width of the divider column
+ to the window's right, if any.  No ARG means split equally.
+ The original, leftmost window remains selected.
+ The return value is the new, rightmost window."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let ((old-w (selected-window))
+       (size (and arg (prefix-numeric-value arg))))
+     (and size (< size 0)
+        (setq size (+ (window-width) size)))
+     (split-window-save-restore-data (split-window nil size t) old-w)))
+ (defun set-window-text-height (window height)
+   "Sets the height in lines of the text display area of WINDOW to HEIGHT.
+ This doesn't include the mode-line (or header-line if any) or any
+ partial-height lines in the text display area.
+ If WINDOW is nil, the selected window is used.
+ Note that the current implementation of this function cannot always set
+ the height exactly, but attempts to be conservative, by allocating more
+ lines than are actually needed in the case where some error may be present."
+   (let ((delta (- height (window-text-height window))))
+     (unless (zerop delta)
+       (let ((window-min-height 1))
+       (if (and window (not (eq window (selected-window))))
+           (save-selected-window
+             (select-window window)
+             (enlarge-window delta))
+         (enlarge-window delta))))))
+ (defun enlarge-window-horizontally (arg)
+   "Make current window ARG columns wider."
+   (interactive "p")
+   (enlarge-window arg t))
+ (defun shrink-window-horizontally (arg)
+   "Make current window ARG columns narrower."
+   (interactive "p")
+   (shrink-window arg t))
+ (defun window-buffer-height (window)
+   "Return the height (in screen lines) of the buffer that WINDOW is 
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer (window-buffer window))
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (let ((ignore-final-newline
+            ;; If buffer ends with a newline, ignore it when counting height
+            ;; unless point is after it.
+            (and (not (eobp)) (eq ?\n (char-after (1- (point-max)))))))
+       (+ 1 (nth 2 (compute-motion (point-min)
+                                   '(0 . 0)
+                                   (- (point-max) (if ignore-final-newline 1 
+                                   (cons 0 100000000)
+                                   nil
+                                   nil
+                                   window))))))
+ (defun count-screen-lines (&optional beg end count-final-newline window)
+   "Return the number of screen lines in the region.
+ The number of screen lines may be different from the number of actual lines,
+ due to line breaking, display table, etc.
+ Optional arguments BEG and END default to `point-min' and `point-max'
+ respectively.
+ If region ends with a newline, ignore it unless optional third argument
+ The optional fourth argument WINDOW specifies the window used for obtaining
+ parameters such as width, horizontal scrolling, and so on.  The default is
+ to use the selected window's parameters.
+ Like `vertical-motion', `count-screen-lines' always uses the current buffer,
+ regardless of which buffer is displayed in WINDOW.  This makes possible to use
+ `count-screen-lines' in any buffer, whether or not it is currently displayed
+ in some window."
+   (unless beg
+     (setq beg (point-min)))
+   (unless end
+     (setq end (point-max)))
+   (if (= beg end)
+       0
+     (save-excursion
+       (save-restriction
+         (widen)
+         (narrow-to-region (min beg end)
+                           (if (and (not count-final-newline)
+                                    (= ?\n (char-before (max beg end))))
+                               (1- (max beg end))
+                             (max beg end)))
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (1+ (vertical-motion (buffer-size) window))))))
+ (defun fit-window-to-buffer (&optional window max-height min-height)
+   "Make WINDOW the right size to display its contents exactly.
+ If WINDOW is omitted or nil, it defaults to the selected window.
+ If the optional argument MAX-HEIGHT is supplied, it is the maximum height
+   the window is allowed to be, defaulting to the frame height.
+ If the optional argument MIN-HEIGHT is supplied, it is the minimum
+   height the window is allowed to be, defaulting to `window-min-height'.
+ The heights in MAX-HEIGHT and MIN-HEIGHT include the mode-line and/or
+ header-line."
+   (interactive)
+   (when (null window)
+     (setq window (selected-window)))
+   (when (null max-height)
+     (setq max-height (frame-height (window-frame window))))
+   (let* ((buf
+         ;; Buffer that is displayed in WINDOW
+         (window-buffer window))
+        (window-height
+         ;; The current height of WINDOW
+         (window-height window))
+        (desired-height
+         ;; The height necessary to show the buffer displayed by WINDOW
+         ;; (`count-screen-lines' always works on the current buffer).
+         (with-current-buffer buf
+           (+ (count-screen-lines)
+              ;; If the buffer is empty, (count-screen-lines) is
+              ;; zero.  But, even in that case, we need one text line
+              ;; for cursor.
+              (if (= (point-min) (point-max))
+                  1 0)
+              ;; For non-minibuffers, count the mode-line, if any
+              (if (and (not (window-minibuffer-p window))
+                       mode-line-format)
+                  1 0)
+              ;; Count the header-line, if any
+              (if header-line-format 1 0))))
+        (delta
+         ;; Calculate how much the window height has to change to show
+         ;; desired-height lines, constrained by MIN-HEIGHT and MAX-HEIGHT.
+         (- (max (min desired-height max-height)
+                 (or min-height window-min-height))
+            window-height))
+        ;; We do our own height checking, so avoid any restrictions due to
+        ;; window-min-height.
+        (window-min-height 1))
+     ;; Don't try to redisplay with the cursor at the end
+     ;; on its own line--that would force a scroll and spoil things.
+     (when (with-current-buffer buf
+           (and (eobp) (bolp) (not (bobp))))
+       (set-window-point window (1- (window-point window))))
+     (save-selected-window
+       (select-window window)
+       ;; Adjust WINDOW to the nominally correct size (which may actually
+       ;; be slightly off because of variable height text, etc).
+       (unless (zerop delta)
+       (enlarge-window delta))
+       ;; Check if the last line is surely fully visible.  If not,
+       ;; enlarge the window.
+       (let ((end (with-current-buffer buf
+                  (save-excursion
+                    (goto-char (point-max))
+                    (when (and (bolp) (not (bobp)))
+                      ;; Don't include final newline
+                      (backward-char 1))
+                    (when truncate-lines
+                      ;; If line-wrapping is turned off, test the
+                      ;; beginning of the last line for visibility
+                      ;; instead of the end, as the end of the line
+                      ;; could be invisible by virtue of extending past
+                      ;; the edge of the window.
+                      (forward-line 0))
+                    (point)))))
+       (set-window-vscroll window 0)
+       (while (and (< desired-height max-height)
+                   (= desired-height (window-height window))
+                   (not (pos-visible-in-window-p end window)))
+         (enlarge-window 1)
+         (setq desired-height (1+ desired-height)))))))
+ (defun shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer (&optional window)
+   "Shrink the WINDOW to be as small as possible to display its contents.
+ If WINDOW is omitted or nil, it defaults to the selected window.
+ Do not shrink to less than `window-min-height' lines.
+ Do nothing if the buffer contains more lines than the present window height,
+ or if some of the window's contents are scrolled out of view,
+ or if shrinking this window would also shrink another window.
+ or if the window is the only window of its frame.
+ Return non-nil if the window was shrunk."
+   (interactive)
+   (when (null window)
+     (setq window (selected-window)))
+   (let* ((frame (window-frame window))
+        (mini (frame-parameter frame 'minibuffer))
+        (edges (window-edges window)))
+     (if (and (not (eq window (frame-root-window frame)))
+            (window-safely-shrinkable-p)
+            (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-min) window)
+            (not (eq mini 'only))
+            (or (not mini)
+                (let ((mini-window (minibuffer-window frame)))
+                  (or (null mini-window)
+                      (not (eq frame (window-frame mini-window)))
+                      (< (nth 3 edges)
+                         (nth 1 (window-edges mini-window)))
+                      (> (nth 1 edges)
+                         (frame-parameter frame 'menu-bar-lines))))))
+       (fit-window-to-buffer window (window-height window)))))
+ (defun kill-buffer-and-window ()
+   "Kill the current buffer and delete the selected window."
+   (interactive)
+   (let ((window-to-delete (selected-window))
+       (delete-window-hook (lambda ()
+                             (condition-case nil
+                                 (delete-window)
+                               (error nil)))))
+     (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook delete-window-hook t t)
+     (if (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+       ;; If `delete-window' failed before, we rerun it to regenerate
+       ;; the error so it can be seen in the minibuffer.
+       (when (eq (selected-window) window-to-delete)
+         (delete-window))
+       (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook delete-window-hook t))))
+ (defun quit-window (&optional kill window)
+   "Quit the current buffer.  Bury it, and maybe delete the selected frame.
+ \(The frame is deleted if it is contains a dedicated window for the buffer.)
+ With a prefix argument, kill the buffer instead.
+ Noninteractively, if KILL is non-nil, then kill the current buffer,
+ otherwise bury it.
+ If WINDOW is non-nil, it specifies a window; we delete that window,
+ and the buffer that is killed or buried is the one in that window."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let ((buffer (window-buffer window))
+       (frame (window-frame (or window (selected-window))))
+       (window-solitary
+        (save-selected-window
+          (if window
+              (select-window window))
+          (one-window-p t)))
+       window-handled)
+     (save-selected-window
+       (if window
+         (select-window window))
+       (or (window-minibuffer-p)
+         (window-dedicated-p (selected-window))
+         (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer))))
+     ;; Get rid of the frame, if it has just one dedicated window
+     ;; and other visible frames exist.
+     (and (or (window-minibuffer-p) (window-dedicated-p window))
+        (delq frame (visible-frame-list))
+        window-solitary
+        (if (and (eq default-minibuffer-frame frame)
+                 (= 1 (length (minibuffer-frame-list))))
+            (setq window nil)
+          (delete-frame frame)
+          (setq window-handled t)))
+     ;; Deal with the buffer.
+     (if kill
+       (kill-buffer buffer)
+       (bury-buffer buffer))
+     ;; Maybe get rid of the window.
+     (and window (not window-handled) (not window-solitary)
+        (delete-window window))))
+ (defun handle-select-window (event)
+   "Handle select-window events."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (let ((window (posn-window (event-start event))))
+     (if (and (window-live-p window)
+            (or (not (window-minibuffer-p window))
+                (minibuffer-window-active-p window)))
+       (select-window window))))
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "2" 'split-window-vertically)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "3" 'split-window-horizontally)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "}" 'enlarge-window-horizontally)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "{" 'shrink-window-horizontally)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "-" 'shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "+" 'balance-windows)
+ (define-key ctl-x-4-map "0" 'kill-buffer-and-window)
+ ;;; arch-tag: b508dfcc-c353-4c37-89fa-e773fe10cea9
+ ;;; window.el ends here

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