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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/files.el [ttn-vms-21-3-stash]

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/files.el [ttn-vms-21-3-stash]
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 12:00:59 -0500

Index: emacs/lisp/files.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/files.el:1.529.
*** /dev/null   Fri Dec 10 16:50:21 2004
--- emacs/lisp/files.el Fri Dec 10 16:50:21 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,3844 ----
+ ;;; files.el --- file input and output commands for Emacs
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1985, 86, 87, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001
+ ;;;   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; Defines most of Emacs's file- and directory-handling functions,
+ ;; including basic file visiting, backup generation, link handling,
+ ;; ITS-id version control, load- and write-hook handling, and the like.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (defgroup backup nil
+   "Backups of edited data files."
+   :group 'files)
+ (defgroup find-file nil
+   "Finding files."
+   :group 'files)
+ (defcustom delete-auto-save-files t
+   "*Non-nil means delete auto-save file when a buffer is saved or killed.
+ Note that auto-save file will not be deleted if the buffer is killed
+ when it has unsaved changes."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'auto-save)
+ (defcustom directory-abbrev-alist
+   nil
+   "*Alist of abbreviations for file directories.
+ A list of elements of the form (FROM . TO), each meaning to replace
+ FROM with TO when it appears in a directory name.  This replacement is
+ done when setting up the default directory of a newly visited file.
+ *Every* FROM string should start with `^'.
+ Do not use `~' in the TO strings.
+ They should be ordinary absolute directory names.
+ Use this feature when you have directories which you normally refer to
+ via absolute symbolic links.  Make TO the name of the link, and FROM
+ the name it is linked to."
+   :type '(repeat (cons :format "%v"
+                      :value ("" . "")
+                      (regexp :tag "From")
+                      (regexp :tag "To")))
+   :group 'abbrev
+   :group 'find-file)
+ ;; Turn off backup files on VMS since it has version numbers.
+ (defcustom make-backup-files (not (eq system-type 'vax-vms))
+   "*Non-nil means make a backup of a file the first time it is saved.
+ This can be done by renaming the file or by copying.
+ Renaming means that Emacs renames the existing file so that it is a
+ backup file, then writes the buffer into a new file.  Any other names
+ that the old file had will now refer to the backup file.  The new file
+ is owned by you and its group is defaulted.
+ Copying means that Emacs copies the existing file into the backup
+ file, then writes the buffer on top of the existing file.  Any other
+ names that the old file had will now refer to the new (edited) file.
+ The file's owner and group are unchanged.
+ The choice of renaming or copying is controlled by the variables
+ `backup-by-copying', `backup-by-copying-when-linked',
+ `backup-by-copying-when-mismatch' and
+ `backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch'.  See also `backup-inhibited'."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'backup)
+ ;; Do this so that local variables based on the file name
+ ;; are not overridden by the major mode.
+ (defvar backup-inhibited nil
+   "Non-nil means don't make a backup, regardless of the other parameters.
+ This variable is intended for use by making it local to a buffer.
+ But it is local only if you make it local.")
+ (put 'backup-inhibited 'permanent-local t)
+ (defcustom backup-by-copying nil
+  "*Non-nil means always use copying to create backup files.
+ See documentation of variable `make-backup-files'."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'backup)
+ (defcustom backup-by-copying-when-linked nil
+  "*Non-nil means use copying to create backups for files with multiple names.
+ This causes the alternate names to refer to the latest version as edited.
+ This variable is relevant only if `backup-by-copying' is nil."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'backup)
+ (defcustom backup-by-copying-when-mismatch nil
+   "*Non-nil means create backups by copying if this preserves owner or group.
+ Renaming may still be used (subject to control of other variables)
+ when it would not result in changing the owner or group of the file;
+ that is, for files which are owned by you and whose group matches
+ the default for a new file created there by you.
+ This variable is relevant only if `backup-by-copying' is nil."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'backup)
+ (defcustom backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch 200
+   "*Non-nil means create backups by copying to preserve a privileged owner.
+ Renaming may still be used (subject to control of other variables)
+ when it would not result in changing the owner of the file or if the owner
+ has a user id greater than the value of this variable.  This is useful
+ when low-numbered uid's are used for special system users (such as root)
+ that must maintain ownership of certain files.
+ This variable is relevant only if `backup-by-copying' and
+ `backup-by-copying-when-mismatch' are nil."
+   :type '(choice (const nil) integer)
+   :group 'backup)
+ (defun normal-backup-enable-predicate (name)
+   "Default `backup-enable-predicate' function.
+ Checks for files in `temporary-file-directory' or
+ `small-temporary-file-directory'."
+   (not (or (let ((comp (compare-strings temporary-file-directory 0 nil
+                                       name 0 nil)))
+            ;; Directory is under temporary-file-directory.
+            (and (not (eq comp t))
+                 (< comp (- (length temporary-file-directory)))))
+          (if small-temporary-file-directory
+              (let ((comp (compare-strings small-temporary-file-directory
+                                           0 nil
+                                           name 0 nil)))
+                ;; Directory is under small-temporary-file-directory.
+                (and (not (eq comp t))
+                     (< comp (- (length small-temporary-file-directory)))))))))
+ (defvar backup-enable-predicate 'normal-backup-enable-predicate
+   "Predicate that looks at a file name and decides whether to make backups.
+ Called with an absolute file name as argument, it returns t to enable 
+ (defcustom buffer-offer-save nil
+   "*Non-nil in a buffer means always offer to save buffer on exit.
+ Do so even if the buffer is not visiting a file.
+ Automatically local in all buffers."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'backup)
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'buffer-offer-save)
+ (defcustom find-file-existing-other-name t
+   "*Non-nil means find a file under alternative names, in existing buffers.
+ This means if any existing buffer is visiting the file you want
+ under another name, you get the existing buffer instead of a new buffer."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'find-file)
+ (defcustom find-file-visit-truename nil
+   "*Non-nil means visit a file under its truename.
+ The truename of a file is found by chasing all links
+ both at the file level and at the levels of the containing directories."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'find-file)
+ (defcustom revert-without-query
+   nil
+   "*Specify which files should be reverted without query.
+ The value is a list of regular expressions.
+ If the file name matches one of these regular expressions,
+ then `revert-buffer' reverts the file without querying
+ if the file has changed on disk and you have not edited the buffer."
+   :type '(repeat regexp)
+   :group 'find-file)
+ (defvar buffer-file-number nil
+   "The device number and file number of the file visited in the current 
+ The value is a list of the form (FILENUM DEVNUM).
+ This pair of numbers uniquely identifies the file.
+ If the buffer is visiting a new file, the value is nil.")
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'buffer-file-number)
+ (put 'buffer-file-number 'permanent-local t)
+ (defvar buffer-file-numbers-unique (not (memq system-type '(windows-nt)))
+   "Non-nil means that buffer-file-number uniquely identifies files.")
+ (defvar temporary-file-directory
+   (file-name-as-directory
+    (cond ((memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt))
+         (or (getenv "TEMP") (getenv "TMPDIR") (getenv "TMP") "c:/temp"))
+        ((memq system-type '(vax-vms axp-vms))
+         (or (getenv "TMPDIR") (getenv "TMP") (getenv "TEMP") "SYS$SCRATCH:"))
+        (t
+         (or (getenv "TMPDIR") (getenv "TMP") (getenv "TEMP") "/tmp"))))
+   "The directory for writing temporary files.")
+ (defvar small-temporary-file-directory
+   (if (eq system-type 'ms-dos) (getenv "TMPDIR"))
+   "The directory for writing small temporary files.
+ If non-nil, this directory is used instead of `temporary-file-directory'
+ by programs that create small temporary files.  This is for systems that
+ have fast storage with limited space, such as a RAM disk.")
+ ;; The system null device. (Should reference NULL_DEVICE from C.)
+ (defvar null-device "/dev/null" "The system null device.")
+ (defvar file-name-invalid-regexp
+   (cond ((and (eq system-type 'ms-dos) (not (msdos-long-file-names)))
+        (concat "^\\([^A-Z[-`a-z]\\|..+\\)?:\\|" ; colon except after drive
+                "[+, ;=|<>\"?*]\\|\\[\\|\\]\\|"  ; invalid characters
+                "[\000-\031]\\|"                 ; control characters
+                "\\(/\\.\\.?[^/]\\)\\|"          ; leading dots
+                "\\(/[^/.]+\\.[^/.]*\\.\\)"))    ; more than a single dot
+       ((memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt))
+        (concat "^\\([^A-Z[-`a-z]\\|..+\\)?:\\|" ; colon except after drive
+                "[|<>\"?*\000-\031]"))           ; invalid characters
+       (t "[\000]"))
+   "Regexp recognizing file names which aren't allowed by the filesystem.")
+ (defcustom file-precious-flag nil
+   "*Non-nil means protect against I/O errors while saving files.
+ Some modes set this non-nil in particular buffers.
+ This feature works by writing the new contents into a temporary file
+ and then renaming the temporary file to replace the original.
+ In this way, any I/O error in writing leaves the original untouched,
+ and there is never any instant where the file is nonexistent.
+ Note that this feature forces backups to be made by copying.
+ Yet, at the same time, saving a precious file
+ breaks any hard links between it and other files."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'backup)
+ (defcustom version-control nil
+   "*Control use of version numbers for backup files.
+ t means make numeric backup versions unconditionally.
+ nil means make them for files that have some already.
+ `never' means do not make them."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Never" never)
+                (const :tag "If existing" nil)
+                (other :tag "Always" t))
+   :group 'backup
+   :group 'vc)
+ (defcustom dired-kept-versions 2
+   "*When cleaning directory, number of versions to keep."
+   :type 'integer
+   :group 'backup
+   :group 'dired)
+ (defcustom delete-old-versions nil
+   "*If t, delete excess backup versions silently.
+ If nil, ask confirmation.  Any other value prevents any trimming."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Delete" t)
+                (const :tag "Ask" nil)
+                (other :tag "Leave" other))
+   :group 'backup)
+ (defcustom kept-old-versions 2
+   "*Number of oldest versions to keep when a new numbered backup is made."
+   :type 'integer
+   :group 'backup)
+ (defcustom kept-new-versions 2
+   "*Number of newest versions to keep when a new numbered backup is made.
+ Includes the new backup.  Must be > 0"
+   :type 'integer
+   :group 'backup)
+ (defcustom require-final-newline nil
+   "*Value of t says silently ensure a file ends in a newline when it is saved.
+ Non-nil but not t says ask user whether to add a newline when there isn't one.
+ nil means don't add newlines."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Off" nil)
+                (const :tag "Add" t)
+                (other :tag "Ask" ask))
+   :group 'editing-basics)
+ (defcustom auto-save-default t
+   "*Non-nil says by default do auto-saving of every file-visiting buffer."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'auto-save)
+ (defcustom auto-save-visited-file-name nil
+   "*Non-nil says auto-save a buffer in the file it is visiting, when 
+ Normally auto-save files are written under other names."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'auto-save)
+ (defcustom auto-save-file-name-transforms
+   `(("\\`/[^/]*:\\(.+/\\)*\\(.*\\)"
+      ,(expand-file-name "\\2" temporary-file-directory)))
+   "*Transforms to apply to buffer file name before making auto-save file name.
+ Each transform is a list (REGEXP REPLACEMENT):
+ REGEXP is a regular expression to match against the file name.
+ If it matches, `replace-match' is used to replace the
+ matching part with REPLACEMENT.
+ All the transforms in the list are tried, in the order they are listed.
+ When one transform applies, its result is final;
+ no further transforms are tried.
+ The default value is set up to put the auto-save file into the
+ temporary directory (see the variable `temporary-file-directory') for
+ editing a remote file."
+   :group 'auto-save
+   :type '(repeat (list (string :tag "Regexp") (string :tag "Replacement")))
+   :version "21.1")
+ (defcustom save-abbrevs nil
+   "*Non-nil means save word abbrevs too when files are saved.
+ If `silently', don't ask the user before saving.
+ Loading an abbrev file sets this to t."
+   :type '(choice (const t) (const nil) (const silently))
+   :group 'abbrev)
+ (defcustom find-file-run-dired t
+   "*Non-nil means allow `find-file' to visit directories.
+ To visit the directory, `find-file' runs `find-directory-functions'."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'find-file)
+ (defcustom find-directory-functions '(cvs-dired-noselect dired-noselect)
+   "*List of functions to try in sequence to visit a directory.
+ Each function is called with the directory name as the sole argument
+ and should return either a buffer or nil."
+   :type '(hook :options (cvs-dired-noselect dired-noselect))
+   :group 'find-file)
+ ;;;It is not useful to make this a local variable.
+ ;;;(put 'find-file-not-found-hooks 'permanent-local t)
+ (defvar find-file-not-found-hooks nil
+   "List of functions to be called for `find-file' on nonexistent file.
+ These functions are called as soon as the error is detected.
+ Variable `buffer-file-name' is already set up.
+ The functions are called in the order given until one of them returns 
+ ;;;It is not useful to make this a local variable.
+ ;;;(put 'find-file-hooks 'permanent-local t)
+ (defvar find-file-hooks nil
+   "List of functions to be called after a buffer is loaded from a file.
+ The buffer's local variables (if any) will have been processed before the
+ functions are called.")
+ (defvar write-file-hooks nil
+   "List of functions to be called before writing out a buffer to a file.
+ If one of them returns non-nil, the file is considered already written
+ and the rest are not called.
+ These hooks are considered to pertain to the visited file.
+ So any buffer-local binding of `write-file-hooks' is
+ discarded if you change the visited file name with \\[set-visited-file-name].
+ Don't make this variable buffer-local; instead, use `local-write-file-hooks'.
+ See also `write-contents-hooks'.")
+ ;;; However, in case someone does make it local...
+ (put 'write-file-hooks 'permanent-local t)
+ (defvar local-write-file-hooks nil
+   "Just like `write-file-hooks', except intended for per-buffer use.
+ The functions in this list are called before the ones in
+ `write-file-hooks'.
+ This variable is meant to be used for hooks that have to do with a
+ particular visited file.  Therefore, it is a permanent local, so that
+ changing the major mode does not clear it.  However, calling
+ `set-visited-file-name' does clear it.")
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'local-write-file-hooks)
+ (put 'local-write-file-hooks 'permanent-local t)
+ (defvar write-contents-hooks nil
+   "List of functions to be called before writing out a buffer to a file.
+ If one of them returns non-nil, the file is considered already written
+ and the rest are not called.
+ This variable is meant to be used for hooks that pertain to the
+ buffer's contents, not to the particular visited file; thus,
+ `set-visited-file-name' does not clear this variable; but changing the
+ major mode does clear it.
+ This variable automatically becomes buffer-local whenever it is set.
+ If you use `add-hook' to add elements to the list, use nil for the
+ LOCAL argument.
+ See also `write-file-hooks'.")
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'write-contents-hooks)
+ (defcustom enable-local-variables t
+   "*Control use of local variables in files you visit.
+ The value can be t, nil or something else.
+ A value of t means file local variables specifications are obeyed;
+ nil means they are ignored; anything else means query.
+ This variable also controls use of major modes specified in
+ a -*- line.
+ The command \\[normal-mode], when used interactively,
+ always obeys file local variable specifications and the -*- line,
+ and ignores this variable."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Obey" t)
+                (const :tag "Ignore" nil)
+                (other :tag "Query" other))
+   :group 'find-file)
+ (defvar local-enable-local-variables t
+   "Like `enable-local-variables' but meant for buffer-local bindings.
+ The meaningful values are nil and non-nil.  The default is non-nil.
+ If a major mode sets this to nil, buffer-locally, then any local
+ variables list in the file will be ignored.
+ This variable does not affect the use of major modes
+ specified in a -*- line.")
+ (defcustom enable-local-eval 'maybe
+   "*Control processing of the \"variable\" `eval' in a file's local variables.
+ The value can be t, nil or something else.
+ A value of t means obey `eval' variables;
+ nil means ignore them; anything else means query.
+ The command \\[normal-mode] always obeys local-variables lists
+ and ignores this variable."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Obey" t)
+                (const :tag "Ignore" nil)
+                (other :tag "Query" other))
+   :group 'find-file)
+ ;; Avoid losing in versions where CLASH_DETECTION is disabled.
+ (or (fboundp 'lock-buffer)
+     (defalias 'lock-buffer 'ignore))
+ (or (fboundp 'unlock-buffer)
+     (defalias 'unlock-buffer 'ignore))
+ (or (fboundp 'file-locked-p)
+     (defalias 'file-locked-p 'ignore))
+ (defvar view-read-only nil
+   "*Non-nil means buffers visiting files read-only, do it in view mode.")
+ (put 'ange-ftp-completion-hook-function 'safe-magic t)
+ (defun ange-ftp-completion-hook-function (op &rest args)
+   "Provides support for ange-ftp host name completion.
+ Runs the usual ange-ftp hook, but only for completion operations."
+   ;; Having this here avoids the need to load ange-ftp when it's not
+   ;; really in use.
+   (if (memq op '(file-name-completion file-name-all-completions))
+       (apply 'ange-ftp-hook-function op args)
+     (let ((inhibit-file-name-handlers
+          (cons 'ange-ftp-completion-hook-function
+                (and (eq inhibit-file-name-operation op)
+                     inhibit-file-name-handlers)))
+         (inhibit-file-name-operation op))
+       (apply op args))))
+ (defun convert-standard-filename (filename)
+   "Convert a standard file's name to something suitable for the current OS.
+ This function's standard definition is trivial; it just returns the argument.
+ However, on some systems, the function is redefined with a definition
+ that really does change some file names to canonicalize certain
+ patterns and to guarantee valid names."
+   filename)
+ (defun pwd ()
+   "Show the current default directory."
+   (interactive nil)
+   (message "Directory %s" default-directory))
+ (defvar cd-path nil
+   "Value of the CDPATH environment variable, as a list.
+ Not actually set up until the first time you use it.")
+ (defun parse-colon-path (cd-path)
+   "Explode a colon-separated search path into a list of directory names.
+ \(For values of `colon' equal to `path-separator'.)"
+   ;; We could use split-string here.
+   (and cd-path
+        (let (cd-prefix cd-list (cd-start 0) cd-colon)
+        (setq cd-path (concat cd-path path-separator))
+        (while (setq cd-colon (string-match path-separator cd-path cd-start))
+          (setq cd-list
+                (nconc cd-list
+                       (list (if (= cd-start cd-colon)
+                                  nil
+                               (substitute-in-file-name
+                                (file-name-as-directory
+                                 (substring cd-path cd-start cd-colon)))))))
+          (setq cd-start (+ cd-colon 1)))
+        cd-list)))
+ (defun cd-absolute (dir)
+   "Change current directory to given absolute file name DIR."
+   ;; Put the name into directory syntax now,
+   ;; because otherwise expand-file-name may give some bad results.
+   (if (not (eq system-type 'vax-vms))
+       (setq dir (file-name-as-directory dir)))
+   (setq dir (abbreviate-file-name (expand-file-name dir)))
+   (if (not (file-directory-p dir))
+       (if (file-exists-p dir)
+         (error "%s is not a directory" dir)
+       (error "%s: no such directory" dir))
+     (if (file-executable-p dir)
+       (setq default-directory dir)
+       (error "Cannot cd to %s:  Permission denied" dir))))
+ (defun cd (dir)
+   "Make DIR become the current buffer's default directory.
+ If your environment includes a `CDPATH' variable, try each one of that
+ colon-separated list of directories when resolving a relative directory name."
+   (interactive
+    (list (read-file-name "Change default directory: "
+                        default-directory default-directory
+                        (and (member cd-path '(nil ("./")))
+                             (null (getenv "CDPATH"))))))
+   (if (file-name-absolute-p dir)
+       (cd-absolute (expand-file-name dir))
+     (if (null cd-path)
+       (let ((trypath (parse-colon-path (getenv "CDPATH"))))
+         (setq cd-path (or trypath (list "./")))))
+     (if (not (catch 'found
+              (mapcar
+               (function (lambda (x)
+                           (let ((f (expand-file-name (concat x dir))))
+                             (if (file-directory-p f)
+                                 (progn
+                                   (cd-absolute f)
+                                   (throw 'found t))))))
+               cd-path)
+              nil))
+       (error "No such directory found via CDPATH environment variable"))))
+ (defun load-file (file)
+   "Load the Lisp file named FILE."
+   ;; This is a case where .elc makes a lot of sense.
+   (interactive (list (let ((completion-ignored-extensions
+                           (remove ".elc" completion-ignored-extensions)))
+                      (read-file-name "Load file: "))))
+   (load (expand-file-name file) nil nil t))
+ (defun load-library (library)
+   "Load the library named LIBRARY.
+ This is an interface to the function `load'."
+   (interactive "sLoad library: ")
+   (load library))
+ (defun file-local-copy (file)
+   "Copy the file FILE into a temporary file on this machine.
+ Returns the name of the local copy, or nil, if FILE is directly
+ accessible."
+   ;; This formerly had an optional BUFFER argument that wasn't used by
+   ;; anything.
+   (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler file 'file-local-copy)))
+     (if handler
+       (funcall handler 'file-local-copy file)
+       nil)))
+ (defun file-truename (filename &optional counter prev-dirs)
+   "Return the truename of FILENAME, which should be absolute.
+ The truename of a file name is found by chasing symbolic links
+ both at the level of the file and at the level of the directories
+ containing it, until no links are left at any level.
+ The arguments COUNTER and PREV-DIRS are used only in recursive calls.
+ Do not specify them in other calls."
+   ;; COUNTER can be a cons cell whose car is the count of how many more links
+   ;; to chase before getting an error.
+   ;; PREV-DIRS can be a cons cell whose car is an alist
+   ;; of truenames we've just recently computed.
+   ;; The last test looks dubious, maybe `+' is meant here?  --simon.
+   (if (or (string= filename "") (string= filename "~")
+         (and (string= (substring filename 0 1) "~")
+              (string-match "~[^/]*" filename)))
+       (progn
+       (setq filename (expand-file-name filename))
+       (if (string= filename "")
+           (setq filename "/"))))
+   (or counter (setq counter (list 100)))
+   (let (done
+       ;; For speed, remove the ange-ftp completion handler from the list.
+       ;; We know it's not needed here.
+       ;; For even more speed, do this only on the outermost call.
+       (file-name-handler-alist
+        (if prev-dirs file-name-handler-alist
+          (let ((tem (copy-sequence file-name-handler-alist)))
+            (delq (rassq 'ange-ftp-completion-hook-function tem) tem)))))
+     (or prev-dirs (setq prev-dirs (list nil)))
+     ;; address@hidden - none of the following code (except for
+     ;; invoking the file-name handler) currently applies on Windows
+     ;; (ie. there are no native symlinks), but there is an issue with
+     ;; case differences being ignored by the OS, and short "8.3 DOS"
+     ;; name aliases existing for all files.  (The short names are not
+     ;; reported by directory-files, but can be used to refer to files.)
+     ;; It seems appropriate for file-truename to resolve these issues in
+     ;; the most natural way, which on Windows is to call the function
+     ;; `w32-long-file-name' - this returns the exact name of a file as
+     ;; it is stored on disk (expanding short name aliases with the full
+     ;; name in the process).
+     (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+       (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler filename 'file-truename))
+           newname)
+       ;; For file name that has a special handler, call handler.
+       ;; This is so that ange-ftp can save time by doing a no-op.
+       (if handler
+           (setq filename (funcall handler 'file-truename filename))
+         ;; If filename contains a wildcard, newname will be the old name.
+         (if (string-match "[[*?]" filename)
+             (setq newname filename)
+           ;; If filename doesn't exist, newname will be nil.
+           (setq newname (w32-long-file-name filename)))
+         (setq filename (or newname filename)))
+       (setq done t)))
+     ;; If this file directly leads to a link, process that iteratively
+     ;; so that we don't use lots of stack.
+     (while (not done)
+       (setcar counter (1- (car counter)))
+       (if (< (car counter) 0)
+         (error "Apparent cycle of symbolic links for %s" filename))
+       (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler filename 'file-truename)))
+       ;; For file name that has a special handler, call handler.
+       ;; This is so that ange-ftp can save time by doing a no-op.
+       (if handler
+           (setq filename (funcall handler 'file-truename filename)
+                 done t)
+         (let ((dir (or (file-name-directory filename) default-directory))
+               target dirfile)
+           ;; Get the truename of the directory.
+           (setq dirfile (directory-file-name dir))
+           ;; If these are equal, we have the (or a) root directory.
+           (or (string= dir dirfile)
+               ;; If this is the same dir we last got the truename for,
+               ;; save time--don't recalculate.
+               (if (assoc dir (car prev-dirs))
+                   (setq dir (cdr (assoc dir (car prev-dirs))))
+                 (let ((old dir)
+                       (new (file-name-as-directory (file-truename dirfile 
counter prev-dirs))))
+                   (setcar prev-dirs (cons (cons old new) (car prev-dirs)))
+                   (setq dir new))))
+           (if (equal ".." (file-name-nondirectory filename))
+               (setq filename
+                     (directory-file-name (file-name-directory 
(directory-file-name dir)))
+                     done t)
+             (if (equal "." (file-name-nondirectory filename))
+                 (setq filename (directory-file-name dir)
+                       done t)
+               ;; Put it back on the file name.
+               (setq filename (concat dir (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
+               ;; Is the file name the name of a link?
+               (setq target (file-symlink-p filename))
+               (if target
+                   ;; Yes => chase that link, then start all over
+                   ;; since the link may point to a directory name that uses 
+                   ;; We can't safely use expand-file-name here
+                   ;; since target might look like foo/../bar where foo
+                   ;; is itself a link.  Instead, we handle . and .. above.
+                   (setq filename
+                         (if (file-name-absolute-p target)
+                             target
+                           (concat dir target))
+                         done nil)
+                 ;; No, we are done!
+                 (setq done t))))))))
+     filename))
+ (defun file-chase-links (filename)
+   "Chase links in FILENAME until a name that is not a link.
+ Does not examine containing directories for links,
+ unlike `file-truename'."
+   (let (tem (count 100) (newname filename))
+     (while (setq tem (file-symlink-p newname))
+       (save-match-data
+       (if (= count 0)
+           (error "Apparent cycle of symbolic links for %s" filename))
+       ;; In the context of a link, `//' doesn't mean what Emacs thinks.
+       (while (string-match "//+" tem)
+         (setq tem (replace-match "/" nil nil tem)))
+       ;; Handle `..' by hand, since it needs to work in the
+       ;; target of any directory symlink.
+       ;; This code is not quite complete; it does not handle
+       ;; embedded .. in some cases such as ./../foo and foo/bar/../../../lose.
+       (while (string-match "\\`\\.\\./" tem)
+         (setq tem (substring tem 3))
+         (setq newname (expand-file-name newname))
+         ;; Chase links in the default dir of the symlink.
+         (setq newname
+               (file-chase-links
+                (directory-file-name (file-name-directory newname))))
+         ;; Now find the parent of that dir.
+         (setq newname (file-name-directory newname)))
+       (setq newname (expand-file-name tem (file-name-directory newname)))
+       (setq count (1- count))))
+     newname))
+ (defun switch-to-buffer-other-window (buffer &optional norecord)
+   "Select buffer BUFFER in another window.
+ Optional second arg NORECORD non-nil means
+ do not put this buffer at the front of the list of recently selected ones.
+ This uses the function `display-buffer' as a subroutine; see its
+ documentation for additional customization information."
+   (interactive "BSwitch to buffer in other window: ")
+   (let ((pop-up-windows t))
+     (pop-to-buffer buffer t norecord)))
+ (defun switch-to-buffer-other-frame (buffer &optional norecord)
+   "Switch to buffer BUFFER in another frame.
+ Optional second arg NORECORD non-nil means
+ do not put this buffer at the front of the list of recently selected ones.
+ This uses the function `display-buffer' as a subroutine; see its
+ documentation for additional customization information."
+   (interactive "BSwitch to buffer in other frame: ")
+   (let ((pop-up-frames t))
+     (pop-to-buffer buffer t norecord)
+     (raise-frame (window-frame (selected-window)))))
+ (defun find-file (filename &optional wildcards)
+   "Edit file FILENAME.
+ Switch to a buffer visiting file FILENAME,
+ creating one if none already exists.
+ Interactively, or if WILDCARDS is non-nil in a call from Lisp,
+ expand wildcards (if any) and visit multiple files.  Wildcard expansion
+ can be suppressed by setting `find-file-wildcards'."
+   (interactive "FFind file: \np")
+   (let ((value (find-file-noselect filename nil nil wildcards)))
+     (if (listp value)
+       (mapcar 'switch-to-buffer (nreverse value))
+       (switch-to-buffer value))))
+ (defun find-file-other-window (filename &optional wildcards)
+   "Edit file FILENAME, in another window.
+ May create a new window, or reuse an existing one.
+ See the function `display-buffer'.
+ Interactively, or if WILDCARDS is non-nil in a call from Lisp,
+ expand wildcards (if any) and visit multiple files."
+   (interactive "FFind file in other window: \np")
+   (let ((value (find-file-noselect filename nil nil wildcards)))
+     (if (listp value)
+       (progn
+         (setq value (nreverse value))
+         (switch-to-buffer-other-window (car value))
+         (mapcar 'switch-to-buffer (cdr value)))
+       (switch-to-buffer-other-window value))))
+ (defun find-file-other-frame (filename &optional wildcards)
+   "Edit file FILENAME, in another frame.
+ May create a new frame, or reuse an existing one.
+ See the function `display-buffer'.
+ Interactively, or if WILDCARDS is non-nil in a call from Lisp,
+ expand wildcards (if any) and visit multiple files."
+   (interactive "FFind file in other frame: \np")
+   (let ((value (find-file-noselect filename nil nil wildcards)))
+     (if (listp value)
+       (progn
+         (setq value (nreverse value))
+         (switch-to-buffer-other-frame (car value))
+         (mapcar 'switch-to-buffer (cdr value)))
+       (switch-to-buffer-other-frame value))))
+ (defun find-file-read-only (filename &optional wildcards)
+   "Edit file FILENAME but don't allow changes.
+ Like `find-file' but marks buffer as read-only.
+ Use \\[toggle-read-only] to permit editing."
+   (interactive "fFind file read-only: \np")
+   (find-file filename wildcards)
+   (toggle-read-only 1)
+   (current-buffer))
+ (defun find-file-read-only-other-window (filename &optional wildcards)
+   "Edit file FILENAME in another window but don't allow changes.
+ Like \\[find-file-other-window] but marks buffer as read-only.
+ Use \\[toggle-read-only] to permit editing."
+   (interactive "fFind file read-only other window: \np")
+   (find-file-other-window filename wildcards)
+   (toggle-read-only 1)
+   (current-buffer))
+ (defun find-file-read-only-other-frame (filename &optional wildcards)
+   "Edit file FILENAME in another frame but don't allow changes.
+ Like \\[find-file-other-frame] but marks buffer as read-only.
+ Use \\[toggle-read-only] to permit editing."
+   (interactive "fFind file read-only other frame: \np")
+   (find-file-other-frame filename wildcards)
+   (toggle-read-only 1)
+   (current-buffer))
+ (defun find-alternate-file-other-window (filename)
+   "Find file FILENAME as a replacement for the file in the next window.
+ This command does not select that window."
+   (interactive
+    (save-selected-window
+      (other-window 1)
+      (let ((file buffer-file-name)
+          (file-name nil)
+          (file-dir nil))
+        (and file
+           (setq file-name (file-name-nondirectory file)
+                 file-dir (file-name-directory file)))
+        (list (read-file-name
+             "Find alternate file: " file-dir nil nil file-name)))))
+   (if (one-window-p)
+       (find-file-other-window filename)
+     (save-selected-window
+       (other-window 1)
+       (find-alternate-file filename))))
+ (defun find-alternate-file (filename)
+   "Find file FILENAME, select its buffer, kill previous buffer.
+ If the current buffer now contains an empty file that you just visited
+ \(presumably by mistake), use this command to visit the file you really want."
+   (interactive
+    (let ((file buffer-file-name)
+        (file-name nil)
+        (file-dir nil))
+      (and file
+         (setq file-name (file-name-nondirectory file)
+               file-dir (file-name-directory file)))
+      (list (read-file-name
+           "Find alternate file: " file-dir nil nil file-name))))
+   (and (buffer-modified-p) (buffer-file-name)
+        ;; (not buffer-read-only)
+        (not (yes-or-no-p (format "Buffer %s is modified; kill anyway? "
+                                (buffer-name))))
+        (error "Aborted"))
+   (let ((obuf (current-buffer))
+       (ofile buffer-file-name)
+       (onum buffer-file-number)
+       (otrue buffer-file-truename)
+       (oname (buffer-name)))
+     (if (get-buffer " **lose**")
+       (kill-buffer " **lose**"))
+     (rename-buffer " **lose**")
+     (unwind-protect
+       (progn
+         (unlock-buffer)
+         (setq buffer-file-name nil)
+         (setq buffer-file-number nil)
+         (setq buffer-file-truename nil)
+         (find-file filename))
+       (cond ((eq obuf (current-buffer))
+            (setq buffer-file-name ofile)
+            (setq buffer-file-number onum)
+            (setq buffer-file-truename otrue)
+            (lock-buffer)
+            (rename-buffer oname))))
+     (or (eq (current-buffer) obuf)
+       (kill-buffer obuf))))
+ (defun create-file-buffer (filename)
+   "Create a suitably named buffer for visiting FILENAME, and return it.
+ FILENAME (sans directory) is used unchanged if that name is free;
+ otherwise a string <2> or <3> or ... is appended to get an unused name."
+   (let ((lastname (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
+     (if (string= lastname "")
+       (setq lastname filename))
+     (generate-new-buffer lastname)))
+ (defun generate-new-buffer (name)
+   "Create and return a buffer with a name based on NAME.
+ Choose the buffer's name using `generate-new-buffer-name'."
+   (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name name)))
+ (defcustom automount-dir-prefix "^/tmp_mnt/"
+   "Regexp to match the automounter prefix in a directory name."
+   :group 'files
+   :type 'regexp)
+ (defvar abbreviated-home-dir nil
+   "The user's homedir abbreviated according to `directory-abbrev-alist'.")
+ (defun abbreviate-file-name (filename)
+   "Return a version of FILENAME shortened using `directory-abbrev-alist'.
+ This also substitutes \"~\" for the user's home directory.
+ Type \\[describe-variable] directory-abbrev-alist RET for more information."
+   ;; Get rid of the prefixes added by the automounter.
+   (if (and automount-dir-prefix
+          (string-match automount-dir-prefix filename)
+          (file-exists-p (file-name-directory
+                          (substring filename (1- (match-end 0))))))
+       (setq filename (substring filename (1- (match-end 0)))))
+   (let ((tail directory-abbrev-alist))
+     ;; If any elt of directory-abbrev-alist matches this name,
+     ;; abbreviate accordingly.
+     (while tail
+       (if (string-match (car (car tail)) filename)
+         (setq filename
+               (concat (cdr (car tail)) (substring filename (match-end 0)))))
+       (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+     ;; Compute and save the abbreviated homedir name.
+     ;; We defer computing this until the first time it's needed, to
+     ;; give time for directory-abbrev-alist to be set properly.
+     ;; We include a slash at the end, to avoid spurious matches
+     ;; such as `/usr/foobar' when the home dir is `/usr/foo'.
+     (or abbreviated-home-dir
+       (setq abbreviated-home-dir
+             (let ((abbreviated-home-dir "$foo"))
+               (concat "^" (abbreviate-file-name (expand-file-name "~"))
+                       "\\(/\\|$\\)"))))
+     ;; If FILENAME starts with the abbreviated homedir,
+     ;; make it start with `~' instead.
+     (if (and (string-match abbreviated-home-dir filename)
+            ;; If the home dir is just /, don't change it.
+            (not (and (= (match-end 0) 1)
+                      (= (aref filename 0) ?/)))
+            ;; MS-DOS root directories can come with a drive letter;
+            ;; Novell Netware allows drive letters beyond `Z:'.
+            (not (and (or (eq system-type 'ms-dos)
+                          (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
+                      (save-match-data
+                        (string-match "^[a-zA-`]:/$" filename)))))
+       (setq filename
+             (concat "~"
+                     (substring filename (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
+                     (substring filename (match-end 0)))))
+     filename))
+ (defcustom find-file-not-true-dirname-list nil
+   "*List of logical names for which visiting shouldn't save the true dirname.
+ On VMS, when you visit a file using a logical name that searches a path,
+ you may or may not want the visited file name to record the specific
+ directory where the file was found.  If you *do not* want that, add the 
+ name to this list as a string."
+   :type '(repeat (string :tag "Name"))
+   :group 'find-file)
+ (defun find-buffer-visiting (filename)
+   "Return the buffer visiting file FILENAME (a string).
+ This is like `get-file-buffer', except that it checks for any buffer
+ visiting the same file, possibly under a different name.
+ If there is no such live buffer, return nil."
+   (let ((buf (get-file-buffer filename))
+       (truename (abbreviate-file-name (file-truename filename))))
+     (or buf
+       (let ((list (buffer-list)) found)
+         (while (and (not found) list)
+           (save-excursion
+             (set-buffer (car list))
+             (if (and buffer-file-name
+                      (string= buffer-file-truename truename))
+                 (setq found (car list))))
+           (setq list (cdr list)))
+         found)
+       (let* ((attributes (file-attributes truename))
+              (number (nthcdr 10 attributes))
+              (list (buffer-list)) found)
+         (and buffer-file-numbers-unique
+              number
+              (while (and (not found) list)
+                (with-current-buffer (car list)
+                  (if (and buffer-file-name
+                           (equal buffer-file-number number)
+                           ;; Verify this buffer's file number
+                           ;; still belongs to its file.
+                           (file-exists-p buffer-file-name)
+                           (equal (file-attributes buffer-file-name)
+                                  attributes))
+                      (setq found (car list))))
+                (setq list (cdr list))))
+         found))))
+ (defcustom find-file-wildcards t
+   "*Non-nil means file-visiting commands should handle wildcards.
+ For example, if you specify `*.c', that would visit all the files
+ whose names match the pattern."
+   :group 'files
+   :version "20.4"
+   :type 'boolean)
+ (defcustom find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings nil
+   "*Non-nil means suppress warning messages for symlinked files.
+ When nil, Emacs prints a warning when visiting a file that is already
+ visited, but with a different name.  Setting this option to t
+ suppresses this warning."
+   :group 'files
+   :version "21.1"
+   :type 'boolean)
+ (defun find-file-noselect (filename &optional nowarn rawfile wildcards)
+   "Read file FILENAME into a buffer and return the buffer.
+ If a buffer exists visiting FILENAME, return that one, but
+ verify that the file has not changed since visited or saved.
+ The buffer is not selected, just returned to the caller.
+ Optional first arg NOWARN non-nil means suppress any warning messages.
+ Optional second arg RAWFILE non-nil means the file is read literally.
+ Optional third arg WILDCARDS non-nil means do wildcard processing
+ and visit all the matching files.  When wildcards are actually
+ used and expanded, the value is a list of buffers
+ that are visiting the various files."
+   (setq filename
+       (abbreviate-file-name
+        (expand-file-name filename)))
+   (if (file-directory-p filename)
+       (or (and find-file-run-dired
+              (run-hook-with-args-until-success
+               'find-directory-functions
+               (if find-file-visit-truename
+                   (abbreviate-file-name (file-truename filename))
+                 filename)))
+         (error "%s is a directory" filename))
+     (if (and wildcards
+            find-file-wildcards
+            (not (string-match "\\`/:" filename))
+            (string-match "[[*?]" filename))
+       (let ((files (condition-case nil
+                        (file-expand-wildcards filename t)
+                      (error (list filename))))
+             (find-file-wildcards nil))
+         (if (null files)
+             (find-file-noselect filename)
+           (mapcar #'find-file-noselect files)))
+       (let* ((buf (get-file-buffer filename))
+            (truename (abbreviate-file-name (file-truename filename)))
+            (number (nthcdr 10 (file-attributes truename)))
+            ;; Find any buffer for a file which has same truename.
+            (other (and (not buf) (find-buffer-visiting filename))))
+       ;; Let user know if there is a buffer with the same truename.
+       (if other
+           (progn
+             (or nowarn
+                 find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings
+                 (string-equal filename (buffer-file-name other))
+                 (message "%s and %s are the same file"
+                          filename (buffer-file-name other)))
+             ;; Optionally also find that buffer.
+             (if (or find-file-existing-other-name find-file-visit-truename)
+                 (setq buf other))))
+       (if buf
+           ;; We are using an existing buffer.
+           (progn
+             (or nowarn
+                 (verify-visited-file-modtime buf)
+                 (cond ((not (file-exists-p filename))
+                        (error "File %s no longer exists!" filename))
+                       ;; Certain files should be reverted automatically
+                       ;; if they have changed on disk and not in the buffer.
+                       ((and (not (buffer-modified-p buf))
+                             (let ((tail revert-without-query)
+                                   (found nil))
+                               (while tail
+                                 (if (string-match (car tail) filename)
+                                     (setq found t))
+                                 (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+                               found))
+                        (with-current-buffer buf
+                          (message "Reverting file %s..." filename)
+                          (revert-buffer t t)
+                          (message "Reverting file %s...done" filename)))
+                       ((yes-or-no-p
+                         (if (string= (file-name-nondirectory filename)
+                                      (buffer-name buf))
+                             (format
+                              (if (buffer-modified-p buf)
+                                  "File %s changed on disk.  Discard your 
edits? "
+                                "File %s changed on disk.  Reread from disk? ")
+                              (file-name-nondirectory filename))
+                           (format
+                            (if (buffer-modified-p buf)
+                                "File %s changed on disk.  Discard your edits 
in %s? "
+                              "File %s changed on disk.  Reread from disk into 
%s? ")
+                            (file-name-nondirectory filename)
+                            (buffer-name buf))))
+                        (with-current-buffer buf
+                          (revert-buffer t t)))))
+             (with-current-buffer buf
+               (when (and (not (eq (not (null rawfile))
+                                   (not (null find-file-literally))))
+                          ;; It is confusing to ask whether to visit
+                          ;; non-literally if they have the file in
+                          ;; hexl-mode.
+                          (not (eq major-mode 'hexl-mode)))
+                 (if (buffer-modified-p)
+                     (if (y-or-n-p (if rawfile
+                                       "Save file and revisit literally? "
+                                     "Save file and revisit non-literally? "))
+                         (progn
+                           (save-buffer)
+                           (find-file-noselect-1 buf filename nowarn
+                                                 rawfile truename number))
+                       (if (y-or-n-p (if rawfile
+                                         "Discard your edits and revisit file 
literally? "
+                                       "Discard your edits and revisit file 
non-literally? "))
+                           (find-file-noselect-1 buf filename nowarn
+                                                 rawfile truename number)
+                         (error (if rawfile "File already visited 
+                                  "File already visited literally"))))
+                   (if (y-or-n-p (if rawfile
+                                     "Revisit file literally? "
+                                   "Revisit file non-literally? "))
+                       (find-file-noselect-1 buf filename nowarn
+                                             rawfile truename number)
+                     (error (if rawfile "File already visited non-literally"
+                              "File already visited literally"))))))
+             ;; Return the buffer we are using.
+             buf)
+         ;; Create a new buffer.
+         (setq buf (create-file-buffer filename))
+         (set-buffer-major-mode buf)
+         ;; find-file-noselect-1 may use a different buffer.
+         (find-file-noselect-1 buf filename nowarn
+                               rawfile truename number))))))
+ (defun find-file-noselect-1 (buf filename nowarn rawfile truename number)
+   (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+       error)
+     (with-current-buffer buf
+       (kill-local-variable 'find-file-literally)
+       ;; Needed in case we are re-visiting the file with a different
+       ;; text representation.
+       (kill-local-variable 'buffer-file-coding-system)
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (and (default-value 'enable-multibyte-characters)
+          (not rawfile)
+          (set-buffer-multibyte t))
+       (if rawfile
+         (condition-case ()
+             (insert-file-contents-literally filename t)
+           (file-error
+            (when (and (file-exists-p filename)
+                       (not (file-readable-p filename)))
+              (kill-buffer buf)
+              (signal 'file-error (list "File is not readable"
+                                        filename)))
+            ;; Unconditionally set error
+            (setq error t)))
+       (condition-case ()
+           (insert-file-contents filename t)
+         (file-error
+          (when (and (file-exists-p filename)
+                     (not (file-readable-p filename)))
+            (kill-buffer buf)
+            (signal 'file-error (list "File is not readable"
+                                      filename)))
+          ;; Run find-file-not-found-hooks until one returns non-nil.
+          (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'find-file-not-found-hooks)
+              ;; If they fail too, set error.
+              (setq error t)))))
+       ;; Record the file's truename, and maybe use that as visited name.
+       (if (equal filename buffer-file-name)
+         (setq buffer-file-truename truename)
+       (setq buffer-file-truename
+             (abbreviate-file-name (file-truename buffer-file-name))))
+       (setq buffer-file-number number)
+       ;; On VMS, we may want to remember which directory in a search list
+       ;; the file was found in.
+       (and (eq system-type 'vax-vms)
+          (let (logical)
+            (if (string-match ":" (file-name-directory filename))
+                (setq logical (substring (file-name-directory filename)
+                                         0 (match-beginning 0))))
+            (not (member logical find-file-not-true-dirname-list)))
+          (setq buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename))
+       (if find-file-visit-truename
+         (setq buffer-file-name
+               (setq filename
+                     (expand-file-name buffer-file-truename))))
+       ;; Set buffer's default directory to that of the file.
+       (setq default-directory (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
+       ;; Turn off backup files for certain file names.  Since
+       ;; this is a permanent local, the major mode won't eliminate it.
+       (and (not (funcall backup-enable-predicate buffer-file-name))
+          (progn
+            (make-local-variable 'backup-inhibited)
+            (setq backup-inhibited t)))
+       (if rawfile
+         (progn
+           (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
+           (setq buffer-file-coding-system 'no-conversion)
+           (make-local-variable 'find-file-literally)
+           (setq find-file-literally t))
+       (after-find-file error (not nowarn)))
+       (current-buffer))))
+ (defun insert-file-contents-literally (filename &optional visit beg end 
+   "Like `insert-file-contents', but only reads in the file literally.
+ A buffer may be modified in several ways after reading into the buffer,
+ to Emacs features such as format decoding, character code
+ conversion, `find-file-hooks', automatic uncompression, etc.
+ This function ensures that none of these modifications will take place."
+   (let ((format-alist nil)
+       (after-insert-file-functions nil)
+       (coding-system-for-read 'no-conversion)
+       (coding-system-for-write 'no-conversion)
+       (find-buffer-file-type-function
+        (if (fboundp 'find-buffer-file-type)
+            (symbol-function 'find-buffer-file-type)
+          nil))
+       (inhibit-file-name-handlers '(jka-compr-handler image-file-handler))
+       (inhibit-file-name-operation 'insert-file-contents))
+     (unwind-protect
+       (progn
+         (fset 'find-buffer-file-type (lambda (filename) t))
+         (insert-file-contents filename visit beg end replace))
+       (if find-buffer-file-type-function
+         (fset 'find-buffer-file-type find-buffer-file-type-function)
+       (fmakunbound 'find-buffer-file-type)))))
+ (defun insert-file-literally (filename)
+   "Insert contents of file FILENAME into buffer after point with no 
+ This function is meant for the user to run interactively.
+ Don't call it from programs!  Use `insert-file-contents-literally' instead.
+ \(Its calling sequence is different; see its documentation)."
+   (interactive "*fInsert file literally: ")
+   (if (file-directory-p filename)
+       (signal 'file-error (list "Opening input file" "file is a directory"
+                               filename)))
+   (let ((tem (insert-file-contents-literally filename)))
+     (push-mark (+ (point) (car (cdr tem))))))
+ (defvar find-file-literally nil
+   "Non-nil if this buffer was made by `find-file-literally' or equivalent.
+ This is a permanent local.")
+ (put 'find-file-literally 'permanent-local t)
+ (defun find-file-literally (filename)
+   "Visit file FILENAME with no conversion of any kind.
+ Format conversion and character code conversion are both disabled,
+ and multibyte characters are disabled in the resulting buffer.
+ The major mode used is Fundamental mode regardless of the file name,
+ and local variable specifications in the file are ignored.
+ Automatic uncompression and adding a newline at the end of the
+ file due to `require-final-newline' is also disabled.
+ You cannot absolutely rely on this function to result in
+ visiting the file literally.  If Emacs already has a buffer
+ which is visiting the file, you get the existing buffer,
+ regardless of whether it was created literally or not.
+ In a Lisp program, if you want to be sure of accessing a file's
+ contents literally, you should create a temporary buffer and then read
+ the file contents into it using `insert-file-contents-literally'."
+   (interactive "FFind file literally: ")
+   (switch-to-buffer (find-file-noselect filename nil t)))
+ (defvar after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nil)
+ (defun after-find-file (&optional error warn noauto
+                                 after-find-file-from-revert-buffer
+                                 nomodes)
+   "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.
+ Sets buffer mode, parses local variables.
+ Optional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an
+ error in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there
+ exists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.
+ NOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.
+  means this call was from `revert-buffer'.
+ Fifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.
+ Finishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hooks'
+ unless NOMODES is non-nil."
+   (setq buffer-read-only (not (file-writable-p buffer-file-name)))
+   (if noninteractive
+       nil
+     (let* (not-serious
+          (msg
+           (cond
+            ((not warn) nil)
+            ((and error (file-attributes buffer-file-name))
+             (setq buffer-read-only t)
+             "File exists, but cannot be read")
+            ((not buffer-read-only)
+             (if (and warn
+                      ;; No need to warn if buffer is auto-saved
+                      ;; under the name of the visited file.
+                      (not (and buffer-file-name
+                                auto-save-visited-file-name))
+                      (file-newer-than-file-p (or buffer-auto-save-file-name
+                                                  (make-auto-save-file-name))
+                                              buffer-file-name))
+                 (format "%s has auto save data; consider M-x recover-file"
+                         (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
+               (setq not-serious t)
+               (if error "(New file)" nil)))
+            ((not error)
+             (setq not-serious t)
+             "Note: file is write protected")
+            ((file-attributes (directory-file-name default-directory))
+             "File not found and directory write-protected")
+            ((file-exists-p (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
+             (setq buffer-read-only nil))
+            (t
+             (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+             (if (file-exists-p (file-name-directory (directory-file-name 
(file-name-directory buffer-file-name))))
+                 "Use M-x make-directory RET RET to create the directory"
+               "Use C-u M-x make-directory RET RET to create directory and its 
+       (when msg
+       (message msg)
+       (or not-serious (sit-for 1 nil t))))
+     (when (and auto-save-default (not noauto))
+       (auto-save-mode t)))
+   ;; Make people do a little extra work (C-x C-q)
+   ;; before altering a backup file.
+   (when (backup-file-name-p buffer-file-name)
+     (setq buffer-read-only t))
+   (unless nomodes
+     (when (and view-read-only view-mode)
+       (view-mode-disable))
+     (normal-mode t)
+     (when (and buffer-read-only
+              view-read-only
+              (not (eq (get major-mode 'mode-class) 'special)))
+       (view-mode-enter))
+     (run-hooks 'find-file-hooks)))
+ (defun normal-mode (&optional find-file)
+   "Choose the major mode for this buffer automatically.
+ Also sets up any specified local variables of the file.
+ Uses the visited file name, the -*- line, and the local variables spec.
+ This function is called automatically from `find-file'.  In that case,
+ we may set up the file-specified mode and local variables,
+ depending on the value of `enable-local-variables': if it is t, we do;
+ if it is nil, we don't; otherwise, we query.
+ In addition, if `local-enable-local-variables' is nil, we do
+ not set local variables (though we do notice a mode specified with -*-.)
+ `enable-local-variables' is ignored if you run `normal-mode' interactively,
+ or from Lisp without specifying the optional argument FIND-FILE;
+ in that case, this function acts as if `enable-local-variables' were t."
+   (interactive)
+   (or find-file (funcall (or default-major-mode 'fundamental-mode)))
+   (condition-case err
+       (set-auto-mode)
+     (error (message "File mode specification error: %s"
+                   (prin1-to-string err))))
+   (condition-case err
+       (let ((enable-local-variables (or (not find-file)
+                                       enable-local-variables)))
+       (hack-local-variables))
+     (error (message "File local-variables error: %s"
+                   (prin1-to-string err)))))
+ (defvar auto-mode-alist
+   (mapc
+    (lambda (elt)
+      (cons (purecopy (car elt)) (cdr elt)))
+    '(("\\.te?xt\\'" . text-mode)
+      ("\\.c\\'" . c-mode)
+      ("\\.h\\'" . c-mode)
+      ("\\.tex\\'" . tex-mode)
+      ("\\.ltx\\'" . latex-mode)
+      ("\\.el\\'" . emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("\\.scm\\'" . scheme-mode)
+      ("\\.l\\'" . lisp-mode)
+      ("\\.lisp\\'" . lisp-mode)
+      ("\\.f\\'" . fortran-mode)
+      ("\\.F\\'" . fortran-mode)
+      ("\\.for\\'" . fortran-mode)
+      ("\\.p\\'" . pascal-mode)
+      ("\\.pas\\'" . pascal-mode)
+      ("\\.ad[abs]\\'" . ada-mode)
+      ("\\.\\([pP]\\([Llm]\\|erl\\)\\|al\\)\\'" . perl-mode)
+      ("\\.s?html?\\'" . html-mode)
+      ("\\.cc\\'" . c++-mode)
+      ("\\.hh\\'" . c++-mode)
+      ("\\.hpp\\'" . c++-mode)
+      ("\\.C\\'" . c++-mode)
+      ("\\.H\\'" . c++-mode)
+      ("\\.cpp\\'" . c++-mode)
+      ("\\.cxx\\'" . c++-mode)
+      ("\\.hxx\\'" . c++-mode)
+      ("\\.c\\+\\+\\'" . c++-mode)
+      ("\\.h\\+\\+\\'" . c++-mode)
+      ("\\.m\\'" . objc-mode)
+      ("\\.java\\'" . java-mode)
+      ("\\.mk\\'" . makefile-mode)
+      ("\\(M\\|m\\|GNUm\\)akefile\\(\\.in\\)?\\'" . makefile-mode)
+      ("\\.am\\'" . makefile-mode)     ;For Automake.
+      ;; Less common extensions come here
+      ;; so more common ones above are found faster.
+      ("\\.texinfo\\'" . texinfo-mode)
+      ("\\.te?xi\\'" . texinfo-mode)
+      ("\\.s\\'" . asm-mode)
+      ("\\.S\\'" . asm-mode)
+      ("\\.asm\\'" . asm-mode)
+      ("ChangeLog\\'" . change-log-mode)
+      ("change\\.log\\'" . change-log-mode)
+      ("changelo\\'" . change-log-mode)
+      ("ChangeLog\\.[0-9]+\\'" . change-log-mode)
+      ;; for MSDOS and MS-Windows (which are case-insensitive)
+      ("changelog\\'" . change-log-mode)
+      ("changelog\\.[0-9]+\\'" . change-log-mode)
+      ("\\$CHANGE_LOG\\$\\.TXT" . change-log-mode)
+      ("\\.scm\\.[0-9]*\\'" . scheme-mode)
+      ("\\.[ck]?sh\\'\\|\\.shar\\'\\|/\\.z?profile\\'" . sh-mode)
("\\(/\\|\\`\\)\\.\\(bash_profile\\|z?login\\|bash_login\\|z?logout\\)\\'" . 
 . sh-mode)
+      ("\\(/\\|\\`\\)\\.\\([kz]shenv\\|xinitrc\\|startxrc\\|xsession\\)\\'" . 
+      ("\\.m?spec\\'" . sh-mode)
+      ("\\.mm\\'" . nroff-mode)
+      ("\\.me\\'" . nroff-mode)
+      ("\\.ms\\'" . nroff-mode)
+      ("\\.man\\'" . nroff-mode)
+      ("\\.\\(u?lpc\\|pike\\|pmod\\)\\'" . pike-mode)
+      ("\\.TeX\\'" . tex-mode)
+      ("\\.sty\\'" . latex-mode)
+      ("\\.cls\\'" . latex-mode)               ;LaTeX 2e class
+      ("\\.clo\\'" . latex-mode)               ;LaTeX 2e class option
+      ("\\.bbl\\'" . latex-mode)
+      ("\\.bib\\'" . bibtex-mode)
+      ("\\.sql\\'" . sql-mode)
+      ("\\.m4\\'" . m4-mode)
+      ("\\.mc\\'" . m4-mode)
+      ("\\.mf\\'" . metafont-mode)
+      ("\\.mp\\'" . metapost-mode)
+      ("\\.vhdl?\\'" . vhdl-mode)
+      ("\\.article\\'" . text-mode)
+      ("\\.letter\\'" . text-mode)
+      ("\\.tcl\\'" . tcl-mode)
+      ("\\.exp\\'" . tcl-mode)
+      ("\\.itcl\\'" . tcl-mode)
+      ("\\.itk\\'" . tcl-mode)
+      ("\\.icn\\'" . icon-mode)
+      ("\\.sim\\'" . simula-mode)
+      ("\\.mss\\'" . scribe-mode)
+      ("\\.f90\\'" . f90-mode)
+      ("\\.indent\\.pro\\'" . fundamental-mode) ; to avoid idlwave-mode
+      ("\\.pro\\'" . idlwave-mode)
+      ("\\.lsp\\'" . lisp-mode)
+      ("\\.awk\\'" . awk-mode)
+      ("\\.prolog\\'" . prolog-mode)
+      ("\\.tar\\'" . tar-mode)
+      ("\\.\\(arc\\|zip\\|lzh\\|zoo\\|jar\\)\\'" . archive-mode)
+      ("\\.\\(ARC\\|ZIP\\|LZH\\|ZOO\\|JAR\\)\\'" . archive-mode)
+      ;; Mailer puts message to be edited in
+      ;; /tmp/Re.... or Message
+      ("\\`/tmp/Re" . text-mode)
+      ("/Message[0-9]*\\'" . text-mode)
+      ("/drafts/[0-9]+\\'" . mh-letter-mode)
+      ("\\.zone\\'" . zone-mode)
+      ;; some news reader is reported to use this
+      ("\\`/tmp/fol/" . text-mode)
+      ("\\.y\\'" . c-mode)
+      ("\\.lex\\'" . c-mode)
+      ("\\.oak\\'" . scheme-mode)
+      ("\\.sgml?\\'" . sgml-mode)
+      ("\\.xml\\'" . sgml-mode)
+      ("\\.dtd\\'" . sgml-mode)
+      ("\\.ds\\(ss\\)?l\\'" . dsssl-mode)
+      ("\\.idl\\'" . idl-mode)
+      ;; .emacs following a directory delimiter
+      ;; in Unix, MSDOG or VMS syntax.
+      ("[]>:/\\]\\..*emacs\\'" . emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("\\`\\..*emacs\\'" . emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ;; _emacs following a directory delimiter
+      ;; in MsDos syntax
+      ("[:/]_emacs\\'" . emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("/crontab\\.X*[0-9]+\\'" . shell-script-mode)
+      ("\\.ml\\'" . lisp-mode)
+      ("\\.\\(asn\\|mib\\|smi\\)\\'" . snmp-mode)
+      ("\\.\\(as\\|mi\\|sm\\)2\\'" . snmpv2-mode)
+      ("\\.\\(diffs?\\|patch\\|rej\\)\\'" . diff-mode)
+      ("\\.\\(dif\\|pat\\)\\'" . diff-mode) ; for MSDOG
+      ("\\.[eE]?[pP][sS]\\'" . ps-mode)
+      ("configure\\.\\(ac\\|in\\)\\'" . autoconf-mode)
+      ("BROWSE\\'" . ebrowse-tree-mode)
+      ("\\.ebrowse\\'" . ebrowse-tree-mode)
+      ("#\\*mail\\*" . mail-mode)
+      ("\\.com\\'" . dcl-mode)
+      ;; Get rid of any trailing .n.m and try again.
+      ;; This is for files saved by cvs-merge that look like .#<file>.<rev>
+      ;; or .#<file>.<rev>-<rev> or VC's <file>.~<rev>~.
+      ;; Using mode nil rather than `ignore' would let the search continue
+      ;; through this list (with the shortened name) rather than start over.
+      ("\\.~?[0-9]+\\.[0-9][-.0-9]*~?\\'" ignore t)
+      ;; The following should come after the ChangeLog pattern
+      ;; for the sake of ChangeLog.1, etc.
+      ;; and after the .scm.[0-9] and CVS' <file>.<rev> patterns too.
+      ("\\.[1-9]\\'" . nroff-mode)
+      ("\\.g\\'" . antlr-mode)))
+   "Alist of filename patterns vs corresponding major mode functions.
+ Each element looks like (REGEXP . FUNCTION) or (REGEXP FUNCTION NON-NIL).
+ \(NON-NIL stands for anything that is not nil; the value does not matter.)
+ Visiting a file whose name matches REGEXP specifies FUNCTION as the
+ mode function to use.  FUNCTION will be called, unless it is nil.
+ If the element has the form (REGEXP FUNCTION NON-NIL), then after
+ calling FUNCTION (if it's not nil), we delete the suffix that matched
+ REGEXP and search the list again for another match.")
+ (defvar interpreter-mode-alist
+   (mapc
+    (lambda (l)
+      (cons (purecopy (car l)) (cdr l)))
+    '(("perl" . perl-mode)
+      ("perl5" . perl-mode)
+      ("miniperl" . perl-mode)
+      ("wish" . tcl-mode)
+      ("wishx" . tcl-mode)
+      ("tcl" . tcl-mode)
+      ("tclsh" . tcl-mode)
+      ("awk" . awk-mode)
+      ("mawk" . awk-mode)
+      ("nawk" . awk-mode)
+      ("gawk" . awk-mode)
+      ("scm" . scheme-mode)
+      ("ash" . sh-mode)
+      ("bash" . sh-mode)
+      ("bash2" . sh-mode)
+      ("csh" . sh-mode)
+      ("dtksh" . sh-mode)
+      ("es" . sh-mode)
+      ("itcsh" . sh-mode)
+      ("jsh" . sh-mode)
+      ("ksh" . sh-mode)
+      ("oash" . sh-mode)
+      ("pdksh" . sh-mode)
+      ("rc" . sh-mode)
+      ("rpm" . sh-mode)
+      ("sh" . sh-mode)
+      ("sh5" . sh-mode)
+      ("tcsh" . sh-mode)
+      ("wksh" . sh-mode)
+      ("wsh" . sh-mode)
+      ("zsh" . sh-mode)
+      ("tail" . text-mode)
+      ("more" . text-mode)
+      ("less" . text-mode)
+      ("pg" . text-mode)
+      ("make" . makefile-mode)         ; Debian uses this
+      ("guile" . scheme-mode)
+      ("clisp" . lisp-mode)))
+   "Alist mapping interpreter names to major modes.
+ This alist applies to files whose first line starts with `#!'.
+ Each element looks like (INTERPRETER . MODE).
+ The car of each element is compared with
+ the name of the interpreter specified in the first line.
+ If it matches, mode MODE is selected.")
+ (defvar inhibit-first-line-modes-regexps '("\\.tar\\'" "\\.tgz\\'")
+   "List of regexps; if one matches a file name, don't look for `-*-'.")
+ (defvar inhibit-first-line-modes-suffixes nil
+   "List of regexps for what to ignore, for `inhibit-first-line-modes-regexps'.
+ When checking `inhibit-first-line-modes-regexps', we first discard
+ from the end of the file name anything that matches one of these regexps.")
+ (defvar auto-mode-interpreter-regexp
+   "#![ \t]?\\([^ \t\n]*\
+ /bin/env[ \t]\\)?\\([^ \t\n]+\\)"
+   "Regular expression matching interpreters, for file mode determination.
+ This regular expression is matched against the first line of a file
+ to determine the file's mode in `set-auto-mode' when Emacs can't deduce
+ a mode from the file's name.  If it matches, the file is assumed to
+ be interpreted by the interpreter matched by the second group of the
+ regular expression.  The mode is then determined as the mode associated
+ with that interpreter in `interpreter-mode-alist'.")
+ (defun set-auto-mode (&optional just-from-file-name)
+   "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.
+ This checks for a -*- mode tag in the buffer's text,
+ compares the filename against the entries in `auto-mode-alist',
+ or checks the interpreter that runs this file against
+ `interpreter-mode-alist'.
+ It does not check for the `mode:' local variable in the
+ Local Variables section of the file; for that, use `hack-local-variables'.
+ If `enable-local-variables' is nil, this function does not check for a
+ -*- mode tag.
+ If the optional argument JUST-FROM-FILE-NAME is non-nil,
+ then we do not set anything but the major mode,
+ and we don't even do that unless it would come from the file name."
+   ;; Look for -*-MODENAME-*- or -*- ... mode: MODENAME; ... -*-
+   (let (beg end done modes)
+     (save-excursion
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
+       (and enable-local-variables
+          ;; Don't look for -*- if this file name matches any
+          ;; of the regexps in inhibit-first-line-modes-regexps.
+          (let ((temp inhibit-first-line-modes-regexps)
+                (name (if buffer-file-name
+                          (file-name-sans-versions buffer-file-name)
+                        (buffer-name))))
+            (while (let ((sufs inhibit-first-line-modes-suffixes))
+                     (while (and sufs (not (string-match (car sufs) name)))
+                       (setq sufs (cdr sufs)))
+                     sufs)
+              (setq name (substring name 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+            (while (and temp
+                        (not (string-match (car temp) name)))
+              (setq temp (cdr temp)))
+            (not temp))
+          (search-forward "-*-" (save-excursion
+                                  ;; If the file begins with "#!"
+                                  ;; (exec interpreter magic), look
+                                  ;; for mode frobs in the first two
+                                  ;; lines.  You cannot necessarily
+                                  ;; put them in the first line of
+                                  ;; such a file without screwing up
+                                  ;; the interpreter invocation.
+                                  (end-of-line (and (looking-at "^#!") 2))
+                                  (point)) t)
+          (progn
+            (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+            (setq beg (point))
+            (search-forward "-*-"
+                            (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))
+                            t))
+          (progn
+            (forward-char -3)
+            (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+            (setq end (point))
+            (goto-char beg)
+            (if (save-excursion (search-forward ":" end t))
+                ;; Find all specifications for the `mode:' variable
+                ;; and execute them left to right.
+                (while (let ((case-fold-search t))
+                         (or (and (looking-at "mode:")
+                                  (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+                             (re-search-forward "[ \t;]mode:" end t)))
+                  (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+                  (setq beg (point))
+                  (if (search-forward ";" end t)
+                      (forward-char -1)
+                    (goto-char end))
+                  (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+                  (push (intern (concat (downcase (buffer-substring beg 
(point))) "-mode"))
+                        modes))
+              ;; Simple -*-MODE-*- case.
+              (push (intern (concat (downcase (buffer-substring beg end))
+                                    "-mode"))
+                    modes)))))
+     ;; If we found modes to use, invoke them now,
+     ;; outside the save-excursion.
+     (unless just-from-file-name
+       (dolist (mode (nreverse modes))
+       (if (not (functionp mode))
+           (message "Ignoring unknown mode `%s'" mode)
+         (setq done t)
+         (funcall mode))))
+     ;; If we didn't find a mode from a -*- line, try using the file name.
+     (if (and (not done) buffer-file-name)
+       (let ((name buffer-file-name)
+             (keep-going t))
+         ;; Remove backup-suffixes from file name.
+         (setq name (file-name-sans-versions name))
+         (while keep-going
+           (setq keep-going nil)
+           (let ((alist auto-mode-alist)
+                 (mode nil))
+             ;; Find first matching alist entry.
+             (let ((case-fold-search
+                    (memq system-type '(vax-vms windows-nt))))
+               (while (and (not mode) alist)
+                 (if (string-match (car (car alist)) name)
+                     (if (and (consp (cdr (car alist)))
+                              (nth 2 (car alist)))
+                         (setq mode (car (cdr (car alist)))
+                               name (substring name 0 (match-beginning 0))
+                               keep-going t)
+                       (setq mode (cdr (car alist))
+                             keep-going nil)))
+                 (setq alist (cdr alist))))
+             (if mode
+                 ;; When JUST-FROM-FILE-NAME is set,
+                 ;; we are working on behalf of set-visited-file-name.
+                 ;; In that case, if the major mode specified is the
+                 ;; same one we already have, don't actually reset it.
+                 ;; We don't want to lose minor modes such as Font Lock.
+                 (unless (and just-from-file-name (eq mode major-mode))
+                   (funcall mode))
+               ;; If we can't deduce a mode from the file name,
+               ;; look for an interpreter specified in the first line.
+               ;; As a special case, allow for things like "#!/bin/env perl",
+               ;; which finds the interpreter anywhere in $PATH.
+               (let ((interpreter
+                      (save-excursion
+                        (goto-char (point-min))
+                        (if (looking-at auto-mode-interpreter-regexp)
+                            (match-string 2)
+                          "")))
+                     elt)
+                 ;; Map interpreter name to a mode.
+                 (setq elt (assoc (file-name-nondirectory interpreter)
+                                  interpreter-mode-alist))
+                 (unless just-from-file-name
+                   (if elt
+                       (funcall (cdr elt))))))))))))
+ (defun hack-local-variables-prop-line ()
+   "Set local variables specified in the -*- line.
+ Ignore any specification for `mode:' and `coding:';
+ `set-auto-mode' should already have handled `mode:',
+ `set-auto-coding' should already have handled `coding:'."
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (let ((result nil)
+         (end (save-excursion (end-of-line (and (looking-at "^#!") 2)) 
+         (enable-local-variables
+          (and local-enable-local-variables enable-local-variables)))
+       ;; Parse the -*- line into the `result' alist.
+       (cond ((not (search-forward "-*-" end t))
+            ;; doesn't have one.
+            nil)
+           ((looking-at "[ \t]*\\([^ \t\n\r:;]+\\)\\([ \t]*-\\*-\\)")
+            ;; Simple form: "-*- MODENAME -*-".  Already handled.
+            nil)
+           (t
+            ;; Hairy form: '-*-' [ <variable> ':' <value> ';' ]* '-*-'
+            ;; (last ";" is optional).
+            (save-excursion
+              (if (search-forward "-*-" end t)
+                  (setq end (- (point) 3))
+                (error "-*- not terminated before end of line")))
+            (while (< (point) end)
+              (or (looking-at "[ \t]*\\([^ \t\n:]+\\)[ \t]*:[ \t]*")
+                  (error "Malformed -*- line"))
+              (goto-char (match-end 0))
+              ;; There used to be a downcase here,
+              ;; but the manual didn't say so,
+              ;; and people want to set var names that aren't all lc.
+              (let ((key (intern (buffer-substring
+                                  (match-beginning 1)
+                                  (match-end 1))))
+                    (val (save-restriction
+                           (narrow-to-region (point) end)
+                           (read (current-buffer)))))
+                ;; It is traditional to ignore
+                ;; case when checking for `mode' in set-auto-mode,
+                ;; so we must do that here as well.
+                ;; That is inconsistent, but we're stuck with it.
+                ;; The same can be said for `coding' in set-auto-coding.
+                (or (equal (downcase (symbol-name key)) "mode")
+                    (equal (downcase (symbol-name key)) "coding")
+                    (setq result (cons (cons key val) result)))
+                (skip-chars-forward " \t;")))
+            (setq result (nreverse result))))
+       (if (and result
+              (or (eq enable-local-variables t)
+                  (and enable-local-variables
+                       (save-window-excursion
+                         (condition-case nil
+                             (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
+                           (error
+                            ;; If we fail to switch in the selected window,
+                            ;; it is probably a minibuffer.
+                            ;; So try another window.
+                            (condition-case nil
+                                (switch-to-buffer-other-window 
+                              (error
+                               (switch-to-buffer-other-frame 
+                         (y-or-n-p (format "Set local variables as specified 
in -*- line of %s? "
+                                           (file-name-nondirectory 
+         (let ((enable-local-eval enable-local-eval))
+           (while result
+             (hack-one-local-variable (car (car result)) (cdr (car result)))
+             (setq result (cdr result))))))))
+ (defvar hack-local-variables-hook nil
+   "Normal hook run after processing a file's local variables specs.
+ Major modes can use this to examine user-specified local variables
+ in order to initialize other data structure based on them.")
+ (defun hack-local-variables (&optional mode-only)
+   "Parse and put into effect this buffer's local variables spec.
+ If MODE-ONLY is non-nil, all we do is check whether the major mode
+ is specified, returning t if it is specified."
+   (unless mode-only
+     (hack-local-variables-prop-line))
+   ;; Look for "Local variables:" line in last page.
+   (let (mode-specified
+       (enable-local-variables
+        (and local-enable-local-variables enable-local-variables)))
+     (save-excursion
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (search-backward "\n\^L" (max (- (point-max) 3000) (point-min)) 'move)
+       (if (let ((case-fold-search t))
+           (and (search-forward "Local Variables:" nil t)
+                (or (eq enable-local-variables t)
+                    mode-only
+                    (and enable-local-variables
+                         (save-window-excursion
+                           (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
+                           (save-excursion
+                             (beginning-of-line)
+                             (set-window-start (selected-window) (point)))
+                           (y-or-n-p (format "Set local variables as specified 
at end of %s? "
+                                             (if buffer-file-name
+                                                 (file-name-nondirectory
+                                                  buffer-file-name)
+                                               (concat "buffer "
+                                                       (buffer-name))))))))))
+         (let ((continue t)
+               prefix prefixlen suffix beg
+               mode-specified
+               (enable-local-eval enable-local-eval))
+           ;; The prefix is what comes before "local variables:" in its line.
+           ;; The suffix is what comes after "local variables:" in its line.
+           (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+           (or (eolp)
+               (setq suffix (buffer-substring (point)
+                                              (progn (end-of-line) (point)))))
+           (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+           (or (bolp)
+               (setq prefix
+                     (buffer-substring (point)
+                                       (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)))))
+           (if prefix (setq prefixlen (length prefix)
+                            prefix (regexp-quote prefix)))
+           (if suffix (setq suffix (concat (regexp-quote suffix) "$")))
+           (while continue
+             ;; Look at next local variable spec.
+             (if selective-display (re-search-forward "[\n\C-m]")
+               (forward-line 1))
+             ;; Skip the prefix, if any.
+             (if prefix
+                 (if (looking-at prefix)
+                     (forward-char prefixlen)
+                   (error "Local variables entry is missing the prefix")))
+             ;; Find the variable name; strip whitespace.
+             (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+             (setq beg (point))
+             (skip-chars-forward "^:\n")
+             (if (eolp) (error "Missing colon in local variables entry"))
+             (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+             (let* ((str (buffer-substring beg (point)))
+                    (var (read str))
+                   val)
+               ;; Setting variable named "end" means end of list.
+               (if (string-equal (downcase str) "end")
+                   (setq continue nil)
+                 ;; Otherwise read the variable value.
+                 (skip-chars-forward "^:")
+                 (forward-char 1)
+                 (setq val (read (current-buffer)))
+                 (skip-chars-backward "\n")
+                 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+                 (or (if suffix (looking-at suffix) (eolp))
+                     (error "Local variables entry is terminated incorrectly"))
+                 (if mode-only
+                     (if (eq var 'mode)
+                         (setq mode-specified t))
+                   ;; Set the variable.  "Variables" mode and eval are funny.
+                   (hack-one-local-variable var val))))))))
+     (unless mode-only
+       (run-hooks 'hack-local-variables-hook))
+     mode-specified))
+ (defvar ignored-local-variables
+   '(enable-local-eval)
+   "Variables to be ignored in a file's local variable spec.")
+ ;; Get confirmation before setting these variables as locals in a file.
+ (put 'debugger 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'enable-local-eval 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'ignored-local-variables 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'eval 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'file-name-handler-alist 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'minor-mode-alist 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'minor-mode-map-alist 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'minor-mode-overriding-map-alist 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'overriding-local-map 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'overriding-terminal-local-map 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'auto-mode-alist 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'after-load-alist 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'buffer-file-name 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'buffer-undo-list 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'buffer-auto-save-file-name 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'buffer-file-truename 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'default-text-properties 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'exec-path 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'load-path 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'exec-directory 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'process-environment 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'dabbrev-case-fold-search 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'dabbrev-case-replace 'risky-local-variable t)
+ ;; Don't wait for outline.el to be loaded, for the sake of outline-minor-mode.
+ (put 'outline-level 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'rmail-output-file-alist 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'special-display-buffer-names 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'frame-title-format 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'global-mode-string 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'header-line-format 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'icon-title-format 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'input-method-alist 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'format-alist 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'vc-mode 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'imenu-generic-expression 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'imenu-index-alist 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'standard-input 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'standard-output 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'unread-command-events 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'max-lisp-eval-depth 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'max-specpdl-size 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'mode-line-format 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'mode-line-modified 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'mode-line-mule-info 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'mode-line-buffer-identification 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'mode-line-modes 'risky-local-variable t)
+ (put 'mode-line-position 'risky-local-variable t)
+ ;; This case is safe because the user gets to check it before it is used.
+ (put 'compile-command 'safe-local-variable 'stringp)
+ (defun risky-local-variable-p (sym val)
+   "Non-nil if SYM could be dangerous as a file-local variable with value VAL."
+   (let ((safep (get sym 'safe-local-variable)))
+     (or (memq sym ignored-local-variables)
+       (get sym 'risky-local-variable)
+       (and (string-match 
+                          (symbol-name sym))
+            (not safep))
+       ;; If the safe-local-variable property isn't t or nil,
+       ;; then it must return non-nil on the proposed value to be safe.
+       (and (not (memq safep '(t nil)))
+            (not (funcall safep val))))))
+ (defun hack-one-local-variable-quotep (exp)
+   (and (consp exp) (eq (car exp) 'quote) (consp (cdr exp))))
+ (defun hack-one-local-variable (var val)
+   "\"Set\" one variable in a local variables spec.
+ A few patterns are specified so that any name which matches one
+ is considered risky."
+   (cond ((eq var 'mode)
+        (funcall (intern (concat (downcase (symbol-name val))
+                                 "-mode"))))
+       ((eq var 'coding)
+        ;; We have already handled coding: tag in set-auto-coding.
+        nil)
+       ((memq var ignored-local-variables)
+        nil)
+       ;; "Setting" eval means either eval it or do nothing.
+       ;; Likewise for setting hook variables.
+       ((risky-local-variable-p var val)
+        ;; Permit evalling a put of a harmless property.
+        ;; if the args do nothing tricky.
+        (if (or (and (eq var 'eval)
+                     (consp val)
+                     (eq (car val) 'put)
+                     (hack-one-local-variable-quotep (nth 1 val))
+                     (hack-one-local-variable-quotep (nth 2 val))
+                     ;; Only allow safe values of lisp-indent-hook;
+                     ;; not functions.
+                     (or (numberp (nth 3 val))
+                         (equal (nth 3 val) ''defun))
+                     (memq (nth 1 (nth 2 val))
+                           '(lisp-indent-hook)))
+                ;; Permit eval if not root and user says ok.
+                (and (not (zerop (user-uid)))
+                     (or (eq enable-local-eval t)
+                         (and enable-local-eval
+                              (save-window-excursion
+                                (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
+                                (save-excursion
+                                  (beginning-of-line)
+                                  (set-window-start (selected-window) (point)))
+                                (setq enable-local-eval
+                                      (y-or-n-p (format "Process `eval' or 
hook local variables in %s? "
+                                                        (if buffer-file-name
+                                                            (concat "file " 
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
+                                                          (concat "buffer " 
+            (if (eq var 'eval)
+                (save-excursion (eval val))
+              (make-local-variable var)
+              (set var val))
+          (message "Ignoring risky spec in the local variables list")))
+       ;; Ordinary variable, really set it.
+       (t (make-local-variable var)
+          ;; Make sure the string has no text properties.
+          ;; Some text properties can get evaluated in various ways,
+          ;; so it is risky to put them on with a local variable list.
+          (if (stringp val)
+              (set-text-properties 0 (length val) nil val))
+          (set var val))))
+ (defcustom change-major-mode-with-file-name t
+   "*Non-nil means \\[write-file] should set the major mode from the file name.
+ However, the mode will not be changed if
+ \(1) a local variables list or the `-*-' line specifies a major mode, or
+ \(2) the current major mode is a \"special\" mode,
+ \    not suitable for ordinary files, or
+ \(3) the new file name does not particularly specify any mode."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'editing-basics)
+ (defun set-visited-file-name (filename &optional no-query along-with-file)
+   "Change name of file visited in current buffer to FILENAME.
+ The next time the buffer is saved it will go in the newly specified file.
+ nil or empty string as argument means make buffer not be visiting any file.
+ Remember to delete the initial contents of the minibuffer
+ if you wish to pass an empty string as the argument.
+ The optional second argument NO-QUERY, if non-nil, inhibits asking for
+ confirmation in the case where another buffer is already visiting FILENAME.
+ The optional third argument ALONG-WITH-FILE, if non-nil, means that
+ the old visited file has been renamed to the new name FILENAME."
+   (interactive "FSet visited file name: ")
+   (if (buffer-base-buffer)
+       (error "An indirect buffer cannot visit a file"))
+   (let (truename)
+     (if filename
+       (setq filename
+             (if (string-equal filename "")
+                 nil
+               (expand-file-name filename))))
+     (if filename
+       (progn
+         (setq truename (file-truename filename))
+         (if find-file-visit-truename
+             (setq filename truename))))
+     (let ((buffer (and filename (find-buffer-visiting filename))))
+       (and buffer (not (eq buffer (current-buffer)))
+          (not no-query)
+          (not (y-or-n-p (message "A buffer is visiting %s; proceed? "
+                                  filename)))
+          (error "Aborted")))
+     (or (equal filename buffer-file-name)
+       (progn
+         (and filename (lock-buffer filename))
+         (unlock-buffer)))
+     (setq buffer-file-name filename)
+     (if filename                      ; make buffer name reflect filename.
+       (let ((new-name (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
+         (if (string= new-name "")
+             (error "Empty file name"))
+         (if (eq system-type 'vax-vms)
+             (setq new-name (downcase new-name)))
+         (setq default-directory (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
+         (or (string= new-name (buffer-name))
+             (rename-buffer new-name t))))
+     (setq buffer-backed-up nil)
+     (or along-with-file
+       (clear-visited-file-modtime))
+     ;; Abbreviate the file names of the buffer.
+     (if truename
+       (progn
+         (setq buffer-file-truename (abbreviate-file-name truename))
+         (if find-file-visit-truename
+             (setq buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename))))
+     (setq buffer-file-number
+         (if filename
+             (nthcdr 10 (file-attributes buffer-file-name))
+             nil)))
+   ;; write-file-hooks is normally used for things like ftp-find-file
+   ;; that visit things that are not local files as if they were files.
+   ;; Changing to visit an ordinary local file instead should flush the hook.
+   (kill-local-variable 'write-file-hooks)
+   (kill-local-variable 'local-write-file-hooks)
+   (kill-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function)
+   (kill-local-variable 'backup-inhibited)
+   ;; If buffer was read-only because of version control,
+   ;; that reason is gone now, so make it writable.
+   (if vc-mode
+       (setq buffer-read-only nil))
+   (kill-local-variable 'vc-mode)
+   ;; Turn off backup files for certain file names.
+   ;; Since this is a permanent local, the major mode won't eliminate it.
+   (and buffer-file-name
+        (not (funcall backup-enable-predicate buffer-file-name))
+        (progn
+        (make-local-variable 'backup-inhibited)
+        (setq backup-inhibited t)))
+   (let ((oauto buffer-auto-save-file-name))
+     ;; If auto-save was not already on, turn it on if appropriate.
+     (if (not buffer-auto-save-file-name)
+       (and buffer-file-name auto-save-default
+            (auto-save-mode t))
+       ;; If auto save is on, start using a new name.
+       ;; We deliberately don't rename or delete the old auto save
+       ;; for the old visited file name.  This is because perhaps
+       ;; the user wants to save the new state and then compare with the
+       ;; previous state from the auto save file.
+       (setq buffer-auto-save-file-name
+           (make-auto-save-file-name)))
+     ;; Rename the old auto save file if any.
+     (and oauto buffer-auto-save-file-name
+        (file-exists-p oauto)
+        (rename-file oauto buffer-auto-save-file-name t)))
+   (and buffer-file-name
+        (not along-with-file)
+        (set-buffer-modified-p t))
+   ;; Update the major mode, if the file name determines it.
+   (condition-case nil
+       ;; Don't change the mode if it is special.
+       (or (not change-major-mode-with-file-name)
+         (get major-mode 'mode-class)
+         ;; Don't change the mode if the local variable list specifies it.
+         (hack-local-variables t)
+         (set-auto-mode t))
+     (error nil)))
+ (defun write-file (filename &optional confirm)
+   "Write current buffer into file FILENAME.
+ This makes the buffer visit that file, and marks it as not modified.
+ If you specify just a directory name as FILENAME, that means to use
+ the default file name but in that directory.  You can also yank
+ the default file name into the minibuffer to edit it, using M-n.
+ If the buffer is not already visiting a file, the default file name
+ for the output file is the buffer name.
+ If optional second arg CONFIRM is non-nil, this function
+ asks for confirmation before overwriting an existing file.
+ Interactively, confirmation is required unless you supply a prefix argument."
+ ;;  (interactive "FWrite file: ")
+   (interactive
+    (list (if buffer-file-name
+            (read-file-name "Write file: "
+                                nil nil nil nil)
+          (read-file-name "Write file: " default-directory
+                          (expand-file-name
+                           (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-name))
+                           default-directory)
+                          nil nil))
+        (not current-prefix-arg)))
+   (or (null filename) (string-equal filename "")
+       (progn
+       ;; If arg is just a directory,
+       ;; use the default file name, but in that directory.
+       (if (file-directory-p filename)
+           (setq filename (concat (file-name-as-directory filename)
+                                  (file-name-nondirectory
+                                   (or buffer-file-name (buffer-name))))))
+       (and confirm
+            (file-exists-p filename)
+            (or (y-or-n-p (format "File `%s' exists; overwrite? " filename))
+                (error "Canceled")))
+       (set-visited-file-name filename (not confirm))))
+   (set-buffer-modified-p t)
+   ;; Make buffer writable if file is writable.
+   (and buffer-file-name
+        (file-writable-p buffer-file-name)
+        (setq buffer-read-only nil))
+   (save-buffer))
+ (defun backup-buffer ()
+   "Make a backup of the disk file visited by the current buffer, if 
+ This is normally done before saving the buffer the first time.
+ If the value is non-nil, it is the result of `file-modes' on the original
+ file; this means that the caller, after saving the buffer, should change
+ the modes of the new file to agree with the old modes.
+ A backup may be done by renaming or by copying; see documentation of
+ variable `make-backup-files'.  If it's done by renaming, then the file is
+ no longer accessible under its old name."
+   (if (and make-backup-files (not backup-inhibited)
+          (not buffer-backed-up)
+          (file-exists-p buffer-file-name)
+          (memq (aref (elt (file-attributes buffer-file-name) 8) 0)
+                '(?- ?l)))
+       (let ((real-file-name buffer-file-name)
+           backup-info backupname targets setmodes)
+       ;; If specified name is a symbolic link, chase it to the target.
+       ;; Thus we make the backups in the directory where the real file is.
+       (setq real-file-name (file-chase-links real-file-name))
+       (setq backup-info (find-backup-file-name real-file-name)
+             backupname (car backup-info)
+             targets (cdr backup-info))
+       ;; (if (file-directory-p buffer-file-name)
+       ;;     (error "Cannot save buffer in directory %s" buffer-file-name))
+       (if backup-info
+           (condition-case ()
+               (let ((delete-old-versions
+                      ;; If have old versions to maybe delete,
+                      ;; ask the user to confirm now, before doing anything.
+                      ;; But don't actually delete til later.
+                      (and targets
+                           (or (eq delete-old-versions t) (eq 
delete-old-versions nil))
+                           (or delete-old-versions
+                               (y-or-n-p (format "Delete excess backup 
versions of %s? "
+                                                 real-file-name))))))
+                 ;; Actually write the back up file.
+                 (condition-case ()
+                     (if (or file-precious-flag
+     ;                       (file-symlink-p buffer-file-name)
+                             backup-by-copying
+                             (and backup-by-copying-when-linked
+                                  (> (file-nlinks real-file-name) 1))
+                             (and (or backup-by-copying-when-mismatch
+                                      (integerp 
+                                  (let ((attr (file-attributes 
+                                    (and (or backup-by-copying-when-mismatch
+                                             (and (integerp (nth 2 attr))
+                                                  (integerp 
+                                                  (<= (nth 2 attr) 
+                                         (or (nth 9 attr)
+                                             (not (file-ownership-preserved-p 
+                         (condition-case ()
+                             (copy-file real-file-name backupname t t)
+                           (file-error
+                            ;; If copying fails because file BACKUPNAME
+                            ;; is not writable, delete that file and try again.
+                            (if (and (file-exists-p backupname)
+                                     (not (file-writable-p backupname)))
+                                (delete-file backupname))
+                            (copy-file real-file-name backupname t t)))
+                       ;; rename-file should delete old backup.
+                       (rename-file real-file-name backupname t)
+                       (setq setmodes (file-modes backupname)))
+                   (file-error
+                    ;; If trouble writing the backup, write it in ~.
+                    (setq backupname (expand-file-name
+                                      (convert-standard-filename
+                                       "~/%backup%~")))
+                    (message "Cannot write backup file; backing up in %s"
+                             (file-name-nondirectory backupname))
+                    (sleep-for 1)
+                    (condition-case ()
+                        (copy-file real-file-name backupname t t)
+                      (file-error
+                       ;; If copying fails because file BACKUPNAME
+                       ;; is not writable, delete that file and try again.
+                       (if (and (file-exists-p backupname)
+                                (not (file-writable-p backupname)))
+                           (delete-file backupname))
+                       (copy-file real-file-name backupname t t)))))
+                 (setq buffer-backed-up t)
+                 ;; Now delete the old versions, if desired.
+                 (if delete-old-versions
+                     (while targets
+                       (condition-case ()
+                           (delete-file (car targets))
+                         (file-error nil))
+                       (setq targets (cdr targets))))
+                 setmodes)
+           (file-error nil))))))
+ (defun file-name-sans-versions (name &optional keep-backup-version)
+   "Return file NAME sans backup versions or strings.
+ This is a separate procedure so your site-init or startup file can
+ redefine it.
+ If the optional argument KEEP-BACKUP-VERSION is non-nil,
+ we do not remove backup version numbers, only true file version numbers."
+   (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler name 'file-name-sans-versions)))
+     (if handler
+       (funcall handler 'file-name-sans-versions name keep-backup-version)
+       (substring name 0
+                (if (eq system-type 'vax-vms)
+                    ;; VMS version number is (a) semicolon, optional
+                    ;; sign, zero or more digits or (b) period, option
+                    ;; sign, zero or more digits, provided this is the
+                    ;; second period encountered outside of the
+                    ;; device/directory part of the file name.
+                    (or (string-match ";[-+]?[0-9]*\\'" name)
+                        (if (string-match "\\.[^]>:]*\\(\\.[-+]?[0-9]*\\)\\'"
+                                          name)
+                            (match-beginning 1))
+                        (length name))
+                  (if keep-backup-version
+                      (length name)
+                    (or (string-match "\\.~[0-9.]+~\\'" name)
+                        (string-match "~\\'" name)
+                        (length name))))))))
+ (defun file-ownership-preserved-p (file)
+   "Return t if deleting FILE and rewriting it would preserve the owner."
+   (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler file 'file-ownership-preserved-p)))
+     (if handler
+       (funcall handler 'file-ownership-preserved-p file)
+       (let ((attributes (file-attributes file)))
+       ;; Return t if the file doesn't exist, since it's true that no
+       ;; information would be lost by an (attempted) delete and create.
+       (or (null attributes)
+           (= (nth 2 attributes) (user-uid)))))))
+ (defun file-name-sans-extension (filename)
+   "Return FILENAME sans final \"extension\".
+ The extension, in a file name, is the part that follows the last `.'."
+   (save-match-data
+     (let ((file (file-name-sans-versions (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
+         directory)
+       (if (string-match "\\.[^.]*\\'" file)
+         (if (setq directory (file-name-directory filename))
+             (expand-file-name (substring file 0 (match-beginning 0))
+                               directory)
+           (substring file 0 (match-beginning 0)))
+       filename))))
+ (defun file-name-extension (filename &optional period)
+   "Return FILENAME's final \"extension\".
+ The extension, in a file name, is the part that follows the last `.'.
+ Return nil for extensionless file names such as `foo'.
+ Return the empty string for file names such as `foo.'.
+ If PERIOD is non-nil, then the returned value includes the period
+ that delimits the extension, and if FILENAME has no extension,
+ the value is \"\"."
+   (save-match-data
+     (let ((file (file-name-sans-versions (file-name-nondirectory filename))))
+       (if (string-match "\\.[^.]*\\'" file)
+           (substring file (+ (match-beginning 0) (if period 0 1)))
+         (if period
+             "")))))
+ (defcustom make-backup-file-name-function nil
+   "A function to use instead of the default `make-backup-file-name'.
+ A value of nil gives the default `make-backup-file-name' behaviour.
+ This could be buffer-local to do something special for specific
+ files.  If you define it, you may need to change `backup-file-name-p'
+ and `file-name-sans-versions' too.
+ See also `backup-directory-alist'."
+   :group 'backup
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Default" nil)
+                (function :tag "Your function")))
+ (defcustom backup-directory-alist nil
+   "Alist of filename patterns and backup directory names.
+ Each element looks like (REGEXP . DIRECTORY).  Backups of files with
+ names matching REGEXP will be made in DIRECTORY.  DIRECTORY may be
+ relative or absolute.  If it is absolute, so that all matching files
+ are backed up into the same directory, the file names in this
+ directory will be the full name of the file backed up with all
+ directory separators changed to `!' to prevent clashes.  This will not
+ work correctly if your filesystem truncates the resulting name.
+ For the common case of all backups going into one directory, the alist
+ should contain a single element pairing \".\" with the appropriate
+ directory name.
+ If this variable is nil, or it fails to match a filename, the backup
+ is made in the original file's directory.
+ On MS-DOS filesystems without long names this variable is always
+ ignored."
+   :group 'backup
+   :type '(repeat (cons (regexp :tag "Regexp matching filename")
+                      (directory :tag "Backup directory name"))))
+ (defun make-backup-file-name (file)
+   "Create the non-numeric backup file name for FILE.
+ Normally this will just be the file's name with `~' appended.
+ Customization hooks are provided as follows.
+ If the variable `make-backup-file-name-function' is non-nil, its value
+ should be a function which will be called with FILE as its argument;
+ the resulting name is used.
+ Otherwise a match for FILE is sought in `backup-directory-alist'; see
+ the documentation of that variable.  If the directory for the backup
+ doesn't exist, it is created."
+   (if make-backup-file-name-function
+       (funcall make-backup-file-name-function file)
+     (if (and (eq system-type 'ms-dos)
+            (not (msdos-long-file-names)))
+       (let ((fn (file-name-nondirectory file)))
+         (concat (file-name-directory file)
+                 (or (and (string-match "\\`[^.]+\\'" fn)
+                          (concat (match-string 0 fn) ".~"))
+                     (and (string-match "\\`[^.]+\\.\\(..?\\)?" fn)
+                          (concat (match-string 0 fn) "~")))))
+       (concat (make-backup-file-name-1 file) "~"))))
+ (defun make-backup-file-name-1 (file)
+   "Subroutine of `make-backup-file-name' and `find-backup-file-name'."
+   (let ((alist backup-directory-alist)
+       elt backup-directory dir-sep-string)
+     (while alist
+       (setq elt (pop alist))
+       (if (string-match (car elt) file)
+         (setq backup-directory (cdr elt)
+               alist nil)))
+     (if (null backup-directory)
+       file
+       (unless (file-exists-p backup-directory)
+       (condition-case nil
+           (make-directory backup-directory 'parents)
+         (file-error file)))
+       (if (file-name-absolute-p backup-directory)
+         (progn
+           (when (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+             ;; Normalize DOSish file names: convert all slashes to
+             ;; directory-sep-char, downcase the drive letter, if any,
+             ;; and replace the leading "x:" with "/drive_x".
+             (or (file-name-absolute-p file)
+                 (setq file (expand-file-name file))) ; make defaults explicit
+             ;; Replace any invalid file-name characters (for the
+             ;; case of backing up remote files).
+             (setq file (expand-file-name (convert-standard-filename file)))
+             (setq dir-sep-string (char-to-string directory-sep-char))
+             (if (eq (aref file 1) ?:)
+                 (setq file (concat dir-sep-string
+                                    "drive_"
+                                    (char-to-string (downcase (aref file 0)))
+                                    (if (eq (aref file 2) directory-sep-char)
+                                        ""
+                                      dir-sep-string)
+                                    (substring file 2)))))
+           ;; Make the name unique by substituting directory
+           ;; separators.  It may not really be worth bothering about
+           ;; doubling `!'s in the original name...
+           (expand-file-name
+            (subst-char-in-string
+             directory-sep-char ?!
+             (replace-regexp-in-string "!" "!!" file))
+            backup-directory))
+       (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory file)
+                         (file-name-as-directory
+                          (expand-file-name backup-directory
+                                            (file-name-directory file))))))))
+ (defun backup-file-name-p (file)
+   "Return non-nil if FILE is a backup file name (numeric or not).
+ This is a separate function so you can redefine it for customization.
+ You may need to redefine `file-name-sans-versions' as well."
+     (string-match "~\\'" file))
+ (defvar backup-extract-version-start)
+ ;; This is used in various files.
+ ;; The usage of backup-extract-version-start is not very clean,
+ ;; but I can't see a good alternative, so as of now I am leaving it alone.
+ (defun backup-extract-version (fn)
+   "Given the name of a numeric backup file, FN, return the backup number.
+ Uses the free variable `backup-extract-version-start', whose value should be
+ the index in the name where the version number begins."
+   (if (and (string-match "[0-9]+~$" fn backup-extract-version-start)
+          (= (match-beginning 0) backup-extract-version-start))
+       (string-to-int (substring fn backup-extract-version-start -1))
+       0))
+ ;; I believe there is no need to alter this behavior for VMS;
+ ;; since backup files are not made on VMS, it should not get called.
+ (defun find-backup-file-name (fn)
+   "Find a file name for a backup file FN, and suggestions for deletions.
+ Value is a list whose car is the name for the backup file
+ and whose cdr is a list of old versions to consider deleting now.
+ If the value is nil, don't make a backup.
+ Uses `backup-directory-alist' in the same way as does
+ `make-backup-file-name'."
+   (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler fn 'find-backup-file-name)))
+     ;; Run a handler for this function so that ange-ftp can refuse to do it.
+     (if handler
+       (funcall handler 'find-backup-file-name fn)
+       (if (or (eq version-control 'never)
+             ;; We don't support numbered backups on plain MS-DOS
+             ;; when long file names are unavailable.
+             (and (eq system-type 'ms-dos)
+                  (not (msdos-long-file-names))))
+         (list (make-backup-file-name fn))
+       (let* ((basic-name (make-backup-file-name-1 fn))
+              (base-versions (concat (file-name-nondirectory basic-name)
+                                     ".~"))
+              (backup-extract-version-start (length base-versions))
+              (high-water-mark 0)
+              (number-to-delete 0)
+              possibilities deserve-versions-p versions)
+         (condition-case ()
+             (setq possibilities (file-name-all-completions
+                                  base-versions
+                                  (file-name-directory basic-name))
+                   versions (sort (mapcar #'backup-extract-version
+                                          possibilities)
+                                  #'<)
+                   high-water-mark (apply 'max 0 versions)
+                   deserve-versions-p (or version-control
+                                          (> high-water-mark 0))
+                   number-to-delete (- (length versions)
+                                       kept-old-versions
+                                       kept-new-versions
+                                       -1))
+           (file-error (setq possibilities nil)))
+         (if (not deserve-versions-p)
+             (list (make-backup-file-name fn))
+           (cons (format "%s.~%d~" basic-name (1+ high-water-mark))
+                 (if (and (> number-to-delete 0)
+                          ;; Delete nothing if there is overflow
+                          ;; in the number of versions to keep.
+                          (>= (+ kept-new-versions kept-old-versions -1) 0))
+                     (mapcar (lambda (n)
+                               (format "%s.~%d~" basic-name n))
+                             (let ((v (nthcdr kept-old-versions versions)))
+                               (rplacd (nthcdr (1- number-to-delete) v) ())
+                               v))))))))))
+ (defun file-nlinks (filename)
+   "Return number of names file FILENAME has."
+   (car (cdr (file-attributes filename))))
+ (defun file-relative-name (filename &optional directory)
+   "Convert FILENAME to be relative to DIRECTORY (default: 
+ This function returns a relative file name which is equivalent to FILENAME
+ when used with that default directory as the default.
+ If this is impossible (which can happen on MSDOS and Windows
+ when the file name and directory use different drive names)
+ then it returns FILENAME."
+   (save-match-data
+     (let ((fname (expand-file-name filename)))
+       (setq directory (file-name-as-directory
+                      (expand-file-name (or directory default-directory))))
+       ;; On Microsoft OSes, if FILENAME and DIRECTORY have different
+       ;; drive names, they can't be relative, so return the absolute name.
+       (if (and (or (eq system-type 'ms-dos)
+                  (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
+              (not (string-equal (substring fname  0 2)
+                                 (substring directory 0 2))))
+         filename
+       (let ((ancestor ".")
+             (fname-dir (file-name-as-directory fname)))
+         (while (and (not (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote directory)) 
+                     (not (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote directory)) 
+           (setq directory (file-name-directory (substring directory 0 -1))
+                 ancestor (if (equal ancestor ".")
+                              ".."
+                            (concat "../" ancestor))))
+         ;; Now ancestor is empty, or .., or ../.., etc.
+         (if (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote directory)) fname)
+             ;; We matched within FNAME's directory part.
+             ;; Add the rest of FNAME onto ANCESTOR.
+             (let ((rest (substring fname (match-end 0))))
+               (if (and (equal ancestor ".")
+                        (not (equal rest "")))
+                   ;; But don't bother with ANCESTOR if it would give us `./'.
+                   rest
+                 (concat (file-name-as-directory ancestor) rest)))
+           ;; We matched FNAME's directory equivalent.
+           ancestor))))))
+ (defun save-buffer (&optional args)
+   "Save current buffer in visited file if modified.  Versions described below.
+ By default, makes the previous version into a backup file
+  if previously requested or if this is the first save.
+ With 1 \\[universal-argument], marks this version
+  to become a backup when the next save is done.
+ With 2 \\[universal-argument]'s,
+  unconditionally makes the previous version into a backup file.
+ With 3 \\[universal-argument]'s, marks this version
+  to become a backup when the next save is done,
+  and unconditionally makes the previous version into a backup file.
+ With argument of 0, never make the previous version into a backup file.
+ If a file's name is FOO, the names of its numbered backup versions are
+  FOO.~i~ for various integers i.  A non-numbered backup file is called FOO~.
+ Numeric backups (rather than FOO~) will be made if value of
+  `version-control' is not the atom `never' and either there are already
+  numeric versions of the file being backed up, or `version-control' is
+  non-nil.
+ We don't want excessive versions piling up, so there are variables
+  `kept-old-versions', which tells Emacs how many oldest versions to keep,
+  and `kept-new-versions', which tells how many newest versions to keep.
+  Defaults are 2 old versions and 2 new.
+ `dired-kept-versions' controls dired's clean-directory (.) command.
+ If `delete-old-versions' is nil, system will query user
+  before trimming versions.  Otherwise it does it silently.
+ If `vc-make-backup-files' is nil, which is the default,
+  no backup files are made for files managed by version control.
+  (This is because the version control system itself records previous 
+ See the subroutine `basic-save-buffer' for more information."
+   (interactive "p")
+   (let ((modp (buffer-modified-p))
+       (large (> (buffer-size) 50000))
+       (make-backup-files (or (and make-backup-files (not (eq args 0)))
+                              (memq args '(16 64)))))
+     (and modp (memq args '(16 64)) (setq buffer-backed-up nil))
+     (if (and modp large (buffer-file-name))
+       (message "Saving file %s..." (buffer-file-name)))
+     (basic-save-buffer)
+     (and modp (memq args '(4 64)) (setq buffer-backed-up nil))))
+ (defun delete-auto-save-file-if-necessary (&optional force)
+   "Delete auto-save file for current buffer if `delete-auto-save-files' is t.
+ Normally delete only if the file was written by this Emacs since
+ the last real save, but optional arg FORCE non-nil means delete anyway."
+   (and buffer-auto-save-file-name delete-auto-save-files
+        (not (string= buffer-file-name buffer-auto-save-file-name))
+        (or force (recent-auto-save-p))
+        (progn
+        (condition-case ()
+            (delete-file buffer-auto-save-file-name)
+          (file-error nil))
+        (set-buffer-auto-saved))))
+ (defvar auto-save-hook nil
+   "Normal hook run just before auto-saving.")
+ (defcustom after-save-hook nil
+   "Normal hook that is run after a buffer is saved to its file."
+   :options '(executable-make-buffer-file-executable-if-script-p)
+   :type 'hook
+   :group 'files)
+ (defvar save-buffer-coding-system nil
+   "If non-nil, use this coding system for saving the buffer.
+ More precisely, use this coding system in place of the
+ value of `buffer-file-coding-system', when saving the buffer.
+ Calling `write-region' for any purpose other than saving the buffer
+ will still use `buffer-file-coding-system'; this variable has no effect
+ in such cases.")
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'save-buffer-coding-system)
+ (put 'save-buffer-coding-system 'permanent-local t)
+ (defun basic-save-buffer ()
+   "Save the current buffer in its visited file, if it has been modified.
+ The hooks `write-contents-hooks', `local-write-file-hooks' and
+ `write-file-hooks' get a chance to do the job of saving; if they do not,
+ then the buffer is saved in the visited file file in the usual way.
+ After saving the buffer, this function runs `after-save-hook'."
+   (interactive)
+   (save-current-buffer
+     ;; In an indirect buffer, save its base buffer instead.
+     (if (buffer-base-buffer)
+       (set-buffer (buffer-base-buffer)))
+     (if (buffer-modified-p)
+       (let ((recent-save (recent-auto-save-p))
+             setmodes tempsetmodes)
+         ;; On VMS, rename file and buffer to get rid of version number.
+         (if (and (eq system-type 'vax-vms)
+                  (not (string= buffer-file-name
+                                (file-name-sans-versions buffer-file-name))))
+             (let (buffer-new-name)
+               ;; Strip VMS version number before save.
+               (setq buffer-file-name
+                     (file-name-sans-versions buffer-file-name))
+               ;; Construct a (unique) buffer name to correspond.
+               (let ((buf (create-file-buffer (downcase buffer-file-name))))
+                 (setq buffer-new-name (buffer-name buf))
+                 (kill-buffer buf))
+               (rename-buffer buffer-new-name)))
+         ;; If buffer has no file name, ask user for one.
+         (or buffer-file-name
+             (let ((filename
+                    (expand-file-name
+                     (read-file-name "File to save in: ") nil)))
+               (and (file-exists-p filename)
+                    (or (y-or-n-p (format "File `%s' exists; overwrite? "
+                                          filename))
+                        (error "Canceled")))
+               (set-visited-file-name filename)))
+         (or (verify-visited-file-modtime (current-buffer))
+             (not (file-exists-p buffer-file-name))
+             (yes-or-no-p
+              (format "%s has changed since visited or saved.  Save anyway? "
+                      (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
+             (error "Save not confirmed"))
+         (save-restriction
+           (widen)
+           (save-excursion
+             (and (> (point-max) 1)
+                  (not find-file-literally)
+                  (/= (char-after (1- (point-max))) ?\n)
+                  (not (and (eq selective-display t)
+                            (= (char-after (1- (point-max))) ?\r)))
+                  (or (eq require-final-newline t)
+                      (and require-final-newline
+                           (y-or-n-p
+                            (format "Buffer %s does not end in newline.  Add 
one? "
+                                    (buffer-name)))))
+                  (save-excursion
+                    (goto-char (point-max))
+                    (insert ?\n))))
+           ;; Support VC version backups.
+           (vc-before-save)
+           (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'write-contents-hooks)
+               (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'local-write-file-hooks)
+               (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'write-file-hooks)
+               ;; If a hook returned t, file is already "written".
+               ;; Otherwise, write it the usual way now.
+               (setq setmodes (basic-save-buffer-1)))
+           ;; Now we have saved the current buffer.  Let's make sure
+           ;; that buffer-file-coding-system is fixed to what
+           ;; actually used for saving by binding it locally.
+           (if save-buffer-coding-system
+               (setq save-buffer-coding-system last-coding-system-used)
+             (setq buffer-file-coding-system last-coding-system-used))
+           (setq buffer-file-number
+                 (nthcdr 10 (file-attributes buffer-file-name)))
+           (if setmodes
+               (condition-case ()
+                   (set-file-modes buffer-file-name setmodes)
+                 (error nil))))
+         ;; If the auto-save file was recent before this command,
+         ;; delete it now.
+         (delete-auto-save-file-if-necessary recent-save)
+         ;; Support VC `implicit' locking.
+         (vc-after-save)
+         (run-hooks 'after-save-hook))
+       (message "(No changes need to be saved)"))))
+ ;; This does the "real job" of writing a buffer into its visited file
+ ;; and making a backup file.  This is what is normally done
+ ;; but inhibited if one of write-file-hooks returns non-nil.
+ ;; It returns a value to store in setmodes.
+ (defun basic-save-buffer-1 ()
+   (if save-buffer-coding-system
+       (let ((coding-system-for-write save-buffer-coding-system))
+       (basic-save-buffer-2))
+     (basic-save-buffer-2)))
+ (defun basic-save-buffer-2 ()
+   (let (tempsetmodes setmodes)
+     (if (not (file-writable-p buffer-file-name))
+       (let ((dir (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)))
+         (if (not (file-directory-p dir))
+             (if (file-exists-p dir)
+                 (error "%s is not a directory" dir)
+               (error "%s: no such directory" buffer-file-name))
+           (if (not (file-exists-p buffer-file-name))
+               (error "Directory %s write-protected" dir)
+             (if (yes-or-no-p
+                  (format "File %s is write-protected; try to save anyway? "
+                          (file-name-nondirectory
+                           buffer-file-name)))
+                 (setq tempsetmodes t)
+               (error "Attempt to save to a file which you aren't allowed to 
+     (or buffer-backed-up
+       (setq setmodes (backup-buffer)))
+     (let ((dir (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)))
+       (if (and file-precious-flag
+              (file-writable-p dir))
+         ;; If file is precious, write temp name, then rename it.
+         ;; This requires write access to the containing dir,
+         ;; which is why we don't try it if we don't have that access.
+         (let ((realname buffer-file-name)
+               tempname temp nogood i succeed
+               (old-modtime (visited-file-modtime)))
+           (setq i 0)
+           (setq nogood t)
+           ;; Find the temporary name to write under.
+           (while nogood
+             (setq tempname (format
+                             (if (and (eq system-type 'ms-dos)
+                                      (not (msdos-long-file-names)))
+                                 "%s#%d.tm#" ; MSDOS limits files to 8+3
+                               (if (memq system-type '(vax-vms axp-vms))
+                                   "%s$tmp$%d"
+                                 "%s#tmp#%d"))
+                             dir i))
+             (setq nogood (file-exists-p tempname))
+             (setq i (1+ i)))
+           (unwind-protect
+               (progn (clear-visited-file-modtime)
+                      (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
+                                    tempname nil realname
+                                    buffer-file-truename)
+                      (setq succeed t))
+             ;; If writing the temp file fails,
+             ;; delete the temp file.
+             (or succeed
+                 (progn
+                   (condition-case nil
+                       (delete-file tempname)
+                     (file-error nil))
+                   (set-visited-file-modtime old-modtime))))
+           ;; Since we have created an entirely new file
+           ;; and renamed it, make sure it gets the
+           ;; right permission bits set.
+           (setq setmodes (file-modes buffer-file-name))
+           ;; We succeeded in writing the temp file,
+           ;; so rename it.
+           (rename-file tempname buffer-file-name t))
+       ;; If file not writable, see if we can make it writable
+       ;; temporarily while we write it.
+       ;; But no need to do so if we have just backed it up
+       ;; (setmodes is set) because that says we're superseding.
+       (cond ((and tempsetmodes (not setmodes))
+              ;; Change the mode back, after writing.
+              (setq setmodes (file-modes buffer-file-name))
+              (set-file-modes buffer-file-name (logior setmodes 128))))
+       (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
+                     buffer-file-name nil t buffer-file-truename)))
+     setmodes))
+ (defun save-some-buffers (&optional arg pred)
+   "Save some modified file-visiting buffers.  Asks user about each one.
+ Optional argument (the prefix) non-nil means save all with no questions.
+ Optional second argument PRED determines which buffers are considered:
+ If PRED is nil, all the file-visiting buffers are considered.
+ If PRED is t, then certain non-file buffers will also be considered.
+ If PRED is a zero-argument function, it indicates for each buffer whether
+ to consider it or not when called with that buffer current."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (save-window-excursion
+     (let* ((queried nil)
+          (files-done
+           (map-y-or-n-p
+            (function
+             (lambda (buffer)
+               (and (buffer-modified-p buffer)
+                    (not (buffer-base-buffer buffer))
+                    (or
+                     (buffer-file-name buffer)
+                     (and pred
+                          (progn
+                            (set-buffer buffer)
+                            (and buffer-offer-save (> (buffer-size) 0)))))
+                    (or (not (functionp pred))
+                        (with-current-buffer buffer (funcall pred)))
+                    (if arg
+                        t
+                      (setq queried t)
+                      (if (buffer-file-name buffer)
+                          (format "Save file %s? "
+                                  (buffer-file-name buffer))
+                        (format "Save buffer %s? "
+                                (buffer-name buffer)))))))
+            (function
+             (lambda (buffer)
+               (set-buffer buffer)
+               (save-buffer)))
+            (buffer-list)
+            '("buffer" "buffers" "save")
+            (list (list ?\C-r (lambda (buf)
+                                (view-buffer buf
+                                             (function
+                                              (lambda (ignore)
+                                                (exit-recursive-edit))))
+                                (recursive-edit)
+                                ;; Return nil to ask about BUF again.
+                                nil)
+                        "display the current buffer"))))
+          (abbrevs-done
+           (and save-abbrevs abbrevs-changed
+                (progn
+                  (if (or arg
+                          (eq save-abbrevs 'silently)
+                          (y-or-n-p (format "Save abbrevs in %s? "
+                                            abbrev-file-name)))
+                      (write-abbrev-file nil))
+                  ;; Don't keep bothering user if he says no.
+                  (setq abbrevs-changed nil)
+                  t))))
+       (or queried (> files-done 0) abbrevs-done
+         (message "(No files need saving)")))))
+ (defun not-modified (&optional arg)
+   "Mark current buffer as unmodified, not needing to be saved.
+ With prefix arg, mark buffer as modified, so \\[save-buffer] will save.
+ It is not a good idea to use this function in Lisp programs, because it
+ prints a message in the minibuffer.  Instead, use `set-buffer-modified-p'."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (message (if arg "Modification-flag set"
+              "Modification-flag cleared"))
+   (set-buffer-modified-p arg))
+ (defun toggle-read-only (&optional arg)
+   "Change whether this buffer is visiting its file read-only.
+ With arg, set read-only iff arg is positive.
+ If visiting file read-only and `view-read-only' is non-nil, enter view mode."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (cond
+    ((and arg (if (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0) buffer-read-only
+              (not buffer-read-only))) ; If buffer-read-only is set correctly,
+     nil)                              ; do nothing.
+    ;; Toggle.
+    ((and buffer-read-only view-mode)
+     (View-exit-and-edit)
+     (make-local-variable 'view-read-only)
+     (setq view-read-only t))          ; Must leave view mode.
+    ((and (not buffer-read-only) view-read-only
+        (not (eq (get major-mode 'mode-class) 'special)))
+     (view-mode-enter))
+    (t (setq buffer-read-only (not buffer-read-only))
+       (force-mode-line-update))))
+ (defun insert-file (filename)
+   "Insert contents of file FILENAME into buffer after point.
+ Set mark after the inserted text.
+ This function is meant for the user to run interactively.
+ Don't call it from programs!  Use `insert-file-contents' instead.
+ \(Its calling sequence is different; see its documentation)."
+   (interactive "*fInsert file: ")
+   (if (file-directory-p filename)
+       (signal 'file-error (list "Opening input file" "file is a directory"
+                               filename)))
+   (let ((tem (insert-file-contents filename)))
+     (push-mark (+ (point) (car (cdr tem))))))
+ (defun append-to-file (start end filename)
+   "Append the contents of the region to the end of file FILENAME.
+ When called from a function, expects three arguments,
+ START, END and FILENAME.  START and END are buffer positions
+ saying what text to write."
+   (interactive "r\nFAppend to file: ")
+   (write-region start end filename t))
+ (defun file-newest-backup (filename)
+   "Return most recent backup file for FILENAME or nil if no backups exist."
+   ;; `make-backup-file-name' will get us the right directory for
+   ;; ordinary or numeric backups.  It might create a directory for
+   ;; backups as a side-effect, according to `backup-directory-alist'.
+   (let* ((filename (file-name-sans-versions
+                   (make-backup-file-name filename)))
+        (file (file-name-nondirectory filename))
+        (dir  (file-name-directory    filename))
+        (comp (file-name-all-completions file dir))
+          (newest nil)
+          tem)
+     (while comp
+       (setq tem (pop comp))
+       (cond ((and (backup-file-name-p tem)
+                   (string= (file-name-sans-versions tem) file))
+              (setq tem (concat dir tem))
+              (if (or (null newest)
+                      (file-newer-than-file-p tem newest))
+                  (setq newest tem)))))
+     newest))
+ (defun rename-uniquely ()
+   "Rename current buffer to a similar name not already taken.
+ This function is useful for creating multiple shell process buffers
+ or multiple mail buffers, etc."
+   (interactive)
+   (save-match-data
+     (let ((base-name (buffer-name)))
+       (and (string-match "<[0-9]+>\\'" base-name)
+          (not (and buffer-file-name
+                    (string= base-name
+                             (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))))
+          ;; If the existing buffer name has a <NNN>,
+          ;; which isn't part of the file name (if any),
+          ;; then get rid of that.
+          (setq base-name (substring base-name 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+       (rename-buffer (generate-new-buffer-name base-name))
+       (force-mode-line-update))))
+ (defun make-directory (dir &optional parents)
+   "Create the directory DIR and any nonexistent parent dirs.
+ Interactively, the default choice of directory to create
+ is the current default directory for file names.
+ That is useful when you have visited a file in a nonexistent directory.
+ Noninteractively, the second (optional) argument PARENTS says whether
+ to create parent directories if they don't exist."
+   (interactive
+    (list (read-file-name "Make directory: " default-directory 
+                        nil nil)
+        t))
+   (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler dir 'make-directory)))
+     (if handler
+       (funcall handler 'make-directory dir parents)
+       (if (not parents)
+         (make-directory-internal dir)
+       (let ((dir (directory-file-name (expand-file-name dir)))
+             create-list)
+         (while (not (file-exists-p dir))
+           (setq create-list (cons dir create-list)
+                 dir (directory-file-name (file-name-directory dir))))
+         (while create-list
+           (make-directory-internal (car create-list))
+           (setq create-list (cdr create-list))))))))
+ (put 'revert-buffer-function 'permanent-local t)
+ (defvar revert-buffer-function nil
+   "Function to use to revert this buffer, or nil to do the default.
+ The function receives two arguments IGNORE-AUTO and NOCONFIRM,
+ which are the arguments that `revert-buffer' received.")
+ (put 'revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function 'permanent-local t)
+ (defvar revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function nil
+   "Function to use to insert contents when reverting this buffer.
+ Gets two args, first the nominal file name to use,
+ and second, t if reading the auto-save file.
+ The function you specify is responsible for updating (or preserving) point.")
+ (defvar before-revert-hook nil
+   "Normal hook for `revert-buffer' to run before reverting.
+ If `revert-buffer-function' is used to override the normal revert
+ mechanism, this hook is not used.")
+ (defvar after-revert-hook nil
+   "Normal hook for `revert-buffer' to run after reverting.
+ Note that the hook value that it runs is the value that was in effect
+ before reverting; that makes a difference if you have buffer-local
+ hook functions.
+ If `revert-buffer-function' is used to override the normal revert
+ mechanism, this hook is not used.")
+ (defvar revert-buffer-internal-hook)
+ (defun revert-buffer (&optional ignore-auto noconfirm preserve-modes)
+   "Replace current buffer text with the text of the visited file on disk.
+ This undoes all changes since the file was visited or saved.
+ With a prefix argument, offer to revert from latest auto-save file, if
+ that is more recent than the visited file.
+ This command also works for special buffers that contain text which
+ doesn't come from a file, but reflects some other data base instead:
+ for example, Dired buffers and buffer-list buffers.  In these cases,
+ it reconstructs the buffer contents from the appropriate data base.
+ When called from Lisp, the first argument is IGNORE-AUTO; only offer
+ to revert from the auto-save file when this is nil.  Note that the
+ sense of this argument is the reverse of the prefix argument, for the
+ sake of backward compatibility.  IGNORE-AUTO is optional, defaulting
+ to nil.
+ Optional second argument NOCONFIRM means don't ask for confirmation at
+ all.  (The local variable `revert-without-query', if non-nil, prevents
+ confirmation.)
+ Optional third argument PRESERVE-MODES non-nil means don't alter
+ the files modes.  Normally we reinitialize them using `normal-mode'.
+ If the value of `revert-buffer-function' is non-nil, it is called to
+ do all the work for this command.  Otherwise, the hooks
+ `before-revert-hook' and `after-revert-hook' are run at the beginning
+ and the end, and if `revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function' is
+ non-nil, it is called instead of rereading visited file contents."
+   ;; I admit it's odd to reverse the sense of the prefix argument, but
+   ;; there is a lot of code out there which assumes that the first
+   ;; argument should be t to avoid consulting the auto-save file, and
+   ;; there's no straightforward way to encourage authors to notice a
+   ;; reversal of the argument sense.  So I'm just changing the user
+   ;; interface, but leaving the programmatic interface the same.
+   (interactive (list (not current-prefix-arg)))
+   (if revert-buffer-function
+       (funcall revert-buffer-function ignore-auto noconfirm)
+     (let* ((auto-save-p (and (not ignore-auto)
+                            (recent-auto-save-p)
+                            buffer-auto-save-file-name
+                            (file-readable-p buffer-auto-save-file-name)
+                            (y-or-n-p
+    "Buffer has been auto-saved recently.  Revert from auto-save file? ")))
+          (file-name (if auto-save-p
+                         buffer-auto-save-file-name
+                       buffer-file-name)))
+       (cond ((null file-name)
+            (error "Buffer does not seem to be associated with any file"))
+           ((or noconfirm
+                (and (not (buffer-modified-p))
+                     (let ((tail revert-without-query)
+                           (found nil))
+                       (while tail
+                         (if (string-match (car tail) file-name)
+                             (setq found t))
+                         (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+                       found))
+                (yes-or-no-p (format "Revert buffer from file %s? "
+                                     file-name)))
+            (run-hooks 'before-revert-hook)
+            ;; If file was backed up but has changed since,
+            ;; we shd make another backup.
+            (and (not auto-save-p)
+                 (not (verify-visited-file-modtime (current-buffer)))
+                 (setq buffer-backed-up nil))
+            ;; Get rid of all undo records for this buffer.
+            (or (eq buffer-undo-list t)
+                (setq buffer-undo-list nil))
+            ;; Effectively copy the after-revert-hook status,
+            ;; since after-find-file will clobber it.
+            (let ((global-hook (default-value 'after-revert-hook))
+                  (local-hook-p (local-variable-p 'after-revert-hook))
+                  (local-hook (and (local-variable-p 'after-revert-hook)
+                                   after-revert-hook)))
+              (let (buffer-read-only
+                    ;; Don't make undo records for the reversion.
+                    (buffer-undo-list t))
+                (if revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function
+                    (funcall revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function
+                             file-name auto-save-p)
+                  (if (not (file-exists-p file-name))
+                      (error "File %s no longer exists!" file-name))
+                  ;; Bind buffer-file-name to nil
+                  ;; so that we don't try to lock the file.
+                  (let ((buffer-file-name nil))
+                    (or auto-save-p
+                        (unlock-buffer)))
+                  (widen)
+                  (let ((coding-system-for-read
+                         ;; Auto-saved file shoule be read without
+                         ;; any code conversion.
+                         (if auto-save-p 'emacs-mule-unix
+                           coding-system-for-read)))
+                    ;; Note that this preserves point in an intelligent way.
+                    (insert-file-contents file-name (not auto-save-p)
+                                          nil nil t))))
+              ;; Recompute the truename in case changes in symlinks
+              ;; have changed the truename.
+              (setq buffer-file-truename
+                    (abbreviate-file-name (file-truename buffer-file-name)))
+              (after-find-file nil nil t t preserve-modes)
+              ;; Run after-revert-hook as it was before we reverted.
+              (setq-default revert-buffer-internal-hook global-hook)
+              (if local-hook-p
+                  (progn
+                    (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-internal-hook)
+                    (setq revert-buffer-internal-hook local-hook))
+                (kill-local-variable 'revert-buffer-internal-hook))
+              (run-hooks 'revert-buffer-internal-hook))
+            t)))))
+ (defun recover-file (file)
+   "Visit file FILE, but get contents from its last auto-save file."
+   ;; Actually putting the file name in the minibuffer should be used
+   ;; only rarely.
+   ;; Not just because users often use the default.
+   (interactive "FRecover file: ")
+   (setq file (expand-file-name file))
+   (if (auto-save-file-name-p (file-name-nondirectory file))
+       (error "%s is an auto-save file" file))
+   (let ((file-name (let ((buffer-file-name file))
+                    (make-auto-save-file-name))))
+     (cond ((if (file-exists-p file)
+              (not (file-newer-than-file-p file-name file))
+            (not (file-exists-p file-name)))
+          (error "Auto-save file %s not current" file-name))
+         ((save-window-excursion
+            (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Directory*"
+              (buffer-disable-undo standard-output)
+              (save-excursion
+                (let ((switches dired-listing-switches))
+                  (if (file-symlink-p file)
+                      (setq switches (concat switches "L")))
+                  (set-buffer standard-output)
+                  ;; Use insert-directory-safely, not insert-directory,
+                  ;; because these files might not exist.  In particular,
+                  ;; FILE might not exist if the auto-save file was for
+                  ;; a buffer that didn't visit a file, such as "*mail*".
+                  ;; The code in v20.x called `ls' directly, so we need
+                  ;; to emulate what `ls' did in that case.
+                  (insert-directory-safely file switches)
+                  (insert-directory-safely file-name switches))))
+            (yes-or-no-p (format "Recover auto save file %s? " file-name)))
+          (switch-to-buffer (find-file-noselect file t))
+          (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
+                ;; Keep the current buffer-file-coding-system.
+                (coding-system buffer-file-coding-system)
+                ;; Auto-saved file shoule be read without any code conversion.
+                (coding-system-for-read 'emacs-mule-unix))
+            (erase-buffer)
+            (insert-file-contents file-name nil)
+            (set-buffer-file-coding-system coding-system))
+          (after-find-file nil nil t))
+         (t (error "Recover-file cancelled")))))
+ (defun recover-session ()
+   "Recover auto save files from a previous Emacs session.
+ This command first displays a Dired buffer showing you the
+ previous sessions that you could recover from.
+ To choose one, move point to the proper line and then type C-c C-c.
+ Then you'll be asked about a number of files to recover."
+   (interactive)
+   (if (null auto-save-list-file-prefix)
+       (error "You set `auto-save-list-file-prefix' to disable making session 
+   (let ((dir (file-name-directory auto-save-list-file-prefix)))
+     (unless (file-directory-p dir)
+       (make-directory dir t)))
+   (let ((ls-lisp-support-shell-wildcards t))
+     (dired (concat auto-save-list-file-prefix "*")
+          (concat dired-listing-switches "t")))
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (or (looking-at " Move to the session you want to recover,")
+       (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+         ;; Each line starts with a space
+         ;; so that Font Lock mode won't highlight the first character.
+         (insert " Move to the session you want to recover,\n"
+                 " then type C-c C-c to select it.\n\n"
+                 " You can also delete some of these files;\n"
+                 " type d on a line to mark that file for deletion.\n\n"))))
+   (use-local-map (nconc (make-sparse-keymap) (current-local-map)))
+   (define-key (current-local-map) "\C-c\C-c" 'recover-session-finish))
+ (defun recover-session-finish ()
+   "Choose one saved session to recover auto-save files from.
+ This command is used in the special Dired buffer created by
+ \\[recover-session]."
+   (interactive)
+   ;; Get the name of the session file to recover from.
+   (let ((file (dired-get-filename))
+       files
+       (buffer (get-buffer-create " *recover*")))
+     (dired-unmark 1)
+     (dired-do-flagged-delete t)
+     (unwind-protect
+       (save-excursion
+         ;; Read in the auto-save-list file.
+         (set-buffer buffer)
+         (erase-buffer)
+         (insert-file-contents file)
+         ;; Loop thru the text of that file
+         ;; and get out the names of the files to recover.
+         (while (not (eobp))
+           (let (thisfile autofile)
+             (if (eolp)
+                 ;; This is a pair of lines for a non-file-visiting buffer.
+                 ;; Get the auto-save file name and manufacture
+                 ;; a "visited file name" from that.
+                 (progn
+                   (forward-line 1)
+                   (setq autofile
+                         (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                          (point)
+                          (save-excursion
+                            (end-of-line)
+                            (point))))
+                   (setq thisfile
+                         (expand-file-name
+                          (substring
+                           (file-name-nondirectory autofile)
+                           1 -1)
+                          (file-name-directory autofile)))
+                   (forward-line 1))
+               ;; This pair of lines is a file-visiting
+               ;; buffer.  Use the visited file name.
+               (progn
+                 (setq thisfile
+                       (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                        (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point))))
+                 (forward-line 1)
+                 (setq autofile
+                       (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                        (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point))))
+                 (forward-line 1)))
+             ;; Ignore a file if its auto-save file does not exist now.
+             (if (file-exists-p autofile)
+                 (setq files (cons thisfile files)))))
+         (setq files (nreverse files))
+         ;; The file contains a pair of line for each auto-saved buffer.
+         ;; The first line of the pair contains the visited file name
+         ;; or is empty if the buffer was not visiting a file.
+         ;; The second line is the auto-save file name.
+         (if files
+             (map-y-or-n-p  "Recover %s? "
+                            (lambda (file)
+                              (condition-case nil
+                                  (save-excursion (recover-file file))
+                                (error
+                                 "Failed to recover `%s'" file)))
+                            files
+                            '("file" "files" "recover"))
+           (message "No files can be recovered from this session now")))
+       (kill-buffer buffer))))
+ (defun kill-some-buffers (&optional list)
+   "For each buffer in LIST, ask whether to kill it.
+ LIST defaults to all existing live buffers."
+   (interactive)
+   (if (null list)
+       (setq list (buffer-list)))
+   (while list
+     (let* ((buffer (car list))
+          (name (buffer-name buffer)))
+       (and (not (string-equal name ""))
+          (/= (aref name 0) ? )
+          (yes-or-no-p
+           (format "Buffer %s %s.  Kill? "
+                   name
+                   (if (buffer-modified-p buffer)
+                       "HAS BEEN EDITED" "is unmodified")))
+          (kill-buffer buffer)))
+     (setq list (cdr list))))
+ (defun auto-save-mode (arg)
+   "Toggle auto-saving of contents of current buffer.
+ With prefix argument ARG, turn auto-saving on if positive, else off."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (setq buffer-auto-save-file-name
+         (and (if (null arg)
+                (or (not buffer-auto-save-file-name)
+                    ;; If auto-save is off because buffer has shrunk,
+                    ;; then toggling should turn it on.
+                    (< buffer-saved-size 0))
+              (or (eq arg t) (listp arg) (and (integerp arg) (> arg 0))))
+            (if (and buffer-file-name auto-save-visited-file-name
+                     (not buffer-read-only))
+                buffer-file-name
+              (make-auto-save-file-name))))
+   ;; If -1 was stored here, to temporarily turn off saving,
+   ;; turn it back on.
+   (and (< buffer-saved-size 0)
+        (setq buffer-saved-size 0))
+   (if (interactive-p)
+       (message "Auto-save %s (in this buffer)"
+              (if buffer-auto-save-file-name "on" "off")))
+   buffer-auto-save-file-name)
+ (defun rename-auto-save-file ()
+   "Adjust current buffer's auto save file name for current conditions.
+ Also rename any existing auto save file, if it was made in this session."
+   (let ((osave buffer-auto-save-file-name))
+     (setq buffer-auto-save-file-name
+         (make-auto-save-file-name))
+     (if (and osave buffer-auto-save-file-name
+            (not (string= buffer-auto-save-file-name buffer-file-name))
+            (not (string= buffer-auto-save-file-name osave))
+            (file-exists-p osave)
+            (recent-auto-save-p))
+       (rename-file osave buffer-auto-save-file-name t))))
+ (defun make-auto-save-file-name ()
+   "Return file name to use for auto-saves of current buffer.
+ Does not consider `auto-save-visited-file-name' as that variable is checked
+ before calling this function.  You can redefine this for customization.
+ See also `auto-save-file-name-p'."
+   (if buffer-file-name
+       (let ((list auto-save-file-name-transforms)
+           (filename buffer-file-name)
+           result)
+       ;; Apply user-specified translations
+       ;; to the file name.
+       (while (and list (not result))
+         (if (string-match (car (car list)) filename)
+             (setq result (replace-match (cadr (car list)) t nil
+                                         filename)))
+         (setq list (cdr list)))
+       (if result (setq filename result))
+       (if (and (eq system-type 'ms-dos)
+                (not (msdos-long-file-names)))
+           ;; We truncate the file name to DOS 8+3 limits before
+           ;; doing anything else, because the regexp passed to
+           ;; string-match below cannot handle extensions longer than
+           ;; 3 characters, multiple dots, and other atrocities.
+           (let ((fn (dos-8+3-filename
+                      (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))))
+             (string-match "\\`\\([^.]+\\)\\(\\.\\(..?\\)?.?\\|\\)\\'" fn)
+             (concat (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
+                     "#" (match-string 1 fn)
+                     "." (match-string 3 fn) "#"))
+         (concat (file-name-directory filename)
+                 "#"
+                 (file-name-nondirectory filename)
+                 "#")))
+     ;; Deal with buffers that don't have any associated files.  (Mail
+     ;; mode tends to create a good number of these.)
+     (let ((buffer-name (buffer-name))
+         (limit 0))
+       ;; Eliminate all slashes and backslashes by
+       ;; replacing them with sequences that start with %.
+       ;; Quote % also, to keep distinct names distinct.
+       (while (string-match "[/\\%]" buffer-name limit)
+       (let* ((character (aref buffer-name (match-beginning 0)))
+              (replacement
+               (cond ((eq character ?%) "%%")
+                     ((eq character ?/) "%+")
+                     ((eq character ?\\) "%-"))))
+         (setq buffer-name (replace-match replacement t t buffer-name))
+         (setq limit (1+ (match-end 0)))))
+       ;; Generate the file name.
+       (expand-file-name
+        (format "#%s#%s#" buffer-name (make-temp-name ""))
+        ;; Try a few alternative directories, to get one we can write it.
+        (cond
+       ((file-writable-p default-directory) default-directory)
+       ((file-writable-p "/var/tmp/") "/var/tmp/")
+       ("~/"))))))
+ (defun auto-save-file-name-p (filename)
+   "Return non-nil if FILENAME can be yielded by `make-auto-save-file-name'.
+ FILENAME should lack slashes.  You can redefine this for customization."
+   (string-match "^#.*#$" filename))
+ (defun wildcard-to-regexp (wildcard)
+   "Given a shell file name pattern WILDCARD, return an equivalent regexp.
+ The generated regexp will match a filename iff the filename
+ matches that wildcard according to shell rules.  Only wildcards known
+ by `sh' are supported."
+   (let* ((i (string-match "[[.*+\\^$?]" wildcard))
+        ;; Copy the initial run of non-special characters.
+        (result (substring wildcard 0 i))
+        (len (length wildcard)))
+     ;; If no special characters, we're almost done.
+     (if i
+       (while (< i len)
+         (let ((ch (aref wildcard i))
+               j)
+           (setq
+            result
+            (concat result
+                    (cond
+                     ((and (eq ch ?\[)
+                           (< (1+ i) len)
+                           (eq (aref wildcard (1+ i)) ?\]))
+                      "\\[")
+                     ((eq ch ?\[)      ; [...] maps to regexp char class
+                      (progn
+                        (setq i (1+ i))
+                        (concat
+                         (cond
+                          ((eq (aref wildcard i) ?!) ; [!...] -> [^...]
+                           (progn
+                             (setq i (1+ i))
+                             (if (eq (aref wildcard i) ?\])
+                                 (progn
+                                   (setq i (1+ i))
+                                   "[^]")
+                               "[^")))
+                          ((eq (aref wildcard i) ?^)
+                           ;; Found "[^".  Insert a `\0' character
+                           ;; (which cannot happen in a filename)
+                           ;; into the character class, so that `^'
+                           ;; is not the first character after `[',
+                           ;; and thus non-special in a regexp.
+                           (progn
+                             (setq i (1+ i))
+                             "[\000^"))
+                          ((eq (aref wildcard i) ?\])
+                           ;; I don't think `]' can appear in a
+                           ;; character class in a wildcard, but
+                           ;; let's be general here.
+                           (progn
+                             (setq i (1+ i))
+                             "[]"))
+                          (t "["))
+                         (prog1        ; copy everything upto next `]'.
+                             (substring wildcard
+                                        i
+                                        (setq j (string-match
+                                                 "]" wildcard i)))
+                           (setq i (if j (1- j) (1- len)))))))
+                     ((eq ch ?.)  "\\.")
+                     ((eq ch ?*)  "[^\000]*")
+                     ((eq ch ?+)  "\\+")
+                     ((eq ch ?^)  "\\^")
+                     ((eq ch ?$)  "\\$")
+                     ((eq ch ?\\) "\\\\") ; probably cannot happen...
+                     ((eq ch ??)  "[^\000]")
+                     (t (char-to-string ch)))))
+           (setq i (1+ i)))))
+     ;; Shell wildcards should match the entire filename,
+     ;; not its part.  Make the regexp say so.
+     (concat "\\`" result "\\'")))
+ (defcustom list-directory-brief-switches
+   (if (eq system-type 'vax-vms) "" "-CF")
+   "*Switches for `list-directory' to pass to `ls' for brief listing."
+   :type 'string
+   :group 'dired)
+ (defcustom list-directory-verbose-switches
+   (if (eq system-type 'vax-vms)
+     "-l")
+   "*Switches for `list-directory' to pass to `ls' for verbose listing."
+   :type 'string
+   :group 'dired)
+ (defun file-expand-wildcards (pattern &optional full)
+   "Expand wildcard pattern PATTERN.
+ This returns a list of file names which match the pattern.
+ If PATTERN is written as an absolute relative file name,
+ the values are absolute also.
+ If PATTERN is written as a relative file name, it is interpreted
+ relative to the current default directory, `default-directory'.
+ The file names returned are normally also relative to the current
+ default directory.  However, if FULL is non-nil, they are absolute."
+   (save-match-data
+     (let* ((nondir (file-name-nondirectory pattern))
+          (dirpart (file-name-directory pattern))
+          ;; A list of all dirs that DIRPART specifies.
+          ;; This can be more than one dir
+          ;; if DIRPART contains wildcards.
+          (dirs (if (and dirpart (string-match "[[*?]" dirpart))
+                    (mapcar 'file-name-as-directory
+                            (file-expand-wildcards
+                             (directory-file-name dirpart)))
+                  (list dirpart)))
+          contents)
+       (while dirs
+       (when (or (null (car dirs)) ; Possible if DIRPART is not wild.
+                 (file-directory-p (directory-file-name (car dirs))))
+         (let ((this-dir-contents
+                ;; Filter out "." and ".."
+                (delq nil
+                      (mapcar #'(lambda (name)
+                                  (unless (string-match
+                                           "\\`\\.\\.?\\'"
+                                           (file-name-nondirectory name))
+                                    name))
+                              (directory-files (or (car dirs) ".") full
+                                               (wildcard-to-regexp nondir))))))
+           (setq contents
+                 (nconc
+                  (if (and (car dirs) (not full))
+                      (mapcar
+                       (function (lambda (name) (concat (car dirs) name)))
+                       this-dir-contents)
+                    this-dir-contents)
+                  contents))))
+       (setq dirs (cdr dirs)))
+       contents)))
+ (defun list-directory (dirname &optional verbose)
+   "Display a list of files in or matching DIRNAME, a la `ls'.
+ DIRNAME is globbed by the shell if necessary.
+ Prefix arg (second arg if noninteractive) means supply -l switch to `ls'.
+ Actions controlled by variables `list-directory-brief-switches'
+ and `list-directory-verbose-switches'."
+   (interactive (let ((pfx current-prefix-arg))
+                (list (read-file-name (if pfx "List directory (verbose): "
+                                        "List directory (brief): ")
+                                      nil default-directory nil)
+                      pfx)))
+   (let ((switches (if verbose list-directory-verbose-switches
+                   list-directory-brief-switches)))
+     (or dirname (setq dirname default-directory))
+     (setq dirname (expand-file-name dirname))
+     (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Directory*"
+       (buffer-disable-undo standard-output)
+       (princ "Directory ")
+       (princ dirname)
+       (terpri)
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer "*Directory*")
+       (setq default-directory
+             (if (file-directory-p dirname)
+                 (file-name-as-directory dirname)
+               (file-name-directory dirname)))
+       (let ((wildcard (not (file-directory-p dirname))))
+         (insert-directory dirname switches wildcard (not wildcard)))))))
+ (defun shell-quote-wildcard-pattern (pattern)
+   "Quote characters special to the shell in PATTERN, leave wildcards alone.
+ PATTERN is assumed to represent a file-name wildcard suitable for the
+ underlying filesystem.  For Unix and GNU/Linux, the characters from the
+ set [ \\t\\n;<>&|()#$] are quoted with a backslash; for DOS/Windows, all
+ the parts of the pattern which don't include wildcard characters are
+ quoted with double quotes.
+ Existing quote characters in PATTERN are left alone, so you can pass
+ PATTERN that already quotes some of the special characters."
+   (save-match-data
+     (cond
+      ((memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt))
+       ;; DOS/Windows don't allow `"' in file names.  So if the
+       ;; argument has quotes, we can safely assume it is already
+       ;; quoted by the caller.
+       (if (or (string-match "[\"]" pattern)
+             ;; We quote [&()#$'] in case their shell is a port of a
+             ;; Unixy shell.  We quote [,=+] because stock DOS and
+             ;; Windows shells require that in some cases, such as
+             ;; passing arguments to batch files that use positional
+             ;; arguments like %1.
+             (not (string-match "[ \t;&()#$',=+]" pattern)))
+         pattern
+       (let ((result "\"")
+             (beg 0)
+             end)
+         (while (string-match "[*?]+" pattern beg)
+           (setq end (match-beginning 0)
+                 result (concat result (substring pattern beg end)
+                                "\""
+                                (substring pattern end (match-end 0))
+                                "\"")
+                 beg (match-end 0)))
+         (concat result (substring pattern beg) "\""))))
+      (t
+       (let ((beg 0))
+       (while (string-match "[ \t\n;<>&|()#$]" pattern beg)
+         (setq pattern
+               (concat (substring pattern 0 (match-beginning 0))
+                       "\\"
+                       (substring pattern (match-beginning 0)))
+               beg (1+ (match-end 0)))))
+       pattern))))
+ (defvar insert-directory-program "ls"
+   "Absolute or relative name of the `ls' program used by `insert-directory'.")
+ ;; insert-directory
+ ;; - must insert _exactly_one_line_ describing FILE if WILDCARD and
+ ;;   FULL-DIRECTORY-P is nil.
+ ;;   The single line of output must display FILE's name as it was
+ ;;   given, namely, an absolute path name.
+ ;; - must insert exactly one line for each file if WILDCARD or
+ ;;   FULL-DIRECTORY-P is t, plus one optional "total" line
+ ;;   before the file lines, plus optional text after the file lines.
+ ;;   Lines are delimited by "\n", so filenames containing "\n" are not
+ ;;   allowed.
+ ;;   File lines should display the basename.
+ ;; - must be consistent with
+ ;;   - functions dired-move-to-filename, (these two define what a file line 
+ ;;             dired-move-to-end-of-filename,
+ ;;             dired-between-files, (shortcut for (not 
+ ;;             dired-insert-headerline
+ ;;             dired-after-subdir-garbage (defines what a "total" line is)
+ ;;   - variable dired-subdir-regexp
+ (defun insert-directory (file switches &optional wildcard full-directory-p)
+   "Insert directory listing for FILE, formatted according to SWITCHES.
+ Leaves point after the inserted text.
+ SWITCHES may be a string of options, or a list of strings.
+ Optional third arg WILDCARD means treat FILE as shell wildcard.
+ Optional fourth arg FULL-DIRECTORY-P means file is a directory and
+ switches do not contain `d', so that a full listing is expected.
+ This works by running a directory listing program
+ whose name is in the variable `insert-directory-program'.
+ If WILDCARD, it also runs the shell specified by `shell-file-name'."
+   ;; We need the directory in order to find the right handler.
+   (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler (expand-file-name file)
+                                        'insert-directory)))
+    (if handler
+       (funcall handler 'insert-directory file switches
+                wildcard full-directory-p)
+       (if (eq system-type 'vax-vms)
+         (vms-read-directory file switches (current-buffer))
+       (let* ((coding-system-for-read
+               (and enable-multibyte-characters
+                    (or file-name-coding-system
+                        default-file-name-coding-system)))
+              ;; This is to control encoding the arguments in call-process.
+              (coding-system-for-write coding-system-for-read)
+              (result
+               (if wildcard
+                   ;; Run ls in the directory of the file pattern we asked for
+                   (let ((default-directory
+                           (if (file-name-absolute-p file)
+                               (file-name-directory file)
+                             (file-name-directory (expand-file-name file))))
+                         (pattern (file-name-nondirectory file)))
+                     (call-process
+                      shell-file-name nil t nil
+                      "-c" (concat (if (memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt))
+                                       ""
+                                     "\\") ; Disregard Unix shell aliases!
+                                   insert-directory-program
+                                   " -d "
+                                   (if (stringp switches)
+                                       switches
+                                     (mapconcat 'identity switches " "))
+                                   " -- "
+                                   ;; Quote some characters that have
+                                   ;; special meanings in shells; but
+                                   ;; don't quote the wildcards--we
+                                   ;; want them to be special.  We
+                                   ;; also currently don't quote the
+                                   ;; quoting characters in case
+                                   ;; people want to use them
+                                   ;; explicitly to quote wildcard
+                                   ;; characters.
+                                   (shell-quote-wildcard-pattern pattern))))
+                 ;; SunOS 4.1.3, SVr4 and others need the "." to list the
+                 ;; directory if FILE is a symbolic link.
+                 (apply 'call-process
+                        insert-directory-program nil t nil
+                        (append
+                         (if (listp switches) switches
+                           (unless (equal switches "")
+                             ;; Split the switches at any spaces so we can
+                             ;; pass separate options as separate args.
+                             (split-string switches)))
+                         ;; Avoid lossage if FILE starts with `-'.
+                         '("--")
+                         (progn
+                           (if (string-match "\\`~" file)
+                               (setq file (expand-file-name file)))
+                           (list
+                            (if full-directory-p
+                                (concat (file-name-as-directory file) ".")
+                              file))))))))
+         (if (/= result 0)
+             ;; We get here if `insert-directory-program' failed.
+             ;; On non-Posix systems, we cannot open a directory, so
+             ;; don't even try, because that will always result in
+             ;; the ubiquitous "Access denied".  Instead, show them
+             ;; the `ls' command line and let them guess what went
+             ;; wrong.
+             (if (and (file-directory-p file)
+                      (memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt)))
+                 (error
+                  "Reading directory: \"%s %s -- %s\" exited with status %s"
+                  insert-directory-program
+                  (if (listp switches) (concat switches) switches)
+                  file result)
+               ;; Unix.  Access the file to get a suitable error.
+               (access-file file "Reading directory"))
+           ;; Replace "total" with "used", to avoid confusion.
+           ;; Add in the amount of free space.
+           (save-excursion
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (when (re-search-forward "^total" nil t)
+               (replace-match "used")
+               (end-of-line)
+               (let (available)
+                 (with-temp-buffer
+                   (call-process "df" nil t nil ".")
+                   (goto-char (point-min))
+                   (forward-line 1)
+                   (skip-chars-forward "^ \t")
+                   (forward-word 3)
+                   (let ((end (point)))
+                     (forward-word -1)
+                     (setq available (buffer-substring (point) end))))
+                 (insert " available " available))))))))))
+ (defun insert-directory-safely (file switches
+                                    &optional wildcard full-directory-p)
+   "Insert directory listing for FILE, formatted according to SWITCHES.
+ Like `insert-directory', but if FILE does not exist, it inserts a
+ message to that effect instead of signaling an error."
+   (if (file-exists-p file)
+       (insert-directory file switches wildcard full-directory-p)
+     ;; Simulate the message printed by `ls'.
+     (insert (format "%s: No such file or directory\n" file))))
+ (defvar kill-emacs-query-functions nil
+   "Functions to call with no arguments to query about killing Emacs.
+ If any of these functions returns nil, killing Emacs is cancelled.
+ `save-buffers-kill-emacs' (\\[save-buffers-kill-emacs]) calls these functions,
+ but `kill-emacs', the low level primitive, does not.
+ See also `kill-emacs-hook'.")
+ (defcustom confirm-kill-emacs nil
+   "How to ask for confirmation when leaving Emacs.
+ If nil, the default, don't ask at all.  If the value is non-nil, it should
+ be a predicate function such as `yes-or-no-p'."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Ask with yes-or-no-p" yes-or-no-p)
+                (const :tag "Ask with y-or-n-p" y-or-n-p)
+                (const :tag "Don't confirm" nil))
+   :group 'emacs
+   :version "21.1")
+ (defun save-buffers-kill-emacs (&optional arg)
+   "Offer to save each buffer, then kill this Emacs process.
+ With prefix arg, silently save all file-visiting buffers, then kill."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (save-some-buffers arg t)
+   (and (or (not (memq t (mapcar (function
+                                 (lambda (buf) (and (buffer-file-name buf)
+                                                    (buffer-modified-p buf))))
+                               (buffer-list))))
+          (yes-or-no-p "Modified buffers exist; exit anyway? "))
+        (or (not (fboundp 'process-list))
+          ;; process-list is not defined on VMS.
+          (let ((processes (process-list))
+                active)
+            (while processes
+              (and (memq (process-status (car processes)) '(run stop open))
+                   (let ((val (process-kill-without-query (car processes))))
+                     (process-kill-without-query (car processes) val)
+                     val)
+                   (setq active t))
+              (setq processes (cdr processes)))
+            (or (not active)
+                (list-processes)
+                (yes-or-no-p "Active processes exist; kill them and exit 
anyway? "))))
+        ;; Query the user for other things, perhaps.
+        (run-hook-with-args-until-failure 'kill-emacs-query-functions)
+        (or (null confirm-kill-emacs)
+          (funcall confirm-kill-emacs "Really exit Emacs? "))
+        (kill-emacs)))
+ ;; We use /: as a prefix to "quote" a file name
+ ;; so that magic file name handlers will not apply to it.
+ (setq file-name-handler-alist
+       (cons '("\\`/:" . file-name-non-special)
+           file-name-handler-alist))
+ ;; We depend on being the last handler on the list,
+ ;; so that anything else which does need handling
+ ;; has been handled already.
+ ;; So it is safe for us to inhibit *all* magic file name handlers.
+ (defun file-name-non-special (operation &rest arguments)
+   (let ((file-name-handler-alist nil)
+       (default-directory
+         (if (eq operation 'insert-directory)
+             (directory-file-name
+              (expand-file-name
+               (unhandled-file-name-directory default-directory)))
+           default-directory))
+       ;; Get a list of the indices of the args which are file names.
+       (file-arg-indices
+        (cdr (or (assq operation
+                       ;; The first four are special because they
+                       ;; return a file name.  We want to include the /:
+                       ;; in the return value.
+                       ;; So just avoid stripping it in the first place.
+                       '((expand-file-name . nil)
+                         ;; `identity' means just return the first arg
+                         ;; as stripped of its quoting.
+                         (substitute-in-file-name . identity)
+                         (file-name-directory . nil)
+                         (file-name-as-directory . nil)
+                         (directory-file-name . nil)
+                         (file-name-completion 0 1)
+                         (file-name-all-completions 0 1)
+                         (rename-file 0 1)
+                         (copy-file 0 1)
+                         (make-symbolic-link 0 1)
+                         (add-name-to-file 0 1)))
+                 ;; For all other operations, treat the first argument only
+                 ;; as the file name.
+                 '(nil 0))))
+       ;; Copy ARGUMENTS so we can replace elements in it.
+       (arguments (copy-sequence arguments)))
+     ;; Strip off the /: from the file names that have this handler.
+     (save-match-data
+       (while (consp file-arg-indices)
+       (let ((pair (nthcdr (car file-arg-indices) arguments)))
+         (and (car pair)
+              (string-match "\\`/:" (car pair))
+              (setcar pair
+                      (if (= (length (car pair)) 2)
+                          "/"
+                        (substring (car pair) 2)))))
+       (setq file-arg-indices (cdr file-arg-indices))))
+     (if (eq file-arg-indices 'identity)
+       (car arguments)
+       (apply operation arguments))))
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-f" 'find-file)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-r" 'find-file-read-only)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-v" 'find-alternate-file)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-s" 'save-buffer)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "s" 'save-some-buffers)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-w" 'write-file)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "i" 'insert-file)
+ (define-key esc-map "~" 'not-modified)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-d" 'list-directory)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-c" 'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
+ (define-key ctl-x-4-map "f" 'find-file-other-window)
+ (define-key ctl-x-4-map "r" 'find-file-read-only-other-window)
+ (define-key ctl-x-4-map "\C-f" 'find-file-other-window)
+ (define-key ctl-x-4-map "b" 'switch-to-buffer-other-window)
+ (define-key ctl-x-4-map "\C-o" 'display-buffer)
+ (define-key ctl-x-5-map "b" 'switch-to-buffer-other-frame)
+ (define-key ctl-x-5-map "f" 'find-file-other-frame)
+ (define-key ctl-x-5-map "\C-f" 'find-file-other-frame)
+ (define-key ctl-x-5-map "r" 'find-file-read-only-other-frame)
+ ;;; files.el ends here

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