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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/vc.el

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/vc.el
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 04:57:29 +0000

Index: emacs/lisp/vc.el
diff -u emacs/lisp/vc.el:1.407 emacs/lisp/vc.el:1.408
--- emacs/lisp/vc.el:1.407      Wed Dec 14 20:10:28 2005
+++ emacs/lisp/vc.el    Fri Dec 23 04:57:27 2005
@@ -469,12 +469,12 @@
   :group 'tools)
 (defcustom vc-suppress-confirm nil
-  "*If non-nil, treat user as expert; suppress yes-no prompts on some things."
+  "If non-nil, treat user as expert; suppress yes-no prompts on some things."
   :type 'boolean
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-delete-logbuf-window t
-  "*If non-nil, delete the *VC-log* buffer and window after each logical 
+  "If non-nil, delete the *VC-log* buffer and window after each logical action.
 If nil, bury that buffer instead.
 This is most useful if you have multiple windows on a frame and would like to
 preserve the setting."
@@ -482,12 +482,12 @@
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-initial-comment nil
-  "*If non-nil, prompt for initial comment when a file is registered."
+  "If non-nil, prompt for initial comment when a file is registered."
   :type 'boolean
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-default-init-version "1.1"
-  "*A string used as the default version number when a new file is registered.
+  "A string used as the default version number when a new file is registered.
 This can be overridden by giving a prefix argument to \\[vc-register].  This
 can also be overridden by a particular VC backend."
   :type 'string
@@ -495,12 +495,12 @@
   :version "20.3")
 (defcustom vc-command-messages nil
-  "*If non-nil, display run messages from back-end commands."
+  "If non-nil, display run messages from back-end commands."
   :type 'boolean
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-checkin-switches nil
-  "*A string or list of strings specifying extra switches for checkin.
+  "A string or list of strings specifying extra switches for checkin.
 These are passed to the checkin program by \\[vc-checkin]."
   :type '(choice (const :tag "None" nil)
                 (string :tag "Argument String")
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-checkout-switches nil
-  "*A string or list of strings specifying extra switches for checkout.
+  "A string or list of strings specifying extra switches for checkout.
 These are passed to the checkout program by \\[vc-checkout]."
   :type '(choice (const :tag "None" nil)
                 (string :tag "Argument String")
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-register-switches nil
-  "*A string or list of strings; extra switches for registering a file.
+  "A string or list of strings; extra switches for registering a file.
 These are passed to the checkin program by \\[vc-register]."
   :type '(choice (const :tag "None" nil)
                 (string :tag "Argument String")
@@ -530,30 +530,30 @@
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-dired-listing-switches "-al"
-  "*Switches passed to `ls' for vc-dired.  MUST contain the `l' option."
+  "Switches passed to `ls' for vc-dired.  MUST contain the `l' option."
   :type 'string
   :group 'vc
   :version "21.1")
 (defcustom vc-dired-recurse t
-  "*If non-nil, show directory trees recursively in VC Dired."
+  "If non-nil, show directory trees recursively in VC Dired."
   :type 'boolean
   :group 'vc
   :version "20.3")
 (defcustom vc-dired-terse-display t
-  "*If non-nil, show only locked files in VC Dired."
+  "If non-nil, show only locked files in VC Dired."
   :type 'boolean
   :group 'vc
   :version "20.3")
 (defcustom vc-directory-exclusion-list '("SCCS" "RCS" "CVS" "MCVS" ".svn" 
-  "*List of directory names to be ignored when walking directory trees."
+  "List of directory names to be ignored when walking directory trees."
   :type '(repeat string)
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-diff-switches nil
-  "*A string or list of strings specifying switches for diff under VC.
+  "A string or list of strings specifying switches for diff under VC.
 When running diff under a given BACKEND, VC concatenates the values of
 `diff-switches', `vc-diff-switches', and `vc-BACKEND-diff-switches' to
 get the switches for that command.  Thus, `vc-diff-switches' should
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
   :version "21.1")
 (defcustom vc-allow-async-revert nil
-  "*Specifies whether the diff during \\[vc-revert-buffer] may be asynchronous.
+  "Specifies whether the diff during \\[vc-revert-buffer] may be asynchronous.
 Enabling this option means that you can confirm a revert operation even
 if the local changes in the file have not been found and displayed yet."
   :type '(choice (const :tag "No" nil)
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@
 (defcustom vc-checkout-hook nil
-  "*Normal hook (list of functions) run after checking out a file.
+  "Normal hook (list of functions) run after checking out a file.
 See `run-hooks'."
   :type 'hook
   :group 'vc
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
 (defcustom vc-checkin-hook nil
-  "*Normal hook (list of functions) run after a checkin is done.
+  "Normal hook (list of functions) run after a checkin is done.
 See also `log-edit-done-hook'."
   :type 'hook
   :options '(log-edit-comment-to-change-log)
@@ -603,13 +603,13 @@
 (defcustom vc-before-checkin-hook nil
-  "*Normal hook (list of functions) run before a file is checked in.
+  "Normal hook (list of functions) run before a file is checked in.
 See `run-hooks'."
   :type 'hook
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-logentry-check-hook nil
-  "*Normal hook run by `vc-backend-logentry-check'.
+  "Normal hook run by `vc-backend-logentry-check'.
 Use this to impose your own rules on the entry in addition to any the
 version control backend imposes itself."
   :type 'hook
@@ -634,25 +634,25 @@
     (300. . "#00CCFF")
     (320. . "#00CC99")
     (340. . "#0099FF"))
-  "*Association list of age versus color, for \\[vc-annotate].
+  "Association list of age versus color, for \\[vc-annotate].
 Ages are given in units of fractional days.  Default is eighteen steps
 using a twenty day increment."
   :type 'alist
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-annotate-very-old-color "#0046FF"
-  "*Color for lines older than the current color range in \\[vc-annotate]]."
+  "Color for lines older than the current color range in \\[vc-annotate]]."
   :type 'string
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-annotate-background "black"
-  "*Background color for \\[vc-annotate].
+  "Background color for \\[vc-annotate].
 Default color is used if nil."
   :type 'string
   :group 'vc)
 (defcustom vc-annotate-menu-elements '(2 0.5 0.1 0.01)
-  "*Menu elements for the mode-specific menu of VC-Annotate mode.
+  "Menu elements for the mode-specific menu of VC-Annotate mode.
 List of factors, used to expand/compress the time scale.  See `vc-annotate'."
   :type '(repeat number)
   :group 'vc)
@@ -660,24 +660,23 @@
 (defvar vc-annotate-mode-map
   (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
     (define-key m [menu-bar] (make-sparse-keymap "VC-Annotate"))
+    (define-key m "A" 'vc-annotate-revision-previous-to-line)
+    (define-key m "D" 'vc-annotate-show-diff-revision-at-line)
+    (define-key m "J" 'vc-annotate-revision-at-line)
+    (define-key m "L" 'vc-annotate-show-log-revision-at-line)
+    (define-key m "N" 'vc-annotate-next-version)
+    (define-key m "P" 'vc-annotate-prev-version)
+    (define-key m "W" 'vc-annotate-workfile-version)
   "Local keymap used for VC-Annotate mode.")
-(define-key vc-annotate-mode-map "A" 'vc-annotate-revision-previous-to-line)
-(define-key vc-annotate-mode-map "D" 'vc-annotate-show-diff-revision-at-line)
-(define-key vc-annotate-mode-map "J" 'vc-annotate-revision-at-line)
-(define-key vc-annotate-mode-map "L" 'vc-annotate-show-log-revision-at-line)
-(define-key vc-annotate-mode-map "N" 'vc-annotate-next-version)
-(define-key vc-annotate-mode-map "P" 'vc-annotate-prev-version)
-(define-key vc-annotate-mode-map "W" 'vc-annotate-workfile-version)
 (defvar vc-annotate-mode-menu nil
   "Local keymap used for VC-Annotate mode's menu bar menu.")
 ;; Header-insertion hair
 (defcustom vc-static-header-alist
-  '(("\\.c$" .
+  '(("\\.c\\'" .
      "\n#ifndef lint\nstatic char vcid[] = \"\%s\";\n#endif /* lint */\n"))
   "*Associate static header string templates with file types.
 A \%s in the template is replaced with the first string associated with
@@ -713,9 +712,7 @@
 ;; Variables the user doesn't need to know about.
 (defvar vc-log-operation nil)
 (defvar vc-log-after-operation-hook nil)
-(defvar vc-annotate-buffers nil
-  "Alist of current \"Annotate\" buffers and their corresponding backends.
-The keys are \(BUFFER . BACKEND\).  See also `vc-annotate-get-backend'.")
 ;; In a log entry buffer, this is a local variable
 ;; that points to the buffer for which it was made
 ;; (either a file, or a VC dired buffer).
@@ -1367,6 +1364,8 @@
 ;; These functions help the vc-next-action entry point
+(defun vc-default-init-version (backend) vc-default-init-version)
 (defun vc-register (&optional set-version comment)
   "Register the current file into a version control system.
@@ -1398,10 +1397,8 @@
                   (if set-version
                       (read-string (format "Initial version level for %s: "
-                   (let ((backend (vc-responsible-backend buffer-file-name)))
-                     (if (vc-find-backend-function backend 'init-version)
-                         (vc-call-backend backend 'init-version)
-                       vc-default-init-version)))
+                   (vc-call-backend (vc-responsible-backend buffer-file-name)
+                                    'init-version))
                   (or comment (not vc-initial-comment))
                   "Enter initial comment."
@@ -1937,24 +1934,19 @@
       (if (or (not (vc-check-headers))
              (y-or-n-p "Version headers already exist.  Insert another set? "))
-         (progn
-           (let* ((delims (cdr (assq major-mode vc-comment-alist)))
-                  (comment-start-vc (or (car delims) comment-start "#"))
-                  (comment-end-vc (or (car (cdr delims)) comment-end ""))
-                  (hdsym (vc-make-backend-sym (vc-backend buffer-file-name)
-                                              'header))
-                  (hdstrings (and (boundp hdsym) (symbol-value hdsym))))
-             (mapcar (lambda (s)
-                       (insert comment-start-vc "\t" s "\t"
-                               comment-end-vc "\n"))
-                     hdstrings)
-             (if vc-static-header-alist
-                 (mapcar (lambda (f)
-                           (if (string-match (car f) buffer-file-name)
-                               (insert (format (cdr f) (car hdstrings)))))
-                         vc-static-header-alist))
-             )
-           )))))
+          (let* ((delims (cdr (assq major-mode vc-comment-alist)))
+                 (comment-start-vc (or (car delims) comment-start "#"))
+                 (comment-end-vc (or (car (cdr delims)) comment-end ""))
+                 (hdsym (vc-make-backend-sym (vc-backend buffer-file-name)
+                                             'header))
+                 (hdstrings (and (boundp hdsym) (symbol-value hdsym))))
+            (dolist (s hdstrings)
+              (insert comment-start-vc "\t" s "\t"
+                      comment-end-vc "\n"))
+            (if vc-static-header-alist
+                (dolist (f vc-static-header-alist)
+                  (if (string-match (car f) buffer-file-name)
+                      (insert (format (cdr f) (car hdstrings)))))))))))
 (defun vc-clear-headers (&optional file)
   "Clear all version headers in the current buffer (or FILE).
@@ -2897,8 +2889,7 @@
                                           (concat odefault f))))
-                    (pop-to-buffer
-                     (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*vc*")))
+                    (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*vc*"))
                     (insert-file-contents tempfile)
@@ -2913,9 +2904,9 @@
 ;; annotate-mode, which replaces it with the more sensible "span-to
 ;; days", along with autoscaling support.
 (defvar vc-annotate-ratio nil "Global variable.")
-(defvar vc-annotate-backend nil "Global variable.")
 ;; internal buffer-local variables
+(defvar vc-annotate-backend nil)
 (defvar vc-annotate-parent-file nil)
 (defvar vc-annotate-parent-rev nil)
 (defvar vc-annotate-parent-display-mode nil)
@@ -2924,12 +2915,6 @@
   ;; The fontification is done by vc-annotate-lines instead of font-lock.
-(defun vc-annotate-get-backend (buffer)
-  "Return the backend matching \"Annotate\" buffer BUFFER.
-Return nil if no match made.  Associations are made based on
-  (cdr (assoc buffer vc-annotate-buffers)))
 (define-derived-mode vc-annotate-mode fundamental-mode "Annotate"
   "Major mode for output buffers of the `vc-annotate' command.
@@ -2939,8 +2924,7 @@
   (set (make-local-variable 'truncate-lines) t)
   (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
        '(vc-annotate-font-lock-keywords t))
-  (view-mode 1)
-  (vc-annotate-add-menu))
+  (view-mode 1))
 (defun vc-annotate-display-default (&optional ratio)
   "Display the output of \\[vc-annotate] using the default color range.
@@ -2987,70 +2971,48 @@
               (format "Spanned to %.1f days old" (- current oldest))))))
 ;; Menu -- Using easymenu.el
-(defun vc-annotate-add-menu ()
-  "Add the menu 'Annotate' to the menu bar in VC-Annotate mode."
-  (let ((menu-elements vc-annotate-menu-elements)
-       (menu-def
-        '("VC-Annotate"
-          ["Default" (unless (null vc-annotate-display-mode)
-                       (setq vc-annotate-display-mode nil)
-                       (vc-annotate-display-select))
-           :style toggle :selected (null vc-annotate-display-mode)]))
-       (oldest-in-map (vc-annotate-car-last-cons vc-annotate-color-map)))
-    (while menu-elements
-      (let* ((element (car menu-elements))
-            (days (* element oldest-in-map)))
-       (setq menu-elements (cdr menu-elements))
-       (setq menu-def
-             (append menu-def
-                     `([,(format "Span %.1f days" days)
-                        (unless (and (numberp vc-annotate-display-mode)
-                                     (= vc-annotate-display-mode ,days))
-                          (vc-annotate-display-select nil ,days))
-                        :style toggle :selected
-                        (and (numberp vc-annotate-display-mode)
-                             (= vc-annotate-display-mode ,days)) ])))))
-    (setq menu-def
-         (append menu-def
-                 (list
-                  ["Span ..."
-                   (let ((days
-                          (float (string-to-number
-                                  (read-string "Span how many days? ")))))
-                     (vc-annotate-display-select nil days)) t])
-                 (list "--")
-                 (list
-                  ["Span to Oldest"
-                   (unless (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'scale)
-                     (vc-annotate-display-select nil 'scale))
-                   :style toggle :selected
-                   (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'scale)])
-                 (list
-                  ["Span Oldest->Newest"
-                   (unless (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'fullscale)
-                     (vc-annotate-display-select nil 'fullscale))
-                   :style toggle :selected
-                   (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'fullscale)])
-                 (list "--")
-                 (list ["Annotate previous revision"
-                        (call-interactively 'vc-annotate-prev-version)])
-                 (list ["Annotate next revision"
-                        (call-interactively 'vc-annotate-next-version)])
-                 (list ["Annotate revision at line"
-                        (vc-annotate-revision-at-line)])
-                 (list ["Annotate revision previous to line"
-                        (vc-annotate-revision-previous-to-line)])
-                 (list ["Annotate latest revision"
-                        (vc-annotate-workfile-version)])
-                 (list ["Show log of revision at line"
-                        (vc-annotate-show-log-revision-at-line)])
-                 (list ["Show diff of revision at line"
-                        (vc-annotate-show-diff-revision-at-line)])))
-    ;; Define the menu
-    (if (or (featurep 'easymenu) (load "easymenu" t))
-       (easy-menu-define vc-annotate-mode-menu vc-annotate-mode-map
-                         "VC Annotate Display Menu" menu-def))))
+(easy-menu-define vc-annotate-mode-menu vc-annotate-mode-map
+  "VC Annotate Display Menu"
+  `("VC-Annotate"
+    ["Default" (unless (null vc-annotate-display-mode)
+                 (setq vc-annotate-display-mode nil)
+                 (vc-annotate-display-select))
+     :style toggle :selected (null vc-annotate-display-mode)]
+    ,@(let ((oldest-in-map (vc-annotate-car-last-cons vc-annotate-color-map)))
+        (mapcar (lambda (element)
+                  (let ((days (* element oldest-in-map)))
+                    `([,(format "Span %.1f days" days)
+                       (unless (and (numberp vc-annotate-display-mode)
+                                    (= vc-annotate-display-mode ,days))
+                         (vc-annotate-display-select nil ,days))
+                       :style toggle :selected
+                       (and (numberp vc-annotate-display-mode)
+                            (= vc-annotate-display-mode ,days)) ])))
+                vc-annotate-menu-elements))
+    ["Span ..."
+     (let ((days
+            (float (string-to-number
+                    (read-string "Span how many days? ")))))
+       (vc-annotate-display-select nil days)) t]
+    "--"
+    ["Span to Oldest"
+     (unless (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'scale)
+       (vc-annotate-display-select nil 'scale))
+     :style toggle :selected
+     (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'scale)]
+    ["Span Oldest->Newest"
+     (unless (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'fullscale)
+       (vc-annotate-display-select nil 'fullscale))
+     :style toggle :selected
+     (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'fullscale)]
+    "--"
+    ["Annotate previous revision" vc-annotate-prev-version]
+    ["Annotate next revision" vc-annotate-next-version]
+    ["Annotate revision at line" vc-annotate-revision-at-line]
+    ["Annotate revision previous to line" 
+    ["Annotate latest revision" vc-annotate-workfile-version]
+    ["Show log of revision at line" vc-annotate-show-log-revision-at-line]
+    ["Show diff of revision at line" vc-annotate-show-diff-revision-at-line]))
 (defun vc-annotate-display-select (&optional buffer mode)
   "Highlight the output of \\[vc-annotate].
@@ -3083,7 +3045,7 @@
 ;;;;  the contents in BUFFER.
-(defun vc-annotate (prefix &optional revision display-mode)
+(defun vc-annotate (file rev &optional display-mode buf)
   "Display the edit history of the current file using colors.
 This command creates a buffer that shows, for each line of the current
@@ -3108,48 +3070,44 @@
 mode-specific menu. `vc-annotate-color-map' and
 `vc-annotate-very-old-color' defines the mapping of time to
 colors. `vc-annotate-background' specifies the background color."
-  (interactive "P")
+  (interactive
+   (save-current-buffer
+     (vc-ensure-vc-buffer)
+     (list buffer-file-name
+          (let ((def (vc-workfile-version buffer-file-name)))
+            (if (null current-prefix-arg) def
+              (read-string
+               (format "Annotate from version (default %s): " def)
+               nil nil def)))
+          (if (null current-prefix-arg)
+              vc-annotate-display-mode
+            (float (string-to-number
+                    (read-string "Annotate span days (default 20): "
+                                 nil nil "20")))))))
-  (let* ((temp-buffer-name nil)
-         (temp-buffer-show-function 'vc-annotate-display-select)
-        (rev (or revision (vc-workfile-version buffer-file-name)))
-        (bfn buffer-file-name)
-         (vc-annotate-version
-         (if prefix (read-string
-                     (format "Annotate from version (default %s): " rev)
-                     nil nil rev)
-           rev)))
-    (if display-mode
-       (setq vc-annotate-display-mode display-mode)
-      (if prefix
-         (setq vc-annotate-display-mode
-               (float (string-to-number
-                       (read-string "Annotate span days (default 20): "
-                                    nil nil "20"))))))
-    (setq temp-buffer-name (format "*Annotate %s (rev %s)*"
-                                  (buffer-name) vc-annotate-version))
-    (setq vc-annotate-backend (vc-backend buffer-file-name))
+  (setq vc-annotate-display-mode display-mode) ;Not sure why.  --Stef
+  (let* ((temp-buffer-name (format "*Annotate %s (rev %s)*" (buffer-name) rev))
+         (temp-buffer-show-function 'vc-annotate-display-select))
     (message "Annotating...")
+    ;; If BUF is specified it tells in which buffer we should put the
+    ;; annotations.  This is used when switching annotations to another
+    ;; revision, so we should update the buffer's name.
+    (if buf (with-current-buffer buf
+             (rename-buffer temp-buffer-name t)
+             ;; In case it had to be uniquified.
+             (setq temp-buffer-name (buffer-name))))
     (if (not (vc-find-backend-function vc-annotate-backend 'annotate-command))
        (error "Sorry, annotating is not implemented for %s"
     (with-output-to-temp-buffer temp-buffer-name
-      (vc-call-backend vc-annotate-backend 'annotate-command
-                      buffer-file-name
-                      (get-buffer temp-buffer-name)
-                       vc-annotate-version))
-    (save-excursion
-      (set-buffer temp-buffer-name)
-      (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-parent-file) bfn)
-      (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-parent-rev) vc-annotate-version)
+      (vc-call annotate-command file (get-buffer temp-buffer-name) rev))
+    (with-current-buffer temp-buffer-name
+      (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-backend) (vc-backend file))
+      (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-parent-file) file)
+      (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-parent-rev) rev)
       (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-parent-display-mode)
-          vc-annotate-display-mode))
+          display-mode))
-    ;; Don't use the temp-buffer-name until the buffer is created
-    ;; (only after `with-output-to-temp-buffer'.)
-    (setq vc-annotate-buffers
-         (append vc-annotate-buffers
-                 (list (cons (get-buffer temp-buffer-name) 
   (message "Annotating... done")))
 (defun vc-annotate-prev-version (prefix)
@@ -3274,20 +3232,16 @@
        ((stringp revspec) (setq newrev revspec))
        (t (error "Invalid argument to vc-annotate-warp-version")))
       (when newrev
-       (save-window-excursion
-         (find-file vc-annotate-parent-file)
-         (vc-annotate nil newrev vc-annotate-parent-display-mode))
-       (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) ;; kill the buffer we started from
-       (switch-to-buffer (car (car (last vc-annotate-buffers))))
+       (vc-annotate vc-annotate-parent-file newrev
+                     vc-annotate-parent-display-mode
+                     (current-buffer))
        (goto-line (min oldline (progn (goto-char (point-max))
 (defun vc-annotate-car-last-cons (a-list)
   "Return car of last cons in association list A-LIST."
-  (if (not (eq nil (cdr a-list)))
-      (vc-annotate-car-last-cons (cdr a-list))
-    (car (car a-list))))
+  (caar (last a-list)))
 (defun vc-annotate-time-span (a-list span &optional quantize)
   "Apply factor SPAN to the time-span of association list A-LIST.

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