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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/cus-edit.el

From: Chong Yidong
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/cus-edit.el
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2006 15:56:09 +0000

Index: emacs/lisp/cus-edit.el
diff -u emacs/lisp/cus-edit.el:1.268 emacs/lisp/cus-edit.el:1.269
--- emacs/lisp/cus-edit.el:1.268        Wed Jan  4 02:52:41 2006
+++ emacs/lisp/cus-edit.el      Wed Jan  4 15:56:08 2006
@@ -768,8 +768,8 @@
     (message "Aborted")))
 (defvar custom-reset-menu
-  '(("Current" . Custom-reset-current)
-    ("Saved" . Custom-reset-saved)
+  '(("Show current settings" . Custom-reset-current)
+    ("Show saved settings" . Custom-reset-saved)
     ("Erase Customization (use standard values)" . Custom-reset-standard))
   "Alist of actions for the `Reset' button.
 The key is a string containing the name of the action, the value is a
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@
 (defun custom-reset (event)
   "Select item from reset menu."
   (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
-        (answer (widget-choose "Reset to"
+        (answer (widget-choose "Reset buffer"
     (if answer
@@ -1456,50 +1456,39 @@
                                 "Square brackets indicate")))
        (widget-create 'info-link
                       :tag "Custom file"
+                      :button-face 'custom-link
+                      :mouse-face 'highlight
                       "(emacs)Saving Customizations")
         " for information on how to save in a different file.\n
 See ")
        (widget-create 'info-link
                       :tag "Help"
+                      :button-face 'custom-link
+                      :mouse-face 'highlight
                       :help-echo "Read the online help."
                       "(emacs)Easy Customization")
        (widget-insert " for more information.\n\n")
        (widget-insert "Operate on everything in this buffer:\n "))
     (widget-insert " "))
-  (widget-create 'push-button
-                :tag "Set for Current Session"
-                :help-echo "\
-Make your editing in this buffer take effect for this session."
-                :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
-                          (Custom-set)))
-  (when (or custom-file user-init-file)
-    (widget-insert " ")
-    (widget-create 'push-button
-                  :tag "Save for Future Sessions"
-                  :help-echo "\
-Make your editing in this buffer take effect for future Emacs sessions.
-This updates your Emacs initialization file or creates a new one."
-                  :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
-                            (Custom-save))))
   (if custom-reset-button-menu
        (widget-insert " ")
        (widget-create 'push-button
-                      :tag "Reset"
+                      :tag "Reset buffer"
                       :help-echo "Show a menu with reset operations."
                       :mouse-down-action (lambda (&rest junk) t)
                       :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
                                 (custom-reset event))))
     (widget-insert "\n ")
     (widget-create 'push-button
-                  :tag "Reset to Current"
+                  :tag "Show Current Settings"
                   :help-echo "\
 Reset all edited text in this buffer to reflect current values."
                   :action 'Custom-reset-current)
     (widget-insert " ")
     (widget-create 'push-button
-                  :tag "Reset to Saved"
+                  :tag "Show Saved Settings"
                   :help-echo "\
 Reset all settings in this buffer to their saved values."
                   :action 'Custom-reset-saved)
@@ -1510,13 +1499,31 @@
                     :help-echo "\
 Un-customize all settings in this buffer--save them with standard values."
                     :action 'Custom-reset-standard)))
+  (widget-insert "\n ")
+  (widget-create 'push-button
+                :tag "Set for Current Session"
+                :help-echo "\
+Make your editing in this buffer take effect for this session."
+                :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
+                          (Custom-set)))
   (if (not custom-buffer-verbose-help)
        (widget-insert " ")
        (widget-create 'info-link
                       :tag "Help"
+                      :button-face 'custom-link
+                      :mouse-face 'highlight
                       :help-echo "Read the online help."
                       "(emacs)Easy Customization")))
+  (when (or custom-file user-init-file)
+    (widget-insert " ")
+    (widget-create 'push-button
+                  :tag "Save for Future Sessions"
+                  :help-echo "\
+Make your editing in this buffer take effect for future Emacs sessions.
+This updates your Emacs initialization file or creates a new one."
+                  :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
+                            (Custom-save))))
   (widget-insert "   ")
   (widget-create 'push-button
                 :tag "Finish"
@@ -1701,6 +1708,8 @@
 (define-widget 'custom-manual 'info-link
   "Link to the manual entry for this customization option."
   :help-echo "Read the manual entry for this option."
+  :button-face 'custom-link
+  :mouse-face 'highlight
   :tag "Manual")
 ;;; The `custom-magic' Widget.
@@ -2045,6 +2054,17 @@
 ;; backward-compatibility alias
 (put 'custom-state-face 'face-alias 'custom-state)
+(defface custom-link
+  '((((min-colors 88)
+      (class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue1" :underline t)
+    (((class color) (background light)) :foreground "blue" :underline t)
+    (((min-colors 88)
+      (class color) (background dark)) :foreground "cyan1" :underline t)
+    (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "cyan" :underline t)
+    (t :underline t))
+  "Face for Info links in customization buffers."
+  :group 'info)
 (define-widget 'custom 'default
   "Customize a user option."
   :format "%v"
@@ -2601,41 +2621,42 @@
   (get (widget-value widget) 'standard-value))
 (defvar custom-variable-menu
-  `(("Set for Current Session" custom-variable-set
-     (lambda (widget)
-       (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'modified)))
-    ,@(when (or custom-file user-init-file)
-       '(("Save for Future Sessions" custom-variable-save
-          (lambda (widget)
-            (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set changed 
-    ("Reset to Current" custom-redraw
+  `(("Show current value" custom-redraw
      (lambda (widget)
        (and (default-boundp (widget-value widget))
            (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified changed)))))
-    ("Reset to Saved" custom-variable-reset-saved
+    ("Show saved value" custom-variable-reset-saved
      (lambda (widget)
        (and (or (get (widget-value widget) 'saved-value)
                (get (widget-value widget) 'saved-variable-comment))
            (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state)
                  '(modified set changed rogue)))))
-    ,@(when (or custom-file user-init-file)
-       '(("Erase Customization" custom-variable-reset-standard
-          (lambda (widget)
-            (and (get (widget-value widget) 'standard-value)
-                 (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state)
-                       '(modified set changed saved rogue)))))))
-    ("Use Backup Value" custom-variable-reset-backup
+    ("Show backup value" custom-variable-reset-backup
      (lambda (widget)
        (get (widget-value widget) 'backup-value)))
     ("---" ignore ignore)
-    ("Add Comment" custom-comment-show custom-comment-invisible-p)
-    ("---" ignore ignore)
-    ("Don't show as Lisp expression" custom-variable-edit
+    ("Add comment" custom-comment-show custom-comment-invisible-p)
+    ("Show value widget" custom-variable-edit
      (lambda (widget)
        (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'lisp)))
-    ("Show initial Lisp expression" custom-variable-edit-lisp
+    ("Show Lisp expression" custom-variable-edit-lisp
      (lambda (widget)
-       (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'edit))))
+       (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'edit)))
+    ("---" ignore ignore)
+    ,@(when (or custom-file user-init-file)
+       '(("Erase customization" custom-variable-reset-standard
+          (lambda (widget)
+            (and (get (widget-value widget) 'standard-value)
+                 (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state)
+                       '(modified set changed saved rogue)))))))
+    ("Set for current session" custom-variable-set
+     (lambda (widget)
+       (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'modified)))
+    ,@(when (or custom-file user-init-file)
+       '(("Save for future sessions" custom-variable-save
+          (lambda (widget)
+            (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state)
+                  '(modified set changed rogue)))))))
   "Alist of actions for the `custom-variable' widget.
 Each entry has the form (NAME ACTION FILTER) where NAME is the name of
 the menu entry, ACTION is the function to call on the widget when the
@@ -3273,29 +3294,29 @@
             (message "Creating face editor...done"))))))
 (defvar custom-face-menu
-  `(("Set for Current Session" custom-face-set)
-    ,@(when (or custom-file user-init-file)
-       '(("Save for Future Sessions" custom-face-save-command)))
-    ("Reset to Saved" custom-face-reset-saved
+  `(("Show saved face" custom-face-reset-saved
      (lambda (widget)
        (or (get (widget-value widget) 'saved-face)
           (get (widget-value widget) 'saved-face-comment))))
-    ,@(when (or custom-file user-init-file)
-       '(("Erase Customization" custom-face-reset-standard
-          (lambda (widget)
-            (get (widget-value widget) 'face-defface-spec)))))
-    ("---" ignore ignore)
-    ("Add Comment" custom-comment-show custom-comment-invisible-p)
     ("---" ignore ignore)
-    ("Show all display specs" custom-face-edit-all
+    ("Add comment" custom-comment-show custom-comment-invisible-p)
+    ("Show all attributes" custom-face-edit-all
      (lambda (widget)
        (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'all))))
-    ("Just current attributes" custom-face-edit-selected
+    ("Show current attributes" custom-face-edit-selected
      (lambda (widget)
        (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'selected))))
-    ("Show as Lisp expression" custom-face-edit-lisp
+    ("Show Lisp expression" custom-face-edit-lisp
      (lambda (widget)
-       (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'lisp)))))
+       (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-form) 'lisp))))
+    ("---" ignore ignore)
+    ,@(when (or custom-file user-init-file)
+       '(("Erase customization" custom-face-reset-standard
+          (lambda (widget)
+            (get (widget-value widget) 'face-defface-spec)))))
+    ("Set for current session" custom-face-set)
+    ,@(when (or custom-file user-init-file)
+       '(("Save for future sessions" custom-face-save-command))))
   "Alist of actions for the `custom-face' widget.
 Each entry has the form (NAME ACTION FILTER) where NAME is the name of
 the menu entry, ACTION is the function to call on the widget when the
@@ -3869,23 +3890,24 @@
           (insert "/\n")))))
 (defvar custom-group-menu
-  `(("Set for Current Session" custom-group-set
-     (lambda (widget)
-       (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'modified)))
-    ,@(when (or custom-file user-init-file)
-       '(("Save for Future Sessions" custom-group-save
-          (lambda (widget)
-            (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set))))))
-    ("Reset to Current" custom-group-reset-current
+  `(("Show current settings" custom-group-reset-current
      (lambda (widget)
        (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified))))
-    ("Reset to Saved" custom-group-reset-saved
+    ("Show saved settings" custom-group-reset-saved
      (lambda (widget)
        (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set))))
     ,@(when (or custom-file user-init-file)
-       '(("Reset to standard setting" custom-group-reset-standard
+       '(("Show standard settings" custom-group-reset-standard
+          (lambda (widget)
+            (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set saved))))))
+    ("---" ignore ignore)
+    ("Set for current session" custom-group-set
+     (lambda (widget)
+       (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'modified)))
+    ,@(when (or custom-file user-init-file)
+       '(("Save for future sessions" custom-group-save
           (lambda (widget)
-            (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set saved)))))))
+            (memq (widget-get widget :custom-state) '(modified set)))))))
   "Alist of actions for the `custom-group' widget.
 Each entry has the form (NAME ACTION FILTER) where NAME is the name of
 the menu entry, ACTION is the function to call on the widget when the
@@ -4342,9 +4364,9 @@
     ,(customize-menu-create 'customize)
     ["Set" Custom-set t]
     ["Save" Custom-save t]
-    ["Reset to Current" Custom-reset-current t]
-    ["Reset to Saved" Custom-reset-saved t]
-    ["Reset to Standard Values" Custom-reset-standard t]
+    ["Show current settings" Custom-reset-current t]
+    ["Show saved settings" Custom-reset-saved t]
+    ["Erase customizations" Custom-reset-standard t]
     ["Info" (info "(emacs)Easy Customization") t]))
 (defun Custom-goto-parent ()

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