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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/spam.el

From: Reiner Steib
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/spam.el
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 21:42:22 +0000

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/spam.el
diff -u emacs/lisp/gnus/spam.el:1.14 emacs/lisp/gnus/spam.el:1.15
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/spam.el:1.14        Sun Jan  8 21:29:46 2006
+++ emacs/lisp/gnus/spam.el     Thu Jan 19 21:42:22 2006
@@ -467,14 +467,28 @@
   "Logical exclusive `or'."
   (and (or a b) (not (and a b))))
+(defun spam-group-ham-mark-p (group mark &optional spam)
+  (when (stringp group)
+    (let* ((marks (spam-group-ham-marks group spam))
+          (marks (if (symbolp mark)
+                     marks
+                   (mapcar 'symbol-value marks))))
+      (memq mark marks))))
+(defun spam-group-spam-mark-p (group mark)
+  (spam-group-ham-mark-p group mark t))
 (defun spam-group-ham-marks (group &optional spam)
   (when (stringp group)
-    (let ((marks (car (if spam
-                         (gnus-parameter-spam-marks group)
-                       (gnus-parameter-ham-marks group)))))
-      (if (listp (car marks))
-         (car marks)
-       marks))))
+    (let* ((marks (if spam
+                     (gnus-parameter-spam-marks group)
+                   (gnus-parameter-ham-marks group)))
+          (marks (car marks))
+          (marks (if (listp (car marks)) (car marks) marks)))
+      marks)))
+(defun spam-group-spam-marks (group)
+  (spam-group-ham-marks group t))
 (defun spam-group-spam-contents-p (group)
   (if (stringp group)
@@ -1036,12 +1050,23 @@
       (nth 2 flist))))
 (defun spam-list-articles (articles classification)
-  (let ((marks (mapcar 'eval (spam-group-ham-marks gnus-newsgroup-name
-                                                  (eq classification 'spam))))
-       list)
+  (let ((mark-check (if (eq classification 'spam)
+                       'spam-group-spam-mark-p
+                     'spam-group-ham-mark-p))
+       list mark-cache-yes mark-cache-no)
     (dolist (article articles)
-      (if (memq (gnus-summary-article-mark article) marks)
-         (push article list)))
+      (let ((mark (gnus-summary-article-mark article)))
+       (unless (memq mark mark-cache-no)
+         (if (memq mark mark-cache-yes)
+             (push article list)
+           ;; else, we have to actually check the mark
+           (if (funcall mark-check
+                        gnus-newsgroup-name
+                        mark)
+               (progn
+                 (push article list)
+                 (push mark mark-cache-yes))
+             (push mark mark-cache-no))))))
 (defun spam-register-routine (classification

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