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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 21:42:24 +0000

Index: emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el
diff -u emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el:1.13 emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el:1.14
--- emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el:1.13        Wed Feb  8 17:36:36 2006
+++ emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el     Sat Feb 11 21:42:23 2006
@@ -195,6 +195,12 @@
   :type '(repeat string)
   :group 'rcirc)
+(defcustom rcirc-nick-abbrevs nil
+  "List of short replacements for printing nicks."
+  :type '(alist :key-type (string :tag "Nick")
+               :value-type (string :tag "Abbrev"))
+  :group 'rcirc)
 (defvar rcirc-ignore-list-automatic ()
   "List of ignored nicks added to `rcirc-ignore-list' because of renaming.
 When an ignored person renames, their nick is added to both lists.
@@ -480,6 +486,11 @@
   (with-rcirc-process-buffer process
+(defun rcirc-abbrev-nick (nick)
+  "If NICK has an entry in `rcirc-nick-abbrevs', return its abbreviation,
+otherwise return NICK."
+  (or (cdr (assoc nick rcirc-nick-abbrevs)) nick))
 (defvar rcirc-max-message-length 450
   "Messages longer than this value will be split.")
@@ -895,48 +906,112 @@
       (process-buffer process))))
+(defcustom rcirc-response-formats
+  '(("PRIVMSG" . "%T<%n> %m")
+    ("NOTICE"  . "%T-%n- %m")
+    ("ACTION"  . "%T[%n] %m")
+    ("COMMAND" . "%T%m")
+    ("ERROR"   . "%T%fw!!! %m")
+    (t         . "%T%fp*** %fs%n %r %m"))
+  "An alist of formats used for printing responses.
+The format is looked up using the response-type as a key;
+if no match is found, the default entry (with a key of `t') is used.
+The entry's value part should be a string, which is inserted with
+the of the following escape sequences replaced by the described values:
+  %m        The message text
+  %n        The sender's nick (with face `rcirc-my-nick' or `rcirc-other-nick')
+  %r        The response-type
+  %T        The timestamp (with face `rcirc-timestamp')
+  %t        The target
+  %fw       Following text uses the face `font-lock-warning-face'
+  %fp       Following text uses the face `rcirc-server-prefix'
+  %fs       Following text uses the face `rcirc-server'
+  %f[FACE]  Following text uses the face FACE
+  %f-        Following text uses the default face
+  %%        A literal `%' character
+  :type '(alist :key-type (choice (string :tag "Type")
+                                 (const :tag "Default" t))
+               :value-type string)
+  :group 'rcirc)
 (defun rcirc-format-response-string (process sender response target text)
-  (concat (rcirc-facify (format-time-string rcirc-time-format (current-time))
-                       'rcirc-timestamp)
-          (cond ((or (string= response "PRIVMSG")
-                     (string= response "NOTICE")
-                     (string= response "ACTION"))
-                 (let (first middle end)
-                   (cond ((string= response "PRIVMSG")
-                          (setq first "<" middle "> "))
-                         ((string= response "NOTICE")
-                         (when sender
-                           (setq first "-" middle "- ")))
-                         (t
-                          (setq first "[" middle " " end "]")))
-                   (concat first
-                           (rcirc-facify (concat
-                                         sender
-                                         (when target (concat "," target)))
-                                         (if (string= sender
-                                                      (rcirc-nick process))
-                                             'rcirc-my-nick
-                                           'rcirc-other-nick))
-                          middle
-                          (rcirc-mangle-text process text)
-                           end)))
-                ((string= response "COMMAND")
-                 text)
-                ((string= response "ERROR")
-                 (propertize (concat "!!! " text)
-                            'face 'font-lock-warning-face))
-                (t
-                 (rcirc-mangle-text
-                  process
-                 (concat (rcirc-facify "*** " 'rcirc-server-prefix)
-                         (rcirc-facify
-                          (concat
-                           (when (not (string= sender (rcirc-server process)))
-                             (concat sender " "))
-                           (when (zerop (string-to-number response))
-                             (concat response " "))
-                           text)
-                          'rcirc-server)))))))
+  "Return a nicely-formatted response string, incorporating TEXT
+\(and perhaps other arguments).  The specific formatting used
+is found by looking up RESPONSE in `rcirc-response-formats'."
+  (let ((chunks
+        (split-string (or (cdr (assoc response rcirc-response-formats))
+                          (cdr (assq t rcirc-response-formats)))
+                      "%"))
+       (result "")
+       (face nil)
+       key face-key repl)
+    (when (equal (car chunks) "")
+      (pop chunks))
+    (dolist (chunk chunks)
+      (if (equal chunk "")
+         (setq key ?%)
+       (setq key (aref chunk 0))
+       (setq chunk (substring chunk 1)))
+      (setq repl
+           (cond ((eq key ?%)
+                  ;; %% -- literal % character ;
+                  "%")
+                 ((eq key ?n)
+                  ;; %n -- nick        ;
+                  (rcirc-facify (concat (rcirc-abbrev-nick sender)
+                                        (and target (concat "," target)))
+                                (if (string= sender (rcirc-nick process))
+                                    'rcirc-my-nick
+                                  'rcirc-other-nick)))
+                 ((eq key ?T)
+                  ;; %T -- timestamp   ;
+                  (rcirc-facify
+                   (format-time-string rcirc-time-format (current-time))
+                   'rcirc-timestamp))
+                 ((eq key ?m)
+                  ;; %m -- message text ;
+                  ;; We add the text property `rcirc-text' to identify this ;
+                  ;; as the body text. ;
+                  (propertize
+                   (rcirc-mangle-text process (rcirc-facify text face))
+                   'rcirc-text text))
+                 ((eq key ?t)
+                  ;; %t -- target      ;
+                  (rcirc-facify (or rcirc-target "") face))
+                 ((eq key ?r)
+                  ;; %r -- response    ;
+                  (rcirc-facify response face))
+                 ((eq key ?f)
+                  ;; %f -- change face ;
+                  (setq face-key (aref chunk 0))
+                  (cond ((eq face-key ?w)
+                         ;; %fw -- warning face ;
+                         (setq face 'font-lock-warning-face))
+                        ((eq face-key ?p)
+                         ;; %fp -- server-prefix face ;
+                         (setq face 'rcirc-server-prefix))
+                        ((eq face-key ?s)
+                         ;; %fs -- warning face ;
+                         (setq face 'rcirc-server))
+                        ((eq face-key ?-)
+                         ;; %fs -- warning face ;
+                         (setq face nil))
+                        ((and (eq face-key ?\[)
+                              (string-match "^[[]\\([^]]*\\)[]]" chunk)
+                              (facep (match-string 1 chunk)))
+                         ;; %f[...] -- named face ;
+                         (setq face (intern (match-string 1 chunk)))
+                         (setq chunk (substring chunk (match-end 1)))))
+                  (setq chunk (substring chunk 1))
+                  "")
+                 (t
+                  ;; just insert the key literally ;
+                  (rcirc-facify (substring chunk 0 1) face))))
+      (setq result (concat result repl (rcirc-facify chunk face))))
+    result))
 (defun rcirc-target-buffer (process sender response target text)
   "Return a buffer to print the server response."
@@ -988,38 +1063,31 @@
          (goto-char rcirc-prompt-start-marker)
          (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-start-marker t)
          (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-end-marker t)
-         (insert
-          (rcirc-format-response-string process sender response nil text)
-          (propertize "\n" 'hard t))
-         (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-start-marker nil)
-         (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-end-marker nil)
-         ;; fill the text we just inserted, maybe
-         (when (and rcirc-fill-flag
-                    (not (string= response "372"))) ;/motd
-           (let ((fill-prefix
-                  (or rcirc-fill-prefix
-                      (make-string
-                       (+ (if rcirc-time-format
-                              (length (format-time-string
-                                       rcirc-time-format))
-                            0)
-                          (cond ((or (string= response "PRIVMSG")
-                                     (string= response "NOTICE"))
-                                 (+ (length sender)
-                                    2)) ; <>
-                                ((string= response "ACTION")
-                                 (+ (length sender)
-                                    1))        ; [
-                                (t 3))         ; ***
-                          1)
-                       ?\s)))
-                 (fill-column (cond ((eq rcirc-fill-column 'frame-width)
-                                     (1- (frame-width)))
-                                    (rcirc-fill-column
-                                     rcirc-fill-column)
-                                    (t fill-column))))
-             (fill-region fill-start rcirc-prompt-start-marker 'left t)))
+         (let ((fmted-text
+                (rcirc-format-response-string process sender response nil
+                                              text)))
+           (insert fmted-text (propertize "\n" 'hard t))
+           (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-start-marker nil)
+           (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-end-marker nil)
+           ;; fill the text we just inserted, maybe
+           (when (and rcirc-fill-flag
+                      (not (string= response "372"))) ;/motd
+             (let ((fill-prefix
+                    (or rcirc-fill-prefix
+                        (make-string
+                         (or (next-single-property-change 0 'rcirc-text
+                                                          fmted-text)
+                             8)
+                         ?\s)))
+                   (fill-column (cond ((eq rcirc-fill-column 'frame-width)
+                                       (1- (frame-width)))
+                                      (rcirc-fill-column
+                                       rcirc-fill-column)
+                                      (t fill-column))))
+               (fill-region fill-start rcirc-prompt-start-marker 'left t))))
          ;; set inserted text to be read-only
          (when rcirc-read-only-flag

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