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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/tutorial.el,v

From: Chong Yidong
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/tutorial.el,v
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 17:26:00 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Chong Yidong <cyd>      06/12/21 17:26:00

Index: tutorial.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/emacs/emacs/lisp/tutorial.el,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -b -r1.6 -r1.7
--- tutorial.el 21 Nov 2006 16:11:30 -0000      1.6
+++ tutorial.el 21 Dec 2006 17:26:00 -0000      1.7
@@ -33,21 +33,11 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'help-mode) ;; for function help-buffer
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
 (defface tutorial-warning-face
-  '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
-     (:foreground "Red1" :weight bold))
-    (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
-     (:foreground "Pink" :weight bold))
-    (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light))
-     (:foreground "Red1" :weight bold))
-    (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark))
-     (:foreground "Pink" :weight bold))
-    (((class color) (min-colors 8)) (:foreground "red"))
-    (t (:inverse-video t :weight bold)))
+  '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
   "Face used to highlight warnings in the tutorial."
-  :group 'font-lock-faces)
+  :group 'help)
 (defvar tutorial--point-before-chkeys 0
   "Point before display of key changes.")
@@ -168,8 +158,7 @@
                       " to get the function `"
                       (format "%s" db)
-                      "'."))
-            )
+                      "'.")))
           (fill-region (point-min) (point)))))
@@ -213,110 +202,83 @@
        ((and (symbolp cx)
              (symbolp cy))
         (string< (symbol-name cy)
-                 (symbol-name cx)))
-       ))))
+                 (symbol-name cx)))))))
 (defconst tutorial--default-keys
-  (let* (
-         ;; On window system suspend Emacs is replaced in the
-         ;; default keymap so honor this here.
-         (suspend-emacs (if window-system
+  ;; On window system, `suspend-emacs' is replaced in the default
+  ;; keymap
+  (let* ((suspend-emacs (if window-system
-           `(
-             ;; These are not mentioned but are basic:
-             (ESC-prefix [27])
+           `((ESC-prefix [27])
              (Control-X-prefix [?\C-x])
              (mode-specific-command-prefix [?\C-c])
              (save-buffers-kill-emacs [?\C-x ?\C-c])
              ;; * SUMMARY
              (scroll-up [?\C-v])
              (scroll-down [?\M-v])
              (recenter [?\C-l])
              ;; * BASIC CURSOR CONTROL
              (forward-char [?\C-f])
              (backward-char [?\C-b])
              (forward-word [?\M-f])
              (backward-word [?\M-b])
              (next-line [?\C-n])
              (previous-line [?\C-p])
              (move-beginning-of-line [?\C-a])
              (move-end-of-line [?\C-e])
              (backward-sentence [?\M-a])
              (forward-sentence [?\M-e])
              (newline "\r")
              (beginning-of-buffer [?\M-<])
              (end-of-buffer [?\M->])
              (universal-argument [?\C-u])
              ;; * WHEN EMACS IS HUNG
              (keyboard-quit [?\C-g])
              ;; * DISABLED COMMANDS
              (downcase-region [?\C-x ?\C-l])
              ;; * WINDOWS
              (delete-other-windows [?\C-x ?1])
              ;; C-u 0 C-l
              ;; Type CONTROL-h k CONTROL-f.
              ;; * INSERTING AND DELETING
              ;; C-u 8 * to insert ********.
              (delete-backward-char [backspace])
              (delete-backward-char "\d")
              (delete-char [?\C-d])
              (backward-kill-word [(meta backspace)])
              (kill-word [?\M-d])
              (kill-line [?\C-k])
              (kill-sentence [?\M-k])
              (set-mark-command address@hidden)
              (set-mark-command [?\C- ])
              (kill-region [?\C-w])
              (yank [?\C-y])
              (yank-pop [?\M-y])
              ;; * UNDO
              (advertised-undo [?\C-x ?u])
              (advertised-undo [?\C-x ?u])
              ;; * FILES
              (find-file [?\C-x ?\C-f])
              (save-buffer [?\C-x ?\C-s])
              ;; * BUFFERS
              (list-buffers [?\C-x ?\C-b])
              (switch-to-buffer [?\C-x ?b])
              (save-some-buffers [?\C-x ?s])
              ;; * EXTENDING THE COMMAND SET
              ;; C-x    Character eXtend.  Followed by one character.
              (execute-extended-command [?\M-x])
              ;; C-x C-f                Find file
              ;; C-x C-s                Save file
              ;; C-x s          Save some buffers
@@ -326,44 +288,35 @@
              ;; C-x 1          Delete all but one window
              ;; C-x u          Undo
              ;; * MODE LINE
              (describe-mode [?\C-h ?m])
              (set-fill-column [?\C-x ?f])
              (fill-paragraph [?\M-q])
              ;; * SEARCHING
              (isearch-forward [?\C-s])
              (isearch-backward [?\C-r])
              ;; * MULTIPLE WINDOWS
              (split-window-vertically [?\C-x ?2])
              (scroll-other-window [?\C-\M-v])
              (other-window [?\C-x ?o])
              (find-file-other-window [?\C-x ?4 ?\C-f])
              (keyboard-escape-quit [27 27 27])
              ;; * GETTING MORE HELP
              ;; The most basic HELP feature is C-h c
              (describe-key-briefly [?\C-h ?c])
              (describe-key [?\C-h ?k])
              ;; * MORE FEATURES
              ;; F10
              ;; * CONCLUSION
              ;;(iconify-or-deiconify-frame [?\C-z])
-             (,suspend-emacs [?\C-z])
-             )))
+             (,suspend-emacs [?\C-z]))))
     (sort default-keys 'tutorial--sort-keys))
   "Default Emacs key bindings that the tutorial depends on.")
@@ -374,7 +327,6 @@
     (with-current-buffer (help-buffer)
       (let* ((tutorial-buffer  (button-get button 'tutorial-buffer))
-             ;;(tutorial-arg     (button-get button 'tutorial-arg))
              (explain-key-desc (button-get button 'explain-key-desc))
              (changed-keys (with-current-buffer tutorial-buffer
@@ -405,7 +357,7 @@
                 (insert "   " key-txt " ")
                 (setq tot-len (length key-txt))
                 (when (> 9 tot-len)
-                  (insert (make-string (- 9 tot-len) ? ))
+                  (insert (make-string (- 9 tot-len) ?\s))
                   (setq tot-len 9))
                 ;; Insert a link describing the old binding:
                 (insert-button def-fun-txt
@@ -417,7 +369,7 @@
                                'follow-link t)
                 (setq tot-len (+ tot-len (length def-fun-txt)))
                 (when (> 36 tot-len)
-                  (insert (make-string (- 36 tot-len) ? )))
+                  (insert (make-string (- 36 tot-len) ?\s)))
                 (when (listp where)
                   (setq where "list"))
                 ;; Tell where the old binding is now:
@@ -438,8 +390,8 @@
                 (insert "\n")))))
         (insert "
-It is legitimate to change key bindings, but changed bindings do not
-correspond to what the tutorial says.  (See also " )
+It is OK to change key bindings, but changed bindings do not
+correspond to what the tutorial says.  (See also ")
         (insert-button "Key Binding Conventions"
                        (lambda(button) (interactive)
@@ -479,7 +431,6 @@
               KEY-FUN is the actual binding for KEY."
   (let (changed-keys remark)
-    ;; (default-keys tutorial--default-keys))
     (dolist (kdf default-keys)
       ;; The variables below corresponds to those with the same names
       ;; described in the doc string.
@@ -578,113 +529,99 @@
   "Keymap that allows tabbing between buttons.")
-(defun tutorial--display-changes (changed-keys)
+(defun tutorial--key-description (key)
+  (let ((desc (key-description key)))
+    (cond ((string= "ESC" desc) "<ESC>")
+         ((string= "RET" desc) "<Return>")
+         ((string= "DEL" desc) "<Delback>")
+         (t desc))))
+(defun tutorial--display-changes ()
   "Display changes to some default key bindings.
 If some of the default key bindings that the tutorial depends on
 have been changed then display the changes in the tutorial buffer
-with some explanatory links.
-CHANGED-KEYS should be a list in the format returned by
-  (when (or changed-keys
-            (boundp 'viper-mode-string))
+with some explanatory links."
+  (let* ((changed-keys (tutorial--find-changed-keys
+                       tutorial--default-keys))
+        ;; Alist of element (DESC . CK) where DESC is the
+        ;; key-description of a changed key and CK is the
+        ;; corresponding element in `changed-keys'.
+        (changed-keys-alist
+         (mapcar (lambda (ck) (cons (tutorial--key-description (car ck)) ck))
+                 changed-keys))
+        (start (point))
+        (case-fold-search nil)
+        (keybindings-regexp
+         (concat "[[:space:]]\\("
+                 (mapconcat (lambda (kdf)
+                              (regexp-quote
+                               (tutorial--key-description
+                                (nth 1 kdf))))
+                            tutorial--default-keys
+                            "\\|")
+                 "\\)[[:punct:][:space:]]")))
     ;; Need the custom button face for viper buttons:
-    (when (boundp 'viper-mode-string)
-      (require 'cus-edit))
-    (let ((start (point))
-          end
-          (head  (get-lang-string tutorial--lang 'tut-chgdhead))
+    (if (boundp 'viper-mode-string) (require 'cus-edit))
+    (if (or changed-keys (boundp 'viper-mode-string))
+       (let ((head  (get-lang-string tutorial--lang 'tut-chgdhead))
           (head2 (get-lang-string tutorial--lang 'tut-chgdhead2)))
       (when (and head head2)
         (goto-char tutorial--point-before-chkeys)
         (insert head)
-        (insert-button head2
-                       'tutorial-buffer
-                       (current-buffer)
-                       ;;'tutorial-arg arg
-                       'action
-                       'tutorial--detailed-help
-                       'follow-link t
-                       'face 'link)
-        (insert "]\n\n" )
-        (when changed-keys
-          (dolist (tk changed-keys)
-            (let* ((def-fun     (nth 1 tk))
-                   (key         (nth 0 tk))
-                   (def-fun-txt (nth 2 tk))
-                   (where       (nth 3 tk))
-                   (remark      (nth 4 tk))
-                   (rem-fun (command-remapping def-fun))
-                   (key-txt (key-description key))
-                   (key-fun (key-binding key))
-                   tot-len)
-              (unless (eq def-fun key-fun)
-                ;; Mark the key in the tutorial text
-                (unless (string= "Same key" where)
-                  (let ((here (point))
-                       (case-fold-search nil)
-                        (key-desc (key-description key)))
-                    (cond ((string= "ESC" key-desc)
-                          (setq key-desc "<ESC>"))
-                         ((string= "RET" key-desc)
-                          (setq key-desc "<Return>"))
-                         ((string= "DEL" key-desc)
-                          (setq key-desc "<Delback>")))
-                    (while (re-search-forward
-                           (concat "[[:space:]]\\("
-                                    (regexp-quote key-desc)
-                                   "\\)[[:space:]]") nil t)
+           (insert-button head2 'tutorial-buffer (current-buffer)
+                          'action 'tutorial--detailed-help
+                          'follow-link t 'face 'link)
+           (insert "]\n\n")
+           (add-text-properties tutorial--point-before-chkeys (point)
+                                '(local-map tutorial--tab-map
+                                            tutorial-remark t
+                                            face tutorial-warning-face
+                                            read-only t)))))
+    ;; Scan the tutorial for all key sequences.
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (while (re-search-forward keybindings-regexp (point-max) t)
+      ;; Then highlight each rebound key sequence.
+      ;; This avoids issuing a warning for, e.g., C-x C-b if C-b is rebound.
+      (let ((changed-key (assoc (match-string 1) changed-keys-alist)))
+       (and changed-key
+            (not (get-text-property (match-beginning 1) 'tutorial-remark))
+            (let* ((desc    (car changed-key))
+                   (ck      (cdr changed-key))
+                   (key     (nth 0 ck))
+                   (def-fun (nth 1 ck))
+                   (where   (nth 3 ck)))
+              (unless (string= where "Same key")
+                (setq tutorial--point-after-chkeys (point-marker))
                       (put-text-property (match-beginning 1)
                                          (match-end 1)
-                                         'tutorial-remark 'only-colored)
+                                   'face 'tutorial-warning-face)
                       (put-text-property (match-beginning 1)
                                          (match-end 1)
-                                         'face 'tutorial-warning-face)
+                                   'tutorial-remark t)
+                (save-excursion
                       (let ((s  (get-lang-string tutorial--lang 'tut-chgdkey))
                             (s2 (get-lang-string tutorial--lang 'tut-chgdkey2))
-                            (start (point))
-                            end)
+                        (start (point)))
                         (when (and s s2)
-                          (setq s (format s key-desc where s2))
-                          (insert s)
-                          (insert-button s2
-                                         'tutorial-buffer
-                                         (current-buffer)
-                                         ;;'tutorial-arg arg
-                                         'action
-                                         'tutorial--detailed-help
-                                         'explain-key-desc key-desc
-                                         'follow-link t
+                      (insert (format s desc where s2))
+                      (insert-button s2 'tutorial-buffer (current-buffer)
+                                     'action 'tutorial--detailed-help
+                                     'explain-key-desc desc 'follow-link t
                                          'face 'link)
-                          (insert "] **")
-                          (insert "\n")
-                          (setq end (point))
-                          (put-text-property start end 'local-map 
-                          ;; Add a property so we can remove the remark:
-                          (put-text-property start end 'tutorial-remark t)
-                          (put-text-property start end
-                                             'face 'tutorial-warning-face)
-                          (put-text-property start end 'read-only t))))
-                    (goto-char here)))))))
-        (setq end (point))
-        ;; Make the area with information about change key
-        ;; bindings stand out:
-        (put-text-property start end 'tutorial-remark t)
-        (put-text-property start end
-                           'face 'tutorial-warning-face)
-        ;; Make it possible to use Tab/S-Tab between fields in
-        ;; this area:
-        (put-text-property start end 'local-map tutorial--tab-map)
-        (setq tutorial--point-after-chkeys (point-marker))
-        ;; Make this area read-only:
-        (put-text-property start end 'read-only t)))))
+                      (insert "] **\n")
+                      (add-text-properties start (point)
+                                           '(local-map tutorial--tab-map
+                                             tutorial-remark t
+                                             face tutorial-warning-face
+                                             read-only t))))))))))))
 (defun tutorial--saved-dir ()
-  "Directory where to save tutorials."
-  (expand-file-name ".emacstut" "~/"))
+  "Directory to which tutorials are saved."
+  (expand-file-name "tutorial"
+                   (if (eq system-type 'ms-dos) "~/_emacs.d/" "~/.emacs.d/")))
 (defun tutorial--saved-file ()
   "File name in which to save tutorials."
@@ -908,13 +845,7 @@
           (setq tutorial--point-before-chkeys (point-marker)))
-        ;; Check if there are key bindings that may disturb the
-        ;; tutorial.  If so tell the user.
-        (let ((changed-keys (tutorial--find-changed-keys 
-          (when changed-keys
-            (tutorial--display-changes changed-keys)))
+       (tutorial--display-changes)
         ;; Clear message:
         (unless dont-ask-for-revert
@@ -971,11 +902,9 @@
 ;; are currently only used in the tutorial.
 (defconst lang-strings
-  '(
-    ("English" .
-     (
-      (tut-chgdkey . "** The key %s has been rebound, but you can use %s 
instead [")
-      (tut-chgdkey2 . "More information")
+  '(("English" .
+     ((tut-chgdkey . "** %s has been rebound, but you can use %s instead [")
+      (tut-chgdkey2 . "More")
       (tut-chgdhead . "
  NOTICE: The main purpose of the Emacs tutorial is to teach you
  the most important standard Emacs commands (key bindings).
@@ -983,10 +912,7 @@
  these basic editing commands, so it doesn't correspond to the
  tutorial.  We have inserted colored notices where the altered
  commands have been introduced. [")
-      (tut-chgdhead2 . "Details")
-      )
-     )
-    )
+      (tut-chgdhead2 . "More"))))
   "Language specific strings for Emacs.
 This is an association list with the keys equal to the strings
 that can be returned by `read-language-name'.  The elements in

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