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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-registry.el,v

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-registry.el,v
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 05:17:58 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Miles Bader <miles>     08/01/20 05:17:57

Index: lisp/gnus/gnus-registry.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/emacs/emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-registry.el,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -b -r1.19 -r1.20
--- lisp/gnus/gnus-registry.el  8 Jan 2008 20:45:16 -0000       1.19
+++ lisp/gnus/gnus-registry.el  20 Jan 2008 05:17:52 -0000      1.20
@@ -78,6 +78,17 @@
                              :test 'equal)
   "*The article registry by Message ID.")
+(defcustom gnus-registry-marks
+  '(Important Work Personal To-Do Later)
+  "List of marks that `gnus-registry-mark-article' will offer for completion."
+  :group 'gnus-registry
+  :type '(repeat symbol))
+(defcustom gnus-registry-default-mark 'To-Do
+  "The default mark."
+  :group 'gnus-registry
+  :type 'symbol)
 (defcustom gnus-registry-unfollowed-groups '("delayed$" "drafts$" "queue$" 
   "List of groups that gnus-registry-split-fancy-with-parent won't return.
 The group names are matched, they don't have to be fully
@@ -129,6 +140,16 @@
   :group 'gnus-registry
   :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom gnus-registry-extra-entries-precious '(marks)
+  "What extra entries are precious, meaning they won't get trimmed.
+When you save the Gnus registry, it's trimmed to be no longer
+than `gnus-registry-max-entries' (which is nil by default, so no
+trimming happens).  Any entries with extra data in this list (by
+default, marks are included, so articles with marks are
+considered precious) will not be trimmed."
+  :group 'gnus-registry
+  :type '(repeat symbol))
 (defcustom gnus-registry-cache-file 
    (or gnus-dribble-directory gnus-home-directory "~/") 
@@ -313,29 +334,49 @@
 (defun gnus-registry-trim (alist)
   "Trim alist to size, using gnus-registry-max-entries.
-Also, drop all gnus-registry-ignored-groups matches."
+Also, drop all gnus-registry-ignored-groups matches.
+Any entries with extra data (marks, currently) are left alone."
   (if (null gnus-registry-max-entries)
       alist                             ; just return the alist
     ;; else, when given max-entries, trim the alist
     (let* ((timehash (make-hash-table
-                     :size 4096
+                     :size 20000
+                     :test 'equal))
+          (precious (make-hash-table
+                     :size 20000
                      :test 'equal))
           (trim-length (- (length alist) gnus-registry-max-entries))
-          (trim-length (if (natnump trim-length) trim-length 0)))
+          (trim-length (if (natnump trim-length) trim-length 0))
+          precious-list junk-list)
        (lambda (key value)
-         (puthash key (gnus-registry-fetch-extra key 'mtime) timehash))
+        (let ((extra (gnus-registry-fetch-extra key)))
+          (dolist (item gnus-registry-extra-entries-precious)
+            (dolist (e extra)
+              (when (equal (nth 0 e) item)
+                (puthash key t precious)
+                (return))))
+          (puthash key (gnus-registry-fetch-extra key 'mtime) timehash)))
-      ;; we use the return value of this setq, which is the trimmed alist
-      (setq alist
-           (nthcdr
-            trim-length
-            (sort alist
+      (dolist (item alist)
+       (let ((key (nth 0 item)))             
+         (if (gethash key precious)
+             (push item precious-list)
+           (push item junk-list))))
+      (sort 
+       junk-list
                   (lambda (a b)
-                    (time-less-p
-                     (or (cdr (gethash (car a) timehash)) '(0 0 0))
-                     (or (cdr (gethash (car b) timehash)) '(0 0 0))))))))))
+        (let ((t1 (or (cdr (gethash (car a) timehash)) 
+                      '(0 0 0)))
+              (t2 (or (cdr (gethash (car b) timehash)) 
+                      '(0 0 0))))
+          (time-less-p t1 t2))))
+      ;; we use the return value of this setq, which is the trimmed alist
+      (setq alist (append precious-list
+                         (nthcdr trim-length junk-list))))))
 (defun gnus-registry-action (action data-header from &optional to method)
   (let* ((id (mail-header-id data-header))
@@ -577,6 +618,7 @@
                          (assoc article (gnus-data-list nil)))))
+;;; this should be redone with catch/throw
 (defun gnus-registry-grep-in-list (word list)
   (when word
     (memq nil
@@ -586,80 +628,91 @@
                     (string-match word x))
-(defun gnus-registry-mark-article (article &optional mark remove)
-  "Mark ARTICLE with MARK in the Gnus registry or remove MARK.
-MARK can be any symbol.  If ARTICLE is nil, then the
-`gnus-current-article' will be marked.  If MARK is nil,
-`gnus-registry-flag-default' will be used."
-  (interactive "nArticle number: ")
-  (let ((article (or article gnus-current-article))
-       (mark (or mark 'gnus-registry-flag-default))
-       article-id)
-    (unless article
-      (error "No article on current line"))
-    (setq article-id 
-         (gnus-registry-fetch-message-id-fast gnus-current-article))
-    (unless article-id
-      (error "No article ID could be retrieved"))
+(defun gnus-registry-read-mark ()
+  "Read a mark name from the user with completion."
+  (let ((mark (gnus-completing-read-with-default 
+              (symbol-name gnus-registry-default-mark)
+              "Label" 
+              (mapcar (lambda (x)      ; completion list
+                        (cons (symbol-name x) x))
+                      gnus-registry-marks))))
+    (when (stringp mark)
+      (intern mark))))
+(defun gnus-registry-set-article-mark (&rest articles)
+  "Apply a mark to process-marked ARTICLES."
+  (interactive (gnus-summary-work-articles current-prefix-arg))
+  (gnus-registry-set-article-mark-internal (gnus-registry-read-mark) articles 
nil t))
+(defun gnus-registry-remove-article-mark (&rest articles)
+  "Remove a mark from process-marked ARTICLES."
+  (interactive (gnus-summary-work-articles current-prefix-arg))
+  (gnus-registry-set-article-mark-internal (gnus-registry-read-mark) articles 
t t))
+(defun gnus-registry-set-article-mark-internal (mark articles &optional remove 
+  "Apply a mark to a list of ARTICLES."
+  (let ((article-id-list
+        (mapcar 'gnus-registry-fetch-message-id-fast articles)))
+    (dolist (id article-id-list)
     (let* (
-          ;; all the marks for this article
-          (marks (gnus-registry-fetch-extra-flags article-id))
-          ;; the marks without the mark of interest
-          (cleaned-marks (delq mark marks))
+            ;; all the marks for this article without the mark of
+            ;; interest
+            (marks
+             (delq mark (gnus-registry-fetch-extra-marks id)))
           ;; the new marks we want to use
           (new-marks (if remove
-                         cleaned-marks
-                       (cons mark cleaned-marks))))
-    (apply 'gnus-registry-store-extra-flags ; set the extra flags
-     article-id                                    ; for the message ID
-     new-marks)
-    (gnus-registry-fetch-extra-flags article-id))))
-(defun gnus-registry-article-marks (article)
-  "Get the Gnus registry marks for ARTICLE.
-If ARTICLE is nil, then the `gnus-current-article' will be
-  (interactive "nArticle number: ")
-  (let ((article (or article gnus-current-article))
-       article-id)
-    (unless article
-      (error "No article on current line"))
-    (setq article-id 
-         (gnus-registry-fetch-message-id-fast gnus-current-article))
-    (unless article-id
-      (error "No article ID could be retrieved"))
-    (gnus-message 1 
-                 "Message ID %s, Registry flags: %s" 
-                 article-id 
-                 (concat (gnus-registry-fetch-extra-flags article-id)))))
-;;; if this extends to more than 'flags, it should be improved to be more 
-(defun gnus-registry-fetch-extra-flags (id)
-  "Get the flags of a message, based on the message ID.
-Returns a list of symbol flags or nil."
-  (car-safe (cdr (gnus-registry-fetch-extra id 'flags))))
-(defun gnus-registry-has-extra-flag (id flag)
-  "Checks if a message has `flag', based on the message ID."
-  (memq flag (gnus-registry-fetch-extra-flags id)))
-(defun gnus-registry-store-extra-flags (id &rest flag-list)
-  "Set the flags of a message, based on the message ID.
-The `flag-list' can be nil, in which case no flags are left."
-  (gnus-registry-store-extra-entry id 'flags (list flag-list)))
-(defun gnus-registry-delete-extra-flags (id &rest flag-delete-list)
-  "Delete the message flags in `flag-delete-list', based on the message ID."
-  (let ((flags (gnus-registry-fetch-extra-flags id)))
-    (when flags
-      (dolist (flag flag-delete-list)
-       (setq flags (delq flag flags))))
-    (gnus-registry-store-extra-flags id (car flags))))
-(defun gnus-registry-delete-all-extra-flags (id)
-  "Delete all the flags for a message ID."
-  (gnus-registry-store-extra-flags id nil))
+                           marks
+                         (cons mark marks))))
+       (when show-message
+         (gnus-message 1 "%s mark %s with message ID %s, resulting in %S"
+                       (if remove "Removing" "Adding")
+                       mark id new-marks))
+       (apply 'gnus-registry-store-extra-marks ; set the extra marks
+              id                               ; for the message ID
+              new-marks)))))
+(defun gnus-registry-get-article-marks (&rest articles)
+  "Get the Gnus registry marks for ARTICLES and show them if interactive.
+Uses process/prefix conventions.  For multiple articles,
+only the last one's marks are returned."
+  (interactive (gnus-summary-work-articles 1))
+  (let (marks)
+    (dolist (article articles)
+      (let ((article-id
+            (gnus-registry-fetch-message-id-fast article)))
+       (setq marks (gnus-registry-fetch-extra-marks article-id))))
+    (when (interactive-p)
+       (gnus-message 1 "Marks are %S" marks))
+    marks))
+;;; if this extends to more than 'marks, it should be improved to be more 
+(defun gnus-registry-fetch-extra-marks (id)
+  "Get the marks of a message, based on the message ID.
+Returns a list of symbol marks or nil."
+  (car-safe (cdr (gnus-registry-fetch-extra id 'marks))))
+(defun gnus-registry-has-extra-mark (id mark)
+  "Checks if a message has `mark', based on the message ID `id'."
+  (memq mark (gnus-registry-fetch-extra-marks id)))
+(defun gnus-registry-store-extra-marks (id &rest mark-list)
+  "Set the marks of a message, based on the message ID.
+The `mark-list' can be nil, in which case no marks are left."
+  (gnus-registry-store-extra-entry id 'marks (list mark-list)))
+(defun gnus-registry-delete-extra-marks (id &rest mark-delete-list)
+  "Delete the message marks in `mark-delete-list', based on the message ID."
+  (let ((marks (gnus-registry-fetch-extra-marks id)))
+    (when marks
+      (dolist (mark mark-delete-list)
+       (setq marks (delq mark marks))))
+    (gnus-registry-store-extra-marks id (car marks))))
+(defun gnus-registry-delete-all-extra-marks (id)
+  "Delete all the marks for a message ID."
+  (gnus-registry-store-extra-marks id nil))
 (defun gnus-registry-fetch-extra (id &optional entry)
   "Get the extra data of a message, based on the message ID.

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