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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to lisp/ps-def.el

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to lisp/ps-def.el
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 16:04:29 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Miles Bader <miles>     08/02/01 16:01:31

Index: lisp/ps-def.el
RCS file: lisp/ps-def.el
diff -N lisp/ps-def.el
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ lisp/ps-def.el      1 Feb 2008 16:01:07 -0000       2.1
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+;;; ps-def.el --- XEmacs and Emacs definitions for ps-print
+;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Vinicius Jose Latorre <address@hidden>
+;;     Kenichi Handa <address@hidden> (multi-byte characters)
+;; Maintainer: Kenichi Handa <address@hidden> (multi-byte characters)
+;;     Vinicius Jose Latorre <address@hidden>
+;; Keywords: wp, print, PostScript
+;; X-URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/ViniciusJoseLatorre
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+;; Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
+;; version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+;; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+;; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+;; details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+;; GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, 
+;;; Commentary:
+;; See ps-print.el for documentation.
+;;; Code:
+;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+;; XEmacs Definitions
+ ((featurep 'xemacs)                   ; XEmacs
+  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; ps-bdf
+  (defvar installation-directory nil)
+  (defvar coding-system-for-read)
+  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; ps-mule
+  (defvar leading-code-private-22 157)
+  (or (fboundp 'charset-bytes)
+      (defun charset-bytes (charset) 1)) ; ascii
+  (or (fboundp 'charset-dimension)
+      (defun charset-dimension (charset) 1)) ; ascii
+  (or (fboundp 'charset-id)
+      (defun charset-id (charset) 0))  ; ascii
+  (or (fboundp 'charset-width)
+      (defun charset-width (charset) 1)) ; ascii
+  (or (fboundp 'find-charset-region)
+      (defun find-charset-region (beg end &optional table)
+       (list 'ascii)))
+  (or (fboundp 'char-width)
+      (defun char-width (char) 1))     ; ascii
+  (or (fboundp 'chars-in-region)
+      (defun chars-in-region (beg end)
+       (- (max beg end) (min beg end))))
+  (or (fboundp 'forward-point)
+      (defun forward-point (arg)
+       (save-excursion
+         (let ((count (abs arg))
+               (step  (if (zerop arg)
+                          0
+                        (/ arg arg))))
+           (while (and (> count 0)
+                       (< (point-min) (point)) (< (point) (point-max)))
+             (forward-char step)
+             (setq count (1- count)))
+           (+ (point) (* count step))))))
+  (or (fboundp 'decompose-composite-char)
+      (defun decompose-composite-char (char &optional type
+                                           with-composition-rule)
+       nil))
+  (or (fboundp 'encode-coding-string)
+      (defun encode-coding-string (string coding-system &optional nocopy)
+       (if nocopy
+           string
+         (copy-sequence string))))
+  (or (fboundp 'coding-system-p)
+      (defun coding-system-p (obj) nil))
+  (or (fboundp 'ccl-execute-on-string)
+      (defun ccl-execute-on-string (ccl-prog status str
+                                            &optional contin unibyte-p)
+       str))
+  (or (fboundp 'define-ccl-program)
+      (defmacro define-ccl-program (name ccl-program &optional doc)
+       `(defconst ,name nil ,doc)))
+  (or (fboundp 'multibyte-string-p)
+      (defun multibyte-string-p (str)
+       (let ((len (length str))
+             (i 0)
+             multibyte)
+         (while (and (< i len) (not (setq multibyte (> (aref str i) 255))))
+           (setq i (1+ i)))
+         multibyte)))
+  (or (fboundp 'string-make-multibyte)
+      (defalias 'string-make-multibyte 'copy-sequence))
+  (or (fboundp 'encode-char)
+      (defun encode-char (ch ccs)
+       ch))
+  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; ps-print
+  ;; GNU Emacs
+  (or (fboundp 'line-beginning-position)
+      (defun line-beginning-position (&optional n)
+       (save-excursion
+         (and n (/= n 1) (forward-line (1- n)))
+         (beginning-of-line)
+         (point))))
+  ;; GNU Emacs
+  (or (fboundp 'find-composition)
+      (defalias 'find-composition 'ignore))
+  (defun ps-xemacs-color-name (color)
+    (if (color-specifier-p color)
+       (color-name color)
+      color))
+  (defalias 'ps-mark-active-p 'region-active-p)
+  (defun ps-face-foreground-name (face)
+    (ps-xemacs-color-name (face-foreground face)))
+  (defun ps-face-background-name (face)
+    (ps-xemacs-color-name (face-background face)))
+  (defalias 'ps-frame-parameter 'frame-property)
+  ;; Return t if the device (which can be changed during an emacs session)
+  ;; can handle colors.
+  ;; XEmacs change: Need to check for emacs-major-version too.
+  (if (or (> emacs-major-version 19)
+         (and (= emacs-major-version 19)
+              (>= emacs-minor-version 12)))
+      ;; xemacs >= 19.12
+      (defun ps-color-device ()
+       (eq (device-class) 'color))
+    ;; xemacs < 19.12
+    (setq ps-print-color-p nil)
+    (defalias 'ps-color-device 'ignore))
+  (defun ps-mapper (extent list)
+    (nconc list
+          (list (list (extent-start-position extent) 'push extent)
+                (list (extent-end-position extent) 'pull extent)))
+    nil)
+  (defun ps-extent-sorter (a b)
+    (< (extent-priority a) (extent-priority b)))
+  (defun ps-xemacs-face-kind-p (face kind kind-regex)
+    (let* ((frame-font (or (face-font-instance face)
+                          (face-font-instance 'default)))
+          (kind-cons
+           (and frame-font
+                (assq kind
+                      (font-instance-properties frame-font))))
+          (kind-spec (cdr-safe kind-cons))
+          (case-fold-search t))
+      (and kind-spec (string-match kind-regex kind-spec))))
+  ;; to avoid XEmacs compilation gripes
+  (defvar coding-system-for-write)
+  (defvar buffer-file-coding-system)
+  (and (fboundp 'find-coding-system)
+       (or (funcall 'find-coding-system 'raw-text-unix)
+          (funcall 'copy-coding-system 'no-conversion-unix 'raw-text-unix)))
+  (defun ps-color-values (x-color)
+    (let ((color (ps-xemacs-color-name x-color)))
+      (cond
+       ((fboundp 'x-color-values)
+       (funcall 'x-color-values color))
+       ((and (fboundp 'color-instance-rgb-components)
+            (ps-color-device))
+       (funcall 'color-instance-rgb-components
+                (if (color-instance-p x-color)
+                    x-color
+                  (make-color-instance color))))
+       (t
+       (error "No available function to determine X color values")))))
+  (defun ps-face-bold-p (face)
+    (or (ps-xemacs-face-kind-p face 'WEIGHT_NAME "bold\\|demibold")
+       (memq face ps-bold-faces)))     ; Kludge-compatible
+  (defun ps-face-italic-p (face)
+    (or (ps-xemacs-face-kind-p face 'ANGLE_NAME "i\\|o")
+       (ps-xemacs-face-kind-p face 'SLANT "i\\|o")
+       (memq face ps-italic-faces)))   ; Kludge-compatible
+  (defalias 'ps-face-strikeout-p 'ignore)
+  (defalias 'ps-face-overline-p 'ignore)
+  (defalias 'ps-face-box-p 'ignore)
+  ;; XEmacs will have to make do with %s (princ) for floats.
+  (defvar ps-color-format "%s %s %s")
+  (defvar ps-float-format "%s ")
+  (defun ps-generate-postscript-with-faces1 (from to)
+    ;; Generate some PostScript.
+    (let ((face 'default)
+         (position to)
+         ;; XEmacs
+         ;; Build the list of extents...
+         (a (cons 'dummy nil))
+         record type extent extent-list)
+      (map-extents 'ps-mapper nil from to a)
+      (setq a (sort (cdr a) 'car-less-than-car)
+           extent-list nil)
+      ;; Loop through the extents...
+      (while a
+       (setq record (car a)
+             position (car record)
+             record (cdr record)
+             type (car record)
+             record (cdr record)
+             extent (car record))
+       ;; Plot up to this record.
+       ;; XEmacs 19.12: for some reason, we're getting into a
+       ;; situation in which some of the records have
+       ;; positions less than 'from'.  Since we've narrowed
+       ;; the buffer, this'll generate errors.  This is a hack,
+       ;; but don't call ps-plot-with-face unless from > point-min.
+       (and (>= from (point-min))
+            (ps-plot-with-face from (min position (point-max)) face))
+       (cond
+        ((eq type 'push)
+         (and (extent-face extent)
+              (setq extent-list (sort (cons extent extent-list)
+                                      'ps-extent-sorter))))
+        ((eq type 'pull)
+         (setq extent-list (sort (delq extent extent-list)
+                                 'ps-extent-sorter))))
+       (setq face (if extent-list
+                      (extent-face (car extent-list))
+                    'default)
+             from position
+             a (cdr a)))
+      (ps-plot-with-face from to face)))
+  )
+ (t                                    ; Emacs
+  ;; Do nothing
+  ))                                   ; end cond featurep
+;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+;; Emacs Definitions
+ ((featurep 'xemacs)                   ; XEmacs
+  ;; Do nothing
+  )
+ (t                                    ; Emacs
+  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; ps-print
+  (defun ps-mark-active-p ()
+    mark-active)
+  (defun ps-face-foreground-name (face)
+    (face-foreground face nil t))
+  (defun ps-face-background-name (face)
+    (face-background face nil t))
+  (defalias 'ps-frame-parameter 'frame-parameter)
+  ;; Return t if the device (which can be changed during an emacs session) can
+  ;; handle colors.  This function is not yet implemented for GNU emacs.
+  (defun ps-color-device ()
+    (if (fboundp 'color-values)
+       (funcall 'color-values "Green")
+      t))
+  (defun ps-color-values (x-color)
+    (cond
+     ((fboundp 'color-values)
+      (funcall 'color-values x-color))
+     ((fboundp 'x-color-values)
+      (funcall 'x-color-values x-color))
+     (t
+      (error "No available function to determine X color values"))))
+  (defun ps-face-bold-p (face)
+    (or (face-bold-p face)
+       (memq face ps-bold-faces)))
+  (defun ps-face-italic-p (face)
+    (or (face-italic-p face)
+       (memq face ps-italic-faces)))
+  (defun ps-face-strikeout-p (face)
+    (eq (face-attribute face :strike-through) t))
+  (defun ps-face-overline-p (face)
+    (eq (face-attribute face :overline) t))
+  (defun ps-face-box-p (face)
+    (not (memq (face-attribute face :box) '(nil unspecified))))
+  ;; Emacs understands the %f format; we'll use it to limit color RGB values
+  ;; to three decimals to cut down some on the size of the PostScript output.
+  (defvar ps-color-format "%0.3f %0.3f %0.3f")
+  (defvar ps-float-format "%0.3f ")
+  (defun ps-generate-postscript-with-faces1 (from to)
+    ;; Generate some PostScript.
+    (let ((face 'default)
+         (position to)
+         ;; Emacs
+         (property-change from)
+         (overlay-change from)
+         (save-buffer-invisibility-spec buffer-invisibility-spec)
+         (buffer-invisibility-spec nil)
+         before-string after-string)
+      (while (< from to)
+       (and (< property-change to)     ; Don't search for property change
+                                       ; unless previous search succeeded.
+            (setq property-change (next-property-change from nil to)))
+       (and (< overlay-change to)      ; Don't search for overlay change
+                                       ; unless previous search succeeded.
+            (setq overlay-change (min (next-overlay-change from)
+                                      to)))
+       (setq position (min property-change overlay-change)
+             before-string nil
+             after-string nil)
+       ;; The code below is not quite correct,
+       ;; because a non-nil overlay invisible property
+       ;; which is inactive according to the current value
+       ;; of buffer-invisibility-spec nonetheless overrides
+       ;; a face text property.
+       (setq face
+             (cond ((let ((prop (get-text-property from 'invisible)))
+                      ;; Decide whether this invisible property
+                      ;; really makes the text invisible.
+                      (if (eq save-buffer-invisibility-spec t)
+                          (not (null prop))
+                        (or (memq prop save-buffer-invisibility-spec)
+                            (assq prop save-buffer-invisibility-spec))))
+                    'emacs--invisible--face)
+                   ((get-text-property from 'face))
+                   (t 'default)))
+       (let ((overlays (overlays-at from))
+             (face-priority -1))       ; text-property
+         (while (and overlays
+                     (not (eq face 'emacs--invisible--face)))
+           (let* ((overlay (car overlays))
+                  (overlay-invisible
+                   (overlay-get overlay 'invisible))
+                  (overlay-priority
+                   (or (overlay-get overlay 'priority) 0)))
+             (and (> overlay-priority face-priority)
+                  (setq before-string
+                        (or (overlay-get overlay 'before-string)
+                            before-string)
+                        after-string
+                        (or (and (<= (overlay-end overlay) position)
+                                 (overlay-get overlay 'after-string))
+                            after-string)
+                        face-priority overlay-priority
+                        face
+                        (cond
+                         ((if (eq save-buffer-invisibility-spec t)
+                              (not (null overlay-invisible))
+                            (or (memq overlay-invisible
+                                      save-buffer-invisibility-spec)
+                                (assq overlay-invisible
+                                      save-buffer-invisibility-spec)))
+                          'emacs--invisible--face)
+                         ((overlay-get overlay 'face))
+                         (t face)
+                         ))))
+           (setq overlays (cdr overlays))))
+       ;; Plot up to this record.
+       (and before-string
+            (ps-plot-string before-string))
+       (ps-plot-with-face from position face)
+       (and after-string
+            (ps-plot-string after-string))
+       (setq from position))
+      (ps-plot-with-face from to face)))
+  ))                                   ; end cond featurep
+(provide 'ps-def)
+;; arch-tag: 4edde45b-af10-4685-b8ee-7cd0f951095a
+;;; ps-def.el ends here

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