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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to lisp/gnus/nnmairix.el

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to lisp/gnus/nnmairix.el
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 06:22:12 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Miles Bader <miles>     08/02/27 06:22:10

Index: lisp/gnus/nnmairix.el
RCS file: lisp/gnus/nnmairix.el
diff -N lisp/gnus/nnmairix.el
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ lisp/gnus/nnmairix.el       27 Feb 2008 06:22:10 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,1550 @@
+;;; nnmairix.el --- Mairix back end for Gnus, the Emacs newsreader
+;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: David Engster <address@hidden>
+;; Keywords: mail searching
+;; Version: 0.5
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; THIS IS BETA SOFTWARE! This back end should not mess up or
+;; even delete your mails, but having a backup is always a good idea.
+;; This is a back end for using the mairix search engine with
+;; Gnus.  Mairix is a tool for searching words in locally stored
+;; mail.  Mairix is very fast which allows using it efficiently for
+;; "smart folders", e.g. folders which are associated with search
+;; queries.  Of course, you can also use this back end just for
+;; calling mairix with some search query.
+;; Mairix is written by Richard Curnow.  More information can be found at
+;; http://www.rpcurnow.force9.co.uk/mairix/
+;; For details about setting up mairix&Gnus&nnmairix.el, look at the
+;; emacswiki:
+;; http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/GnusMairix
+;; The newest version of nnmairix.el can be found at
+;; http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/emacs/nnmairix.el
+;; For impatient people, here's the setup in a nutshell:
+;; This back end requires an installed mairix binary which is
+;; configured to index your mail folder.  You don't have to specify a
+;; search folder (but it does no harm, either).  Visit the man page of
+;; mairix and mairixrc for details.
+;; Put nnmairix.el into your search path and "(require 'nnmarix)" into
+;; your .gnus.  Then call nnmairix-create-default-group (or 'G b
+;; c'). This function will ask for all necessary information to create
+;; a mairix server in Gnus with the default search folder.  This
+;; default search folder will be used for all temporary searches: call
+;; nnmairix-search ('G b s') and enter a mairix query (like
+;; f:address@hidden). To create a mairix group for one specific
+;; search query, use 'G b g'.  See the emacswiki or the source for more
+;; information.
+;; Commentary on the code: nnmairix sits between Gnus and the "real"
+;; back end which handles the mail (currently nnml, nnimap and
+;; nnmaildir were tested). I know this is all a bit hacky, but so far
+;; it works for me.  This is the first back end I've written for Gnus,
+;; so I'd appreciate any comments, suggestions, bug reports (and, of
+;; course, patches) for improving nnmairix.
+;; nnmairix does not use an active file, since I wanted to contain the
+;; back end "inside Gnus" as much as possible without the need of an
+;; external file.  It stores the query/folder information in the group
+;; parameters instead.  This also implies that once you kill a mairix
+;; group, it's gone for good.  I don't think that this is really
+;; problematic, since I don't see the need in unsubscribing and
+;; re-subscribing search groups
+;; Every mairix server is "responsible" for one mairix installation,
+;; i.e. you can have several mairix servers for different mairix
+;; configurations.  Not that I think anyone will actually do this, but
+;; I thought it would be a "nice to have feature"...
+;; * When using Maildir: path and filename of a mail can change due to
+;; reading/replying/etc.  This can lead to dangling symlinks in
+;; nnmairix groups and it depends on the back end how well it deals
+;; with that (some IMAP servers out there may not be amused).  Update the
+;; database ('G b u') and the group to fix it.
+;; * Mairix does only support us-ascii characters.
+;; * Possibility to propagate flags like seen, replied, ticked
+;;   to original message
+;; * Support of more back ends (nnmh, nnfolder, nnmbox...)?
+;; * Maybe use an active file instead of group parameters?
+;; * Use "-a" when updating groups which are not newly created
+;;; Changelog:
+;; 02/06/2008 - version 0.5
+;;    * New function: nnmairix-goto-original-article. Uses the
+;;      registry or the mail file path for determining original group.
+;;    * Deal with empty Xref header
+;;    * Changed summary mode keybindings since the old ones were
+;;      already taken
+;;   (Thanks to Tassilo Horn and Ted Zlatanov for their help)
+;; 01/07/2008 - version 0.4
+;;    * New/fixed doc strings and code cleanup.
+;; 18/11/2007 - version 0.3
+;;    * Fixed bugs when dealing with nnml and native servers
+;;    * Make variables customizable
+;; 10/10/2007 - version 0.2
+;;    * Use nnml-directory/directory server variables for nnml and
+;;    nnmaildir backends as path for search folders. This way it
+;;    becomes independent of 'base' setting in .mairixirc (but not for
+;;    nnimap).
+;;    * As a result: Changed nnmairix-backend-to-server so that user
+;;    is asked when more than one nnmairix server exists and we do not
+;;    know which one is responsible for current backend.
+;;    * Rename files when using nnml backends so that there are no
+;;    holes in article numbers. This should fix all problems regarding
+;;    wrong article counts with nnml.
+;;    * More commands for creating queries (using widgets or the
+;;    minibuffer).
+;;    * Fixed bug in nnmairix-create-search-group-from-message
+;;    * Changed copyright to FSF
+;;      (Thanks to Georg C. F. Greve and Bastien for suggestions and
+;;      ideas!)
+;; 10/03/2007 - version 0.1 - first release
+;;; Code:
+(require 'nnoo)
+(require 'gnus-group)
+(require 'gnus-sum)
+(require 'message)
+(require 'nnml)
+(require 'widget)
+(nnoo-declare nnmairix)
+;;; === Keymaps
+;; Group mode
+(defun nnmairix-group-mode-hook ()
+  "Nnmairix group mode keymap."
+  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map
+    (kbd "G b") (make-sparse-keymap))
+  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map
+    (kbd "G b g") 'nnmairix-create-search-group)
+  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map
+    (kbd "G b c") 'nnmairix-create-server-and-default-group)
+  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map
+    (kbd "G b q") 'nnmairix-group-change-query-this-group)
+  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map
+    (kbd "G b t") 'nnmairix-group-toggle-threads-this-group)
+  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map
+    (kbd "G b u") 'nnmairix-update-database)
+  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map
+    (kbd "G b s") 'nnmairix-search)
+  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map
+    (kbd "G b i") 'nnmairix-search-interactive)
+  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map
+    (kbd "G b m") 'nnmairix-widget-search))
+;; Summary mode
+(defun nnmairix-summary-mode-hook ()
+  "Nnmairix summary mode keymap."
+  (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map
+    (kbd "$ t") 'nnmairix-search-thread-this-article)
+  (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map
+    (kbd "$ f") 'nnmairix-search-from-this-article)
+  (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map
+    (kbd "$ m") 'nnmairix-widget-search-from-this-article)
+  (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map
+    (kbd "$ g") 'nnmairix-create-search-group-from-message)
+  (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map
+    (kbd "$ o") 'nnmairix-goto-original-article))
+(add-hook 'gnus-group-mode-hook 'nnmairix-group-mode-hook)
+(add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook 'nnmairix-summary-mode-hook)
+;; Customizable stuff
+(defgroup nnmairix nil
+  "Backend for the Mairix mail search engine."
+  :group 'gnus)
+(defcustom nnmairix-group-prefix "zz_mairix"
+  "Prefix for mairix search groups on back end server.
+nnmairix will create these groups automatically on the back end
+server for each nnmairix search group.  The name on the back end
+server will be this prefix plus a random number.  You can delete
+unused nnmairix groups on the back end using
+  :version "23.0"
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'nnmairix)
+(defcustom nnmairix-mairix-output-buffer "*mairix output*"
+  "Buffer used for mairix output."
+  :version "23.0"
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'nnmairix)
+(defcustom nnmairix-customize-query-buffer "*mairix query*"
+  "Name of the buffer for customizing Mairix queries."
+  :version "23.0"
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'nnmairix)
+(defcustom nnmairix-mairix-update-options '("-F" "-Q")
+  "Options when calling mairix for updating the database.
+The default is '-F' and '-Q' for making updates faster.  You
+should call mairix without these options from time to
+time (e.g. via cron job)."
+  :version "23.0"
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'nnmairix)
+(defcustom nnmairix-mairix-synchronous-update nil
+  "Set this to t if you want Emacs to wait for mairix updating the database."
+  :version "23.0"
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'nnmairix)
+(defcustom nnmairix-rename-files-for-nnml t
+  "Rename nnml mail files so that they are consecutively numbered.
+When using nnml as backend, mairix might produce holes in the
+article numbers which will produce wrong article counts by
+Gnus.  This option controls whether nnmairix should rename the
+files consecutively."
+  :version "23.0"
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'nnmairix)
+(defcustom nnmairix-widget-fields-list
+  '(("from" "f" "From") ("to" "t" "To") ("cc" "c" "Cc")
+    ("subject" "s" "Subject")  ("to" "tc" "To or Cc")
+    ("from" "a" "Address") (nil "b" "Body") (nil "n" "Attachment")
+    ("Message-ID" "m" "Message ID") (nil "s" "Size") (nil "d" "Date"))
+  "Fields that should be editable during interactive query customization.
+Header, corresponding mairix command and description for editable
+fields in interactive query customization.  The header specifies
+which header contents should be inserted into the editable field
+when creating a Mairix query based on the current message (can be
+nil for disabling this)."
+  :version "23.0"
+  :type '(repeat (list
+                 (choice :tag "Field"
+                         (const :tag "none" nil)
+                         (const :tag "From" "from")
+                         (const :tag "To" "to")
+                         (const :tag "Cc" "cc")
+                         (const :tag "Subject" "subject")
+                         (const :tag "Message ID" "Message-ID"))
+                 (string :tag "Command")
+                 (string :tag "Description")))
+  :group 'nnmairix)
+(defcustom nnmairix-widget-select-window-function
+  (lambda () (select-window (get-largest-window)))
+  "Function for selecting the window for customizing the mairix query.
+The default chooses the largest window in the current frame."
+  :version "23.0"
+  :type 'function
+  :group 'nnmairix)
+;; ==== Other variables
+(defvar nnmairix-widget-other
+  '(threads flags)
+  "Other editable mairix commands when using customization widgets.
+Currently there are 'threads and 'flags.")
+(defvar nnmairix-interactive-query-parameters
+  '((?f "from" "f" "From") (?t "to" "t" "To") (?c "to" "tc" "To or Cc")
+    (?a "from" "a" "Address") (?s "subject" "s" "Subject") (?b nil "b" "Body")
+    (?d nil "d" "Date") (?n nil "n" "Attachment"))
+  "Things that should be editable during interactive query generation.
+Every list element consists of the following entries: Keystroke,
+message field (if any), mairix command and description.")
+(defvar nnmairix-delete-and-create-on-change '(nnimap nnmaildir nnml)
+  "Controls on which backends groups should be deleted and re-created.
+This variable is a list of back ends where the search group should
+be completely deleted and re-created when the query or thread
+parameter changes.  I know this is rather \"brute force\" and maybe
+even dangerous (you have backups, right?), but it should be used at
+least for nnimap since some IMAP servers are really not amused when
+mailbox content changes behind their back.  It usually also corrects
+the problem of \"holes\" in the article numbers which often lead to a
+wrong count of total articles shown by Gnus.")
+;;; === Server variables
+(defvoo nnmairix-backend  nil
+  "Backend where mairix stores its searches.")
+(defvoo nnmairix-backend-server nil
+  "Name of the server where mairix stores its searches.")
+(defvoo nnmairix-mairix-command "mairix"
+  "Command to call mairix for this nnmairix server.")
+(defvoo nnmairix-hidden-folders nil
+  "Set this to t if the back end server uses hidden directories for
+its maildir mail folders (e.g. the Dovecot IMAP server or mutt).")
+(defvoo nnmairix-default-group nil
+  "Default search group. This is the group which is used for all
+temporary searches, e.g. nnmairix-search.")
+;;; === Internal variables
+;; Regexp for mairix groups on back end
+(setq nnmairix-group-regexp (format "%s-\\(.*\\)-[0-9]+" 
+;; Back ends (hopefully...) supported by nnmairix.
+;; Other backends might or might not work.
+(setq nnmairix-valid-backends '(nnimap nnml nnmaildir))
+;; Last chosen server
+(setq nnmairix-last-server nil)
+;; Current server
+(setq nnmairix-current-server nil)
+;;; === Gnus backend functions
+(nnoo-define-basics nnmairix)
+(gnus-declare-backend "nnmairix" 'mail 'address)
+(deffoo nnmairix-open-server (server &optional definitions)
+  ;; just set server variables
+  (setq nnmairix-current-server server)
+  (nnoo-change-server 'nnmairix server definitions))
+(deffoo nnmairix-request-group (group &optional server fast)
+  ;; Call mairix and request group on back end server
+  (when server (nnmairix-open-server server))
+  (let* ((qualgroup (if server
+                       (gnus-group-prefixed-name group (list 'nnmairix server))
+                     group))
+        (query (gnus-group-get-parameter qualgroup 'query t))
+       (folder (gnus-group-get-parameter qualgroup 'folder))
+       (threads (gnus-group-get-parameter qualgroup 'threads))
+       (backendmethod (gnus-server-to-method
+                       (format "%s:%s" (symbol-name nnmairix-backend)
+                               nnmairix-backend-server)))
+       rval mfolder folderpath)
+    (cond
+     ((not folder)
+      ;; No folder parameter -> error
+      (nnheader-report 'nnmairix "Check folder parameter for group %s" group)
+      nil)
+     ((not query)
+      ;; No query -> return empty group
+      (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (insert (concat "211 0 1 0 " group))
+       t))
+     (t
+      ;; For maildir++ folders: create a hidden directory (prepend dot)
+      (setq mfolder (if (and nnmairix-hidden-folders
+                            (not (string-match "^\\." folder)))
+                       (concat "." folder)
+                     folder))
+      ;; For nnml and nnmaildir, precede mfolder with directory where mail
+      ;; is actually stored so that it's independent of 'base' setting
+      ;; in .mairixrc.
+      (when (eq nnmairix-backend 'nnml)
+       (setq folderpath (cadr (assoc 'nnml-directory backendmethod)))
+       ;; if nnml-directory is not explicitly set, use global value
+       (when (not folderpath)
+         (setq folderpath nnml-directory)))
+      (when (eq nnmairix-backend 'nnmaildir)
+       (setq folderpath
+             (cadr (assoc 'directory backendmethod))))
+      (when folderpath
+       (setq mfolder
+             (concat
+              (file-name-as-directory
+               (expand-file-name
+                folderpath))
+              mfolder)))
+      ;; If (not fast), call Mairix binary
+      (setq rval
+           (if fast 0
+             (nnmairix-call-mairix-binary
+              (split-string nnmairix-mairix-command)
+              mfolder query threads)))
+      ;; Check return value
+      (cond
+       ((zerop rval)                   ; call was succesful
+       (nnmairix-call-backend
+        "open-server" nnmairix-backend-server)
+       ;; If we're dealing with nnml, rename files
+       ;; consecutively and make new active file for this
+       ;; group
+       (when (eq nnmairix-backend 'nnml)
+         (when nnmairix-rename-files-for-nnml
+           (nnmairix-rename-files-consecutively mfolder))
+         (nnml-generate-nov-databases-directory mfolder))
+       (nnmairix-call-backend
+        "request-scan" folder nnmairix-backend-server)
+       (if fast
+           t
+         (nnmairix-request-group-with-article-number-correction folder 
+       ((and (= rval 1)
+            (save-excursion (set-buffer nnmairix-mairix-output-buffer)
+                            (goto-char (point-min))
+                            (looking-at "^Matched 0 messages")))
+       ;; No messages found -> return empty group
+       (nnheader-message 5 "Mairix: No matches found.")
+       (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (insert (concat "211 0 1 0 " group))
+       t)
+       ;; Everything else is an error
+       (t
+       (nnheader-report
+        'nnmairix "Error running marix. See buffer %s for details"
+        nnmairix-mairix-output-buffer)
+       nil))))))
+(deffoo nnmairix-request-create-group (group &optional server args)
+  (let ((qualgroup (if server (gnus-group-prefixed-name group (list 'nnmairix 
+                    group))
+       (exist t)
+       (count 0)
+       groupname info)
+    (when server (nnmairix-open-server server))
+    (gnus-group-add-parameter qualgroup '(query . nil))
+    (gnus-group-add-parameter qualgroup '(threads . nil))
+    (while exist
+      (setq count (1+ count))
+      (setq groupname (format "%s-%s-%s" nnmairix-group-prefix group
+                             (number-to-string count)))
+      (setq exist (nnmairix-call-backend
+                  "request-group" groupname nnmairix-backend-server)))
+    (nnmairix-call-backend
+     "request-create-group" groupname nnmairix-backend-server)
+    (gnus-group-add-parameter qualgroup '(folder . nil))
+    (gnus-group-set-parameter qualgroup 'folder groupname))
+  t)
+(deffoo nnmairix-retrieve-headers (articles group &optional server fetch-old)
+  (when server (nnmairix-open-server server))
+  (let* ((folder (nnmairix-get-backend-folder group server))
+        (corr (nnmairix-get-numcorr group server))
+        (numcorr 0)
+        rval)
+    (when (and corr
+              (not (zerop (cadr corr)))
+              (numberp (car articles)))
+      (setq numcorr (cadr corr))
+      (setq articles
+           (mapcar
+            (lambda (arg) (- arg numcorr))
+            articles)))
+    (setq rval (nnmairix-call-backend
+               "retrieve-headers" articles folder nnmairix-backend-server 
+    (when (eq rval 'nov)
+      (nnmairix-replace-group-and-numbers articles folder group numcorr)
+      rval)))
+(deffoo nnmairix-request-article (article &optional group server to-buffer)
+  (when server (nnmairix-open-server server))
+  (let ((folder (nnmairix-get-backend-folder group server))
+       (corr (nnmairix-get-numcorr group server)))
+    (when (and
+          (numberp article)
+          corr
+          (not (zerop (cadr corr))))
+      (setq article (- article (cadr corr))))
+    (nnmairix-call-backend
+     "request-article" article folder nnmairix-backend-server to-buffer))
+  t)
+(deffoo nnmairix-close-group (group &optional server)
+  ;; Should we do something here?
+  nil)
+(deffoo nnmairix-request-list (&optional server)
+  (when server (nnmairix-open-server server))
+  (if (nnmairix-call-backend "request-list" nnmairix-backend-server)
+      (let (cpoint cur qualgroup folder)
+       (save-excursion
+         (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (setq cpoint (point))
+         (while (re-search-forward nnmairix-group-regexp (point-max) t)
+           (setq cur (match-string 1)
+                 qualgroup (gnus-group-prefixed-name cur
+                                                     (list 'nnmairix server)))
+           (if (and (gnus-group-entry qualgroup)
+                    (string= (match-string 0)
+                             (gnus-group-get-parameter qualgroup 'folder)))
+               (progn
+                 (replace-match cur)
+                 (delete-region cpoint (point-at-bol))
+                 (forward-line)
+                 (setq cpoint (point)))
+             (forward-line)))
+         (delete-region cpoint (point-max)))
+       t)
+    nil))
+(nnoo-define-skeleton nnmairix)
+;;; === Interactive functions
+(defun nnmairix-create-search-group (server group query threads)
+  "Create on SERVER nnmairix search group GROUP with QUERY.
+If THREADS is t, include whole threads from found messages.  If
+called interactively, user will be asked for parameters."
+  (interactive
+   (list
+    (gnus-server-to-method (car (nnmairix-get-server)))
+    (read-string "Group name: ")
+    (read-string "Query: ")
+    (y-or-n-p "Include threads? ")))
+  (when (and (stringp query)
+            (string-match "\\s-" query))
+    (setq query (split-string query)))
+  (when (not (listp query))
+    (setq query (list query)))
+  (when (and server group query)
+    (save-excursion
+      (let ((groupname (gnus-group-prefixed-name group server))
+           info)
+       (set-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
+       (gnus-group-make-group group server)
+       (gnus-group-set-parameter groupname 'query  query)
+       (gnus-group-set-parameter groupname 'threads threads)
+       (nnmairix-update-and-clear-marks groupname)))))
+(defun nnmairix-search-interactive ()
+  "Create mairix search interactively with the minibuffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((char-header nnmairix-interactive-query-parameters)
+       header finished query achar)
+    (while (not finished)
+      (while (not achar)
+       (message "Query (%s): " (nnmairix-create-message-line-for-search))
+         (setq achar (read-char))
+         (when (not (assoc achar char-header))
+           (setq achar nil)))
+      (setq header (read-string
+                   (concat "Match " (nth 3 (assoc achar char-header)) " on: 
+       (push  (concat (nth 2 (assoc achar char-header)) ":" header) query)
+       (setq finished (not (y-or-n-p "Add another search query? "))
+             achar nil))
+    (nnmairix-search
+     (mapconcat 'identity query " ")
+     (car (nnmairix-get-server))
+     (y-or-n-p "Include whole threads? "))))
+(defun nnmairix-create-search-group-from-message ()
+  "Interactively create search group with query based on current message."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((char-header nnmairix-interactive-query-parameters)
+       (server (nnmairix-backend-to-server gnus-current-select-method))
+        query achar header finished group threads cq)
+    (when (or (not (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-article-buffer))
+             (not (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-summary-buffer)))
+      (error "No article or summary buffer"))
+    (when (not server)
+      (error "No nnmairix server found for back end %s:%s"
+            (symbol-name (car gnus-current-select-method))
+            (nth 1 gnus-current-select-method)))
+    (while (not finished)
+      (save-excursion
+       (gnus-summary-toggle-header 1)
+       (while (not achar)
+         (message "Query (%s): " (nnmairix-create-message-line-for-search))
+         (setq achar (read-char))
+         (when (not (assoc achar char-header))
+           (setq achar nil)))
+       (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+       (setq header nil)
+       (when (setq cq (nth 1 (assoc achar char-header)))
+         (setq header
+               (nnmairix-replace-illegal-chars
+                (gnus-fetch-field (nth 1 (assoc achar char-header))))))
+       (setq header (read-string
+                     (concat "Match " (nth 3 (assoc achar char-header)) " on: 
+                     header))
+       (push  (concat (nth 2 (assoc achar char-header)) ":" header) query)
+       (setq finished (not (y-or-n-p "Add another search query? "))
+             achar nil)))
+    (setq threads (y-or-n-p "Include whole threads? "))
+    (setq group (read-string "Group name: "))
+    (set-buffer gnus-summary-buffer)
+    (message "Creating group %s on server %s with query %s." group
+            (gnus-method-to-server server) (mapconcat 'identity query " "))
+    (nnmairix-create-search-group server group query threads)))
+(defun nnmairix-create-server-and-default-group ()
+  "Interactively create new nnmairix server with default search group.
+All necessary information will be queried from the user."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((name (read-string "Name of the mairix server: "))
+       (server (completing-read "Back end server (TAB for completion): "
+                                (nnmairix-get-valid-servers)))
+       (mairix (read-string "Command to call mairix: " "mairix"))
+       (defaultgroup (read-string "Default search group: "))
+       (backend (symbol-name (car (gnus-server-to-method server))))
+       (servername (nth 1 (gnus-server-to-method server)))
+       (hidden (and (string-match "^nn\\(imap\\|maildir\\)$" backend)
+                    (y-or-n-p
+                     "Does the back end server work with maildir++ (i.e. 
hidden directories)? ")))
+       create)
+    (apply (intern (format "%s-%s" backend "open-server"))
+          (list servername))
+    (when (and hidden
+              (string-match "^\\." defaultgroup))
+      (setq defaultgroup (substring defaultgroup 1)))
+    ;; Create default search group
+    (gnus-group-make-group
+     defaultgroup (list 'nnmairix name  (list 'nnmairix-backend (intern 
+                       (list 'nnmairix-backend-server servername)
+                       (list 'nnmairix-mairix-command mairix)
+                       (list 'nnmairix-hidden-folders hidden)
+                       (list 'nnmairix-default-group defaultgroup)))))
+(defun nnmairix-group-change-query-this-group (&optional query)
+  "Set QUERY for group under cursor."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((group (gnus-group-group-name))
+        (method (gnus-find-method-for-group group))
+        (oldquery (gnus-group-get-parameter group 'query t)))
+    (if (eq (car method) 'nnmairix)
+       (progn
+         (when (listp oldquery)
+           (setq oldquery (mapconcat 'identity oldquery " ")))
+         (setq query (or query
+                         (read-string "New query: " oldquery)))
+         (when (stringp query)
+           (setq query (split-string query)))
+         (when query
+           (gnus-group-set-parameter group 'query query)
+           (nnmairix-update-and-clear-marks group)))
+      (error "This is no nnmairix group"))))
+(defun nnmairix-group-toggle-threads-this-group (&optional threads)
+  "Toggle threads parameter for this group.
+If THREADS is a positive number, set threads parameter to t.
+If THREADS is a negative number, set it to nil."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((group (gnus-group-group-name))
+        (method (gnus-find-method-for-group group))
+        (getthreads (or threads
+                       (not (gnus-group-get-parameter group 'threads)))))
+    (if (eq (car method) 'nnmairix)
+       (progn
+         (when (numberp getthreads)
+           (setq getthreads (> getthreads 0)))
+         (gnus-group-set-parameter group 'threads getthreads)
+         (if getthreads
+             (message "Threads activated for group %s" group)
+           (message "Threads deacitavted for group %s" group))
+         (nnmairix-update-and-clear-marks group))
+      (error "This is no nnmairix group"))))
+(defun nnmairix-search (query &optional server threads)
+  "Sends QUERY to nnmairix backend SERVER, using default its search group.
+Default search group is automatically entered and results are shown.
+If THREADS is t, enable threads.
+If THREADS is a negative number, disable threads.
+Otherwise, leave threads parameter as it is."
+  (interactive (list (read-string "Query: ")))
+  (when (not server)
+    (setq server (car (nnmairix-get-server))))
+  (if (not server)
+      (error "No opened nnmairix server found")
+    (setq server (gnus-server-to-method server)))
+  (nnmairix-open-server (nth 1 server))
+  (let* ((qualgroup (gnus-group-prefixed-name nnmairix-default-group
+                                             (list 'nnmairix (nth 1 server)))))
+    (set-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
+    (when (stringp query)
+      (setq query (split-string query)))
+    (gnus-group-set-parameter qualgroup 'query query)
+    (if (symbolp threads)
+       (when (eq threads 't)
+         (gnus-group-set-parameter qualgroup 'threads t))
+      (when (< threads 0)
+       (gnus-group-set-parameter qualgroup 'threads nil)))
+    (nnmairix-update-and-clear-marks qualgroup)
+    (when (not (zerop (gnus-group-unread qualgroup)))
+      (gnus-group-read-group nil t qualgroup))))
+(defun nnmairix-search-thread-this-article ()
+  "Search thread for the current article.
+This is effectively a shortcut for calling `nnmairix-search'
+with m:msgid of the current article and enabled threads."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((server
+         (nnmairix-backend-to-server gnus-current-select-method))
+        mid)
+    (if server
+       (if (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-article-buffer)
+           (progn
+             (save-excursion
+               (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+               (gnus-summary-toggle-header 1)
+               (setq mid (message-fetch-field "Message-ID")))
+             (while (string-match "[<>]" mid)
+               (setq mid (replace-match "" t t mid)))
+             (nnmairix-search (concat "m:" mid) server t))
+         (message "No article buffer."))
+      (error "No nnmairix server found for back end %s:%s"
+            (symbol-name (car gnus-current-select-method))
+            (nth 1 gnus-current-select-method)))))
+(defun nnmairix-search-from-this-article ()
+  "Search messages from sender of the current article.
+This is effectively a shortcut for calling `nnmairix-search' with
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((server
+         (nnmairix-backend-to-server gnus-current-select-method))
+        from)
+    (if server
+       (if (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-article-buffer)
+           (progn
+             (save-excursion
+               (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+               (gnus-summary-toggle-header 1)
+               (setq from (cadr (gnus-extract-address-components
+                                 (gnus-fetch-field "From"))))
+               (nnmairix-search (concat "f:" from) server -1)))
+         (message "No article buffer."))
+      (error "No nnmairix server found for back end %s:%s"
+            (symbol-name (car gnus-current-select-method))
+            (nth 1 gnus-current-select-method)))))
+(defun nnmairix-purge-old-groups (&optional dontask server)
+  "Delete mairix search groups which are no longer used.
+You may want to call this from time to time if you are creating
+and deleting lots of nnmairix groups.  If DONTASK is t, do not ask
+before deleting a group on the back end.  SERVER specifies nnmairix server."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((server (or server
+                   (gnus-server-to-method (car (nnmairix-get-server))))))
+    (if (nnmairix-open-server (nth 1 server))
+       (when (nnmairix-call-backend
+              "request-list" nnmairix-backend-server)
+         (let (cur qualgroup folder)
+           (save-excursion
+             (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (while (re-search-forward nnmairix-group-regexp (point-max) t)
+               (setq cur (match-string 0)
+                     qualgroup (gnus-group-prefixed-name
+                                (match-string 1) server))
+               (when (not (and (gnus-group-entry qualgroup)
+                               (string= cur
+                                        (gnus-group-get-parameter
+                                         qualgroup 'folder))))
+                 (when (or dontask
+                           (y-or-n-p
+                            (concat "Delete group " cur
+                                    " on server " nnmairix-backend-server "? 
+                   (nnmairix-call-backend
+                    "request-delete-group" cur t nnmairix-backend-server)))))))
+      (message "Couldn't open server %s" (nth 1 server)))))
+(defun nnmairix-update-database (&optional servers)
+  "Call mairix for updating the database for SERVERS.
+If SERVERS is nil, do update for all nnmairix servers.  Mairix
+will be called asynchronously unless
+`nnmairix-mairix-synchronous-update' is t.  Mairix will be called
+with `nnmairix-mairix-update-options'."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((servers (or servers
+                    (nnmairix-get-nnmairix-servers)))
+       args cur commandsplit)
+    (while servers
+      (setq cur (car (pop servers)))
+      (nnmairix-open-server
+       (nth 1 (gnus-server-to-method cur)))
+      (setq commandsplit (split-string nnmairix-mairix-command))
+      (nnheader-message 7 "Updating mairix database for %s..." cur)
+      (if nnmairix-mairix-synchronous-update
+         (progn
+           (setq args (append (list (car commandsplit) nil
+                                    (get-buffer nnmairix-mairix-output-buffer)
+                                    nil)))
+           (if (> (length commandsplit) 1)
+               (setq args (append args (cdr commandsplit) 
+             (setq args (append args nnmairix-mairix-update-options)))
+           (apply 'call-process args)
+           (nnheader-message 7 "Updating mairix database for %s... done" cur))
+       (progn
+         (setq args (append (list cur (get-buffer 
+                                  (car commandsplit))))
+         (if (> (length commandsplit) 1)
+             (setq args (append args (cdr commandsplit) 
+           (setq args (append args nnmairix-mairix-update-options)))
+         (set-process-sentinel (apply 'start-process args)
+                               'nnmairix-sentinel-mairix-update-finished))))))
+(defun nnmairix-goto-original-article (&optional no-registry)
+  "Jump to the original group and display article.
+The original group of the article is first determined with the
+registry (if enabled). If the registry is not enabled or did not
+find the article or the prefix NO-REGISTRY is non-nil, this
+function will try to determine the original group form the path
+of the mail file. The path is obtained through another mairix
+search in raw mode."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (when (not (eq (car gnus-current-select-method) 'nnmairix))
+    (let ((method (gnus-find-method-for-group gnus-newsgroup-name)))
+      (if (eq (car method) 'nnmairix)
+         (nnmairix-open-server (nth 1 method))
+       (error "Not in a nnmairix group"))))
+  (when (not (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-article-buffer))
+    (error "No article buffer available"))
+  (let ((server (nth 1 gnus-current-select-method))
+       mid rval group allgroups)
+    ;; get message id
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+      (gnus-summary-toggle-header 1)
+      (setq mid (message-fetch-field "Message-ID"))
+      ;; first check the registry (if available)
+      (when (and (boundp 'gnus-registry-install)
+                gnus-registry-install
+                (not no-registry))
+       (setq group (gnus-registry-fetch-group mid)))
+      (while (string-match "[<>]" mid)
+       (setq mid (replace-match "" t t mid)))
+      (unless group
+       ;; registry was not available or did not find article
+       ;; so we search again with mairix in raw mode to get filename
+       (nnmairix-open-server server)
+       (setq rval 
+             (nnmairix-call-mairix-binary-raw 
+              (split-string nnmairix-mairix-command) 
+              (list (concat "m:" mid))))
+       (if (zerop rval)
+           ;; determine original group(s) from filename
+           (save-excursion
+             (set-buffer nnmairix-mairix-output-buffer)
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (while (looking-at "/")
+               (push (nnmairix-determine-original-group)
+                     allgroups)
+               (forward-line 1))
+             (if (> (length allgroups) 1)
+                 (setq group 
+                       (completing-read 
+                        "Message exists in more than one group. Choose: " 
+                        allgroups nil t))
+               (setq group (car allgroups))))
+         (error "Mairix could not find original article. See buffer %s for 
+                nnmairix-mairix-output-buffer))))
+    (if group
+       ;; show article in summary buffer
+       (nnmairix-show-original-article group mid)
+      (message "Couldn't find original article"))))
+(defun nnmairix-determine-original-group ()
+  "Try to determine to original group from the file path."
+  (let (path filename serverbase group maildirflag allgroups)
+    (re-search-forward "^\\(.*\\)/\\(.*?\\)$")
+    (setq path (expand-file-name (match-string 1)))
+    (setq filename (match-string 2))
+    ;; when we deal with maildir, remove cur/new/tmp from path
+    (setq maildirflag (string-match ".+\\..+\\..+" filename))
+    (when maildirflag
+      (setq path
+           (replace-regexp-in-string 
+            ".*\\(/cur\\|/new\\|/tmp\\)$" "" path t t 1)))
+    ;; we first check nnml and nnmaildir servers
+    (setq 
+     group
+     (catch 'found
+       (dolist (cur gnus-opened-servers)
+        (when (or (and (not maildirflag)
+                       (eq (caar cur) 'nnml))
+                  (and maildirflag
+                       (eq (caar cur) 'nnmaildir)))
+          ;; get base path from server
+          (if maildirflag 
+              (setq serverbase (cadr (assoc 'directory (car cur))))            
+            (setq serverbase (cadr (assoc 'nnml-directory (car cur))))
+            (when (not serverbase)
+              (setq serverbase nnml-directory)))
+          (setq serverbase (file-name-as-directory 
+                            (expand-file-name serverbase)))
+          (when (string-match (concat serverbase "\\(.*\\)") path)
+            ;; looks good - rest of the path should be the group
+            (setq group (match-string 1 path))
+            (when (string-match "/$" group)
+              (setq group (replace-match "" t t group)))
+            (when (not maildirflag)
+              ;; for nnml: convert slashes to dots
+              (while (string-match "/" group)
+                (setq group (replace-match "." t t group))))
+            (setq group (gnus-group-prefixed-name group (car cur)))
+            ;; check whether this group actually exists
+            (when (gnus-group-entry group)
+              (throw 'found group)))))))
+    (unless group
+      ;; we haven't found it yet --> look for nnimap groups
+      ;; assume last element of the path is the group
+      (string-match "^.*/\\.?\\(.*\\)$" path)
+      (setq group (match-string 1 path))
+      ;; convert dots to slashes (nested group)
+      (while (string-match "\\." group)
+       (setq group (replace-match "/" t t group)))
+      (dolist (cur gnus-opened-servers)
+       (when (eq (caar cur) 'nnimap)
+         (when (gnus-group-entry 
+                (gnus-group-prefixed-name group (car cur)))
+           (push 
+            (gnus-group-prefixed-name group (car cur))
+            allgroups))))
+      (if (> (length allgroups) 1)
+         (setq group (completing-read 
+                      "Group %s exists on more than one IMAP server. Choose: " 
+                      allgroups nil t))
+       (setq group (car allgroups))))
+    group))
+;;; ==== Helper functions
+(defun nnmairix-request-group-with-article-number-correction (folder qualgroup)
+  "Request FOLDER on backend for nnmairix QUALGROUP and article number 
+  (save-excursion
+    (nnmairix-call-backend
+     "request-group" folder nnmairix-backend-server fast)
+    (set-buffer nnmairix-mairix-output-buffer)
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (re-search-forward "^Matched.*messages")
+    (nnheader-message 7 (match-string 0))
+    (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (let ((status (read (current-buffer)))
+         (total (read (current-buffer)))
+         (low (read (current-buffer)))
+         (high (read (current-buffer)))
+         (corr (gnus-group-get-parameter qualgroup 'numcorr t)))
+      (if (= status 211)
+         (progn
+           ;; Article number correction
+           (if (and corr
+                    (> (+ (car (cddr corr)) high) 0))
+               (progn
+                 (when (car corr) ;Group has changed
+                   (setq corr
+                         (list nil
+                               (car (cddr corr))
+                               (+ (car (cddr corr)) high)))
+                   (gnus-group-set-parameter
+                    qualgroup 'numcorr corr))
+                 (setq low (+ low (cadr corr))
+                       high (+ high (cadr corr))))
+             (when (member nnmairix-backend
+                           nnmairix-delete-and-create-on-change)
+               (gnus-group-set-parameter
+                qualgroup 'numcorr (list nil 0 high))))
+           (erase-buffer)
+           (insert (format "%d %d %d %d %s" status total low high group))
+           t)
+       (progn
+         (nnheader-report
+          'nnmairix "Error calling back end on group %s" folder)
+         nil)))))
+(defun nnmairix-call-mairix-binary (command folder query threads)
+  "Call mairix binary with COMMAND, using FOLDER and QUERY.
+If THREADS is non-nil, enable full threads."
+  (let ((args (cons (car command) '(nil t nil))))
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer
+       (get-buffer-create nnmairix-mairix-output-buffer))
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (when (> (length command) 1)
+       (setq args (append args (cdr command))))
+      (when threads
+       (setq args (append args '("-t"))))
+      (apply 'call-process
+            (append args (list "-o" folder) query)))))
+(defun nnmairix-call-mairix-binary-raw (command query)
+  "Call mairix binary with COMMAND and QUERY in raw mode."
+  (let ((args (cons (car command) '(nil t nil))))
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer
+       (get-buffer-create nnmairix-mairix-output-buffer))
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (when (> (length command) 1)
+        (setq args (append args (cdr command))))
+      (setq args (append args '("-r")))
+      (apply 'call-process
+             (append args query)))))
+(defun nnmairix-get-server ()
+  "If there exists just one nnmairix server, return its value.
+Otherwise, ask user for server."
+  (let ((openedserver (nnmairix-get-nnmairix-servers)))
+    (when (not openedserver)
+      (error "No opened nnmairix server found"))
+    (if (> (length openedserver) 1)
+       (progn
+         (while
+             (equal '("")
+                 (setq nnmairix-last-server
+                       (list (completing-read "Server: " openedserver nil 1
+                                              (or nnmairix-last-server
+                                                  "nnmairix:"))))))
+         nnmairix-last-server)
+      (car openedserver))))
+(defun nnmairix-get-nnmairix-servers (&optional all)
+  "Return available nnmairix servers.
+If ALL is t, return also the unopened/failed ones."
+  (let ((alist gnus-opened-servers)
+       server openedserver)
+    (while alist
+      (setq server (pop alist))
+      (when (and server
+                (or all
+                    (eq (cadr server) 'ok))
+                (eq (caar server) 'nnmairix)
+                (not (member (car server) gnus-ephemeral-servers)))
+       (setq server
+             (concat (symbol-name (caar server)) ":" (nth 1 (car server))))
+       (push (list server) openedserver)))
+    openedserver))
+(defun nnmairix-get-valid-servers ()
+  "Return list of valid backend servers for nnmairix groups."
+  (let ((alist gnus-opened-servers)
+       (mairixservers (nnmairix-get-nnmairix-servers t))
+       server mserver openedserver occ cur)
+    ;; Get list of all nnmairix backends (i.e. backends which are
+    ;; already occupied)
+    (dolist (cur mairixservers)
+      (push
+       (concat
+       (symbol-name
+        (cadr (assoc 'nnmairix-backend
+                     (gnus-server-to-method (car cur)))))
+        ":"
+        (cadr (assoc 'nnmairix-backend-server
+                     (gnus-server-to-method (car cur)))))
+       occ))
+    (while alist
+      (setq server (pop alist))
+      (setq mserver (gnus-method-to-server (car server)))
+      ;; If this is the native server, convert it to the real server
+      ;; name to avoid confusion
+      (when (string= mserver "native")
+       (setq mserver (format "%s:%s"
+                             (caar server)
+                             (nth 1 (car server)))))
+      (when (and server
+                (eq (cadr server) 'ok)
+                (member (caar server) nnmairix-valid-backends)
+                (not (member (car server) gnus-ephemeral-servers))
+                (not (member (gnus-method-to-server (car server)) occ)))
+       (push
+        (list mserver)
+        openedserver)))
+    openedserver))
+(defun nnmairix-call-backend (func &rest args)
+  "Call a function FUNC on backend with ARGS."
+  (apply (intern (format "%s-%s" (symbol-name nnmairix-backend) func)) args))
+(defun nnmairix-get-backend-folder (group &optional server)
+  "Return back end GROUP from nnmairix group on SERVER."
+  (let* ((qualgroup (if server
+                       (gnus-group-prefixed-name group (list 'nnmairix server))
+                     group))
+        (folder (gnus-group-get-parameter qualgroup 'folder)))
+    folder))
+(defun nnmairix-get-numcorr (group &optional server)
+  "Return values for article number correction nnmairix GROUP on SERVER."
+  (let* ((qualgroup (if server
+                       (gnus-group-prefixed-name group (list 'nnmairix server))
+                     group))
+        (corr (gnus-group-get-parameter qualgroup 'numcorr t)))
+    corr))
+(defun nnmairix-rename-files-consecutively (path)
+  "Rename all nnml mail files in PATH so that they have consecutive numbers.
+This should correct problems of wrong article counts when using
+nnmairix with nnml backends."
+  (let* ((files
+        (sort
+         (mapcar 'string-to-number
+                 (directory-files path nil "[0-9]+" t))
+         '<))
+        (lastplusone (car files))
+        (path (file-name-as-directory path)))
+    (dolist (cur files)
+      (when (not (= cur lastplusone))
+       (rename-file (concat path
+                            (number-to-string cur))
+                    (concat path
+                            (number-to-string lastplusone)))
+       (setq cur lastplusone))
+      (setq lastplusone (1+ cur)))))
+(defun nnmairix-replace-group-and-numbers (articles backendgroup mairixgroup 
+  "Replace folder names in Xref header and correct article numbers.
+Do this for all ARTICLES on BACKENDGROUP.  Replace using
+MAIRIXGROUP.  NUMC contains values for article number correction."
+  (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *nnmairix buffer*"))
+       (corr (not (zerop numc)))
+       (name (buffer-name nntp-server-buffer))
+       header cur xref)
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer buf)
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (nnheader-message 7 "nnmairix: Rewriting headers...")
+      (mapcar
+       (function
+       (lambda (article)
+         (when (or (looking-at (number-to-string article))
+                   (nnheader-find-nov-line article))
+           (setq cur (nnheader-parse-nov))
+           (when corr
+                 (setq article (+ (mail-header-number cur) numc))
+                 (mail-header-set-number cur article))
+           (setq xref (mail-header-xref cur))
+           (when (and (stringp xref)
+                      (string-match (format "[ \t]%s:[0-9]+" backendgroup) 
+             (setq xref (replace-match (format " %s:%d" mairixgroup article) t 
nil xref))
+             (mail-header-set-xref cur xref))
+           (set-buffer buf)
+           (nnheader-insert-nov cur)
+           (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+           (when (not (eobp))
+             (forward-line 1)))))
+       articles)
+      (nnheader-message 7 "nnmairix: Rewriting headers... done")
+      (kill-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+      (set-buffer buf)
+      (rename-buffer name)
+      (setq nntp-server-buffer buf))))
+(defun nnmairix-backend-to-server (server)
+  "Return nnmairix server most probably responsible for back end SERVER.
+User will be asked if this cannot be determined.  Result is saved in
+parameter 'indexed-servers of corresponding default search
+  (let ((allservers (nnmairix-get-nnmairix-servers))
+       mairixserver found defaultgroup)
+    (if (> (length allservers) 1)
+       (progn
+         ;; If there is more than one nnmairix server, we go through them
+         (while (and allservers (not found))
+           (setq mairixserver (gnus-server-to-method (car (pop allservers))))
+           ;; First we look if SERVER is the backend of current nnmairix server
+           (setq found (and (eq (cadr (assoc 'nnmairix-backend mairixserver))
+                                (car server))
+                            (string= (cadr (assoc 'nnmairix-backend-server 
+                                     (nth 1 server))))
+           ;; If that's not the case, we look at 'indexed-servers
+           ;; variable in default search group
+           (when (not found)
+             (setq defaultgroup (cadr (assoc 'nnmairix-default-group 
+             (setq found (member (gnus-method-to-server server)
+                                 (gnus-group-get-parameter
+                                  (gnus-group-prefixed-name defaultgroup
+                                                            mairixserver)
+                                  'indexed-servers t)))))
+         ;; If still not found, we ask user
+         (when (not found)
+           (setq mairixserver
+                 (gnus-server-to-method
+                  (completing-read
+                   (format "Cannot determine which nnmairix server indexes %s. 
Please specify: "
+                           (gnus-method-to-server server))
+                   (nnmairix-get-nnmairix-servers) nil nil "nnmairix:")))
+           ;; Save result in parameter of default search group so that
+           ;; we don't have to ask again
+           (setq defaultgroup (gnus-group-prefixed-name
+                               (cadr (assoc 'nnmairix-default-group 
mairixserver)) mairixserver))
+           (gnus-group-set-parameter
+            defaultgroup
+            'indexed-servers
+            (append (gnus-group-get-parameter defaultgroup 'indexed-servers t)
+                    (list (gnus-method-to-server server)))))
+         mairixserver)
+      ;; If there is just one (or none) nnmairix server:
+      (gnus-server-to-method (caar allservers)))))
+(defun nnmairix-update-and-clear-marks (group &optional method)
+  "Update group and clear all marks from GROUP using METHOD."
+  (when method
+    (setq group (gnus-group-prefixed-name group method)))
+  (let ((method (or method
+                   (gnus-find-method-for-group group)))
+       (folder (gnus-group-get-parameter group 'folder))
+       (corr (gnus-group-get-parameter group 'numcorr t))
+       info)
+    (if (eq (nth 0 method) 'nnmairix)
+       (save-excursion
+         (nnmairix-open-server (nth 1 method))
+         (set-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
+         (setq info (gnus-get-info group))
+         ;; Clear active and info
+         (gnus-set-active group nil)
+         (gnus-info-clear-data info)
+         ;; Delete and re-create group if needed
+         (when (member nnmairix-backend nnmairix-delete-and-create-on-change)
+           (if (string-match nnmairix-group-regexp folder)
+               (progn
+                 (nnmairix-call-backend "open-server"
+                                        nnmairix-backend-server)
+                 (nnmairix-call-backend "request-delete-group"
+                                        folder t nnmairix-backend-server)
+                 (nnmairix-call-backend "request-create-group"
+                                        folder nnmairix-backend-server)
+                 ;; set flag that group has changed for article number 
+                 (when corr
+                   (setcar corr t)
+                   (gnus-group-set-parameter group 'numcorr corr)))
+             (error "Nnmairix-update-and-clear-marks - delete/create with\
+ non-mairix group!! - check folder parameter")))
+         (when (gnus-group-jump-to-group group)
+           (gnus-group-get-new-news-this-group)))
+      (error "Nnmairix-update-and-clear-marks - Called with non-nnmairix 
+(defun nnmairix-sentinel-mairix-update-finished (proc status)
+  "Sentinel for mairix update process PROC with STATUS."
+  (if (equal status "finished\n")
+      (nnheader-message 7 "Updating mairix database for %s... done" proc)
+    (error "There was an error updating the mairix database for server %s.  \
+See %s for details" proc nnmairix-mairix-output-buffer)))
+(defun nnmairix-create-message-line-for-search ()
+  "Create message line for interactive query in minibuffer."
+  (mapconcat
+   (function
+    (lambda (cur)
+      (format "%c=%s" (car cur) (nth 3 cur))))
+   nnmairix-interactive-query-parameters ","))
+(defun nnmairix-replace-illegal-chars (header)
+  "Replace illegal characters in HEADER for mairix query."
+  (when header
+    (if (> emacs-major-version 20)
+       (while (string-match "[^-.@/,& [:alnum:]]" header)
+         (setq header (replace-match "" t t header)))
+      (while (string-match "[[]{}:<>]" header)
+       (setq header (replace-match "" t t header))))
+    (while (string-match "[-& ]" header)
+      (setq header (replace-match "," t t header)))
+  header))
+(defun nnmairix-show-original-article (group mid)
+  "Switch to GROUP and display Article with message-id MID."
+  (when (string-match "Summary" (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
+    (gnus-summary-exit))
+  (pop-to-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
+  (gnus-group-jump-to-group group)
+  (gnus-summary-read-group group 1 t)  
+  (gnus-summary-refer-article mid)
+  (gnus-summary-limit-to-headers (format "message-id: <%s>" mid))
+  (gnus-summary-select-article)
+  ;; Force redisplay
+  (gnus-summary-show-article)
+  (nnheader-message 5 "Switched to group %s." group))
+;; ==== Widget stuff
+(defvar nnmairix-widgets)
+(defvar nnmairix-widgets-values nil)
+(defun nnmairix-widget-search-from-this-article ()
+  "Create mairix query based on current article using graphical widgets."
+  (interactive)
+  (nnmairix-widget-search
+   (nnmairix-widget-get-values)))
+(defun nnmairix-widget-get-values ()
+  "Create values for editable fields from current article."
+  (if (not (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-article-buffer))
+      (error "No article buffer available")
+    (save-excursion
+      (gnus-summary-toggle-header 1)
+      (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+      (mapcar
+       (function
+       (lambda (field)
+         (list (caddr field)
+               (if (car field)
+                   (nnmairix-replace-illegal-chars
+                    (gnus-fetch-field (car field)))
+                 nil))))
+       nnmairix-widget-fields-list))))
+(defun nnmairix-widget-search (&optional mvalues)
+  "Create mairix query interactively using graphical widgets.
+MVALUES may contain values from current article."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; Select window for mairix customization
+  (funcall nnmairix-widget-select-window-function)
+  ;; generate widgets
+  (nnmairix-widget-create-query mvalues)
+  ;; generate Buttons
+  (widget-create 'push-button
+                :notify
+                (if mvalues
+                    (lambda (&rest ignore)
+                      (nnmairix-widget-send-query nnmairix-widgets
+                                                  t))
+                  (lambda (&rest ignore)
+                    (nnmairix-widget-send-query nnmairix-widgets
+                                                nil)))
+                "Send Query")
+  (widget-insert "   ")
+  (widget-create 'push-button
+                :notify
+                (if mvalues
+                    (lambda (&rest ignore)
+                      (nnmairix-widget-create-group nnmairix-widgets
+                                                    t))
+                  (lambda (&rest ignore)
+                    (nnmairix-widget-create-group nnmairix-widgets
+                                                  nil)))
+                "Create permanent group")
+  (widget-insert "   ")
+  (widget-create 'push-button
+                :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+                          (kill-buffer nnmairix-customize-query-buffer))
+                "Cancel")
+  (use-local-map widget-keymap)
+  (widget-setup)
+  (goto-char (point-min)))
+(defun nnmairix-widget-send-query (widgets &optional withvalues)
+  "Send query from WIDGETS to mairix binary.
+If WITHVALUES is t, query is based on current article."
+  (nnmairix-search
+   (nnmairix-widget-make-query-from-widgets widgets)
+   (if withvalues
+       (gnus-method-to-server
+       (nnmairix-backend-to-server gnus-current-select-method))
+     (car (nnmairix-get-server)))
+   (if (widget-value (cadr (assoc "Threads" widgets)))
+       t
+     -1))
+  (kill-buffer nnmairix-customize-query-buffer))
+(defun nnmairix-widget-create-group (widgets &optional withvalues)
+  "Create nnmairix group based on current widget values WIDGETS.
+If WITHVALUES is t, query is based on current article."
+  (let ((group (read-string "Name of the group: ")))
+    (when (not (zerop (length group)))
+      (nnmairix-create-search-group
+       (if withvalues
+          (gnus-method-to-server
+           (nnmairix-backend-to-server gnus-current-select-method))
+        (car (nnmairix-get-server)))
+       group
+       (nnmairix-widget-make-query-from-widgets widgets)
+       (widget-value (cadr (assoc "Threads" widgets))))))
+  (kill-buffer nnmairix-customize-query-buffer))
+(defun nnmairix-widget-make-query-from-widgets (widgets)
+  "Create mairix query from widget values WIDGETS."
+  (let (query temp flag)
+    ;; first we do the editable fields
+    (dolist (cur nnmairix-widget-fields-list)
+      ;; See if checkbox is checked
+      (when (widget-value
+            (cadr (assoc (concat "c" (caddr cur)) widgets)))
+       ;; create query for the field
+       (push
+        (concat
+         (nth 1 cur)
+         ":"
+         (nnmairix-replace-illegal-chars
+          (widget-value
+          (cadr (assoc (concat "e" (caddr cur)) widgets)))))
+        query)))
+    ;; Flags
+    (when (member 'flags nnmairix-widget-other)
+      (setq flag
+           (mapconcat
+            (function
+             (lambda (flag)
+               (setq temp
+                     (widget-value (cadr (assoc (car flag) nnmairix-widgets))))
+               (if (string= "yes" temp)
+                   (cadr flag)
+                 (if (string= "no" temp)
+                     (concat "-" (cadr flag))))))
+            '(("seen" "s") ("replied" "r") ("flagged" "f")) ""))
+      (when (not (zerop (length flag)))
+       (push (concat "F:" flag) query)))
+    ;; return query string
+    (mapconcat 'identity query " ")))
+(defun nnmairix-widget-create-query (&optional values)
+  "Create widgets for creating mairix queries.
+Fill in VALUES if based on an article."
+  (let (allwidgets)
+    (when (get-buffer nnmairix-customize-query-buffer)
+      (kill-buffer nnmairix-customize-query-buffer))
+    (switch-to-buffer nnmairix-customize-query-buffer)
+    (kill-all-local-variables)
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (widget-insert "Specify your query for Mairix (check boxes for activating 
+    (widget-insert "(Whitespaces will be converted to ',' (i.e. AND). Use '/' 
for OR.)\n\n")
+;    (make-local-variable 'nnmairix-widgets)
+    (setq nnmairix-widgets (nnmairix-widget-build-editable-fields values))
+    (when (member 'flags nnmairix-widget-other)
+      (widget-insert "\nFlags:\n      Seen:     ")
+      (nnmairix-widget-add "seen"
+                          'menu-choice
+                          :value "ignore"
+                          '(item "yes") '(item "no") '(item "ignore"))
+      (widget-insert "      Replied:  ")
+      (nnmairix-widget-add "replied"
+                          'menu-choice
+                          :value "ignore"
+                          '(item "yes") '(item "no") '(item "ignore"))
+      (widget-insert "      Ticked:   ")
+      (nnmairix-widget-add "flagged"
+                          'menu-choice
+                          :value "ignore"
+                          '(item "yes") '(item "no") '(item "ignore")))
+    (when (member 'threads nnmairix-widget-other)
+      (widget-insert "\n")
+      (nnmairix-widget-add "Threads" 'checkbox nil))
+      (widget-insert " Show full threads\n\n")))
+(defun nnmairix-widget-build-editable-fields (values)
+  "Build editable field widgets in `nnmairix-widget-fields-list'.
+VALUES may contain values for editable fields from current article."
+  ;; how can this be done less ugly?
+  (let ((ret))
+    (mapc
+     (function
+      (lambda (field)
+       (setq field (caddr field))
+       (setq ret
+             (nconc
+              (list
+               (list
+                (concat "c" field)
+                (widget-create 'checkbox
+                               :tag field
+                               :notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore)
+                                         (nnmairix-widget-toggle-activate 
+                               nil)))
+              (list
+               (list
+                (concat "e" field)
+                (widget-create 'editable-field
+                               :size 60
+                               :format (concat " " field ":"
+                                               (make-string (- 11 (length 
field)) ?\ )
+                                               "%v")
+                               :value (or (cadr (assoc field values)) ""))))
+              ret))
+       (widget-insert "\n")
+       ;; Deactivate editable field
+       (widget-apply (cadr (nth 1 ret)) :deactivate)))
+     nnmairix-widget-fields-list)
+    ret))
+(defun nnmairix-widget-add (name &rest args)
+  "Add a widget NAME with optional ARGS."
+  (push
+   (list name
+        (apply 'widget-create args))
+   nnmairix-widgets))
+(defun nnmairix-widget-toggle-activate (widget)
+  "Toggle activation status of WIDGET dependent on corresponding checkbox 
+  (let ((field (widget-get widget :tag)))
+    (if (widget-value widget)
+       (widget-apply
+        (cadr (assoc (concat "e" field) nnmairix-widgets))
+        :activate)
+      (widget-apply
+       (cadr (assoc (concat "e" field) nnmairix-widgets))
+       :deactivate)))
+  (widget-setup))
+(provide 'nnmairix)
+;; arch-tag: bb187498-b229-4a55-8c07-6d3f80713e94
+;;; nnmairix.el ends here

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