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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to textmodes/rst.el

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to textmodes/rst.el
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 16:00:36 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Stefan Monnier <monnier>        08/06/20 16:00:34

Index: textmodes/rst.el
RCS file: textmodes/rst.el
diff -N textmodes/rst.el
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ textmodes/rst.el    20 Jun 2008 16:00:33 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,3430 @@
+;;; rst.el --- Mode for viewing and editing reStructuredText-documents.
+;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
+;;   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Authors: Martin Blais <address@hidden>,
+;;          Stefan Merten <address@hidden>,
+;;          David Goodger <address@hidden>
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package provides major mode rst-mode, which supports documents marked 
+;; using the reStructuredText format. Support includes font locking as well as
+;; some convenience functions for editing. It does this by defining a Emacs
+;; major mode: rst-mode (ReST). This mode is derived from text-mode (and
+;; inherits much of it). This package also contains:
+;; - Functions to automatically adjust and cycle the section underline
+;;   decorations;
+;; - A mode that displays the table of contents and allows you to jump anywhere
+;;   from it;
+;; - Functions to insert and automatically update a TOC in your source
+;;   document;
+;; - Font-lock highlighting of notable reStructuredText structures;
+;; - Some other convenience functions.
+;; See the accompanying document in the docutils documentation about
+;; the contents of this package and how to use it.
+;; For more information about reStructuredText, see
+;; http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
+;; For full details on how to use the contents of this file, see
+;; http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/emacs.html
+;; There are a number of convenient keybindings provided by rst-mode. The main
+;; one is
+;;    C-c C-a (also C-=): rst-adjust
+;; Updates or rotates the section title around point or promotes/demotes the
+;; decorations within the region (see full details below). Note that C-= is a
+;; good binding, since it allows you to specify a negative arg easily with C--
+;; C-= (easy to type), as well as ordinary prefix arg with C-u C-=.
+;; For more on bindings, see rst-mode-map below. There are also many variables
+;; that can be customized, look for defcustom and defvar in this file.
+;; If you use the table-of-contents feature, you may want to add a hook to
+;; update the TOC automatically everytime you adjust a section title::
+;;   (add-hook 'rst-adjust-hook 'rst-toc-update)
+;; Syntax highlighting: font-lock is enabled by default. If you want to turn 
+;; syntax highlighting to rst-mode, you can use the following::
+;;   (setq font-lock-global-modes '(not rst-mode ...))
+;; rst
+;; ---
+;; This group contains some general customizable features.
+;; The group is contained in the wp group.
+;; rst-faces
+;; ---------
+;; This group contains all necessary for customizing fonts. The default
+;; settings use standard font-lock-*-face's so if you set these to your
+;; liking they are probably good in rst-mode also.
+;; The group is contained in the faces group as well as in the rst group.
+;; rst-faces-defaults
+;; ------------------
+;; This group contains all necessary for customizing the default fonts used for
+;; section title faces.
+;; The general idea for section title faces is to have a non-default background
+;; but do not change the background. The section level is shown by the
+;; lightness of the background color. If you like this general idea of
+;; generating faces for section titles but do not like the details this group
+;; is the point where you can customize the details. If you do not like the
+;; general idea, however, you should customize the faces used in
+;; rst-adornment-faces-alist.
+;; Note: If you are using a dark background please make sure the variable
+;; frame-background-mode is set to the symbol dark. This triggers
+;; some default values which are probably right for you.
+;; The group is contained in the rst-faces group.
+;; All customizable features have a comment explaining their meaning. Refer to
+;; the customization of your Emacs (try ``M-x customize``).
+;; The latest version of this file lies in the docutils source code repository:
+;; Add the following lines to your `.emacs' file:
+;;   (require 'rst)
+;; If you are using `.txt' as a standard extension for reST files as
+;; suggests you may use one of the `Local Variables in Files' mechanism Emacs
+;; provides to set the major mode automatically. For instance you may use::
+;;    .. -*- mode: rst -*-
+;; in the very first line of your file. The following code is useful if you 
+;; to automatically enter rst-mode from any file with compatible extensions:
+;; (setq auto-mode-alist
+;;       (append '(("\\.txt$" . rst-mode)
+;;                 ("\\.rst$" . rst-mode)
+;;                 ("\\.rest$" . rst-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
+;;; BUGS
+;; - rst-enumeration-region: Select a single paragraph, with the top at one
+;;   blank line before the beginning, and it will fail.
+;; - The active region goes away when we shift it left or right, and this
+;;   prevents us from refilling it automatically when shifting many times.
+;; - The suggested decorations when adjusting should not have to cycle
+;;   below one below the last section decoration level preceding the
+;;   cursor.  We need to fix that.
+;; rst-toc-insert features
+;; ------------------------
+;; - rst-toc-insert: We should parse the contents:: options to figure out how
+;;   deep to render the inserted TOC.
+;; - On load, detect any existing TOCs and set the properties for links.
+;; - TOC insertion should have an option to add empty lines.
+;; - TOC insertion should deal with multiple lines.
+;; - There is a bug on redo after undo of adjust when rst-adjust-hook uses the
+;;   automatic toc update.  The cursor ends up in the TOC and this is
+;;   annoying.  Gotta fix that.
+;; - numbering: automatically detect if we have a section-numbering directive 
+;;   the corresponding section, to render the toc.
+;; bulleted and enumerated list items
+;; ----------------------------------
+;; - We need to provide way to rebullet bulleted lists, and that would include
+;;   automatic enumeration as well.
+;; Other
+;; -----
+;; - It would be nice to differentiate between text files using
+;;   reStructuredText_ and other general text files.  If we had a
+;;   function to automatically guess whether a .txt file is following the
+;;   reStructuredText_ conventions, we could trigger rst-mode without
+;;   having to hard-code this in every text file, nor forcing the user to
+;;   add a local mode variable at the top of the file.
+;;   We could perform this guessing by searching for a valid decoration
+;;   at the top of the document or searching for reStructuredText_
+;;   directives further on.
+;; - We should support imenu in our major mode, with the menu filled with the
+;;   section titles (this should be really easy).
+;; - We should rename "adornment" to "decoration" or vice-versa in this
+;;   document (Stefan's code ("adornment") vs Martin ("decoration")), maybe 
+;;   functions even overlap.
+;; - We need to automatically recenter on rst-forward-section movement 
+;;; CODE
+(defgroup rst nil "Support for reStructuredText documents"
+  :group 'wp
+  :version "23.1"
+  :link '(url-link "http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html";))
+;; Define some generic support functions.
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) ;; We need this for destructuring-bind below.
+;; From Emacs-22
+(unless (fboundp 'line-number-at-pos)
+  (defun line-number-at-pos (&optional pos)
+    "Return (narrowed) buffer line number at position POS.
+    If POS is nil, use current buffer location."
+    (let ((opoint (or pos (point))) start)
+      (save-excursion
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (setq start (point))
+       (goto-char opoint)
+       (forward-line 0)
+       (1+ (count-lines start (point)))))) )
+;; Mode definition.
+;; Key bindings.
+(defvar rst-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    ;;
+    ;; Section Decorations.
+    ;;
+    ;; The adjustment function that decorates or rotates a section title.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control a)] 'rst-adjust)
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control ?=)] 'rst-adjust)
+    (define-key map [(control ?=)] 'rst-adjust) ;; (Does not work on the Mac 
+    ;; Display the hierarchy of decorations implied by the current document 
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control h)] 
+    ;; Homogeneize the decorations in the document.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control s)] 'rst-straighten-decorations)
+;;    (define-key map [(control c) (control s)] 'rst-straighten-deco-spacing)
+    ;;
+    ;; Section Movement and Selection.
+    ;;
+    ;; Mark the subsection where the cursor is.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control m)] 'rst-mark-section)
+    ;; Move forward/backward between section titles.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control n)] 'rst-forward-section)
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control p)] 'rst-backward-section)
+    ;;
+    ;; Operating on Blocks of Text.
+    ;;
+    ;; Makes paragraphs in region as a bullet list.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control b)] 'rst-bullet-list-region)
+    ;; Makes paragraphs in region as a enumeration.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control e)] 'rst-enumerate-region)
+    ;; Converts bullets to an enumeration.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control v)] 
+    ;; Makes region a line-block.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control d)] 'rst-line-block-region)
+    ;; Make sure that all the bullets in the region are consistent.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control w)] 'rst-straighten-bullets-region)
+    ;; Shift region left or right (taking into account of 
enumerations/bullets, etc.).
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control l)] 'rst-shift-region-left)
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control r)] 'rst-shift-region-right)
+    ;; Comment/uncomment the active region.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control c)] 'comment-region)
+    ;;
+    ;; Table-of-Contents Features.
+    ;;
+    ;; Enter a TOC buffer to view and move to a specific section.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control t)] 'rst-toc)
+    ;; Insert a TOC here.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control i)] 'rst-toc-insert)
+    ;; Update the document's TOC (without changing the cursor position).
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control u)] 'rst-toc-update)
+    ;; Got to the section under the cursor (cursor must be in TOC).
+    (define-key map [(control c) (control f)] 'rst-goto-section)
+    ;;
+    ;; Converting Documents from Emacs.
+    ;;
+    ;; Run one of two pre-configured toolset commands on the document.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (?1)] 'rst-compile)
+    (define-key map [(control c) (?2)] 'rst-compile-alt-toolset)
+    ;; Convert the active region to pseudo-xml using the docutils tools.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (?3)] 'rst-compile-pseudo-region)
+    ;; Convert the current document to PDF and launch a viewer on the results.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (?4)] 'rst-compile-pdf-preview)
+    ;; Convert the current document to S5 slides and view in a web browser.
+    (define-key map [(control c) (?5)] 'rst-compile-slides-preview)
+    map)
+  "Keymap for ReStructuredText mode commands. This inherits from Text mode.")
+;; Abbrevs.
+(defvar rst-mode-abbrev-table nil
+  "Abbrev table used while in rst mode.")
+(define-abbrev-table 'rst-mode-abbrev-table
+  '(
+    ("contents" ".. contents::\n..\n   " nil 0)
+    ("con" ".. contents::\n..\n   " nil 0)
+    ("cont" "[...]" nil 0)
+    ("skip" "\n\n[...]\n\n  " nil 0)
+    ("seq" "\n\n[...]\n\n  " nil 0)
+    ;; FIXME: Add footnotes, links, and more.
+    ))
+;; Syntax table.
+(defvar rst-mode-syntax-table
+  (let ((st (copy-syntax-table text-mode-syntax-table)))
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?$ "." st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?% "." st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?& "." st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?' "." st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?* "." st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?. "_" st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?/ "." st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?< "." st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?= "." st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?> "." st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?| "." st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "." st)
+    st)
+  "Syntax table used while in `rst-mode'.")
+(defcustom rst-mode-hook nil
+  "Hook run when Rst Mode is turned on. The hook for Text Mode is run before
+  this one."
+  :group 'rst
+  :type '(hook))
+(defcustom rst-mode-lazy t
+  "*If non-nil Rst Mode font-locks comment, literal blocks, and section titles
+correctly. Because this is really slow it switches on Lazy Lock Mode
+automatically. You may increase Lazy Lock Defer Time for reasonable results.
+If nil comments and literal blocks are font-locked only on the line they start.
+The value of this variable is used when Rst Mode is turned on."
+  :group 'rst
+  :type '(boolean))
+(define-derived-mode rst-mode text-mode "ReST"
+  :abbrev-table rst-mode-abbrev-table
+  :syntax-table rst-mode-syntax-table
+  :group 'rst
+  "Major mode for editing reStructuredText documents.
+There are a number of convenient keybindings provided by
+rst-mode. The main one is \[rst-adjust\], it updates or rotates
+the section title around point or promotes/demotes the
+decorations within the region (see full details below). Use
+negative prefix arg to rotate in the other direction.
+Turning on `rst-mode' calls the normal hooks `text-mode-hook' and
+`rst-mode-hook'. This mode also supports font-lock highlighting.
+You may customize `rst-mode-lazy' to toggle font-locking of
+  (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) paragraph-start)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'indent-relative-maybe)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
+       "\f\\|>*[ \t]*$\\|>*[ \t]*[-+*] \\|>*[ \t]*[0-9#]+\\. ")
+  (set (make-local-variable 'adaptive-fill-mode) t)
+  ;; FIXME: No need to reset this.
+  ;; (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'indent-relative)
+  ;; The details of the following comment setup is important because it affects
+  ;; auto-fill, and it is pretty common in running text to have an ellipsis
+  ;; ("...") which trips because of the rest comment syntax (".. ").
+  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) ".. ")
+  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "^\\.\\. ")
+  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-multi-line) nil)
+  ;; Special variables
+  (make-local-variable 'rst-adornment-level-alist)
+  ;; Font lock
+  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+       '(rst-font-lock-keywords-function
+        t nil nil nil
+        (font-lock-multiline . t)
+        (font-lock-mark-block-function . mark-paragraph)))
+  (when (boundp 'font-lock-support-mode)
+    ;; rst-mode has its own mind about font-lock-support-mode
+    (make-local-variable 'font-lock-support-mode)
+    ;; jit-lock-mode replaced lazy-lock-mode in GNU Emacs 22
+    (let ((jit-or-lazy-lock-mode
+           (cond
+            ((fboundp 'lazy-lock-mode) 'lazy-lock-mode)
+            ((fboundp 'jit-lock-mode) 'jit-lock-mode)
+            ;; if neither lazy-lock nor jit-lock is supported,
+            ;; tell user and disable rst-mode-lazy
+            (t (when rst-mode-lazy
+                 (message "Disabled lazy fontification, because no known 
support mode found.")
+                 (setq rst-mode-lazy nil))))))
+      (cond
+       ((and (not rst-mode-lazy) (not font-lock-support-mode)))
+       ;; No support mode set and none required - leave it alone
+       ((or (not font-lock-support-mode) ;; No support mode set (but required)
+           (symbolp font-lock-support-mode)) ;; or a fixed mode for all
+       (setq font-lock-support-mode
+             (list (cons 'rst-mode (and rst-mode-lazy jit-or-lazy-lock-mode))
+                   (cons t font-lock-support-mode))))
+       ((and (listp font-lock-support-mode)
+            (not (assoc 'rst-mode font-lock-support-mode)))
+       ;; A list of modes missing rst-mode
+       (setq font-lock-support-mode
+             (cons (cons 'rst-mode (and rst-mode-lazy jit-or-lazy-lock-mode))
+                   font-lock-support-mode))))))
+  )
+(define-minor-mode rst-minor-mode
+  "ReST Minor Mode.
+Toggle ReST minor mode.
+With no argument, this command toggles the mode.
+Non-null prefix argument turns on the mode.
+Null prefix argument turns off the mode.
+When ReST minor mode is enabled, the ReST mode
+keybindings are installed on top of the major
+mode bindings. Use this for modes derived from
+text-mode, like mail-mode.."
+ ;; The initial value.
+ nil
+ ;; The indicator for the mode line.
+ " ReST"
+ ;; The minor mode bindings.
+ rst-mode-map
+ :group 'rst)
+;; FIXME: can I somehow install these too?
+;;  :abbrev-table rst-mode-abbrev-table
+;;  :syntax-table rst-mode-syntax-table
+;; Bulleted item lists.
+(defcustom rst-bullets
+  '(?- ?* ?+)
+  "List of all possible bullet characters for bulleted lists."
+  :group 'rst)
+;; Section Decoration Adjusment
+;; ============================
+;; The following functions implement a smart automatic title sectioning 
+;; The idea is that with the cursor sitting on a section title, we try to get 
+;; much information from context and try to do the best thing automatically.
+;; This function can be invoked many times and/or with prefix argument to 
+;; between the various sectioning decorations.
+;; Definitions: the two forms of sectioning define semantically separate 
+;; levels.  A sectioning DECORATION consists in:
+;;   - a CHARACTER
+;;   - a STYLE which can be either of 'simple' or 'over-and-under'.
+;;   - an INDENT (meaningful for the over-and-under style only) which 
+;;     how many characters and over-and-under style is hanging outside of the
+;;     title at the beginning and ending.
+;; Important note: an existing decoration must be formed by at least two
+;; characters to be recognized.
+;; Here are two examples of decorations (| represents the window border, column
+;; 0):
+;;                                  |
+;; 1. char: '-'   e                 |Some Title
+;;    style: simple                 |----------
+;;                                  |
+;; 2. char: '='                     |==============
+;;    style: over-and-under         |  Some Title
+;;    indent: 2                     |==============
+;;                                  |
+;; Some notes:
+;; - The underlining character that is used depends on context. The file is
+;;   scanned to find other sections and an appropriate character is selected.
+;;   If the function is invoked on a section that is complete, the character is
+;;   rotated among the existing section decorations.
+;;   Note that when rotating the characters, if we come to the end of the
+;;   hierarchy of decorations, the variable rst-preferred-decorations is
+;;   consulted to propose a new underline decoration, and if continued, we 
+;;   the decorations all over again.  Set this variable to nil if you want to
+;;   limit the underlining character propositions to the existing decorations 
+;;   the file.
+;; - A prefix argument can be used to alternate the style.
+;; - An underline/overline that is not extended to the column at which it 
+;;   be hanging is dubbed INCOMPLETE.  For example::
+;;      |Some Title
+;;      |-------
+;; Examples of default invocation:
+;;   |Some Title       --->    |Some Title
+;;   |                         |----------
+;;   |Some Title       --->    |Some Title
+;;   |-----                    |----------
+;;   |                         |------------
+;;   | Some Title      --->    | Some Title
+;;   |                         |------------
+;; In over-and-under style, when alternating the style, a variable is
+;; available to select how much default indent to use (it can be zero).  Note
+;; that if the current section decoration already has an indent, we don't
+;; adjust it to the default, we rather use the current indent that is already
+;; there for adjustment (unless we cycle, in which case we use the indent
+;; that has been found previously).
+(defgroup rst-adjust nil
+  "Settings for adjustment and cycling of section title
+  :group 'rst
+  :version "21.1")
+(defcustom rst-preferred-decorations '( (?= over-and-under 1)
+                                         (?= simple 0)
+                                         (?- simple 0)
+                                         (?~ simple 0)
+                                         (?+ simple 0)
+                                         (?` simple 0)
+                                         (?# simple 0)
+                                         (?@ simple 0) )
+  "Preferred ordering of section title decorations.
+This sequence is consulted to offer a new decoration suggestion
+when we rotate the underlines at the end of the existing
+hierarchy of characters, or when there is no existing section
+title in the file."
+  :group 'rst-adjust)
+(defcustom rst-default-indent 1
+  "Number of characters to indent the section title.
+THis is used for when toggling decoration styles, when switching
+from a simple decoration style to a over-and-under decoration
+  :group 'rst-adjust)
+(defvar rst-section-text-regexp "^[ \t]*\\S-*\\w\\S-*"
+  "Regular expression for valid section title text.")
+(defun rst-line-homogeneous-p (&optional accept-special)
+  "Return true if the line is homogeneous.
+Predicate that returns the unique char if the current line is
+composed only of a single repeated non-whitespace character.  This
+returns the char even if there is whitespace at the beginning of
+the line.
+If ACCEPT-SPECIAL is specified we do not ignore special sequences
+which normally we would ignore when doing a search on many lines.
+For example, normally we have cases to ignore commonly occuring
+patterns, such as :: or ...; with the flag do not ignore them."
+  (save-excursion
+    (back-to-indentation)
+    (unless (looking-at "\n")
+      (let ((c (thing-at-point 'char)))
+       (if (and (looking-at (format "[%s]+[ \t]*$" c))
+                (or accept-special
+                    (and
+                     ;; Common patterns.
+                     (not (looking-at "::[ \t]*$"))
+                     (not (looking-at "\\.\\.\\.[ \t]*$"))
+                     ;; Discard one char line
+                     (not (looking-at ".[ \t]*$"))
+                     )))
+           (string-to-char c))
+       ))
+    ))
+(defun rst-line-homogeneous-nodent-p (&optional accept-special)
+  "Return true if the line is homogeneous with no indent.
+See `rst-line-homogeneous-p' about ACCEPT-SPECIAL."
+  (save-excursion
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (if (looking-at "^[ \t]+")
+        nil
+      (rst-line-homogeneous-p accept-special)
+      )))
+(defun rst-compare-decorations (deco1 deco2)
+  "Compare decorations.
+Returns true if both DECO1 and DECO2 decorations are equal,
+according to restructured text semantics (only the character and
+the style are compared, the indentation does not matter."
+  (and (eq (car deco1) (car deco2))
+       (eq (cadr deco1) (cadr deco2))))
+(defun rst-get-decoration-match (hier deco)
+  "Return the index (level) in hierarchy HIER of decoration DECO.
+This basically just searches for the item using the appropriate
+comparison and returns the index.  We return nil if the item is
+not found."
+  (let ((cur hier))
+    (while (and cur (not (rst-compare-decorations (car cur) deco)))
+      (setq cur (cdr cur)))
+    cur))
+(defun rst-suggest-new-decoration (alldecos &optional prev)
+  "Suggest a new, different decoration from all that have been seen.
+ALLDECOS is the set of all decorations, including the line
+numbers.  PREV is the optional previous decoration, in order to
+suggest a better match."
+  ;; For all the preferred decorations...
+  (let* (
+         ;; If 'prev' is given, reorder the list to start searching after the
+         ;; match.
+         (fplist
+          (cdr (rst-get-decoration-match rst-preferred-decorations prev)))
+         ;; List of candidates to search.
+         (curpotential (append fplist rst-preferred-decorations)))
+    (while
+        ;; For all the decorations...
+        (let ((cur alldecos)
+              found)
+          (while (and cur (not found))
+            (if (rst-compare-decorations (car cur) (car curpotential))
+                ;; Found it!
+                (setq found (car curpotential))
+              (setq cur (cdr cur))))
+          found)
+      (setq curpotential (cdr curpotential)))
+    (copy-list (car curpotential)) ))
+(defun rst-delete-entire-line ()
+  "Delete the entire current line without using the `kill-ring'."
+  (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (min (+ 1 (line-end-position))
+                                               (point-max))))
+(defun rst-update-section (char style &optional indent)
+  "Unconditionally update the style of a section decoration.
+Do this using the given character CHAR, with STYLE 'simple or
+'over-and-under, and with indent INDENT.  If the STYLE is
+'simple, whitespace before the title is removed (indent is always
+assume to be 0).
+If there are existing overline and/or underline from the
+existing decoration, they are removed before adding the
+requested decoration."
+  (interactive)
+  (let (marker
+        len)
+      (end-of-line)
+      (setq marker (point-marker))
+      ;; Fixup whitespace at the beginning and end of the line
+      (if (or (null indent) (eq style 'simple))
+          (setq indent 0))
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (delete-horizontal-space)
+      (insert (make-string indent ? ))
+      (end-of-line)
+      (delete-horizontal-space)
+      ;; Set the current column, we're at the end of the title line
+      (setq len (+ (current-column) indent))
+      ;; Remove previous line if it consists only of a single repeated 
+      (save-excursion
+        (forward-line -1)
+        (and (rst-line-homogeneous-p 1)
+             ;; Avoid removing the underline of a title right above us.
+             (save-excursion (forward-line -1)
+                             (not (looking-at rst-section-text-regexp)))
+             (rst-delete-entire-line)))
+      ;; Remove following line if it consists only of a single repeated
+      ;; character
+      (save-excursion
+        (forward-line +1)
+        (and (rst-line-homogeneous-p 1)
+             (rst-delete-entire-line))
+        ;; Add a newline if we're at the end of the buffer, for the subsequence
+        ;; inserting of the underline
+        (if (= (point) (buffer-end 1))
+            (newline 1)))
+      ;; Insert overline
+      (if (eq style 'over-and-under)
+          (save-excursion
+            (beginning-of-line)
+            (open-line 1)
+            (insert (make-string len char))))
+      ;; Insert underline
+      (forward-line +1)
+      (open-line 1)
+      (insert (make-string len char))
+      (forward-line +1)
+      (goto-char marker)
+      ))
+(defun rst-normalize-cursor-position ()
+  "Normalize the cursor position.
+If the cursor is on a decoration line or an empty line , place it
+on the section title line (at the end).  Returns the line offset
+by which the cursor was moved.  This works both over or under a
+  (if (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
+                      (or (rst-line-homogeneous-p 1)
+                          (looking-at "^[ \t]*$")))
+      (progn
+        (beginning-of-line)
+        (cond
+         ((save-excursion (forward-line -1)
+                          (beginning-of-line)
+                          (and (looking-at rst-section-text-regexp)
+                               (not (rst-line-homogeneous-p 1))))
+          (progn (forward-line -1) -1))
+         ((save-excursion (forward-line +1)
+                          (beginning-of-line)
+                          (and (looking-at rst-section-text-regexp)
+                               (not (rst-line-homogeneous-p 1))))
+          (progn (forward-line +1) +1))
+         (t 0)))
+    0 ))
+(defun rst-find-all-decorations ()
+  "Find all the decorations in the file.
+Return a list of (line, decoration) pairs.  Each decoration
+consists in a (char, style, indent) triple.
+This function does not detect the hierarchy of decorations, it
+just finds all of them in a file.  You can then invoke another
+function to remove redundancies and inconsistencies."
+  (let (positions
+        (curline 1))
+    ;; Iterate over all the section titles/decorations in the file.
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (< (point) (buffer-end 1))
+        (if (rst-line-homogeneous-nodent-p)
+            (progn
+              (setq curline (+ curline (rst-normalize-cursor-position)))
+              ;; Here we have found a potential site for a decoration,
+              ;; characterize it.
+              (let ((deco (rst-get-decoration)))
+                (if (cadr deco) ;; Style is existing.
+                    ;; Found a real decoration site.
+                    (progn
+                      (push (cons curline deco) positions)
+                      ;; Push beyond the underline.
+                      (forward-line 1)
+                      (setq curline (+ curline 1))
+                      )))
+              ))
+        (forward-line 1)
+        (setq curline (+ curline 1))
+        ))
+    (reverse positions)))
+(defun rst-infer-hierarchy (decorations)
+  "Build a hierarchy of decorations using the list of given DECORATIONS.
+This function expects a list of (char, style, indent) decoration
+specifications, in order that they appear in a file, and will
+infer a hierarchy of section levels by removing decorations that
+have already been seen in a forward traversal of the decorations,
+comparing just the character and style.
+Similarly returns a list of (char, style, indent), where each
+list element should be unique."
+  (let ((hierarchy-alist (list)))
+    (dolist (x decorations)
+      (let ((char (car x))
+            (style (cadr x)))
+        (unless (assoc (cons char style) hierarchy-alist)
+         (push (cons (cons char style) x) hierarchy-alist))
+        ))
+    (mapcar 'cdr (nreverse hierarchy-alist))
+    ))
+(defun rst-get-hierarchy (&optional alldecos ignore)
+  "Return the hierarchy of section titles in the file.
+Return a list of decorations that represents the hierarchy of
+section titles in the file.  Reuse the list of decorations
+already computed in ALLDECOS if present.  If the line number in
+IGNORE is specified, the decoration found on that line (if there
+is one) is not taken into account when building the hierarchy."
+  (let ((all (or alldecos (rst-find-all-decorations))))
+    (setq all (assq-delete-all ignore all))
+    (rst-infer-hierarchy (mapcar 'cdr all))))
+(defun rst-get-decoration (&optional point)
+  "Get the decoration at POINT.
+Looks around point and finds the characteristics of the
+decoration that is found there.  We assume that the cursor is
+already placed on the title line (and not on the overline or
+This function returns a (char, style, indent) triple.  If the
+characters of overline and underline are different, we return
+the underline character.  The indent is always calculated.  A
+decoration can be said to exist if the style is not nil.
+A point can be specified to go to the given location before
+extracting the decoration."
+  (let (char style indent)
+    (save-excursion
+      (if point (goto-char point))
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (if (looking-at rst-section-text-regexp)
+          (let* ((over (save-excursion
+                         (forward-line -1)
+                         (rst-line-homogeneous-nodent-p)))
+                (under (save-excursion
+                         (forward-line +1)
+                         (rst-line-homogeneous-nodent-p)))
+                )
+            ;; Check that the line above the overline is not part of a title
+            ;; above it.
+            (if (and over
+                     (save-excursion
+                       (and (equal (forward-line -2) 0)
+                            (looking-at rst-section-text-regexp))))
+                (setq over nil))
+            (cond
+             ;; No decoration found, leave all return values nil.
+             ((and (eq over nil) (eq under nil)))
+             ;; Overline only, leave all return values nil.
+             ;;
+             ;; Note: we don't return the overline character, but it could
+             ;; perhaps in some cases be used to do something.
+             ((and over (eq under nil)))
+             ;; Underline only.
+             ((and under (eq over nil))
+              (setq char under
+                    style 'simple))
+             ;; Both overline and underline.
+             (t
+              (setq char under
+                    style 'over-and-under))
+             )
+            )
+        )
+      ;; Find indentation.
+      (setq indent (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (current-column)))
+      )
+    ;; Return values.
+    (list char style indent)))
+(defun rst-get-decorations-around (&optional alldecos)
+  "Return the decorations around point.
+Given the list of all decorations ALLDECOS (with positions), find
+the decorations before and after the given point.  A list of the
+previous and next decorations is returned."
+  (let* ((all (or alldecos (rst-find-all-decorations)))
+         (curline (line-number-at-pos))
+         prev next
+         (cur all))
+    ;; Search for the decorations around the current line.
+    (while (and cur (< (caar cur) curline))
+      (setq prev cur
+            cur (cdr cur)))
+    ;; 'cur' is the following decoration.
+    (if (and cur (caar cur))
+        (setq next (if (= curline (caar cur)) (cdr cur) cur)))
+    (mapcar 'cdar (list prev next))
+    ))
+(defun rst-decoration-complete-p (deco)
+  "Return true if the decoration DECO around POINT is complete."
+  ;; Note: we assume that the detection of the overline as being the underline
+  ;; of a preceding title has already been detected, and has been eliminated
+  ;; from the decoration that is given to us.
+  ;; There is some sectioning already present, so check if the current
+  ;; sectioning is complete and correct.
+  (let* ((char (car deco))
+         (style (cadr deco))
+         (indent (caddr deco))
+         (endcol (save-excursion (end-of-line) (current-column)))
+         )
+    (if char
+        (let ((exps (concat "^"
+                            (regexp-quote (make-string (+ endcol indent) char))
+                            "$")))
+          (and
+           (save-excursion (forward-line +1)
+                           (beginning-of-line)
+                           (looking-at exps))
+           (or (not (eq style 'over-and-under))
+               (save-excursion (forward-line -1)
+                               (beginning-of-line)
+                               (looking-at exps))))
+          ))
+    ))
+(defun rst-get-next-decoration
+  (curdeco hier &optional suggestion reverse-direction)
+  "Get the next decoration for CURDECO, in given hierarchy HIER.
+If suggesting, suggest for new decoration SUGGESTION.
+REVERSE-DIRECTION is used to reverse the cycling order."
+  (let* (
+         (char (car curdeco))
+         (style (cadr curdeco))
+         ;; Build a new list of decorations for the rotation.
+         (rotdecos
+          (append hier
+                  ;; Suggest a new decoration.
+                  (list suggestion
+                        ;; If nothing to suggest, use first decoration.
+                        (car hier)))) )
+    (or
+     ;; Search for next decoration.
+     (cadr
+      (let ((cur (if reverse-direction rotdecos
+                   (reverse rotdecos))))
+        (while (and cur
+                    (not (and (eq char (caar cur))
+                              (eq style (cadar cur)))))
+          (setq cur (cdr cur)))
+        cur))
+     ;; If not found, take the first of all decorations.
+     suggestion
+     )))
+(defun rst-adjust ()
+  "Auto-adjust the decoration around point.
+Adjust/rotate the section decoration for the section title
+around point or promote/demote the decorations inside the region,
+depending on if the region is active.  This function is meant to
+be invoked possibly multiple times, and can vary its behaviour
+with a positive prefix argument (toggle style), or with a
+negative prefix argument (alternate behaviour).
+This function is the main focus of this module and is a bit of a
+swiss knife.  It is meant as the single most essential function
+to be bound to invoke to adjust the decorations of a section
+title in restructuredtext.  It tries to deal with all the
+possible cases gracefully and to do `the right thing' in all
+See the documentations of `rst-adjust-decoration' and
+`rst-promote-region' for full details.
+Prefix Arguments
+The method can take either (but not both) of
+a. a (non-negative) prefix argument, which means to toggle the
+   decoration style.  Invoke with a prefix arg for example;
+b. a negative numerical argument, which generally inverts the
+   direction of search in the file or hierarchy.  Invoke with C--
+   prefix for example."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* (;; Save our original position on the current line.
+        (origpt (set-marker (make-marker) (point)))
+        ;; Parse the positive and negative prefix arguments.
+         (reverse-direction
+          (and current-prefix-arg
+               (< (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0)))
+         (toggle-style
+          (and current-prefix-arg (not reverse-direction))))
+    (if (rst-portable-mark-active-p)
+        ;; Adjust decorations within region.
+        (rst-promote-region current-prefix-arg)
+      ;; Adjust decoration around point.
+      (rst-adjust-decoration toggle-style reverse-direction))
+    ;; Run the hooks to run after adjusting.
+    (run-hooks 'rst-adjust-hook)
+    ;; Make sure to reset the cursor position properly after we're done.
+    (goto-char origpt)
+    ))
+(defvar rst-adjust-hook nil
+  "Hooks to be run after running `rst-adjust'.")
+(defvar rst-new-decoration-down nil
+  "If true, a new decoration being added will be initialized to
+  be one level down from the previous decoration. If nil, a new
+  decoration will be equal to the level of the previous
+  decoration.")
+(defun rst-adjust-decoration (&optional toggle-style reverse-direction)
+"Adjust/rotate the section decoration for the section title around point.
+This function is meant to be invoked possibly multiple times, and
+can vary its behaviour with a true TOGGLE-STYLE argument, or with
+General Behaviour
+The next action it takes depends on context around the point, and
+it is meant to be invoked possibly more than once to rotate among
+the various possibilities.  Basically, this function deals with:
+- adding a decoration if the title does not have one;
+- adjusting the length of the underline characters to fit a
+  modified title;
+- rotating the decoration in the set of already existing
+  sectioning decorations used in the file;
+- switching between simple and over-and-under styles.
+You should normally not have to read all the following, just
+invoke the method and it will do the most obvious thing that you
+would expect.
+Decoration Definitions
+The decorations consist in
+2. a STYLE which can be either of 'simple' or 'over-and-under'.
+3. an INDENT (meaningful for the over-and-under style only)
+   which determines how many characters and over-and-under
+   style is hanging outside of the title at the beginning and
+   ending.
+See source code for mode details.
+Detailed Behaviour Description
+Here are the gory details of the algorithm (it seems quite
+complicated, but really, it does the most obvious thing in all
+the particular cases):
+Before applying the decoration change, the cursor is placed on
+the closest line that could contain a section title.
+Case 1: No Decoration
+If the current line has no decoration around it,
+- search backwards for the last previous decoration, and apply
+  the decoration one level lower to the current line.  If there
+  is no defined level below this previous decoration, we suggest
+  the most appropriate of the `rst-preferred-decorations'.
+  If REVERSE-DIRECTION is true, we simply use the previous
+  decoration found directly.
+- if there is no decoration found in the given direction, we use
+  the first of `rst-preferred-decorations'.
+The prefix argument forces a toggle of the prescribed decoration
+Case 2: Incomplete Decoration
+If the current line does have an existing decoration, but the
+decoration is incomplete, that is, the underline/overline does
+not extend to exactly the end of the title line (it is either too
+short or too long), we simply extend the length of the
+underlines/overlines to fit exactly the section title.
+If the prefix argument is given, we toggle the style of the
+decoration as well.
+REVERSE-DIRECTION has no effect in this case.
+Case 3: Complete Existing Decoration
+If the decoration is complete (i.e. the underline (overline)
+length is already adjusted to the end of the title line), we
+search/parse the file to establish the hierarchy of all the
+decorations (making sure not to include the decoration around
+point), and we rotate the current title's decoration from within
+that list (by default, going *down* the hierarchy that is present
+in the file, i.e. to a lower section level).  This is meant to be
+used potentially multiple times, until the desired decoration is
+found around the title.
+If we hit the boundary of the hierarchy, exactly one choice from
+the list of preferred decorations is suggested/chosen, the first
+of those decoration that has not been seen in the file yet (and
+not including the decoration around point), and the next
+invocation rolls over to the other end of the hierarchy (i.e. it
+cycles).  This allows you to avoid having to set which character
+to use by always using the
+If REVERSE-DIRECTION is true, the effect is to change the
+direction of rotation in the hierarchy of decorations, thus
+instead going *up* the hierarchy.
+However, if there is a non-negative prefix argument, we do not
+rotate the decoration, but instead simply toggle the style of the
+current decoration (this should be the most common way to toggle
+the style of an existing complete decoration).
+Point Location
+The invocation of this function can be carried out anywhere
+within the section title line, on an existing underline or
+overline, as well as on an empty line following a section title.
+This is meant to be as convenient as possible.
+Indented Sections
+Indented section titles such as ::
+   My Title
+   --------
+are illegal in restructuredtext and thus not recognized by the
+parser.  This code will thus not work in a way that would support
+indented sections (it would be ambiguous anyway).
+Joint Sections
+Section titles that are right next to each other may not be
+treated well.  More work might be needed to support those, and
+special conditions on the completeness of existing decorations
+might be required to make it non-ambiguous.
+For now we assume that the decorations are disjoint, that is,
+there is at least a single line between the titles/decoration
+Suggested Binding
+We suggest that you bind this function on C-=.  It is close to
+C-- so a negative argument can be easily specified with a flick
+of the right hand fingers and the binding is unused in `text-mode'."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; If we were invoked directly, parse the prefix arguments into the
+  ;; arguments of the function.
+  (if current-prefix-arg
+      (setq reverse-direction
+            (and current-prefix-arg
+                 (< (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0))
+            toggle-style
+            (and current-prefix-arg (not reverse-direction))))
+  (let* (;; Check if we're on an underline around a section title, and move the
+         ;; cursor to the title if this is the case.
+         (moved (rst-normalize-cursor-position))
+         ;; Find the decoration and completeness around point.
+         (curdeco (rst-get-decoration))
+         (char (car curdeco))
+         (style (cadr curdeco))
+         (indent (caddr curdeco))
+         ;; New values to be computed.
+         char-new style-new indent-new
+         )
+    ;; We've moved the cursor... if we're not looking at some text, we have
+    ;; nothing to do.
+    (if (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
+                        (looking-at rst-section-text-regexp))
+        (progn
+          (cond
+           ;; Case 1: No Decoration
+           ((and (eq char nil) (eq style nil))
+            (let* ((alldecos (rst-find-all-decorations))
+                   (around (rst-get-decorations-around alldecos))
+                   (prev (car around))
+                   cur
+                   (hier (rst-get-hierarchy alldecos))
+                   )
+              ;; Advance one level down.
+              (setq cur
+                    (if prev
+                        (if (not reverse-direction)
+                            (or (funcall (if rst-new-decoration-down 'cadr 
+                                        (rst-get-decoration-match hier prev))
+                                (rst-suggest-new-decoration hier prev))
+                          prev)
+                      (copy-list (car rst-preferred-decorations))
+                      ))
+              ;; Invert the style if requested.
+              (if toggle-style
+                  (setcar (cdr cur) (if (eq (cadr cur) 'simple)
+                                        'over-and-under 'simple)) )
+              (setq char-new (car cur)
+                    style-new (cadr cur)
+                    indent-new (caddr cur))
+              ))
+           ;; Case 2: Incomplete Decoration
+           ((not (rst-decoration-complete-p curdeco))
+            ;; Invert the style if requested.
+            (if toggle-style
+                (setq style (if (eq style 'simple) 'over-and-under 'simple)))
+            (setq char-new char
+                  style-new style
+                  indent-new indent))
+           ;; Case 3: Complete Existing Decoration
+           (t
+            (if toggle-style
+                ;; Simply switch the style of the current decoration.
+                (setq char-new char
+                      style-new (if (eq style 'simple) 'over-and-under 'simple)
+                      indent-new rst-default-indent)
+              ;; Else, we rotate, ignoring the decoration around the current
+              ;; line...
+              (let* ((alldecos (rst-find-all-decorations))
+                     (hier (rst-get-hierarchy alldecos (line-number-at-pos)))
+                     ;; Suggestion, in case we need to come up with something
+                     ;; new
+                     (suggestion (rst-suggest-new-decoration
+                                  hier
+                                  (car (rst-get-decorations-around alldecos))))
+                     (nextdeco (rst-get-next-decoration
+                                curdeco hier suggestion reverse-direction))
+                     )
+                ;; Indent, if present, always overrides the prescribed indent.
+                (setq char-new (car nextdeco)
+                      style-new (cadr nextdeco)
+                      indent-new (caddr nextdeco))
+                )))
+           )
+          ;; Override indent with present indent!
+          (setq indent-new (if (> indent 0) indent indent-new))
+          (if (and char-new style-new)
+              (rst-update-section char-new style-new indent-new))
+          ))
+    ;; Correct the position of the cursor to more accurately reflect where it
+    ;; was located when the function was invoked.
+    (unless (= moved 0)
+      (forward-line (- moved))
+      (end-of-line))
+    ))
+;; Maintain an alias for compatibility.
+(defalias 'rst-adjust-section-title 'rst-adjust)
+(defun rst-promote-region (&optional demote)
+  "Promote the section titles within the region.
+With argument DEMOTE or a prefix argument, demote the
+section titles instead.  The algorithm used at the boundaries of
+the hierarchy is similar to that used by `rst-adjust-decoration'."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((demote (or current-prefix-arg demote))
+         (alldecos (rst-find-all-decorations))
+         (cur alldecos)
+         (hier (rst-get-hierarchy alldecos))
+         (suggestion (rst-suggest-new-decoration hier))
+         (region-begin-line (line-number-at-pos (region-beginning)))
+         (region-end-line (line-number-at-pos (region-end)))
+         marker-list
+         )
+    ;; Skip the markers that come before the region beginning
+    (while (and cur (< (caar cur) region-begin-line))
+      (setq cur (cdr cur)))
+    ;; Create a list of markers for all the decorations which are found within
+    ;; the region.
+    (save-excursion
+      (let (m line)
+        (while (and cur (< (setq line (caar cur)) region-end-line))
+          (setq m (make-marker))
+          (goto-line line)
+          (push (list (set-marker m (point)) (cdar cur)) marker-list)
+          (setq cur (cdr cur)) ))
+      ;; Apply modifications.
+      (let (nextdeco)
+        (dolist (p marker-list)
+          ;; Go to the decoration to promote.
+          (goto-char (car p))
+          ;; Rotate the next decoration.
+          (setq nextdeco (rst-get-next-decoration
+                          (cadr p) hier suggestion demote))
+          ;; Update the decoration.
+          (apply 'rst-update-section nextdeco)
+          ;; Clear marker to avoid slowing down the editing after we're done.
+          (set-marker (car p) nil)
+          ))
+      (setq deactivate-mark nil)
+    )))
+(defun rst-display-decorations-hierarchy (&optional decorations)
+  "Display the current file's section title decorations hierarchy.
+This function expects a list of (char, style, indent) triples in
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not decorations)
+      (setq decorations (rst-get-hierarchy)))
+  (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*rest section hierarchy*"
+    (let ((level 1))
+      (with-current-buffer standard-output
+        (dolist (x decorations)
+          (insert (format "\nSection Level %d" level))
+          (apply 'rst-update-section x)
+          (goto-char (point-max))
+          (insert "\n")
+          (incf level)
+          ))
+    )))
+(defun rst-straighten-decorations ()
+  "Redo all the decorations in the current buffer.
+This is done using our preferred set of decorations.  This can be
+used, for example, when using somebody else's copy of a document,
+in order to adapt it to our preferred style."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let* ((alldecos (rst-find-all-decorations))
+          (hier (rst-get-hierarchy alldecos))
+          ;; Get a list of pairs of (level . marker)
+          (levels-and-markers (mapcar
+                               (lambda (deco)
+                                 (cons (position (cdr deco) hier :test 'equal)
+                                       (let ((m (make-marker)))
+                                         (goto-line (car deco))
+                                         (set-marker m (point))
+                                         m)))
+                               alldecos))
+          )
+      (dolist (lm levels-and-markers)
+       ;; Go to the appropriate position
+       (goto-char (cdr lm))
+       ;; Apply the new styule
+       (apply 'rst-update-section (nth (car lm) rst-preferred-decorations))
+       ;; Reset the market to avoid slowing down editing until it gets GC'ed
+       (set-marker (cdr lm) nil)
+       )
+    )))
+(defun rst-straighten-deco-spacing ()
+  "Adjust the spacing before and after decorations in the entire document.
+The spacing will be set to two blank lines before the first two
+section levels, and one blank line before any of the other
+section levels."
+;; FIXME: we need to take care of subtitle at some point.
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let* ((alldecos (rst-find-all-decorations)))
+      ;; Work the list from the end, so that we don't have to use markers to
+      ;; adjust for the changes in the document.
+      (dolist (deco (nreverse alldecos))
+       ;; Go to the appropriate position.
+       (goto-line (car deco))
+       (insert "@\n")
+;; FIXME: todo, we
+       )
+    )))
+(defun rst-find-pfx-in-region (beg end pfx-re)
+  "Find all the positions of prefixes in region between BEG and END.
+This is used to find bullets and enumerated list items.  PFX-RE
+is a regular expression for matching the lines with items."
+  (let (pfx)
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (while (< (point) end)
+       (back-to-indentation)
+       (when (and
+              (looking-at pfx-re)
+              (let ((pfx-col (current-column)))
+                (save-excursion
+                  (forward-line -1)
+                  (back-to-indentation)
+                  (or (looking-at "^[ \t]*$")
+                      (> (current-column) pfx-col)
+                      (and (= (current-column) pfx-col)
+                           (looking-at pfx-re))))))
+         (setq pfx (cons (cons (point) (current-column))
+                         pfx)))
+       (forward-line 1)) )
+    (nreverse pfx)))
+(defvar rst-re-bullets
+  (format "\\([%s][ \t]\\)[^ \t]" (regexp-quote (concat rst-bullets)))
+  "Regexp for finding bullets.")
+(defvar rst-re-enumerations
+  "\\(\\(#\\|[0-9]+\\)\\.[ \t]\\)[^ \t]"
+  "Regexp for finding bullets.")
+(defvar rst-re-items
+  (format "\\(%s\\|%s\\)[^ \t]"
+         (format "[%s][ \t]" (regexp-quote (concat rst-bullets)))
+         "\\(#\\|[0-9]+\\)\\.[ \t]")
+  "Regexp for finding bullets.")
+(defvar rst-preferred-bullets
+  '(?- ?* ?+)
+  "List of favourite bullets to set for straightening bullets.")
+(defun rst-straighten-bullets-region (beg end)
+  "Make all the bulleted list items in the region consistent.
+The region is specified between BEG and END.  You can use this
+after you have merged multiple bulleted lists to make them use
+the same/correct/consistent bullet characters.
+See variable `rst-preferred-bullets' for the list of bullets to
+adjust.  If bullets are found on levels beyond the
+`rst-preferred-bullets' list, they are not modified."
+  (interactive "r")
+  (let ((bullets (rst-find-pfx-in-region beg end
+                                        rst-re-bullets))
+       (levtable (make-hash-table :size 4)))
+    ;; Create a map of levels to list of positions.
+    (dolist (x bullets)
+      (let ((key (cdr x)))
+       (puthash key
+                 (append (gethash key levtable (list))
+                         (list (car x)))
+                 levtable)))
+    ;; Sort this map and create a new map of prefix char and list of positions.
+    (let (poslist)
+      (maphash (lambda (x y) (setq poslist (cons (cons x y) poslist))) 
+      (mapcar* (lambda (x char)
+                ;; Apply the characters.
+                (dolist (pos (cdr x))
+                  (goto-char pos)
+                  (delete-char 1)
+                  (insert (char-to-string char))))
+              ;; Sorted list of indent . positions
+              (sort poslist (lambda (x y) (<= (car x) (car y))))
+              ;; List of preferred bullets.
+              rst-preferred-bullets)
+      )))
+(defun rst-rstrip (str)
+  "Strips the whitespace at the end of string STR."
+  (string-match "[ \t\n]*\\'" str)
+  (substring str 0 (match-beginning 0)))
+(defun rst-get-stripped-line ()
+  "Return the line at cursor, stripped from whitespace."
+  (re-search-forward "\\S-.*\\S-" (line-end-position))
+  (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0)
+                                  (match-end 0)) )
+(defun rst-section-tree (alldecos)
+  "Get the hierarchical tree of section titles.
+Returns a hierarchical tree of the sections titles in the
+document, for decorations ALLDECOS.  This can be used to generate
+a table of contents for the document.  The top node will always
+be a nil node, with the top level titles as children (there may
+potentially be more than one).
+Each section title consists in a cons of the stripped title
+string and a marker to the section in the original text document.
+If there are missing section levels, the section titles are
+inserted automatically, and the title string is set to nil, and
+the marker set to the first non-nil child of itself.
+Conceptually, the nil nodes--i.e.  those which have no title--are
+to be considered as being the same line as their first non-nil
+child.  This has advantages later in processing the graph."
+  (let* ((hier (rst-get-hierarchy alldecos))
+         (levels (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size 10))
+         lines)
+    (let ((lev 0))
+      (dolist (deco hier)
+       ;; Compare just the character and indent in the hash table.
+        (puthash (cons (car deco) (cadr deco)) lev levels)
+        (incf lev)))
+    ;; Create a list of lines that contains (text, level, marker) for each
+    ;; decoration.
+    (save-excursion
+      (setq lines
+            (mapcar (lambda (deco)
+                      (goto-line (car deco))
+                      (list (gethash (cons (cadr deco) (caddr deco)) levels)
+                            (rst-get-stripped-line)
+                            (let ((m (make-marker)))
+                              (beginning-of-line 1)
+                              (set-marker m (point)))
+                            ))
+                    alldecos)))
+    (let ((lcontnr (cons nil lines)))
+      (rst-section-tree-rec lcontnr -1))))
+(defun rst-section-tree-rec (decos lev)
+  "Recursive guts of the section tree construction.
+DECOS is a cons cell whose cdr is the remaining list of
+decorations, and we change it as we consume them.  LEV is the
+current level of that node.  This function returns a pair of the
+subtree that was built.  This treats the decos list
+  (let ((ndeco (cadr decos))
+        node
+        children)
+    ;; If the next decoration matches our level
+    (when (and ndeco (= (car ndeco) lev))
+      ;; Pop the next decoration and create the current node with it
+      (setcdr decos (cddr decos))
+      (setq node (cdr ndeco)) )
+    ;; Else we let the node title/marker be unset.
+    ;; Build the child nodes
+    (while (and (cdr decos) (> (caadr decos) lev))
+      (setq children
+            (cons (rst-section-tree-rec decos (1+ lev))
+                  children)))
+    (setq children (reverse children))
+    ;; If node is still unset, we use the marker of the first child.
+    (when (eq node nil)
+      (setq node (cons nil (cdaar children))))
+    ;; Return this node with its children.
+    (cons node children)
+    ))
+(defun rst-section-tree-point (node &optional point)
+  "Find tree node at point.
+Given a computed and valid section tree in NODE and a point
+POINT (default being the current point in the current buffer),
+find and return the node within the sectree where the cursor
+Return values: a pair of (parent path, container subtree).  The
+parent path is simply a list of the nodes above the container
+subtree node that we're returning."
+  (let (path outtree)
+    (let* ((curpoint (or point (point))))
+      ;; Check if we are before the current node.
+      (if (and (cadar node) (>= curpoint (cadar node)))
+         ;; Iterate all the children, looking for one that might contain the
+         ;; current section.
+         (let ((curnode (cdr node))
+               last)
+           (while (and curnode (>= curpoint (cadaar curnode)))
+             (setq last curnode
+                   curnode (cdr curnode)))
+           (if last
+               (let ((sub (rst-section-tree-point (car last) curpoint)))
+                 (setq path (car sub)
+                       outtree (cdr sub)))
+             (setq outtree node))
+           )))
+    (cons (cons (car node) path) outtree)
+    ))
+(defun rst-toc-insert (&optional pfxarg)
+  "Insert a simple text rendering of the table of contents.
+By default the top level is ignored if there is only one, because
+we assume that the document will have a single title.
+If a numeric prefix argument PFXARG is given, insert the TOC up
+to the specified level.
+The TOC is inserted indented at the current column."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let* (;; Check maximum level override
+         (rst-toc-insert-max-level
+          (if (and (integerp pfxarg) (> (prefix-numeric-value pfxarg) 0))
+              (prefix-numeric-value pfxarg) rst-toc-insert-max-level))
+         ;; Get the section tree for the current cursor point.
+         (sectree-pair
+         (rst-section-tree-point
+          (rst-section-tree (rst-find-all-decorations))))
+         ;; Figure out initial indent.
+         (initial-indent (make-string (current-column) ? ))
+         (init-point (point)))
+    (when (cddr sectree-pair)
+      (rst-toc-insert-node (cdr sectree-pair) 0 initial-indent "")
+      ;; Fixup for the first line.
+      (delete-region init-point (+ init-point (length initial-indent)))
+      ;; Delete the last newline added.
+      (delete-backward-char 1)
+    )))
+(defgroup rst-toc nil
+  "Settings for reStructuredText table of contents."
+  :group 'rst
+  :version "21.1")
+(defcustom rst-toc-indent 2
+  "Indentation for table-of-contents display.
+Also used for formatting insertion, when numbering is disabled."
+  :group 'rst-toc)
+(defcustom rst-toc-insert-style 'fixed
+  "Insertion style for table-of-contents.
+Set this to one of the following values to determine numbering and
+indentation style:
+- plain: no numbering (fixed indentation)
+- fixed: numbering, but fixed indentation
+- aligned: numbering, titles aligned under each other
+- listed: numbering, with dashes like list items (EXPERIMENTAL)"
+  :group 'rst-toc)
+(defcustom rst-toc-insert-number-separator "  "
+  "Separator that goes between the TOC number and the title."
+  :group 'rst-toc)
+;; This is used to avoid having to change the user's mode.
+(defvar rst-toc-insert-click-keymap
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+       (define-key map [mouse-1] 'rst-toc-mode-mouse-goto)
+       map)
+  "(Internal) What happens when you click on propertized text in the TOC.")
+(defcustom rst-toc-insert-max-level nil
+  "If non-nil, maximum depth of the inserted TOC."
+  :group 'rst-toc)
+(defun rst-toc-insert-node (node level indent pfx)
+  "Insert tree node NODE in table-of-contents.
+Recursive function that does printing of the inserted toc.  LEVEL
+is the depth level of the sections in the tree.  INDENT bis the
+indentation string.  PFX is the prefix numbering, that includes
+the alignment necessary for all the children of level to
+  ;; Note: we do child numbering from the parent, so we start number the
+  ;; children one level before we print them.
+  (let ((do-print (> level 0))
+        (count 1))
+    (when do-print
+      (insert indent)
+      (let ((b (point)))
+       (unless (equal rst-toc-insert-style 'plain)
+         (insert pfx rst-toc-insert-number-separator))
+       (insert (or (caar node) "[missing node]"))
+       ;; Add properties to the text, even though in normal text mode it
+       ;; won't be doing anything for now.  Not sure that I want to change
+       ;; mode stuff.  At least the highlighting gives the idea that this
+       ;; is generated automatically.
+       (put-text-property b (point) 'mouse-face 'highlight)
+       (put-text-property b (point) 'rst-toc-target (cadar node))
+       (put-text-property b (point) 'keymap rst-toc-insert-click-keymap)
+       )
+      (insert "\n")
+      ;; Prepare indent for children.
+      (setq indent
+           (cond
+            ((eq rst-toc-insert-style 'plain)
+              (concat indent (make-string rst-toc-indent ? )))
+            ((eq rst-toc-insert-style 'fixed)
+             (concat indent (make-string rst-toc-indent ? )))
+            ((eq rst-toc-insert-style 'aligned)
+             (concat indent (make-string (+ (length pfx) 2) ? )))
+            ((eq rst-toc-insert-style 'listed)
+             (concat (substring indent 0 -3)
+                     (concat (make-string (+ (length pfx) 2) ? ) " - ")))
+            ))
+      )
+    (if (or (eq rst-toc-insert-max-level nil)
+            (< level rst-toc-insert-max-level))
+        (let ((do-child-numbering (>= level 0))
+              fmt)
+          (if do-child-numbering
+              (progn
+                ;; Add a separating dot if there is already a prefix
+                (if (> (length pfx) 0)
+                    (setq pfx (concat (rst-rstrip pfx) ".")))
+                ;; Calculate the amount of space that the prefix will require
+                ;; for the numbers.
+                (if (cdr node)
+                    (setq fmt (format "%%-%dd"
+                                      (1+ (floor (log10 (length
+                                                        (cdr node))))))))
+                ))
+          (dolist (child (cdr node))
+            (rst-toc-insert-node child
+                                (1+ level)
+                                indent
+                                (if do-child-numbering
+                                    (concat pfx (format fmt count)) pfx))
+            (incf count)))
+      )))
+(defun rst-toc-insert-find-delete-contents ()
+  "Find and deletes an existing comment after the first contents directive.
+Delete that region.  Return t if found and the cursor is left after the 
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  ;; We look for the following and the following only (in other words, if your
+  ;; syntax differs, this won't work.  If you would like a more flexible thing,
+  ;; contact the author, I just can't imagine that this requirement is
+  ;; unreasonable for now).
+  ;;
+  ;;   .. contents:: [...anything here...]
+  ;;   ..
+  ;;      XXXXXXXX
+  ;;      XXXXXXXX
+  ;;      [more lines]
+  ;;
+  (let ((beg
+         (re-search-forward "^\\.\\. contents[ \t]*::\\(.*\\)\n\\.\\."
+                            nil t))
+        last-real)
+    (when beg
+      ;; Look for the first line that starts at the first column.
+      (forward-line 1)
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (while (and
+             (< (point) (point-max))
+             (or (and (looking-at "[ \t]+[^ \t]") (setq last-real (point)) t)
+                 (looking-at "[ \t]*$")))
+       (forward-line 1)
+        )
+      (if last-real
+          (progn
+            (goto-char last-real)
+            (end-of-line)
+            (delete-region beg (point)))
+        (goto-char beg))
+      t
+      )))
+(defun rst-toc-update ()
+  "Automatically find the contents section of a document and update.
+Updates the inserted TOC if present.  You can use this in your
+file-write hook to always make it up-to-date automatically."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((p (point)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (when (rst-toc-insert-find-delete-contents)
+        (insert "\n    ")
+       (rst-toc-insert)
+       ))
+    ;; Somehow save-excursion does not really work well.
+    (goto-char p))
+  ;; Note: always return nil, because this may be used as a hook.
+  )
+;; Note: we cannot bind the TOC update on file write because it messes with
+;; undo.  If we disable undo, since it adds and removes characters, the
+;; positions in the undo list are not making sense anymore.  Dunno what to do
+;; with this, it would be nice to update when saving.
+;; (add-hook 'write-contents-hooks 'rst-toc-update-fun)
+;; (defun rst-toc-update-fun ()
+;;   ;; Disable undo for the write file hook.
+;;   (let ((buffer-undo-list t)) (rst-toc-update) ))
+(defalias 'rst-toc-insert-update 'rst-toc-update) ;; backwards compat.
+(defun rst-toc-node (node level)
+  "Recursive function that does insert NODE at LEVEL in the table-of-contents."
+  (if (> level 0)
+      (let ((b (point)))
+        ;; Insert line text.
+        (insert (make-string (* rst-toc-indent (1- level)) ? ))
+        (insert (or (caar node) "[missing node]"))
+        ;; Highlight lines.
+        (put-text-property b (point) 'mouse-face 'highlight)
+        ;; Add link on lines.
+        (put-text-property b (point) 'rst-toc-target (cadar node))
+        (insert "\n")
+       ))
+  (dolist (child (cdr node))
+    (rst-toc-node child (1+ level))))
+(defun rst-toc-count-lines (node target-node)
+  "Count the number of lines from NODE to the TARGET-NODE node.
+This recursive function returns a cons of the number of
+additional lines that have been counted for its node and children
+and 't if the node has been found."
+  (let ((count 1)
+       found)
+    (if (eq node target-node)
+       (setq found t)
+      (let ((child (cdr node)))
+       (while (and child (not found))
+         (let ((cl (rst-toc-count-lines (car child) target-node)))
+           (setq count (+ count (car cl))
+                 found (cdr cl)
+                 child (cdr child))))))
+    (cons count found)))
+(defun rst-toc ()
+  "Display a table-of-contents.
+Finds all the section titles and their decorations in the
+file, and displays a hierarchically-organized list of the
+titles, which is essentially a table-of-contents of the
+The Emacs buffer can be navigated, and selecting a section
+brings the cursor in that section."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((curbuf (current-buffer))
+         ;; Get the section tree
+         (alldecos (rst-find-all-decorations))
+         (sectree (rst-section-tree alldecos))
+        (our-node (cdr (rst-section-tree-point sectree)))
+        line
+         ;; Create a temporary buffer.
+         (buf (get-buffer-create rst-toc-buffer-name))
+         )
+    (with-current-buffer buf
+      (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+        (rst-toc-mode)
+        (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+        (insert (format "Table of Contents: %s\n" (or (caar sectree) "")))
+        (put-text-property (point-min) (point)
+                           'face (list '(background-color . "gray")))
+        (rst-toc-node sectree 0)
+       ;; Count the lines to our found node.
+       (let ((linefound (rst-toc-count-lines sectree our-node)))
+         (setq line (if (cdr linefound) (car linefound) 0)))
+        ))
+    (display-buffer buf)
+    (pop-to-buffer buf)
+    ;; Save the buffer to return to.
+    (set (make-local-variable 'rst-toc-return-buffer) curbuf)
+    ;; Move the cursor near the right section in the TOC.
+    (goto-line line)
+    ))
+(defun rst-toc-mode-find-section ()
+  "Get the section from text property at point."
+  (let ((pos (get-text-property (point) 'rst-toc-target)))
+    (unless pos
+      (error "No section on this line"))
+    (unless (buffer-live-p (marker-buffer pos))
+      (error "Buffer for this section was killed"))
+    pos))
+(defvar rst-toc-buffer-name "*Table of Contents*"
+  "Name of the Table of Contents buffer.")
+(defun rst-goto-section (&optional kill)
+  "Go to the section the current line describes."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((pos (rst-toc-mode-find-section)))
+    (when kill
+      (kill-buffer (get-buffer rst-toc-buffer-name)))
+    (pop-to-buffer (marker-buffer pos))
+    (goto-char pos)
+    ;; FIXME: make the recentering conditional on scroll.
+    (recenter 5)))
+(defun rst-toc-mode-goto-section ()
+  "Go to the section the current line describes and kill the toc buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (rst-goto-section t))
+(defun rst-toc-mode-mouse-goto (event)
+  "In `rst-toc' mode, go to the occurrence whose line you click on.
+EVENT is the input event."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let (pos)
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event))))
+      (save-excursion
+        (goto-char (posn-point (event-end event)))
+        (setq pos (rst-toc-mode-find-section))))
+    (pop-to-buffer (marker-buffer pos))
+    (goto-char pos)
+    (recenter 5)))
+(defun rst-toc-mode-mouse-goto-kill (event)
+  (interactive "e")
+  (call-interactively 'rst-toc-mode-mouse-goto event)
+  (kill-buffer (get-buffer rst-toc-buffer-name)))
+(defvar rst-toc-return-buffer nil
+  "Buffer local variable that is used to return to the original
+  buffer from the TOC.")
+(defun rst-toc-quit-window ()
+  (interactive)
+  (quit-window)
+  (pop-to-buffer rst-toc-return-buffer))
+(defvar rst-toc-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map [mouse-1] 'rst-toc-mode-mouse-goto-kill)
+    (define-key map [mouse-2] 'rst-toc-mode-mouse-goto)
+    (define-key map "\C-m" 'rst-toc-mode-goto-section)
+    (define-key map "f" 'rst-toc-mode-goto-section)
+    (define-key map "q" 'rst-toc-quit-window)
+    (define-key map "z" 'kill-this-buffer)
+    map)
+  "Keymap for `rst-toc-mode'.")
+(put 'rst-toc-mode 'mode-class 'special)
+(defun rst-toc-mode ()
+  "Major mode for output from \\[rst-toc], the table-of-contents for the 
+  (interactive)
+  (kill-all-local-variables)
+  (use-local-map rst-toc-mode-map)
+  (setq major-mode 'rst-toc-mode)
+  (setq mode-name "ReST-TOC")
+  (setq buffer-read-only t)
+  )
+;; Note: use occur-mode (replace.el) as a good example to complete missing
+;; features.
+;; Section movement commands.
+(defun rst-forward-section (&optional offset)
+  "Skip to the next restructured text section title.
+  OFFSET specifies how many titles to skip.  Use a negative OFFSET to move
+  backwards in the file (default is to use 1)."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* (;; Default value for offset.
+         (offset (or offset 1))
+         ;; Get all the decorations in the file, with their line numbers.
+         (alldecos (rst-find-all-decorations))
+         ;; Get the current line.
+         (curline (line-number-at-pos))
+         (cur alldecos)
+         (idx 0)
+         )
+    ;; Find the index of the "next" decoration w.r.t. to the current line.
+    (while (and cur (< (caar cur) curline))
+      (setq cur (cdr cur))
+      (incf idx))
+    ;; 'cur' is the decoration on or following the current line.
+    (if (and (> offset 0) cur (= (caar cur) curline))
+        (incf idx))
+    ;; Find the final index.
+    (setq idx (+ idx (if (> offset 0) (- offset 1) offset)))
+    (setq cur (nth idx alldecos))
+    ;; If the index is positive, goto the line, otherwise go to the buffer
+    ;; boundaries.
+    (if (and cur (>= idx 0))
+        (goto-line (car cur))
+      (if (> offset 0) (goto-char (point-max)) (goto-char (point-min))))
+    ))
+(defun rst-backward-section ()
+  "Like rst-forward-section, except move back one title.
+With a prefix argument, move backward by a page."
+  (interactive)
+  (rst-forward-section -1))
+(defun rst-mark-section (&optional arg allow-extend)
+  "Select the section that point is currently in."
+  ;; Cloned from mark-paragraph.
+  (interactive "p\np")
+  (unless arg (setq arg 1))
+  (when (zerop arg)
+    (error "Cannot mark zero sections"))
+  (cond ((and allow-extend
+             (or (and (eq last-command this-command) (mark t))
+                 (rst-portable-mark-active-p)))
+        (set-mark
+         (save-excursion
+           (goto-char (mark))
+           (rst-forward-section arg)
+           (point))))
+       (t
+        (rst-forward-section arg)
+        (push-mark nil t t)
+        (rst-forward-section (- arg)))))
+;; Functions to work on item lists (e.g. indent/dedent, enumerate), which are
+;; always 2 or 3 characters apart horizontally with rest.
+;; (FIXME: there is currently a bug that makes the region go away when we do 
+(defvar rst-shift-fill-region nil
+  "Set to true if you want to automatically re-fill the region that is being
+(defun rst-find-leftmost-column (beg end)
+  "Finds the leftmost column in the region."
+  (let ((mincol 1000))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (while (< (point) end)
+        (back-to-indentation)
+        (unless (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
+         (setq mincol (min mincol (current-column))))
+        (forward-line 1)
+        ))
+    mincol))
+;; What we really need to do is compute all the possible alignment 
+;; and then select one.
+;; .. line-block::
+;;    a) sdjsds
+;;       - sdjsd jsjds
+;;           sdsdsjdsj
+;;               11. sjdss jddjs
+;; *  *  * * *   *   *
+;; Move backwards, accumulate the beginning positions, and also the second
+;; positions, in case the line matches the bullet pattern, and then sort.
+(defun rst-compute-bullet-tabs (&optional pt)
+  "Search backwards from point (or point PT if specified) to
+build the list of possible horizontal alignment points that
+includes the beginning and contents of a restructuredtext
+bulleted or enumerated list item.  Return a sorted list
+of (column-number . line) pairs."
+  (save-excursion
+    (when pt (goto-char pt))
+    ;; We work our way backwards and towards the left.
+    (let ((leftcol 100000) ;; Current column.
+         (tablist nil) ;; List of tab positions.
+         )
+      ;; Start by skipping the current line.
+      (beginning-of-line 0)
+      ;; Search backwards for each line.
+      (while (and (> (point) (point-min))
+                 (> leftcol 0))
+       ;; Skip empty lines.
+       (unless (looking-at "^[ \t]*$")
+         ;; Inspect the current non-empty line
+         (back-to-indentation)
+         ;; Skip lines that are beyond the current column (we want to move
+         ;; towards the left).
+         (let ((col (current-column)))
+           (when (< col leftcol)
+             ;; Add the beginning of the line as a tabbing point.
+             (unless (memq col (mapcar 'car tablist))
+               (setq tablist (cons (cons col (point)) tablist)))
+             ;; Look at the line to figure out if it is a bulleted or enumerate
+             ;; list item.
+             (when (looking-at
+                     (concat
+                      "\\(?:"
+                      "\\(\\(?:[0-9a-zA-Z#]\\{1,3\\}[.):-]\\|[*+-]\\)[ 
\t]+\\)[^ \t\n]"
+                      "\\|"
+                      (format "\\(%s%s+[ \t]+\\)[^ \t\n]"
+                              (regexp-quote (thing-at-point 'char))
+                              (regexp-quote (thing-at-point 'char)))
+                      "\\)"
+                      ))
+               ;; Add the column of the contained item.
+               (let* ((matchlen (length (or (match-string 1) (match-string 
+                      (newcol (+ col matchlen)))
+                 (unless (or (>= newcol leftcol)
+                             (memq (+ col matchlen) (mapcar 'car tablist)))
+                   (setq tablist (cons
+                                  (cons (+ col matchlen) (+ (point) matchlen))
+                                  tablist))))
+               )
+             (setq leftcol col)
+             )))
+       ;; Move backwards one line.
+       (beginning-of-line 0))
+      (sort tablist (lambda (x y) (<= (car x) (car y))))
+      )))
+(defun rst-debug-print-tabs (tablist)
+  "A routine that inserts a line and places special characters at
+the tab points in the given tablist."
+  (beginning-of-line)
+  (insert (concat "\n" (make-string 1000 ? ) "\n"))
+  (beginning-of-line 0)
+  (dolist (col tablist)
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (forward-char (car col))
+    (delete-char 1)
+    (insert "@")
+    ))
+(defun rst-debug-mark-found (tablist)
+  "A routine that inserts a line and places special characters at
+the tab points in the given tablist."
+  (dolist (col tablist)
+    (when (cdr col)
+      (goto-char (cdr col))
+      (insert "@"))))
+(defvar rst-shift-basic-offset 2
+  "Basic horizontal shift distance when there is no preceding alignment tabs.")
+(defun rst-shift-region-guts (find-next-fun offset-fun)
+  "(See rst-shift-region-right for a description.)"
+  (let* ((mbeg (set-marker (make-marker) (region-beginning)))
+        (mend (set-marker (make-marker) (region-end)))
+        (tabs (rst-compute-bullet-tabs mbeg))
+        (leftmostcol (rst-find-leftmost-column (region-beginning) 
+        )
+    ;; Add basic offset tabs at the end of the list.  This is a better
+    ;; implementation technique than hysteresis and a basic offset because it
+    ;; insures that movement in both directions is consistently using the same
+    ;; column positions.  This makes it more predictable.
+    (setq tabs
+         (append tabs
+                 (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x nil))
+                         (let ((maxcol 120)
+                               (max-lisp-eval-depth 2000))
+                           (flet ((addnum (x)
+                                          (if (> x maxcol)
+                                              nil
+                                            (cons x (addnum
+                                                     (+ x 
+                             (addnum (or (caar (last tabs)) 0))))
+                         )))
+    ;; (For debugging.)
+    ;;; (save-excursion (goto-char mbeg) (forward-char -1) 
(rst-debug-print-tabs tabs))))
+    ;;; (print tabs)
+    ;;; (save-excursion (rst-debug-mark-found tabs))
+    ;; Apply the indent.
+    (indent-rigidly
+     mbeg mend
+     ;; Find the next tab after the leftmost columnt.
+     (let ((tab (funcall find-next-fun tabs leftmostcol)))
+       (if tab
+          (progn
+            (when (cdar tab)
+              (message "Aligned on '%s'"
+                       (save-excursion
+                         (goto-char (cdar tab))
+                         (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                          (line-beginning-position)
+                          (line-end-position))))
+              )
+            (- (caar tab) leftmostcol)) ;; Num chars.
+        ;; Otherwise use the basic offset
+        (funcall offset-fun rst-shift-basic-offset)
+        )))
+    ;; Optionally reindent.
+    (when rst-shift-fill-region
+      (fill-region mbeg mend))
+    ))
+(defun rst-shift-region-right (pfxarg)
+  "Indent region ridigly, by a few characters to the right.  This
+function first computes all possible alignment columns by
+inspecting the lines preceding the region for bulleted or
+enumerated list items.  If the leftmost column is beyond the
+preceding lines, the region is moved to the right by
+rst-shift-basic-offset.  With a prefix argument, do not
+automatically fill the region."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((rst-shift-fill-region
+        (if (not pfxarg) rst-shift-fill-region)))
+    (rst-shift-region-guts (lambda (tabs leftmostcol)
+                            (let ((cur tabs))
+                              (while (and cur (<= (caar cur) leftmostcol))
+                                (setq cur (cdr cur)))
+                              cur))
+                          'identity
+                          )))
+(defun rst-shift-region-left (pfxarg)
+  "Like rst-shift-region-right, except we move to the left.
+Also, if invoked with a negative prefix arg, the entire
+indentation is removed, up to the leftmost character in the
+region, and automatic filling is disabled."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((mbeg (set-marker (make-marker) (region-beginning)))
+       (mend (set-marker (make-marker) (region-end)))
+       (leftmostcol (rst-find-leftmost-column
+                     (region-beginning) (region-end)))
+       (rst-shift-fill-region
+        (if (not pfxarg) rst-shift-fill-region)))
+    (when (> leftmostcol 0)
+      (if (and pfxarg (< (prefix-numeric-value pfxarg) 0))
+         (progn
+           (indent-rigidly (region-beginning) (region-end) (- leftmostcol))
+           (when rst-shift-fill-region
+             (fill-region mbeg mend))
+           )
+       (rst-shift-region-guts (lambda (tabs leftmostcol)
+                                (let ((cur (reverse tabs)))
+                                  (while (and cur (>= (caar cur) leftmostcol))
+                                    (setq cur (cdr cur)))
+                                  cur))
+                              '-
+                              ))
+      )))
+;; FIXME: these next functions should become part of a larger effort to redo 
+;; bullets in bulletted lists.  The enumerate would just be one of the possible
+;; outputs.
+;; FIXME: TODO we need to do the enumeration removal as well.
+(defun rst-enumerate-region (beg end)
+  "Add enumeration to all the leftmost paragraphs in the given region.
+The region is specified between BEG and END.  With prefix argument,
+do all lines instead of just paragraphs."
+  (interactive "r")
+  (let ((count 0)
+       (last-insert-len nil))
+    (rst-iterate-leftmost-paragraphs
+     beg end (not current-prefix-arg)
+     (let ((ins-string (format "%d. " (incf count))))
+       (setq last-insert-len (length ins-string))
+       (insert ins-string))
+     (insert (make-string last-insert-len ?\ ))
+     )))
+(defun rst-bullet-list-region (beg end)
+  "Add bullets to all the leftmost paragraphs in the given region.
+The region is specified between BEG and END.  With prefix argument,
+do all lines instead of just paragraphs."
+  (interactive "r")
+  (rst-iterate-leftmost-paragraphs
+   beg end (not current-prefix-arg)
+   (insert "- ")
+   (insert "  ")
+   ))
+(defmacro rst-iterate-leftmost-paragraphs
+  (beg end first-only body-consequent body-alternative)
+  "FIXME This definition is old and deprecated / we need to move
+to the newer version below:
+Call FUN at the beginning of each line, with an argument that
+specifies whether we are at the first line of a paragraph that
+starts at the leftmost column of the given region BEG and END.
+Set FIRST-ONLY to true if you want to callback on the first line
+of each paragraph only."
+  `(save-excursion
+    (let ((leftcol (rst-find-leftmost-column ,beg ,end))
+         (endm (set-marker (make-marker) ,end))
+         ,(when first-only '(in-par nil))
+         )
+      (do* (;; Iterate lines
+           (l (progn (goto-char ,beg) (back-to-indentation))
+              (progn (forward-line 1) (back-to-indentation)))
+           (previous nil valid)
+           (curcol (current-column)
+                   (current-column))
+           (valid (and (= curcol leftcol)
+                       (not (looking-at "[ \t]*$")))
+                  (and (= curcol leftcol)
+                       (not (looking-at "[ \t]*$"))))
+           )
+         ((>= (point-marker) endm))
+       (if (if ,first-only
+               (and valid (not previous))
+             valid)
+           ,body-consequent
+         ,body-alternative)
+       ))))
+(defmacro rst-iterate-leftmost-paragraphs-2 (spec &rest body)
+  "Evaluate BODY for each line in region defined by BEG END.
+LEFTMOST is set to true if the line is one of the leftmost of the
+entire paragraph. PARABEGIN is set to true if the line is the
+first of a paragraph."
+  (destructuring-bind
+      (beg end parabegin leftmost isleftmost isempty) spec
+  `(save-excursion
+     (let ((,leftmost (rst-find-leftmost-column ,beg ,end))
+          (endm (set-marker (make-marker) ,end))
+          (in-par nil)
+          )
+      (do* (;; Iterate lines
+           (l (progn (goto-char ,beg) (back-to-indentation))
+              (progn (forward-line 1) (back-to-indentation)))
+           (empty-line-previous nil ,isempty)
+           (,isempty (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
+                       (looking-at "[ \t]*$"))
+           (,parabegin (not ,isempty)
+                       (and empty-line-previous
+                            (not ,isempty)))
+           (,isleftmost (and (not ,isempty)
+                             (= (current-column) ,leftmost))
+                        (and (not ,isempty)
+                             (= (current-column) ,leftmost)))
+           )
+         ((>= (point-marker) endm))
+       (progn ,@body)
+       )))))
+;; FIXME: there are some problems left with the following function
+;; implementation:
+;; * It does not deal with a varying number of digits appropriately
+;; * It does not deal with multiple levels independently, and it should.
+;; I suppose it does 90% of the job for now.
+(defun rst-convert-bullets-to-enumeration (beg end)
+  "Convert all the bulleted items and enumerated items in the
+  region to enumerated lists, renumbering as necessary."
+  (interactive "r")
+  (let* (;; Find items and convert the positions to markers.
+        (items (mapcar
+                (lambda (x)
+                  (cons (let ((m (make-marker)))
+                          (set-marker m (car x))
+                          m)
+                        (cdr x)))
+                (rst-find-pfx-in-region beg end rst-re-items)))
+        (count 1)
+        )
+    (save-excursion
+      (dolist (x items)
+       (goto-char (car x))
+       (looking-at rst-re-items)
+       (replace-match (format "%d. " count) nil nil nil 1)
+       (incf count)
+       ))
+    ))
+(defun rst-line-block-region (rbeg rend &optional pfxarg)
+  "Toggle line block prefixes for a region. With prefix argument
+set the empty lines too."
+  (interactive "r\nP")
+  (let ((comment-start "| ")
+       (comment-end "")
+       (comment-start-skip "| ")
+       (comment-style 'indent)
+       (force current-prefix-arg))
+    (rst-iterate-leftmost-paragraphs-2
+     (rbeg rend parbegin leftmost isleft isempty)
+     (if force
+        (progn
+          (move-to-column leftmost t)
+          (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (- (current-indentation) 
+          (insert "| "))
+       (when (not isempty)
+        (move-to-column leftmost)
+        (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (- (current-indentation) leftmost)))
+        (insert "| ")))
+     )))
+(require 'font-lock)
+(defgroup rst-faces nil "Faces used in Rst Mode"
+  :group 'rst
+  :group 'faces
+  :version "21.1")
+(defcustom rst-block-face 'font-lock-keyword-face
+  "All syntax marking up a special block"
+  :group 'rst-faces
+  :type '(face))
+(defcustom rst-external-face 'font-lock-type-face
+  "Field names and interpreted text"
+  :group 'rst-faces
+  :type '(face))
+(defcustom rst-definition-face 'font-lock-function-name-face
+  "All other defining constructs"
+  :group 'rst-faces
+  :type '(face))
+(defcustom rst-directive-face
+  ;; XEmacs compatibility
+  (if (boundp 'font-lock-builtin-face)
+      'font-lock-builtin-face
+    'font-lock-preprocessor-face)
+  "Directives and roles"
+  :group 'rst-faces
+  :type '(face))
+(defcustom rst-comment-face 'font-lock-comment-face
+  "Comments"
+  :group 'rst-faces
+  :type '(face))
+(defcustom rst-emphasis1-face
+  ;; XEmacs compatibility
+  (if (facep 'italic)
+      ''italic
+    'italic)
+  "Simple emphasis"
+  :group 'rst-faces
+  :type '(face))
+(defcustom rst-emphasis2-face
+  ;; XEmacs compatibility
+  (if (facep 'bold)
+      ''bold
+    'bold)
+  "Double emphasis"
+  :group 'rst-faces
+  :type '(face))
+(defcustom rst-literal-face 'font-lock-string-face
+  "Literal text"
+  :group 'rst-faces
+  :type '(face))
+(defcustom rst-reference-face 'font-lock-variable-name-face
+  "References to a definition"
+  :group 'rst-faces
+  :type '(face))
+(defgroup rst-faces-defaults nil
+  "Values used to generate default faces for section titles on all levels.
+Tweak these if you are content with how section title faces are built in
+general but you do not like the details."
+  :group 'rst-faces
+  :version "21.1")
+(defun rst-define-level-faces ()
+  "Define the faces for the section title text faces from the values."
+  ;; All variables used here must be checked in `rst-set-level-default'
+  (let ((i 1))
+    (while (<= i rst-level-face-max)
+      (let ((sym (intern (format "rst-level-%d-face" i)))
+           (doc (format "Face for showing section title text at level %d" i))
+           (col (format (concat "%s" rst-level-face-format-light)
+                        rst-level-face-base-color
+                        (+ (* (1- i) rst-level-face-step-light)
+                           rst-level-face-base-light))))
+       (make-empty-face sym)
+       (set-face-doc-string sym doc)
+       (set-face-background sym col)
+       (set sym sym)
+       (setq i (1+ i))))))
+(defun rst-set-level-default (sym val)
+  "Set a customized value affecting section title text face and recompute the
+  (custom-set-default sym val)
+  ;; Also defines the faces initially when all values are available
+  (and (boundp 'rst-level-face-max)
+       (boundp 'rst-level-face-format-light)
+       (boundp 'rst-level-face-base-color)
+       (boundp 'rst-level-face-step-light)
+       (boundp 'rst-level-face-base-light)
+       (rst-define-level-faces)))
+;; Faces for displaying items on several levels; these definitions define
+;; different shades of grey where the lightest one (i.e. least contrasting) is
+;; used for level 1
+(defcustom rst-level-face-max 6
+  "Maximum depth of levels for which section title faces are defined."
+  :group 'rst-faces-defaults
+  :type '(integer)
+  :set 'rst-set-level-default)
+(defcustom rst-level-face-base-color "grey"
+  "The base name of the color to be used for creating background colors in
+ection title faces for all levels."
+  :group 'rst-faces-defaults
+  :type '(string)
+  :set 'rst-set-level-default)
+(defcustom rst-level-face-base-light
+  (if (eq frame-background-mode 'dark)
+      15
+    85)
+  "The lightness factor for the base color. This value is used for level 1. The
+default depends on whether the value of `frame-background-mode' is `dark' or
+  :group 'rst-faces-defaults
+  :type '(integer)
+  :set 'rst-set-level-default)
+(defcustom rst-level-face-format-light "%2d"
+  "The format for the lightness factor appended to the base name of the color.
+This value is expanded by `format' with an integer."
+  :group 'rst-faces-defaults
+  :type '(string)
+  :set 'rst-set-level-default)
+(defcustom rst-level-face-step-light
+  (if (eq frame-background-mode 'dark)
+      7
+    -7)
+  "The step width to use for the next color. The formula
+    `rst-level-face-base-light'
+    + (`rst-level-face-max' - 1) * `rst-level-face-step-light'
+must result in a color level which appended to `rst-level-face-base-color'
+using `rst-level-face-format-light' results in a valid color such as `grey50'.
+This color is used as background for section title text on level
+  :group 'rst-faces-defaults
+  :type '(integer)
+  :set 'rst-set-level-default)
+(defcustom rst-adornment-faces-alist
+  (let ((alist '((t . font-lock-keyword-face)
+                (nil . font-lock-keyword-face)))
+       (i 1))
+    (while (<= i rst-level-face-max)
+      (nconc alist (list (cons i (intern (format "rst-level-%d-face" i)))))
+      (setq i (1+ i)))
+    alist)
+  "Provides faces for the various adornment types. Key is a number (for the
+section title text of that level), t (for transitions) or nil (for section
+title adornment). If you generally do not like how section title text faces are
+set up tweak here. If the general idea is ok for you but you do not like the
+details check the Rst Faces Defaults group."
+  :group 'rst-faces
+  :type '(alist
+         :key-type
+         (choice
+          (integer
+           :tag
+           "Section level (may not be bigger than `rst-level-face-max')")
+          (boolean :tag "transitions (on) / section title adornment (off)"))
+         :value-type (face))
+  :set-after '(rst-level-face-max))
+;; Font lock
+(defvar rst-use-char-classes
+  (string-match "[[:alpha:]]" "b")
+  "Non-nil if we can use the character classes in our regexps.")
+(defun rst-font-lock-keywords-function ()
+  "Returns keywords to highlight in rst mode according to current settings."
+  ;; The reST-links in the comments below all relate to sections in
+  ;; http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html
+  (let* ( ;; This gets big - so let's define some abbreviations
+        ;; horizontal white space
+        (re-hws "[\t ]")
+        ;; beginning of line with possible indentation
+        (re-bol (concat "^" re-hws "*"))
+        ;; Separates block lead-ins from their content
+        (re-blksep1 (concat "\\(" re-hws "+\\|$\\)"))
+        ;; explicit markup tag
+        (re-emt "\\.\\.")
+        ;; explicit markup start
+        (re-ems (concat re-emt re-hws "+"))
+        ;; inline markup prefix
+        (re-imp1 (concat "\\(^\\|" re-hws "\\|[-'\"([{</:]\\)"))
+        ;; inline markup suffix
+        (re-ims1 (concat "\\(" re-hws "\\|[]-'\")}>/:.,;!?\\]\\|$\\)"))
+        ;; symbol character
+        (re-sym1 "\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)")
+        ;; inline markup content begin
+        (re-imbeg2 "\\(\\S \\|\\S \\([^")
+        ;; There seems to be a bug leading to error "Stack overflow in regexp
+        ;; matcher" when "|" or "\\*" are the characters searched for
+        (re-imendbeg
+         (if (< emacs-major-version 21)
+             "]"
+           "\\]\\|\\\\."))
+        ;; inline markup content end
+        (re-imend (concat re-imendbeg "\\)*[^\t \\\\]\\)"))
+        ;; inline markup content without asterisk
+        (re-ima2 (concat re-imbeg2 "*" re-imend))
+        ;; inline markup content without backquote
+        (re-imb2 (concat re-imbeg2 "`" re-imend))
+        ;; inline markup content without vertical bar
+        (re-imv2 (concat re-imbeg2 "|" re-imend))
+        ;; Supported URI schemes
+        (re-uris1 
+        ;; Line starting with adornment and optional whitespace; complete
+        ;; adornment is in (match-string 1); there must be at least 3
+        ;; characters because otherwise explicit markup start would be
+        ;; recognized
+        (re-ado2 (concat "^\\(\\(["
+                         (if rst-use-char-classes
+                             "^[:word:][:space:][:cntrl:]" "^\\w \t\x00-\x1F")
+                         "]\\)\\2\\2+\\)" re-hws "*$"))
+        )
+    (list
+     ;; FIXME: Block markup is not recognized in blocks after explicit markup
+     ;; start
+     ;; Simple `Body Elements`_
+     ;; `Bullet Lists`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-bol "\\([-*+]" re-blksep1 "\\)")
+      1 rst-block-face)
+     ;; `Enumerated Lists`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-bol "\\((?\\(#\\|[0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\|[IVXLCMivxlcm]+\\)[.)]"
+             re-blksep1 "\\)")
+      1 rst-block-face)
+     ;; `Definition Lists`_ FIXME: missing
+     ;; `Field Lists`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-bol "\\(:[^:\n]+:\\)" re-blksep1)
+      1 rst-external-face)
+     ;; `Option Lists`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-bol "\\(\\(\\(\\([-+/]\\|--\\)\\sw\\(-\\|\\sw\\)*"
+             "\\([ =]\\S +\\)?\\)\\(,[\t ]\\)?\\)+\\)\\($\\|[\t ]\\{2\\}\\)")
+      1 rst-block-face)
+     ;; `Tables`_ FIXME: missing
+     ;; All the `Explicit Markup Blocks`_
+     ;; `Footnotes`_ / `Citations`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-bol "\\(" re-ems "\\[[^[\n]+\\]\\)" re-blksep1)
+      1 rst-definition-face)
+     ;; `Directives`_ / `Substitution Definitions`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-bol "\\(" re-ems "\\)\\(\\(|[^|\n]+|[\t ]+\\)?\\)\\("
+             re-sym1 "+::\\)" re-blksep1)
+      (list 1 rst-directive-face)
+      (list 2 rst-definition-face)
+      (list 4 rst-directive-face))
+     ;; `Hyperlink Targets`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-bol "\\(" re-ems "_\\([^:\\`\n]\\|\\\\.\\|`[^`\n]+`\\)+:\\)"
+             re-blksep1)
+      1 rst-definition-face)
+     (list
+      (concat re-bol "\\(__\\)" re-blksep1)
+      1 rst-definition-face)
+     ;; All `Inline Markup`_
+     ;; FIXME: Condition 5 preventing fontification of e.g. "*" not implemented
+     ;; `Strong Emphasis`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-imp1 "\\(\\*\\*" re-ima2 "\\*\\*\\)" re-ims1)
+      2 rst-emphasis2-face)
+     ;; `Emphasis`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-imp1 "\\(\\*" re-ima2 "\\*\\)" re-ims1)
+      2 rst-emphasis1-face)
+     ;; `Inline Literals`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-imp1 "\\(``" re-imb2 "``\\)" re-ims1)
+      2 rst-literal-face)
+     ;; `Inline Internal Targets`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-imp1 "\\(_`" re-imb2 "`\\)" re-ims1)
+      2 rst-definition-face)
+     ;; `Hyperlink References`_
+     ;; FIXME: `Embedded URIs`_ not considered
+     (list
+      (concat re-imp1 "\\(\\(`" re-imb2 
"`\\|\\(\\sw\\(\\sw\\|-\\)+\\sw\\)\\)__?\\)" re-ims1)
+      2 rst-reference-face)
+     ;; `Interpreted Text`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-imp1 "\\(\\(:" re-sym1 "+:\\)?\\)\\(`" re-imb2 "`\\)\\(\\(:"
+             re-sym1 "+:\\)?\\)" re-ims1)
+      (list 2 rst-directive-face)
+      (list 5 rst-external-face)
+      (list 8 rst-directive-face))
+     ;; `Footnote References`_ / `Citation References`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-imp1 "\\(\\[[^]]+\\]_\\)" re-ims1)
+      2 rst-reference-face)
+     ;; `Substitution References`_
+     (list
+      (concat re-imp1 "\\(|" re-imv2 "|\\)" re-ims1)
+      2 rst-reference-face)
+     ;; `Standalone Hyperlinks`_
+     (list
+      ;; FIXME: This takes it easy by using a whitespace as delimiter
+      (concat re-imp1 "\\(" re-uris1 ":\\S +\\)" re-ims1)
+      2 rst-definition-face)
+     (list
+      (concat re-imp1 "\\(" re-sym1 "+@" re-sym1 "+\\)" re-ims1)
+      2 rst-definition-face)
+     ;; Do all block fontification as late as possible so 'append works
+     ;; Sections_ / Transitions_
+     (append
+      (list
+       re-ado2)
+      (if (not rst-mode-lazy)
+         (list 1 rst-block-face)
+       (list
+        (list 'rst-font-lock-handle-adornment
+              '(progn
+                 (setq rst-font-lock-adornment-point (match-end 1))
+                 (point-max))
+              nil
+              (list 1 '(cdr (assoc nil rst-adornment-faces-alist))
+                    'append t)
+              (list 2 '(cdr (assoc rst-font-lock-level
+                                   rst-adornment-faces-alist))
+                    'append t)
+              (list 3 '(cdr (assoc nil rst-adornment-faces-alist))
+                    'append t)))))
+     ;; `Comments`_
+     (append
+      (list
+       (concat re-bol "\\(" re-ems 
+       (list 1 rst-comment-face))
+      (if rst-mode-lazy
+         (list
+          (list 'rst-font-lock-find-unindented-line
+                '(progn
+                   (setq rst-font-lock-indentation-point (match-end 1))
+                   (point-max))
+                nil
+                (list 0 rst-comment-face 'append)))))
+     (append
+      (list
+       (concat re-bol "\\(" re-emt "\\)\\(\\s *\\)$")
+       (list 1 rst-comment-face)
+       (list 2 rst-comment-face))
+      (if rst-mode-lazy
+         (list
+          (list 'rst-font-lock-find-unindented-line
+                '(progn
+                   (setq rst-font-lock-indentation-point 'next)
+                   (point-max))
+                nil
+                (list 0 rst-comment-face 'append)))))
+     ;; `Literal Blocks`_
+     (append
+      (list
+       (concat re-bol "\\(\\([^.\n]\\|\\.[^.\n]\\).*\\)?\\(::\\)$")
+       (list 3 rst-block-face))
+      (if rst-mode-lazy
+         (list
+          (list 'rst-font-lock-find-unindented-line
+                '(progn
+                   (setq rst-font-lock-indentation-point t)
+                   (point-max))
+                nil
+                (list 0 rst-literal-face 'append)))))
+    ;; `Doctest Blocks`_
+    (append
+     (list
+      (concat re-bol "\\(>>>\\|\\.\\.\\.\\)\\(.+\\)")
+      (list 1 rst-block-face)
+      (list 2 rst-literal-face)))
+    )))
+;; Indented blocks
+(defun rst-forward-indented-block (&optional column limit)
+  "Move forward across one indented block.
+Find the next non-empty line which is not indented at least to COLUMN (defaults
+to the column of the point). Moves point to first character of this line or the
+first empty line immediately before it and returns that position. If there is
+no such line before LIMIT (defaults to the end of the buffer) returns nil and
+point is not moved."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((clm (or column (current-column)))
+       (start (point))
+       fnd beg cand)
+    (if (not limit)
+       (setq limit (point-max)))
+    (save-match-data
+      (while (and (not fnd) (< (point) limit))
+       (forward-line 1)
+       (when (< (point) limit)
+         (setq beg (point))
+         (if (looking-at "\\s *$")
+             (setq cand (or cand beg)) ; An empty line is a candidate
+           (move-to-column clm)
+           ;; FIXME: No indentation [(zerop clm)] must be handled in some
+           ;; useful way - though it is not clear what this should mean at all
+           (if (string-match
+                "^\\s *$" (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point)))
+               (setq cand nil) ; An indented line resets a candidate
+             (setq fnd (or cand beg)))))))
+    (goto-char (or fnd start))
+    fnd))
+;; Stores the point where the current indentation ends if a number. If `next'
+;; indicates `rst-font-lock-find-unindented-line' shall take the indentation
+;; from the next line if this is not empty. If non-nil indicates
+;; `rst-font-lock-find-unindented-line' shall take the indentation from the
+;; next non-empty line. Also used as a trigger for
+;; `rst-font-lock-find-unindented-line'.
+(defvar rst-font-lock-indentation-point nil)
+(defun rst-font-lock-find-unindented-line (limit)
+  (let* ((ind-pnt rst-font-lock-indentation-point)
+        (beg-pnt ind-pnt))
+    ;; May run only once - enforce this
+    (setq rst-font-lock-indentation-point nil)
+    (when (and ind-pnt (not (numberp ind-pnt)))
+      ;; Find indentation point in next line if any
+      (setq ind-pnt
+           (save-excursion
+             (save-match-data
+               (if (eq ind-pnt 'next)
+                   (when (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) (< (point) limit))
+                     (setq beg-pnt (point))
+                     (when (not (looking-at "\\s *$"))
+                       (looking-at "\\s *")
+                       (match-end 0)))
+                 (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) (< (point) limit)
+                             (looking-at "\\s *$")))
+                 (when (< (point) limit)
+                   (setq beg-pnt (point))
+                   (looking-at "\\s *")
+                   (match-end 0)))))))
+    (when ind-pnt
+      (goto-char ind-pnt)
+      ;; Always succeeds because the limit set by PRE-MATCH-FORM is the
+      ;; ultimate point to find
+      (goto-char (or (rst-forward-indented-block nil limit) limit))
+      (set-match-data (list beg-pnt (point)))
+      t)))
+;; Adornments
+;; Stores the point where the current adornment ends. Also used as a trigger
+;; for `rst-font-lock-handle-adornment'.
+(defvar rst-font-lock-adornment-point nil)
+;; Here `rst-font-lock-handle-adornment' stores the section level of the
+;; current adornment or t for a transition.
+(defvar rst-font-lock-level nil)
+;; FIXME: It would be good if this could be used to markup section titles of
+;; given level with a special key; it would be even better to be able to
+;; customize this so it can be used for a generally available personal style
+;; FIXME: There should be some way to reset and reload this variable - probably
+;; a special key
+;; FIXME: Some support for `outline-mode' would be nice which should be based
+;; on this information
+(defvar rst-adornment-level-alist nil
+  "Associates adornments with section levels.
+The key is a two character string. The first character is the adornment
+character. The second character distinguishes underline section titles (`u')
+from overline/underline section titles (`o'). The value is the section level.
+This is made buffer local on start and adornments found during font lock are
+;; Returns section level for adornment key KEY. Adds new section level if KEY
+;; is not found and ADD. If KEY is not a string it is simply returned.
+(defun rst-adornment-level (key &optional add)
+  (let ((fnd (assoc key rst-adornment-level-alist))
+       (new 1))
+    (cond
+     ((not (stringp key))
+      key)
+     (fnd
+      (cdr fnd))
+     (add
+      (while (rassoc new rst-adornment-level-alist)
+       (setq new (1+ new)))
+      (setq rst-adornment-level-alist
+           (append rst-adornment-level-alist (list (cons key new))))
+      new))))
+;; Classifies adornment for section titles and transitions. ADORNMENT is the
+;; complete adornment string as found in the buffer. END is the point after the
+;; last character of ADORNMENT. For overline section adornment LIMIT limits the
+;; search for the matching underline. Returns a list. The first entry is t for
+;; a transition, or a key string for `rst-adornment-level' for a section title.
+;; The following eight values forming four match groups as can be used for
+;; `set-match-data'. First match group contains the maximum points of the whole
+;; construct. Second and last match group matched pure section title adornment
+;; while third match group matched the section title text or the transition.
+;; Each group but the first may or may not exist.
+(defun rst-classify-adornment (adornment end limit)
+  (save-excursion
+    (save-match-data
+      (goto-char end)
+      (let ((ado-ch (aref adornment 0))
+           (ado-re (regexp-quote adornment))
+           (end-pnt (point))
+           (beg-pnt (progn
+                      (forward-line 0)
+                      (point)))
+           (nxt-emp
+            (save-excursion
+              (or (not (zerop (forward-line 1)))
+                  (looking-at "\\s *$"))))
+           (prv-emp
+            (save-excursion
+              (or (not (zerop (forward-line -1)))
+                  (looking-at "\\s *$"))))
+           key beg-ovr end-ovr beg-txt end-txt beg-und end-und)
+       (cond
+        ((and nxt-emp prv-emp)
+         ;; A transition
+         (setq key t)
+         (setq beg-txt beg-pnt)
+         (setq end-txt end-pnt))
+        (prv-emp
+         ;; An overline
+         (setq key (concat (list ado-ch) "o"))
+         (setq beg-ovr beg-pnt)
+         (setq end-ovr end-pnt)
+         (forward-line 1)
+         (setq beg-txt (point))
+         (while (and (< (point) limit) (not end-txt))
+           (if (looking-at "\\s *$")
+               ;; No underline found
+               (setq end-txt (1- (point)))
+             (when (looking-at (concat "\\(" ado-re "\\)\\s *$"))
+               (setq end-und (match-end 1))
+               (setq beg-und (point))
+               (setq end-txt (1- beg-und))))
+           (forward-line 1)))
+        (t
+         ;; An underline
+         (setq key (concat (list ado-ch) "u"))
+         (setq beg-und beg-pnt)
+         (setq end-und end-pnt)
+         (setq end-txt (1- beg-und))
+         (setq beg-txt (progn
+                         (if (re-search-backward "^\\s *$" 1 'move)
+                             (forward-line 1))
+                         (point)))))
+       (list key
+             (or beg-ovr beg-txt beg-und)
+             (or end-und end-txt end-und)
+             beg-ovr end-ovr beg-txt end-txt beg-und end-und)))))
+;; Handles adornments for font-locking section titles and transitions. Returns
+;; three match groups. First and last match group matched pure overline /
+;; underline adornment while second group matched section title text. Each
+;; group may not exist.
+(defun rst-font-lock-handle-adornment (limit)
+  (let ((ado-pnt rst-font-lock-adornment-point))
+    ;; May run only once - enforce this
+    (setq rst-font-lock-adornment-point nil)
+    (if ado-pnt
+      (let* ((ado (rst-classify-adornment (match-string-no-properties 1)
+                                         ado-pnt limit))
+            (key (car ado))
+            (mtc (cdr ado)))
+       (setq rst-font-lock-level (rst-adornment-level key t))
+       (goto-char (nth 1 mtc))
+       (set-match-data mtc)
+       t))))
+;; Support for conversion from within Emacs
+(defgroup rst-compile nil
+  "Settings for support of conversion of reStructuredText
+document with \\[rst-compile]."
+  :group 'rst
+  :version "21.1")
+(defvar rst-compile-toolsets
+  '((html . ("rst2html.py" ".html" nil))
+    (latex . ("rst2latex.py" ".tex" nil))
+    (newlatex . ("rst2newlatex.py" ".tex" nil))
+    (pseudoxml . ("rst2pseudoxml.py" ".xml" nil))
+    (xml . ("rst2xml.py" ".xml" nil)))
+  "An association list of the toolset to a list of the (command to use,
+extension of produced filename, options to the tool (nil or a
+string)) to be used for converting the document.")
+;; Note for Python programmers not familiar with association lists: you can set
+;; values in an alists like this, e.g. :
+;; (setcdr (assq 'html rst-compile-toolsets)
+;;      '("rst2html.py" ".htm" "--stylesheet=/docutils.css"))
+(defvar rst-compile-primary-toolset 'html
+  "The default toolset for rst-compile.")
+(defvar rst-compile-secondary-toolset 'latex
+  "The default toolset for rst-compile with a prefix argument.")
+(defun rst-compile-find-conf ()
+  "Look for the configuration file in the parents of the current path."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((file-name "docutils.conf")
+        (buffer-file (buffer-file-name)))
+    ;; Move up in the dir hierarchy till we find a change log file.
+    (let* ((dir (file-name-directory buffer-file))
+          (prevdir nil))
+      (while (and (or (not (string= dir prevdir))
+                     (setq dir nil)
+                     nil)
+                  (not (file-exists-p (concat dir file-name))))
+        ;; Move up to the parent dir and try again.
+       (setq prevdir dir)
+        (setq dir (expand-file-name (file-name-directory
+                                     (directory-file-name
+                                     (file-name-directory dir)))))
+       )
+      (or (and dir (concat dir file-name)) nil)
+    )))
+(require 'compile)
+(defun rst-compile (&optional pfxarg)
+  "Compile command to convert reST document into some output file.
+Attempts to find configuration file, if it can, overrides the
+options.  There are two commands to choose from, with a prefix
+argument, select the alternative toolset."
+  (interactive "P")
+  ;; Note: maybe we want to check if there is a Makefile too and not do 
+  ;; if that is the case.  I dunno.
+  (let* ((toolset (cdr (assq (if pfxarg
+                                rst-compile-secondary-toolset
+                              rst-compile-primary-toolset)
+                       rst-compile-toolsets)))
+         (command (car toolset))
+         (extension (cadr toolset))
+         (options (caddr toolset))
+         (conffile (rst-compile-find-conf))
+         (bufname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
+         (outname (file-name-sans-extension bufname)))
+    ;; Set compile-command before invocation of compile.
+    (set (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
+         (mapconcat 'identity
+                    (list command
+                          (or options "")
+                          (if conffile
+                              (concat "--config=\"" conffile "\"")
+                            "")
+                          bufname
+                          (concat outname extension))
+                    " "))
+    ;; Invoke the compile command.
+    (if (or compilation-read-command current-prefix-arg)
+        (call-interactively 'compile)
+      (compile compile-command))
+    ))
+(defun rst-compile-alt-toolset ()
+  "Compile command with the alternative toolset."
+  (interactive)
+  (rst-compile 't))
+(defun rst-compile-pseudo-region ()
+  "Show the pseudo-XML rendering of the current active region, or
+of the entire buffer, if the region is not selected."
+  (interactive)
+  (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*pseudoxml*"
+    (shell-command-on-region
+     (if mark-active (region-beginning) (point-min))
+     (if mark-active (region-end) (point-max))
+     "rst2pseudoxml.py"
+     standard-output)))
+(defvar rst-pdf-program "xpdf"
+  "Program used to preview PDF files.")
+(defun rst-compile-pdf-preview ()
+  "Convert the document to a PDF file and launch a preview program."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((tmp-filename "/tmp/out.pdf")
+        (command (format "rst2pdf.py %s %s && %s %s"
+                         buffer-file-name tmp-filename
+                         rst-pdf-program tmp-filename)))
+    (start-process-shell-command "rst-pdf-preview" nil command)
+    ;; Note: you could also use (compile command) to view the compilation
+    ;; output.
+    ))
+(defvar rst-slides-program "firefox"
+  "Program used to preview S5 slides.")
+(defun rst-compile-slides-preview ()
+  "Convert the document to an S5 slide presentation and launch a preview 
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((tmp-filename "/tmp/slides.html")
+        (command (format "rst2s5.py %s %s && %s %s"
+                         buffer-file-name tmp-filename
+                         rst-slides-program tmp-filename)))
+    (start-process-shell-command "rst-slides-preview" nil command)
+    ;; Note: you could also use (compile command) to view the compilation
+    ;; output.
+    ))
+;; Generic text functions that are more convenient than the defaults.
+(defun rst-replace-lines (fromchar tochar)
+  "Replace flush-left lines, consisting of multiple FROMCHAR characters,
+with equal-length lines of TOCHAR."
+  (interactive "\
+cSearch for flush-left lines of char:
+cand replace with char: ")
+  (save-excursion
+    (let* ((fromstr (string fromchar))
+           (searchre (concat "^" (regexp-quote fromstr) "+ *$"))
+           (found 0))
+      (condition-case err
+          (while t
+            (search-forward-regexp searchre)
+            (setq found (1+ found))
+            (search-backward fromstr)  ;; point will be *before* last char
+            (setq p (1+ (point)))
+            (beginning-of-line)
+            (setq l (- p (point)))
+            (rst-delete-entire-line)
+            (insert-char tochar l))
+        (search-failed
+         (message (format "%d lines replaced." found)))))))
+(defun rst-join-paragraph ()
+  "Join lines in current paragraph into one line, removing end-of-lines."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((fill-column 65000)) ; some big number
+    (call-interactively 'fill-paragraph)))
+(defun rst-force-fill-paragraph ()
+  "Fill paragraph at point, first joining the paragraph's lines into one.
+This is useful for filling list item paragraphs."
+  (interactive)
+  (rst-join-paragraph)
+  (fill-paragraph nil))
+;; Generic character repeater function.
+;; For sections, better to use the specialized function above, but this can
+;; be useful for creating separators.
+(defun rst-repeat-last-character (&optional tofill)
+  "Fills the current line up to the length of the preceding line (if not
+empty), using the last character on the current line.  If the preceding line is
+empty, we use the fill-column.
+If a prefix argument is provided, use the next line rather than the preceding
+If the current line is longer than the desired length, shave the characters off
+the current line to fit the desired length.
+As an added convenience, if the command is repeated immediately, the 
+column is used (fill-column vs. end of previous/next line)."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((curcol (current-column))
+         (curline (+ (count-lines (point-min) (point))
+                     (if (eq curcol 0) 1 0)))
+         (lbp (line-beginning-position 0))
+         (prevcol (if (and (= curline 1) (not current-prefix-arg))
+                      fill-column
+                    (save-excursion
+                      (forward-line (if current-prefix-arg 1 -1))
+                      (end-of-line)
+                      (skip-chars-backward " \t" lbp)
+                      (let ((cc (current-column)))
+                        (if (= cc 0) fill-column cc)))))
+         (rightmost-column
+          (cond (tofill fill-column)
+                ((equal last-command 'rst-repeat-last-character)
+                 (if (= curcol fill-column) prevcol fill-column))
+                (t (save-excursion
+                     (if (= prevcol 0) fill-column prevcol)))
+                )) )
+    (end-of-line)
+    (if (> (current-column) rightmost-column)
+        ;; shave characters off the end
+        (delete-region (- (point)
+                          (- (current-column) rightmost-column))
+                       (point))
+      ;; fill with last characters
+      (insert-char (preceding-char)
+                   (- rightmost-column (current-column))))
+    ))
+(defun rst-portable-mark-active-p ()
+  "A portable function that returns non-nil if the mark is active."
+  (cond
+   ((fboundp 'region-active-p) (region-active-p))
+   ((boundp 'transient-mark-mode) transient-mark-mode mark-active)))
+(provide 'rst)
+;;; rst.el ends here

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