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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to vc-annotate.el

From: Dan Nicolaescu
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to vc-annotate.el
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 17:56:04 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Dan Nicolaescu <dann>   08/06/22 17:56:03

Index: vc-annotate.el
RCS file: vc-annotate.el
diff -N vc-annotate.el
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ vc-annotate.el      22 Jun 2008 17:56:00 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+;;; vc-annotate.el --- VC Annotate Support
+;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
+;;   2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author:     Martin Lorentzson  <address@hidden>
+;; Maintainer: FSF
+;; Keywords: tools
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+(require 'vc-hooks)
+(require 'vc)
+;;; Code:
+  (require 'cl))
+(defcustom vc-annotate-display-mode 'fullscale
+  "Which mode to color the output of \\[vc-annotate] with by default."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "By Color Map Range" nil)
+                (const :tag "Scale to Oldest" scale)
+                (const :tag "Scale Oldest->Newest" fullscale)
+                (number :tag "Specify Fractional Number of Days"
+                        :value "20.5"))
+  :group 'vc)
+(defcustom vc-annotate-color-map
+  (if (and (tty-display-color-p) (<= (display-color-cells) 8))
+      ;; A custom sorted TTY colormap
+      (let* ((colors
+             (sort
+              (delq nil
+                    (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                              (if (not (or
+                                        (string-equal (car x) "white")
+                                        (string-equal (car x) "black") ))
+                                  (car x)))
+                            (tty-color-alist)))
+              (lambda (a b)
+                (cond
+                 ((or (string-equal a "red") (string-equal b "blue")) t)
+                 ((or (string-equal b "red") (string-equal a "blue")) nil)
+                 ((string-equal a "yellow") t)
+                 ((string-equal b "yellow") nil)
+                 ((string-equal a "cyan") t)
+                 ((string-equal b "cyan") nil)
+                 ((string-equal a "green") t)
+                 ((string-equal b "green") nil)
+                 ((string-equal a "magenta") t)
+                 ((string-equal b "magenta") nil)
+                 (t (string< a b))))))
+            (date 20.)
+            (delta (/ (- 360. date) (1- (length colors)))))
+       (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                 (prog1
+                     (cons date x)
+                   (setq date (+ date delta)))) colors))
+    ;; Normal colormap: hue stepped from 0-240deg, value=1., saturation=0.75
+    '(( 20. . "#FF3F3F")
+      ( 40. . "#FF6C3F")
+      ( 60. . "#FF993F")
+      ( 80. . "#FFC63F")
+      (100. . "#FFF33F")
+      (120. . "#DDFF3F")
+      (140. . "#B0FF3F")
+      (160. . "#83FF3F")
+      (180. . "#56FF3F")
+      (200. . "#3FFF56")
+      (220. . "#3FFF83")
+      (240. . "#3FFFB0")
+      (260. . "#3FFFDD")
+      (280. . "#3FF3FF")
+      (300. . "#3FC6FF")
+      (320. . "#3F99FF")
+      (340. . "#3F6CFF")
+      (360. . "#3F3FFF")))
+  "Association list of age versus color, for \\[vc-annotate].
+Ages are given in units of fractional days.  Default is eighteen
+steps using a twenty day increment, from red to blue.  For TTY
+displays with 8 or fewer colors, the default is red to blue with
+all other colors between (excluding black and white)."
+  :type 'alist
+  :group 'vc)
+(defcustom vc-annotate-very-old-color "#3F3FFF"
+  "Color for lines older than the current color range in \\[vc-annotate]]."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'vc)
+(defcustom vc-annotate-background "black"
+  "Background color for \\[vc-annotate].
+Default color is used if nil."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Default background" nil) (color))
+  :group 'vc)
+(defcustom vc-annotate-menu-elements '(2 0.5 0.1 0.01)
+  "Menu elements for the mode-specific menu of VC-Annotate mode.
+List of factors, used to expand/compress the time scale.  See `vc-annotate'."
+  :type '(repeat number)
+  :group 'vc)
+(defvar vc-annotate-mode-map
+  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key m "A" 'vc-annotate-revision-previous-to-line)
+    (define-key m "D" 'vc-annotate-show-diff-revision-at-line)
+    (define-key m "f" 'vc-annotate-find-revision-at-line)
+    (define-key m "J" 'vc-annotate-revision-at-line)
+    (define-key m "L" 'vc-annotate-show-log-revision-at-line)
+    (define-key m "N" 'vc-annotate-next-revision)
+    (define-key m "P" 'vc-annotate-prev-revision)
+    (define-key m "W" 'vc-annotate-working-revision)
+    (define-key m "V" 'vc-annotate-toggle-annotation-visibility)
+    m)
+  "Local keymap used for VC-Annotate mode.")
+;;; Annotate functionality
+;; Declare globally instead of additional parameter to
+;; temp-buffer-show-function (not possible to pass more than one
+;; parameter).  The use of annotate-ratio is deprecated in favor of
+;; annotate-mode, which replaces it with the more sensible "span-to
+;; days", along with autoscaling support.
+(defvar vc-annotate-ratio nil "Global variable.")
+;; internal buffer-local variables
+(defvar vc-annotate-backend nil)
+(defvar vc-annotate-parent-file nil)
+(defvar vc-annotate-parent-rev nil)
+(defvar vc-annotate-parent-display-mode nil)
+(defconst vc-annotate-font-lock-keywords
+  ;; The fontification is done by vc-annotate-lines instead of font-lock.
+  '((vc-annotate-lines)))
+(define-derived-mode vc-annotate-mode fundamental-mode "Annotate"
+  "Major mode for output buffers of the `vc-annotate' command.
+You can use the mode-specific menu to alter the time-span of the used
+colors.  See variable `vc-annotate-menu-elements' for customizing the
+menu items."
+  ;; Frob buffer-invisibility-spec so that if it is originally a naked t,
+  ;; it will become a list, to avoid initial annotations being invisible.
+  (add-to-invisibility-spec 'foo)
+  (remove-from-invisibility-spec 'foo)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'truncate-lines) t)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+       '(vc-annotate-font-lock-keywords t))
+  (view-mode 1))
+(defun vc-annotate-toggle-annotation-visibility ()
+  "Toggle whether or not the annotation is visible."
+  (interactive)
+  (funcall (if (memq 'vc-annotate-annotation buffer-invisibility-spec)
+               'remove-from-invisibility-spec
+             'add-to-invisibility-spec)
+           'vc-annotate-annotation)
+  (force-window-update (current-buffer)))
+(defun vc-annotate-display-default (ratio)
+  "Display the output of \\[vc-annotate] using the default color range.
+The color range is given by `vc-annotate-color-map', scaled by RATIO.
+The current time is used as the offset."
+  (interactive (progn (kill-local-variable 'vc-annotate-color-map) '(1.0)))
+  (message "Redisplaying annotation...")
+  (vc-annotate-display ratio)
+  (message "Redisplaying annotation...done"))
+(defun vc-annotate-oldest-in-map (color-map)
+  "Return the oldest time in the COLOR-MAP."
+  ;; Since entries should be sorted, we can just use the last one.
+  (caar (last color-map)))
+(defun vc-annotate-get-time-set-line-props ()
+  (let ((bol (point))
+        (date (vc-call-backend vc-annotate-backend 'annotate-time))
+        (inhibit-read-only t))
+    (assert (>= (point) bol))
+    (put-text-property bol (point) 'invisible 'vc-annotate-annotation)
+    date))
+(defun vc-annotate-display-autoscale (&optional full)
+  "Highlight the output of \\[vc-annotate] using an autoscaled color map.
+Autoscaling means that the map is scaled from the current time to the
+oldest annotation in the buffer, or, with prefix argument FULL, to
+cover the range from the oldest annotation to the newest."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((newest 0.0)
+       (oldest 999999.)                ;Any CVS users at the founding of Rome?
+       (current (vc-annotate-convert-time (current-time)))
+       date)
+    (message "Redisplaying annotation...")
+    ;; Run through this file and find the oldest and newest dates annotated.
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (not (eobp))
+        (when (setq date (vc-annotate-get-time-set-line-props))
+          (when (> date newest)
+           (setq newest date))
+          (when (< date oldest)
+           (setq oldest date)))
+        (forward-line 1)))
+    (vc-annotate-display
+     (/ (- (if full newest current) oldest)
+        (vc-annotate-oldest-in-map vc-annotate-color-map))
+     (if full newest))
+    (message "Redisplaying annotation...done \(%s\)"
+            (if full
+                (format "Spanned from %.1f to %.1f days old"
+                        (- current oldest)
+                        (- current newest))
+              (format "Spanned to %.1f days old" (- current oldest))))))
+;; Menu -- Using easymenu.el
+(easy-menu-define vc-annotate-mode-menu vc-annotate-mode-map
+  "VC Annotate Display Menu"
+  `("VC-Annotate"
+    ["By Color Map Range" (unless (null vc-annotate-display-mode)
+                 (setq vc-annotate-display-mode nil)
+                 (vc-annotate-display-select))
+     :style toggle :selected (null vc-annotate-display-mode)]
+    ,@(let ((oldest-in-map (vc-annotate-oldest-in-map vc-annotate-color-map)))
+        (mapcar (lambda (element)
+                  (let ((days (* element oldest-in-map)))
+                    `[,(format "Span %.1f days" days)
+                      (vc-annotate-display-select nil ,days)
+                      :style toggle :selected
+                      (eql vc-annotate-display-mode ,days) ]))
+                vc-annotate-menu-elements))
+    ["Span ..."
+     (vc-annotate-display-select
+      nil (float (string-to-number (read-string "Span how many days? "))))]
+    "--"
+    ["Span to Oldest"
+     (unless (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'scale)
+       (vc-annotate-display-select nil 'scale))
+     :help
+     "Use an autoscaled color map from the oldest annotation to the current 
+     :style toggle :selected
+     (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'scale)]
+    ["Span Oldest->Newest"
+     (unless (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'fullscale)
+       (vc-annotate-display-select nil 'fullscale))
+     :help
+     "Use an autoscaled color map from the oldest to the newest annotation"
+     :style toggle :selected
+     (eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'fullscale)]
+    "--"
+    ["Toggle annotation visibility" vc-annotate-toggle-annotation-visibility
+     :help
+     "Toggle whether the annotation is visible or not"]
+    ["Annotate previous revision" vc-annotate-prev-revision
+     :help "Visit the annotation of the revision previous to this one"]
+    ["Annotate next revision" vc-annotate-next-revision
+     :help "Visit the annotation of the revision after this one"]
+    ["Annotate revision at line" vc-annotate-revision-at-line
+     :help
+     "Visit the annotation of the revision identified in the current line"]
+    ["Annotate revision previous to line" vc-annotate-revision-previous-to-line
+     :help "Visit the annotation of the revision before the revision at line"]
+    ["Annotate latest revision" vc-annotate-working-revision
+     :help "Visit the annotation of the working revision of this file"]
+    ["Show log of revision at line" vc-annotate-show-log-revision-at-line
+     :help "Visit the log of the revision at line"]
+    ["Show diff of revision at line" vc-annotate-show-diff-revision-at-line
+     :help "Visit the diff of the revision at line from its previous revision"]
+    ["Show changeset diff of revision at line"
+     vc-annotate-show-changeset-diff-revision-at-line
+     :enable
+     (eq 'repository (vc-call-backend ,vc-annotate-backend 
+     :help "Visit the diff of the revision at line from its previous revision"]
+    ["Visit revision at line" vc-annotate-find-revision-at-line
+     :help "Visit the revision identified in the current line"]))
+(defun vc-annotate-display-select (&optional buffer mode)
+  "Highlight the output of \\[vc-annotate].
+By default, the current buffer is highlighted, unless overridden by
+BUFFER.  `vc-annotate-display-mode' specifies the highlighting mode to
+use; you may override this using the second optional arg MODE."
+  (interactive)
+  (when mode (setq vc-annotate-display-mode mode))
+  (pop-to-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)))
+  (cond ((null vc-annotate-display-mode)
+         ;; The ratio is global, thus relative to the global color-map.
+         (kill-local-variable 'vc-annotate-color-map)
+        (vc-annotate-display-default (or vc-annotate-ratio 1.0)))
+        ;; One of the auto-scaling modes
+       ((eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'scale)
+        (vc-exec-after `(vc-annotate-display-autoscale)))
+       ((eq vc-annotate-display-mode 'fullscale)
+        (vc-exec-after `(vc-annotate-display-autoscale t)))
+       ((numberp vc-annotate-display-mode) ; A fixed number of days lookback
+        (vc-annotate-display-default
+         (/ vc-annotate-display-mode
+             (vc-annotate-oldest-in-map vc-annotate-color-map))))
+       (t (error "No such display mode: %s"
+                 vc-annotate-display-mode))))
+(defun vc-annotate (file rev &optional display-mode buf move-point-to)
+  "Display the edit history of the current file using colors.
+This command creates a buffer that shows, for each line of the current
+file, when it was last edited and by whom.  Additionally, colors are
+used to show the age of each line--blue means oldest, red means
+youngest, and intermediate colors indicate intermediate ages.  By
+default, the time scale stretches back one year into the past;
+everything that is older than that is shown in blue.
+With a prefix argument, this command asks two questions in the
+minibuffer.  First, you may enter a revision number; then the buffer
+displays and annotates that revision instead of the working revision
+\(type RET in the minibuffer to leave that default unchanged).  Then,
+you are prompted for the time span in days which the color range
+should cover.  For example, a time span of 20 days means that changes
+over the past 20 days are shown in red to blue, according to their
+age, and everything that is older than that is shown in blue.
+If MOVE-POINT-TO is given, move the point to that line.
+Customization variables:
+`vc-annotate-menu-elements' customizes the menu elements of the
+mode-specific menu.  `vc-annotate-color-map' and
+`vc-annotate-very-old-color' define the mapping of time to colors.
+`vc-annotate-background' specifies the background color."
+  (interactive
+   (save-current-buffer
+     (vc-ensure-vc-buffer)
+     (list buffer-file-name
+          (let ((def (vc-working-revision buffer-file-name)))
+            (if (null current-prefix-arg) def
+              (read-string
+               (format "Annotate from revision (default %s): " def)
+               nil nil def)))
+          (if (null current-prefix-arg)
+              vc-annotate-display-mode
+            (float (string-to-number
+                    (read-string "Annotate span days (default 20): "
+                                 nil nil "20")))))))
+  (vc-ensure-vc-buffer)
+  (setq vc-annotate-display-mode display-mode) ;Not sure why.  --Stef
+  (let* ((temp-buffer-name (format "*Annotate %s (rev %s)*" (buffer-name) rev))
+         (temp-buffer-show-function 'vc-annotate-display-select)
+         ;; If BUF is specified, we presume the caller maintains current line,
+         ;; so we don't need to do it here.  This implementation may give
+         ;; strange results occasionally in the case of REV != WORKFILE-REV.
+         (current-line (or move-point-to (unless buf (line-number-at-pos)))))
+    (message "Annotating...")
+    ;; If BUF is specified it tells in which buffer we should put the
+    ;; annotations.  This is used when switching annotations to another
+    ;; revision, so we should update the buffer's name.
+    (when buf (with-current-buffer buf
+               (rename-buffer temp-buffer-name t)
+               ;; In case it had to be uniquified.
+               (setq temp-buffer-name (buffer-name))))
+    (with-output-to-temp-buffer temp-buffer-name
+      (let ((backend (vc-backend file)))
+        (vc-call-backend backend 'annotate-command file
+                         (get-buffer temp-buffer-name) rev)
+        ;; we must setup the mode first, and then set our local
+        ;; variables before the show-function is called at the exit of
+        ;; with-output-to-temp-buffer
+        (with-current-buffer temp-buffer-name
+          (unless (equal major-mode 'vc-annotate-mode)
+            (vc-annotate-mode))
+          (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-backend) backend)
+          (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-parent-file) file)
+          (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-parent-rev) rev)
+          (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-parent-display-mode)
+               display-mode))))
+    (with-current-buffer temp-buffer-name
+      (vc-exec-after
+       `(progn
+          ;; Ideally, we'd rather not move point if the user has already
+          ;; moved it elsewhere, but really point here is not the position
+          ;; of the user's cursor :-(
+          (when ,current-line           ;(and (bobp))
+            (goto-line ,current-line)
+            (setq vc-sentinel-movepoint (point)))
+          (unless (active-minibuffer-window)
+            (message "Annotating... done")))))))
+(defun vc-annotate-prev-revision (prefix)
+  "Visit the annotation of the revision previous to this one.
+With a numeric prefix argument, annotate the revision that many
+revisions previous."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (vc-annotate-warp-revision (- 0 prefix)))
+(defun vc-annotate-next-revision (prefix)
+  "Visit the annotation of the revision after this one.
+With a numeric prefix argument, annotate the revision that many
+revisions after."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (vc-annotate-warp-revision prefix))
+(defun vc-annotate-working-revision ()
+  "Visit the annotation of the working revision of this file."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not (equal major-mode 'vc-annotate-mode))
+      (message "Cannot be invoked outside of a vc annotate buffer")
+    (let ((warp-rev (vc-working-revision vc-annotate-parent-file)))
+      (if (equal warp-rev vc-annotate-parent-rev)
+         (message "Already at revision %s" warp-rev)
+       (vc-annotate-warp-revision warp-rev)))))
+(defun vc-annotate-extract-revision-at-line ()
+  "Extract the revision number of the current line."
+  ;; This function must be invoked from a buffer in vc-annotate-mode
+  (vc-call-backend vc-annotate-backend 'annotate-extract-revision-at-line))
+(defun vc-annotate-revision-at-line ()
+  "Visit the annotation of the revision identified in the current line."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not (equal major-mode 'vc-annotate-mode))
+      (message "Cannot be invoked outside of a vc annotate buffer")
+    (let ((rev-at-line (vc-annotate-extract-revision-at-line)))
+      (if (not rev-at-line)
+         (message "Cannot extract revision number from the current line")
+       (if (equal rev-at-line vc-annotate-parent-rev)
+           (message "Already at revision %s" rev-at-line)
+         (vc-annotate-warp-revision rev-at-line))))))
+(defun vc-annotate-find-revision-at-line ()
+  "Visit the revision identified in the current line."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not (equal major-mode 'vc-annotate-mode))
+      (message "Cannot be invoked outside of a vc annotate buffer")
+    (let ((rev-at-line (vc-annotate-extract-revision-at-line)))
+      (if (not rev-at-line)
+         (message "Cannot extract revision number from the current line")
+       (vc-revision-other-window rev-at-line)))))
+(defun vc-annotate-revision-previous-to-line ()
+  "Visit the annotation of the revision before the revision at line."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not (equal major-mode 'vc-annotate-mode))
+      (message "Cannot be invoked outside of a vc annotate buffer")
+    (let ((rev-at-line (vc-annotate-extract-revision-at-line))
+         (prev-rev nil))
+      (if (not rev-at-line)
+         (message "Cannot extract revision number from the current line")
+       (setq prev-rev
+             (vc-call-backend vc-annotate-backend 'previous-revision
+                               vc-annotate-parent-file rev-at-line))
+       (vc-annotate-warp-revision prev-rev)))))
+(defun vc-annotate-show-log-revision-at-line ()
+  "Visit the log of the revision at line."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not (equal major-mode 'vc-annotate-mode))
+      (message "Cannot be invoked outside of a vc annotate buffer")
+    (let ((rev-at-line (vc-annotate-extract-revision-at-line)))
+      (if (not rev-at-line)
+         (message "Cannot extract revision number from the current line")
+       (vc-print-log rev-at-line)))))
+(defun vc-annotate-show-diff-revision-at-line-internal (fileset)
+  (if (not (equal major-mode 'vc-annotate-mode))
+      (message "Cannot be invoked outside of a vc annotate buffer")
+    (let ((rev-at-line (vc-annotate-extract-revision-at-line))
+         (prev-rev nil))
+      (if (not rev-at-line)
+         (message "Cannot extract revision number from the current line")
+       (setq prev-rev
+             (vc-call-backend vc-annotate-backend 'previous-revision
+                               vc-annotate-parent-file rev-at-line))
+       (if (not prev-rev)
+           (message "Cannot diff from any revision prior to %s" rev-at-line)
+         (save-window-excursion
+           (vc-diff-internal
+            nil
+            ;; The value passed here should follow what
+            ;; `vc-deduce-fileset' returns.
+            (cons vc-annotate-backend (cons fileset nil))
+            prev-rev rev-at-line))
+         (switch-to-buffer "*vc-diff*"))))))
+(defun vc-annotate-show-diff-revision-at-line ()
+  "Visit the diff of the revision at line from its previous revision."
+  (interactive)
+  (vc-annotate-show-diff-revision-at-line-internal (list 
+(defun vc-annotate-show-changeset-diff-revision-at-line ()
+  "Visit the diff of the revision at line from its previous revision for all 
files in the changeset."
+  (interactive)
+  (when (eq 'file (vc-call-backend vc-annotate-backend 'revision-granularity))
+    (error "The %s backend does not support changeset diffs" 
+  (vc-annotate-show-diff-revision-at-line-internal nil))
+(defun vc-annotate-warp-revision (revspec)
+  "Annotate the revision described by REVSPEC.
+If REVSPEC is a positive integer, warp that many revisions
+forward, if possible, otherwise echo a warning message.  If
+REVSPEC is a negative integer, warp that many revisions backward,
+if possible, otherwise echo a warning message.  If REVSPEC is a
+string, then it describes a revision number, so warp to that
+  (if (not (equal major-mode 'vc-annotate-mode))
+      (message "Cannot be invoked outside of a vc annotate buffer")
+    (let* ((buf (current-buffer))
+          (oldline (line-number-at-pos))
+          (revspeccopy revspec)
+          (newrev nil))
+      (cond
+       ((and (integerp revspec) (> revspec 0))
+       (setq newrev vc-annotate-parent-rev)
+       (while (and (> revspec 0) newrev)
+          (setq newrev (vc-call-backend vc-annotate-backend 'next-revision
+                                        vc-annotate-parent-file newrev))
+          (setq revspec (1- revspec)))
+       (unless newrev
+         (message "Cannot increment %d revisions from revision %s"
+                  revspeccopy vc-annotate-parent-rev)))
+       ((and (integerp revspec) (< revspec 0))
+       (setq newrev vc-annotate-parent-rev)
+       (while (and (< revspec 0) newrev)
+          (setq newrev (vc-call-backend vc-annotate-backend 'previous-revision
+                                        vc-annotate-parent-file newrev))
+          (setq revspec (1+ revspec)))
+       (unless newrev
+         (message "Cannot decrement %d revisions from revision %s"
+                  (- 0 revspeccopy) vc-annotate-parent-rev)))
+       ((stringp revspec) (setq newrev revspec))
+       (t (error "Invalid argument to vc-annotate-warp-revision")))
+      (when newrev
+       (vc-annotate vc-annotate-parent-file newrev
+                     vc-annotate-parent-display-mode
+                     buf
+                    ;; Pass the current line so that vc-annotate will
+                    ;; place the point in the line.
+                    (min oldline (progn (goto-char (point-max))
+                                         (forward-line -1)
+                                         (line-number-at-pos))))))))
+(defun vc-annotate-compcar (threshold a-list)
+  "Test successive cons cells of A-LIST against THRESHOLD.
+Return the first cons cell with a car that is not less than THRESHOLD,
+nil if no such cell exists."
+ (let ((i 1)
+       (tmp-cons (car a-list)))
+   (while (and tmp-cons (< (car tmp-cons) threshold))
+     (setq tmp-cons (car (nthcdr i a-list)))
+     (setq i (+ i 1)))
+   tmp-cons))                          ; Return the appropriate value
+(defun vc-annotate-convert-time (time)
+  "Convert a time value to a floating-point number of days.
+The argument TIME is a list as returned by `current-time' or
+`encode-time', only the first two elements of that list are considered."
+  (/ (+ (* (float (car time)) (lsh 1 16)) (cadr time)) 24 3600))
+(defun vc-annotate-difference (&optional offset)
+  "Return the time span in days to the next annotation.
+This calls the backend function annotate-time, and returns the
+difference in days between the time returned and the current time,
+or OFFSET if present."
+   (let ((next-time (vc-annotate-get-time-set-line-props)))
+     (when next-time
+       (- (or offset
+             (vc-call-backend vc-annotate-backend 'annotate-current-time))
+         next-time))))
+(defun vc-default-annotate-current-time (backend)
+  "Return the current time, encoded as fractional days."
+  (vc-annotate-convert-time (current-time)))
+(defvar vc-annotate-offset nil)
+(defun vc-annotate-display (ratio &optional offset)
+  "Highlight `vc-annotate' output in the current buffer.
+RATIO, is the expansion that should be applied to `vc-annotate-color-map'.
+The annotations are relative to the current time, unless overridden by OFFSET."
+  (when (/= ratio 1.0)
+    (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-color-map)
+        (mapcar (lambda (elem) (cons (* (car elem) ratio) (cdr elem)))
+                vc-annotate-color-map)))
+  (set (make-local-variable 'vc-annotate-offset) offset)
+  (font-lock-mode 1))
+(defun vc-annotate-lines (limit)
+  (while (< (point) limit)
+    (let ((difference (vc-annotate-difference vc-annotate-offset))
+          (start (point))
+          (end (progn (forward-line 1) (point))))
+      (when difference
+        (let* ((color (or (vc-annotate-compcar difference 
+                          (cons nil vc-annotate-very-old-color)))
+               ;; substring from index 1 to remove any leading `#' in the name
+               (face-name (concat "vc-annotate-face-"
+                                  (if (string-equal
+                                       (substring (cdr color) 0 1) "#")
+                                      (substring (cdr color) 1)
+                                    (cdr color))))
+               ;; Make the face if not done.
+               (face (or (intern-soft face-name)
+                         (let ((tmp-face (make-face (intern face-name))))
+                           (set-face-foreground tmp-face (cdr color))
+                           (when vc-annotate-background
+                            (set-face-background tmp-face
+                                                 vc-annotate-background))
+                           tmp-face))))        ; Return the face
+          (put-text-property start end 'face face)))))
+  ;; Pretend to font-lock there were no matches.
+  nil)
+(provide 'vc-annotate)
+;;; vc-annotate.el ends here

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